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      • KCI우수등재

        韓國과 日本의 都市公園綠地 關聯 制度와 開發水準 比較硏究

        朴承範(Park Seung-Burm),金承煥,姜榮祚,李其哲,南廷七,徐英大 대한국토·도시계획학회 1999 國土計劃 Vol.34 No.3

        This objective of study is to compare the policy and status of urban green space between Pusan and Osaka City, and to suggest the future direction of desirable urban green space policy development. This study can be summarized as follows: 1) Urban green space(UGS) and special parks were described as urban park(UP) in Japan, and these were registered as the UGS, but these were controlled in the other laws in Korea. 2) The UPs in Korea were classified broadly, but Japan adopted a specific classification system. 3) Japan adopted the Regional Greening Space System which is the regislatative to secure public green space even private land without compensation. 4) The construction ratios of UGS in Osaka City is 65.9% which is higher than the value of 24.0% of Pusan City. Specially, the usable amounts of UP that citizens can use practically in the urbanized area is 3.17㎡ per person in Osaka City, which is almost 6 times higher than Pusan City(0.51㎡ per person). 5) Pusan City did not organize the setup of landscape architecture, but Osaka City did it. 6) However, Pusan City had more abundant volume of urban forest than Osaka City. Therefore, citizens can not feel green environment in their urban life even Pusan City had enough greening resources. 7) Pusan City had more fluctuating annual rate of UGS volume than Osaka City. This is the evidence of the UGS planning results that Osaka city execute the plan systematically but Pusan City don’t. Therefore, in order to make the sustainable urban environment that citizens could live comfortably in the future, we should not control the urban development based on the economic effects, but control urban planning process based on the environmentally sound and sustainable development(ESSD). The Green Charter of ‘To make of green city’ in Pusan City had been adopted as ‘Local Agenda 21’ in 1995, this message should not be mentioned as a slogan, but should follow the practical principles of the agenda. Furthermore, decision-makers, enterprisers and citizens should build the close partnership among them and their-way of thinking that could be united to one.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        가상평가법(CVM)에 의한 도시공원의 관리운영에 대한 경제적 가치평가에 관한 연구 - 부산시 APEC기념공원을 대상으로 -

        김영하,박승범,Kim, Yeong-Ha,Park, Seung-Burm 한국조경학회 2014 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.42 No.2

        본 연구는 도시공원의 관리운영을 위한 민간기금 조성측면에서 부산시 APEC기념공원을 대상으로 가상평가법(Contingent Valuation Method: CVM)을 이용하여, 쾌적한 도시공원 유지를 위한 거주민이 인식하는 경제적 가치를 평가했다. 그 결과, 부산시 APEC기념공원의 관리운영을 위해 월 가구당 지불 가능한 추정금액은 5,673원에서 8,358원으로 평가되었다. 추정금액을 공원 유치권역의 가구로 확대하여 살펴보면, 2012년 편성된 공원 관리예산의 2.2~3.3배 수준으로 분석되어, 지역 거주민들이 인식하는 쾌적한 공원 유지를 위해 지불의사금액이 편성된 관리예산보다 높은 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 도시공원의 관리운영을 위한 지불의사금액에 영향을 주는 응답자의 사회적 요인으로는 연령, 교육수준, 소득으로 분석되었으며, 연령대가 높고, 교육수준이 높은 응답자에서 지불의사가 높은 것으로 평가되었다. 또한, 거주민의 공원이용 및 인식에 따라 도시공원 관리운영을 위한 지불의사금액에 많은 영향을 미치고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 특히 공원이용 빈도가 높은 거주민이 지불의사가 높으며, 주1회 이상 공원이용자가 전체 지불의사금액보다 1.1배 높은 추정금액으로 평가되었다. 그리고 공원의 필요성을 인식하는 것보다 공원을 만족하는 것이 더 높은 지불의사금액으로 이어지는 것을 밝혀냈다. 따라서 공원 만족도 제고를 위한 공원시설관리 및 이용프로그램 운영이 필요하며, 공원에 대한 인식을 기부로 연결할 수 있는 공원문화 보급정책이 필요하다고 판단된다. This study evaluated economic value recognized by the residents for the pleasant urban park management using contingent valuation method(CVM) to APEC Memorial Park in Pusan in terms of private fund development for the management of the city park. As a result, the estimated amount payable by each household for the management of APEC Memorial Park in Busan was between 5,673 won and 8,358 won. If such amount is expanded to households in park hosting area, it was 2.2~2.3 times of the park management budget in 2012, which demonstrates the willingness to pay (WTP) of residents for pleasant park was higher than the management budget. Social factors of respondents affecting WTP for city park management operation included age, educational level and income level. Those with high age and high education level had higher WTP. And, WTP was much affected by the use of park and recognition of residents. In particular, those with high frequency in the use of parks had higher WTP, and the users with more than once per week had 1.1 times higher WTP than overall WTP. Then, the satisfaction of park rather than recognition of necessity of park had led to higher WTP. Accordingly, it is necessary to manage park facility management and use program operation to enhance park satisfaction and it is also required to develop a park culture distribution policy to link such recognition to donation.

      • KCI등재

        부산광역시 도시공원의 관리운영 실태 분석에 관한 연구 - 관리주체측면을 중심으로 -

        김영하,안양욱,박승범,Kim, Yeong-Ha,An, Yang-Wook,Park, Seung-Burm 한국조경학회 2012 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.40 No.6

        본 연구는 부산광역시 조성 완료된 근린공원 69개소를 대상으로 관리하는 운영주체에 대한 파악과 그 실태를 분석하는 것을 목적으로 하고 있다. 이러한 연구목적을 달성하기 위해 공원녹지 관련 업무자료 및 담당자와 면담, 그리고 도시공원의 예산편성 자료를 바탕으로 관리주체를 조사하였으며, 위탁관리 및 별도의 기관에서 관리되는 경우는 홈페이지 및 직접방문을 통한 자료 수집을 통해 연구를 진행했다. 공원의 관리방식은 자치단체의 본청과 사업소에서 직영관리가 48개소(69.6%), 공단 및 민간단체에 위탁관리가 18개소(26.1%), 직영관리와 위탁관리를 병행하는 혼합관리가 3개소(4.3%)로 파악되었다. 그리고 도시공원의 관리 실태를 종합분석한 결과, 위탁관리하고 있는 공원은 공원의 총괄 관리가 미약하며, 공원관리가 조경 및 청소 등의 유지관리 위주로 관리되어 이용자를 위한 프로그램 운영이 미흡한 것으로 나타났다. 그리고 기초자치단체에서 관리되고 있는 총 46개소의 공원은 대부분 규모가 작은 근린공원이며, 공원의 유지관리를 위해 무기계약직 근로자 및 기간제근로자를 고용하여 관리하고 있어, 공원 관리운영을 위한 전문 인력 및 조직체계가 개선이 시급한 것으로 분석되었다. 또한, 공원 내 교양시설은 별도의 기관에서 관리하고 있어, 공원 내 공원시설이 아닌 독립된 교양시설로서 공원관리와 분리된 형태로 관리되고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 결과의 해결 방안으로는 공원의 적정인원 고용에 대한 법제화 및 제도적 개선, 시민단체와의 협력적 네트워크 구축, 시대변화에 따른 이용프로그램 기획 및 개발과 더불어 이용객 위주의 프로그램 관리를 지속적으로 실시하여야 할 것으로 판단된다. This study aims to figure out the main agent of management in the 69 recently constructed neighborhood parks in Busan, and to analyze the present status of the main agents. For this purpose, the work resources on park and landscape management, interview to related staff, and the budget on urban parks were found as the main agents of management. In case the parks were managed by consignment or by other separate organization, this study collected resources through the homepage or personal visits. As a result for the management method on parks, about 48 parks(69.6%) were under direct management by the local governments' main office and its business offices. Eighteen parks(26.1%) were commissioned to corporation or private organizations and three parks(4.3%) were operated by both direct and commissioned management. Because of the overall management result on urban parks, the company under outsourced management is not sufficient for a comprehensive management. Such is mainly focused on the maintenance like landscape or cleaning, but have fewer programs for the users. Forty-six parks cared by the local governments are mainly small sized neighborhood parks. For the management, contract workers or short-term workers are hired. It demonstrates an urgent need to improve professional personnel and organizational system for park management. In addition, any educational or cultural facility in the park is managed by separate institutions. Thus, it is not controlled as a park facility but an independent facility with separate controls. Moreover, to solve such problems, it needs legalization on the proper employment for parks, institutional improvement, cooperative network with NGO, planning and development of the program used according to the change of time, and customer oriented program management.

      • KCI등재

        아파트조경공사 설계변경의 유형분류와 특성분석

        박춘수,박승범,Park, Chun-Soo,Park, Seung-Burm 한국조경학회 2009 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.37 No.1

        조경공사 중 설계변경을 통하여 이루어지는 기술적 검토사안들을 토대로 설계변경의 유형분류체계를 제시하고 유형별 발생빈도와 규모, 유형간 상관성, 현장별 차이분석을 통하여 아파트단지 조경공사 설계변경의 특성을 밝히고자 하였다. 대한주택공사 충청권지역에서 2004년부터 2006년 상반기까지의 설계변경 건을 대상으로 설계변경 시 목적 및 사유로서 언급한 사안을 중심으로 유형을 구분한 결과, 단지이미지, 경관요소, 이용자 고려, 하자방지, 시공성, 현장여건, 공종간 불일치, 상위기준, 민원방지, 설계내역, 기타의 11개 유형과 47개 세부요인으로 구분하였다. 설계변경심사승인 횟수와 시기, 유형별 발생빈도와 변경규모 증감액, 상관관계를 조사 분석한 결과, 첫째, 단지이미지형 설계변경이 발생빈도 22%, 증감액 54.9%를 차지하는 주된 설계변경이었고, 둘째, 유형간 상관성 분석에서 단지이미지형 설계변경의 증가액이 커질수록 사유가 불명확한 기타 설계변경의 감소액이 커지는 반비례관계가 성립되는 등 공사비 증가를 상쇄하는 절감노력이 이루어지고 있었으며, 셋째, 설계변경심사승인 건수와 최초심사승인일은 각각 2건 이내와 준공 전 90일 이내가 $52{\sim}53%$를 차지하여 설계변경 절차가 적기에 이루어지도록 하기 위한 제도인 설계변경심사승인 자체가 사후 일괄적으로 처리되고 있었는데, 이는 공사비가 감소한 유형수와 비교결과 공사비 절감노력 즉, 예산문제에서 기인하고 있었다. In the wake of categorizing the design changes occurred during the period from 2004 till the first half of 2006 in Choongcheong province area, based on purpose and reason of design changes identified by the Korea National Housing Corp, it included 11 types such as the image of the apartment complex, scenic elements, consideration by the user, prevention of the defect, constructability, site conditions, incompatibility between the activities, superordinate standard, prevention of civic complaints, design details and others, along with 47 subordinate elements. And the evaluation intended to identify the corelation between the number and time of design change approval, frequency and scale of design change by type and the cost variations indicated that; firstly, enhancing the image of the apartment complex proved to be the main reason for design changes, accounting for 22% in terms of frequency and 54.9% in terms of cost variation. Secondly, the higher the increase in cost by design change aimed at improving the image of the complex, the lower the decrease in cost by design change for uncertain reasons, dubbed the inverse proportional relations, indicating that the design changes for uncertain reasons were mostly aimed at reducing the construction cost. Thirdly, with regard to the number of design change approval and the time of the initial approval, twice or less and 90 days or less before completion of the construction work, respectively, accounted for $52{\sim}53%$, indicating the design change deliberation and approval tended to have been carried out collectively in the form of ex post facto approval, which seemed to be attributable to the attempt of reducing the construction cost or budget problem, as a result of comparing with the cases in which the cost was reduced.

      • KCI등재

        국내 야외 운동기구 안전성 평가에 관한 연구 - TUV 기준을 적용하여 -

        김영하,황선주,박승범,Kim, Yeong-Ha,Hwang, Sun-Ju,Park, Seung-Burm 한국조경학회 2013 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.41 No.5

        본 연구는 야외 운동기구에 대한 안전기준이 마련되어 있으며, 제품 안전검사를 평가하는 TUV 기준을 적용하여 국내 거주지 주변에 보급된 야외 운동기구 제품의 안전성 실태를 규명하고 평가하는 것을 목적으로 하고 있다. 그리고 조달 판매량이 많은 12업체를 선정하고, 판매 선호도가 높은 10개의 야외 운동기구 제품을 대상으로 현장조사를 통해 평가한 결과, 안전성 평가 요구조건에 대한 야외 운동기구 평균 합격률이 55.1%로 평가되었다. 그리고 야외 운동기구의 고정상태에 대한 요구조건은 안전성이 높게 평가되었지만, 이용되는 유동 상태에 대한 요구조건은 안전성이 낮은 것으로 밝혀졌다. 또한, 판매 선호도가 높은 운동기구 제품이 다른 제품에 비교하여 안전성이 낮게 평가되었으며, 제작 업체에 따른 안전성 평가의 차이는 없는 것으로 분석되었다. 이러한 결과는 국내에서 보급되는 운동기구의 안전성이 높다고 볼 수 없으며, 향후 이용 중의 사고예방을 위해 법제정을 통한 안전기준 마련의 시급성을 시사하고 있다고 사료된다. 이러한 안전기준 마련은 사고예방뿐만 아니라, 야외 운동기구의 제작 업체의 경쟁력 강화에도 영향을 미칠 것으로 판단된다. This research prepared safety standard for out-door fitness and this research's purpose is to evaluate and investigate safety condition for out-door fitness which was distributed in domestic residence by applying TUV standard which evaluate product's safety inspection. We choose twelve companies which have many sales' amount and investigated for ten out-door fitness which have high consumer preferences. As a result of that, the ratio of successful applicants for safety evaluation was 55.1%. The terms desired was evaluated highly in safety for out-door fitness's fixing condition. However, the terms desired was evaluated lowly in safety for movable condition. Fitness equipment which has high consumer preferences was compared lowly than other equipment in safety part. It was analyzed that there was no difference in safety evaluation according to manufacturing company. So, it is necessary to prepare safety standard by establishing law in order to prevent accident while they are using because we cannot think that fitness equipments which was distributed in domestic area have high safety. We think that preparing safety standard can influence on preventing accident and reinforcing out-door fitness manufacturing companies' competitive.

      • KCI등재

        GIS 를 이용한 산불 진화용 저수탱크 적지 분석에 관한 연구

        이기철(Gi Chul Yi),김승환(Seung Hwan Kim),남정칠(Jung Chil Nam),박승범(Sung Burm Park),강영조(Young Jo Kang),옥진아(Jin A Ok) 한국지리정보학회 1998 한국지리정보학회지 Vol.1 No.2

        The objective of this paper is to develop a cartographic model for water tank suitability for small forest fire extinction using GIS. Various digital maps were created using CAD & GIS for Amnam urban park. which is located in Seogu, Pusan city. The park h

      • KCI등재

        도시림 식생의 생태적 특성과 복원모델

        김석규 ( Seok Kyu Kim ),주경중 ( Kyeong Jung Ju ),남정칠 ( Jung Chil Nam ),박승범 ( Seung Burm Park ) 한국환경보건기술학회(구 한국환경복원녹화기술학회) 2010 한국환경복원기술학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        The purpose of this study is suggest to restoration model of Pinus thunbergii in Saha-gu, Busan. The result of this study is summarized as follows. As the results of this study, vegetation restoration model is presented by separating community planting and edge planting. In community planting, as a group of canopy, there are 6 species; Pinus thunbergii, Quercus acutissima, Quercus dentata, Quercus serrata, Quercus alienna, Quercus variabilis. As a group of understory, there are 5 species; Platycarya strobilacea, Prunus sargentii, Styrax japonica, Eurya japonica, Morus bombycis. Also as a group of shrub, there were 15 kinds of species; Ulmus pavifolia, Ulmus davidiana, Lindera obtusiloba, Elaeagnus macrophylla, Mallotus japonicus, Ligustrum obtusifolium, Sorbus alnifolia, Rhus trichocarpa, Zanthoxylum schinifolium, Rosa wichuraiana, Rhus chinensis, Viburnum erosum, Rhododendron mucronulatum, Rhododendron yedoense, Indigofera pseudotinctoria. And as a group of edge vegetation, there were 10 kinds of species; Japanese Angelica, Symplocos chinensis, Pittosporum tobira, Lespedeza maximowiczii, Lespedeza bicolor, Rubus coreanus, Rubus idaeus, Vitis thunbergii, Ampelopsis brevipedunculata, Rosa multiflora. Vegetation restoration models of Pinus thunbergii community were calculated the units 400m2 for the average populations of the woody layer is 24 in canopy layer, 35 in understory layer, 410 in shrub layer, 34% herbaceous layer ground cover. And the average of breast-high area and canopy area is 10,852cm2 in canopy layer, in understory layer 1,546cm2, in shrub layer 1,158,660cm2. The shortest distance between trees is calculated as 2.0m in canopy layer, 1.9m in understory layer.

      • KCI등재

        硏究論文 : 장산 생태숲 조성부지의 식생특성

        김석규 ( Seok Kyu Kim ),남정칠 ( Jung Chil Nam ),박승범 ( Seung Burm Park ) 한국환경복원기술학회(구 한국환경복원녹화기술학회) 2012 한국환경복원기술학회지 Vol.15 No.6

        The research has analysed the targeted land situation, the composition of species, legally controlled plants, vegetation distribution, dominance, species diversity, and the similarity to evaluate the plant characterization of the eco forest in Jangsan, Busan. The results of the research is as following. The number of the plants that belongs to the area is 63 families, 126 genuses, and 163 species. Among them the fern plants:4 families, 5 genuses, 5 species, and the egg species:5 families, 8 species, 10 species, and angiospermae:54 families, 113 genuses, 148 species have been checked. Monocotyledoneae of angiospermae:7 families, 20 genuses, 22 species (13.5%) and dicotyledoneae: 47 families, 93 genuses, 126 species (77.3%) have been totally checked. The endangered wildlife species by the standard of the Ministry of Environment and the rare plants by the standard of IUCN evaluation realesed by the Bureau of Forest and National Plant Institution has never been checked but one species of Weigela subsessilis has been checked as an approving plant in being delivered abroad, the 8 imported plant by the standard of National Plant Institution checked, some disturbing ecosystem plants released by the Ministry of Environment (2009) not emerged. The succession into the oak trees is occurring to the biodiversity of the researched area, the number of species and their species diversity.

      • 도시공원의 이용후 평가에 기초한 공원의 개발지표 설정 : 부산광역시 암남공원을 사례로 Case Study of Amnam Park in Busan City

        박승범,김승환,남정칠,강영조,이기철,김석규 동아대학교 환경문제연구소 1999 硏究報告 Vol.22 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the prime factors that affect to user postoccupancy evaluation of activities and facilities in urban parks, to classify those factors, to find out factors about them, and then to suggest important indicators in the urban park planning, design, and development. The survey research was done using the self-administered questionnaire method by 435 peoples in the Busan City who participated in recreational activities in the Amnam Park. The Analysis of the data primarily consists of two phase: The first analysis was dealt an exploratory factor analysis which identified major factors involved in user postoccupancy evaluation with reacreational activities and facilities in Amnam Park by the SPSS(Ver.6.0) program and the second analysis was used to investigate the factors affected to user postoccupancy evaluation in the urban park by the Regression Analysis. According to the factor analysis, user postoccupancy evaluation of facilities in urban parks concerning the 20 variables, 5 prime factors by the staistical values were considered. The factor analysis showed that user postoccupancy evaluation of activities in urban parks concerning the 11 variables, 3 prime factors by the staistical values were analysed. Postoccupancy evaluation in the urban park by the Regression Analysis suggested that the two varlables as 'the directions of park development' and 'companies with the personal specific characteristics' are significant in addition to the some variables presented in user postoccupancy evaluation with reacreational activities and facilities in Amnam Park by the factor analysis. Furthomore the analysis models were identified as having significant effects on the factor and regression analysis. Overall fits of both models were very good. These significant relationships indicate important factors and variables that should be considered in planning, design, and development of the urban parks. Therefore, development direction of the h a m park has to be analyzed as significant factors concerning user postoccupancy evaluation in a systematic way, recognized as important variables for planning process. The urban park has to be fully designed and established in the planning process not by the decision-maker's subjective evaluation but by user postoccupancy evaluation.

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