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      • 제11회, 12회 FIFA World Cup의 슈우팅 比較分析

        朴成淳 국민대학교 스포츠과학연구소 1982 스포츠科學硏究所論叢 Vol.1 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is to get the deta for improving the soccer skill and tactics. All shots both in the 10 matches of the second final round in the 11th Argentina FIFA World Cup and in same number of the second final round in the 12th Spain World Cup, were analyzed with five factors. The following conclusions were made: The average goal percentage of shot in the 12th World is higher than that of shot in the 11th, especially the 12th Spain World Cup is very higher than the 11th Argentina World Cup in scoring the goal by shooting within the goal area. In the 12th World Cup, 37 percent of the shots were performed by pass assistance and 28 percent by single dribbling. While 30 percent were shot respestively by pass assistance and single dribbling. The 12th World Cup is higher than the 11th by about seven percent in the rate of successful shots resulting from centering and free kicks. Fifty-six percent of the total shots are performed with non-stop and there is no significant difference between the 12th and 11th. And the 12th World Cup is less than the 11th in spin shooting by four percent. The offensive tried to make a good chance to score a goal by fast breaks before the opponent arranged defensive wall near the penalty box.

      • KCI등재

        Crystal Structures and Luminescence Properties of AlN-deficient Eu2+-activated Ca-α-SiAlON Phosphor

        박성순,장보윤,박주석,남산 한국물리학회 2010 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.57 No.41

        Eu2+-doped Ca-α-SiAlON phosphor was synthesized by normal pressure sintering with conventional tube furnace, and its crystal structures and luminescence properties were investigated. Eu2+-doped Ca-α-SiAlON phosphor exhibited an orange light peaking at 583 nm. During the annealing,some of the raw materials evaporated, which resulted in unreacted AlN in the final product. In order to obtain a final product with a single α-phase, we prepared samples with various AlN-deficient compositions, and we studied the effects on crystal structures and luminescence properties. For the sample with 15 mol% AlN-deficient composition, 18% enhancement of the intensity was obtained with the disappearance of excess AlN. In addition, the internal quantum efficiency (IQE) was measured using a specially designed integrating sphere, and 56.82% IQE was gained from Eu2+-doped Ca-α-SiAlON phosphor.

      • KCI등재

        1920년 대한민국 임시정부의 독립전쟁 노선과 義勇團의 성격

        박성순 단국대학교 동양학연구원 2021 東洋學 Vol.- No.84

        Entering into 1920, Korean Provisional Government insisted strongly the policy of independence war far from diplomatic policy earlier. For the purpose, Gunmubu(military department of Korean Provisional Government) organized Jubidan and at the same time a few men those were serving in Korean Provisional Government also organized Euyongdan which was as same as character of Jubidan. An Chang-ho who had been actually directing the military policy of Korean Provisional Government at that time had a project to organize Gwangbok-gun Saryeongbu(the headquarters of the restoration army) combined with several independence movement units in West Manchuria and absorb Euyongdan into here. It means that An Chang-ho determined to manage Gwangbok-gun Saryeongbu under Gunmubu as the headquarters of Korean Provisional Government. Nevertheless in earlier August 1920, as members of Euyongdan were arrested by Japanese police because of bomb attack to buildings for Japanese colonialism, Euyongdan was not absorbed by Gwangbok-gun Saryeongbu. Although An’s scheme did not reach to the goal, Euyongdan itself was a important historical example to show one of dynamic military actions to Japanese colonialist of Korean Provisional Government. In this paper, I tried to supplement some problems of prior study. At first, the prime mover to organize Euyongdan was the north-west group centering on Son Jeong-do, not An Chang-ho. Therefore I revealed that An Chang-ho managed Euyongdan with a post connecting with the north-west group and controlling military policy of Korean Provisional Government. Secondly, I explained that the organ An Chan-ho ordered to absorb Euyongdan was Gwangbok-gun Saryeongbu, not Gwangbok-gun Chongyoeng(a command post of the restoration army). Thirdly, I additionally explained that Euyongdan was not only one of them operating under Yentongjae(a system connecting Provisional Government with domestic land) in Korean peninsula but also a private semi-military unit on the course of Provisional Government’s military policy and a important target for An Chang-ho to absorb into Gwangbok-gun Saryeongbu. 1920년에 접어들면서 임시정부가 종래의 외교론에서 벗어나 독립전쟁론을 야심차게 주장하였다. 그 실현을위해서 군무부에서 籌備團을 조직했고, 또 임정 내 일부 인사들이 주비단과 성격이 비슷한 義勇團을 조직하였다. 당시 임정의 군사정책을 실질적으로 총괄하던 安昌浩는 서간도 독립운동세력을 모아 광복군사령부 조직을계획했고, 의용단을 여기에 흡수시키려고 하였다. 이는 안창호가 군무부 산하 광복군사령부를 임시정부 군사력의 총지휘부로 운영하고자 하는 뜻을 분명히 한 것이다. 그러나 1920년 8월 초 평양부 내 일제기관 폭파사건으로 의용단원들이 검거되면서 의용단의 광복군사령부로의 편입은 이루어지지 못했다. 비록 당초의 계획이실현되지는 못했지만, 의용단의 존재는 1920년 임시정부의 대일본 무장투쟁 사실의 역동성을 보여주는 중요한역사적 사례였다. 본고에서는 의용단에 관한 선행 연구에서 미진했던 몇 가지 문제들을 보완하는 데 역점을 두었다. 첫째 의용단을 설립한 주도자는 안창호가 아니라 손정도를 중심으로 하는 서북세력 일부였다. 안창호는 이들과의 연관관계와 임정 군사정책을 총괄하는 차원에서 의용단을 관리했던 인물이라는 점을 밝혔다. 둘째 안창호가 의용단을 수용케 했던 기관은 광복군총영이 아니라 광복군사령부라는 점을 설명하였다. 셋째 의용단은 임시정부연통제 하에서 활동한 국내 기관 중 하나라는 사실에서 한 걸음 더 나아가서 1920년 ‘독립전쟁 원년’을 선포하고 이를 추진해 나간 임시정부의 군사정책 과정에서 출현했던 사설 조직이었다는 점, 안창호가 이를 광복군사령부에 흡수코자 했던 주요 대상 조직이었다는 점을 추가로 설명하였다.

      • KCI등재

        高⋅純宗年間 義兵의 槪念과 位相 變遷 硏究

        朴性淳 동양고전학회 2010 東洋古典硏究 Vol.38 No.-

        민족모순이 정점에 이르렀던 구한말 시기에 왜 구한국 정부는 민족운동 세력인 抗日義兵을 탄압했을까? 그것은 구한국 정부가 일제에게 실질적으로 주권을 강탈당한 을사조약 이후만의 일이었을까? 그 사실을 확인하기 위해서는 항일의병이 등장하고 활약한 고종⋅순종시대의 편년체 역사서인 {高純宗實錄}을 확인해 볼 필요가 있었다. 본고는 {고순종실록}을 검토함으로써 정부측 입장에서 ‘抗日義兵’이 어떻게 인식되고 있었는지를 살펴보고자 한 것이다. {고순종실록}에서 항일의병 기사는 1896년부터 등장한다. 항일의병 기사는 1896년 이전 시기의 ‘의병’ 기사들보다 훨씬 많은 분량을 차지하고 있다. 그런데 항일의병 기사는 처음부터 부정적인 탄압의 대상으로 기술되고 있다. 구한국 정부의 항일의병 탄압은 을사조약을 통해서 국권을 사실상 강탈당한 이후 마지못해 전개되었던 것이 아니라, 대한제국으로 이름을 바꾸기 전부터 보여준 일관된 태도였다. 을미사변과 단발령은 일제가 조선의 국체와 주권을 능멸한 행위로 이에 분격하여 발생한 항일의병은 민족운동의 성격을 지닌 거사였다. 그럼에도 불구하고 조선정부는 오히려 항일의병을 해산하고 진압하기 위해서 모든 방법을 동원하였다. 그 이유를 단순히 봉건왕조의 보수성에서부터 말미암는 것으로 치부해버리기에는 석연치 않은 점이 있었다. 그리하여 필자는 {고순종실록}에서 항일의병 기사가 처음으로 출현하는 1896년 무렵 조선정부의 내부 문서와 일본 외교문서 등을 검토하였다. 그것을 통해서 이 당시부터 이미 조선정부는 일제의 강력한 영향력 하에 놓여 있었고, 특히 항일의병 진압과 관련하여서는 조선주재 일본공사 小村의 직접적인 지시를 받고 있었음을 확인하였다. Why had Korean Empire suppressed the nationalist movement, Righteous Armies in the peak of nationalist contradiction between Korea & Japan? Is it because of that Korean Empire was robbed sovereignty by Japan after 1905 Treaty between Korea & Japan? For the answer, we needed to confirm Annals of King Gojong & Soonjong at which Righteous Armies had appeared and acted. This thesis aimed to scrutinize how Korean Empire government see Righteous Armies in that era. Articles about Righteous Armies against Japanese colonialism in Annals of King Gojong & Soonjong are found from 1896. That articles are much more than articles of that before 1896. However, in the articles, we can see that Righteous Armies against Japanese colonialism was treated as an object of oppression by Korean government from the beginning not from just after 1905 Treaty. 1895's incident(Eulmisabyeon) & Danbalyeong(Decree of cutting knot) were representative aggressive incidents of Japanese colonialism. Then so many Korean people rose in arms under name of Righteous Armies. Nevertheless Korean government rather suppressed Righteous Armies than helped them. I couldn't understand that reason if admit conservative of feudal society Therefore I examined the papers of the Ministry of Home Affairs of Korean government and the diplomatic papers of Japanese Foreign Ministry in 1896 when the articles on Righteous Armies against Japanese colonialism first appeared in Annals of King Gojong & Soonjong. By that work, I confirmed that already from 1896 Korean government was under strong control of Japanese colonialists and ordered to suppress Righteous Armies directly by the Japanese Minister to Korea Gomura. In that context, Annals of King Gojong & Soonjong contained the articles about Righteous Armies suppressing from 1896 through 1910.

      • KCI등재

        梵亭 張炯의 獨立運動과 그 位相

        박성순 단국대학교 동양학연구원 2013 東洋學 Vol.53 No.-

        단국대학은 해방 후 최초로 설립된 정규 4년제 사립대학이다. 단국대학을 설립한 梵亭 張炯(1889~1964)은 일제강점기에 독립운동 일선에서 활동하였던 독립운동가였다. 장형은 독립운동 중에서도 군자금 모집의 공적을 인정받아 1963년 대한민국 정부로부터 建國功勞勳章 單章(현재 독립장)을 수여받았다. 그렇지만 장형이 독립운동가였다는 사실과 단국대학이 독립운동가에 의해 설립된 대학이라는 사실은 제대로 알려져 있지 않다. 본고에서 고찰한 바에 의하면, 장형은 군자금 조달뿐만 아니라 다양한 방면에서 독립운동을 전개하였다. 그런 권위가 있었기에 해방 후 장형은 김구와 더불어 建國實踐員養成所를 운영하거나, 김구·김규식·안재홍·이범석·엄항섭·이청천 등 기라성 같은 독립운동가들과 함께 어깨를 나란히 하면서 전국통일학생총연맹이라는 조직을 만들어 ‘직접지도위원’으로 활약할 수 있었다. 장형은 비록 자신을 드러내지 않았지만, 조직을 결성하고 자금을 융통하는 데 뛰어난 능력을 갖고 있었다. 그래서 독립운동가들이 무슨 일을 하고자 할 때 그를 통하지 않고서는 안 되는 그런 인물이었다. 그런 면에서 장형은 지금까지의 독립운동사 연구에서 쉽게 볼 수 없었던 독특한 운동 유형을 보여주는 인물이다. 장형의독립운동은 앞으로 본격적인 규명을 요하는 중요한 연구주제라 할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        소비자생활협동조합 이사회의 유대강도가 조직의 성과에 미치는 영향

        박성순,이상윤,서진선 한국유통경영학회 2020 유통경영학회지 Vol.23 No.5

        Purpose: This study investigates the effects of the internal and external tie strength of the board of directors (BOD) on the performance in Consumer Co-operatives, which provide consumer-members with goods, especially eco-friendly food and products in South Korea. Co-operatives based on the principle of democratic governance can make their core competence through unique resources and trust of co-operatives. It is hypothesized that the strong tie of BODs improves the performance of consumer co-operatives because if the tie of BODs is strong, information and knowledge would be better shared among members, which would help to improve the ability to solve the problems of organizations. Research design, data, and methodology: This study uses multiple regression models to analyze the relationship between the tie strength of BODs and performance. The tie strength of BODs has three parts: the tie strength within a BOD of each co-operative; the tie strength between a BOD and the other co-operatives; the tie strength between a BOD and local government. Organizational performance is sub-categorized into three: social, democratic and business performance. We targeted 95 iCOOP consumer co-operatives and distributed questionnaires to their BODs. The final sample is composed of 371 board members from 65 iCOOP consumer co-operatives. Results: The regression results show that the tie strength within a BOD as well as the tie strength between a BOD and the other co-operatives have significantly positive relation to democratic and business performance. All exploration variables, however, do not affect social performance of co-operatives and the tie strength with local government is not related to any performance dimension. Conclusions: The results mean that if consumer co-operatives seek to have better democratic governance and to improve business performance, they should pay more attention to and strengthen the tie within a BOD and ties with other co-operatives through various activities and policies.

      • KCI등재

        丙寅洋擾 時期 李恒老의 薦擧를 둘러싼 政局의 動向

        박성순 고려대학교 역사연구소 2011 사총 Vol.72 No.-

        In the emergency meeting in palace against French Invasion(1866), the man who had recommended Yi, Hang-no as a tactician was very Kim Byoung-hak. Kim was one power elite member of the most powerful lineage, Kim’s clan. Though Yi Hang-no was a famous Neo-Confucian scholar, he didn’t get acquainted with Kim Byoung-hak at all in daily routine. Nevertheless, why did Kim Byoung-hak recommend Yi Hang-no so unconventionally? It’s the aim of this thesis to scrutinize the reason in the delicate political situation with Pungyang Jo’s clan, Andong Kim’s clan and Deawongun. After king Gojong’s inauguration, the political situation looked like a political union of Pungyang Jo’s clan, Andong Kim’s clan and Deawongun. However, in reality, the power game unfolding under the surface was very intensive and complicated. The concrete shapes at that time were that the Queen Dowager Jo restrained Andong Kim’s clan and Andong Kim’s clan checked Deawongun. In this situation, Kim Byoung-hak representing Andong Kim’s clan had the Queen Dowager Jo retreated from her own power and ran Deawongun into trouble by recommending Yi Hang-no. Superficially, the recommendation of Yi Hang-no, who was famous for the thought of “defending orthodoxy and rejecting heterodoxy” by Kim Byoung-hak was on the same line with Deawongun’s rejecting heterodoxy policy. However, in reality, Yi Hang-no and his pupils openly criticized the Deawongun’s domestic administration like Gyoung Bok Palace rebuilding, the minting of Dangbeakjon(arbitrary hundred cash coin), Gates Tax etc. The discord between Yi Hang-no and Deawongun was a fact known to people earlier. Eventually, Deawongun who had been attacked by Yi Hang-no and his pupil went out of power by an impeachment letter of an Yi Hang-no’s pupil, Choi Ik-hyoun. In sum, Kim Byoung-hak’s recommending Yi Hang-no was a hidden card to run Deawongun into trouble and eventually let Deawongun go out of power just after defeated the members of Pungyang Jo’s clan in power and the Queen Dowager Jo

      • 유체 다공성 패널의 Active Area 해석

        박성순,오명수,손혜정,최관호 한국항공우주학회 2015 한국항공우주학회 학술발표회 논문집 Vol.2015 No.11

        항공기 TKS 결빙방지시스템은 다공성 패널이 날개의 앞전부에 장착된다. 글리콜 성분의 TKS 유체가 패널의 Active(Porous) Area를 통하여 배출하여 날개 표면에 생성된 얼음을 제거하거나 결빙을 방지하게 된다. 본 연구에서는 NACA0012 에어포일 형상을 가지는 다공성 패널에 요구되는 TKS 유체량과 다공성 패널의 Active Area를 정량적으로 해석하는 방법을 제시하였다. 본 연구에서 개발된 FPD 해석 Tool을 이용하여 Local Water Catch와 Local Fluid 요구량을 계산하여 다공성 패널의 Active Area를 결정하였다. 본 연구에서 제시된 다공성 패널의 Active Area의 설정에 관한 계산방법은 다공성 패널을 설계하는데 유용하게 사용할 수 있다. Porous panels in the aircraft TKS Ice Protection System are installed on the leading edges of the wings. A glycol based TKS fluid is exuded through the active(porous) region of panels and flows over these surfaces keeping the aircraft virtually ice free. In this study, quantitative analyses on the TKS fluid required and the active area of porous panels with NACA0012 airfoil are presented. Active area of porous panel is determined by local water catch rate and required local fluid rate using FPD Analysis tool developed in this study. The quantitative analysis techniques for active area estimation can be used for designing the porous panels.

      • KCI등재

        초소형 전자칼럼의 대면적 주사 적정조건

        박성순,김호섭,장원권,Park, Sung-Soon,Kim, Ho-Seob,Jang, Won-Kweon 한국전기전자재료학회 2007 전기전자재료학회논문지 Vol.20 No.6

        In large area scanning with a micro-electron-column, the operating condition for the best resolution was investigated in factors of working distance and field of view. The resolution of a test sample was dependent on electron beam energy and scanning field size. The best resolution with single deflector was obtained at 300 V and 30 mm in the electron emitting tip voltage and a working distance, respectively. The scanning area at that condition was $13.9{\times}13.9mm^2$, linearly increased with the working distance. Double deflector was employed for larger scanning size without increasing working distance, but showed only 1.7 times larger than that of single deflector, and the resolution was inverse proportional to the scanning size.

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