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김형근(Hyoung Keun Kim),함태훈(Tae-hoon Hahm),남웅(Woong Nam),차인호(In-ho Cha),김형준(Hyung Jun Kim) 대한구강악안면외과학회 2010 대한구강악안면외과학회지 Vol.36 No.6
Plasmacytoma is a rare malignant neoplasm in the head and neck region and comprises approximately 3% of all plasma cell tumors. This lesion is a unifocal, monoclonal, neoplastic proliferation of plasma cells that usually arises within the bone. Infrequently, it is observed in soft tissue, in which case, the term extramedullary plasmacytoma is used. Approximately 80-90% of extramedullary plasmacytomas involve the mucos-Associated- Lymphoid Tissue of the upper airways with 75% of these involving the nasal and paranasal regions. The plasmacytoma is usually detected in adult males, with an average age at diagnosis of 55 years. The male-to-female ratio is 3:1.Radiographically, the lesion may be seen as a well-defined, unilocularradioluceny with no evidence of a sclerotic border. Some investigators believe that this lesion represents the least aggressive part of the spectrum of plasma cell neoplasms that extend to multiple myeloma.Therefore, plasma cytoma is believed to have clinical importance. We report a case of extramedullary plasmacytoma in the right maxillary sinus of a 59-year-old male with review of the relevant literature.
초고층 주상복합 건축물의 자연환기덕트 적용에 관한 연구
김형근(Kim Hyung-Keun),최용석(Choi Yong-Seok),김용식(Kim Yong-Sik) 대한건축학회 2009 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.29 No.1(계획계)
The purpose of this study is to solve poor ventilation situation by introducing natural ventilation duct in the high-rise building. Recently, almost all the high-rise building is using mechanical ventilation system because it is hard to apply natural ventilation system in the building. In case of high-rise building, it is difficult to apply cross ventilation because of its huge mass. And it is limited to open the window because of several reasons. Therefore maintenance cost is going up and indoor air quality is going poorer. In this study, air flow of the building was analyzed by virtual model of recent built high-rise building, and ventilation performance was considered by using natural ventilation duct. Natural ventilation duct is internal duct which is planed to induce natural air flow through the internal duct when it occurred positive and negative pressure by the effect of air current around the high-rise building.
김형근 ( Hyung Keun Kim ),신종철 ( Jong Chil Shin ) 한국부동산분석학회 2014 不動産學硏究 Vol.20 No.3
The small to medium sized buildings account for a substantial proportion of entire office buildings. The small to medium sized buildings have different characteristics from large office buildings in their location, tenant mix and so on. There is little research on small to medium sized building. This study tries to investigate the factors that affect the transaction price of small to medium sized buildings by using hedonic price model. This study analyzes 333 transaction cases of small to medium sized buildings in Seoul office market from 2009 to 2013. The results of empirical analysis show the different location characteristics, building characteristic and tenant characteristics from large office building, have significant influences on the transaction price per square meter of small to medium sized buildings. Specifically, this study finds out whether the building is located near major commercial area have significant effect on transaction price. Whether the building is located on corner site, the width of the road in front of the building, the distance from subway station also have impact on the transaction price. With regard to building characteristics, whether building has elevator and leasable area on the first floor have significant effect on the transaction price. The buildings developed above or below allowable FAR(Floor Area Ratio) was sold at significantly higher price. Finally, this study finds out the buildings used as residence were transacted at significantly lower price. This empirical analysis shows some different characteristics from large office buildings affect the transaction price of small to medium-sized buildings.
김형근(Hyung Keun Kim),허지행(Ji Haeng Huh) 건국대학교 부동산도시연구원 2016 부동산 도시연구 Vol.9 No.1
프로젝트 파이낸싱을 활용함에 있어서 사업성 평가는 금융기관의 대출 여부를 판단할 수 있는 근거를 제공하는 중요한 요소이며 절차이다. 따라서 본 연구는 프로젝트 파이낸싱 활성화를 목적으로 사업성 평가의 체계화 및 전문화를 위해 주택도시보증공사에서 실제 진행한 주택사업금융보증 사업장에 대한 자료를 토대로 사업성 평가 결과를 계량적으로 분석하여 분양률과의 관계를 측정하였으며, 측정결과를 초기 예상 분양률의 적중과 과소추정, 과대추정으로 나누고 프로젝트 성패와 관련하여 과대추정 된 사유에 대해 분석해 보았다. 주택사업에 있어서 초기 분양률은 사업의 성공을 가늠하는 중요한 지표로서 예상 분양률을 적정하게 추정하였는지를 파악하기 위하여 분양률 과대추정 여부를 종속변수로 하였으며, 지역특성과 사업수행능력특성, 토지특성, 가격특성, 단지규모특성, 평형특성, 인근분양률특성, 주거편의특성, 분양개시일정특성, 연도별특성을 초기 분양률에 영향을 줄 수 있는 특성으로 보고 독립변수로 하였다. 분석결과는 지역특성과 사업수행능력특성, 토지특성, 가격특성, 주거편의특성이 초기 분양률을 추정하는데 있어서 주요한 변수로 나타났다. 지역특성에서 수도권 및 광역시 또는 기타지역 시급 이상 되는 지역에서의 초기 6개월 예상 분양률은 과대추정 가능성이 낮은 것으로 나타났으며, 사업수행능력특성에서 시공순위 20위 이내 시공사가 시공한 사업장의 분양률도 과대추정 가능성이 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 반면 토지특성에서 사업지가 사유지인 비 택지인 경우 초기 예상 분양률 과대추정 가능성이 높게 나타났으며, 가격특성에서 인근에 분양 중인 타 아파트보다 평당 분양가가 높은 경우에도 과대추정 가능성이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 주거편의특성에서는 사업장을 기준으로 반경 1㎞ 이내에 학교, 공원, 백화점 또는 대형할인마트, 종합병원, 관공서 중 2개 기관 이상이 존재하는 경우 초기 예상 분양률 과대추정 가능성이 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 그밖에 단지규모와 평형, 분양개시일정 등은 유의수준 5%하에서 통계적으로 유의하지 않은 것으로 나타났다. The feasibility analysis of project financing works as an important factor when it comes to make loan decisions in a housing development project. Since housing sales rate is a significant indicator in measuring the success of the project, we set overestimation as a dependent variable and the location, business capability, land, price, complex scale, area, nearby housing sales rate, convenient facilities in residential area, the date housing sales begin and the chronological characteristics as the independent variables. The result shows that most of the independent variables above significantly affected overestimation of sales performance. Especially when business capability or convenient facilities in residential area are greater in number, it was found that the feasibility is not overestimated.
김형근 ( Hyung Keun Kim ) 대한교육법학회 2009 敎育 法學 硏究 Vol.21 No.2
대학입사에서 기여입학제 문제는 우리헌법에 규정된 교육의 기회균등 보장과 대학의 자율성 보장과의 관계 속에서 여러 가지 측면에서 논란의 대상이 되어 왔다. 기여입학제의 허용 또는 금지의 법적 타당성 문제는 먼저 이 제도의 본질이 헌법규정 자체에 내포되어 있는 것인지 아니면 이 제도의 법적 정의나 활용의 형태에 따라 달라 지는지를 밝히는 것이 중요하다. 입학조건부 기여는 헌법질서와 사회통념상 용인되기 어려운 문제인 반면, 아무런 조건 없이 대학발전에 기여한 사람의 경우 나중에 적절한 기준에 의거 우대하는 것은 대학의 자율성 측면에서나 사회공익의 차원에서 인정될 수 있기 때문이다. 기여입학제는 그 성질상 명백하게 이를 법률로 허용 또는 금지하면 어느 경우든 하나의 기본권은 보호되는 반면 다른 기본권이 제한되고, 사회적으로는 이 제도를 허용하는 경우 경제력에 따른 계층간 갈등의 증가와 교육비 확보 방법에 대한 이해관계자간 새로운 논란이 발생할 수 있다. 따라서 기여입학제는 법률적으로 뚜렷하게 해결하기가 매우 복잡하고 어려운 문제이다. 대학간 자율규제 차원에서 대학협의체의 협의, 협조 방법을 활용하고 있으나, 기여입학제의 효과에 대한 대학간 이해관계의 차가 심하기 때문에 만족할만한 합의를 이루기어 내기 어려운 문제가 있다.. 기여입학제는 결국 사회통념과 헌법질서 상 수용이 가능한 도덕적이고 사회정의를 해치지 아니하는 범위 내에서 극히 제한적이고 공정하게 대학별 특성에 따라 자율적으로 실시하되, 사회적으로 긍정적 분위기를 충분히 조성하는 것이 중요하다. The admission policy of universities has been social issues around the country. First of all, contribution preference admission policy lied at the center of critical controversies. Actually it involves both the equal opportunity to education and the autonomy of higher education institutions, which are all prescribed in the Constitution. The analysis of the issue showed an important reasoning on the legal justification of "contribution preference admissions". The legal justification depends on how to define the meaning of contribution preference admission policy and how to tailor it materially in the context of specific admission cases, rather than on the clauses of the Constitution. Admissions on the condition that a college admits the donor`s child is against common sense, and would be unconditional. However, it could be constitutional in terms of autonomy of higher education institutions and public interests, to give preference for children whose relatives or supporters have contributed to universities without any demand in the relation to admissions. Therefore, it could be unconditional to prohibit all patterns of "contribution preference admissions" without considering the nature or types of contribution and its context. It is necessary to let universities adopt contribution preference admission policy unless they run far across the constitutional limit and common sense. Universities could keep the legal justification if they tailor the admission policy in the narrow and fair manner with the transparent procedures.
수용성 키토산에 의한 중간엽 줄기세포에서 골아세포로의 분화에 대한 효과
김형근 ( Hyung Keun Kim ),김지현 ( Ji Hyun Kim ),장미경 ( Mi Kyeong Jang ),나재운 ( Jae Woon Nah ),윤택림 ( Taek Rim Yoon ) 한국조직공학·재생의학회 2009 조직공학과 재생의학 Vol.6 No.4
Chitosan is produced commercially by deacetylation of chitin, whiche is the structural element in the exoskeleton of crustaceans(crabs, shrimp, etc). Chitosan enhances the transport of polar drugs across epithelial surfaces, and is biocompatible and biodegradable. Chitosans are available for biomedical applications. In this study, we evaluated the effect of water-soluble chitosan on the osteogenic differentiation of mouse multipotent bone marrow stromal cells(D1 cells). D1 cells were cultured in osteogenic differentiation medium(ODM) for 6 days, and then treated with mevinolin for 2 days, and subjected to, ie, alizarin red S staining, MTT assays, energy dispersive X-ray spectrophotometry(EDX), fluorescence microscopy and FACS analysis. WSC 3K, WSC 5K, WSC 10K, HM1, HM2, HM3 and HM4 enhanced osteoblast differentiation as assessed in Alizarin red S staining. Furthermore, EDX analysis showed that WSC 3K, WSC 5K, WSC 10K, HM1, HM2, HM3 and HM4 enhanced calcium peak in cells and immunofluorescence staining and FACS analysis against surface molecules(CD44 and CD51), WSC 5K and HM2 were more increased surface molecules than ODM alone. We suggest that water-soluble chitosan enhances osteoblast differentiation through the induction of calcium deposit and the enhancement of surface molecules, such as, CD44 and CD51.
김형근(Kim, Hyung-Keun),오세준(Oh, Sae-Joon),신종칠(Shin, Jong-Chil) 한국주거환경학회 2015 주거환경(한국주거환경학회논문집) Vol.13 No.2
The size of commercial facilities in apartment complex is often considered to be affected only by the number of household. However, there is a considerable gap between the thought and the reality. Recently, the commercial facilities have been competing against nationwide convenience stores, discount store, and so on. Consequently, these environmental changes affected the characteristics of commercial facility, such as its size and roles. Hence the need of consideration regarding its various factors has been increased. Therefore, this study attempted to explain the determinating factors on the size of commercial facilities in apartment complex. The analysis was implemented based on the data collected from 278 commercial facilities in apartment complex, located in 25 different administrative districts in Seoul, Korea. The empirical result shows that the size of commercial facilities is affected by various factors, such as economic capacity of residents, market price of apartment complex, transportation accessibility, and adjacency of demand inducing facilities like schools, neighboring population, buying power, and competitors. As a result, when planning for commercial facilities in apartment complex, the above factors, e. g. apartment complex characteristics, location characteristics, and trade area characteristics, should be considered comprehensively.
김형근 ( Hyung Keun Kim ) 대한교육법학회 2013 敎育 法學 硏究 Vol.25 No.2
학생인권 보호 강화정책은 오랜 학교의 학생지도 관행을 수정하여야 한다는 점에서 매우 신중하게 다루어져야 할 과제이다. 학교에서 일정한 교육목표를 달성하기 위해서는 다소 과도하게 학생의 자유를 제한하여도 무방하다는 의식이 일반적으로 높은 가운데, 지역별 또는 학교별로 입장이나 목표의 차이가 있기 때문에 전국적으로 적용되는 획일적이고 구체적인 학생지도 방법을 법령으로 규정하는 것은 바람직하지 아니하다. 이점에서 구체적인 학생지도 방법을 학칙에 위임하고 그 학칙규정은 학생, 학부모, 교원 등 이해관계자들의 의견을 존중하여 정하도록 법령으로 규정한 것은 적절한 정책방향이라 할 수 있다. 그러나 체벌만 금지하고 여타 사항은 교육상 필요한 범위 내에서 학교별 학칙으로 정하도록 포괄적으로 위임하는 것은 헌법상의 기본권 제한 법률유보 정신과 국제인권협약의 규정에 잘 부합되지 아니한 측면이 있을 뿐만 아니라, 관련 학칙규정 작업을 위해 각급 학교들에게 불필요한 행정적 부담을 줄 수 있다. 이점에서 교육부가 부령으로 가칭 ‘학생지도에 관한 규정’을 제정하거나, 시·도별로실정에 적합한 ‘학생지도에 관한 조례’를 제정토록 지원함으로써 학교가 공통적으로 준수해야할 학생인권 보호의 내용과 제한의 한계를 보다 구체적으로 제시해 줄 필요가 있다. The policy on the enhancement of students` human rights is a delicate and complex issue which should be treated with sincere caution. On the one hand, there is concrete arguments that students` rights naturally shall subject to regulations of school authorities for the purpose of school goals. On the other hand, advocates for students` rights allege that students shall not shed their rights in front of school gates, and the supporters take sides in the opinion that educational goals should not be used a rationale for suppressing students` rights. At present, there are considerable variations of opinions on the issue across the regions and schools, and then, it means that the associated policy is not an object for national uniformity through related acts. The alternative and adequate solution to the problem is to delegate the authorities of the regulations of students` rights to individual schools so that they could establish contingent standards by school rules. Of course, the rules need to be based on the informed discussions and forthcoming consensus of relevant interest groups such as students, parents, and teachers. The policy toward autonomous regulations in schools should have a prerequisite that school rules should be guided by and subject to school laws and related international norms, which illustrate the principles and limitations of students` rights. The ministry of education has an obligation to write namely administrative order for student discipline for the purpose of guiding schools adequately, or to support local governments in making contingent ordinances for student discipline in considerations of their experiences and situations. The enforcement of such measures is expected to contribute to building up the educationally and legally justifiable criteria for the protections and constraints of students` rights.