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      • KCI등재

        Does Diabetes Mellitus Influence Carpal Tunnel Syndrome?

        김유환,양경숙,한준,석흥열,이정훈,손명훈,병조 대한신경과학회 2017 Journal of Clinical Neurology Vol.13 No.3

        Background and Purpose Diabetes mellitus (DM) has been proposed as a risk factor for carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS), but this remains controversial. We investigated the association between DM and CTS using both ultrasonography (US) and nerve conduction study (NCS) data. Methods We analyzed a prospectively recruited database of neuromuscular US and medical records of subjects who had undergone NCSs and electromyography for symptoms suggestive of CTS. Subjects were assigned to the follow groups: Group I, CTS with DM; Group II, CTS without DM; Group III, no CTS with DM; and Group IV, no CTS without DM. US cross-sectional area (CSA) and NCS measurements at the median nerve (MN) were compared among groups. We used a general linear mixed model to adjust for statistically significant covariates. Results The 230 participants comprised 22, 83, 19, and 106 in Groups I–IV, respectively. In multivariate analyses, the MN action potential amplitude in females was the only variable that was significantly associated with DM (p<0.001). Groups with DM tended to have a longer latency, smaller amplitude, and lower conduction velocity in the NCSs compared to groups without DM. The measured US CSA values did not differ significantly among the groups. Conclusions NCS measurements of the MN tended to differ between DM and non-DM patients regardless of the presence or absence of CTS. However, US did not reveal any statistically significant relationship between CTS and DM.

      • KCI등재

        日本의 法整備支援事業의 現况과 問題點 : 體制轉換國 法整備支援事業의 방향 모색을 위한 檢討;A Review for Supporting Legal Reformation in Asian Transitcountries

        김유환 이화여자대학교 2004 法學論集 Vol.9 No.1

        The Government, the Supreme Court of Japan and Japan Bar Association have been offering legal assistance to Asian transitcountries like Vietnam and Cambodia since the 1990. Because the trasitcountries are politically and legally unstable they need a wide variety of legal assistance programs. In addition, Asian countries are rapidly integrated legally and politicaly. For these reasons, Japan is implementing its assistance projects in various ways. The assistance programs of Japan in general focus on legislation, training of legal professionals and legal education. The Republic of Korea has launched legal assistance programs recently for similar reasons that Japan has perceived. I believe Korea has to develop legal assistance programs more actively for Asian transitcountries. For this purpose, Korea should learn know-hows and skills from a number of experiences of Japan. This paper aims to review legal assistance programs of Japan, study their basic perspectives and problems and find out some suggestions for devising legal assistance programs of the Republic of Korea. The suggestions I find out from this research are as follows : (1) The Republic of Korea should focus faithfully on the genuine purpose of legal assistance. (2) Korea need to make preparations for language problems and communication with the recipient countries. (3) Korea has to establish and participate in international cooperation systems for legal assistance. (4) We need to get self-confidence on our availability for supporting the recipient countries. (5) We have to select adequate recipient countries in the light of our own capacity. (6) We need to probe comprehensive theoretical framework for transplanting our legal system. (7) We should mobilize NGOs' and the other civic resources to support the transitcountries.

      • KCI등재

        단일 신장 환자에서 급성 폐색성 요관결석으로 촉발된 메트포민 젖산산증

        김유환,강수지,양원석 대한내과학회 2023 대한내과학회지 Vol.98 No.6

        A 35-year-old male with type-2 diabetes mellitus and a history of insulin and metformin (2,000 mg/day) use presented to the emergency department (ED) with generalized weakness. Abdominal computed tomography (CT) performed 3 months prior to presentation showed a severely atrophic right kidney and a few tiny stones in the left kidney, with a serum level of creatinine of 1.14 mg/dL. At the ED, the patient’s blood pressure was 153/89 mmHg. Workup revealed acute kidney injury (creatinine, 11.97 mg/dL), high-anion-gap metabolic acidosis (pH, 6.93), and a blood lactic acid level > 15 mmol/L. Based on the medication history, the patient was diagnosed with metformin-associated lactic acidosis. CT showed a left distal ureteral stone, measuring 6 mm in size, which resulted in hydroureteronephrosis. The patient was initially treated with continuous renal replacement therapy. Subsequently, left percutaneous nephrostomy was performed, which led to the return of the creatinine level to baseline, with complete resolution of lactic acidosis.

      • KCI등재후보

        징계의결요구의 법적 효력

        김유환 梨花女子大學校 法學硏究所 2011 法學論集 Vol.15 No.4

        As the State Public Officials Act, the Local Public Officials Act and their subordinate statutes do not have substantial rules about request for a disciplinary decision, there are no effective guidelines which are to be applied to request for disciplinary decisions against public officials in the legal system of the Republic of Korea. In particular, it is not clear whether revocation of the request for a disciplinary decision is to be allowed when the administrative authority wants to withdraw its request for a disciplinary decision according to change of the situation. In addition, when the authority wants to change its initial decision of leniency on a suspicious offender such as an admonition or warning and require a disciplinary decision of the disciplinary committee, it is not sure if the following request for a disciplinary decision is valid in spite of Double Jeopardy Principle. In my opinion, we need new legislation dealing with this issue for resolving the consequent problems from vagueness of relevant Acts and Statutes. For the mean time, we need well-balanced interpretative theories. For this reason, I propose new interpretative guidelines as follows. Firstly, the authority of personnel affairs is able to withdraw the request for a disciplinary decision. But, it does not mean that the disciplinary procedure must terminate by the withdrawal. Secondly, the disciplinary committee must decide if revocation of request for a disciplinary decision should be allowed or not. Thirdly, the authority of personnel affairs cannot require a disciplinary decision after issuing an admonition or a warning. Fourthly, the authority of personnel affairs is able to require a disciplinary decision after withdrawing the admonition or a warning. This request does not violate Double Jeopardy Principle. 공무원에 대한 징계의결의 요구에 대한 법령의 규정은 매우 제한적이어서 징계의결요구와 관련되는 여러 가지 법적 문제의 해결에 구체적인 지침을 주지 못하고 있다. 공무원의 비리나 의무위반이 있어서 이에 대해 징계 등의 절차를 개시할 필요가 있는 경우 징계의결요구권자들은 일단 내사를 통하여 징계의결요구를 할 것인지를 결정하게 된다. 이 과정에서 징계의결요구권을 가진 인사권자는 단순히 훈계 등의 조치 만을 취할 것인지 아니면 정식으로 징계의결을 요구할 것인지 판단하게 된다. 그런데 때로는 인사권자인 징계의결요구권자가 초기판단에 충분한 자료가 없어서 판단을 잘못한 경우나 나중에 증거자료 등이 새로 나타나는 등의 사정변경이 있는 경우, 인사권자의 입장이 바뀌는 수가 있다. 즉, 처음에는 훈계나 경고로 그치고자 하였으나 추가적으로 논의하거나 새로운 증거자료 등이 나타남에 따라 징계의결요구를 하여야 하겠다고 입장이 바뀌는 경우도 있고, 반대로 처음에는 징계의결요구를 하였으나 추가적인 검토 끝에 징계의결요구를 철회하고 경고나 훈계를 하거나 또는 아예 무혐의처리를 하고자 하는 경우가 있는 것이다. 이러한 사태가 발생하면, 첫째로, 훈계나 경고를 한 이후 징계의결요구를 하는 경우에는 그 징계의결요구가 일사부재리의 원칙 위반이 아닌가 하는 문제가 발생하고 둘째로, 이와 반대로 징계의결요구를 철회한 경우, 그 철회는 어떤 법적 효력을 가지며 그 후속절차에서는 이를 어떻게 받아들여야 하는가 하는 것이 문제된다. 이 두 가지 측면에 대해서 관련법령이나 훈령 등은 아무런 지침을 주고 있지 않다. 이 문제는 종래 우리 학계의 문헌에서도 거의 논의가 없어서 선행연구를 찾아보기 어렵다. 또한 판례에서도 이것이 법적 판단대상이 된 경우는 발견할 수가 없다. 그러나 이것은 실제로 발생되는 문제이고 실제의 공무원 징계절차를 진행함에 있어서 매우 중요한 의미를 가지는 것이다. 징계의결요구와 관련되는 법령과 판례이론을 종합적으로 검토해 보건대, 징계의결요구를 한 이후, 징계의결요구를 철회할 사정이 발생한 경우에는 징계의결요구권자는 이를 철회할 수 있다고 하여야 한다. 그러나 징계의결요구가 철회되었다 하더라도 그것이 인사(징계)위원회를 구속하여 징계절차를 종료시키는가에 대해서는 이를 일률적으로 말할 수 없다. 관계법령이나 판례의 취지를 살펴볼 때, 징계사유가 명확한 경우에는 징계의결요구를 철회할 수 없으며 철회의 의사표시를 하더라도 인사(징계)위원회나 소청심사위원회는 이에 구속되지 않는다고 해석하는 것이 타당하다. 한편, 경고·훈계처분 이후에 사정변경이나 새로운 증거 등의 발견이 있은 경우에는 이와 병과하여 징계를 하는 것은 타당하지 않고 경고·훈계처분을 취소 또는 철회한 후에 징계의결요구를 할 수 있다고 보아야 하며 이 경우 일사부재리의 원칙에 저촉된다고 말할 수는 없다고 보아야 한다. 그러나 이러한 해석론에 대해서는 이견이 있을 수 있다. 요컨대, 징계의결요구의 법률문제는 필요한 입법이 미비한 가운데 다양한 해석론의 출현을 피할 수는 없다고 본다. 결국 해석론의 불확실성을 해결하기위해서 궁극적으로 타당한 입법을 통한 문제해결이 이루어져야 할 것이다. 이를 위하여 먼저 징계의결요구의 철회가 가능한 경우와 그 효력에 대한 법령의 규정이 있어야 한다. 이밖에도 국가공무원법과 지방공무원법의 징계의결요구에 관한 규정의 통일성을 기하는 것도 검토할 필요가 있다고 본다.

      • KCI등재

        敎科書制度에 대한 憲法裁判所와 法院의 判例分析 : 敎科書制度의 발전을 위한 示唆點과 批判

        김유환 梨花女子大學校 法學硏究所 2002 法學論集 Vol.7 No.1

        Despite the apparent pro status quo arguments presented in the decisions of Korean judicial courts and the Korean Constitutional Court, their reasoning reveals different aspects of their real opinions. Even though the prevailing opinions of the courts confirm the legality of current regulatory system, I believe, most judges of the courts hoped to reform the current textbook regulations. I have found a number of useful reformative arguments from the reasoning of their decisions. From these arguments, I probed the possible reformative model of the textbook regulation system. First, the textbook adoption system must be regulated not by a Presidential decree but by a Statute enacted by the National Congress. Second, the National publication system of school textbooks must be abolished. Third, participatory rights of the parents should be enhanced, so much so that they can take part in selecting the textbooks. Fourth, procedural regulations should be introduced to the current textbook adoption process to restrict the discretionary power of the Textbook Adoption Committee and the other relevant administrative agencies. Fifth, In order to facilitate the judicial review for cultural diversity, the statutory clauses that provide guarantee against political and philosophical monopoly of the prevailing group should be created by National Congress.

      • KCI등재후보

        公正去來規制의 執行體制

        김유환 한국공법학회 2005 公法硏究 Vol.33 No.5

        Fair trade and antitrust regulations of the Republic of Korea have been based on the traditional paradigm that focuses on economic policy rather than legal legitimacy. However, this paradigm of regulations has to be reformed according to recent socioeconomic transition of R.O.K. and worldwide globalization trends. In addition, R.O.K needs to establish a strong legal system for effective fair trade and antitrust regulations in order to foster a free market economy. The key issue for the reformation is how to build a new regime for implementing fair trade regulations. This study aims to develop legal policies for establishing the new regime. There are three dimensions of the legal policies for the development of a new regime for establishing fair trade regulations. Firstly, Fair Trade Commission(FTC) of Korea should be reorganized in order to enhance its independence and fairness. For this purpose, FTC commissioners' status in the adjudication process should be equalized regardless of their administrative functions in the light of FTC's nature as a consensus organization. Personnel management system of FTC also has to be reformed with regard to this point. Secondly, administrative procedures of FTC should be changed. Procedural legal principles such as “separation of functions” and “ban on ex parte communications” should be adopted in the adjudicative procedure. Dependants' rights of defence and participation is to be protected as well. Lastly, we need to make new institutions for activating private actions with regard to fair trade and anti-trust issues.

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