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        창세기 원역사(1:1-11:9)의 내러티브 재구성

        김도형 ( Kim¸ Dohyung ) 개혁주의생명신학회 2020 생명과 말씀 Vol.28 No.3

        본 논문은 창세기 1-11장 원역사의 내러티브 재구성을 시도하는 글이다. 그동안 역사비평적 방법과 문학비평적 방법을 통해 원역사 해석에 관하여 끊임없는 논의가 있었다. 그러나 이 부분을 어떻게 규정하느냐에 따라 원역사 이해의 각도는 바뀔 수 있다. 필자는 창세기 1-11장의 원역사 범위를 11장 9절까지 한정하는 것을 지지한다. 바벨탑 사건 이후 언어 분화로 인하여 사람들이 흩어지는 모습은 창조 때의 생육, 번성, 충만함이 홍수 이후에 반복되듯이 죄의 확산 주제와 연결된다. 또한, 10절부터 시작되는 셈 족보 가운데 데라와 아브라함에 의해 새로운 가족이 구성되며 족장사로 이어지기 때문이다. 창세기 1-11장은 원역사 구조의 문학적 이해와 내러티브 재구성을 위한 두 가지 방식으로써‘담화의 전환’과‘스토리텔링의 적용’이 제시될 수 있다. 첫째, 창세기 1-11장 원역사는 대칭구조(ABCB′A′)로써 액자식 구성(mise-en-abyme)으로 이루어져 있다. AA′는 창조와 가정, 재창조와 확산, BB′는 형제 살인과 홍수 심판으로 인한 죽음, 그리고 내부에 해당하는 C는 아담 톨레돗, 사람의 죄악이 가득함, 노아 톨레돗으로 구성된다. 이것은 낯설게하기(Ostranenie, defamilliarization)와 이야기 속의 이야기(a story within a story) 기법에 해당한다. 둘째, 스토리텔링의 적용은 이야기 속의 이야기 기법의 문학적 구조를 내러티브의 맥락으로 줄거리와 순서를 고려하여 재구성하는 것이다. 이 구성은 다섯 단계(발단-전개-위기-절정-결말)의 유기적인 연결고리로 이루어져 있다. 이러한 내러티브 재구성의 결과는 창세기 1-11장의 원역사가 이 책의 도입부에 위치하며 이후 등장하는 족장사뿐만 아니라 거시적인 메타내러티브로 나아가는 중요한 디딤돌의 역할을 감당하게 된다는 것을 깨닫게 한다. This article is intended to study the recomposed narrative of the Primeval History (1:1-11:9) in the Book of Genesis. Until now, there have been constant discussions on the interpretation of the Primeval History through historico-cricital and literary critical approaches. However, depending on how this part is defined, the angle of understanding of the Primeval History can be changed. I would like to support the opinion that the history of Primeval in Genesis 1-11 should be confined to verse 9. As a result of the story of the Tower of Babel, people are scattered due to language differentiation, which is linked to the theme of increased sinfulness according to the repetition of growth, increase in number, and multiply on the earth. In addition, a new family was formed by Terah and his son, Abraham, in the list of Shem genealogy that appeared in verse 10 and the genealogy began. Genesis 1-11 presents the conversion of discourse and the application of storytelling as two ways to understand the primeval history structure and to reconstruct narratives. First, the literary structure of the primeval history of Genesis 1-11 is a symmetrical structure (ABCB′A′) consisting of a mise-en-abyme. AA′ is composed of creation and home, recreation and diffusion, BB′ is death due to brotherhood murder, flood judgment, and the inside C is Adam Toledoth, full of human sin, and Noah Toledoth. This corresponds to the technique of“Ostranenie, defamilization”and“a story within a story.”Second, the application of storytelling is to reconstruct the literary structure of narrative technique in the story within a story in consideration of the narratives context, the plot, and order. These are composed of five organic linkages;“beginning-development-crisis-climax-ending.”The results of this literary structure and narrative reconstruction make us realize that Genesis 1-11 plays a key role as an important stepping stone to not only the patriarchal history that follows, but also the metanarrative.

      • KCI등재

        동적 저궤도 위성 네트워크를 위한 Dueling DQN 기반 라우팅 기법

        김도형,이상현,이헌철,원동식,Dohyung Kim,Sanghyeon Lee,Heoncheol Lee,Dongshik Won 대한임베디드공학회 2023 대한임베디드공학회논문지 Vol.18 No.4

        This paper deals with a routing algorithm which can find the best communication route to a desired point considering disconnected links in the LEO (low earth orbit) satellite networks. If the LEO satellite networks are dynamic, the number and distribution of the disconnected links are varying, which makes the routing problem challenging. To solve the problem, in this paper, we propose a routing method based on Dueling DQN which is one of the reinforcement learning algorithms. The proposed method was successfully conducted and verified by showing improved performance by reducing convergence times and converging more stably compared to other existing reinforcement learning-based routing algorithms.

      • KCI등재

        세전(世專) 교장 오긍선의 의료 계몽과 대학 지향

        김도형 ( Kim Dohyung ) 연세사학연구회( 구 연세대학교 사학연구회 ) 2017 學林 Vol.40 No.-

        오긍선(吳兢善, 1878~1963)은 미국 남장로교 출신의 선교의사로, 1912년에 세브란스연합의학교에 부임하였다. 이 학교는 조선총독부의 법령에 따라 세브란스의학 전문학교로 인가를 받았는데, 이를 위한 준비로, 미국 의사먼허증을 가졌던 오긍선은 일본 의사면허를 받고, 또 도쿄제대 피부과에서 1년간 연구생활을 하였다. 오긍선은 세전에서 외국인 의사와 한국인 학생 사이에서 온갖 업무를 담당하였다. 오긍선은 피부생식기과 교실의 주임으로, 일상적인 질병, 전염병 예방에서 자신의 진료 경험을 바탕으로 화류병(花柳病, 성병) 방지를 위한 폐창(廢娼) 운동을 전개하였다. 폐창운동은 윤리도덕, 건강상의 문제로 제기하여, 기독교 사회운동으로 추진하였다. 의학계몽활동은 1930년대 세전의 통속의학강연회로 발전하였다. 기독교 병원이었던 세브란스병원의 중요한 사회 활동이었다. 오긍선은 세전의 학감, 부학장을 거쳐, 에비슨의 뒤를 이어 제2대 교장이 되었다. 세전은 이때 일본 문부성의 의사양성학교로 인정받게 되었다. 오긍선은 에비슨을 비롯한 설립자들의 뜻을 이어 연희전문과 통합하여 종합대학으로 승격시키고자 하였다. 두 학교의 교장을 지냈던 에비슨이 가장 애를 썼던 현안을 계승한 것이었다. 오긍선은 세전을 연전이 있는 신촌 연희동 지역으로 옮기고자 하였다. 학교뿐 아니라 결핵요양소, 정신병원 등의 기관도 신촌 지역으로 이전하고자 하였다. 오긍선은 기독교 정신으로 사회사업과 사회운동을 행하였고, 세전의 교장으로 대학으로 나아가는 노력을 행하였다. 그는 의료체계는 물론이고 조선의 문화 발전을 위해 노력하였다. 그러나 일제의 침략전쟁의 광풍 속에서 친일의 길을 걷기도 하였다. Dr. Kung-Sun Oh (오긍선 吳兢善, 1878~1963) was a Korean dermatologist and a medical missionary of the Presbyterian Church of the U.S. (PCUS). In 1912, he joined the faculty of Severance Union Medical College in Seoul. When the college was authorized by the Government-general of Chosen in 1917, Dr. Oh had to acquire the Japanese medical license over his American medical license, in accordance to the requirements of the Chosen College Regulations of 1915 to serve as a college professor. Following a year of research in the dermatology department of Tokyo Imperial University Medical school, Dr. Oh assumed the helm of the college`s management affairs, effectively bridging the gap between the foreigners in the faculty and the Korean students. While serving as the chief lecturer of the Department of Dermatology and Urology, Dr. Oh initiated several public health awareness campaigns, ranging from prevention of common and contagious diseases to the abolition of prostitution to prevent the spread of venereal diseases. Dr. Oh`s campaign for abolition of prostitution was largely based on Christian social values, emphasizing the aspects for the ethical and public health concerns. Dr. Oh also engaged in numerous public awareness campaigns for medical science, which became the basis of the Popular Medical Science Lecture series at the Severance Union Medical College throughout the 1930s. After serving as the superintendent and the vice dean of the Severance Union Medical College, Dr. Oh became the second dean of the College in 1934 after the retirement of Dr. Oliver R. Avison, the first dean of the college. While serving his term, Dr. Oh carried on the initial plan inspired by Dr. Avison, in which the Chosen Christian College and the Severance Union Medical College would merge into a full-fledged university. Dr. Oh also devised the plan to relocate the Severance Union Medical College and other related facilities -including the sanitarium for tuberculosis patients and the mental asylum- to Yeonhui-dong region near the Chosen Christian College. Dr. Oh left many important legacies in modern Korean medical system, and his active engagement in many social works made a remarkable impact on the cultural aspects of modern Korean society. He could be also credited for the eventual foundation of Yonsei University, as shown in his efforts to merge the two colleges into a full-fledged university while serving as the dean of the Severance Union Medical College. It should be noted, however, that Dr. Oh was engaged in a handful of pro-Japanese activities in the 1940s, under the heavy pressure of the Japanese wartime oppression.

      • Do social security contributions subsidies reduce undeclared work?Evidence from korea

        김도형(Dohyung Kim) 한국재정학회 2017 한국재정학회 학술대회 논문집 Vol.2017 No.-

        Using an administrative panel data on over 300,000 …rms in Korea, we examine the e¤ects of the subsidy program for social security contributions on the number of workers covered by the social security. Exploiting variations in location and size of …rms which a¤ected eligibility for the program, we implement a di¤erence-in-di¤erences (DD) and a di¤erence-in-di¤erence-in-di¤erences (DDD) estimation in order to identify the e¤ect of subsidies. Our DD estimates show that the subsidy program increased the number of covered workers by 1.34 percentage point while the DDD estimates indicate an increase in the number of covered workers by 0.71%. These estimates are smaller in size than those reported in previous studies implying massive deadweight losses from the subsidy program. The minimal e¤ects and large deadweight losses of the subsidy scheme may be explained by the design features of the subsidy program in Korea.

      • 한국 근대 민족주의의 발전과 實學

        김도형(Kim, Dohyung) 연세대학교 강진다산실학연구원 2016 다산과현대 Vol.9 No.-

        Modern history of Korea was a development process of nationalism. Nationalism formed in the forced order of Japanese imperialism was the driving force which prevented invasions from foreign nations and tried to reform Korea into a modern society. Formation of nationalism was aprocess of securing the homogeneity of Korean ethnicity. Nationalism could be easily formed in Korea as Korea has maintained ethnic and cultural homogeneity in its history for a long time. Especially, Silhak (實學, Practical and Realist School of Confucianism) which appeared in late Chosun dynasty criticized Sinocentric Huayilun or Hwayiron in Korean pronunciation (華夷論, Theory of the Civilized and the Barbarians) while elucidating excellence of Korean culture, and the historical studies by Silhak became the very foundation of nationalism. Those who paid attention to social reform theory and history of Silhak under the invasion of imperialism were Eun Sik Park, Ji Yeon Jang and Chae Ho Shin, who planned reforms by compounding New Studies of the West and traditional Old Studies in Korea and established nationalism by succeeding to historical studies of Silkhak School. Spirit for Motherland and patriotism for the nation state to save it from the crisis of colonization was the very core of nationalism and they sought out them in the history. Nationalist history was succeeded to by In Bo Jung in 1930s, who defined traditional academic studies of Korea as ‘Heohak (虛學, Void Studies)’ while emphasizing ‘Silhak (實學)’ and taking note of Yangmingxue (陽明學) as its academic study. He designated ‘spirit of Chosun’ as the spirit of Korean people which had been succeeded in Korean history and consider it as the very essence of history. In Bo Jung tried to solve the problems of Korean people through academic movements to recreate Silhak. While Eun Sik Park and Chae Ho Shin paid major attention to historical theories of Silhak and established them into theory of nationalism, In Bo jung also took additional note of the nature of social reforms of Silhak and developed it into popular academic movements, orienting toward a new theory of nationalism.

      • KCI등재

        일본 지자체의 행복한 지역발전을 위한 주민행복도 지표 개발 및 측정 - 도쿄도 아라카와구와 구마모토현 사례를 중심으로 -

        김도형 ( Dohyung Kim ) 한국정책학회 2016 韓國政策學會報 Vol.25 No.3

        본 연구에서는 일본에서 행복한 지역발전정책을 선진적으로 추진하는 지자체를 선정해자체적으로 개발ㆍ측정하고 있는 주민행복도 지표에 대해 개발의 배경, 구성 체계, 측정 방법 등을 중심으로 살펴보았다. 사례 분석의 대상이 되는 지역은 주민의 행복을 행정의 최우선 목표로 삼고 있는 지자체로서 일본 내에서도 좋은 모델로 인정받고 있는 지역을 선별해 기초지자체는 도쿄도의 아라카와구를, 광역지자체의 경우 구마모토현을 선정하였다. 이들 두 지자체의 사례 분석을 통해 지역발전정책의 패러다임이 ‘경제성장’에서 ‘행복체감’으로 전환되어 가고 있으며, 주민들에게 살기 좋다고 인정받는 지역에는 매력적인 자치단체장이 존재한다는 점을 확인할 수 있었다. 행복한 지역발전정책의 성공적인 추진을 위해서는, 내재적 선의 관점에서 행복이란 무엇인지에 대한 깊이 있는 성찰로 주민행복도 지표를 개발하고 이에 기초한 행복도 조사를 지자체 차원에서 실시할 필요가 있다. 또한 이제는 가족과 육아를 고려한 지역발전정책을 고민해야 할 시점으로, 건강한 가족 공동체를 강화하고 육아하기 좋은 환경을 조성하려는 노력이 실제화 되어야 할 것으로 판단된다. This study selected the local government in Japan that carry forward regional development policy to pursue residents`` happiness in advance, and this study analyzes on the development background, framework and measurement method of the resident``s happiness index of these local governments. The standard of selection is the local government that makes residents`` happiness the first priority aim in administrative operation and this region was achieved recognition as good model in Japan. Both regions that meet these requirements were selected. One is Arakawa City in Tokyo Metropolis as primary local government and the other is Kumamoto Prefecture as regional local government. Thorough comparative case study of these two local governments, we can see the paradigm of regional development policy is diverted from economic growth to sentiment of happiness, and also there is the attractive chief of local government in liveable region the residents admit. For successful regional development policy to pursue residents`` happiness, through the deep reflection for happiness in the perspective of internal goods, it requires development of the resident``s happiness index, and also it requires survey of residents`` happiness at local government dimension. This study concluded that now is the time that we should take account of regionnal development policy considering family and infant care, and it requires the effort that strengthen the healthy family community and make good environment for infant care.

      • 조선해양 CAD 에서 배관 라이브러리 정보의 국제 표준 기반 변환

        김도형(Dohyung Kim),한순흥(Soonhung Han) (사)한국CDE학회 2014 한국 CAD/CAM 학회 학술발표회 논문집 Vol.2014 No.2

        Due to the fast increase of offshore project, the need for design model exchange is growing. Owners frequently designate preferred CAD system to be used during the design and production phase in the contract. Shipyards have to use the designated CAD system even though they are not familiar with. Furthermore, the introduction of new CAD system and the design data migration from the legacy CAD system increase the needs of model data exchange. In order to correctly exchange model data, it is essential to build a consistent library before exchanging design models, and this can be achieved by establishing the neutral library which refers to the international standard. In this paper, we propose a method to translate piping library data from AVEVA Marine to the library of Intergraph SM3D through a neutral library which refers to the international standard based on material classification code. Library translation with reference to the international standard can be the basis of independent library which is independent from commercial CAD systems.

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