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      • KCI등재

        대학캠퍼스의 소리풍경에 관한 자연과 사회문화의 현상 비교 연구

        한명호,한명호,이재홍,박현구 한국문화융합학회 2022 문화와 융합 Vol.44 No.4

        This study compares and analyzes the phenomena and characteristics of soundscapes of university campuses that have different geographic locations, sizes, natural environments, and historical and traditional cultures, and aims to examine how it is identified and meaningful, and how it is involved in the formation of the sound environment or the atmosphere or image of the campus from the idea of soundscape. The listening survey was made to compare the phenomenon of the soundscape of the university campus. University members belonging to Chonnam national university, Suncheon national university, and Songwon university campuses located in Gwangju and Jeonnam area were directly visited and interviewed on 5 items of personal attributes and 16 items related to soundscape. As results, the sound environment of the university campus consists of natural sound, mechanical sound, social sound, signal sound, and quietness, among which natural sound and social sound showed the most frequency. The rich natural sounds such as the sound of water and birdsong, and the social sounds of various life and activities experienced by university members, represent the identity and diversity of the soundscape of each campus. From the soundscape of the campus, it is necessary to expand the thinking of the preservation of the environment, including the natural and cultural environment, and it is necessary to transmit the unique sound environment and culture of the university called campus-like. University members themselves basically realize the existence and preciousness of the sound environment and cultural resources of the campus.

      • KCI등재

        거리경관에 대한 청각적 이미지의 평가구조 - 대학생들의 음풍경 체험을 통한 의미론적 고찰 -

        한명호,Han Myung-Ho 한국음향학회 2005 韓國音響學會誌 Vol.24 No.8

        이 연구의 목적은 사운드스케이프의 의미론적 관점에 기초하여 도시의 거리경관에 관한 청각적 이미지의 평가구조를 파악하는 것이다. 캡션평가법이라는 새로운 환경심리조사수법을 이용하여 2001년부터 2005년까지 총45명의 대학생이 남원시의 주요 거리를 걸으면서 듣고 느끼는 소리의 이미지 파악을 위한 현장조사에 참가하고, 그 결과 청각적 경관에 대한 요소, 특징, 인상 및 선호도 등을 포함한 다양한 자료를 얻을 수 있었다. 남원시에 있어서, 청각적 이미지의 구성 요소는 자연음, 그리고 기계음, 사회음, 지시음 등을 포함한 인공음으로 분류되고, 청각적 경관의 특징은 소리종류, 양태, 상황, 성질, 주변관계, 이미지 등으로, 그리고 청각적 경관의 인상은 인간의 감성, 거리의 분위기, 소리 자체의 특성이라는 3가지 카테고리로 분류된다. 청각적 경관과 판단과의 관계로 부터, 청각적 경관의 요소, 특징, 인상 등은 긍정적, 중립적, 부정적 이미지 등의 항목으로 구성된다. 또한, 남원시의 거리경관의 평가구조모델로부터 그 장소 또는 공간의 청각적 이미지특성을 파악할 수 있었다. The purpose of this study is to interpret the evaluation structure of auditory images about streetscapes in urban area on the basis of the semantic view of soundscapes. Using the caption evaluation method. which is a new method, from 2001 to 2005, a total of 45 college students participated in a fieldwork to find out the images of sounds while walking on the main streets of Namwon city. It was able get various data which include elements, features, impressions, and preferences about auditory scene. In Namwon city, the elements of the formation of auditory images are classified into natural sound and artificial sound which include machinery sounds, community sounds. and signal sounds. Also, the features of the auditory scene are classified by kind of sound, behavior, condition, character, relationship of circumference and image. Finally, the impression of auditory scene is classified into three categories, which are the emotions of humans, atmosphere of the streets, and the characteristics of the sound itself. From the relationship between auditory scene and estimation, the elements, features and impressions of auditory scene consist of the items which are positive, neutral, and negative images. Also, it was able to grasp the characteristics of auditory image of place or space through the evaluation model of streetscapes in Namwon city.

      • KCI등재

        음환경의 쾌적성에 관한 의미구조의 분석 III -유쾌음의 이미지와 선호도-

        한명호,김선우 한국음향학회 1998 韓國音響學會誌 Vol.17 No.6

        쾌적한 음환경을 창조하기 위해서는 무엇보다도 음이 갖는 심리적 속성과 인지구조 를 파악하는 것이 중요하다. 이 연구는 여러 가지 환경음중에서 유쾌음에 대한 심리적 속성, 그리고 그 속성과 음과의 관계를 정성적으로 파악하는데 목적을 두고 있다. 특히, 음에 대한 감정 및 정서표현에 사회문화적 차이가 있다는 점을 감안하여 한국어 표현어를 심층적으로 조사·분석하고, 36종류의 표현어와 34종류의 유쾌음에 대해서 평정척도법을 이용한 심리평 가 실험을 실시하였다. 실험의 분석결과, 유쾌음의 심리적 속성은 활동성, 안정성, 박력성의 3가지 요인이 중요한 요인으로 밝혀졌다. 또한, 음과 표현어사이의 관계를 파악하기 위해 다 차원척도법을 이용한 선호도분석에 의해서 3가지 요인과 음과의 관계를 파악해 보았다. 이 결과는 유쾌음에 대한 평가시 중요한 심리적 속성으로서, 음의 물리적 평가방법 및 음환경 의 쾌적성 창조를 위한 중요한 실마리를 제공해 줄 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        도시공간의 쾌적 음환경 창조를 위한 사운드스케이프 디자인 연구 : 음환경을 배려한 거주환경의 정비방안Ⅰ Planning Method of Residential Environment for Sound EnvironmentⅠ

        한명호 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.19 No.4

        The aim of this study is to find out the planning methods of residential environment for sound amenity based on the concept of soundscape. Using the questionnaire survey in Namwon city, it was investigated the residents' consciousness of amenity and sound environment in residential areas, and analysed the importance and relationship between them. In this research, the factors of amenity are consisted of comfort, intimacy, modernity, health, vitality, and naturalness. Also, the group of sounds matching the surrounding are classified into natural sounds, artificial sounds(noise), traditional sounds, and working sounds(noise). The importance of sound group for amenity of residential area correspond to the order of natural sounds, traditional sounds, and working sounds. In order to improve the amenity of urban space in Namwon city, there is a necessity for considering the urban planning to manage natural sounds and traditional sounds. And artificial sounds and working sounds are playing a major part in improving vitality as one of the amenity factors.

      • KCI등재

        조선후기 단원 김홍도의 풍속화에 묘사된 소리풍경

        한명호,박현구 한국생활환경학회 2020 한국생활환경학회지 Vol.27 No.2

        This study aims to re-examine the meaning and the characteristics of the auditory elements depicted in the genre paintings of Danwon Kim Hong-do, which starts from the emotional thinking to create consideration or mood for the auditory elements of the times. The auditory elements depicted in his genre paintings are mainly composed of natural and social sounds, and the social sounds describe the life of the common people. The natural sounds consist of the sound by water, bird, and animal, and the social sounds of various socio-cultural elements such as music in relation with instruments, dance, conversations in the daily life, discipleship, commanding and shouting, children’s sounds, sales, living tool, work and labor, feeding and cooking, studying, training, and the sound of footsteps. He describes frequently conversation, work and labor in the soundscape of the daily life of the common people in the era of the late Joseon Dynasty. In particular, he captures the lives of the people and the landscape of the city, as emotional expressions of the five senses, conveying not only musical inspiration but also the aroma of life.

      • 응급 괴사조직 제거술을 병행하여 치료한 원발성 비브리오 패혈증 15예

        신규태,이이형,황성철,김명욱,김명성,김관식,이선민,마경애,한명호 대한감염학회 1997 감염 Vol.29 No.4

        목적: 비브리오 패혈증은 병력, 해산물의 생식력, 피부 병변의 분포 및 특징을 고려하면 임상적으로 진단이 가능하며, 종래의 항생제 치료만으로는 48시간 이내의 사망률이 60%정도되는 전격적인 경과를 취한다. 이에 연구자들은 항생제의 투여와 함께 광범위한 응급 괴사조직 제거술을 병행하는 치료가 질병의 경과에 영향을 주는지 알아보고자 하였다. 방법: 1994년 5월부터 1997년 4월까지 아주대학교 병원에 내원하여 임상적으로 비브리오 패혈증을 진단받은 15예(세균학적으로 증명된 8예를 포함)를 대상으로 하여 병합 항생제의 투여와 응급 괴사조직 제거술을 병행하여 치료하였다. 결과: 1) 15예중 8예에서 나중에 세균학적을 증명되었고 소인으로는 간경변 2예, 만성 간 질환 또는 음주벽 10예, 당뇨병 3예, 위절제술 1예가 있었고 4예에서는 기저 질환을 찾을 수 없었다. 2) 모든 환자는 피부 병변을 가지고 있었고, 1예를 제외한 모든 환자에서 저혈압, 혈소판 감소증, 간 부전, 신부전 및 의식혼돈을 보이고 있었고 평균 APACHE Ⅲ score(Acute Physiology, Age, Chronic Health Evaluation score Ⅲ)는 84점이었다. 3) 15예중 2예에서는 응급 수술을 시행하지 못했다. 1예에서는 전신에 괴저(gangrene)가 있었으며 1예에서는 전신에 산발적인 수포가 있어 절제범위가 너무 넓어져서 시행하지 못했다. 4) 전체 환자의 48시간 이내의 생존율은 80%(12/15명)였고, 장기 생존율은 66.6%(10/15명)였으며 세균학적으로 확진된 경우도 48시간 이내 생존율은 75%(6/8명)였고, 장기 생존율은 62.5%(5/8명)였다. 5) 사망한 군에서 생존한 군보다 내원 24시간 이내의 APACHE Ⅲ score가 높았고 혈청 알부민이 낮았다. 결론: 대조군이 없어 응급 괴사조직 제거술의 예후에 대한 영향을 증명할 수는 없었지만, 본 연구는 문헌상의 대조군을 고려해본다면 병합 항생제 투여와 함께 응급 괴사조직 제거술을 병행하는 것이 비브리오 패혈증으로 인한 단기, 장기 생존율을 향상시킬 가능성을 보여주었고 또한 혈청 알부민이나 APACHE Ⅲ score가 예후를 평가하는데 도움이 됨을 보였으나 이러한 가능성은 대조군이나 더 많은 증례에 의한 검증이 필요할 것으로 사료된다. Background:To evaluate the role of emergency debridement performed in conjunction with an empirical antibiotic therapy in clinically diagnosed, full-blown Vibrio vulnificus sepsis. Methods:Immediate surgical debridement was performed on 13 out of 15 patients who were clinically diagnosed as having Vibrio vulnificus sepsis. Results:Among 15 patients clinically diagnosed Vibrio vulnificus sepsis, Vibrio vulnificus was isolated in 8 patients. Underlying diseases were liver cirrhosis(2), chronic alcohol ingestion or chronic liver disease(10), diabetes mellitus(3), gastrectomy(1) and in 4 cases no underlying condition was identified. All patients had skin lesions such as erythema, bulla, vesicle and gangrene. All but one initially showed variable degree of hypotension, thrombocytopenia, hepatic dysfunction, renal failure and mental confusion. Their mean APACHE Ⅲ score was 84. Immediate survival (within 48hrs) in clinically diagnosed Vibrio sepsis was 80(12/15)% and long term survival rate among them was 66.6%. Forry eight hour survival rate in bacteriologically confirmed cases of Vibrio vulnificus sepsis was 75%, where their long term survival was 62.5% Conclusion:In treating full-blown Vibrio vulnificus sepsis, immediate emergency surgical debridement performed in conjunction with the empirical antibiotics gives a possibility to improve both immediate and long term prognosis of the disease.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        젊은 한국 여성에 있어서 상안검의 계측학적 연구

        권성택,한명호 大韓成形外科學會 1992 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.19 No.6

        It is clear that statistical data alone cannot produce good promising results. Especially in the field of cosmetic surgery, the average value of anatomy does not mean the standard goal of surgery. Yet, statistical data may find its place to be one of the references. For the double eye lid operation, because of its popularity, the statistical data were introduced with the hope of their help in surgery. to be helpful, the measurement was made not by the absolute value but by a relative one with reference of the width of the eye. 500 persons were photographed at both closing and opening positions of eye. and were divided into 3 groups: Group Ⅰ: Who have apparant double fold line when closing and opening positions of both eyes.(248 in number) Group Ⅱ: Who have double fold line when closing only.(152 in number) Group Ⅲ: Who have no double fold line.(100 in number) For the size, shape, length, wiclth of the double fold line, our data couldn't show the statistically significant difference among 3 groups. the only difference was found in the width of the eye opening between groupⅡ and Ⅲ. This result leads us to think that the laxity of the upper eye lid might be one of the consideration points before and during the double eye operation.

      • KCI등재

        거리경관에 대한 시각적 이미지의 평가구조

        한명호 대한건축학회 2005 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.21 No.12

        The purpose of this study is to find out the evaluation structure of visual images about streetscapes in urban area. Using the caption evaluation method, which is a new method, from 2001 to 2005, a total of 45 college students participated in a fieldwork on the main streets of Namwon city. Resulting from this, it was obtained various visual data which include elements, features, impressions, and estimation(preference). In Namwon city, the elements of visual image consist of buildings, location/space, constructions, things/objects, humans, and nature. The features of visual images consist of appearance, scale, extent, existence/composition, image, situation, and function/relationship. The impressions of visual images consist of atmosphere, emotion, personality, esthetic sense, formation, size, safety, convenience, pace, and use. From the relationships between each element of formation and estimation(preference), it was found that the elements, features and impressions of the visual images individually consist of positive, neutral, and negative images. Also, it was able to grasp the characteristics of visual image of place or space through the evaluation model of streetscapes in Namwon city.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Modified Free Wrap-around flap을 이용한 수무지 재건술

        최영화,황치원,정병훈,한명호 대한성형외과학회 1992 Archives of Plastic Surgery Vol.19 No.3

        The thumb is the most important part in the hand and its loss results in severely diminished function of the hand for pinch and grasp. There are several microsurgical and other methods to reconstruct and amputated or lost thumb such as toe-to-thumb transfer1)2)9) as well as several varieties of flaps. Among them, a free wrap around flap taken from the big toe, including the nail and an iliac bone graft as the cone of the reconstruction was a quite satisfactory procedure, but there were some problems. We performed a free wrap around flap on traumatically missing thumb with modification to include all part of the distal phalanx without iliac bone graft. The resorption and atrophy of a grafted iliac bone, a constant problem with Morrison's original procedure8), could be prevented by the modified method. The donor site defects were covered by remained medial flap for weight bearing area first, and full thickness skin graft for remained defected area. The results were good cosmetically and functionally without significant problems.

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