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      • KCI등재후보

        삼각섬유연골 복합체 척골와 파열의 수술 기법: 관절경을 통한 비매듭성 봉합술

        김재광,김재광 대한수부외과학회 2014 대한수부외과학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        Knotless repair of triangular fibrocartilage complex has several advantages. All procedures for triangular fibrocartilage complex repair could be done under arthroscopy in this technique. In addition, this technique allows for repair of deep layers of triangular fibrocartilage complex down to fovea of the ulnar head. This article describes arthroscopic repair of the Palmer type 1B triangular fibro- cartilage complex tear using arthroscopic knotless technique. 비매듭성 봉합은 삼각섬유연골 복합체 파열의 치료에 몇 가지 장점이 있는데, 봉합을 위한 모든 과정을 관절경하에서시행하는 것이 가능하고 삼각섬유연골 복합체의 심부 파열 시 척골와에 직접 봉합하는 것이 가능하다. 본 논문은 삼각섬유연골 복합체가 Palmer type 1B의 형태로 척골와에서 파열 시 비매듭성 봉합 나사못을 이용한 수술적 봉합 방법에대해 기술하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        Properties of N-butyl-N-methyl-pyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl) imide based electrolytes as a function of lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl) imide doping

        김재광,임두현,Johan Scheers,Jagath Pitawala,Susanne Wilken,Patrik Johansson,안주현,Aleksandar Matic,Per Jacobsson 한국전기화학회 2011 한국전기화학회지 Vol.14 No.2

        In this study we have investigated the Li-ion coordination, thermal behavior and electrochemical stability of N-butyl-N-methyl-pyrrolidinium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (Py_14TFSI) with lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfony)imide (LiTFSI) doping intended for use as electrolytes for lithium batteries. The ionic conductivity is reduced and glass transition temperature (T_g) increases with LiTFSI doping concentration. Also, the electrochemical stability increases with LiTFSI doping. A high LiTFSI doping could enhance the electrochemical stability of electrolytes for lithium batteries, whereas the decrease in the ionic conductivity limits the capacity of the battery.

      • KCI등재후보
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        다낭성 신질환을 동반한 선천성 간 섬유화증 1예

        김재광,김현수,정규원,김보경,최황,최명규,선희식,문성배,함태호,김용균,김병욱 대한소화기내시경학회 1999 Clinical Endoscopy Vol.19 No.5

        Congenital hepatic fibrosis is a developmental abnormality that may appear either sporadically or in a familial form. It is an inherited disease defined pathologically by bands of fibrous tissue within the liver, and is occasionally associated with cystic kidney disease. A 21-year-old woman was admitted to our hospital for evaluation of pancytopenia. She showed esophageal varices, hepatomegaly and splenomegaly, but had normal results on her liver function test. Peripheral stigmata of chronic liver disease such as palmar erythema or spider angioma was not found. Hepatosplenomegaly, polycystic kidney and psoas muscle cyst were detected through an abdominal CT and MRI. The patient is diagnosis was confirmed as congenital hepatic fibrosis using laparoscopic liver biopsy. The first case of congenital hepatic fibrosis associated with polycystic kidney disease in Korea is herein reported.

      • 성견 치근이개부 병소에서 흡수성 차폐막의 치주조직재생에 미치는 영향에 대한 조직병리학적 연구

        김재광,임성빈,정진형,이종헌,Kim, Jae-Kwang,Lim, Sung-Bin,Chung, Chin-Hyung,Lee, Chong-Heon 대한치주과학회 2002 Journal of Periodontal & Implant Science Vol.32 No.1

        The present study evaluated the effects of guided tissue regeneration using xenograft material(deproteinated bovine bone powder), with and without biodegradable membrane in beagle dogs. Contralateral fenestration defects (6 ${\times}$ 4mm) were created 4 mm apical to the buccal alveolar crest of maxillary premolar teeth in 5 beagle dogs. Deproteinated bovine bone powders were implanted into fenestration defect and one randomly covered biodegradable membrane (experimental group). Biodegradable membrane was used to provide GTR. Tissue blocks including defects with soft tissues which were harvested following four & eight weeks healing interval, prepared for histo-phathologic analysis. The results of this study were as follows. 1. In control group, at 4 weeks after surgery, new bony trabecular contacted with interstitial tissue and osteocytes like cell were arranged in new bony trabecule. Bony lamellation was not observed. 2. In control gruop, at 8 weeks after surgery, scar-like interstitial tissue was filled defect and bony trabecule form lamellation. New bony trabecular was contacted with interstitial tissue but defect was not filled yet. 3. In experimental group, at 4 weeks after surgery, new bony trabecular partially recovered around damaged bone. But new bony trabecular was observed as irregularity and lower density. 4. In experimental group, at 8 weeks after surgery, lamella bone trabecular developed around bone cavity and damaged tissue was replaced with dense interstitial tissue. In conclusion, new bone formation regenerated more in experimental than control groups and there was seen observe more regular bony trabecular in experimental than control groups at 4 weeks after surgery. In control group, at 8 weeks after surgery, the defects was filled with scar-like interstitial tissue but, in experimental group, the defects was connected with new bone. Therefore xenograft material had osteoconduction but could not fill the defects. We thought that the effective regeneration of periodontal tissue, could be achieved using GTR with biodegradable membrane.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        항만 등 국가중요시설 민간경비체계의 법적 문제와 개선방안

        김재광 한국비교공법학회 2019 공법학연구 Vol.20 No.1

        At present, the guard for critical facilities are covered by the private police and special security guard. Its legal grounds are “Registered Security Guard Act”, “Secutiry Services Industry Act”, and “United Defense Act” etc.. In the case of ports, “International Ship and Port Facility Security Act” shall be applied. The problems for private security guard system on the critical facilities are as followings: cooperation between private security guard and public police, new threats such as drone terrors and cyber- attacks, port security system. In order to improve private security guard system for critical facilities in terms of law, strengthening cooperation between private security guard and police, integrating laws related to private security guard, countermeasures against new threats, and maintaining security system of ports are to be considered. Ensuring the public security and order is national task, and is placed under the power monopoly by state in current laws. Therefore, the actual privatization of the national obligation for risk prevention is not possible under the Constitution. However, if the monopoly of power by the state is not understood as the possibility or monopoly using the physical force by the state, but as a monopoly of law enforcement for applying the laws for legal peace, the practical functional privatization of risk prevention with the form of contracting out can be possible under Constitution. 국가중요시설은 위해상황에 노출되었을 때, 국력에 중대한 피해상황으로 작용하고 국민생활 전반에 심각한 영향을 미치게 되는 시설로, 평상시 및 비상시 외부의 위협이나 범죄로부터 방호가 필요한 중요한 시설로 인식되고 있으므로 국가중요시설에 대한 안전관리는 중요한 부분이라 할 수 있다. 현재 국가중요시설에 대한 경비는 청원경찰과 특수경비원이 담당하고 있는데, 그 법적 근거로는 청원경찰법, 경비업법, 통합방위법 등이 있고, 항만의 경우에는 「국제항해선박 및 항만시설의 보안에 관한 법률」도 법적 근거가 된다. 항만은 선박의 안전한 출입과 정박, 여객과 화물의 안전하고 신속한 승․하선, 선박에 실을 화물과 선박에서 내린 화물의 안전한 보관을 위한 장소로서 해상물류에서 육상물류로 연결되는 연결점이다. 항만의 방호를 위한 치안인력으로 경찰, 청원경찰법상 청원경찰과 경비업법상 특수경비원이 있는데, 이들은 동종의 경비를 담당하므로 경비인력의 이원화가 이루어져 있다. 부산항만공사와 인천항만공사의 경우 경비업법상 특수경비업무를 수행하는 경비업자이다. 여객선터미널의 보안검색업무를 중점적으로 담당하고 있지만 민간경비를 통한 항만시설의 안전관리에 있어서 전문성 있는 경비요원의 배치와 이를 위한 인력운용의 패러다임이 변화되어야 한다. 항만보안의 대상에는 안전사고 뿐만아니라 범죄와 테러도 포함된다. 마약류 등 금지물품의 반입, 밀항 및 밀수, 환경범죄, 화물 도난, 불법 수출 등 매우 광범위한 위협요소를 내포하고 있다. 이러한 항만보안의 특성에 따라 이를 수행하는 보안인력의 전문성이 일반 시설의 보안경비업무와는 차별화되어야 한다는 주장도 제기되고 있다. 항만의 경비인력인 청원경찰과 특수경비원 모두 제도적으로 적지 않은 문제점을 가지고 있다. 먼저 청원경찰에 관한 문제점으로는 ① 법적 지위와 관련한 문제점, ② 청원경찰의 직무상 의무와 징계책임에 관한 문제점, ③ 구체적 직무 및 권한범위 문제점, ④ 채용의 공정성문제점, ⑤ 교육의 문제점, ⑥ 특수경비원과의 관계정립의 문제점 등을 들 수 있다. 다음으로 특수경비원의 문제점으로는 ① 특수경비원의 보수문제, ② 특수경비원의 자격문제, ③ 교육훈련체계의 문제점 등을 들 수 있다. 항만 등 국가중요시설 민간경비체계의 법적 문제점으로 첫째, 민간경비와 경찰의 협력문제, 둘째, 민간경비 관련법제 이원화문제, 셋째, 새로운 위협 –드론테러, 사이버공격 - 에 대한 대응문제, 넷째, 항만보안 경비체계문제 등을 분석하였다. 항만 등 국가중요시설 민간경비체계의 법적 개선방안으로는 첫째, 민간경비와 경찰의 협력강화방안, 둘째, 민간경비 관련법제 통폐합방안, 셋째, 새로운 위협에 대한 대응방안, 넷째, 항만경비의 체계정비방안 등을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재


        김재광,김용대 한국통계학회 2003 Journal of the Korean Statistical Society Vol.32 No.2

        Properties of stochastic regression imputation are discussed under the uniform within-cell response model. Variance estimator is proposed and its asymptotic properties are discussed. A limited simulation is also presented.

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