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      • KCI등재

        참깨 검은무늬병 및 잎마름병에 관한 연구

        김홍기,박종성,유승헌,강여규 한국균학회 1981 韓國菌學會誌 Vol.9 No.4

        Survey of sesame crop in the cultivators' field in the district of Daejeon, Yuseong, Sintanjin, Nonsan and Keumsan revealed that Alternaria and Corynespora blights of sesame were wide spread and caused severe damage to sesame plants. Symptoms of a new disease of sesame in Korea caused by Alteraria sesami were spreading, dark-brown to black, water-soaked lesions which often could be traced the entire length of the stem. In severe infections, several lesions coalesced together involving a major portion of the blade and the infected leaves dried and usually dropped off. Symptoms of Corynespora blight, caused by Corynespora cassiicola, were irregular shaped, concentricallyzoned, light brown to reddish brown lesions which later coalesced and caused defoliation. Stem lesions were long, reddish brown streaks that often coalesced, blighting the plants. The optimum temperatures for mycelial growth of A. sesami and C. cassiicola were about 27℃ and sporulations of these 2 fungi were stimulated under alternating light and darkness. Mycelial growth and sporulation of A. sesami and C. cassiicola were the greatest on sesame oatmeal agar (SOA) and potato dextrose agar(PDA), respectively.

      • KCI등재

        윌리엄 카를로스 윌리엄즈의 초기시와 모더니티의 시적 표현

        김홍기 21세기영어영문학회 2018 영어영문학21 Vol.31 No.2

        William Carlos Williams discovers significant sources of inspiration in the revolutionary avant-garde movements, in particular, Dada and Surrealism. He tries to pursue the experimentalist innovations in them for his own poetic needs. Williams’s desire to establish an indigenous American poetic work is compatible with his avant-gardist experimentation with objets trouvés. Williams puts forth his greatest effort into dedicating himself to hearing the voices and understanding the lives of marginalized people he comes across, and he translates his observations with poetic language freed from their instrumental contexts. His early poetry written from the 1910s to 1930s betrays American social ruination, and his goal to give voice to the conflictual and fragmentary character of modernity is carried out by the Surrealist formulation of montage. In that formulation, the dialectical image not merely becomes a central trope for deciphering the myth of modernity, but it functions as both subject and object in the historiographic narratives of Walter Benjamin and Williams. Objets trouvés and dialectical images become the most pivotal tropes that do justice to the diverse facets of social reality Williams attempts to disclose throughout his career as a modernist poet.

      • KCI등재

        한국기업의 해외투자패턴에 대한 연구 : 전자 및 자동차기업을 중심으로

        김홍기 韓獨經商學會 1999 經商論叢 Vol.17 No.2

        Das zentrale Anliegen vorliegender Arbeit ist die Erforschung des Wahlver-haltens koreanischer Unternehmungen zwischen vier strategischen Alternativender Direktinvestition, namlich Akqvisition versus Neugriindung bzw. Tochter-gesellschaft versus Joint Venture, aus betriebswirtschaftlich-empirischer Sicht. Hinsichtlich der Wahl zwischen Akquisition und Neugr?ndung wurden folgende Tendenzen gefunden: In den Industrielaindern ist das strategische Schwergewicht in den letzten Jahren von Neugr?ndungen zu Akquisitionen?bergangen, wahrend in den Entwicklungslandern eindeutig Neugr?ndungenbevorzugt werden. Die koreanischen Unternehmungen versuchen durch die ?bernahme der High-Tech-Unternehmungen in den Industrieladern vor allemihre technologische und veifriebstechnische Wissensl?tcke schnell zu beseitigen, Die Gr?lrlde f?r den Aufkauf in den Entwicklungslandern liegen dagegen in del-schnellen Markteindringung und der Erzielung von kapazifatsbedtngten Skalen-effekten. Bei der Untersuchung der Beteiligungsquoten im Ausland wurde imlallgemeinen eine Vorrangstetlung der Tochtergesellschaften im Vergleich zuJoint Ventures ermittelt. In den Industrielandern stellt die 100%ige Tochtergesellschaft die mil Abstand vorherrscllende Beteilifungsfdrm dar. DicBegr?rldungen f?r die negativen Einstellungen zu Joint Ventures bei der Mehrheit der Unternehmungen ließen es plausibel erscheinen, daß die Praferenzzur Hierarchie-LOsung vor allen auf das durch einen hoben Anteil vonkonzerninternen Lieferungen bedingte relativ hohe Konfliktpotential zwischenden Partnern zur?ckzuf?hren ist. Die hauptslich in den Entwicklungslanderneingegangenen Joint Ventures sind In erster Lime durch die Nutzungs-mOglichkeit des landesspezschen Know-how des lokalen Partners motiviert.

      • KCI등재

        금융소비자 보호를 위한 집단소송제도의 개선방안 - 최근 증권관련 집단소송법의 개정 논의를 중심으로 -

        김홍기 한국상사법학회 2014 商事法硏究 Vol.33 No.2

        A class action is a lawsuit where a group of people in similar circumstances sues another party, usually consumers suing a large business. Although there are several criticisms to class actions(such as abusive class actions, adversely affected commerce, coupon settlement etc), class actions could offer a number of advantages because they aggregate a large number of individualized claims into one representational lawsuit. Class action originated in the United States and are still predominantly a U.S. phenomenon. But, the Korean government has been developing a series of legislation with the aim of facilitating the protection of consumers. Especially, in 2005, the Securities-related Class Action Act("SRCA", Act No. 7074) came into effect. This Act prescribe securities-related class actions in order to efficiently seek a relief for collective injuries caused in the course of trading securities. However, for the last 10 years after the enforcement of the SRCA, there have been only 7 class action suits in Korea. It means that there are many obstacles to make use of securities class actions properly. Therefore, several restrictions in SRCA should be abolished and/or amended in order to actually operate our securities class actions and protect the rights of minority investors. Herebelow, I suggest ways of improving class action system in Korea. First, the application and scope of the SRCA shall be extended farther. Article 3(Scope of Application) of the SRCA shall be extended to include all claims under Financial Investment Services and Capital Markets Act (“FISCMA”). Second, strict litigation requirements of SRCA shall be mitigated. As we reviewed in the article, Korean courts granted very little for the lack of requirements. Therefore Article 5(Appointment of Attorney) and Article 11(Requirements for Representative Party and Attorney) shall be mitigated and amended to ease access for financial consumers suffered from illegal practices. Third, substantial incentive, such as attorney fees, shall be provided for the lead plaintiff and/or lead counsel. It appears that proper contingency fee arrangements will might be helpful for injured and its attorney.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 증권관련집단소송의 현황과 개선과제

        김홍기 한국경제법학회 2012 경제법연구 Vol.11 No.2

        A class action suit is a form of lawsuit in which a large group of people collectively bring a claim to court and/or in which a class of defendants is being sued. The primary benefit of securities class action is that the result of the lawsuit will bind those who have not actually participated in the lawsuit, thereby providing an efficient means of giving relief to a larger class. In January 2005, Korean government enacted an Act on Securities Class Action(the "Act"). Its aim is to protect the rights of minority investors, and to deter corporate wrongdoing and encourage transparency, which will eventually encourage greater investment into the corporation. However, for the last 8(eight) years after the enforcement of the Act, there have been only 5 class action suits in Korea. All of these make it seem rather meaningless to have a class action system. It means that there are many obstacles to make use of securities class actions properly. Therefore, I suggest that several restrictions in our securities class actions should be amended in order to actually operate our securities class actions and protect the rights of minority investors. First, the class action suits shall be flexibly operated in courts. Second, substantial incentive, such as attorney fees, shall be provided for the lead plaintiff and/or lead counsel. Third, requirement for being lead counsel under Article 11(3) of the Act shall be abolished. Forth, application scope and requirement for securities class action suit in the Act shall be mitigated shortly. 금융환경이 복잡해지면서 투자자들이 다양한 금융상품에 집단적으로 노출되어 분쟁이 발생하는 상황이 증가하고 있다. 그러나 대부분 그 피해액이 소액이어서 피해자들이 직접 손해배상을 청구하는 것을 기대하기가 어렵고, 공동소송 등 기존의 소송제도를 이용할 경우에는 그 절차와 진행과정이 복잡하여서 소액투자자의 집단적 분쟁을 효율적으로 해결하기는 어렵다. 이러한 상황에서 투자자 대표가 구성원 전체를 위해서 소송을 제기하고 그 판결의 효력이 투자자 전체에 미치도록 하는 집단소송이 주목을 받고 있다. 2005년 1월 1일부터 시행되고 있는 「증권관련집단소송법」은 증권분야에서 소액투자자들의 집단적 피해를 효율적으로 구제하고 기업경영의 투명성을 높이려는 목적에서 제정되었다. 그러나 증권관련집단소송법이 시행된지 8년차에 이른 지금까지 국내에서 제기된 증권관련집단소송은 모두 5건에 불과하여, 입법 당시에 제기되었던 남소(濫訴)의 우려를 무색케 하고 있다. 이러한 통계는 증권관련집단소송제도가 당초의 입법취지와는 달리 제대로 기능을 하고 있지 못하다는 사실을 보여주는 것이다. 남소 등 증권관련집단소송의 부정적인 측면도 주의해야겠지만, 현재까지드러난 상황에서는 증권관련집단소송법의 도입 당시에 합의된 입법취지를 제대로 살리려는 노력이 필요하다. 집단소송제도의 도입취지를 제대로 살리기 위해서는 다음과 같은 운영이 필요하다. 첫째, 법원은 지나치게 엄격한 민사소송절차의 이념에 얽매이기 보다는 입법취지를 감안하여 유연하게 집단소송제도를 운영하여야 한다. 둘째, 집단소송제도가 기능을 하기 위해서는 단순히 제도적 보장을 제공하는 것만으로는 불충분하며, 소송을 제기하는 투자자들과 이를 대리하는 변호사에게 실질적인 인센티브를 제공할 필요가 있다. 셋째, 증권관련집단소송법 제11조 제3항의 원고측 소송대리인 제한요건을 완화할 필요가 있다. 이 제한은 남소를 우려한 것이었으나 우리나라의 실정상 현실적이지 못하다. 넷째, 증권관련집단소송의 적용범위를 확대할 필요가 있다. 남소를 우려하는 견해가 있지만 우리나라는 남소를 우려할 상황이 아니고 오히려 집단소송제도가 정상적으로 작동할 수 있는 제도적 환경이 마련되어야할 필요가 있다.

      • 1P-82 High Performance Photoimaging device using Multiple-Patterned Plasmonic Nanostructures

        김홍기,이윤호,이태경,송인호,곽상규,오준학 한국공업화학회 2017 한국공업화학회 연구논문 초록집 Vol.2017 No.1

        Insect eyes are composed of units called ommatidia which contains unique hierarchical structured cornea leading to efficient light absorption. Inspired by insect ommatidia, we fabricated photoimaging device consisting of organic photodiodes (OPDs) and organic resistive switching device (ORS). Multiple patterned plasmonic electrode was applied to OPDs, which lead to increased light absorption compared to flat electrodes. The responsivities of OPDs were greatly enhanced and the threshold voltages of the photoimaging device were reduced over half compared to flat electrode. The reproducibility of the device was also confirmed by bending test and multicycle usage test. Moreover, strong surface plasmon coupling of these nanostructured electrodes was observed by theoretical study and near-field scanning optical microscopy. From these results, it has been demonstrated that multiple patterned plasmonic nanostructures can be used as a highly effective optical design in optoelectronic devices.

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