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      • KCI등재

        Crossing the Wilderness: The Meaning of Toil in Hemingway's “Big Two Hearted River” and McCarthy’s All the Pretty Horses

        ( Seo¸ Ju-hyun ) 동국대학교 영어권문화연구소 2016 영어권문화연구 Vol.9 No.3

        Although Hemingway's short story “Big Two Hearted River” was not popular during that period, it has literary themes that are central to Hemingway and has a strong sense of his typical writing style, the iceberg technique. Therefore, his seemingly simple and short story of Nick Adams should not be underestimated as an account of a peaceful journey toward nature. On the contrary, it is a story of an inwardly and outwardly wounded soldier from the First World War. Hemingway himself also took part in the same war and was traumatized by the event. Cormac McCarthy also examines the anxieties of modern people in his writing by using similar iceberg technique. For this reason, his novel All the Pretty Horses should not be considered as another old-fashioned Western adventure story. As Nick Adams in “Big Two Hearted River”, John Grady Cole is a victim of the World War. John Grady Cole’s father participated the Second World War and he lost his Wille zum Leben. Ultimately, his father’s participation leads John’s entire family to be torn apart. After the death of John Grady Cole’s maternal grandfather, he leaves United States for Mexico in order to keep his cowboy lifestyle and spirit. This paper aims to compare two stories, “Big Two Hearted River” and All the Pretty Horses, so as to show personal journey and toil in the wilderness as a means of self-redemption and regaining one’s authentic identity in a disoriented modern world. To examine the meaning of journey toward the wilderness, it is important to remember that there are two different aspects in American Wilderness. First, it has the qualities of solitude and hardship. Second, it is an attractive place to city dwellers who want to escape from too much civilization. In this perspective, I will explore the possibility of the two protagonists’ endeavors at healing their damaged identities in the wilderness. This paper will be divided into three main parts. First, I will examine the departures of the two protagonists toward the wilderness. Second, I will discuss the effects of their endeavors in the wilderness. Lastly, I will explore their gradual realization of the reality and constant exertions to regain control over their authentic identities and values. This comparison process will give the readers the idea that the protagonists’ patient labors and toils in crossing the wilderness can be read as efforts to restore their impaired subjecthood in a post-war world. Even though the two protagonists’ endeavors to heal their identities in it are not successfully fulfilled, it would be worthwhile to analyze some positive aspects of their attempts as our contemporaries’ heroic challenge.

      • Calcium Carbonate와 fibrin adhesive의 병용이 성견 2급 치근분지부 치주조직 재생에 미치는 영향

        서은표,정현주,김영준 전남대학교 치과대학 2000 전남치대논문집 Vol.12 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of combined use of fibrin tissue adhesive and porous resorbable calcium carbonate on the periodontal regeneration of the class Ⅱ furcation defects in dogs. Class Ⅱ furcation defect was surgically created on the second, third, and fourth premolars bilaterally in the mandibles of six mongrel dogs. The experimental sites were divided into four groups according to the treatment modalities: Control-surgical debridement only; GroupⅠ-calcium carbonate grafting; Group Ⅱ-application of fibrin adhesive only; Group Ⅲ-application of fibrin adhesive after calcium carbonate grafting. The animals were sacrificed at 2, 4, and 12 weeks after periodontal surgery and the decalcified specimens were prepared for histologic and histometric examination. The results are as follows : Clinically, there were no inflammatory response in all groups after 2, 4, and 12 weeks. In the Control group, junctional epithelium migrated apically to the reference notch. In Group Ⅰ, graft materials exfoliated from the defect throughout the experimental periods and new bone was seen in the notch area at 4 and 12 weeks' specimens. At 2 weeks, fibrin adhesive was indistinguishable in Group Ⅱ. In Group Ⅲ, the graft material was maintained in the defect throughout the experimental periods and the amount of periodontal tissue regeneration was greater than other groups. These results suggest that the use of fibrin tissue adhesive in conjunction with porous resorbable calcium carbonate would improve the stability of graft material and inhibit the epithelial downgrowth and contribute to periodontal regeneration.

      • KCI등재

        교잡종 찰옥수수에 대한 연구 III : Ⅲ. 국내 옥수수 유전자원 수집종에 대한 주요 특성 분포

        서정은,주현민,최윤표,홍범용,조양희,주정일,지희정,이희봉 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2007 농업과학연구 Vol.34 No.2

        2006년 국내 각 지역으로부터 수집된 재래종옥수수 유전자원을 관행방법에 의해 파종하고 주요특성별로 분포도를 살펴본 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 수집된 유전자원에 대한 발아율은 대부분 80∼100%이상의 분포를 보였으나, 일부 수집계통에는 30% 미만의 극히 저조한 발아율을 보였다. 2. 수집자원에 대한 초기생육을 살펴보면 극히 생육이 저조한 것이 40% 정도를 보였고, 극히 우수한 자원은 3%미만으로 나타났다. 3. 간장은 대부분이 150∼199cm범위에 55%가 분포하고 있었으나, l00cm이하가 5%, 250cm이상이 8%로 나타나 수집종간에 큰 차이를 보였다. 4. 주당 분얼수는 1개 미만이 40%의 분포를 보였으나, 일부 수집종에서 2 내지 3개의 분얼수를 보이는 계통이 확인되었다. 5. 개화소요일수는 61∼64일의 범위에서 40%, 57∼60일의 범위에서 30%의 분포를 보였으며, 특히 일부 수집종의 경우 55일 이하의 극조생종도 10% 정도의 분포를 보였다. 6. 이삭길이는 대부분 11∼15cm범위에 60%가 포함되어 있으나, 일부계통에서 5cm미만이 2%, 16∼20cm의 이삭길이도 10%가 분포하였다. Germination ratio on the 300 collected genetic resources showed 80 to 100 percentage, but those of some accessions were very low as below 30 percentage. Early growth phase of most of these lines were very poor while some collected lines were very vigor. Range of stem height showed from 150 to 199cm, but that of some accessions showed below 100cm as five percentage and some of them was over 250cm as eight percentage. Number of tillers per plant appeared less one but some collected lines have two to three tillers per plant. In days to tasseling, some accessions showed more four per plant. Ear length of these accession showed above 60 percentage as 11 to 15cm, while that of some collected lines showed over 10 percentage as 16 to 20cm.

      • KCI등재

        소아청소년과의사의 영유아기 구강건강 관리에 대한 인식도 조사

        주태준,박호원,이주현,서현우 大韓小兒齒科學會 2009 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.36 No.3

        국민건강보험공단에서 실시하는 영유아 건강검진은 5회의 일반검진과 2회의 구강검진으로 구성되어 있다. 하지만 9개월 영유아 건강검진 시 구강건강 상담 및 교육은 일반의사가 담당하도록 되어 있어 이를 주로 담당하게 될 소아청소년과의사의 구강건강 상담 항목에 대한 지식이 필요한 상황이다. 이번 조사의 목적은 소아청소년과 전문의나 전공의를 대상으로 영유아기 구강건강교육에 대한 인식도를 알아보는 것으로 150명의 설문을 분석해 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 조사 대상자의 대부분은 유아기우식증으로 인한 치과 의뢰 경험이 있었고, 절반 이상의 응답자는 영유아 환자에 대해 구강검사를 시행하지 않고 있었다. 2. 조사 대상 소아청소년과의사들의 첫 치과방문 시기에 관한 적절한 인식도가 확립되지 않았다. 3. 영유아 건강검진 중 구강건강 교육 항목에 대한 인지도가 전반적으로 부족하였다. 이에 대한 교육의 강화가 필요하다. 4. 영유아 구강질환 예방을 위한 의과계의 관심과 더불어 치과계와의 협조가 필요하리라 생각 된다. For prevention of ECC, the Korean Academy Of Pediatric Dentistry(KAPD) advocate that Children should be seen as early as 6 months of age after the first tooth erupts, or 12 months of age. Pediatrics have increased access to new mothers and children 6 to 12 months while dentists does not see young children unless there are urgent problems. Therefore, they have an opportunity to impact infant oral health care. This study's purpose was to examine pediatricians' awareness and experience about infant oral health care. For the study, we surveyed of 150 pediatricians in korea. The survey comprised 10 questions related to infant oral health care and the recommended age a child go for their first dental visit. The results were as follows: 1. Most respondents had been referred children to a dentist for treating ECC and more than half of respondents reported that they did not do oral examination in their practice. 2. The majority of surveyed pediatricians are not advising patients to see the dentist by 1 year of age. 3. The surveyed pediatrician's awareness of infant oral health care is insufficient. The oral health education should be reinforced. 4. There is a need for increased infant oral health care education in the medical and dental communities.

      • ZigBee를 이용한 저전력 텔레매트리 연구

        서민석,이호응,박현주 한밭대학교 2004 한밭대학교 논문집 Vol.21 No.-

        This paper presents the method to apply ZigBee communication technologies to existing telemetry. ZigBee communications aim at low power consumption wireless communication. Telemetry is become more efficient by taking advantage of ZigBee communication. We measured the basic capacity of battery. And through the study of using more efficient electric power we study the implementation methods of telemetry to be able to communicate based on ZigBee for a long time.

      • KCI등재

        Formocresol pulpotomy와 연관된 함치성 낭종의 시험례

        주태준,박호원,이주현,서현우 大韓小兒齒科學會 2009 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.36 No.3

        1904년 Buckley에 의해 치근관 살균제로 도입된 이후로 1:5로 희석된 formocresol을 사용한 치수절단술이 치아우식에 의한 유치의 비가역적 치수염시에 가장 많이 사용되어 왔다. Formocresol은 치수조직의 높은 고정능력으로 높은 임상적 성공률을 보이고 있으나 자체독성이 매우 강하여 영구 계승치 치배의 변위나 결손, 법랑질 형성 부전, 전신흡수로 인한 돌연변이 가능성과 암유발 가능성 역시 보고되고 있다. 또한 formocresol을 사용한 치수절단술 후에 과사용된 formocresol에 의한 만성적인 염증이 계승 영구치로 확산되어 퇴축법랑상피의 증식을 자극하고 법랑질로부터 퇴축법랑상피를 분리시켜 함치성 낭종을 형성할 수 있음이 보고되고 있다. 본 증례는 3년 전 응급으로 하악 좌측 제 2유구치의 formocresol을 사용한 치수절단술 후 정기 검진을 위해 내원한 환자의 방사선 사진에서 함치성 낭종이 발견되어 낭종 제거와 함께 유치의 발치를 시행했고 발치된 유치에서 formocresol cotton pellet이 제거되지 않은 채로 발견되어 formocresol이 장기간 남아있음으로 인해 낭종을 형성할 수 있음을 보고하는 바이다. Buckley's formocresol was first introduced as a pulp medicament in 1904, and since 1930, it has been the treatment of choice for primary molar pulpotomies. Formocresol has fixation effect of pulp tissue and high clinical success rate. But side effect such as displacement and loss of permanent successor, amelogenesis imperfecta, cyst formation, mutation by general absorption, possibility of cancer induction have been reported. Of those, dentigerous cyst can form in the periradicular region after formocresol pulpotomy caused by an alteration of the reduced enamel epithelium, which result in fluid accumulation between the epithelium and the tooth crown. The present case describes a 6-year-old girl who had accidentally discovered in the panoramic radiograph a single, well-defined, radioluscent area enclosing the second unerupted mandibular premolar. The second left primary molar had been pulpotomizied 3 year before. Surgical treatment was carried out, the primary molar was extracted and cystectomy was performed under local anesthesia. In the extracted second primary molar, formocresol cotton pellet was left in the pulp chamber. Histologic study confirmed the suspected diagnosis of dentigerous cyst. This report present a case of dentigerous cyst associated with inadequate formocresol pulpotomized deciduous molar.

      • KCI등재후보

        병리검사 처방오류 개선 시스템 구축

        이현임,최영진,구숙희,양승주,김병로,김묘정,신일근,신미옥,서임선 한국의료QA학회 2006 한국의료질향상학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        문제: 조직병리검사의 처방이 복잡하고 전문화됨에 따라 오류처방이 빈번하게 발생되고 이를 해결하기위한 프로세스가 복잡하여 부서간의 갈등과 업무의 가중, 또한 병원 수입 감소가 초래되었다. 목적: 발생된 오류처방의 유형과 발생율, 오류처방을 해결하기 위한 프로세스를 파악하여 이에 대한 문제점을 개선하여 업무의 효율성과 관련부서간의 부가업무 감소와 갈등해소, 더불어 병원수익을 향상시키는 것에 목표를 두고 활동하였다. 의료기관: 서울시에 소재한 종합병원 질 향상 활동: 조직병리검사 처방의 오류처방 발생 원인과 유형, 발생율을 조사하여 원인을 파악하고 개선을 위한 프로세스를 구축하여 질 향상을 도모하였다. 개선효과: 수술실에서 의뢰한 외과 입원환자의 일반조직병리검사 오류율은 개선 전 7.8%에서 개선 후 3.5%, 동결절편조직검사 오류율은 개선 전 28.6%에서 개선 후 0%로 이전보다 모두 개선되었다. 또한 수술실 간호사의 업무 만족도는 일반조직병리검사의 처방시 95%, 동결절편조직검사 처방시 90%로 높은 만족도를 보였다. 단 병리과의 경우 업무가 증가됨에 따라 초과근무시간이 증가하였다.

      • 사회정보처리모델을 중심으로 한 공격성에 관한 연구

        서현아,지은주 경성대학교 2000 論文集 Vol.21 No.2

        This study is basic investigation which is to examine young children's aggression in relation to social information processing model. So empirical studies were examined in which were described children's aggression in connection with social information processing model. The summary of the empirical studies is as follows: First, young children's understanding of the concept of intentionality was discussed among the empirical studies. In the recent studies, however, young children were capable of distinguishing between intentional and unintentional actions when stimulus materials used were concrete and familiar to them. Second, a social information processing model of children' aggression is a function of five steps of processing: encoding of social cues, interpretation of social cues, response search, response evaluation and decision, and enactment. This study was examined unto second processing which is interpretation of social cues to get the attribution of other's intention. Response search also was examined by predicted response and alternative solutions. Aggressive groups were more likely to attribute a hostile intention, to predict their response as more hostile and aggressive, to generate less alternative solutions, to evaluate the aggressive response as more effective and positive than non-aggressive groups. In conclusion, it is hypothesized for children who are biased or deficient at each step to act deviant and aggressive social behaviors.

      • Lipomyces starkeyi KSM 22 glucanhydrolase 함유 구강세정액의 치태 억제 효과

        서은주,정현주,김도만,김상혁 전남대학교 치의학연구소 2003 구강과학 Vol.15 No.3

        A novel glucanhydrolase from Lipomyces starkeyi KSM 22 has been suggested as a promising anti-plaque agent because it has been shown to have additional amylase activity and mutanase activity besides dextranase activity and to strongly bind to hydroxyapatite. Mouthrinsing with Lipomyces starkeyi KSM 22 glucanhydrolase solution was comparable to 0.12% chlorhexidine mouthwash in inhibition of plaque accumulation and gingival inflammation and local side effects were less frequent and less intense in human experimental gingivitis. In this study, Lipomyces starkeyi KSM 22 glucanhydrolase mouthrinses (1 and 2 unit/ml) were compared with a control mouthrinse (commercial 0.01% benzethonium chloride mouthrinse, Caregargle^(�), Hanmi Pharmaceuticals) in the ability to inhibit on plaque formation. A 3-replicate clinical trial using 4-day plaque regrowth model was used. Fifteen volunteers were rendered plaque-free on the 1st day of each study period, ceased toothcleansing, and rinsed 2X daily with allocated mouthrinse thereafter. On day 5, plaque accumulation was scored and the washout periods was 9 days for the next trial. Lipomyces starkeyi KSM 22 glucanhydrolase(1 unit and 2 unit)- containing mouthrinse resulted in significantly lower plaque formation in plaque area and thickness, compared to the control mouthrinse. There was no significant difference in plaque inhibition between enzyme-mouthrinses at 2 different concentrations used. This glucanhydrolase-containing mouthwash resulted in significantly lower plaque area severity index score and tended to have lower plaque thickness severity index score than those of control mouthrinse. But there was no significant difference according to the enzyme concentration. From these results, Lipomyces starkeyi KSM 22 glucanhydrolase-containing mouthrinse has greater inhibitory effect of plaque formation than commercial mouthrinse alone. Therefore, this glucanhydrolase preparation is a promising agent for new mouthwash formulation in the near future.

      • KCI등재후보

        30% Minocycline 국소 약물송달제제의 생체내, 외방출역학, 세포독성 및 세포활성도 측정

        최현순,이상철,김강주,장원규,정서영,정종평 대한구강생물학회 1992 International Journal of Oral Biology Vol.16 No.1

        Present study was performed to examine in vitro and in vivo release kinetics, cell cytotoxicity and cellular growth survival of local 30% Minocycline delivery. The purpose of this study was to determine the possibility of clinical use of 30% Minocycline load polycaprolactone film(Mino-Strip). The size of Mino-strip is 6.5㎜×2.5㎜×0.3㎜, Mwt: 5.7㎎). In vitro releasing test, each film showed a large initial burst effect within first one and two hours and more than 84% of Minocycline was releasing test, each film showed a large burst effect within first two and three hours. A steady state kinetics was observed for 8 days both in vivo and in vitro releasing test. In cytotoxicity test, there was no significant cytotoxic effect in Mino-strip to human gingival fibroblast. In cellular growth survival test, there was no significant cellular growth survival effect in Mino-strip to human gingival fibroblast.

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