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      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        뇌졸중환자의 사회적 재적응과 관련요인

        조남옥,서문자,김금순,김인자,최희정,정성희 성인간호학회 2001 성인간호학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        Social readjustment is very important in rehabilitation of stroke survivors. The purpose of this study was to examine the level of social readjustment and related factors in stroke survivors. Especially, to find the most useful predictor for social readjustment is a major point of this research. The study included 254 outpatients who were given follow-up care after discharge from. Occupational rehabilitation and resumption of the perceived meaningful social activity prios to the stroke were used to measure social readjustment. The resumptions of first meaningful social activity was the best predictor for life satisfaction in stroke survivors(r=.245, p<.01). The substance of perceived meaningful social activities were job, meeting with friends, hobby and activities for the family. The sum of meaningful social activities (r = 175. p<.01) and occupational rehabilitation (r= 116, p<.05) were significantly related to life satisfaction. There were significant difference in IADL, depression and life satisfaction according to resumption of meaningful social activity. But, occupational rehabilitation was not related to depression. The level of social readjustment was different between occupational rehabilitation and resumption of meaningful social activity. It was 45.7% in the first meaningful social activity and 36.6% in occupational rehabilitation. The related factors with resumption of the first meaningful social activity were that of IADL, depression, illness intrusiveness and cognitive function. And the level of IADL, illness intrusiveness, cognitive function, and age were significantly related to occupational rehabilitation. In conclusion, we suggest that the resumption of the first meaningful activity in stroke survivors is the best predictor of social rehabilitation. Thus. nurses need to work for resumption of meaningful activity as well as occupational rehabilitation.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        치매환자 가족부담감의 한국형 도구개발

        조남옥 성인간호학회 2000 성인간호학회지 Vol.12 No.4

        The Purpose of this study was to develop and validate the scale to measure dementia patient's caregiver burden of Korea. In the first Phase of the study. 15 caregivers of dementia patients were interviewed to provide narrative data from which items were developed. Initially 65 items were generates from the interview data of 15 caregivers. Content validity was judged by two separate panels of experts with 27 professionals and 30 family caregivers. These items were analyzed through the Index of Content Validity and 33 items were selected which met .80 or more of the CVI. This preliminary FCBSD-K was tested with 207 adult caregivers for reliability and construct validity including item analysis and orthogonal (Varimax) factor analysis, flight items were deleted because of high or low item-item correlation. The result of the second factor analysis produced six factors that coincided with the conceptual framework posed for the scale developed. The six factors were labeled as 'physio·social factor' 'emotional factor' 'family cultural factor' 'role obligation' 'guilt feeling' and 'financial & supportive system factor'. The alpha coefficient relating to internal consistency was .9264 for reliability. In conclusion, cultural factor is related to dementia patient's caregiver burden and FCBSD-K was useful in assessing the dementia patient's caregiver burden in Korea

      • KCI등재

        암환자가 지각한 좋은 간호사의 특성

        조남옥,홍여신,한성숙,엄영란 병원간호사회 2006 임상간호연구 Vol.11 No.2

        This study was based on a phenomenological approach. All patients were hospitalized cancer patient who had insight about cancer. Data were collected through in-depth interviews during the months of July and August, 2004. Interviews lasted one and half hours on an average and data were analyzed by Van Kaam method. Result: Four essential attributes of good nurse were identified: compassion, need fullfillment, virtuous and professional expertism. And four essential attributes of bad nurse were identified: insincere, neglect, disregard and lack of expertism. Conclusion: The results of this study showsd that cancer patients perceived the good nurse as possessing the qualities of compassion for patients, having virtuous attitude and professional expertism and fullfilling patient's need. And cancer patients perceived the nuse showing familial intimacy as a good nurse. This perception of cancer patients was influenced by tradition and cultural background. So there is a need for further research about our own culture and its influences on nursing practice.

      • KCI등재

        가치관과 행위양식의 세대간 차이와 유사성

        조성남,윤옥경 이화여자대학교 사회과학연구소 2000 사회과학연구논총 Vol.5 No.-

        최근 한국사회에서는 세대에 명칭을 붙이는 것이 유행처럼 번지고 있다. 386세대, 아줌마세대, TTL세대, 네트세대, 테크노세대, 뽕짝세대 등‥‥‥ 이렇게 고유한 이름을 붙임 으로서 그 연령집단은 다른 집단과 구별되고 나름대로의 가치관이나 행위양식을 가지고 있는 것으로 간주된다. 하지만 어느 세대에 속하든 우리 모두 동시대에 속한 같은 사회,문화적 상황에 살고 있는 동반자이다. 공동체적 삶의 풍부함과 생존 그 자체를 위해서는 서로의 조화와 화합은 절대적 조건이라고 할 수 있다. 이러한 맥락에서 본 연구는 한국사회의 문화변동의 한 특징으로 나타나는 세대간의 대립문제를 극복하고 각 세대가 자연스럽게 공존하기 위한 방안을 모색하기 위해 한국인이 일상적인 감각으로 감지하는 각 세대별 가치관과 행위양식의 차이점과 유사성의 분석을 시도하였다. 지금까지의 많은 세대연구들은 가치관 항목이나 행위양식 항목에서의 세대간 차이점이 부각되고, 얼마나 다른지 보다는 무엇이 다른가에 (differences in kind rather than in degree) 상대적으로 더 큰 관심을 가지고 있었다. 하지만 가치와 의식성향이라는 것은 세대간에 확연히 단절되고 구별된다기보다는 하나의 연속선상에 존재하며 따라서 유사성과 차이점을 함께 논의하여야 한다는 전제를 가지고 본 연구는 가치관 및 행위양식을 5개 영역(개인가치관 및 태도, 가족가치관, 사회의식, 일상생활패턴, 직장생활)으로 구분하여 설문조사를 실시하였고 800사례가 분석에 사용되었다. 조사결과를 토대로 볼 때, 연령의 차이가 많다고 해서 반드시 의견차이가 깊을 것이라는 기계적인 논의는 타당하지 않은 것으로 나타났다. 세대차이가 연령차이에 비례해서 자동적으로 증가하는 것은 아니라는 발견은 시사하는 바 크다. 이 연구결과는 차이가 적게 나는 세대를 발견하고 그들간에 이루어지고 있는 의사소통이나 공유가치관에 대한 과학적 연구가 진행이 된다면 세대가치의 차이가 갈등으로 전화될 소지를 안고 있는 지점을 찾는 것이 세대간의 타협의 방안을 모색하는 지름길이 될 것이라는 점을 우리에게 일깨워주고 있다. This study begins with the emphasis on incorporating both differences and similarities of the general values, attitudes and behaviors of each generation in discussing inter-generational issues. Many previous researchers have relatively put more weigh on the differences in kind rather than in degree. In contrast, this study aims to examine the degree of differences and similarities in discussing generational Issues. This study chooses 5 aspects of values and attitudes and behaviors: the general values, family values, social attitudes, routine activities in everyday life and opinions on work environments. The survey shows three results. First, the aspect of family values has the biggest gaps between the generations. In particular, the old generation and the young generation show very different views on women's work and the sharing of house chores. On the contrary, the common value prevailed in all generations - the importance of having off springs and obligations of taking care of parents at old age. Secondly, the twenties record the lowest score in the environmental sensitivity but scored highest in consumption of expensive material goods. Thirdly, as we expected, the younger generation tends to be more individualistic and task-oriented in doing their work. In addition, the results show that although there are differences among the generations, this does not necessarily mean that the wide age gap results in deeper differences. The differences and similarities of each generation differ depending on the specific issues. From the results an implication can be derived: one can minimize the generational gap by sharing the knowledge of different generations' overall different and similar approaches to circumstances.

      • 일개 간호학과 학생을 대상으로 자기효능감과 대처정도의 상관성 분석

        조남옥,엄영란,유경희 순천향의학연구소 1997 Journal of Soonchunhyang Medical Science Vol.3 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to analysis the correlation between self-efficacy and level of coping in nursing students. Subjects of the study were 134 nursing students. Self report questionnaires were used to measure the variables including self-efficacy and level of coping. Reliability coefficients of the self-efficacy and coping instruments were found Cronbach's α=.80 ~.91. In data analysis, SPSS PC 6.0 Program was utilized for descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation, One-Way Anova. The results of Pearson's correlation and One-way Anova were as follows. 1) The self-efficacy was significant correlation with level of coping(r=.246, p<.005) and the number of year in campus life(r=.506, p<.0001). 2) There was significant difference in self-efficacy according to the number of year in campus life(F=16.52, P<.0001). 3) There was significant differences in the level of coping according to the satisfaction of campus life(F=3.02, P<.05) and self-efficacy(F=4.2621, P<.05). Based on the results obtained from this study, strategies to ptomote self-efficacy have to be developed in nursing curriculum.

      • 비판적 문헌고찰에 의한 건강행위 관련이론의 분석

        강남미,유경희,김성재,조남옥,최희정 서울대학교 간호대학 간호과학연구소 1996 간호학 논문집 Vol.10 No.1

        This study was conducted by critical review analyzing literatures of theories focused on changes of health behaviors. 5 theories-TRA, HBM, Self-Efficacy, Social Support, and Locus of Control-were selected among many theories of health behaviors. Theories were summarized, and models and concepts of theories were described. The results of this study were follows : 1. health behaviors could be classified into preventive behaviors and curative behaviors. 2. Most conceran of previous studies in this field was on health behavior execution itself or on its outcome. 3. the focus of previous studies was on initiation, maintenance, facilitation, and change of preventive and curative behaviors. 4. Factors affecting on health behaviors were demographic factors as exogenous variables and intrapsychic and extrapsychic factors as endogenous variables. 5. Previous studies tested predictability and explicability of these theories onhealth behaviors and identified factors affecting health behaviors most. 6. concepts of TRA, SELF-Efficacy, and Social support had higher explicability on health behaviors than concepts of HBM and Locus of control. From results of this study, we suggested the direction and considerations for futher nursing studies related with these theories. And we derived testable propositions from relationship between concepts and each others.

      • KCI등재후보

        손씻기 교육이 간호사의 손씻기 행위와 중환자의 호흡기로의 MRSA 분리율 감소에 미치는 영향

        김남초,최경옥 성인간호학회 2002 성인간호학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        Purpose: This is a clinical experimental study aimed to provide basic data to ensure quality care. The propose of this study is to increase nurses hand washing behavior and decrease respiratory isolation rate of MRSA. Method: This study was conducted in Kangnam St. Marys hospital. The subjects included 5 nurses working at the NS ICU and 165 specimen for nasal swabs and 46 specimen for sputum cultures from 106 patients admitted to the NS ICU. The data were collected from June to September 2000. Results: 1. The percentage of the nurses hand washing was 15.6percent but was improved to 46.5 percent after the educational intervention. In particular, hand washing behavior was increased in situations such as after suctioning, before parenteral nutrition, and after providing hygiene care. 2. Results of nasal swab showed that MRSA isolation rate was reduced from 42.8 percent before the education to 18.6percent after the education. The sputum culture results also showed that the MRSA rate was reduced from 40.7percent before the education to 34.6percent after the education. Conclusion: The findings showed the nurses' strict hand washing behavior and use of disposable gloves and paper towers as well as use of hand sterilization spray by visitors or families can decrease the MRSA isolation rate in the NS ICR patients. Since the NS ICU patients may have respiratory complications due to long-term hospitalization, the nurses regular hand washing is important enough to be emphsized. Future research should be focused on the impact of nurses' hand washing behavior on the incidence of pneumonia, an iatrogenic infection.

      • 국내에서 유행하는 HIV의 전파 경로에 따른 Subtype 분포

        이주실,남정구,김성순,강춘,최병선,김옥진,박미선,성봉모,서순덕,전수경,변승옥,신영오,조해월 대한감염학회 2001 감염 Vol.33 No.5

        Background : Previous data have been reported that subtype B is prevalent in South Korea, but neither the extent nor the proportion of subtypes could be evaluated. This study was designed to analyze the distribution of HIV-1 subtypes, temporal instructions and transmission dynamics between epidemiological groups. Methods : 1,280 Koreans had been diagnosed as HIV seropositive during the period 1985 to 2000. Among them, 134 individuals were selected for this molecular epidemiological study. 134 DNAs were isolated from uncultured or cultured peripheral blood mononuclear cells. V3-V5 (0.7 kb) fragment of HIV-1 env gene was amplified by nested polymerase chain reaction and was sequenced. Results : HIV-1 isolates from thirty-seven homosexuals were all subtype B (100%). On the other hand, 66 isolates from 94 heterosexuals were subtype B (70%) and 28 were non B subtypes (30% : 13 A, 4 C, 2 D, 8 E , 1 G). Only subtype B strains were isolated from 73 males who were infected with HIV inside Korea while 16 B and 20 non B subtype strains were isolated from 36 males who were HIV infected outside of Korea. However, B and non B strains were isolated half and half from females who were infected inside Korea except one. Conclusion : The HIV-1 subtype B strains are prevalent in Korea from the early HIV infection until present in both homo and heterosexuals. Non B strains have been transmitted from men who were infected outside Korea to their spouses and casual partners. So, we need further study to monitor subtype B and non B HIV transmission in epidemiological groups of Korea, (Korean J Infect Dis 33:311∼318, 2001)

      • 原木 표고 栽培 收益性 調査

        崔泰鎬,閔斗植,趙南奭,趙修玉 충북대학교 농업과학기술연구소 1993 農業科學硏究 Vol.11 No.1

        For the investigation of the economics of mushroom(Lentinus erodes) cultivation in the oak bed- log, the items of production costs were examined. The results are as follows ; 1. Among the items of cultivation costs in the first year, the material bed-log cost(62.4% ) was the highest, then the labor cost was. 2. The labor costs for management(27.6-28.1%), bed-log handling(26.8-27.9% ) and mushroom harvesting(26.2-27.9%) were higher than the others from the 2nd year to the sixth year. 3. The gross income and the cultivation cost per one bed- log were 15,672 won and 3,170 won for six years. 4. For six years, the total net income was 12,500 won and the annual income was 2,080 won per one bed- log.

      • KCI등재후보

        일 노인요양시설 거주노인의 의료기관 이용 영향요인

        박영옥,조은희,이남주,서영숙 노인간호학회 2010 노인간호학회지 Vol.12 No.1

        Purpose: The purpose of this study was to investigate the health-related characteristics of older adults who reside in nursing homes and to identify the factors that are predictive for health care utilization. Methods: A descriptive study was done using chart reviews. Demographic data, health-related data, and health service utilization data of all older adults (n=254) who had been living in nursing homes in Seoul during 2008 (January 1 and December 31, 2008) were examined. Multiple linear regression and logistic regression were used to analyze the data. Results: The significant predictors of outpatient visits by elderly residents living in nursing home were gender, length of residency in the nursing home, number of current medications, psychiatric medications and use of catheters. The predictive factors for hospitalization were gender and the number of current medications. Conclusion: Polypharmacy is a significant factor increasing health service utilization in elderly residents of nursing homes. Gerontological nurse practitioners who can monitor the risk of polypharmacy and provide specialized nursing interventions with advanced knowledge are needed in nursing homes.

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