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      • KCI등재

        기대빈도를 활용한 새로운 상대집중지수의 제안

        남기성,오민홍,홍현균,Nam, Ki-Seong,Oh, Min-Hong,Hong, Hyun-Guyn 한국통계학회 2008 응용통계연구 Vol.21 No.4

        본 연구는 기존의 순위만 고려하는 집중도를 보완하여 기대빈도를 이용한 새로운 상대집중지수 NOHI(Nam-Oh-Hong Index)를 제안하고, 이를 지역별 직업별 종사자 수에 적용함으로써 지역별 특화 직종 분포에 활용하는데 있다. 지역 간 특화정도를 보여주기 위해 개발된 입지계수(LQ)의 경우, 해당산업의 지역 내 비중을 상대적으로 고려하지 못함에 따라 지역 내 특성화를 반영하지 못하는 한계를 내포하고 있다. 본 연구에서 제안하는 NOHI는 이러한 단점을 보완하여 산업 및 직종의 지역간 지역내 특화도를 동시에 나타낼 수 있다. 본 연구에서 제안하는 NOHI를 활용하여 분석한 결과 서울은 경영 회계 사무관련직의 특화도가 높은 것으로 나타났으며, 부산은 기계 재료관련직의 특화도가 높은 것으로 나타났다. The purpose of this study is to introduce a relative specialization index, the Nam-Oh-Hong Index(NOHI) and to investigate regional distribution of occupational specialization using the newly developed index. Compared with Location Quotient(LQ), the advantages of the index is that the NOHI enables comparison between inter-regional and intra-regional concentration of employment possible at the same time. The results of the specialization analyses show that Seoul is specialized in management, book-keeping and office related occupations, whereas Busan in machine and material related occupations.

      • KCI등재

        19세기 남병철 『의기집설(儀器輯說)』 혼천의 용법 분석

        최홍순,김상혁,민병희,남경욱,유경한,김용기,HONG SOON CHOI,SANG HYUK KIM,BYEONG-HEE MIHN,KYOUNG-UK NAM,GEOYOUNG-HAN YOO,YONGGI KIM 한국천문학회 2024 天文學論叢 Vol.39 No.1

        The armillary sphere, an astronomical observation device embodying the Orbital Heaven Theory of the Later Han Dynasty in China, holds both historical and scientific significance. It has been produced in various forms by many individuals since its inception in the era of King Sejong in the Joseon Dynasty. A prominent figure in this field was Nam Byeong-cheol (南秉哲, 1817-1863), known for his work 'Uigijipseol' (儀器輯說), published in 1859, which detailed the history, production methods, and usage of the armillary sphere. This text particularly highlights 21 applications of the armillary sphere, divided into 33 measurements, covering aspects like installation, time, and positional measurements, supplemented with explanations of spherical trigonometry. Despite numerous records of the armillary sphere's design during the Joseon Dynasty, detailed usage information remains scarce. In this study, the 33 measurements described in 'Uigijipseol' (儀器輯說) were systematically classified into six for installation, nineteen for position measurement, seven for time measurement, and one for other purposes. Additionally, the measurement methods were analyzed and organized by dividing them into the ecliptic ring, moving equatorial ring, and fixed equatorial ring of the armillary sphere. In other words, from a modern astronomical perspective, the results of schematization for each step were presented by analyzing it from the viewpoint of longitude, right ascension, and solar time. Through the analysis of Nam's armillary sphere, this study not only aims to validate the restoration model of the armillary sphere but also suggests the potential for its use in basic astronomical education based on the understanding of the 19th-century Joseon armillary sphere.

      • 農村住民의 醫療實態에 關한 調査硏究 : 忠淸南道 瑞山郡 Seu San Gun, Choong Chung Nam Do

        洪鍾寬,兪勳,美南熙 順川鄕病院 1976 順天鄕醫報 Vol.1 No.2

        To get basic data for the implementation of health demonstration program, an health survey was conducted for 2,987 population in 502 households in Unsan myon and a part of Haemi myon, Seusan gun, Choong Nam Province during 1st through 30th September, 1976 by the Soon Chun Medical Foundation. A total of 10 surveyers were mobilized for the survey visiting households every 10 days. All housewives and/or house masters in the survey area were interviewed by the surveyers 4 times in total. Major contents of the survey were included 1) socio ecomic background of the villager's living status 2) prevalences of various diseases 3) utilization of available medical facilities and health expenditure, etc. The result of the survey is as follows; (1) Average house hold size ............................................................... 6.0 person (2) Age group 0-14yrs................................................................... 38.4% 15-64yrs................................................................. 56.6% over 65yrs............................................................. 5.0% (3) Marriage status of house holder Married ................................................................. 91.6% Non-married ....................................................... 2.6% Window(er) ......................................................... 5,8% (4) Education Primary school ................................................... 59.1% Middle school ..................................................... 7.6% High school ........................................................ 4.4% College ................................................................. 1.6% Illiteracy .............................................................. 27.3% (5) Occupation Farming ................................................................ 82.4% Sales ...................................................................... 4.4% Labour ................................................................... 3.6% Office clerk .......................................................... 2.8% (6) Housing Own house ............................................................ 91.6% Rent house ............................................................ 3.4% (7) Rooms being used 2 rooms .................................................................. 46.0% 3 rooms ................................................................. 39.2% (8) Annual income per household ............................. 77,260 won From farming ...................................................... 73.6% Cash imcome ....................................................... 17.5% Other crops .......................................................... 8.9% (9) Monthly cash income (August) ............................... 32.114 won (10) Monthly expenses (August)...................................... 47,360 won (11) Saving per household ............................................... 82,172 won (12) Farmland, Rice field .............................................................. 1,579 pyong Dry field ............................................................... 1,152 pyong (13) Special crops farm, Sericulture ........................................................... 38.5% Tobacco ............................................................... 34.8% Greens ................................................................. 19.5% (14) Farmland for side production per household .............................. 442.2 pyong Special crops annual income ........................................... 181.130 won (18) Water resources, Pumping .................................................... 72.9% Well ............................................................ 20.5% Piping ......................................................... 1.6% 2. Diseases and Medical status (1) Houses with diseases during the period ....................................... 73.3% (2) Average number of patients per household ................................. 1.74 cases (3) Prevalence rate during the period ................................................... 21.5% Incidence rate ........................................................ 7.5% (4) Age group of the population with high prevalence rate male: 0 - 29yrs, over 60 yrs female: 30 - 59 yrs (5) Classification of diseases Digestive ............................................................ 31.9% Respiratory ........................................................ 22.7% Nerve system ................................................... 19.6% Skin ..................................................................... 6.4% (6) Duration of diseases Average per disease ........................................ 21.6 days Average per person ......................................... 4.6 days (7) Patiemts medically cared ........................ 63.6% (8) Reason for non-treated Can not afford the cost .......................................... 56.0% In patience ................................................................... 40.2%

      • KCI등재

        宋持養(1782~1860)의 <茶母傳> 硏究

        홍성남(Hong, Seong-nam) 우리문학회 2017 우리文學硏究 Vol.0 No.53

        이 글은 <다모전>의 저자(송지양)에 대한 삶의 궤적을 살피고, <다모전>의 구조를 분석하여 그 이야기가 지닌 의미를 함께 살펴보려는 의도에서 작성되었다. 송지양은 누대에 걸쳐 仕宦을 배출한 본가나 외가의 명망있는 가문에서 태어났으며, 어릴적 부친의 永眠으로 인해 徐有榘, 徐瀅修 등 외가의 碩學들에게 많은 가르침을 받았다. 젊은 시절 그는 賞心契의 一員으로 활동하면서 門中, 少論系 豐山洪氏 집안 자제들과 돈독한 交契를 맺으며 科擧 공부는 물론이고 漢詩, 風流, 국내외의 書藝등에도 깊은 관심을 보였다. 宦路는 34년 公職에 재임하는 동안 비교적 순탄하였고, 젊어서는 금강산을 유람하고 『衆香漫筆』 지었으며, 중년 이후에는 副使로 淸의 燕京을 다녀오기도 했다. 생전에 그와 燕行에 함께 한 李遇駿의 『夢遊燕行錄』에 실린 作詩를 통해서 송지양의 흔적을 엿볼 수 있었다. <다모전>의 인물 설정은 신분이 비천하나 義憤이 넘치는 다모, 궁핍한 처지에 놓인 할미와 인륜을 저버린 할미의 시동생(젊은 생원) 그리고 다모의 잘잘못을 가리고 公私를 잘 분별한 主簿의 구도로 짜여져 있다. 이는 ‘圭衡이 法度에 맞아야 바르다’는 저자의 언술과 연계된 것으로 보아진다. 本傳은 조선 후기(19세기) 飢饉으로 인한 곡물안정을 도모하려는 조정의 시책(酒禁令)에 수반된 현상금을 수령하기 위해 할미(형수)의 犯釀을 밀고한 시동생의 파렴치한 謀利行爲는 당시의 난맥상에서 비롯된 사건이었음을 알 수 있다. <다모전>은 저자가 여주인공(다모)의 능력과 존재감을 인정한 점과 조선 후기(19세기)의 부조리한 세태에 수수방관하지 않고 적극적으로 대응하려는 굳은 의지는 어릴적 그가 받은 徐有榘 등 외가의 碩學에게서 받은 實事求是의 정신과 무관하지 않은듯 싶다. 송지양이 本傳을 창작한 동기는 저자가 사간원 대사간을 수차례 역임하는 동안에늘 자신의 내면에 자리한 公明心이 작용한 것과 무관하지 않은 듯 싶다. 송지양은 本傳 주인공(다모)의 품성과 主簿의 爲民意識을 통해서 그들의 훈훈한 인간미를 후세 사람들에게 함양하려는 의도에서 本傳을 지었을 것으로 보아지며, 사회의 기강이 해이해진 조선 후기(19세기)의 윤리의식을 비판적인 시각에서 그려낸 작품으로 평가된다. This study traces the life trajectory of the author of Damojeon, Song Ji-yang, and analyzes its structure, in order to examine the meaning of the story. Song was born in a family of high reputation which continually produced government officers for several generations. Because of the early death of his father, he was brought up in the maternal side of the family with great teachings of such scholars as Seo Yu-gu and Seo Hyeong-su. He was active member of sangsimgye in deep relationship with the children of Pung-san Hong’s household and prepared the official government examination, gwageo. He was interested in Chinese poetry, arts, and calligraphy as well. He could enjoy 34 years of public services in which he wrote junghyangmanpil after traveling Geumgang Mountain in his young days and delegated to Yanjing of Ching Dynasty while serving as busa. We can find the evidence of his delegation in a poem of Mongyuyeonhaengrok by Lee Woo-jun who went togerther to Yanjing. Damojeon, a story of Damo, is composed of the following major characters: humbly born and yet righteous Damo, a poor old woman in difficulty, her immoral brother-in-law(young saengwon), Damo’s boss Jubu in justice. The arrangement of each role is related to the author’s statement, “the measuring scale should be rightly fitted to custom.” The story is reflected to the historical disorder of Choson Dynasty in late 19 century. The Author shows a practical mind, a spirit of silsagusi, in his emphasis of the female character Damo’s ability and the positive response to the social irregularities of late Chosen Dynasty. The story must be motivated by author’s inner ambition which would be deeply settled down during his public service as daesagan in saganwon. Damojeon is a story that criticizes moral laxity in 19 century and Song-Ji-yang wrote it in order to cultivate a humane culture by stressing Damo’s warn personality and Jubu’s wimin consciousness, a careful mind for ordinary people.

      • SUS 304 마이크로 와이어 직선화 처리에 관한 연구

        신홍규,김남수,김웅겸,홍남표,김병희,김헌영 江原大學校 産業技術硏究所 2004 産業技術硏究 Vol.24 No.A

        In the study, we have developed a straightening system for the SUS 304 micro wires that are normally used in the medical and semi-conductor fields. To apply heat to the micro wires, we introduced the direct wire heating method which generates the thermal energy by the electrical resistance of the wire itself. To avoid the deterioration of the wire surface by the environment, such as the oxidation or the hydration, the N_(2) gas was filled in the glass pipe in which the straightening process was being performed. A precision tension meter was also attached to control the tension of the wire during the heating and straightening process. In order to control the straightening process, several experimental investigations with varying the tension, the feeding velocity and the temperature (current) was carried out. As a result of experiments, we obtained the optimal processing conditions satisfying the straightness requirement of the micro wires.

      • KCI등재

        주민참여예산제도 활성화 방안

        유홍성(Yoo, Hong-Sung),남승균(Nam, Seung-Kyun),신진영(Shin, Chin-Young),임영숙(Lim, Young-Sook) 인천대학교 인천학연구원 2014 인천학연구 Vol.21 No.-

        본 연구는 주민참여예산제도 활성화 방안에 대한 요인을 도출하고 도출된 요인을 관련 공무원과 주민참여예산 위 원들의 설문조사를 통해 실증분석 하고, 또한 인천 남구 주민참여예산제도 운영에 대한 분석을 하였다. 연구결과 주민참여예산에 관한 요인은 ‘주민참여예산제도 기반형성’, ‘주민참여예산제도 성공요인’으로 구분됨을??확인하였고 이들 차원과 주민참여예산제도 시행효과의 인과관계와 각 요인에 대해 관련 공무원과 주민참여예산??위원들 두 집단이 차이가 있는지를 살펴본 결과 주민참여예산제도 기반형성과 주민참여예산제도 성공요인이 주민 참여예산제도 시행효과에 통계적으로 유의하게 나타났다. 또한 각 요인에 대한 관련 공무원과 주민참여예산 위원 들 두 집단에 대한 차이분석 결과 통계적으로 유의하게 차이가 있음을 확인하였다. 추가적으로 공무원과 주민참여 예산 위원들 각각 회귀분석 비교분석 결과 공무원은 주민참여예산제도 성공요인을 중요하게 생각하고 있으며, 위 원들은 기반형성 구축이 주민참여예산제도 시행효과에 더 중요하게 영향을 미치는 것으로 인식하고 있다, 주민참 여예산제도의 활성화를 위해서는 참여가치에 대한 공감대, 지역사회나 관련조직의 의견수렴, 교류를 위한 네트워 크 구축 등의 기반형성과 주민참여예산제도의 범위를 예산편성에서 예산 전반의 참여권한 확대가 필요하고, 공무 원의 적극적인 지원 활동 등 주민참여예산제도 성공요인 관리가 필요하다. This study derived factors related to the activation of citizen participatory budgeting, analyzed the factors??positively through a questionnaire survey of involved civil servants and participatory budgeting committee??members, and made analysis of participatory budgeting system for operation in the Incheon Nam-Gu area. According to the results of this study, factors related to participating budgeting were largely divided into??‘footing of citizen participatory budgeting’ and ‘success factors of citizen participatory budgeting.’ In the??results of examining the causal relationship between these dimensions and the effect of citizen participatory??budgeting system and seeing if there was any difference in each factor between involved civil servants and??participatory budgeting committee members, footing of citizen participatory budgeting and the success factors??of citizen participatory budgeting were statistically significantly correlated with the effect of citizen participatory??budgeting sysytem. In addition, a statistically significant difference was observed in each factor between??involved civil servants and participatory budgeting committee members. In additional comparative regression??analysis between civil servants and participatory budgeting committee members, civil servants attached more??importance to the success factors of citizen participatory budgeting, but committee members considered the??footing of the system more important for the effect of citizen participatory budgeting. What are required for the??activation of citizen participatory budgeting system are consensus on the value of participation, opinion??collection from communities and related organizations, construction of networks for exchange, and the??extension of the scope of participatory budgeting from budgeting to the whole range of budget?related areas.??What is more, the success factors of participatory budgeting including civil servants’ active support need to be??managed properly.

      • 도.토기의 과학적 분석-경상남도 도요지 출토 토기편을 중심으로

        홍종욱,조남철,황진주,문환석,Hong, Jong-Ouk,Cho, Nam-Chul,Hwang, Jin-Ju,Moon, Whan-Suk 국립문화재연구소 2001 保存科學硏究 Vol.22 No.-

        The scientific analysis and provenance study of potteries excavated from kiln site at Gyeongsang Nam-do were carried out using XRD, ICP-AES and NAA. We can summary the following Result :1. As a result of XRD analysis, it showed that soft potteries consisted of quartz, feldspar and clay minerals while hard potteries consisted of high temperature crystals such as mullite, tridymite, cristobalite.In case of firing temperature which are determined by XRD, potteries consisted of quartz, feldspar and clay mineral had very low firing temperature. While potteries having only cristobalite ranged above $1200^{\circ}C$.2. As a result of correlation analysis using trace element, the selected characteristic elements which was able to distinguish from each kiln site was Sm, Cs, Sc, Eu, Hf.3. Discriminant analytical showed that each kiln site were classified into 4-gruops;Kimhaeci Daesungdong, Hamangun Myosari, Changyounggun Yochori and one group mixed KimhaeciGuosandong, Kimhaeci Samgyeri. This suggests that there are no correlations between the raw materials used in each kiln sites except Kimhaeci Guosandong, Kimhaeci Samgyeri.

      • Time-evolving genetic networks reveal a NAC troika that negatively regulates leaf senescence in <i>Arabidopsis</i>

        Kim, Hyo Jung,Park, Ji-Hwan,Kim, Jingil,Kim, Jung Ju,Hong, Sunghyun,Kim, Jeongsik,Kim, Jin Hee,Woo, Hye Ryun,Hyeon, Changbong,Lim, Pyung Ok,Nam, Hong Gil,Hwang, Daehee National Academy of Sciences 2018 PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL ACADEMY OF SCIENCES OF Vol.115 No.21

        <▼1><P><B>Significance</B></P><P>Leaf senescence is regulated in a complex manner, involving time-dependent interactions with developmental and environmental signals. Genetic screens have identified key regulators of senescence, particularly late-stage senescence regulators. Recently, time-course gene-expression and network analyses, mostly analyses of static networks, have predicted many senescence regulators. However, senescence is defined by time-evolving networks, involving the temporal transition of interactions among senescence regulators. Here, we present time-evolving networks of NAM/ATAF/CUC (NAC) transcription factors, central regulators of leaf senescence in <I>Arabidopsis</I>, via time-course gene-expression analysis of NACs in their mutants. These time-evolving networks revealed a unique regulatory module of NACs that controls the timely induction of senescence-promoting processes at a presenescent stage of leaf aging.</P></▼1><▼2><P>Senescence is controlled by time-evolving networks that describe the temporal transition of interactions among senescence regulators. Here, we present time-evolving networks for NAM/ATAF/CUC (NAC) transcription factors in <I>Arabidopsis</I> during leaf aging. The most evident characteristic of these time-dependent networks was a shift from positive to negative regulation among NACs at a presenescent stage. ANAC017, ANAC082, and ANAC090, referred to as a “NAC troika,” govern the positive-to-negative regulatory shift. Knockout of the NAC troika accelerated senescence and the induction of other <I>NAC</I>s, whereas overexpression of the NAC troika had the opposite effects. Transcriptome and molecular analyses revealed shared suppression of senescence-promoting processes by the NAC troika, including salicylic acid (SA) and reactive oxygen species (ROS) responses, but with predominant regulation of SA and ROS responses by ANAC090 and ANAC017, respectively. Our time-evolving networks provide a unique regulatory module of presenescent repressors that direct the timely induction of senescence-promoting processes at the presenescent stage of leaf aging.</P></▼2>

      • 연구지원관리시스템 개발

        홍성진,조남준,나승룡 한국농업정보과학회 2000 농업정보과학 Vol.2 No.1

        Research Information Management System(RIMS) is developed not only to manage research project and program but also to support research information for researchers of Rural Development Admin-stration and Provincial Agricultural Research & Extension Services. Windows NT server and Oracle 7.0 were used for 05 and DBMS(Database Management System). And ASP and Delphi 5.0 program were used for con-necting DB and developing client program. RIMS was composed of research project management system, research product management system, human resource management system, and research raw-data manage-ment system.

      • KCI등재후보

        경피적 겸자 정복 및 골수강내 금속핀 고정을 이용한 쇄골 골절의 치료

        홍기도,하성식,정남식,심재천,김경호 대한골절학회 2004 대한골절학회지 Vol.17 No.4

        목적 : 경피적 겸자 정복 및 골수강내 금속판 고정술을 이용한 쇄골 간부 골절의 치료에 대해 유용성을 규명해 보고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법 : 2002년 1월부터 2003년 7월까지 본원에서 쇄골 간부 골절 환자 중 신경 및 혈관 손상이 없었고, 골절의 분쇄상이 비교적 적었던 총 16례를 대상으로 겸자를 이용한 경피적 정복 후에 골수강에 금속판을 삽입하여 고정하였다. 술 후 유합 정도 및 결과를 임상적, 방사선학적으로 분석하였다. 결과 : 방사선학적으로 골유합을 보인 경우가 총 15례였으며, 술 후 평균 9.1주에 유합 소견을 관찰하였다, 임상적으로 강 등의 기준에 따라 구분한 결과, 우수 이상이 14례로 나타났다. 1례에서 1주 만에 K-강선의 내측전위로 골절부위가 재전위되어 관혈적 정복 및 금속판 내 고정을 시행한 이외에 다른 주요 합병증은 없었다. 결론 : 저자들의 방법은 수술시간이 짧고 간단하며, 연부조직의 추가적 손상이 적어 골유합율이 높고, 수술 반흔을 남기지 않아 수술적 적응을 신중히 고려한다면 쇄골 간부 골절의 치료법의 하나로 유용할 것으로 사료된다. Purpose: To investigate the utility of surgical treatment of clavicle shan fracture using a percutaneous towel clip reduction and intramedullary fixation. Materials and Methods : This study was conducted for total 16 case of patients who had no neurovascular injury and a few comminuted bone fragment among patients with clavicle shaft fracture from January 2002 to July 2003. The method of operation was percutaneous towel clip reduction and intramedullary fixation. The clinical and radiological results were evaluated. Results : Radiologically, 15 cases showed bone unions and the avenge time was 9.1 weeks. According to Kang's criteria clinically, there were 14 cases which were more than an excellence. One case substituted open reduction and nailing fixation due to a medial migration of K-wire and re-displacement of fracture even in 1 week. However, there wasn't any other major complication. Conclusion : Due to its having no additional injury to soft tissues, no scar formations, and its short operation time, percutaneous towel clip reduction and intramedullary fixation will be very useful as one of the treatments of clavicular shaft fracture if it follows correct surgical indications.

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