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        한국사상(韓國思想)(철학(哲學)) : 반계(磻溪) 유형원(柳馨遠)의 저술 재검토와 후학의 관련 자료 고찰

        이형성 ( Hyung Sung Lee ) 한국사상문화학회 2015 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.79 No.-

        조선은 양란 이후 사회적 질서가 무너져 사회·경제적으로 위기를 초래하였다. 이러한 시대 위기를 극복하고 국가와 사회의 안정을 도모하고자 하는 학자들이 있었다. 무너진 질서 체계를 적극 바로잡으려고 추진한 학자는 바로 반계(磻溪) 유형원(柳馨遠)이었다. 그의 『반계수록(磻溪隨錄)』은 당시 사회상을 철저하게 반영한 저서였다. 유형원은 10대 중반에 병자호란을 겪은 이후 삶이 매우 어려웠다. 출사(出仕)를 통해 어려운 삶을 극복하고자 하였다. 하지만 당시 무너진 사회 질서를 목도하고서 출사보다는 참다운 학문을 지향하는 열정이 남달랐다. 부안으로 이주한 이후 초야에서 학문을 깊이 탐구하며 52세에 삶을 마감하기 전까지 많은 저술을 남겼다. 유형원 사후, 그의 문인과 후학들이 지은 「전(傳)」과 「행장(行狀)」등은 그의 저술 서목이 언급되었지만 일률적이지 못한 면이 있고 서명이나 권수도 약간씩 다르기도 하였다. 그리하여 유형원이 지은 서목을 일일이 재검토하여 내용적으로 재분류하였다. 그리고 후학들의 유형원 관련 직·간접 자료를 살펴보면서 그들 자료에 담긴 유형원의 내용을 간략하게 다루었다. 그 자료를 일일이 나열하기 어려운 측면이 있어 후학14인만을 한정하였다. 이러한 작업은 앞으로 유형원의 사상을 입체적으로 고찰할 수 있는 계기를 마련해 줄 것이다. 나아가 근기실학과 대비되는 호남만의 독자적 실체를 가지는 것이므로, 유형원에 대한 직간접 자료 발굴 조사가 이루어질 때 “호남실학”을 종합적으로 연구하는 계기가 될 것이다. After the both wars of Imjin and Byeongja, Joseon incurred social and economic crises due to destruction of its social order. There were scholars who sought to overcome the time of crises for national and social stability. A scholar that intended to systematically correct everything was Yu Hyung-won(柳馨遠) who was playing an active role in Honam Province. His Bangyesurok(磻溪隨錄) was a piece of writing which thoroughly reflected social aspects of that time. After his death, writings such as Jeon(傳) and Haengjang(行狀) by other literators and junior scholars mentioned his written works but it was not so much of uniformity and there also was not inconsiderable number of scholars who followed Yu Hyung-won’s thoughts and promoted reforms. This article reexamined every piece of Yu Hyung-won’s writings one by one and reclassified them according to their contents. Referring to both direct and indirect materials of scholars who succeeded Yu Hyung-won’s thoughts, this study briefly covered Yu Hyung-won’s study in those materials. This work would be a future opportunity to examine Yu Hyung-won’s thoughts in a stereoscopic manner and to study “Silhak(Realist School of Confucianism) in Honam Province” comprehensively. Further, it would help to get a sense of the independent identity of Honam Province in comparison to Silhak in near-capital area(近畿實學).

      • KCI등재

        이혜구 박사의 무악 연구 성과 및 검증 -체계이론을 중심으로-

        이보형 ( Bo Hyung Lee ) 한국음악사학회 2015 한국음악사학보 Vol.55 No.-

        한국전통음악학의 태두이신 이혜구 박사는 수많은 한국전통음악의 논문을 썼지만 한국의 민속음악 부문의 논문은 적은 편이다. 이 가운데 한국의 무속음악 부문에 관한 논문은 오직 “무악연구”이라는 하나의 논문 밖에 없다. 그러나 이 논문은 몇 가지 점에서 주목되는 것이다. 첫째, 이 논문은 현지 조사한 하여 작성한 한국의 무속음악에 관한 최초의 논문이라는 것이다. 둘째, 이 논문은 지금은 전승이 끊어진 지역의 무속음악이라 1940년대 서울 강남 지역의 무속음악 특징을 밝혔다. 즉 도살푸리, 반설음, 겹마치와 같은 무속음악 용어를 처음 학계에 소개하여 이 지역의 무속음악이 한강 이북과 다르고 경기도 남부 무의식과 같다는 정보를 후학들에게 제공한 셈이다. 셋째, 이혜구 박사는 이 때 조사한 무의식을 통하여 상고시대 나라의 축제와 관련성을 찾아내었고, 이 무의식에서 연행되는 줄타기 등 광대희를 통하여 중세 한국 궁중 축제인 나례(儺禮)의 가무희와 관련성을 밝혔고 또 판소리 발생론 규명을 시사하는 의견을 제공하였다. 넷째, 이혜구는 이 논문을 위하여 1940년대에 현지 조사하였고, 1950년대에 논문으로 작성하여 발표하였으며, 1990년대에 여기에 단긴 체계 이론을 약간 수정하여 발표하였고, 2000년대에 한국전통음악의 체계이론을 비판하는 저서를 내었다. 이 세 가지 글을 통하여 이혜구 박사 당시의 한국음악학 체계이론의 수준과 그 변화를 검증할 수 있었다. 이혜구 박사는 근래에 두 개의 서양음악식 박자가 한국음악의 장단을 이룬다는 이론을 처음 내었다. 이것은 옳은 이론이다. 그러나 강약주기박자 (서양음악박자)와 장단주기박자가 어떻게 결정되는가 하는 이론이 없기 때문에 다음과 같은 오류를 볼 수 있다. 중중모리는 반 장단인 6/8이 서양음악 박자이고 중모리는 4분의 1/4 장단인 3/4이 서양음악 박자로 결정하는 오류, 박의 층위 이론이 없었기 때문에 엇모리와 터벌림(반설음)을 다 같이 5박자로 결정하는 오류는 당시 학문 기준으로는 어쩔 수 없었을 것이다. 이혜구 박사의 유일한 무속음악에 대한 논문 “무악연구”는 학계에서 별로 관심을 갖지 않았지만 후학들의 국악학 연구에 여러 가지 시사하는 점이 많은 주목할 만한 논문이라 할 수 있다. Despite many research results produced by Dr. Lee Hye-ku 李惠求 [YiHye-gu] (1909- 2010), one of major pioneers of Korean musicological study, those on folk music remain relatively few. Among these, especially related to Korean Shaman music, we have only one particular writing, which is entitled A Study of Shaman Music. However, this paper deserves attention in the following points. First, this is the first report on Korean shaman music based on a field research. Second, this study investigates into the shaman music of Kangnam 江南 region of Seoul in the 1940s and this tradition is non-existent today. The study first introduces to specialists in this field concepts unique to Korean shaman music, such as tosalp``uri 도살푸리, pansorum 반서름, and kyommach``i 겹마치, suggesting that shaman music of this region differs from that from Kangbuk 江北 region and is rather similar to the southern ritual music of Kyongdo 京畿道 (Kyonggi Province). Third, based on this particular study of shaman rituals Dr. Lee has discovered its connections with court festival music of the periods of Koryo 高麗 and Choson 朝鮮 Dynasties. He also found similarities between acrobatic performances such as rope-walking staged in this shaman ritual and the song-dance-performances of narye 儺禮 (annual exorcism), a Korean court festival held in the middle ages. Moreover, he suggests that this is related to the origin of p``ansori 판소리 (Korean folk operatic song). Fourth, Dr. Lee conducted his field research in the 1940s, based on which he wrote up his paper in the 1950s. Later, after 1990, he added some details to produce his system theory and since 2000 Dr. Lee has published some books criticizing existing system theories on Korean traditional music. These three stages of writing demonstrate the level of development of changdan 長短 (rhythmic cycle) system theory in respective periods of Korean musicology and its changes. Recently, Dr. Lee has suggested that rhythm in Korean music largely consists of two types of Western rhythm, which is plausible. However, in lack of any theory explaining the dynamic structures of both Western and Korean rhythmic system, we were apt to decide that, for instance, half of chungjungmori 중중모리 changdan, rhythmic cycle of shamanic music, is western 6/8 and that 3/4 of one chungmori 중모리 changdan (rhythmic cycle) is in Western rhythm. Since no one knew about the level-theory of rhythmic beats, scholars often thought that both ommori 엇모리 changdan and t``obollim 터벌림 changdan were in five beat pattern. Although A Study of Shaman Music,“ Dr. Lee``s only study on Korean shaman music, received little attention from other scholars in the field, it may safely concludes that it has many good points from which scholars in the next generation may receive benefit.

      • KCI등재

        寒洲 李震相의 '明德說'에 대한 理重視的 관점 一攷

        이형성(Lee Hyung sung) 한국동양철학회 2015 동양철학 Vol.0 No.44

        조선의 성리학은 우주론보다는 인성론에 대한 탐구가 깊었다. 16세기 중후반에 마음 밖으로 드러난 사람의 감정을 리기론(理氣論)으로 논쟁한 사단칠정론(四端七情論), 18세기 초반에 마음 내면에 내재한 사람과 동물의 본성이 같은가 다른가를 리기론으로 논쟁한 인물성동이론(人物性同異論), 그리고 19세기 내우외환(內憂外患)의 격동기에 심(心)과 '명덕(明德)'의 정의와 그 관계에 대한 리기론적 탐구가 그것이다. 특히 심과 명덕을 논한 학자 가운데에는 '성이 곧 리이다'라는 성즉리(性卽理)를 상기하면서도 심과 명덕을 격상시켜 리(理)와 일치시켜 전개하는 학자도 있었다. 당시 학계를 대표할 만한 학자는 화서(華西) 이항로(李恒老), 노사(蘆沙) 기정진(奇正鎭), 한주(寒洲) 이진상(李震相) 등이다. 본 논문은 영남 성주에서 활약한 이진상의 '명덕설'을 중심으로 고찰하였다. 이진상은 35세 때(1825) 『대학』을 탐구하여 『대학차의(大學箚義)』를 지을 무렵, 주희(朱熹)의 '명덕'에 대한 주석을 치밀하게 분석한 다음, 종국에는 리의 관점에서 해석하고 기의 관점에서 해석한 명덕론을 비판하였다. 그후 61세 때(1878) 「명덕설(明德說)」을 저술하여 리의 관점에서 명덕을 해석한 '명덕주리설(明德主理說)'을 구축하였다. 논문 내용은 주로 원론적으로 전개하였는바, 먼저 주희의 명덕 주석에 대한 이진상의 해석, 그리고 명덕의 주기적(主氣的) 관점을 비판한 내용을 다루었으며, 마지막으로 이진상이 명덕과 심(心)ㆍ성(性)ㆍ정(情)을 일리(一理)로 조응(照應)시켜 전개한 것을 다루었다. 그의 리 중시적 명덕설 논지는 개인의 도덕적 윤리를 강화시키는 면이 강하고, 나아가 참된 도덕성을 배양한 선비나 위정자들이 시대적 사명을 가지고 국가와 사회에 실제적 영향력을 끼치고자 한 측면을 드러내는 것이라 하겠다. The Neo-Confucianism of Chosun had not finely investigated the definition of Sin(心, Mind) and Myeongdeok(明德, Righteous Way of Justice) and their relation until the 19th century. This study is focused on Lee Jin-Sang's theory of Myeongdeok. Lee looked into Great Learning at his 35(1825) to write Daehakchaeui(大學箚義, a book of showing the justices written in Great Learning). For such job of his at that time, he analyzed Zhuxi's annotation on Myeongdeok in detail and then translated Myeongdeok at the viewpoint of Ri(理, Principle) and criticized Myeongdeok translated in the viewpoint of Gi(氣, energy flow). Finally at his 61(1878), Lee wrote the Theory of Myeongdeok so that he could firmly established the theory of Myeongdeok at the viewpoint of Ri. The article of this study is mostly in theoretical basis to show Lee's translation of Zhuxi's annotation on Myeongdeok, Lee's criticism on the viewpoint of Gi on Myeongdeok and finally Lee's work for balancing and integrating Myeongdeok and Sim(心)ㆍSung(性)ㆍJung(情) in a principle. His point of the theory of Myeongdeok focusing on Ri values the individual's moral principle and furthermore to encourage the scholars and politicians with true morality to have actual impact on the nation and society under the calling of the age given to them.

      • KCI등재

        이창래의 Native Speaker의 한글번역본 비교연구 : 번역가의 두 가지 다른 시선

        이형진 ( Hyung Jin Lee ) 韓國世界文學比較學會 2011 世界文學比較硏究 Vol.36 No.-

        This paper intends to analyze different perspectives of the two translators, reflected into the two versions of Korean translation of Native Speaker (1995), the first novel written by the Korean-American novelist Chang-rae Lee. As literary translation is a product of another form of the translator`s personal reading of the text, different versions of translation often indicate different perspectives of translators toward the original text, and these differences become more important to understanding the meaning and value of the work, more than endless debates regarding mistranslation of the text. Hyun`s Korean translation of 1995 attempts to situate Lee`s novel under the umbrella of Korean literature, considering the theme of the novel as Korean immigrants` nostalgia for Korean culture and identity. This perspective leads to more natural translation with the frequent use of Korean cultural equivalents, trying to remind Korean readers of cultural connection to the author. However, Chung`s translation of 2003 views Lee`s novel as part of contemporary American literature which deals with the alienated life of immigrants in the multi-cultural society of America in which these immigrants are required to create a new kind of hybrid identity. This perspective is reflected in Chung`s careful attention to word choice, sentence structure and stylistic characteristics, often found in poetry translation. However, this difference does not exclusively derive from the translators` personal views on the novel. Rather, it has been critically influenced by the elevated status of the writer as one of the most representative contemporary American writer, not anymore Korean-American writer. Also, more careful attention in Chung`s translation to the writer`s style and literary identity leads to the translator`s efforts to keep Lee`s linguistic elegance and literary style intact in the translation, often creating poetic effect. Literary translation is never a form of perfect and omniscient reading of the text by a translator, and, in this sense, analyzing translators` perspectives reflected in the translations of the same novel provides a valuable tool to understanding the text from different perspectives.

      • 뇌졸중 후 중추성 통증 환자에 대한 동서협진이 진통과 재활에 미치는 영향

        이현종,김수영,이상훈,서동민,이두익,김건식,이재동,이윤호,양형인,박재경,최도영 WHO COLLABORATING CENTRE FOR TRADITIONAL MEDICINE 2003 東西醫學硏究所 論文集 Vol.2003 No.-

        Purpose : In order to study the effectiveness of East-West pain treatment on central poststroke pain(CPSP), we evaluated its effect on alleviation of pain and rehabilitation of CPSP Patients who were treated with electroacupuncture and west pain treatment for four weeks. Methods : Twenty four patients diagnosed by their pain characteristics of central pain from stroke were treated with sympathetic nerve block, gabapentin, amitriptyline, and electroacupuncture for four weeks. Pain intensity through the visual analogue scale(VAS), and improvements of mobility and rehabilitation through the modified Barthel index(MBI) and Rankin scale(RS), respectively, before and after pain treatment were also assessed. Results : VAS pain scores were significantly improved from 7.7±1.7 to 4.4±2.0 with pain treatment(p<0.05). In accordance with improvement of pain scores, RS and MBI scores were also improved from 2.88±0.95 to 2.13± 1.01 and from 83.0± 16.9 to 94.7±9.5(p<0.05), respectively, with pain treatment(p<0.05). Conclusions : It was suggested that the active pain treatment was contributed to the rehabilitation of CPSP patients, resulting in improvement of quality of life of CPSP patients. Futhermore, East pain treatment in combination with West pain treatment may be useful modality to alleviate CPSP.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        당밀의 첨가가 갈근탕박 사일리지의 품질과 산양의 기호성에 미치는 영향

        김성복,문계봉,이봉덕,오홍록,배형철,이수기 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2006 농업과학연구 Vol.33 No.1

        Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effects of molasses supplementation to silage materials in ensiling Galgeuntang (herbal medicine) meal on the quality of silage, and its palatability in Korean native goats. In experiment Ⅰ, molasses was added at the levels of 0, 0.5, and 1.0% to Galgeuntang meal with three replicates per treatment. In experiment Ⅱ, three 1.5-yr-old Korean native goats were used to measure palatability. In experiment Ⅰ, lactic acid contents in molasses treatments were significantly(p<0.05) higher, and pH and butyric acid contents were lower than those of non-molasses treatment. In addition, molasses treatment increased total microbial cell counts in MRS medium for lactobacillus, but decreased total microbial cell counts in PDA medium for fungi. Molasses supplementation to silage materials increased in vitro dry matter disappearance. Molasses supplementation tended to increase silage intake in Korean native goat (experiment Ⅱ), but the difference was not significant(p>0.05). It is concluded that molasses supplementation to silage materials in ensiling herbal medicine meal could improve its preservability and palatability, the higher the better.

      • 무작위 대조 이중맹검 시험을 통한 봉독 약침의 류마티스 관절염 치료 효과 연구

        이상훈,홍승재,김수영,양형인,이재동,최도영,이두익,이윤호 WHO COLLABORATING CENTRE FOR TRADITIONAL MEDICINE 2003 東西醫學硏究所 論文集 Vol.2003 No.-

        Objective : This study was performed in order to evaluate the effect of bee venom therapy on rheumatoid arthritis by randomized controlled double blind method. Method : RA patients were recruited and divided into an experiment group and a control group by random selection. As a double blind test, the experiment group was treated with bee venom injection on acupoints, and the control group was treated with normal saline injection on acupoints twice a week for 8 weeks. Tender joint count, swollen joint count, morning stiffness, pain, health assessment questionnaire, ESR. and CRP were estimated and analyzed at baseline, and at 1 month and 2 months after bee venom therapy Results : Compared to the control group, the experiment group showed significant decrease in tender joint count swollen joint count, morning stiffness, and health assessment questionnaire after 2 months. Pain, ESR and CRP showed significant decrease in the experiment group after 1 & 2 months. Conclusions : These results suggests that bee venom therapy could be an effective method in the treatment of patients with rheumatoid arthritis.

      • Pomeranian에서 발생한 치주 질환에 의한 비염 1례

        이기자,최윤정,최형준,이용진,최호정,이영원,정성목 忠南大學校 獸醫科大學 動物醫科學硏究所 2005 動物醫科學硏究誌 Vol.13 No.-

        A 10-year-old spayed female dog with history of persistent nasal discharge and halitosis was presented. In oral examination, there were severe dental calculi and gingivitis. The radiographic imaging showed lesions of left nasal cavity and periodontal membrane. In computed tomographic imaging, there are increased density of left nasal cavity, loss of nasal concha and partial defect of nasal septum. Many inflammatory cells were observed in nasal cytology. The result of culture from nasal smear was negative. All these findings result in rhinitis by dental calculi and gingivitis. The dog got improved after scaling, tooth extraction, and medical treatment.

      • KCI등재

        기업내에서 부서간 갈등해결을 위한 의사결정조정 메커니즘에 관한 연구 : 웹 DSS 접근방법을 중심으로 Emphasis on Web-DSS Approach

        이건창,조형래 한국경영과학회 2001 韓國經營科學會誌 Vol.26 No.1

        As the advent of the Internet, most of the modern firms are now forced to use the Internet as one of telecommunication tools for daily activities. Especially, as the decision units and/or makers in a firm become geographically dispersed due to the globalization trend, the need for integrating them effectively on the Internet is getting attention from researchers and practitioners much more than ever. In literature, this kind of need has been specially conspicuous in the need for coordinating production and marketing activities which are known as one of the typically conflicting with each other in terms of purposes. Lee and Lee(1999) has proposed an interesting coordination environment for production and marketing, named PROMISE. This paper is aimed at improving the coordination algorithm utilized in PROMISE and accordingly proposing a web-driven DSS for the purpose of transforming Promise into a web-based decision support platform for production and marketing coordination.

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