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        Inhibition of oxidative stress induced‑cytotoxicity by coptisine in V79‑4 Chinese hamster lung fibroblasts through the induction of Nrf‑2 mediated HO‑1 expression

        Hyeon‑Gyun Jo,Cheol Park,이혜숙,Gi‑Young Kim,Young‑Sam Keum,Jin Won Hyun,Taeg Kyu Kwon,Yung Hyun Choi,Su Hyun Hong 한국유전학회 2021 Genes & Genomics Vol.43 No.1

        Background Coptisine is a natural alkaloid compound and is known to have multiple benefcial efects including antioxidant activity. However, whether it can protect lung fbroblasts from oxidative damage has not been studied yet. Objectives To investigate the potential inhibitory efect of coptisine against oxidative stress in V79-4 lung fbroblast cells. Methods V79-4 cells were treated with H2O2 (1 mM) in the presence or absence of coptisine (50 µg/ml), N-acetyl cysteine (NAC, 10 mM) or zinc protoporphyrin IX (ZnPP, 10 µM) for the indicated times. The alleviating efects of coptisine on cytotoxicity, cell cycle arrest, apoptosis, reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, DNA damage, mitochondrial dynamics, and inhibition of ATP production against H2O2 were investigated. Western blot analysis was used to analyze the expression levels of specifc proteins. Results Coptisine inhibited H2O2-induced cytotoxicity and DNA damage by blocking abnormal ROS generation. H2O2 treatment caused cell cycle arrest at the G2/M phase accompanied by increased expression of cyclin-dependent kinase (Cdk) inhibitor p21WAF1/CIP1 and decreased expression of cyclin B1 and cyclin A. However, these efects were attenuated in the presence of coptisine or NAC. Coptisine also prevented apoptosis by decreasing the rate of Bax/Bcl-2 expression in H2O2-stimulated cells and suppressing the loss of mitochondrial membrane potential and the cytosolic release of cytochrome c. In addition, the activation of nuclear factor-erythroid-2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) and heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) was markedly promoted by coptisine in the presence of H2O2. However, zinc protoporphyrin IX, a potent inhibitor of HO-1, attenuated the ROS scavenging and anti-apoptotic efects of coptisine. Conclusions Based on current data, we suggest that coptisine can be used as a potential treatment for oxidative stress-related lung disease.

      • KCI등재

        김수영 시에 나타난 ‘죽음’의 문제 연구

        권지현(Kwon Ji?Hyeon) 강원대학교 인문과학연구소 2012 인문과학연구 Vol.0 No.32

        본고는 김수영 시에 나타난 ‘죽음’의 문제를 시적 생명의 발현과정으로 보고 김수영시에 내재한 죽음의 문제를 고찰하였다. 김수영시에 나타난 ‘죽음’은 새로운 생명을 획득하는 변증법적 과정을 거치면서 시적 해탈과 새로움의 시간을 획득한다. 본고에서는 김수영 시에 나타난 ‘죽음’의 문제와 관련하여 5·60년대의 억압적인 반공이데올로기에 갇힌 작가적 현실을 시인의 죽음으로 파악하고 김수영 시인의 순교자적 죽음의식을 고찰하였다. 또 김수영의 초기시에서부터 시작된 일련의 죽음의식이 자양분으로 받아들인 책 속에서 죽고 그 자신이 창작한 시 속에서 다시 한 번 죽음으로써 시의 죽음과 죽음의 현재적 시간을 획득함을 블랑쇼의 글쓰기와 관련시켜 논의하였다. 더불어 장자의 생사관과 불교의 ‘해탈’과 같은 동양사상에 내재한 전통을 혁신함으로써 ‘새로움’의 시학을 보여준 김수영 시의 죽음의식은 생명에대한 미래적 회귀의식을 보여준다. 김수영시에 나타난 ‘죽음’의 문제는 5·60년대의 정치·사회적 상황과 긴밀한 연관을 지닌 것으로 김수영은 죽음의식을 통해 시적 ‘새로움’과 ‘자유’의 생명을 획득하는 시적 성취를 이룩한다. 김수영의 시의식이 본질을 향해 나아가는 과정에서 추구하였던 ‘죽음’을 시적고통과 순교자적 대결의식, 죽음의 시간과 시의 죽음, ‘새로움’과 ‘해탈’의 미래적 회귀로 파악하고 이를 작품 분석을 통해 고찰하였다. This study examined ‘the poetics of death’ inherent in Kim Su?yeong’s poems, assuming that the ‘death’ problem in Kim Su?yeong’s poems is the process of manifesting a poetic life. For this, we analyzed his works based on the understanding that ‘death’ pursued by Kim Su?yeong in the course that his poetic consciousness moved toward the essence was the content of poetic pain, martyrdom consciousness of confrontation, the death of the author and books, Zen?style liberation, and the revolution of ‘newness.’ The discussions of this study are summarized as follows. First, for Kim Su?yeong who promoted poetic completeness comparable with contemporary world literature, the division of the country and the curbed realities suppressing literary freedom were equivalent to death. Although an utterance about the division system could lead him to severe risk and even death, Kim Su?yeong wrote poems containing such utterances. This poetic spirit can be regarded as martyrdom consciousness of confrontation toward poetic freedom. Second, with regard to the ‘death’ problem in Kim Su?yeong’s poems, we discussed it in connection to Blanchot’s concepts of writing and death. A series of death consciousness beginning from Kim Su?yeong’s early poem ‘Confucius’ Hard Living’ achieved the death of poetry and the poet’s death through a death in books read for nutrition and another death in poems written by himself. Third, Kim Su?yeong read the depth of newness in poems containing ‘the music of death.’ Accordingly, the death problem in Kim Su?yeong’s poems became the point where ‘newness’ and freedom are attained. In his prose ‘Lying Zen,’ he revealed through lying Zen the absolute state of ‘perfect oblivion’ leaving no trace of the corpse, the remains of death. Thus, we can say that the death problem in Kim Su?yeong’s poems is his search of ‘newness’ and his will toward freedom so desperate that he tried to pass through death and leave no trace of the dead body behind.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재후보

        사이버 가정학습체제 구축 모형 개발

        권성호,최인호,심현애,이승진,김경현,장상현 한국교육정보미디어학회 2003 교육정보미디어연구 Vol.9 No.4

        본 연구는 초·중등 사이버 가정학습체제의 구축 모형 개발을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 첫째, 사교육비 관련 현황 및 우리나라의 사회·현실적 요구를 분석하고, 둘째, 사이버 공간에서의 학습을 지원하는 학습이론을 탐색하여 얻은 시사점을 바탕으로 사이버 가정학습체제 개발 원리를 도출하였으며, 셋째, 학습이론적 적용의 틀을 기반으로 사이버 가정학습체제 구축 모형을 개발하고, 각 모형에 대한 세부적인 설명과 시행 시 고려해야 할 사항을 제시하였다. 사이버 가정학습체제 구축 모형은 체제 구성요소와 각 요소들 간의 관계를 도식화한 체제 구성도를 바탕으로 사이버 가정학습체제를 운영하는 활동 주체들의 역할을 정의한 운영 모형, 사이버 가정학습체제 내에서의 학습 유형과 흐름을 보여주는 학습 모형, 사이버 가정학습체제 내 학습 콘텐츠의 구성 기준을 제시하는 콘텐츠 모형 그리고 사이버 가정학습체제 내에서의 학습에 대한 학업성취도 평가와 체제 평가를 위한 평가 모형으로 구성되었다. 각 유형별 모형은 필요에 따라 하위 모형으로 분류되어 총 17개의 사이버 가정학습체제 모형을 제시하였다. 또한 사이버 가정학습체제가 사교육비 절감과 공교육 지원이라는 궁극적인 목적을 달성하기 위해 고려되어야 할 시사점으로 환경자원, 학습자원, 인적자원, 홍보 마케팅 등의 네 가지 측면으로 나누어 제시하였다. The study is purposed to develop a set of construction models for Cyber Home Study System(CHSS) to support the students' self study through internet at the level of elementary, middle and high school students. This is intended to reduce the over spending of the private educational payment, causing the social conflict and antagonism in Korea, and finally to support the public education. The study problems are as follows: 1. Analysis on the social and authentic needs for reducing the private educational payment which causes the social conflict and antagonism in Korea. 2. Setting up the principles to develop the construction model for CHSS to apply the learning theories in support of the learning in the cyber space. 3. Development of a set of construction models for development and construction for CHSS, based on the theoretical developmental principles. The construction model for CHSS developed in this study contains a systemic diagram of the whole CHSS, and 4 major models: a model for management, the model for learning process, the model for content design, and the model for evaluation. The systemic diagram for CHSS demonstrates various components, which consist of the whole system, and the relationship among the components. The model of management identifies the role of each organization by which the CHSS is operated. The Learning process model is classified with 9 sub-models converging on the three factors. These factors are the learner subject, the existence of tutor support, and the relationship to the local school. The models for content design proposes the guideline for design and production of learning content. The evaluation model is composed of three sub models: evaluation for individual learning achievement, evaluation for learning achievement of the tutor supported calss members, and the system evaluation. Finally, 4 kinds of suggestions is suggested to accomplish the purpose of CHSS in terms of environmental resources, learning resources, man power, and advertising and marketing strategies.

      • 한국 여자 전통 혼례복식에 나타난 미적 감성에 관한 연구

        양현주,권영숙 복식문화학회 2001 服飾文化硏究 Vol.9 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to determine aesthetical characteristics of the Korean traditional wedding dress for women by analyzing such dresses' aesthetical senses. For the purpose, the study showed four types of the dress, jukyee, whalot, weonsam and private weonsam and their photographed stimuli to subjects and then obtained data using the seven scale measures of meaning differentiation consisting of 25 pairs of adjective words. Results of the study are described as follows ; Aesthetical senses shown in the Korean traditional dressing dress for women included six factors in total, among which attractiveness was found as the main factor, followed by chastity, For the four types of the dress, whatnot adpated revelation as its main factor while the remaining three types, or jukyee, weonsam and private weonsam were found having dignity as their main factors. adjective words which largely accounted for aesthetical senses included uncomfottable, wart, chaste, intellectual, bright unique, regular, luxurious, classical, ornamental and beautiful, suggesting that the Korean traditional wedding dress fur women is somewhat unfunctional, but high in attractiveness and aesthetic beauty and has a better classical harmonization of dignity and revelation. Aesthetical senses were most different according to nationality(Korea and Japan) when they were analyzed in terms of nationality, Ponder and whether of specialization or non-specialization. Japanese people had unique and interesting senses while Korean people, chaste, calm and delicate aesthetical senses. According to gender, men revealed free senses and women, classical ones. According whether of specialization or non-specialization, those who specialized in a related field had more unique, straights regular, luxurious and interesting aesthetical senses than those who did not specialize.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재
      • SD Rats를 이용 1-hexene의 흡입독성 연구

        김현영,임철홍,정용현,이권섭,이성배,이준연,한정희,전윤석,이용묵 한국환경독성학회 2001 환경독성보건학회지 Vol.16 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the acute (4 hours) and repeated-dose (6 hours a day, 5 days a week, 4 weeks) toxic effects of I -hexene on Sprague- Dawley (SD) rats which were treated by inhalation. The results were as follows; I. The median lethal concentration (LC_(50)) was estimated 52,694 ppm (confidence limit 95%; 49,494~55,447 ppm) in acute inhalation. Abnormal clinical signs related to the l-Hexene were not observed with the acute inhalation dose. Gross findings of necropsy revealed on evidence of specific toxicity related to the 1-hexene, II. By repeated inhalation exposure the body weight of male were more or less reduced by the dose of 2,500 ppm and 5,000 ppm compared with control group. However there were no significant variation hematology and blood biochemistry for the exposed rats compared with the control rats. Abnormal clinical signs and gross findings of necropsy related to the 1-hexene were not shown. In conclusion when we exposed I-hexene to SD rats for 4 weeks, 5 days per week, 6 hours per day, the Lowest observed effect level (LOEL) was over 2,500 ppm and Non observed effect level (NOEL) was below 500 ppm.

      • KCI등재

        크롬(Ⅵ)의 체내 흡수와 소실속도에 관한 연구

        김현영,이성배,임철홍,이권섭,정용현,이종성,한정희,전윤석,황호순,이용묵 한국산업위생학회 2003 한국산업보건학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        The CrO3 mostly used in plating. metal surface disposal, leather, cosmetic manufacturing, as an experiment material by repeatedly inhaling and exposure the male S.D. rats at a 0.00, 0.2., 0.50, 1.25 mg/㎡ concentration(particle size: 0.5-0.5 aerosol)6hours a day, 5day a week in 13weeks comparing with 2weeks, 8weeks of recovery group about the noxiousness of the experiment animal and the reduce scale of the CrO3 in the internal organ especially in blook and respiratory organ with the period of convalescent and clearance. The experiment results which we received are as follows. 1. In blood the RBC, HGB and HCT experiment, rats with 0.20, 0.50 mg/㎡ concentration showed that there were some decreases but not dependent. The kidneys absolute weight compared with control group was reduced intentionally(p〈0.05) and the lungs absolute weight compared with control group showed intentional increase(p〉0.05). 2. After the exposure of the experiment material, the whole blook, l\blood plasma and red blood cell in blood by (x): the period of convalescent, per (y); the decreasing of Cr concentration, was y=66.51 e -0.057x, y=67.2 e-0.101x, y=70.01 e-0.030 in 0.50 mg/㎡ exposure concentration by calculating the clearance coefficient of correlation, and the half life (day)was estimated 12.0, 6086, 23.0 each. 3, After the exposure of the experiment material, the experiment animals lung, liver and kidneys by(x); the period of convalescent, per (y); the decreasing of Cr conentration, was y=1808 e-0.00493x, y=12.02e-0.0297x, y=67.61 e-0.0292x in 0.50mg/㎡ exposure concentration by calculating the clearance coefficient of correlation, and the half life(day)was estimated 140.6, 23.3, 23.7, each, and including lung, liver with all of the experiment internal organs, the Cr clearance decreased as the exposure concentration increased.

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