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한두정,정종연,최지훈,최윤상,김학연,이미애,이의수,백현동,김천제,Han, Doo-Jeong,Jeong, Jong-Youn,Choi, Ji-Hun,Choi, Yun-Sang,Kim, Hack-Youn,Lee, Mi-Ae,Lee, Eui-Soo,Paik, Hyun-Dong,Kim, Cheon-Jei 한국축산식품학회 2007 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.27 No.1
We investigated the properties of pork jerky prepared under various drying conditions. Drying conditions were control ($80^{\circ}C$/210 min), T1 ($55^{\circ}C/60 min\to65^{\circ}C/60 min\to72^{\circ}C/90 min$), and T2 ($72^{\circ}C/90 min\to65^{\circ}C/60 min\to55^{\circ}C/60 min$), respectively. Water content and water activity ($a_w$) were the lowest in control, while TBA values were the highest among all groups (p<0.05). CIE $L^*$-value in T1 was significantly (p<0.05) lower than in T2 and CIE $a^*$-value showed significantly (p<0.05) the highest in control. CIE $b^*$-value in T2 were significantly higher (p<0.05) compared to the other treatments. Drying yields of pork jerky showed the lowest values in controls but highest in T2 jerky. In textual profile evaluations, control samples had greater hardness, cohesiveness, gumminess, and chewiness values than the other treatments, but springiness values were the lowest (p<0.05). Controls had significantly (p<0.05) lower scores than the other treatments in all sensorial traits. Total bacterial counts in T2 were the lowest during drying process. Based on our findings, we conclude that T2 conditions provided the most effective drying process.
보습제 종류와 첨가수준이 돈육 육포의 품질특성에 미치는 영향
한두정,정종연,최지훈,최윤상,김학연,이미애,이의수,백현동,김천제,Han, Doo-Jeong,Jeong, Jong-Youn,Choi, Ji-Hun,Choi, Yun-Sang,Kim, Hack-Youn,Lee, Mi-Ai,Lee, Eui-Soo,Paik, Hyun-Dong,Kim, Cheon-Je 한국축산식품학회 2008 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.28 No.4
We investigated the quality properties of pork jerky prepared with various humectants (Konjac, egg albumin, isolated soy protein). Jerky was prepared as follows; control with no humectants, treatments with 0.05, 0.1, and 0.2% humectants, respectively. Humectant treatments had higher drying yields of pork jerky than the control (p<0.05), Konjac treatment produced the the highest drying yields among the humectants tested. CIE a-and b-value were lowest in isolated soy protein treatments. b-value in 0.2% egg albumin treatments were higher than other treatments (p<0.05). Jerky water content increased as humectant content increased. Water activity (Aw) in 0.2% Konjac treatments was higher than controls and 0.05% Konjac (p<0.05). In textual profile evaluations, control samples had greater hardness, cohesiveness, gumminess, and chewiness values than other treatments, but very low springiness (p<0.05). Control had significantly (p<0.05) lower scores than the other treatments in sensorial texture, juiciness and overall acceptability. Based on our findings, we conclude that 0.05% Konjac was the most effective humectant among those we tested in this study.
Effects of Hot Boning and Soy Sauce on the Processing Properties of Semi-dried Beef Jerky
한두정,이의수,이시경,김천제 한국축산식품학회 2011 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.31 No.4
The objective of this study was to examine the effect of hot-boning and soy sauce as a curing agent on the processing properties of beef jerky. Beef jerky was prepared under the following four treatment conditions; Beef jerky with cold-boned beef and salt solution, beef jerky with cold-boned beef and soy sauce solution, beef jerky with hot-boned beef and salt solution,and beef jerky with hot-boned beef and soy sauce solution. Cured meat and jerky containing hot-boned beef had a significantly higher pH, water holding capacity (WHC), moisture content, Myofibrillar fragmentation index (MFI), processing yields, tenderness, and sensorial scores than samples containing cold-boned beef (p<0.05). Regardless of the raw materials,the jerky containing soy sauce had a significantly lower pH, WHC, moisture content, salt content, TBA, CIE L* and b*-values, and significantly higher MFI, mechanical tenderness, and sensorial scores (p<0.05). Based on these findings, we concluded that the use of hot-boned meat and soy sauce was the most effective boning method and curing agent during beef jerky processing.
한두정,최지훈,최윤상,김학연,김시영,김현욱,정혜경,김천제 한국축산식품학회 2011 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.31 No.2
The objective of this study was to examine the effect of adding various humectants (konjac, egg albumin, and isolated soy protein) on the properties of semi-dried chicken jerky. Jerky samples were prepared as follows: control with no humectants and treatments with 0.05, 0.1, and 0.2% of added humectants. Adding the humectants influenced the increase in pH, processing yields, moisture contents, water activity, mechanical tenderness, and sensorial properties (tenderness, juiciness, and overall acceptability) of chicken jerky. Additionally, the konjac treatment most improved the yields, tenderness, and sensorial traits, among the humectant treatments tested. Furthermore, adding 0.1% konjac during jerky manufacture resulted in similar quality properties as adding 0.2% konjac.
Effect of Tenderizer on Physical Quality and Microbial Safety during Korean Beef Jerky Production
김현욱,한두정,김천제,백현동,Kim, Hyoun-Wook,Han, Doo-Joung,Kim, Cheon-Jei,Paik, Hyun-Dong Korean Society for Food Science of Animal Resource 2008 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.28 No.5
The physical quality and microbial safety of Korean beef jerky was evaluated at various steps during its preparation. Microbial counts in raw beef demonstrated mesophillic bacteria at 4.20 Log CFU/g, psychrotrophic bacteria at 3.85 Log CFU/g, anaerobic bacteria at 4.90 Log CFU/g, and yeast and molds at 1.92 Log CFU/g. Spore-forming bacteria and coliforms were not detected in raw beef samples. Spices and spiced meats showed similar trends in microbial counts, demonstrating minimal microbial contamination during these stages of preparation. The final beef jerky product exhibited counts of mesophillic bacteria at 1.15-1.66 Log CFU/g, psychrotrophic bacteria at 1.15-1.66 Log CFU/g, and anaerobic bacteria at 0.81-1.72 Log CFU/g. Spore-forming bacteria, yeast and molds, and coliforms were not detected in beef jerky. Significant differences from added ingredients occurred for instron textural profile analysis traits for hardness. In general, Korean beef jerky with humectant and tenderizer had lower hardness than control (without humectant and tenderizer). Also, the sample added with 0.01% protease from Streptomyces griseus had lower hardness than all samples. All samples had 0.7l to 0.72 water activities, and the color and pH were not shown in significant changes of all samples.
열풍건조한 김치 분말이 저지방 소시지의 품질 특성에 미치는 영향
이미애,한두정,최지훈,최윤상,김학연,정종연,백현동,김천제,Lee, Mi-Ai,Han, Doo-Jeong,Choi, Ji-Hun,Choi, Yun-Sang,Kim, Hack-Youn,Jeong, Jong-Youn,Paik, Hyun-Dong,Kim, Cheon-Jei 한국축산식품학회 2008 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.28 No.2
The effects of the addition of Kimchi powder at levels of 1%, 2%, and 3% (w/w) to sausage formulation on the quality characteristics of low-fat sausage were determined. The CIE L-values of low-fat sausages were lower than the control (p<0.05), and were inversely proportional to the level of Kimchi powder (p<0.05). The CIE a- and CIE b-values of sausages increased with increasing levels of Kimchi powder (p<0.05), and the pH of sausages decreased in proportion to Kimchi powder acidity. Kimchi powder was effective at retaining added water in low-fat sausages since cooking yield, emulsion stability, and viscosity with the addition of 3% Kimchi powder was similar to that of the control. The protein and ash contents of sausages were not affected by Kimchi powder addition (p>0.05), while sausages containing 3% Kimchi powder had the highest water content (p<0.05). With increasing Kimchi powder concentration, hardness, gumminess, chewiness, and sensory scores increased in low-fat sausages (p<0.05).
한국형 고추장 양념 돈육포의 미생물학적, 이화학적 및 관능적 품질 특성
김현욱,이경아,한두정,김천제,백현동,Kim, Hyoun-Wook,Lee, Kyoung-Ah,Han, Doo-Jeong,Kim, Cheon-Jei,Paik, Hyun-Dong 한국축산식품학회 2007 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.27 No.3
The aim of this study was to evaluate the microbial safety and quality changes of Korean sliced pork jerky, and to investigate these properties over 90 days and 28 days of storage at room temperature $(25^{\circ}C)$ and elevated temperature $(35^{\circ}C)$. Based on the microbial counts of pork jerky, mesophilic bacteria were detected at 2.50 log CFU/g at day 0. The mesophilic bacterial count did not change significantly for all samples, and coliform bacteria and Bacillus cereus were not detected in any samples during storage at either $25^{\circ}C\;or\;35^{\circ}C$. The following physicochemical qualities were also investigated: TBA value, Aw, and pH. In the case of $25^{\circ}C$ storage, the Aw of Korean sliced pork jerky was 0.72 at day 0, and was reduced to 0.58 after 90 days of storage. The TBA value increased as the storage time increased, and was 0.52 after 90 days of storage. The pH of all samples did not change significantly. In the case of $35^{\circ}C$ storage, the TBA, Aw, and pH values were not significantly different from those obtained during $25^{\circ}C$ storage. In addition, the sensory properties of all samples were not significantly different between storage at the two temperatures. In conclusion, these results suggest Korean sliced pork jerky could be used to study the development of commercial pork jerky.
최윤상,최지훈,한두정,김학연,이미애,김현욱,송동헌,이주운,김천제 한국축산식품학회 2010 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.30 No.5
Sausages were prepared with fresh chicken breast meat and pork back fat, and formulated with different amounts of added chestnut (Castanea sativa Mill.) peel and ice water to study the effect on the products. The chicken emulsion sausages formulated with 1%, 2%, and 3% added chestnut peel powder were higher in moisture and ash content, and lower in energy values. The cooking loss, emulsion stability, and viscosity of the sausages were improved by the addition of chestnut peel. The fat content, pH, lightness, hardness, and springiness of the chicken emulsion sausage decreased as the amount of chestnut peel levels increased. The chicken emulsion sausages containing 1% and 3% chestnut peel had a higher overall acceptability than the control.
미강 식이섬유 첨가 수준이 분쇄형 돈육 육제품의 품질 특성에 미치는 영향
최윤상,최지훈,한두정,김학연,이미애,김현욱,정종연,백현동,김천제,Choi, Yun-Sang,Choi, Ji-Hun,Han, Doo-Jeong,Kim, Hack-Youn,Lee, Mi-Ai,Kim, Hyun-Wook,Jeong, Jong-Youn,Paik, Hyun-Dong,Kim, Cheon-Jei 한국축산식품학회 2008 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.28 No.3
This study evaluated the effects of adding levels of rice bran fiber on the chemical compositions, cooking characteristics and sensory properties of ground pork meat products. Meat products were produced with products containing 0% (control), 1%, 2%, 3%, 4%, and 5% and rice bran fiber. The control had the highest protein and fat contents, cooking loss, reduction in diameter, CIE L value and CIE a value of uncooked product, and CIE L value of cooked product. The meat product containing rice bran fiber had the higher ash, pH, and CIE b value than the controls. The addition of 5% rice bran fiber resulted in the lowest cooking loss and L value of cooked meat products. Meat product with 2% rice bran had the highest water content, water holding capacity, hardness, color, tenderness, juiciness values. There was a significant difference among the ground meat products with respect to sensory properties, and meat products containing 1% and 2% rice bran had higher overall acceptability than the other meat products.
최주희,김학연,한두정,김용재,박재현,함윤경,김천제 한국축산식품학회 2011 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.31 No.5
The effects of adding goldenrod leaf (GL) and stem powder (GS) (1 and 2%) to sausage meat were evaluated for quality characteristics. The compositional properties, pH, cooking yield, instrumental color, emulsion stability, viscosity, texture,and sensory properties were investigated. Adding GL and GS increased the moisture and ash concentration in sausages. Furthermore,increasing the amount of added GL and GS helped to develop (p<0.05) cooking yield, emulsion stability, and viscosity in the meat batters. Sausages with 2% GL and GS had significantly higher springiness and hardness than those of the control. No significant differences in cohesiveness were observed among the treatments. CIE L^* and CIE a^* values were highest (p<0.05) in the control sausage. Treatment with 2% GL resulted in the highest CIE b^* values (p<0.05) in batter and sausages. No significant difference was observed between the control and other treatments for the overall acceptability. Overall, this study indicated that GL and GS could be used as dietary fiber in sausages to improve quality characteristics.