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최윤상,신용광,YounSang Choi,Yong Kwang Shin 국립한국농수산대학교 교육개발센터 2024 현장농업연구지 = Journal of practical agricultural resear Vol.25 No.4
This study attempts to derive measures to improve content claims of free antibiotic livestock products(FLP) through analyzing situations for the FLP market and results of survey for its providers. Recently the number of certified farms has been decreasing, but shipments per farm has been increasing. Furthermore as the COVID-19 has increased health and environmental concern, shipments of FLP have showed a steady increase. The distribution channel of FLP, regardless of varieties, is similar to that of general livestock products(GLP). The major results from survey for providers of FLP are little difference in between content claims of GLP and FLP and low utilization of FLP in production of livestock processed products compared with its shipments. The policies for content claims of FLP suggested by this study are permission of FLP authentication labelling for livestock processed products and permission of those which contain FLP over 70% in the first step.
최윤상,전기홍,박종대,성정민,서동호,구수경,오남수,김영붕,Choi, Yun-Sang,Jeon, Ki-Hong,Park, Jong-Dae,Sung, Jung-Min,Seo, Dong-Ho,Ku, Su-Kyung,Oh, Nam-Su,Kim, Young-Boong 한국식품조리과학회 2015 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.31 No.5
The objective of this study is to investigate the effects of binding agents (carrageenan, transglutaminase, isolated soy protein, and wheat fiber) on the physicochemical and sensory characteristics of pork patties. One percent of each pork patty formulation was prepared with one of the following carrageenan, transglutaminase, isolated soy protein, or wheat fiber. The lightness and redness values of raw and cooked pork patties with carrageenan, isolated soy protein, and wheat fiber were significantly higher than the control (p<0.05). The water holding capacity, cooking yield, and moisture content of pork patties containing carrageenan, isolated soy protein, and wheat fiber were significantly higher than the control (p<0.05). However, the reduction in diameter and thickness was lower than the control (p<0.05). The protein and fat content of the pork patties were not significantly different between the control and patties with binding agent addition. The shear forces of the pork patties with transglutaminase, isolated soy protein, and wheat fiber were significantly higher than the control (p<0.05), while the pork patties with carrageenan were significantly lower than control (p<0.05). Among the sensory characteristics, tenderness, juiciness, and overall acceptability of pork patties containing carrageenan, transglutaminase, isolated soy protein, and wheat fiber were slightly higher, although there was no significant difference. Therefore, pork patties containing binding agents are useful in making new ground meat products with desirable quality characteristics.
미강 추출 식이섬유 혼합물을 첨가한 돈육 유화물의 품질특성
최윤상,정종연,최지훈,한두정,김학연,이미애,심소연,백현동,김천제,Choi, Yun-Sang,Jeong, Jong-Youn,Choi, Ji-Hun,Han, Doo-Jeong,Kim, Hack-Youn,Lee, Mi-Ai,Shim, So-Yeon,Paik, Hyun-Dong,Kim, Cheon-Jei 한국축산식품학회 2007 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.27 No.2
The purpose of this study was to investigate quality characteristics of the meat batter containing dietary fiber extracted rice bran. The formulations of meat batters were manufactured in a model system with 2% raw rice bran and 2, 4, 6% levels of dietary fiber extracted rice bran, respectively. The proximate compositions of dietary fiber extracted rice bran were 53.27% dietary fiber, 6.10% crude fat, 22.99% crude protein, 12.78% crude moisture, and 7.41% crude ash. Compared with control of uncooked meat batter, the pH value of all treatments were significantly different(p<0.05). The pH of cooked meat batter were similar to uncooked meat batter. $CIE\;L^*-\;and\;CIE\;b^*-value$ of uncooked meat batter containing dietary fiber extracted rice bran were lower than control, but CIE $a^*-value$ of treatment was higher than those in control(p<0.05). All treatments had significantly lower cooking loss and emulsion stability than control(p<0.05). Compared with control, viscosity of the treatments containing dietary fiber extracted rice bran were observed significantly higher than those in control (p<0.05). And then hardness, cohesiveness, gumminess, and chewiness of treatments were higher than in control(p<0.05). Conclusively, the results of this study showed that addition of dietary fiber extracted rice bran affected the high quality properties of meat batter.
최윤상,금준석,전기홍,박종대,최현욱,황고은,정태준,김영붕,김천제 한국축산식품학회 2015 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.35 No.6
The effects of sea tangle, sea mustard, hijiki, and glasswort were investigated based on the proximate composition, salinity, cooking loss, emulsion stability, pH, color, texture profile analysis, apparent viscosity, and sensory characteristics of reduced-salt (NaCl) meat batter and frankfurters. The moisture content, salinity, lightness of the meat batter and frankfurter, hardness, gumminess, and chewiness of the reduced-salt frankfurters with sea weeds were lower than the control without seaweed (p<0.05). The protein content, springiness, and cohesiveness of the reduced-salt frankfurters were not significantly different among the treatments (p>0.05). The moisture content, salinity, cooking loss, lightness, redness, hardness, gumminess, and chewiness of treatments with sea tangle and with sea mustard were lower than the control (p<0.05). Among the sensory traits, color was highest in the control (p<0.05). The flavor was also highest in the control. The treatments with sea tangle and with sea mustard samples had high tenderness, juiciness, and overall acceptability scores similar to the control (p<0.05). The results of this study show that the combination of low-salt and seaweed in the formulation successfully improved reduced-salt frankfurters, improving sensory characteristics to levels similar to the regular salt control (1.5%).
우육 및 돈육 부위에 따라 고기 유화물의 유화맵에 미치는 영향
최윤상,정태준,황고은,김현욱,김천제,성정민,오남수,김영붕,Choi, Yun-Sang,Jeong, Tae-Jun,Hwang, Ko-Eun,Kim, Hyun-Wook,Kim, Cheon-Jei,Sung, Jung-Min,Oh, Nam-Su,Kim, Young-Boong 한국식품조리과학회 2015 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.31 No.3
This study was conducted in order to evaluate emulsion mapping between emulsion stability and moisture content, cooking yield, hardness, protein solubility, apparent viscosity, and overall acceptability of pork or beef emulsion batters. The pork and beef emulsion batters were added to different parts of the meat. The formulations indicating low emulsion stability and high cooking yield were T1 (pork shoulder), T2 (pork ham), and T5 (beef tenderloin) treatments. Low stability, low hardness and protein solubility were also T1 (pork shoulder), T2 (pork ham), and T5 (beef tenderloin) treatments. The Pearson's correlation coefficients show that emulsion stability is negatively correlated with cooking yield (p<0.05), with a value of -0.90, and positively correlated with hardness (p<0.05), and protein solubility (p<0.01) with values of 0.65 and 0.59, respectively. This approach has been found to be particularly useful for highlighting differences among the emulsified properties in emulsion meat products. Therefore, the results obtained with emulsion mapping are useful in the making of new emulsified meat products of the desired quality.
최윤상,성정민,전기홍,최현욱,서동호,김천제,김현욱,황고은,김영붕,Choi, Yun-Sang,Sung, Jung-Min,Jeon, Ki-Hong,Choi, Hyun-Wook,Seo, Dong-Ho,Kim, Cheon-Jei,Kim, Hyun-Wook,Hwang, Ko-Eun,Kim, Young-Boong 한국식품조리과학회 2015 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.31 No.6
This study evaluated the effects of adding blood levels to phycochemical properties, textural properties, and sensory characteristics of blood sausage. 4 treatment groups of blood sausage were produced, T1 (pork ham : pork blood = 60:15), T2 (55:20), T3 (50:25), and T4 (45:30). T1 had the highest moisture content, most cohesiveness, and gumminess, CIE L-value, CIE a-value, and CIE b-value of raw and cooked blood sausages. Protein content, fat content, ash content, and VBN values were not significantly different among the treatments. T4 was treated with the most added pork blood, and had the highest pH of raw and cooked blood sausages, cooking loss, and TBA values. T2's sausage was the hardest, but had more springiness, cohesiveness, gumminess, and chewiness than T4. The best scores were from T4 and had the most overall acceptability. The results of this study show that blood sausages containing 20% pork blood had higher improved quality characteristics in blood sausages.
Emulsion Mapping in Pork Meat Emulsion Systems with Various Lipid Types and Brown Rice Fiber
최윤상,김영붕,김현욱,황고은,송동헌,정태준,박진희,김천제 한국축산식품학회 2015 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.35 No.2
This study was conducted to evaluate emulsion mapping between emulsion stability and cooking yields, apparent viscosity, and hardness of reduced-fat pork emulsion systems. The reduced-fat emulsion systems were supplemented with different lipid types and brown rice bran fiber (BRF) concentrations. Compared to the control with 30% back fat, lower emulsion stability and higher cooking yield of meat emulsion systems were observed in T1 (30% back fat+1% BRF), T2 (30% back fat+2% BRF), T3 (30% back fat+3% BRF), T4 (30% back fat+6% BRF), and T15 (10% back fat+10% canola oil+2% BRF). Lower emulsion stability and higher apparent viscosity were observed in T1, T2, T3, T4, and T8 (20% back fat+3% BRF) compared to the control. Lower emulsion stability and higher hardness was detected in all treat- ments compared with the control, except T5 (20% back fat), T10 (10% back fat+10% canola oil+2% BRF), T11 (10% back fat+10% olive oil+2% BRF), T12 (10% back fat+10% grape seed oil+2% BRF), and T13 (10% back fat+10% soybean oil+2% BRF). This approach has been found particularly useful for highlighting differences among the emulsified properties in emulsion meat products. Thus, the results obtained with emulsion mapping are useful in making emulsified meat products of desired quality characteristics, partially replacing pork back fat with a mix of 10% back fat, 10% canola oil and 2% BRF was most similar to the control with 30% pork back fat.
최윤상,김현욱,송동헌,최지훈,박진희,김문용,임춘선,김천제 한국축산식품학회 2011 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.31 No.4
Reduced-fat emulsion sausage was supplemented with brown rice fiber at levels of 0, 1, 2, 3, and 6%. Adding different levels of brown rice fiber affected the proximate composition of the reduced-fat emulsion sausages (p<0.05), except for protein content. Adding different levels of brown rice fiber influenced the physicochemical properties of the reduced-fat emulsion sausages. The cooking yield, emulsion stability, textural properties, and viscosity of the reduced-fat emulsion sausages containing brown rice fiber improved with increases in added brown rice fiber (p<0.05). The reduced-fat emulsion sausages containing 1-3% brown rice fiber generated sensory evaluation scores similar to those of the high-fat sausage control. These results indicate that reduced-fat emulsion sausages with 1-3% added brown rice fiber had the most acceptable sensory properties and highest quality characteristics compared to the others.
최윤상,구수경,이혜진,박종대,성정민,전기홍,오남수,김영붕,Choi, Yun-Sang,Ku, Su-Kyung,Lee, Hae-Jin,Park, Jong-Dae,Sung, Jung-Min,Jeon, Ki-Hong,Oh, Nam-Su,Kim, Young-Boong 한국식품조리과학회 2017 한국식품조리과학회지 Vol.33 No.1
Purpose: The objective of this study was to examine the effects of pork liver levels on the quality characteristics of hamburger patties. Methods: The effects of the addition of livers concentrations from 0% to 20% were investigated based on chemical composition, cooking characteristics, physicochemical properties, shear force, and sensory characteristics of hamburger patties. Results: The increasing pork liver levels from 0% to 20% resulted in increased moisture content, ash content, redness, reduction in diameter, and reduction in thickness of hamburger patties, but decreased the fat content, lightness, cooking yield, shear force and water holding capacity of hamburger patties. The protein content of hamburger patties with different amounts of pork liver showed no significant differences. The hamburger patties with increasing pork liver levels had lower color, flavor, juiciness, and overall acceptability scores, but the overall acceptability of control showed similar trends to T1 (treatments with 5% pork liver). Conclusion: Pork liver in the formulation showed similar quality characteristics as compared to control hamburger patties without liver, with best results obtained on adding up to 5% pork liver.