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        최적이론과 허사구조

        김학연 현대문법학회 1997 현대문법연구 Vol.11 No.-

        Hak-youn Kim. 1997. Expletive Constructions in Optimality Theory. Studies in Modern Grammatical Theories 11: 91-105. The main purpose of this paper is to suggest LRI (Last Resort Insertion) instead of Subject in the rank of Subject > FI for optimal expletive in non-pro drop language. The general framework of Optimal Theory in syntax is introduced focused on Ob-Hd constraint in subject-verb inversion in English, and Subject and FI constraints in English and Italian. However the Subject constraint defined as "subject position must be filled" is not enough to cover all the expletive constructions. When the so called associate-NP is definite(DP), it can satisfy EPP feature in Infl without expletive. And Default Agreement of Subject in Icelandic also blocks an expletive in the subject position. Instead the last resort insertion of expletive occurs in order to satisfy the EPP feature only when the associate-NP is indefinite(NP). This is because the expletive functions as a determiner. Therefore I suggest to replace Subject by LRI.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        Pure EPP and Scrambling Revisited

        김학연 한국영미어문학회 2005 영미어문학 Vol.- No.77

        In scrambling, the properties of focus-feature, the A'-movement after D- stranding, and {P}-feature seem to be very similar to that of the pure EPP-feature. Thus, pure EPP analysis can explain various kinds of scrambling which have been main issues. However, for anaphor binding in pure EPP-driven scrambling, I propose the principle (30). (27) a. When an element scrambles out of its original CP, it loses its ɸ-feature, but an anaphor can lose it even in CIS. b. A scrambled element can not bind its anaphor if it has no ɸ-feature'. But there remains a problem waiting for further study. That is doubly scrambled adjunct which leaves a trace in the scrambled CP. To solve the problem, Saito (2003) suggested revised PBC, and Kim (2005) employed Boeckx' (2004) idea in which all adjuncts except 'why' can not be applied to chain splitting because they don't have ɸ-feature.

      • KCI등재후보
      • KCI등재

        BE동사 중첩의 문법화에 대한 통사적 분석

        김학연 현대문법학회 2013 현대문법연구 Vol.73 No.-

        The primary purpose of this paper is to show the syntactic structure of reduplicative copula is is constructions found in recent speeches. Perhaps it should be regarded as a pleonasm, a kind of repetition. But the advantage of analyzing it from the perspective of syntax becomes clear when we derive the structure based on recent syntactic assumptions. The non-standard structure of pseudo-cleft structure, whP is is that ... can be interpreted as being the product of unpacking the topic phrase in C-domain, while leaving the focus phrase in vP domain. The linking of the two phrases is manifested by the reduplication of BE, the first one being the Case marker, the second one being the focus marker inserted late.

      • KCI등재

        국소성과 결속에 관한 연구

        김학연 현대문법학회 1996 현대문법연구 Vol.8 No.-

        Kim, Hak-Youn. 1996. A Study on Locality and Binding. Studies in Modern Grammatical Theories 8: 181-2O8. The purpose of this paper is to show how Locality (Manzini 1992) can solve the problems revealed in the previous Binding Theories (Chomsky 1981, 1986b, Aoun 1986), and furthermore to explain even every dependency. For the dependency of wh-movement, the Locality employs both categorial sequence based on non K-governing and address sequence based on K-governing, and barrier defined by g-marking. If the sequence satisfy government, then wh-antecedents and the traces establish dependency. This Locality accounts for wh-t incorporated in Generalized Binding and even Specific islands. For A-movement dependency, the theouy makes use of Barrier suggested above and extended the trace to dependent element. In addition, this rule is bicotditioned. Through optional g-marking forBarrier, the problem of non complementary distribution of pronoun and anaphor are solved. In conclusion, the Locality has strong explanatory power because the simple principle can cover various problems revealed in previous binding theories.

      • KCI등재

        Expletive There in Generative Grammar

        김학연 대한언어학회 2004 언어학 Vol.12 No.3

        The Linguistic Association of Korea Journal, 12(3), 207-224. This paper deals with the status and role of expletive there in Generative Grammar. In particular, the main concern of this paper has to do with a historical survey of the models of Generative Grammar and its effects in the mechanism of introducing expletive there. In doing so, we will see how different models of Grammar affect a particular element, and why constructions containing expletive there invoke such vivid discussions in the minimalist program. We can see from this historical survey that the nature of expletive there is revealed by many theoretical devices.

      • 돈육과 우육의 배합비에 따른 재구성 반건조 육포의 품질 특성

        김학연,정종연,최지훈,최윤상,한두정,이미애,이의수,백현동,천제 한국축산식품학회 2006 심포지움 및 학술발표회 Vol.- No.37

        본 연구는 돈육의 비인기 부위를 기준으로 하고, 우육을 일부 배합하여 관능적 특성을 살린 돈육과 우육의 적절한 배합비를 결정하여 재구성 반건조 육포를 제조하여 품질 특성을 조사하는 데에 있다. 전체적으로 배합비에 상관없이 케이싱으로 충전 후 제조한 재구성 반건조 육포중 셀룰로오즈로 제조한 재구성 육포가 건조가 잘 이루어져 수분 함량(32~36)과 수분활성도(0.83~0.85)가 가장 낮아 전단력이나 metmyoglobin 함량이 높았으나 관능 평가에서 대체로 좋은 평가를 받아 재구성 반건조 육포 제조에 가장 알맞은 성형틀로 선택하였다. 또한 원하고자 하는 결착력이 좋고 조직감이 개선된 재구성 반건조 육포의 배합비에 있어서 T-3 배합비인 돈육과 우육의 비율이 90:10 이며, 결합육으로서 돈육과 우육이 5:5의 비율을 유지하였을 때, 이화학적 특성 및 관능적 특성에 있어서 재구성 반건조 육포로서 가장 좋은 평가를 받았다.

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