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      • KCI등재

        Ranunculin및 Protoanemonin의 합성법의 개선 및 세포독성 평가

        방성철,김용,안병준 대한약학회 2004 약학회지 Vol.48 No.2

        Ranunculin, a potent cytotoxic component of P. koreana, was synthesized by reacting (s)-(-)-5-(hydroxymethyl)-2(5H)-furanone with 2,3,4,6-tetra-O-acetyl-$\alpha$-D-glucopyranosyl bromide and successive removal of the acetyl protecting group by 0.5 M HCl/MeOH. A new deacetylation process of the intermediate tetraacetylranunculin was deviced giving a yield of 83% of ranunculin. Protoanemonin, the cytotoxic structural moiety of ranunculin, was synthesized by dehydration of (s)-(-)-5-hydroxymethyl-2(5H)-furanone. Ranunculin showed a moderate cytototoxic activity against A-549 (ED$_{50}$=7.53 $\mu\textrm{g}$/$m\ell$), NIH3T (ED$_{50}$=13.6$\mu\textrm{g}$/$m\ell$), and SK-OV-3 (ED$_{50}$=17.5 $\mu\textrm{g}$/$m\ell$). Meanwhile, protoanemonin also exhibited moderate cytotoxicity against A-549 (ED$_{50}$=9.38 $\mu\textrm{g}$/$m\ell$), NIH3T (ED$_{50}$=13.8 $\mu\textrm{g}$/$m\ell$), and SK-OV-3 (ED$_{50}$=15.1 $\mu\textrm{g}$/$m\ell$). It was found that both of the synthetic products showed a potenter cytotoxicity against A-549.ainst A-549.

      • KCI등재

        원산지검정제도 하에서의 수입자 리스크의 체계적 리스크 관리 방안

        방성철,유광현 한국관세학회 2020 관세학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        In order to be subject to preferential tariffs under the FTA, rules of origin must be met, and the authenticity of the country of origin for imported goods must be verified by exporters and producers of the other countries of the agreement. However, if the exporters and producers of the other countries of the agreement fail to fulfill their responsibilities, the customs authorities of the importing country is responsible for the importer. Therefore, the damages caused by the violation of the rules of origin should be taken first by the importer, and it is very difficult to be compensated by the exporter. Tariffs under the FTA are preferential tariffs, and in trade using the FTA, importers may choose to apply preferential tariffs. Therefore, the importer should carefully check the risks associated with the FTA and decide whether to apply preferential tariffs and take responsibility for it. In other words, the importer, as a party subject to preferential tariffs under the FTA, needs to be responsible for managing risks on its own to minimize possible damage from violation of country of origin rules. Accordingly, this paper seeks to derive the risks that importers may face in the process of verifying origin, and to present from the importer's point of view ways to manage these risks through systematic risk management means. FTA에 따른 특혜관세의 적용을 받기 위해서는 원산지규정이 충족되어야 하며, 수입품에 대한 원산지의 진위 여부는 협정 상대국의 수출자와 생산자가 입증해야 한다. 그러나 협정 상대국의 수출자와 생산자가 책임을 다하지 못한 경우 수입국의 관세당국은 수입자에게 그 책임을 묻고 있다. 따라서 원산지규정위반으로 인한 손해는 수입자가 우선적으로 감당해야 하며, 이러한 손해를 수출자에게 배상받는 것은 상당히 어려운 실정이다. FTA에 의한 관세는 특혜관세이며, FTA를 활용한 무역에서 수입자는 특혜관세의적용을 선택할 수 있다. 따라서 수입자는 FTA와 관련된 리스크를 신중하게 확인한 후 특혜관세의 적용여부를 결정해야 하며 이에 따른 책임을 져야 한다. 즉, 수입자는 FTA에 따른 특혜관세를 받는 주체로서원산지규정 위반으로 발생할 수 있는 손해를 최소화하기 위해 스스로 리스크를 관리할 책임과 필요가 있다. 이에 따라 본 논문은 원산지검증 과정에서 수입자가 직면할 수 있는 리스크를 도출하고, 체계적인 리스크 관리 수단을 통해 이러한 리스크를 관리할 수 있는 방안들을 수입자 측면에서 제시하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        지수평활법과 ARIMA모형을 이용한 무역인력 수급예측에 관한 연구

        방성철,박광서 한국무역상무학회 2022 貿易商務硏究 Vol.93 No.-

        The analysis of supply and demand differences for trade experts is the process of analyzing the differences and causes through supply and demand forecast. Forecasting of supply and demand of trade experts is a study based on planning for the development of competitive trade experts. This study applied exponential smoothing method and ARIMA model to forecast the supply and demand of trade experts from 2021 to 2025. As a result of analysis, it was predicted that the shortage of trade experts will be from 5,705 to 10,392 persons per year in average. As the importance of trade is expected to increase due to changes in the global trade environment, the demand for trade experts is likely to increase further. Considering the situation in which the supply of trade experts is continuously decreasing, the difference in supply and demand of trade experts is expected to increase further. As it becomes increasingly difficult to secure a stable trade experts, it is necessary to prepare a plan against it. This study is a basic study for the forecasting supply and demand of trade experts and provides direction for related studies. This study is meaningful in that the time series analysis method was applied to the forecasting demand and supply of trade experts. In order to cultivate efficient trade experts, it is necessary to conduct more systematic research on the forecasting supply and demand of trade experts. 효율적인 무역인력 양성정책의 수립을 위해서는 향후 무역인력 수급에 대한 객관적인 예측자료가 필요하다. 그러나 아직까지 이에 대한 체계적인 분석은 이루어지지 않고 있다. 이에 본 연구에서는 시계열 분석 방법 중에서 일반적으로 많이 사용되고 있는 지수평활법과 ARIMA모형을 적용하여 무역인력의 수요와 공급을 예측하였다. 분석 결과 향후 무역인력의 부족이 예측되었다. 무역인력의 공급이 지속적으로 감소하고 있는 상황을 고려할 때 무역인력의 수급 차이는 더욱 증가할 것으로 보인다. 본 연구는 무역인력 수급예측을 위한 기초 연구로서 관련된 연구에 방향성을 제공하였다는데 그 의미가 있으며, 효율적인 무역인력의 양성을 위해서는 무역인력 수급예측에 대한 보다 체계적인 연구가 진행될 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        Synthesis of Water Soluble Analogs of Arylsulfonylimidazolidinone (JSH-2282)

        방성철,이기철,Vinay K. Sharma,Niti Sharma,Hyun-Sun Yang,정상헌 대한화학회 2013 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.34 No.7

        To improve the water solubility of arylsulfonylimidazolidinone (JSH-2282), a potent anti-cancer agent, two urea derivatives, sodium (S)-2-(3-(4-(5-((S)-2-oxo-4-phenylimidazolidin-1-ylsulfonyl)indoline-1-carbonyl)- phenyl)ureido)succinate (2a) and sodium (S)-2-(3-(4-(5-((S)-2-oxo-4-phenylimidazolidin-1-ylsulfonyl)indoline- 1-carbonyl)phenyl)ureido)pentanedioate (2b), were synthesized and studied for solubility and anti-cancer activity.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 원산지제도의 법령 및 운영체계 효율화 방안 : 원산지법(가칭) 제정을 중심으로

        방성철(Sung-Chul Bang),유광현(Kwang-Hyun Yu) 한국무역연구원 2015 무역연구 Vol.11 No.5

        Certificate of origin regulation of Korea is classified into preferential and non-preferential regulation. The regulation is managed by customs act. and foreign trade act.. Since the regulation is managed under different acts, connectivity diminishes and management inefficiency occurs. Also, there are confusion between laws which govern certificate of origin regulation due to the contradiction and overlapping provisions. Thus plans for unification of legal system on certificate of origin regulation are raised. Therefore, this study is conducted on expectation effectiveness and necessity of legal system unification on certificate of origin regulation. As part of unification plan for the legal system, establishment of certificate of origin Act. is suggested. Also, detailed constitutions of certificate of origin law and comparison analysis with major countries are presented as well.

      • KCI등재

        상생협력을 통한 기업물류 효율화 방안

        방성철(Sung-Chul Bang),유광현(Kwang-Hyun Yu) 한국관세학회 2012 관세학회지 Vol.13 No.1

        It may be rather imperative for the global firms to enhance their competitive edges by curtailing costs as effective means of coping with the aggravated business climate caused by the grave economic depression. It is also required to adopt a paradigm shift from the conventional cooperation modes of vertical integration among related fimrs to the strategic alliances based on the mutual trust with respects to both customer relationship management and supply chain management. Such a cooperation on the basis of mutual trust can be also applicable for enhancing competitiveness in global logistics if one fully takes into account the relatively important roles of logistics for meeting consumer satisfaction in terms of quality and delivery time as well as internal cost management among different interfaces. At present, the incumbent regime is desperate to establish a wide range of mutual cooperations which bring forth considerable synergistic effects among business identities of similar business activities. Having acknowledged the more efficient network between conglomerates and its affiliates in the manufacturing sector compared with the more vulnerable situations of their counterparts in logistics one in terms of marketing and finance, it is recommended for executives to expand the scope of such cooperative patterns from the manufacturing sector to the other related ones gradually. In particular, it is requested to formulate the public policy which nurtures such cooperative patterns between shippers and logistics firms as an effective means of enhancing competitive edges in logistics. This research aims at formulating policy framework for achieving efficient logistics based on mutual cooperation with win-win strategy and sheds light on the feasible contours for implementing such policy measures after probing the on-going policy tools of government whose catch-phrase is the endeavors for accomplishing common prosperity by improving sharecropping modes.

      • KCI등재

        Mega FTA 확산에 따른 한국 통상정책의 패러다임 전환 모색에 관한 연구

        황해두,방성철,박승석 한국통상정보학회 2023 통상정보연구 Vol.25 No.3

        This article aims at exploring the search for the paradigm shift of trade policy of Korea to cope with the proliferation of Mega FTAs. It scrutinizes the recent changes of trade norms caused by the global economic reshuffling in the amidst of globalization and regionalization after recapitulating previous studies on the effect of Mega FTA such as the CPTPP and the RCEP. It also strongly recommends to augment the corporate strategy to the framework of trade policy by reflecting the increased role of multi-national enterprises on the ongoing mega-trend of globalization as well as regionalization. It puts forward the critically important role of industrial adjustment policy which encompasses corporate strategy boosted by the enhancement of product differentiation and architectural capability. The welfare gains of such an industrial adjustment policy of Korea, which is designed for sterilizing the negative effects of the proliferation of mega FTA and the fortification of trade laws of powerful nations, may eclipse those of trade policy in the long run.

      • KCI등재

        온택트 시대 무역의 변화와 온라인 전시회 활용에 관한 연구

        전동석,방성철 한국무역상무학회 2022 貿易商務硏究 Vol.94 No.-

        With the new normal of Ontact, which communicates through online, digitization of trade is rapidly progressing. At this point, this thesis studied the significance of digitalization of trade exhibitions and strategies for activating digital trade using online exhibitions. Online exhibitions appeared to overcome the limitations of offline exhibitions, and since COVID-19 digitalization is accelerating. This study intends to present strategies and implications for how to facilitate communication and networking between participants, which is necessary for online exhibitions to become a alternative to offline exhibitions. First, I would like to present an active holding of a hybrid type exhibition that combines the advantages of offline exhibitions and online exhibitions. This is because hybrid exhibitions can have the advantages of both channels, such as communication and realism, which are advantages of offline exhibitions, and convenience of use, which are advantages of online exhibitions. Next, in order for the online exhibition to be properly implemented, image realization function, search function, connection function, data analysis function, etc. are essential. Therefore, the exhibition organizer must plan and operate an appropriate online exhibition platform that can achieve the exhibition participation purpose of exhibitors, and exhibition participants must select a platform and service package suitable for the purpose of participation. Finally, various evaluation methods to measure the participation performance of online exhibitions, video consultation methods to maximize the performance of online exhibitions, and response strategies for each item were presented. Ontact의 뉴노멀로 무역의 디지털화가 급속히 진행되고 있는 시점에서 무역 활성화를 위한 온라인 전시회의 활용전략을 연구하고 시사점을 제시하고자 한다. 첫째, 오프라인 전시회의 장점인 소통, 현장감 등과 함께 온라인 전시회의 장점인 이용의 편의성 등 두 채널의 장점을 모두 가진 Hybrid형 전시회 개최를 제시한다. 둘째, 온라인 전시회의 필수 기능인 이미지 구현, 검색, 실시간 연결, 데이터 수집 및 분석을 시현하기 위한 전시주최자의 플랫폼 기획 및 운영과 참가기업의 서비스 패키지 선택 전략을 제시한다. 마지막으로 온라인 전시회의 참가 성과를 측정할 다양한 평가 방법과 온라인 전시회의 성과를 극대화 할 수 있는 온라인 화상상담 방법과 품목별 대응 전략을 제시한다.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 Incoterms 사용실태 분석을 통한 Incoterms 사용의 적절성에 대한 연구

        유광현,방성철 한국전문경영인학회 2024 專門經營人硏究 Vol.27 No.1

        Incoterms는 무역거래 조건에 대한 국제적인 통일규칙으로 매도인과 매수인 간의 의무를 규정하고 있다. Incoterms는 무역환경의 변화를 반영하고 무역거래 현장과의 불일치를 수정하 기 위해 개정되어 왔다. 따라서 Incoterms의 개정은 무역거래 당사자들에게 매우 중요한 사항이며, Incoterms의 개정내용이 관습성이 강한 무역거래 현장에서의 사용실태를 적절하게 반영하고 있는지에 대한 분석이 필요한 시점이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 Incoterms의 사용실태 에 관한 실증분석을 통해 Incoterms의 개정목적과 무역거래 현장과의 일치성을 분석하고 개정의 적절성과 타당성을 분석하였다. 또한 이를 바탕으로 Incoterms의 실무적 적용과 향후 Incoterms의 개정방향에 대한 시사점을 제시하고자 하였다. Incoterms are standard trade terms most commonly used in international sales contracts. Incoterms is an international unification rule for trade terms and conditions that define obligations between sellers and buyers. Incoterms have been revised to reflect changes in the trade environment and to correct inconsistencies with trade transaction sites. Therefore, the revision of Incoterms is very important matter for the parties to the trade transaction and it is time to analyze whether the revision of Incoterms adequately reflects the Incoterms usage in the trade transaction site where conventionality is highly strong. This study analyzed the consistency between the purpose of the revision of Incoterms and the trade transaction site through an empirical analysis of the actual use of Incoterms, and analyzed the suitability and validity of the revision. In addition, based on this, this study attempted to present implications for the practical application of Incoterms and the future direction of Incoterms revision.

      • KCI등재


        우뢰,방성철,유광현 아시아.유럽미래학회 2013 유라시아연구 Vol.10 No.1

        With China’s accession to the World Trade Organization (WTO), many foreign banks have started to enter into China while Chinese banking and insurance industries have been deepening and opening up. Commercial banks will pay more attention to profit and abandon appropriate liquidity in order to survive in fierce competition. Particularly in recent years, liquidity risk caused by the US sub-prime mortgage crisis has lead banks and many financial institutions to collapse and has also been bringing the devastating impact on the global economy. In 1978, Chinese government began to implement the reform and opening up, and in the meanwhile began to reform the banking sector, which interrupted the banking monopoly and led in competition system into banking sector. During the Asian financial crisis in 1997, China’s banking sector experienced liquidity crises due to over competition, leading to the bankruptcy of Hainan Development Bank because of exhausted liquidity. The bankruptcy of Hainan Development Bank resulted in the loss of nearly 4 billion yuan of People’s Bank of China, which had a graveness influence on China’s banking sector. In addition, China’s long-term trade surplus and a large inflow of foreign capital lead to the excess liquidity in the banking sector. In the pressure of such excess liquidity, banks will blindly decrease lending rates to get inter-bank rate lower than bank-deposit rate appearing interest rate inversion phenomenon to decrease bank returns. In the long term, this will probably accelerate the accumulation of non-performing loan of bank. When the economy changes, asset bubbles of bank will quickly be shattered, which will directly result in the systematic financial crisis in the banking sector. Meanwhile, China as a largest trading partner of South Korea has been a key factor on its economy. However, South Korea is lacking of understanding of potential various uncertainties and liquidity risk in China’s Economy, which bases on banking. In this case, South Korea will be significantly influenced due to its highly dependence on China’s Economy if Chinese commercial banks suffer from liquidity risk. Especially, Korean companies already invested in China and global financial companies constantly attempting to expand all over of China should be directly affected. Therefore, this paper is to analyze the determinants of the bank’s liquidity risk in Chinese commercial banks and what difference between large commercial banks and small-medium commercial banks. The banking data used in this paper were extracted from the database BankScope IBCA-Fitch, the People’s Bank of China and China Statistical Yearbook. We used panel data of 25 commercial banks over the period from 2004 to 2011 to estimate the determinants of liquidity risk by panel OLS, the fixed effects and random effects regression. The results of the empirical analysis are as follows: first, internal factors in banks did not affect the liquidity of the commercial banks in China, but it was affected by macro-economic factors negatively. It implies that the People’s Bank of China will be able to adjust liquidity and manage liquidity risk in commercial banks in China using monetary policy. Second, in terms of asset size of banks, both internal factors in banks and macro-economic factors have influence on the liquidity of large commercial banks in China, however, small-medium commercial banks have only been affected by non-performance loans ratio and macro-economic factors.

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