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김영붕,Kim, Yeong-Bung 한국식품연구원 1999 食品技術 Vol.12 No.3
외식의 기회는 생활 습관의 변화에 의하여 매년 성장해 간다. 5년전과 비교 시 새로운 것을 먹는 기회보다는 다양한 service를 제공하는 쪽으로 변해간다. 1997년 NFS(National Food Service)에서 외식에 대한 조사 결과가 1999년 2월에 Meat Demand Trends에 편집 및 요약되어졌다. 외식을 위한 통합 식품의 소비는 년초 주당 1인 5파운드를 쓴 것에 비해 4% 증가하였다. 이 article은 조달시장에서 소비된 고기 식사수와 조달업자들이 고기 구입 시 중요한 정보로 이용될 수 있을 것이다.
Changes in Nucleotide Compounds, and Chemical and Sensory Qualities of Duck Meat during Aging at 0oC
김영붕,구수경,주범진,이남혁,장애라 한국축산식품학회 2012 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.32 No.4
The objective of this study was to identify appropriate aging conditions, changes in nucleotide-related compounds, chemical changes, and a sensory evaluation of duck meat during aging at 0oC for 7 d. Twenty one 45-day-old Pekin white ducks samples were separated into breast and leg meat. ATP was not detected for almost the entire aging period because ATP was depleted immediately after slaughter. Inosine monophosphate (IMP) was highest on day 1 (26.69 μmol/g), and then it rapidly decreased to 7.11 μmol/g on day 7. However, this level was not different between breast and leg meat. Hypoxanthine (Hx) content of breast meat was 14.88 μmol/g, whereas that of leg meat was 16.41 μmol/g. Inosine content of breast meat was double than that of leg meat. The pH values of breast and leg meat were 5.90-6.05 and 6.23-6.73, respectively, during the aging period. Volatile basic nitrogen content of breast and leg meat increased during aging. Breast meat had good sensory evaluation scores for flavor (7.4), juiciness (6.8), tenderness (7.2), and overall acceptance (7.4) on day 3. Similar to breast meat, leg meat also had good sensory evaluation scores. Therefore, it is concluded that the appropriate aging period is 3 d for duck breast meat and 1 day for leg meat at 0oC.
근적외 분광분석시 육의 두께와 온도가 스펙트럼에 미치는 영향
김영붕,이무하 ( Y . B . Kim,M . H . Lee ) 한국축산학회 1997 한국축산학회지 Vol.39 No.4
This study carried out to examine effect of thickness and temperature of meat on the spectrum using fiber optic probe in NIR analysis. The spectra of beef had two characteristic peaks at 750㎚ and 970㎚. There were eight obvious peaks(Q-H, N-H, C-H band) in the second derivative spectra. There was nonlinear positive dependency over 9.05㎜ of sliced hams thickness and the energy absorption. Increased absorbance was observed from 0.040 to 0.700 of the frozen raw beef round spectrum to 9.3㎜ at 970nm. The penetration depth of NIR into meat was estimated to be 10㎜. When rheological changes by temperature were examined, an outstanding distinction between frozen sample and chilled samples was found at the water peak area of 970㎚. The energy absorption at 750㎚ deceased upon increasing the temperature in the second derivative spectrum. The results indicate that NIR was a very useful instrument for the analysis of meat components. However, the analysis of beef with high moisture needs temperature control.
Ultrastructural Changes and Shear Force of Duck Meat during Aging at 0oC
김영붕,전기홍,김영호,이남혁,구수경,장애라 한국축산식품학회 2012 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.32 No.5
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the ultrastructural and shear force changes of duck breast and leg meat during aging at 0oC. Pekin ducks (45 d old) purchased from Greemud Co. were used for this experiment, and were stored at 0oC for 7 d in order to determine the changes of the meat structure using transmission electron microscopy (TEM) and shear force. At day 0, A-band, I-band, M-line and Z-line of sarcomeres were seen clearly, but sarcomeres started to lose structure and become extended in length from day 2. With extended aging periods, myofibrils were destroyed and symptoms of aging became more obvious. In the duck breast meat, some myofibrils were also destroyed at the Z-line, but were mainly destroyed at the M-line. The change in structure of duck leg meat over time was similar to that of breast meat. After five days and seven days of aging, mitochondria size and quantity were determined to be increased between the myofibrils. Shear force was decreased over time. From this study, aging at 0oC was found to negatively influence the ultrastructure and shear force of duck meat.
김영붕,전기홍,이남혁,이현정,Kim, Young-Boong,Jeon, Ki-Hong,Lee, Nam-Hyuk,Lee, Hyun-Jung 한국축산식품학회 2008 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.28 No.1
In order to expand the use of hog liver by the food industry, spreadable liver product was manufactured and quality changes were investigated depending on storage temperature at $-2^{\circ}C,\;5^{\circ}C\;and\;20^{\circ}C$ for 30 days. pH, thiobarbituric acid (TBA), volatile basic nitrogen (VBN), color, microbiological and sensory evaluation were carried out. Changes in pH values were not significantly different at different storage temperatures. TBA values were 0.6 mg MA/kg at $-2^{\circ}C$ after 30 days, 0.80 mg MA/kg at $5^{\circ}C$ after 21 days and showed 0.91 mg MA/kg at $20^{\circ}C$ after 14 days. The change in VBN content tended to increase during prolonged storage periods regardless of storage temperature. The product color tended to lighten over time, although there was no difference in a value of color during storage periods. Also, sensory evaluation results showed that the optimal storage temperature for the liver product was $5^{\circ}C$. The numbers of general bacteria increased to a level of 7.38 log CFU/g on storage 7 days in $20^{\circ}C$. This study showed that a viable spreadable liver product could be manufactured using hog liver and remains edible for at least 14 days when stored at temperatures below $5^{\circ}C$.
김영붕,전기홍,이남혁,이현정,Kim, Young-Boong,Jeon, Ki-Hong,Lee, Nam-Hyuk,Lee, Hyun-Jung 한국축산식품학회 2008 한국축산식품학회지 Vol.28 No.1
This study was carried out to evaluate the nutritional properties of spreadable liver product. The composition of fresh hog liver used as raw material was 70.5% moisture, 5.2% fat, 20.3% protein and 1.2% ash. The composition of the spreadable liver product was 55.3% moisture, 19.4% protein, 21.6% fat and 3.7% ash. The total amino acid content of fresh liver was 18.69 g/100 g with glutamic acid at the highest level of 2.57 g/100 g. The total amino acid content of liver product was 18.03 g/100 g with glutamic acid at 2.28 g/100 g. The essential amino acid content was found to be 42% of total amino acids. The fatty acid analysis of fresh liver revealed oleic acid to be present at the highest level of 28% in the unsaturated fatty acid portion, and palmitic acid to be highest at 20.7% in the saturated fatty acid portion. The oleic acid content of the liver product was 40%, and the palmitic acid content was 20.4%. The level of cholesterol in fresh liver was 178.0 mg/100 g compared to 118.0 mg/100 g in the liver product. Regarding mineral analysis, the K and P contents of fresh liver were 362.2 mg/100 g and 339.1 mg/100 g, respectively, and 336.1 mg/100 g and 213.3 mg/100 g in the liver product, respectively. Many other minerals including Na, Mg, Ca and Fe were present in the product. Based on these results, the spreadable liver product made with hog liver was found to be a quality food with nutritional benefits and that is easy to consume.
김영붕 한국시가문화학회 2007 한국시가문화연구 Vol.0 No.20
Study of the Rise and Fall of Chinese Poetry (漢詩) since Independence from Japan Kim, Young-bung Chinese poetry began to be considered the poems of Korea in the later part of the Chosun Dynasty. Three famous poets in particular, who were called "three master poets of Honam(湖南三傑)", led energetic creative activity mainly in Jeonbuk province. Thanks to them writing and reciting Chinese poetry became a cultural entertainment for ordinary people in Jeolla province. Zisan(芝山) and his son, Dunam(杜南), who lived in the period under the rule of Japan and after the independence from Japan respectively, left a collection of Chinese poems, concerned with the lives of the common people. Dachon(茶村) and Songnam(松南) have written Chinese poetry at Paesongsisa(沛城詩社) in Jeonju. We also know that Chinese poetry is still written across Korea through the Chinese poetry contest held recently in Jeongup city; however, it is not so popular as in the past. In the 1900s Chilanyulsi(七言律詩) was established with Maechon(梅泉) as the central figure and in the 1940s (the time of Zisan) Chilonyulsi(七言律詩) was popularized. In the 1980s(the time of Dachon and Songnam) many phenomena appeared; the trial to revive Chilonyulsi(七言律詩), the use of western rhyme and scientific analysis, its adoption as a major subject in colleges, and the establishment of Chinese poetry societies.