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      • KCI등재

        학습자 활동 중심의 스테이션 학습법 -한글 자모 학습을 중심으로-

        이소현 국제한국어교육학회 2015 한국어 교육 Vol.26 No.1

        This study aims to introduce the new method of learning which is ‘station learning’, and how to use it in learning korean alphabet and present effect during Korean class. ‘Station learning’ is from german word ‘stationen lernen’, which is a method widely used in germany. It focus on the learners. Station learning is useful in class because of the following; First, it makes to learners take an active part in learning inside the classroom. Second, it makes learning more enjoyable. Third, it enable student to learn with himself. Fourth, it matches with the ability of students and adjust the amount of learning depending on student’s ability. Fifth, station learning is helpful for timid and introversive learners. Because it consist of group activities. Lastly, learners can help each other during the activities so they learned cooperatively and friendly with each other. For these good things, this study used the station learning for learning Korean alphabet. Especially for learning and practicing the Korean vowels, consonants and batchim. When Students are learning Korean alphabet, they need enough time to cognitively learn the Korean alphabet’ sound and shape. Station learning makes it possible. So this study focus on how the learners can cognitively distinguish the difference between the letter’s sound and shape. As well as they can speak the letters clearly. Also this class makes students be able to feel fulfillment through each station. In this study, there are 10 stations. From station1 to station4 are review vowels and consonants partly, station5 is review all korean vowels, station6 is review all consonants, station7 and 8 stations are review batchim, station9 and station10 are learning vocabulary with learned letters. 12 students participated in this study, they were enjoy learning korean letters. They said it’s helpful to recognize the letters and comparing recorded their pronunciation and teacher’s pronunciation is useful for improving their pronunciation. Above all things, it makes to active participate on their own for learning korean alphabet.

      • KCI등재

        19세기 미션스테이션의 근대성과 기념의 문제 -전주스테이션의 사례를 중심으로-

        원도연 역사문화학회 2012 지방사와 지방문화 Vol.15 No.2

        Mission station is the mission base which was built by the 19th century western missionaries for the Christian missionary work. The Mission station is composed in the form of the triangle method,missionary work-medical service-education. This station approach is based on the Nevius plan and is an indirect mission approach unlike the direct approach of the Catholic missionaries. This station approach had important meaning of determining the history of Korean Churches. American missionaries built schools and hospitals using the station approach. Then the mission station played decisive role for the modernization of Korea after the 19th century. Through schools, education for the women and education on the democracy were done and use of Hangul(Korean Alphabet) was promoted and through the medical business, the people were awakened to the concept of the science and humanitarianism of regardless of one’s status. In addition, through the church which is at the apex of the triangle method, superstitious religions were overthrown and status order was destroyed and the message of puritanic sincerity and diligence was delivered. Of course, during the colonialization process and the independence movement, missionaries and the nationalism suffered tension and conflicts but ultimately early period missionary’s station contributed to the modernization of Korea. Jeonju Station, which is an example case of this research, is one of the cases which shows the ways of typical station approach. Jesus Hospital, Shinheung School-Kijeon School,Seomoon Church and graves of the missionaries at the missionaries residence sites in Jeonju shows typical aspects of the station approach. In fact, the station played an important role in the modernization of Jeonju region as well. The Jesus Hospital improved the local residents health with the implementation of scientific medical services and the Shinheung School has turned out many excellent students as an ethnic school. The Seomoon Church also largely contributed to the popularization of Hangul through translating the bible to the Korean language. As of today, Korean church marks the 120 years of mission history. The station which has been the base for the Korean church for the past 100 years has lost its original forms and its traces are becomes extinguished as well. It is necessary to commemorate and preserve the station in both spiritual and physical way. The commemoration and preservation has more meaning than just preserving the cultural asset,it is very important as to helping the Korean church which is suffering from identity crisis in finding back it’s calling of the times. 미션 스테이션(Mission station)은 19세기말 서양 선교사들이 기독교 선교를 위해 세운 선교거점이다. 미션 스테이션은 선교-의료-교육이라는 삼각선교(triangle method)의 틀로 구성되었다. 이러한 스테이션 전략은 네비우스의 방법에 입각한 것으로서 직접선교를 택했던 천주교의 선교방식과 달리 간접적인 선교방식이었다. 이 스테이션 전략은 이후 한국교회의 역사를 규정한 중요한 의미를 갖고 있었다. 스테이션 전략을 통해 미국의 선교사들은 학교와 병원을 설립했다. 그리고 이 스테이션은 19세기 이후 한국의 근대화를 이끈 결정적 역할을 하게 되었다. 학교를 통해서는 부녀자에 대한 교육, 민족주의 교육, 한글의 사용을 이끌었고, 의료사업을 통해서 신분을 가리지 않는 인도주의와 과학에 대한 각성을 가져왔다. 또 삼각선교의 꼭지점에 있는 교회를 통해서는 종교적 미신을 타파했고 신분질서를 무너뜨렸으며 청교도적 근면과 성실의 메시지를 전달했다. 물론 식민지화 과정과 독립운동을 통해서 선교사들과 민족주의는 때로 갈등과 긴장을 겪어왔지만 궁극적으로 초기 선교사들의 스테이션은 한국의 근대화에 중요한 기여를 했다. 이 연구에서 대표적으로 사례로 든 전주 스테이션은 이 전략을 가장 전형적으로 보여주는 사례 중의 하나이다. 전주 예수병원과 신흥학교-기전학교, 서문교회, 선교사 주거지에 남겨진 선교사 묘역은 전형적인 스테이션의 면모를 보여주고 있다. 실제로 전주지역의 근대화과정에서 이 스테이션은 중요한 역할을 담당했다. 예수병원은 과학적 의료의 도입으로 지역주민의 건강을 증진시켰고 신흥학교는 민족학교로서 우수한 인재를 배출했으며 독립운동사에 흔적을 남겼다. 서문교회 역시 한글성경의 번역을 통해 한글을 대중화하는데 크게 기여했다. 이제 한국교회는 120년의 선교역사를 갖게 되었다. 1백여년의 세월 동안 한국교회의 기반이 된 스테이션은 이제 원형이 훼손되고 흔적이 멸실될 위기에 처해있다. 스테이션은 정신사적으로 공간적으로 기념되고 보존될 필요가 있다. 이 기념과 보존은 단순히 문화재를 보존하는 차원을 넘어 정체성의 위기에 빠진 한국교회의 시대적 소명을 되찾는데 중요한 의미가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        중국식 한자 지명 표기의 음가적 표음성과 비상관적 표의성 - 「고려사」 소재 22역도 체제 역명의 시대별 이표기 자료를 중심으로 -

        이건식 한국지명학회 2016 지명학 Vol.25 No.-

        This study analyzes chronological variations of station names in 22 station-way system recorded in Goryeosa, and studies phonetic pronunciations and non-correlative semantic presentations of toponums in Chinese-style Chinese characters. A phonetic pronunciation mentioned here indicates a toponym in Chinese characters without considering the Chinese characters’ semantic presentations. A non-correlative semantic presentation means that Chinese characters in a station name have been replaced in accordance with phonetic pronunciations of those Chinese characters and then the replacement process got stopped and the Chinese character in the station name came to attain a new semantic presentation regardless of its original meaning. This paper, among 525 station names recorded in Goryeosa, checks out 138 station names which existed before the time of 22 station-way system and 387 station names after the system; and also checks out that among the station names before 22 station-way system were 84 station names appearing only in 22 station-way system, 4 appearing both in the system and in main text of Goryeosa, 40 appearing in 22 station-way system and in 6 gwa system, and 10 appearing in 22 station-way system, 6 gwa system, and main text of Goryeosa. All of them are listed by categories. The characteristics of station names’ chronological variations are analyzed from the perspective of the contents of Chinese character changes and from the perspective of the increase of station names’ stability. From the perspective of the contents of Chinese character changes, this paper classifies the cases of changes to the Chinese characters with same intonation and similar pronunciation, the cases of changes to the Chinese characters with different intonation and similar pronunciation, the cases of changes between ㄹ and ㄴ, the cases of changes between ㄹ and ㅅ, the cases of changes between ㅅ and ㅈ, the case of neglecting the distinction between aspirate sound and lax consonants, the case of reflecting lateralization, the case of neglecting vowel differences, the case of nasal assimilation or adding final consonant ㅇ, the case of change between ㄴ and ㅇ, and so on. This study defines that such characteristics of station names in 22 station-way in Chinese-style Chinese characters are phonetic pronunciations, and says that these phonetic pronunciations were derived from the tradition of borrowed notation. From the perspective of the increase of station names’ stability, this study observes that a station name in 22 station-way system, triggered by phonetic pronunciations, replaced Chinese characters in it, and the stability of toponym could be attained at the time either the forepart or the rear-end of the station name got changed to commonly used Chinese characters. 이 연구는 『고려사』 소재 22역도 체제 역명의 시대별 이표기 자료를 분석하여 중국식 한자 지명 표기의 音假的 표음성과 비상관적 표의성에 대해 탐구하였다. 여기서 말한 음가적 표음성이란 중국식 한자 지명 표기가 표의성에 얽매이지 않고 표기된 글자를 말하는 것이다. 그리고 비상관적 표의성이란 음가적 표음성에 따라 중국식 한자 역명 표기의 글자가 교체되어 나가다가 더 이상 글자의 교체 현상을 보이지 않고 한자의 본래 뜻과는 상관없이 표의성을 획득한 것을 뜻한다. 이 글은 『고려사』 소재 22역도 체제 525개의 역명을 우선 22역도 체제까지만 존재한 역명이 138개임을 확인하였고 22역도 체제 이후의 후대 역명 자료에도 존재하는 역명이 387개임을 확인하였다. 22역도 체제까지만 존재한 역명에는 22역도 체제에만 나타나는 역명이 84개이고, 22역도 체제와 『고려사』 본문에 나타나는 역명이 4개이고, 22역도 체제와 6과 체제에 나타나는 역명이 40개이며, 22역도 체제, 6과 체제, 『고려사』 본문에 나타나는 역명이 10개임을 확인하였다. 이들 각각의 유형을 목록으로 제시했다. 표기 글자 변화의 내용과 역명 표기의 안정성 증대의 두 측면에서 역명의 시대별 이표기의 특징을 분석하였다. 표기 글자 변화의 내용 측면에서 ‘성조가 동일하고 음이 유사한 한자로 교체한 경우, 성조는 다르나 동일한 음의 한자로 교체된 경우, ㄹ과 ㄴ이 교체된 경우, ㄹ과 ㅅ이 교체된 경우, ㅅ과 ㅈ이 교체된 경우, 유기음과 평음의 구별이 무시된 경우, 유음화를 반영한 경우, 모음 차이를 무시한 경우, 비음 동화 또는 종성 ㆁ을 첨가한 경우, ㄴ과 ㆁ이 교체된 경우 등을 유형화하였다. 22역도 체제의 중국식 한자 역명 표기가 위와 같은 특성을 보인 것을 음가적 표음성으로 규정하고 이러한 음가적 표음성이 음가자를 활용하는 차자표기법의 전통에서 기인한 것임을 말하였다. 역명 표기 안정성 증대의 측면에서 22역도 체제의 역명 표기가 음가적 표음성에 촉발되어 표기 글자의 변화를 보이다가 지명의 전부 요소나 지명의 후부 요소로 흔히 쓰이는 글자로 바뀌었을 때, 표기의 안정성을 획득하여 비상관적 표의성을 가지게 되었음을 관찰하였다. [핵심어] 고려사, 역명, 한자지명, 음가적 표음성, 비상관적 표의성,

      • KCI등재

        경부선 황간역의 역사와 재생에 관한 연구

        이용상,정병현 한국철도학회 2019 한국철도학회논문집 Vol.22 No.8

        During the Chosun Dynasty, Hwanggan Station was an important transportation route linking Gyeongsang-doand Chungcheong-do; it is currently a rail station on the Gyeongbu line. The construction of the Gyeongbu Railroad nearShinheung Station (Choson) in 1905 included Hwanggan Station, and the area around the current station began to develop. Inthe early stage, Hwanggan Station had many mining and forestry products as related freight, generated by a graphite minelocated in the surrounding area. In the early 1970s, it was recorded that it played a major role in the local economy, but itsnumber of users gradually decreased and itbecame a tranquil station. Hwanggan Station as a means of transportation disappearedrapidly; however, since 2012, various forms of cultural activities have been developed by residents in areas nearHwanggan Station, making it a new cultural platform. Recently, the station is changing again and many tourists are visitingHwanggan Station. In this paper, considering the history of transportation in a small station of the Gyeongbu Line and newchanges in small stations that have recently disappeared, a suggestion is made for using small stations and closed areas.

      • KCI등재

        驛前廣場 計劃特性에 관한 연구

        박영달,이동배 대한건축학회 2006 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.22 No.5

        The purpose of this study is to develop a planning method of railway station plaza through investigation and analysis of exampled. The role of the railway station plaza as a connector between the railway station and the surrounding area is quite important, yet there are no clear standards on deciding size, facility locations, and the system of pedestrians circulation. the main purpose of the study being to investigate railway station plazas in Japan to provide fundamental information for future railway station plaza planning. we analyzed eight case of railway station plaza, JR Funabasi Station, Meitetsu toyota Station, Kurosaki Station, Fukusima Station, Hanamaki Station, Marugame Station, Toyohashi Station, Sapporo Station. As a result of analyzing Japanese cases, the process of space organization of the plaza is classified together with confirmation of the elements and system of pedestrian circulation that should be considered as main factors in the railway station planning.

      • KCI등재후보

        주유소 복합개발 방안에 관한 연구

        김남은(Kim, Nam-Eun),이성근(Lee, Sung-Gun) 한국부동산정책학회 2014 不動産政策硏究 Vol.15 No.2

        For the past 20 years, the number of service stations doubled whereas the sales volume and net income for each station decreased by 50 percent. Accordingly, it was necessary for service station operators to develop a new paradigm that would guarantee survival in this now marginal industry. This paper discusses how to enhance profitability while maintaining real estate value through the strategic development of various service station characteristics. To elaborate, this paper analyzes and demonstrates the outlook of service stations in Seoul and its metropolitan areas, and how to develop and motivate operators in regards to the service station’s complexity models, current status and satisfaction ratios of service stations owners etc. After numerous interviews, most service stations owners and managers shared the consensus that the current market is already over saturated, and the outlook of this industry does not look optimistic at all. Operators were highly interested in the potential for service station’s complexity development and the corresponding strategic implications, and whether they were feasible or not. The following are a summary of the key findings of this paper. First, to enhance its profitability, service station’s complexity development strategy generally worked, and there was strong co-relationship. Also, the monthly sales volumes of service stations with complexity models, was on average superior to normal service station’s monthly sales volumes. Second, the area and the size of the service stations were one of the most important factors for the success of the service station’s complexity development strategy. The larger the size of the service station areas meant more choices for owners and managers, thus leading to greater profitability and flexibility. Third, owners and managers preferred fast food restaurants or coffee franchises for their service station’s complexity models. Nevertheless, evidence has shown that due to the fast food industry’s unfair practices and upper hand knowledge, many service stations suffered profit loss as well as potential lawsuits due to malpractices when signing the contacts between the fast food restaurants or coffee franchises. To summarize, based on these analysis and insights, I would like to suggest the service station’s complexity models and how to enhance profitability while maintaining real estate value through strategic development of each service station characteristics.

      • KCI등재후보

        애니메이션 기법을 활용한 TV방송국 Station ID 디자인에 관한 연구

        이영미(Lee, Young-Mi) 한국애니메이션학회 2007 애니메이션연구 Vol.3 No.2

        케이블 TV의 등장과 함께 다채널·다매체 시대를 맞이하면서 콘텐츠는 더욱 다양화되고, 전문화 되어가고 있는 장점 이면에 채널간의 경쟁은 더욱 심화되어 가고 있다. 따라서 각 방송매체는 시청자들에게 쉽고 오래기억 될 수 있는 채널 이미지 제고를 위한 전략수립에 많은 관심을 가지게 되었다. 이러한 전략의 핵심의 Station ID의 중요성이 대두되었고, Station ID는 방송국의 이미지를 창출해내는데 가장 주요한 역할을 하며, 시청자는 이것을 통해 방송사를 기억하고, 그 방송사의 좋은 이미지에 대해 더 많이 인식하게 된다. 또한 Station ID 디자인이 제작되는 초기에는 방송국 이름이 표시된 스틸 카드(Still Card)를 화면에 보여주는 단순한 구성이었지만 점차 변화하여 화면에 동적 시각요소를 배치하는 방법으로 발전하였는데 최근에는 다양한 컴퓨터그래픽과 애니메이션기법이 동원된 영상으로 완성되고 있다. 이러한 배경으로 본 연구에서는 Station ID 디자인의 이해와 더불어 최근 들어 디지털 기술에 발달과 함께 점차 발전하고 있는 Station ID 디자인의 제작에 애니메이션 기법의 효용성 제시와 채널의 목적과 특징에 부합하는 효과적인 Station ID 디자인 방안과 발전 방향을 제시하는데 본 연구의 의의를 두고자한다. Having the multi-channel and multi-media era with the appearance of cable TV, behind the advantage that the contents are becoming more diversified and specialized, the competition among channels becomes increasingly keen. Accordingly, each medium of broadcasting has become much concerned with the establishment of strategy to promote the channel image that is so simple that the viewers can remember for a long time. Importance of the station ID, the core of such strategy, has appeared to be growing stronger. And the station ID plays the most important role to create the image of broadcasting station through which the viewers can remember the broadcasting station and become to remember the broadcasting station"s good image. At the initial stage when the design of station ID was produced, furthermore, its framework was so simple only to show a still card on the screen indicating the broadcasting station"s name, but it has been changed gradually and developed to the method by which the dynamic visual elements were arranged on the screen and, on these days, it is being completed to the image where the diversified computer graphic and animation technology are mobilized. This study, based on such background, intends to make a significance in presenting the effectiveness of animation technology to produce the station ID design which has been being developed gradually on these days as well as to understand the station ID design, and in presenting the effective design plan and development aim complying with the purpose and feature of channels.

      • KCI등재

        미국 북장로회 서울 선교지부와 평양 선교지부의 관계

        이용민 한국기독교역사학회 2010 한국기독교와 역사 Vol.32 No.-

        This study tries to investigate the relation of the Seoul Station and the Pyeong Yang Station of the Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A. for examines the character of horizontal relation of the Stations. The Seoul Station was the first mission station in Korea, after that Seoul Station initiatively participated in the process of establishment of the other stations of the other areas. It also led the complex situation of simultaneous commencement to Korea mission of other missions, so the Seoul Station made relationship with Stations centered on the Seoul Station. The background of this relationship was operated on the position of Seoul in Korea. But after the Sino-Japanese War, the Pyeong Yang Station developed through a large increase of number of Christians and took the power of religious influence to the national level, and became the mission center. The reasons for this development were the Central Church as the mother church, Pyeong Yang union College, Presbyterian Seminary, the Great Revival Movement, etc. The Seoul Station was challenged by the development of the Pyeong Yang Station, and made efforts to recover the central position. These efforts were shown with a new construction of the Severance hospital, reinforcement of ecumenism through organization of the General Council of Evangelical Missions in Korea, taking the lead in the Million Souls of Christ movement, and establishment of higher educational institute. These efforts were result of important project of the Seoul Station; however, these projects were formed in the relation with the Pyeong Yang Station demonstrating the horizontal relation of Stations. 이 연구는 선교지부의 횡적 관계의 특징을 살피기 위해 미국 북장로회 서울 선교지부와 평양 선교지부의 관계를 고찰하였다. 서울 선교지부는 한국 최초의 선교지부로 이후 타 지역 선교지부 개설 과정에 주도적으로 참여하였고, 또한 타 교단의 한국 선교가 동시에 전개되는 복잡한 상황을 이끌며 서울 선교지부를 중심으로 하는 선교지부 사이의 관계를 형성하였다. 이러한 관계 형성의 배경에는 한국에서 서울이 차지하는 위치가 크게 작용하였다. 그러나 청일전쟁 이후 평양 선교지부는 교세가 크게 확장되면서 전국적으로 커다란 영향력을 행사하는 선교지부로 발전하였고, 기존에 서울 선교지부가 갖고 있었던 선교지부 사이에서의 중심적인 위치를 차지하게 되었다. 이처럼 평양 선교지부의 영향력이 확대된 것은 평양 선교지부의 모교회인 장대현교회, 숭실대학, 장로회신학교, 대부흥운동, 그리고 교회, 병원, 학교의 유기적 관계 형성 등이 큰 역할을 하였다. 서울 선교지부는 평양 선교지부의 발전에 큰 도전을 받았고 이전의 중심적 위상을 회복하기 위한 여러 가지 노력을 전개하였다. 이러한 노력들은 세브란스 병원의 신축, 재한개신교선교부공의회의 조직을 통한 에큐메니즘의 강화, 백만인구령운동의 주도적 전개, 고등교육기관의 유치로 압축되었다. 이러한 노력들은 서울 선교지부의 중심적인 선교 사업의 결실이었지만 평양 선교지부와의 관계를 통해 형성되었다는 측면에서 선교지부의 횡적 관계가 선교지부의 특징을 결정짓는 중요한 역할을 하였음을 보여주었다.

      • KCI등재

        Comparing Differences in Risk Perception between Unmanned Stations: Train vs. Subway

        김경진 한국유통경영학회 2024 유통경영학회지 Vol.27 No.1

        Purpose: This study explored whether passengers’ risk perception varies depending on the type of unmanned station (train vs. subway). Specifically, the risk p erception of unmanned stations w as e xamined in t erms o f d read, catastrophe, and f atality. A t this t ime, i t was verif ied whether t he passenger’s characteristics (desirability vs. feasibility) served as a moderator variable. Research design, data, and methodology: This study used the MANOVA design. The unmanned station type and passenger characteristics were placed as independent variables, and various types of risk perception or anxiety were placed a s dependent variables. R egression analysis w as u sed f or m ediating tests. The data respected demographic balance such as gender, age, and residential area, and were surveyed by 262 people. For major statistical analysis, mean differences were identified through ANOVA. Results: In general, passengers were more dread of unmanned train stations than of unmanned subway stations. This trend was more salient among passengers who valued desirability than those who valued feasibility. The dread of unmanned stations was based on the association that the accident would be fatal. Among the various anxiety psychologies about unmanned stations, anxiety about management, the weak in transportation, and the system were important factors for dread of unmanned stations. This anxiety was stronger in the prevention focus passengers with strong risk aversion tendencies. In the case of an unmanned station accident, there was a tendency to attribute the passengers themselves to their own responsibilities at the subway station than at the train station. Implications: This study showed that train stations and subway stations differ in risk perception for unmanned stations. In addition, it was shown that the risk perception of unmanned stations varies according to the characteristics of passengers and the type of anxiety. These results will be useful for strategies to introduce unmanned stations.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 경원선 철도의 창동역― 벚꽃놀이와 하이킹의 창구 ―

        최인영 도시사학회 2019 도시연구 Vol.- No.21

        This purpose of this study was to look at Changdong Station on the Gyeongwon Line, which functioned as a gateway for cherry blossom viewing, and hiking during the Japanese colonial era. Changdong Station, which began operating in 1911, was a railway station visited by travelers in Gyeongseong (京城, Seoul), every spring and fall. The Gyeongwon Line was built using Kyonghung Road (慶興路), of the Joseon Dynasty period. Kyonghung Road was a vital military road to the Tumen River (豆滿江) coast in the northeastern districts, and on this road was a station(驛) that served as a hub for national transportation and communication, and a public inn(院), that provided accommodation for travelers. Beyond Suyu-ri (水流里) hill in the capital city of Nuwaonjeom (樓院店) was a place where northeast merchants and local products intersected. With the abolition of the Station-Public Inn system (驛院制) in 1896, the local economy declined, and the existing mode of transportation was replaced by railway transportation. The Gyeongwon Line operated from Wonsan (元山) to the ports of Japan and Russia, reached Incheon, a port on the west coast via the Gyeongin Line (京仁線) railway from Gyeongseong, and was indirectly connected to Mokpo (木浦) port of the southwestern along the Honam Line (湖南線), divided in Daejeon(大田) on the Gyeongbu Line (京釜線). Like this, the Gyeongwon Line railroad had the characteristics of a traverse main-line railway, connecting the West Sea, and the East Sea. In 1911, when the Uijeongbu (議政府) section was opened in Yongsan (龍山) on the Gyeongwon Line, Changdong Station was opened as a temporary station, with a lot area of 30,000 pyeong (坪), and three buildings. At that time, Changdong Station was a one-hour walk to ‘Korea’s only cherry blossom attraction (觀櫻名所), Ui-dong (牛耳洞)’. According to rumors, cherry blossom trees were planted in Ui-dong, as ingredients for the bow which is a military supply, and Hong Yang-ho (洪良浩), who lived in Ui-dong, asked Joseon missions to Japan (朝鮮通信使), to plant cherry blossom trees from Japan. No official records of this have been found. But Ui-dong was the only place where cherry blossom viewing was possible in Gyeongseong during the 1900s. In 1912, the Office of Railways in the Japanese Government-General of Korea made a round trip from Namdaemun Station(currently Seoul Station), to Changdong Station, on temporary trains for cherry blossom viewing in Ui-dong. Cherry blossom viewing was also available in Changgyeongwon (昌慶園), Namsan Park (南山公園), and Jangchungdan (奬忠壇) of Gyeongseong during the 1920s. But in spring, cherry blossoms in Ui-dong were in full bloom, and travelers to Chang-dong Station continued to view cherry blossoms. In the 1930s, travelers wanting to hike during the fall, visited Changdong Station. Changdong Station was a key point along the hiking trail, as it was close to the foot of Bukhan Mountain (北漢山), where travelers could see Dobong Mountain (道峰山) and Surak Mountain (水落山) in the northeastern quadrant. Travelers were connected to the northeastern mountains of Gyeongseong, through Changdong Station. Thus, Chang-dong Station, in the suburban area of Gyeongseong during the Japanese colonial era, was a railway station for travelers to Ui-dong’s cherry blossom viewing, Dobong Mountain, and Surak Mountain. Since rapid urbanization, however, Changdong Station has served as a railway station as well as a subway station, representing the northeast region of Seoul, along with Seoul Station, Yongsan Station, Cheongnyangni Station, Yeongdeungpo Station, and Susaek Station. 이 논문은 일제강점기 벚꽃놀이와 하이킹의 창구로 기능한 경원선 철도 창동역에 대해 살펴본 것이다. 1911년 영업을 시작한 창동역은 봄・가을로 경성의 행락객들이 찾는 철도역이었다. 경원선 철도는 조선시대 경흥로를 활용하여 건설되었다. 경흥로는 동북지방의 두만강 연안으로 이어지는 군사상 중요한 도로였는데 이 도로에는 국가의 교통・통신을 담당한 역과 여행객들의 숙식을 제공하던 원이 있었다. 도성에서 수유리 고개 너머에 있던 누원점은 동북상인과 물산이 모이는 장소였다. 하지만 개항 이후 1896년에 역원제가 폐지되면서 기존의 경흥로는 경원선 철도로 일부 대체되었다. 이 경원선 철도는 원산에서 일본과 러시아의 각 항구까지 항로로 이어졌고, 경성에서 경인선 철도로 서해안의 항구인 인천에 닿아 있었다. 또한 경부선의 대전에서 분기한 호남선을 따라 서남해의 항구인 목포에 간접적으로 연결되었다. 이처럼 경원선 철도는 동해와 서해를 이어주는 횡단간선철도의 성격을 지니고 있었다. 1911년 경원선 철도의 용산에서 의정부 구간이 먼저 개통되면서 창동역은 용지면적 3만 평, 건물 3동의 작은 간이역으로 영업을 시작하였다. 당시 창동역은 ‘조선 유일의 관앵명소 우이동’까지 걸어서 1시간 거리에 있었다. 우이동에 식재된 벚나무는 군수물자인 활의 재료로 심어졌다는 설과 우이동에 살던 홍양호가 일본에 다녀온 통신사에게 부탁하여 일본산 벚나무를 심었다는 설이 전해진다. 이에 대한 공식적인 기록은 찾을 수 없지만, 1910년대 경성에서 벚꽃놀이가 가능한 곳은 우이동이 유일했다. 1912년 조선총독부 철도국은 우이동의 벚꽃 관앵 임시열차를 남대문역(현 서울역)에서 창동역까지 왕복 운행하였다. 1920년대 들어 경성의 창경원, 남산공원, 장충단에서도 벚꽃놀이가 가능해졌지만, 여전히 봄이 되면 우이동 벚꽃은 만발하였고 창동역을 찾는 행락객들의 발길도 끊이지 않았다. 1930년대에는 가을철 하이킹을 위한 행락객들이 창동역을 찾았다. 창동역은 북한산 기슭에서 가깝고 동북부의 도봉산과 수락산이 바라보이는 곳에 위치하였기 때문에 하이킹 코스의 시·종착점이었다. 행락객들은 창동역을 통해 경성의 동북부에 위치한 산들과 연결되었고, 창동역은 이들을 향해 열려 있었다. 이처럼 일제강점기 경성 근교지역에 위치한 경원선 철도의 창동역은 우이동 벚꽃놀이와 도봉산・수락산 등을 찾는 행락객들의 철도역이었다.

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