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      • KCI등재

        신극 단체 ‘극예술연구회(1931.7.8~1938.3)’의 운영 구조와 제작 체제 및 구성원에 관한 고찰: 당대의 언론 자료 및 사료에 기반하여

        성명현 역사문화학회 2022 지방사와 지방문화 Vol.25 No.1

        This study aims not only to examine the operational system, organization composition and members of the Shingeuk troupe Geukyesulyeonguhoe (hereinafter referred to as ‘Geukyeon’) but also to discuss the formation process of both directing and production systems according to the trend of the Geukyeon, thereby elucidating the landscape in production of plays at that time. As a result of the study, Geukyeon started with the coterie system (1931.7.8~1932.12), which shares the responsibilities and obligations by all members, in its operational scheme and then switched to a membership system(1933.1~1938.3), the organization structure was changed over five times. The department in charge of directing and production, in particular, went through a revision process from the Business department (during the period of coterie system) to the Practice department (during the period of membership system), then changed back to the Directing department. The purpose of such changes was to equip with a professional theater group system and to perform the Shingeuk. The organization structure of operation in Geukyeon was established with ‘General affairs bureau and its sub-departments including Directing department, Literary department, Stage Arts department, and Accounting department(1936.7~1936.6). Moreover, each department had several sections. Under such a structural system, the ‘Movie Department (1937.6~1938.3)’ was newly established as a special case in order to address the financial pressures. However, it was revealed that the acting system in terms of the acting domain was still weak position because of staying at ‘Acting section’ under the Directing department. Geukyeon introduced the ‘formation system of both stage-director and stage-management & -manager’ in the first demonstration of the coterie system period. This was a pioneering attempt that drives the division of labor in theater production together with securing the independence of directing (or a director). Afterward, the directing system of Geukyeon consisted of ‘stage-director, assistant stage-director, stage-manager & -management, stage-manager & -management assistant, and prompter’, and most of founding members and members typically took a path to debut as a stage-director after passing through stage-manager & -management or assistant stage-director. However, no boundary and authority of tasks have been established between stage-director and their assistants until the Geukyeon was dispersed. Accordingly, the division of their labors was not implemented and the assistants of a stage-director were just in a position to follow the instruction of a stage-director. In the case of stage production in Geukyeon, a division of labor system in which each individual takes responsibility in all domains such as devices, lighting, effects, costumes, and small and medium tools was established. In particular, as a result of efforts to recruit practical experts from outside in the device and lighting domains, a tendency of the ‘dedicated experts and skilled people’ was very prominent. It is, however, still questionable to what extent the collaboration system in each domain has been implemented and how much the effectiveness has been achieved. This is a task to be discussed based on the performance cases in a future study. 본 연구는 신극 단체 극예술연구회(1931.7.8~1938.3, 이하 ‘극연’)의 운영 제도와 조직 구성(원) 및 그 추이에 따른 연출 체제와 제작 체계를 고찰하고 당시에 형성된 제작 판도를 파악하는 데 목적을 두었다. 연구 결과, 극연은 운영상 동인제(1931.7.8~1932.12)로 시작하여 회원제(1933.1~1938.3)로 전환하였고 조직의 구조는 그 동안 네 차례 이상 변경하였다. 특히 연출과 제작을 관할한 부처는 사업부(동인제 시기)에서 실천부(회원제 전반기)로 개정한 후에 다시 연출부(회원제 후반기)로 개편하는 도정을 거쳤다. 그 목적은 전문적 극단 체제를 갖추며 ‘우리 신극’을 상연하기 위함이었다. 결과적으로, 극연은 회원제 후반기(1936.7~1938.3)에 조직체를 ‘총무국과 산하의 연출부, 문예부, 미술부, 경리부 및 산하의 반’의 구조로 수립하였다. 그 중 연기 부문은 연출부 산하의 연기반으로 두어 당시까지 연기 체계가 미약한 실정을 노정하였다. 그 후 극연은 자금난 해소를 위해 영화부(1937.6~1938.3)를 추가로 특설하기도 했다. 극연은 첫 시연부터 ‘연출(자)와 다른 직무의 무대감독’을 기용하면서 연출(자)의 독립성과 제작 부문의 분업화를 도모하였다. 그 후 연출 부문은 ‘연출자, 연출보, 무대감독, 무대감독 조수, 프롬프터’의 구성(원) 체제를 갖추었다. 그 가운데 동인(회원)은 무대감독 또는 연출보를 거쳐서 연출자로 데뷔하는 경로를 이루었다. 그러나 연출자와 연출의 조력자들 간에 직무 권한과 경계는 확립되지 않았다. 따라서 실무적 분업화는 실현되지 않았고 무대감독을 비롯한 조력자들은 연출자의 지시를 추종하는 입장에 있었다. 무대미술 부문은 장치, 조명, 효과, 의상, 대․소도구 등 제반 분야에서 구체적인 개인에게 구체적인 책임을 맡기는 분업 체제를 수립하였다. 특히 장치와 조명 부문은 외부의 실기 전문가를 영입하는 노력의 결과로 해당 분야의 전공자와 숙련자가 전담하는 추세를 보였다. 하지만 무대 부문에서도 분업 체제와 그 실천 사이에 적잖은 간극이 실재하였다.

      • KCI등재

        TV 프로그램 제작을 위한 국내 가요 시상식 무대의 공간 구성에 관한 연구

        윤진희 한국실내디자인학회 2023 한국실내디자인학회논문집 Vol.32 No.5

        This study focuses on the composition and use of space to effectively deliver the content in TV program production. To this end, by analyzing the spatial arrangement and expressive elements according to the composition of the music awards ceremony stage and identifying the relationship between the stage composition and camera angle, essential matters that need to be considered when designing the stage space of a TV program are derived. The purpose of study is to provide the basic data for future broadcast stage space design methodology. The Golden Disk Awards, which proceeds as a live broadcast every year, was selected as a research subject, and the stages of domestic music awards ceremonies broadcast over the past five years from 2019 to 2023 were set as a scope of the research. The research method is as follows. First, the concept of broadcast stage space is defined for the composition and understanding of the music awards ceremony stage, and the role and expressive characteristics of this space in TV programs are investigated. Second, this study analyzes the spatial arrangement and characteristics of the music awards ceremony stage based on the stage design and floor plan. Third, the expressive elements of spatial composition are expressed on the screen is analyzed. Fourth, the camera movement and placement to understand how camera angles shape the space and induce depth perception is analyzed. Through this study, the researcher reinterpreted the correlation between formative and technical elements of the awards ceremony stage space, and confirmed the importance of constructing a space that takes spatial composition characteristics into consideration to improve the quality of the TV program production environment. Through this analysis, creative methods that can be applied to the stage space configuration of the music award ceremony program to improve the quality of the program and the viewer's experience were derived, and a design standard for the broadcast stage space was established.

      • KCI우수등재

        Assessment of causality between climate variables and production for whole crop maize using structural equation modeling

        ( Moonju Kim ),( Kyungil Sung ) 한국축산학회(구 한국동물자원과학회) 2021 한국축산학회지 Vol.63 No.2

        This study aimed to assess the causality of different climate variables on the production of whole crop maize (Zea mays L.; WCM) in the central inland region of the Korea. Furthermore, the effect of these climate variables was also determined by looking at direct and indirect pathways during the stages before and after silking. The WCM metadata (n = 640) were collected from the Rural Development Administration’s reports of new variety adaptability from 1985-2011 (27 years). The climate data was collected based on year and location from the Korean Meteorology Administration’s weather information system. Causality, in this study, was defined by various cause-and-effect relationships between climatic factors, such as temperature, rainfall amount, sunshine duration, wind speed and relative humidity in the seeding to silking stage and the silking to harvesting stage. All climate variables except wind speed were different before and after the silking stage, which indicates the silking occurred during the period when the Korean season changed from spring to summer. Therefore, the structure of causality was constructed by taking account of the climate variables that were divided by the silking stage. In particular, the indirect effect of rainfall through the appropriate temperature range was different before and after the silking stage. The damage caused by heat-humidity was having effect before the silking stage while the damage caused by night-heat was not affecting WCM production. There was a large variation in soil surface temperature and rainfall before and after the silking stage. Over 350 mm of rainfall affected dry matter yield (DMY) when soil surface temperatures were less than 22℃ before the silking stage. Over 900 mm of rainfall also affected DMY when soil surface temperatures were over 27℃ after the silking stage. For the longitudinal effects of soil surface temperature and rainfall amount, less than 22℃ soil surface temperature and over 300 mm of rainfall before the silking stage affected yield through over 26℃ soil surface temperature and less than 900 mm rainfall after the silking stage, respectively.

      • KCI등재

        남극 장보고기지 건설 시 온실가스 배출량 산정

        주진철(Jin Chul Joo),윤정임(Jeong Im Yun),이승은(Seung Eun Lee),김유민(Yu Min Kim),채창우(Chang U Chae),김영석(Young Seok Kim) 大韓環境工學會 2012 대한환경공학회지 Vol.34 No.4

        본 연구에서는 남극 장보고기지 건설 시 발생하는 온실가스 배출량을 자재생산단계와 시공단계로 구분하여 산정하였다. 또한, 시공단계의 배출원은 각각 해양수송과 내륙수송, 건설장비 사용, 건설캠프 운영으로 분류하여 온실가스 배출량을 구체적으로 산정하였다. 전과정평가 개념을 도입해 남극 장보고기지 건설에 투입되는 자재생산을 통해 배출되는 온실가스 배출량은 기지 건설에 따른 전체 온실가스 배출량의 23.8%에 해당하는 8,933 ton (as CO₂eq)으로 산정되었으며, 향후 남극 신규기지의 건설 시 자재생산을 통한 온실가스 배출이 반드시 고려해야 할 대상인 것으로 판단되었다. 남극 장보고기지 시공단계(총 2단계)에서의 온실가스 배출량은 1단계에 비해서 2단계에 비교적 많이 배출되었으며, 이는 2단계 때 수송화물선이 부산까지 회항하여 정박하므로 연료사용량이 증가하기 때문인 것으로 사료된다. 또한, 시공단계의 온실가스 배출원 가운데 해양수송이 내륙수송, 건설장비 사용 및 건설캠프 운영에 비해 다량의 온실가스를 배출하는 것으로 판명되었다. 남극 장보고기지 건설에 따른 자재생산단계와 시공단계를 통합한 전체 온실가스 배출량은 총 34,486 ton (as CO₂eq)으로 기존 남극기지 포괄적 환경영향평가(CEE)상에 제시된 온실가스 총배출량과 비교 시 다량의 온실가스가 배출되는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 기존 CEE상에 제시된 온실가스 배출량 산정 시 건설에 투입되는 자재생산을 통해 발생하는 온실가스 배출량 산정이 고려되지 않고, 단순히 자재수송 및 시공단계만을 고려하여 온실가스 배출량을 개략적으로 산정하였기 때문으로 판단된다. In this study, greenhouse gas emissions occurring from the construction of Jangbogo Antarctic research station were estimated in terms of material production stages and building stages, respectively. In detail, greenhouse gas emissions during the building stages were estimated in terms of marine transportation, inland transportation, construction equipment utilization, and construction camp operation, respectively. As a result, greenhouse gas emissions from material production stages with life cycle assessment were 8,933 ton (as CO₂eq), equivalent to the 23.8% of total greenhouse gas emissions from the construction of Jangbogo Antarctic research station, and these results indicate that greenhouse gas emissions occurring from material production stages should not be ignored. During the building stages, greenhouse gas emissions occurring from first year were greater than those from second year due to the increase in fuel consumption of freighter during second year. Additionally, marine transportation compared to inland transportation, construction equipment utilization, and construction camp operation was found to be the greater contributor for greenhouse gas emissions during the building stages. The total greenhouse gas emissions estimated from both material production stages and building stages was 34,486 ton (as CO₂eq), and greater than those estimated from comprehensive environmental evaluation (CEE) of existing other research stations, This difference is mainly attributed from approximate estimation of greenhouse gas emissions of existing other research stations without considering material production stages.

      • KCI등재

        국내 무대의상 제작시스템 방법론 정립에 관한 연구

        김영삼(Young Sam Kim) 한국복식학회 2012 服飾 Vol.62 No.4

        Ever since the year 2000, Korea`s musical markets has invited famous overseas license performances and have therefore cooperated with staffs working overseas in regards to stage costumes. This study aims to suggest the methodology of the stage costume making process according to the present advanced production system of Korea`s musical market, The researcher participated in the stage costume making work of ``Chicago`` as a costume supervisor, It took place at the Opera House of Seongnam Art Center from January 10, 2010 to February 28, 2010. Furthermore, there was significance in reinforcing academic values and implementing practical making process of stage-costumes based on the actual field work. The method of this research was carried out through a theoretical research and a case study that focused on empirical research. As for the research scope, it was limited to the actual stage-costumes that the researcher fully engaged with as a costume supervisor of the musical ``Chicago.`` The results of this study were as follows. The stage costume making process of the musical ``Chicago`` was categorized according to the classification of production system in the performance. For pre-production,1)it was divided according to the information of the actor and the analysis of the bible. Rehearsal period was divided according to the product clothes and fitting. Production week & preview were divided according to the changeover of clothes and the arrangement of dressers. The Run was divided according to the inspection of the situation concerning clothes in general during the performance. Post-Production Period was divided according to the collection of clothes and the implemented database. This study eventually suggested appropriate stage-costume making processes for the costumes making environment according to the expansion of overseas license musical market. However, it has a limitation of the research scope to the musical ``Chicago.`` The creative performances of the domestic version are planned in diverse forms and come to abroad animate by the Korean Wave. Therefore, the field of stage-costume is necessary for the establishment of practical schemes of the system and copyright in accordance with the environment.

      • Optimization of two-staged bio-hydrogen production by immobilized <i>Microcystis aeruginosa</i>

        Rashid, Naim,Choi, Wookjin,Lee, Kisay Elsevier 2012 Biomass & bioenergy Vol.36 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>Two-staged bio-hydrogen production was investigated in <I>Microcystis aeruginosa</I>. Stage-I comprised aerobic growth of immobilized algal cells for three days while anaerobic conditions were established in stage-II by sulfur deprivation and photo inhibition under high light intensity. Hydrogen evolution was investigated under fully dark, fully light and partially dark conditions (24 h in dark and light thereafter) using diverse carbon sources and pH values. Full light proved to be most effective with a hydrogen volume of 490 ± 3 ml/L at an average rate of 9.42 ml/h/L. The growth period could be reduced to 2 days in fully dark and fully light conditions. The hydrogen evolution was optimum at pH 9.0 with malt extract as carbon source for <I>M. aeruginosa</I>. However, the optimum pH value was lowered to 8.0 when optical fiber was used as an internal light source during stage-I.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P><P>► We optimized two-stage hydrogen production by investigating the effects of light and carbon sources. ► Among various patterns of light, fully light condition proved to be most effective. ► The use of optical fiber slowed down the rate of hydrogen production. ► Malt extract resulted in maximum hydrogen production.</P>

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Two Stage 발효에 의한 고산도 식초 생산

        이영철,이금용,김형찬,박기범,유익제,안평욱,최춘언,손세형 한국산업미생물학회 1992 한국미생물·생명공학회지 Vol.20 No.6

        산업적으로 산도 17.0% 이상의 고산도 식초를 생산하기 위하여 반연속식인 1st stage와 유가식인 2nd stage로 구성된 two stage 초산 발효를 온도 30 ℃, 교반속도 600 rpm, 통기량 0.1 vvm에서 실시하였다. 1st stage에서 초기 에탄올 농도를 50.0 g/ℓ, 잔류 에탄올 농도를 5.0 g/ℓ로 정하여 반연속적으로 초산발효를 하고, 2nd stage 에서 발효시간의 경과에 따라 에탄올을 유가식으로 첨가하여 초산발효액내의 에탄올 농도를 5.0 g/ℓ에서 10.0 g/ℓ로 유지했을 때 산도가 17.6%인 고산도 식초를 생산할 수 있었으며, 또한 이 ??의 최대 초산 생산성은 3.3 g/ℓ·hr였다. The production of vinegar containing 16.0 ∼18.0% of acetic acid was examined in two stage fermentation consisting of semi-continuous and fed-batch type. The optimum conditions were obtained when the fermentation was carried out at agitation of 600 rpm, aeration of 0.1 vvm and temperature of 30℃. The initial and residual ethanol concentration in 1st stage were 50.0 g/ℓ and 5.0 g/ℓ, respectively, and the ethanol concentration in 2nd stage was maintained from 5.0 to 10.0 g/ℓ. The maximum productivity was 3.3 g/ℓ-hr and the acidity was 17.6% after the two days of acetic acid fermentation.

      • KCI등재

        이탈리안 라이그라스 '코윈어리'의 봄철 1회 및 2회 이용에 따른 수확적기 구명

        서성,김맹중,김원호,이상학,정민웅,김기용,지희정,박형수,김종근,최기준,Seo, Sung,Kim, Meing Jooung,Kim, Won Ho,Lee, Sang Hak,Jung, Min Woong,Kim, Ki Yong,Ji, Hee Chung,Park, Hyung Soo,Kim, Jong Geun,Choi, Gi Jun 한국초지조사료학회 2013 한국초지조사료학회지 Vol.33 No.1

        본 연구는 국내 개발 이탈리안 라이그라스 (IRG)의 봄철 1회 및 2회 이용 시 수확적기를 구명하고자 국립축산과학원(수원)에서 조생종 'Kowinearly' 품종을 공시, 2009년 9월 30일에 파종하여 2010년 6월까지 수행하였다. 처리내용은 1차 수확시기로 출수시(T1), 출수기(T2), 출수후기~개화초기(T3), 개화기~개화후기(T4), 등숙기(T5) 및 등숙후기(T6) 등 6처리였으며, 2차 수량조사는 6월 11일 동일하게 실시하였다. 'Kowinearly'의 출수시는 5월 4~5일, 출수기는 5월 14일, 도복은 개화 이후 많이 관찰되었다. 건물률은 T1 14.8%에서 T6 35.0%로 생육진행에 따라 높아졌으며, 조단백질, RFV, 건물 소화율 등 사료가치는 생육 지연에 따라 낮아졌다. 건물수량과 가소화 건물수량은 T4에서 ha당 각각 8,984 kg과 5,728 kg으로, 조단백질 수량은 T3에서 795 kg으로 유의적으로 높았으며 (p<0.05), 재생초의 건물수량, 조단백질 수량, 가소화 건물수량은 T1과 T2에서 차이 없이 각각 5,425 kg, 596 kg, 3,204 kg(T1)과 4,811 kg, 589 kg, 3,143 kg (T2)으로 유의적으로 높았다 (p<0.05). 총 건물수량, 조단백질 수량, 가소화 건물수량은 T2 와 T3에서 차이 없이 각각 11,089 kg, 1,254 kg, 7,669 kg(T2)과 10,354 kg, 1,225 kg, 6,915 kg (T3)으로 유의적으로 높았다 (p<0.05). 일당 건물생산량과 일당 가소화건물생산량은 1차 생육은 T2, T3, T4에서, 재생초는 T2, T1에서 높았으며, 전 기간 일당생산량에서는 출수기인 T2에서 가장 높았고 다음이 T3, T4, T1 순이었다. 이상의 결과를 종합하여 볼 때, IRG 'Kowinearly'를 봄철에 1회 수확하여 이용할 경우 단위면적당 생산량과 사료가치를 고려한 수확적기는 출수후기~개화기이며, 봄철 2회 수확하여 이용할 경우 재생과 단위면적당 총 생산량을 고려한 1차 수확적기는 출수기가 유리하다고 판단된다. This study was carried out to determine the optimum harvest stage of Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam., IRG) for maximum forage production during the spring season in Suwon, 2010. The variety of IRG was the early maturity type, 'Kowinearly', and six harvest stages (treatments) were first heading (T1), heading (T2), late heading to early bloom (T3), bloom to late bloom (T4), ripeness (T5), and late ripeness stage (T6). The dates of the first heading and heading of 'Kowinearly' were seen on 4 to 5 May, and 14 May, respectively. Plant length and dry matter (DM) percentage at first harvest were from 69 cm and 14.8% at T1 stage to 103 cm and 35.0% at T6 stage, respectively. The content of crude protein (CP) and in vitro DM digestibility (IVDMD) of T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6 at first harvest were 15.6%, 10.6%, 10.1%, 8.1%, 7.3% and 5.4%, and 81.8%, 72.1%, 64.8%, 63.8%, 61.4% and 59.0%, respectively. The content of neural detergent fiber (NDF) and acid detergent fiber (ADF) were increased continuously with delayed harvest. A significantly higher yield of DM, CP and in vitro digestible DM (IVDDM) were observed for T3, and T4 (p<0.05). DM yield of 3,526 kg, 6,278 kg, 7,842 kg, 8,984 kg, 8,346 kg and 8,008 kg/ha, CP yield of 549 kg, 665 kg, 795 kg, 725 kg, 608 kg and 430 kg/ha, and IVDDM of 2,883 kg. 4,526 kg, 5,083 kg, 5,728 kg, 5,124 kg and 4,722 kg/ha at first harvest were recorded in T1, T2, T3, T4, T5 and T6, respectively. Regrowth yield of DM, CP and IVDDM were shown to be higher at T1 and T2 (p<0.05). However, no significant differences were observed between the two stages. Daily DM and DDM production of regrowth IRG were higher at T2, followed by T1. The total yield (at first and at regrowth) of DM, CP and IVDDM were significant higher for T2, followed by T3, T4 and T1 in order. At T2 stage, the yield was 11,089 kg, 1,254 kg, and 7,669 kg/ha in DM, CP, and IVDDM. In conclusion, the late heading to bloom stage was determined to be the optimum harvest stage for a single harvest, while the heading stage was a suitable stage of first harvest of 'Kowinearly' where two harvests were sought in a single year.

      • Cultivation of four microalgae for biomass and oil production using a two-stage culture strategy with salt stress

        Ra, Chae Hun,Kang, Chang-Han,Kim, Na Kyoung,Lee, Choul-Gyun,Kim, Sung-Koo Elsevier 2015 Renewable energy Vol.80 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>A two-stage culture strategy was used for maximum biomass production under nutrient-sufficient conditions, followed by cultivation under low-salt stress, to cause the accumulation of oil in the biomass. Controlled conditions of nitrate, salt concentration, and time to exposure to stress were optimized for oil production with four species of microalgae, <I>Isochrysis galbana</I>, <I>Nannochloropsis oculata</I>, <I>Dunaliella salina</I>, and <I>Dunaliella tertiolecta</I>. Using conditions with addition of nitrate to 24.0 mg/L, <I>I. galbana</I> and <I>N. oculata</I> showed higher biomass productions than <I>D. salina</I> and <I>D. tertiolecta</I>. The oil contents of the microalgae increased from 24.0% to 47.0% in <I>I. galbana</I> with 10 psu for 2 days, from 17.0% to 29.0% in <I>N. oculata</I> with 0 psu for 3 days, from 22.0% to 43.0% of <I>D. salina</I> with 10 psu for 1 day, and from 23.0% to 40.0% (w/w) in <I>D. tertiolecta</I> with 0 psu for 2 days as the second stage culture with low-salt stress. Thus, <I>I. galbana</I> could be a suitable candidate microalga for oil production.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> A two-stage culture was used for algae biomass production and for oil accumulation. </LI> <LI> Oil accumulation under low-salt stress enhanced overall oil productivity. </LI> <LI> The highest oil content was 47.0% with <I>I. galbana</I> at 10 psu salt stress for 2 days. </LI> <LI> <I>I. galbana</I> could be a suitable candidate microalga for oil production. </LI> <LI> Algae cell growth kinetics was determined by Monod equation. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • KCI등재

        서비스화 단계 유형 프레임워크와 서비스화 전략 제안

        김유라 ( Yoo Ra Kim ),정재희 ( Jaehee Chung ) 한국산업디자이너협회 2021 산업디자인학연구 Vol.15 No.1

        Background Servitization has emerged as a way to enhance the competitiveness of the manufacturing industry. Despite the fact that many companies are promoting servitization, there are not many companies that successfully settle it. This study investigates the servitization framework and servitization strategy for successful servitization. Methods After reviewing the definition and effects of serviceization through literature research, the existing theories on the servitization were reviewed. First servitization stage-type framework was created by synthesizing theories and three servitization strategies were proposed by analyzing examples of successful servitization. Results Based on the servitization stage and type, servitization stage-type framework was proposed. Servitization stage is classified into four stages: ‘integration of existing services’, ‘entering service market’, ‘providing customization services’, and ‘selling standardized services’. Servitization type is classified into three types: ‘product-oriented service’, ‘customer-oriented service’, and ‘business service’. Based on this framework, three strategies of servitization were prosed: ‘function evolving strategy’, ‘life-stage support strategy’, and ‘total consulting strategy’ through various case analysis of servitization. Conclusion The servitization stage-type framework shows the types and stages of servitization in an integrated manner, and the servitzation strategy presents concrete means and cases for successful servitization. It is expected that the servitization stage-type framework and the servitization strategy presented in this study will serve as a guide to facilitate the servitization in the manufacturing industry.

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