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      • 개발사업 환경평가의 중장기 모니터링 방안

        신경희외 한국환경연구원 2011 수시연구보고서 Vol.2011 No.-

        개발사업으로 인한 환경영향은 단기적인 영향뿐만 아니라 중장기적이고 2차적인 변화가 더욱 크게 나타날 가능성이 있으며, 단일 개발사업으로 인한 영향만이 아닌 지역단위 혹은 유역단위 등으로 복합적이고 누적적인 영향이 나타날 수 있다. 또한 일정 기간 동안 다수의 유사 개발사업에 적용된 평가기법에 대한 수준 및 효율성에 대한 종합적인 자료축적과 분석이 이루어지지 않고 있어 평가기법이 적절하게 적용되고 있는지, 어떤 평가기법이 효과적인지에 대한 정보도 거의 없다. 현행 환경영향평가제도에서 개발사업 추진 이후 발생될 수 있는 영향을 관리하기 위한 방안으로써 ‘사후환경영향조사’를 도입 · 시행하고 있지만, 단기간에 단일사업만을 조사대상사업으로 규정하고 있기 때문에 중장기적이고 누적적인 환경영향의 변화를 보기에는 한계가 있다. 또한 개별사업들에 대한 사후환경영향조사의 결과물은 평가기법 및 저감기법의 효과 검증을 위한 자료로써 활용되고 있지 못하고 있다. 따라서 본 연구는 개발사업으로 인한 중장기적 환경영향에 대응하고 환경평가의 향상에 기여할 수 있는 정보생산 프로그램으로써 ‘중장기 모니터링 프로그램’의 필요성을 확인하고 이에 대해 제언하고자 수행되었다. 이를 위해 기존 제도의 한계 및 문제점을 분석하고 중장기적으로 환경영향이 나타난 사례조사 및 전문가 의견수렴을 통해 필요성을 정립하고 도입방향을 설정하였다. 이를 토대로 대규모 사업의 중장기 모니터링 방안, 지역환경영향의 중장기 모니터링 방안, 평가기법 및 저감대책의 중장기 모니터링 방안을 제시하였다. 1. 대규모 개발사업의 중장기 모니터링 프로그램 서해대교, KTX, 강진만 등 대규모 개발사업은 그 규모가 크고 장기간 이루어지면서 사업이 미치는 영향의 범위가 크고 그 영향 또한 장기간에 걸쳐 나타나며, 청성산, 한탄강댐 등과 같이 환경문제를 이유로 사업이 연기되거나 중단되는 경우가 점차 늘어나고 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 사업 후의 환경적 영향에 대해서 제대로 세밀한 조사와 분석을 하지 않고 있으며, 환경영향에 대한 과학적 근거가 부족한 상황에서 추측적인 내용을 토대로 찬반측이 대립하고 있다. 따라서 대규모 사업의 중장기 모니터링 보고서 작성을 통해 향후 사업 추진 시 타당성에 대한 논란과 환경갈등 등으로 인한 혼선의 과정을 줄이는 것이 필요하다. 중장기 모니터링 보고서는 사회적 논란이 컸던 대규모 사업을 대상으로 사업 준공 후 7년 이후 15년 이내에 사업자, 승인기관 또는 환경부가 작성하도록 한다. 모니터링보고서는 계획 수립 시에 의도한 계획(환경분야 포함) 목표 달성의 검증, 환경평가 예측결과의 검증, 중장기적 영향(사회영향 포함) 변화 검토, 환경평가 운영 과정의 평가, 다양한 주체(전문가/주민/사업주 등)의 주요 주장에 대한 검증을 주요 내용으로 한다. 2. 지역환경영향의 중장기 모니터링 프로그램 주택 및 상업시설, 골프장, 공장 등 소규모 점적 개발과 단위 개발사업들의 난립 등 국토의 난개발로 인해 지역생태계의 연속성이 단절되고 생활환경의 악화 및 환경 인프라부족 등의 여러 문제들이 나타나고 있다. 이는 지역환경 기준이 없고 지역종합계획에 대한 모니터링을 실시하지 않음으로 인해 나타난 결과로, 지역의 개발 동향 및 환경질의 동향을 조사하여 지역의 환경목표를 설정하고 이를 다른 계획 수립 시 연계 및 반영하는 것이 필요하다. 뉴질랜드나 영국의 스코틀랜드에서도 환경현황에 대한 모니터링을 운영하여 정책개발과 정책 결정과정에 정보를 제공하도록 하고 있다. 지역환경영향에 관한 중장기 모니터링 보고서는 지역종합계획 또는 환경보전계획 수립 주기를 고려하여 10년 또는 20년을 작성주기로 작성하도록 한다. 도시기본계획이나 환경보전계획, 유역종합관리계획을 수립하고자 하는 지역을 대상으로 해당 지방자치단체가 작성한다. 모니터링 보고서는 지역 현황과 특성, 과거 30년간의 개발사업 동향, 개발 관련 정부정책 및 지방자치단체 정책의 변화 등 지역 여건의 트렌드 분석과 과거 30년간의 환경 동향분석, 30년 후의 지역환경목표 설정, 환경목표 실천을 위한 로드맵설정, 지역환경목표의 활용방안 등을 주요 내용으로 한다. 3. 평가기법 및 저감대책의 중장기 모니터링 환경영향을 조사하고 예측, 평가하는 기법들은 활용되는 것만큼 기법들에 대한 적합성 및 효과성 등이 검증되고 있지 않다. 특히 현재 친환경계획 수립지침의 경우 각 항목별로 제시된 기법의 효과나 모니터링 사례분석에 대한 구체적인 검증 없이 저감시설의 유형과 조성위치에 대한 일반적이고 개략적인 설명 위주로 나열하고 있다. 생태통로나 대체서식지 등 연구결과를 바탕으로 환경부의 지침이 마련되거나 개선되는 예가 있지만, 일부 항목에 대해서만 진행되거나 일회성으로 이루어지고 있어 지속적이고 종합적인 연구는 미흡한 상황이다. 따라서 다양한 환경평가 사례를 수집하고 분석하여 평가기법에 대한 효율성을 검증하고 사업유형별 친환경계획기법과 연계될 필요가 있다. 평가기법과 저감대책에 대한 중장기 모니터링 보고서는 각각 환경영향평가협회 또는 환경부와 승인기관 또는 사업자협회에서 10년 이상의 기간에 대한 자료수집 및 분석을 통해 작성하도록 한다. 보고서는 크게 평가항목별, 사업유형별 등 2가지 형태로 작성한다. 평가항목별은 항목별 조사 · 예측 · 평가기법 및 저감대책에 대한 효율성 검증을 목적으로 적용사례, 관련 학계 연구결과, 국외 사례, 국내외 최근 기법 조사, 전문가 의견수렴 등을 통해 작성하고 사업유형별은 사업유형에 따른 우수계획, 사례, 부적정 계획 사례 등을 수집 분석하여 사업별 최적 계획대안을 도출할 수 있도록 지원한다. Environmental impacts caused by development projects can be both short-term and medium to long-term, and the impact from secondary changes could potentially be even larger. The impacts from individual development projects are compounded according to their region and watershed, and their impacts could be cumulative. Nonetheless, the collection and analysis of data concerning the standard and effectiveness of assessment techniques used for similar projects over a specified is insufficient; thus no information about the effectiveness of assessment techniques exist. Within the current environmental impact assessment system, 'post environmental impact surveys' are used to manage the impacts which materialize after the development project has begun, but the measure is limited because the surveys only investigate individual short-term projects and fail to examine both the cumulative and medium to long term environmental impacts. Moreover, results from post-project environmental impact investigations of individual projects cannot be used as data to verify the effectiveness of assessment and mitigation techniques. Therefore, this study was conducted to stress and suggest the need for 'medium to long-term monitoring programs' as information extraction programs which could respond to medium to long-term environmental impacts and enhance environmental assessments. To achieve this, limitations of the existing system are analyzed, and the direction and need to implement such systems are established through case studies of medium to long-term environmental impacts and collection of expert comments. Based on the study's results, measures for the following are suggested: monitoring large-scale projects for medium to long-term, monitoring regional environmental impacts for medium to long-term, and monitoring assessment and mitigation techniques for medium to long-term. 1. Medium to Long-term Monitoring Program for Large Scale Projects The scope of environmental impacts caused by large scale development projects, such as Seohae bridge, KTX, and Gangjinman, are huge, and the impact are shown over a long period of time. As such, increasing number of cases, such as Chungsun mountain and Hantan River Damn, are being delayed or canceled due to environmental problems which have they caused. Nonetheless, careful investigations and analysis of post-project environmental impacts have yet to be implemented, and speculative evidences are used for weighing pros and cons because scientific evidences concerning environmental impacts are limited. Therefore, it is important to reduce feasibility debates and confusion about environmental conflicts through medium to long-term monitoring of large scale projects. Medium to long-term monitoring reports will be filed for large scale projects which have caused social conflicts, and these reports will be written 7 to 15 years after the project has been completed by either the project's entrepeneurs, approval authority, or Ministry of Environment. The main contents of the monitoring reports will include: verification of intended objectives laid out during the plan's planning process (including environmental goals); verification of environment impact predictions; review of changes in the medium to long-term impact (including societal impact); assessment of how the environmental assessment are conducted; and verification of arguments posed by various stakeholder (experts, citizens, business owners). 2. Medium to Long-term Monitoring Program for Regional Environmental Impact The proliferation of small scale projects, such as residential and commercial facilities, golf courses, and factories, and environmentally-unfriendly development projects have led to various problems, including discontinuities in the ecosystem, deterioration of social environments, and lack of environmental infrastructures. These outcomes have transpired because objectives for regional environments and monitoring of comprehensive regional planning do not exist. Therefore, it is necessary to establish environmental objectives through investigations on regional developmental trends and environmental quality trends to link and reflect these objectives when establishing plans. In New Zealand and Scotland, monitoring of current environmental conditions facilitates policy developments and provides information on the outcome of policies. Medium to long-term monitoring reports on regional environmental impacts will take into account both comprehensive regional plans and environment conservation plans, and it will be written within 10 to 20 years. The reports will be written by appropriate regional authorities who are in charge of basic urban plans, environmental conservation plans, and comprehensive watershed plans. The main contents of monitoring reports will include: regional conditions and unique characteristics; trends of development projects over the past 30 years; analysis of national and regional policy changes concerning development and regional environmental trends over the past 30 years; establishment of regional environmental objectives for the future (30 years from today); establishment of a road map to achieve the environmental objectives; and measures to utilize regional environmental objectives. 3. Medium to Long-Term Monitoring of Assessment and Mitigation Techniques Considering the frequency in which the techniques for environmental impact assessment and prediction are used, the suitability and effectives of these techniques have yet to be verified. In particular, current environmentally-friendly planning guidelines do not verify the effectiveness of used techniques and monitoring of case studies, and given explanations are often brief. Although guidelines are prepared by the Ministry of Environment based on research results of ecological passageways and/or alternative habitats, single continuous and comprehensive research on specific fields remain insufficient. Therefore, it is necessary to collect various case studies of environmental impacts, verify the effectiveness of assessment techniques, and link environmentally-friendly techniques which are specific to project types. Medium to long-term monitoring reports on assessment and mitigation techniques will be written by the environmental impact assessment associations, authorities approved by the Ministry of Environment, or business associations through collection and analysis of data collected over a period of 10 years. The report will be written in two forms: according to assessment contents or project types. The objectives of reports written according to assessment contents include verifying the effectives of investigation, prediction, and assessment techniques through relevant case studies, relevant research results, and collection of expert opinions. On the other hand, the reports written according to project types collect and analyze both outstanding and insufficient plans and case studies to identify the most appropriate planning measures for each project type.

      • Review of Environmental Radiation Monitoring Strategy in Nuclear Emergency

        Bongseok Kim 한국방사성폐기물학회 2022 한국방사성폐기물학회 학술논문요약집 Vol.20 No.2

        When the leakage of radioactive material or radiation to the environment or a concern, it is important to accurately understand the impact on the environment. Therefore, environmental effects evaluation using modeling based on meteorological data and source-term data is carried out, or environmental radiation monitoring which is an emergency response activity that directly measures dose is performed. As lessons learned from the Fukushima accident, environmental effects evaluation and modeling cannot utilize during the emergency and decision-making process for protective action for the public. Thus, rapid environmental radiation monitoring is required. In Korea, when an emergency is issued at a nuclear facility, urgent environmental radiation monitoring is conducted based on the national nuclear emergency preparedness and response plan, which can provide important information for decisionmaking on public protective actions. A review of strategies for urgent environmental radiation monitoring is important in performing efficient emergency responses. The main purpose of urgent environmental radiation monitoring is to gather data for decisionmaking on public protective actions to minimize the damage from the accident. For effective data collection and distribution, support from the national and local government and local public organizations and radiation expertise groups, and nuclear facility licensee are required. In addition, an emergency environmental radiation monitoring manual is required to immediately perform environmental monitoring in an emergency situation. The manual for emergency monitoring should include the activities to be conducted according to the phases of the emergency. The phases of the emergency are divided into pre-leakage, post-leakage, intermediate, and recovery. The reasons for establishing strategies are government and public information, the implementation of urgent population protection countermeasures, predicting and tracking plume trajectory, and detection of any release, the protection of emergency and recovery workers, the implementation of agricultural countermeasures and food restrictions, the implementation of intermediate- and recovery-phase countermeasures, contamination control. Besides meteorological data, ambient dose rate and dose, airborne radionuclide concentration, environmental deposition, food, water, and environmental contamination, individual dose, and object surface contamination data are also required for making information for the public.

      • Review of Environmental Monitoring Activities During the Nuclear Emergency

        Bongseok Kim 한국방사성폐기물학회 2023 한국방사성폐기물학회 학술논문요약집 Vol.21 No.2

        The primary objective of radiological environmental monitoring after a radiological emergency at a nuclear facility is acquisition of background data for the determination of protective actions for the population and the comprehensive assessment of the impact on the population residing in proximity to the nuclear facility. The responsible entities engaged in the conduct of the radiological environmental monitoring encompass government organization and nuclear licensees, operating in strict adherence to the national radiological disaster prevention framework. In accordance with the national radiological disaster prevention framework, radiation environmental monitoring is executed through the deployment of emergency response organization, and recurrent exercise drills aimed at augmenting responsible capabilities. In the context of radiation environmental monitoring, it is necessary to specify measurement parameters, monitoring location, and methodological protocols for each stage, considering potential exposure pathways. In terms of equipment, it is important to utilize mobile assets such as aerial or vehicle surveys for rapid and accurate radiation environment monitoring. Radiation disaster drills are regularly conducted, and the radiation environment monitoring field is also regularly trained to enhance response capabilities. The scale of these drills may vary, ranging from exclusive participation by nuclear licensees to joint exercises conducted by governmental agencies. This iterative process of periodic drills and equipment enhancements has led to a progressive augmentation of environmental monitoring capabilities, ensuring a well-coordinated orchestration of radiation monitoring within the framework of radiation protection. Notwithstanding these achievements, challenges in public communication regarding the decision to take protective actions and the dissemination of information to the public. Considering that the purpose of radiation environmental monitoring extends beyond safeguarding public health; it also serves to alleviate public anxiety. In the future, public communication between these stakeholders should also be included in disaster drill programs to ensure proper consultation between each stakeholder during drills and to build understanding and trust in radiation environmental monitoring. This is expected to improve the quality of radiation environmental monitoring response capabilities.

      • KCI등재

        데이터 기반 환경감시를 위한 환경정보시스템 분석 및 시사점 도출

        김명제,윤정호,김동우,이상혁,손승우 한국환경정책학회 2022 環境政策 Vol.30 No.2

        Industries that emit pollutants create hazards in the physical environment in the domains of air quality, water quality, and waste. Data sensors to detect these hazards are gradually becoming more intelligent and sophisticated. Systematizing environmental monitoring based on data can increase work accuracy and save time and money. This study compared and analyzed the environmental information system currently operated by the Ministry of Environment and related ministries, together with the monitoring capabilities of field experts, and evaluated the usability of data in the system and the feasibility of improving relevant monitoring skills. This analysis identified environmental information systems with high usability for environmental monitoring tasks for each air quality, water quality, and waste sector. The technical knowledge to use the information system to monitor data was also identified. Applying the information systems and monitoring knowledge identified in this study and improving the related laws and regulations will enhance the efficiency and objectivity of environmental monitoring. 환경오염물질 배출업소는 대기, 수질, 폐기물 등 다양한 환경매체 별로 환경범죄를 발생시킬 수 있으며, 이는 점차 지능화・고도화되는 추세이다. 이에 대응할 수 있도록 데이터를 기반으로 환경감시 업무를 체계화시키면 업무의 정확성을 높이고 시간과 비용을 절약할 수 있다. 본 연구는 환경부 및 유관 기관에서 현재 운영 중인 환경정보시스템과 환경감시 현장 전문가들이 활용하는 노하우를 비교・분석하여 시스템 내 데이터의 활용 가능성과 노하우 적용의 언택트화 가능성을 평가하였다. 분석결과 대기, 수질, 폐기물 부문별로 환경감시 업무로의 활용성이 높은 환경정보시스템을 각각 도출하였고, 시스템을 통해 필요한 데이터 연계가 가능한 노하우도 도출하였다. 본 연구에서 도출한 환경정보시스템과 환경감시 노하우의 환경감시 업무로의 활용 가능성과 함께 관련 법, 규정 등의 개선이 이루어진다면 환경감시 업무의 효율성과 객관성이 커질 것으로 기대된다.

      • KCI등재

        일부 사업장의 작업환경측정 신뢰성평가 결과

        박승현 ( Seung Hyun Park ),신현화 ( Hyun Wha Shin ),강성규 ( Seong Kyu Kang ) 한국산업위생학회 2007 한국산업보건학회지 Vol.17 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to improve the awareness of employers about worker`s exposure monitoring and to urge the exposure monitoring service institutes to produce good exposure monitoring results through a reliability assessment for the exposure monitoring results. Exposure monitoring results for harmful factors(harmful substances and physical agents) being exposed to workers provide employers and workers with very useful information in improving their poor working environment. But there have been some cases of occupational diseases due to underestimating or misestimating the concentration of harmful factors. Worker`s exposure monitoring is a basic tool in preventing occupational diseases. If the concentration of harmful factors being exposed to workers is underestimated or misestimated, control measures being needed to prevent occupational disease will not be taken due to absence of appropriate monitoring results. KOSHA conducted a reliability assessment for the exposure monitoring results of a hundred workplaces nationwide. According to the results of the reliability assessment, there were some cases of underestimating or misestimating the concentration of harmful factors. For example some workplaces have not been conducting the exposure monitoring for some of harmful factors being exposed to workers, some of workplaces have underestimated the concentration of harmful factors comparing to the real concentration of them. These results are because the highest exposed workers to harmful factors were not monitored or the exposure monitoring was conducted under abnormal working condition that concentration of harmful factors was lower than real concentration of them. In conclusion the deficit of awareness of employers and the exposure monitoring service institutes about a real meaning of the exposure monitoring was one of the reasons why the results of exposure monitoring conducted by some employers were so inappropriate. It seems that this reliability assessment for the exposure monitoring results is necessary for the time being to improve the awareness of employers and service institutes and to guide employers to produce the good results of exposure monitoring.

      • KCI등재후보

        무미양서류의 음성 신호를 이용한 생물 모니터링의 수행에 따른 중, 고등학생들의 환경 인식 변화

        김수경,성하철,박대식,박시룡 한국환경교육학회 2006 環境 敎育 Vol.19 No.1

        This study was conducted to investigate whether attitudes and recognitions of middle and high school students regarding environmental concerns were improved after anuran call monitoring. It was a step toward monitoring local environmental changes with anuran calls. Three-striped pond frogs (Rana nigromaculata), Bullfrogs (R. catesbeiana), and Narrow- mouthed toads (Kaloula borealis) were surveyed to determine local abundance and distribution of them in 12 study sites using their advertising calls. A published booklet, which contains morphological, physiological, ecological, and acoustic information on amphibian species and methods of monitoring anuran calls were provided to monitoring students for identifying the three species. Pretest-posttest were conducted before and after monitoring from 10 April to 28 August in 2005 to determine how the monitoring students changed their attitudes on environmental issues, increased knowledges on amphibians, and improved the understanding on the cause and effect of declining amphibian populations. The amphibian monitoring program was effective to improve the students' attitudes towards conserving environments as well as the students' knowledge on general behavior and ecology of various amphibian species although their understanding about various environmental problems was not. In addition, the program

      • KCI등재

        5인이상 제조업에서 설문조사를 통한 작업환경측정 대상 사업장의 규모 추정

        박진욱,김승원,양선희,류향우,김은아 한국산업보건학회 2018 한국산업보건학회지 Vol.28 No.2

        Objectives: This study aimed to estimate the number and proportion of target workplaces for work environment monitoring and evaluate the implementation rate of work environment monitoring. Methods: A questionnaire survey was conducted by the Ministry of Employment and Labor between March and May 2017 among 96,295 manufacturing businesses with more than five employees. The response rate was 17.8%. Estimates of the number and proportion of target workplaces for work environment monitoring were calculated as follows: number of workplaces where work environment monitoring was performed in 2016 + exposure rate based on the questionnaire * number of workplaces where work environment monitoring was not conducted. Results: Of the 150,655 total manufacturing businesses with more than five employees, 63,146 are estimated to be subject to work environment monitoring, which accounted for 41.9% of the workplaces. It is estimated that 73.3% of the target workplaces performed work environment monitoring. The number of workers exposed to hazardous substances is estimated to be about 0.7~1.2 million. Conclusions: Information on the distribution of workplaces subject to work environment monitoring and the rate of implementation can be used as baseline information for management and evaluation of the effectiveness of the work environment monitoring system.

      • KCI등재

        환경감시 정책수립 지원을 위한 전략 마련

        손승우,유재진 한국환경정책학회 2024 環境政策 Vol.32 No.1

        Public awareness and concern regarding the environment are growing continuously. Accordingly, governments operate a variety of environmental monitoring systems in which they have invested considerable human resources and funds. However, current environmental monitoring faces challenges in efficiently addressing intelligent and shrewed but illegal activities. Additionally, performing efficient monitoring of various emission sites poses difficulties that are constrainted by existing personnel and budgetary conditions. Therefore, it is necessary to develop a systematic and macroscopic implementation strategy and a comprehensive plan for environmental monitoring. This study aims to develop a systematic planning structure and establish a scientific system for environmental monitoring work. This study is anticipated to enhance existing environmental monitoring systems, thereby contributing to the reduction and prevention of environmental crimes.

      • KCI등재

        Review of applications and user perceptions of smart home technology for health and environmental monitoring

        Rhee Jee Heon,Ma Jae Hoon,Seo JoonOh,Cha Seung Hyun 한국CDE학회 2022 Journal of computational design and engineering Vol.9 No.3

        In recent decades, smart home technology has advanced, improving the well-being and quality of life of its users. Thus, its applications have expanded, particularly in health and environmental monitoring. Numerous devices have been developed to accommodate user requirements of monitoring; however, the adoption of monitoring devices is closely related to user perception. User perception can be considered from different perspectives. One method of understanding different user perceptions is comparing wearable and nonwearable devices, owing to the differences in their obtrusiveness. The aim of this study was to systematically review the applications and user perceptions of health and environmental monitoring devices, emphasizing on the wearable and nonwearable distinction. We conducted a focused search of articles related to smart home technology and its user perceptions based on its applications. The inclusion criteria were original and peer-reviewed articles centered on health and environmental monitoring devices. We identified and analysed 159 of the 4476 relevant articles and divided the articles into two categories. The first category comprised health and environmental monitoring and their applications by the type of device. The second category comprised user perceptions of monitoring devices. The devices were grouped into wearable and nonwearable devices for our analysis. We identified user perceptions based on usefulness, ease of use, and privacy. Because wearable and nonwearable devices complement their limitations, we recommend their integration for improving user perception.

      • KCI등재

        The regulatory system for imported-cargo radiation monitoring in Korea and a proposal for its improvement

        최우석,공태영,김희근,이은지,김성준,손진호,송창주,김화평,정철기 한국원자력학회 2023 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.55 No.1

        To protect people and the environment from environmental radiation, the Act on Protective Action Guidelines against Radiation in the Natural Environment was formulated in Korea in 2011. This law regulates matters related to radiation safety that can be encountered in life. In accordance with this law, radiation monitoring equipment is operated at major airports and ports across the country, ensuring radiation monitoring of imported cargo. Currently, six ministries conduct radiation monitoring of imported cargo: the Nuclear Safety and Security Commission; the Korea Customs Service; the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety; the Ministry of Environment; the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs; and the Korea Forest Service. Each ministry designates the relevant cargo items for radiation monitoring. The objective of this study was to comprehensively review the Korean radiation monitoring system for imported cargo and identify the areas and scopes of improvement. This paper also proposes a new law and an integrated supervision plan, which involves establishing a dedicated department to enhance the efficiency and professionalism of the national radiation monitoring system for imported cargo. The review will contribute to the development of a more sophisticated national radiation monitoring system for imported cargo.

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