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      • Apple Product Placement and Representation of THE CURRENT STATE OF Thailand in Seven Something (2012)

        Takiankao Panita,Donny Eros 국제지역연구학회 2014 국제지역학논총 Vol.7 No.2

        Apple has made successful product placements in many Hollywood box offices and won the Brand cameo award for Overall Product Placement in 2012. As marketing analyst Matthew Bywater points out, Apple has enjoyed this positioning as a cool and sexy image without paying a cent. Recently, Apple products have featured in films from Thailand and other South East Asian nations. Seven Something (2012) is one of the most successful Thai films, which strongly lend it to Apple product appearances. Thus, this paper investigates the phenomena by elaborating about conceptual briefs on product placement as well as Apple’s “unique” product placement by closely looking at the mise en scene and narratives of films which include the Apple product placements. A discussion on nations (in particular, Thailand) and their representation in film is also included. This paper uses in-depth interviews to understand how audiences perceive Apple and other product placements in film. Consequently, the Apple products appear in the film not only to promote the product and build the film narrative but moreover to symbolize the recent reality shift in Thai people’s lifestyles, specifically in Bangkok and related to that social network phenomenon. The Apple devices in the film are also used as frames to promote tourist icons in Bangkok, as well as representing Thailand as a modern nation. The saturation of Apple product placements in Seven Something also suggests that modern-day Thailand is also a potential consumer of Apple products.

      • KCI등재

        ‘애플’과 CEO‘스티브 잡스’의 인문학적 접근을 중심으로 한 디자인 경영 연구

        주성재,문찬 한국상품학회 2011 商品學硏究 Vol.29 No.3

        This study is about 'Apple Inc.' which is receiving international attention with being recognized as the most innovative corporation in this generation. The reason that we have to pay attention to the success of Apple is why Apple has led market of their own way by breaking existing rules or techniques of marketing and management. And the new market made by them has affected hugely and positively on both consumers and industrial class. For consumers, Apple has raised consumer profits and living standards up by offering the real meaning of universal design. For industry, Apple offered the possibility of symbiosis by guiding convergence and cooperation of each other fields of industrial class beyond the law of survival of fittest. To proceed an in-depth study of management style and brand value of Apple, it is needed the way focusing on humanistic approach rather than analytic, scientific approach. One of the biggest feature of Apple is that 'Steve Jobs(who is founder and also CEO currently)' and 'Apple Inc.' is inseparably each other. The philosophy of Steve Jobs has become exactly Apple's value, And his humanism and artistic value have determined the design management style of Apple. In other words, there is strongly needed to focus on process, not on conclusion for study. By perceiving these elements, at the first, this study looked over precedent research about profile and present of Apple, and also precedent study of definition and value of design management. Second, this study ruminated on growing background and values of Steve Jobs, researching growth of Apple as well. And tried to understand in humanistic way how Apple's management and Steve Jobs's value are associated each other, and what is implied in those. As a result, this study concluded three points. First, Both design management and the nature value of Apple started with the philosophy of Steve Jobs. Second, the main events of Steve Jobs's life has been helpful not only his personal growth but also basic root of sustainable innovation of Apple. Finally, the innovation of Apple has been always in the middle of their crisis, and also the crisis can cause new innovation as well. In other words, Apple has a dilema of 'innovation=crisis'. 본 연구는 현재 혁신적인 기업으로 손꼽히며 전 세계의 이목이 집중되는 ‘애플’사에 관한 연구이다. 애플의 성공을 주목해야 하는 이유가 있다. 애플이 각종 경영과 마케팅 기법에 있어 일정한 법칙의 틀을 깨고 애플만의 방식으로 시장을 주도했으며, 애플이 만들어놓은 시장은 소비자와 산업계 모두에 막대하면서도 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤기 때문이다. 소비자에게는 포괄적이고 진정한 의미의 유니버설(universal) 디자인 제품을 제공함으로써 사용자 편익과 삶의 질을 한 층 올리는 역할을 하였고, 산업계에게는 적자생존의 법칙을 넘어서 타 분야 간의 융합과 협력을 인도함으로써 공생(共生)의 가능성을 열게 하였다. 기존의 틀을 깨는 애플의 디자인 경영방식과 브랜드 가치를 심도 있게 연구하기 위해서는 분석적이고 과학적인 기법보다 인문학적 접근을 중심으로 한 방법도 필요하다. 애플의 가장 큰 특징 중 하나는 창립자이자 CEO인 ‘스티브 잡스’와 애플이 상호 불가분의 관계에 있다는 것이다. 스티브 잡스의 철학이 곧 애플의 철학이었고, 스티브 잡스의 인문학적 소양과 예술적 가치관이 애플의 디자인 경영 방식을 결정지었다. 다시 말해, 애플을 연구함에 있어서는 결과지향주의적 접근이 아닌 과정지향주의적인 접근이 필요하다. 그러므로 우선 애플의 역사와 현황, 디자인 경영의 정의와 가치에 대한 선행 연구를 검토하고, 스티브 잡스의 성장 배경과 철학을 애플의 성장과 함께 탐구하여, 그의 철학과 애플의 디자인 경영이 얼마만큼의 연관성이 있는지, 어떠한 점을 시사하는지 인문학적인 시각으로 해석하고자 하였다. 그 결과 첫째, 애플의 디자인 경영 방식과 본질적 가치 모두는 스티브 잡스의 철학에서 비롯되고, 둘째, 스티브 잡스의 삶의 주요 이벤트는 스티브 잡스 개인적 성숙뿐만 아니라 향후 애플의 본질인 지속적 혁신의 기본적 발판이 되었으며, 셋째, 애플의 혁신은 늘 위기 속에 있고, 위기는 다시 혁신을 불러올 수 있다는 결론을 갖게 되었다.

      • 사과의 과경절단이 과피에 상처발생, 작업노력 저장시 과중, 경도에 미치는 영향

        정혜웅,Jung, H.W 국립한국농수산대학교 교육개발센터 2006 현장농업연구지 = Journal of practical agricultural resear Vol.8 No.1

        When apples are picked or selected by grader, the rate of wound occurrence on the skin by apple stalk is remarkably high if the apple was bigger than 3 size during the harvest time. Except this case, the other sizes showed very little similarity. The crop of apple per 1 minute was 2.9kg without cutting fruit stalk, whereas only 1.1kg of the apples were obtained due to cutting the fruit stalk. Thereby, the harvesting without cutting fruit stalk is highly effective in terms of productivity rather than cutting the fruit stalk. As far as the wound occurrence rate on apple skin by apple stalk of distance between grader's dish and accumulated board is concerned, the grader which has no distance showed quite low rate of wound occurrence compared with those grader with 3cm or 8cm distance. When the apple was being stored, there was no difference in firmness between the cut stalk apple and the uncut stalked apple, however there was slightly more weight loss in the cut stalk apple than uncut stalk apple.

      • 농가생산 사과장아찌와 시판 장아찌의 품질 특성

        오철환,양주환,강창수,Oh, C.H.,Yang, J.H.,Kang, C.S. 국립한국농수산대학교 교육개발센터 2016 현장농업연구지 = Journal of practical agricultural resear Vol.18 No.1

        Quality factors which characterize 11 kinds of farm-manufactured apple Jangachi and commercial Jangachi, have been studied in order to provide a guideline to improve the quality and marketing strategy of farm-manufactured pickled apples. Moisture content ranged from 74% to 84% and 81% to 91% in Doenjang Jangachi and vinegar Jangachi, respectively; 38% to 64% in Kochujang Jangachi; 57% to 64% in radish Kochujang Jangachi. Moisture content was 89% in Doenjang Jangachi. Even though moisture content of apple Kochujang Jangachi indicated 48% which is lower than that of radish Jangachi, it was higher than that of a persimmon pickled in Kochujang (38%) and that of Japanese apricot Jangachi (49%). pH and titratable acidity, two indicators used to determine the appropriate ripening period of Jangachi, were pH 3.4~5.6, 0.03~0.14%, respectively. The pH ranged from 5.2 to 5.6 in radish Jangachi; 3.4 to 4.1 in Cucumber Jangachi. pH of persimmon Jangachi, Japanese apricot Jangachi and apple Jangachi showed 4.1, 3.5 and 4.1, respectively. Compared with the pH of traditional Jangachi (3.03~5.36), pH of all of the above Jangachi fall into an appropriate range. The brix of apple Jangachi (30%) was 12% to 18% higher than that of Kochujang radish Jangachi, but it was relatively lower than that of persimmon Jangachi (39%) and that of Japanese apricot Jangachi (49%). Salinity of Jangachi varied depending on which marinating material was used. Salinity in the descending order according to each marinating material demonstrated Kanjang (6% to 13%), Doenjang (7%), Kochujang (3% to 4%). Salinity of apple Jangachi was 3.28% which was relatively lower than that of commercial Jangachi which used either Kanjang or Doenjang as its marinating material. Chromaticity test shows that the brightness value of apple Jangachi (54.70) was similar to that of cucumber Jangachi (50.86, 56.02); the redness value and yellowness of apple Jangachi (16.21 and 26.78) were higher than the redness value (7.27 to 11.23) and the yellowness value (10.62 to 14.69) of radish Kochujang Jangachi. Sensory Characteristics value of apple Jangachi, along with radish and cucumber Jangachi in its color, odor and taste (7.00, 7.50, 7.00, respectively) placed high on the list implying higher preference. However, overall preference value of apple Jangachi was 6.83 which was lower than that of Japanese apricot Jangachi or that of radish Jangachi. The result can be explained by the tendency of people preferring crispy Jangachi and points out that the texture of apple Jangachi needs to be improved to gain popularity. Furthermore, for increased sales of apple Jangachi as a niche product, more rigorous market testing is required.

      • KCI등재

        사과의 이용실태, 기호도 및 인식에 대한 조사연구

        최영희,이수진 한국식생활문화학회 2005 韓國食生活文化學會誌 Vol.20 No.2

        This study was focused on the analysis of questionnaire that surveyed the uses, preference and recognition on apple. The subjects of this study consisted of 452 female(married 238, unmarried 214) in Daegu area. Among those respondents, 49.1% answered that they ate apple after dinner. Respondents preferred as purchase place fruits store(34.5%), traditional market(22.6%), and big discount store(21.7%). in order. Taste(46.0%) was the most important as purchase criterion. 49.1% of respondents preferred small amount below 2-3㎏ every one purchase. In preference survey on apples, 80.5% of total subjects responded 'like' or 'very like', and 73.6% of those subjects who favorably responded liked the 'taste' of apples. The preference survey study on apple foods revealed that respondents preferred the most apple juice(M=3.47), followed by apple jam(M=3.35) and apple vinegar(M=3.21). On the other hand, apple bab(M=2.29) and apple jook(M=2.23) had the most low preference score. The recognition survey study on apple revealed that respondents knew relatively well the followings: apple is natural food(M=4.25), apple is good for body and apple is good for beauty(M=4.20). Respondents required apple to be fresher(41.0%) and taster(37.4%). 89.4% of respondents expected that consumption of apples would be increased or maintain at the present level.

      • KCI등재

        애플스토어 디자인에 나타난 비판적 지역주의 특성에 관한 연구

        신동진,김종진 한국문화공간건축학회 2022 한국문화공간건축학회논문집 Vol.- No.78

        Apple's offline store strategy has changed from traditional globalization to localization with the rapid growth of onlinedistribution market and Tim Cook's open and eclectic management. Therefore, the design of Apple Store opens the second period withthe concept of Town Square, which combines the principle of Simplicity in the first period with regional characteristics. In this process,this study aims to suggest that the 'Expression of Locality' that shown in the second period of Apple Store is derived from thearchitectural principle of 'Critical Regionalism', represented by Regional Modernism. In addition, Apple Store's second period design is tobe discussed from an architectural perspective by analyzing the relationship between Apple Store's expression of locality and KennethFrampton's critical regionalism theory. In this study, literature reviews and case studies are to be conducted as a research method. Inthe first literature reviews, by examining the background and concept of Town Square through the contents of previous studies andrelated reports, it is confirmed that Apple Store's design of the second period is being developed into two types: 'Outdoor SquareLinkage Type' and 'Regional Specialized Directing Type. Furthermore, their characteristics are derived. In the second literature reviews,the expressive characteristics, elements, and methods of Critical Regionalism are presented by extracting and synthesizing key pointsfrom Kenneth Frampton's books and related studies. In the case studies, a framework for case analysis is constructed by analyzingand synthesizing the design of Apple Orchard Road and Apple Piazza Liberty in terms of Critical Regionalism as representatives ofeach type to which the concept of Town Square is applied. A total of six cases are selected, three cases with clear expressions oflocality for each type. For 'Outdoor Square Linkage Type', Apple Iconsiam, Apple Xinyi A13, and Apple Aventura are chosen, and for'Regional Specialized Directing Type', Apple Dubai Mall, Apple Kyoto, and Apple Marina Bay Sands are considered. Each of theselected cases is analyzed within the framework of the case analysis mentioned above. As a result, the Expression of Locality isembodied by both the expressive characteristics of Critical Regionalism architecture: placeness, tectonic, tactility, and expressiveelements of Critical Regionalism architecture: context and climate, art and technology, materiality and experience. In addition, themeaning of Modern Regionalism design and its design methodology are comprehensively illuminated. This study focused on the factthat Apple Store's design of the second period linked to its first period is similar to the expression characteristics of Regionalismarchitecture linked to Modernism. Accordingly, this study tried to find Apple Store's design principles of the second period in CriticalRegionalism Architectural Theory based on the spirit of Modernism. This is a process to prove that the expression of locality in AppleStore is an organic combination with regional specificity reinterpreted in Apple's essential formative order. Moreover, this is a newapproach to look at the design development of franchise retailers through architectural history's trends and architectural theories.

      • KCI등재후보

        포장사과 구입실태 및 선호 분석

        조재환(Jae-Hwan Cho),이한성(Han-Sung Lee),이상학(Sang-Hak Lee),김태균(Tae-Kyun Kim),홍나경(Na-Kyung Hong) 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2012 농업과학연구 Vol.39 No.1

        This paper analyzes the consumers’ preference for packaged apple and derives the measures to vitalize the distribution of packaged apple. To do this, survey was conducted for consumers in large cities, Seoul, Busan, and Daegu to observe their purchasing behavior and satisfaction both for packaged and unpackaged apple. Survey was focused to how they are satisfied with several attributes of package such as size, appearance, content, material, and label. On the basis of the survey results, the values of the package attributes were estimated. Survey results show that consumers tend to buy unpackaged apple rather than packaged apple. About 34 percent out of 313 respondents have ever purchased apple packed with paper box while only 10.5 percent have an experience to buy packaged apple with transparent box. Most respondents answered they preferred the package of five to six apples and 1.3 kilograms most. They preferred mid or large size apple. Estimation of the values of the package attributes using the conjoint analysis shows that consumers are giving the highest value to the price of packing material. It means that consumers are reluctant to the extra payment resulted from packing the apple. Therefore, the efforts to reduce the cost of packing apple should be made steadily. In order to vitalize the distribution of small packaged apple, the package should contain high quality apple with high sugar content, proper size, good appearance, and so on. And it needs to be promoted to the consumers that small packaged apple are not inferior to apple packed with paper box.

      • KCI등재

        포장사과 구입실태 및 선호 분석

        조재환(Jae-Hwan Cho),이한성(Han-Sung Lee),이상학(Sang-Hak Lee),김태균(Tae-Kyun Kim),홍나경(Na-Kyung Hong) 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 2012 Korean Journal of Agricultural Science Vol.39 No.1

        This paper analyzes the consumers’ preference for packaged apple and derives the measures to vitalize the distribution of packaged apple. To do this, survey was conducted for consumers in large cities, Seoul, Busan, and Daegu to observe their purchasing behavior and satisfaction both for packaged and unpackaged apple. Survey was focused to how they are satisfied with several attributes of package such as size, appearance, content, material, and label. On the basis of the survey results, the values of the package attributes were estimated. Survey results show that consumers tend to buy unpackaged apple rather than packaged apple. About 34 percent out of 313 respondents have ever purchased apple packed with paper box while only 10.5 percent have an experience to buy packaged apple with transparent box. Most respondents answered they preferred the package of five to six apples and 1.3 kilograms most. They preferred mid or large size apple. Estimation of the values of the package attributes using the conjoint analysis shows that consumers are giving the highest value to the price of packing material. It means that consumers are reluctant to the extra payment resulted from packing the apple. Therefore, the efforts to reduce the cost of packing apple should be made steadily. In order to vitalize the distribution of small packaged apple, the package should contain high quality apple with high sugar content, proper size, good appearance, and so on. And it needs to be promoted to the consumers that small packaged apple are not inferior to apple packed with paper box.

      • KCI등재

        Evaluation of Physicochemical Properties and Fermenting Qualities of Apple Wines Added with Medicinal Herbs

        이제혁,강태호,엄병헌,손은화,한우철,지설희,장기효 한국식품과학회 2013 Food Science and Biotechnology Vol.22 No.4

        To evaluate the possibility for development of apple wine containing medicinal herbs, we have prepared ‘Fuji’ apple (Malus domestica) wines containing pine (Pinus densiflora Siebold et Zuccarini) needle and hwanggi (Radix Astragali)/mistletoe (Viscum album). Normal apple wine was fermented rapidly, but after 40days fermentation/maturation, the final ethanol content,pH, total acidity, and contents of sugar/organic acid showed similar levels in 3 kinds of apple wines. In other hands, the total phenols content, antocyanins content, and brightness were higher in apple-pine wine and apple-herb wine than in normal apple wine. Apple-herb wine had higher values in total phenol contents, brightness, free amino acid contents, and quenching activity for ABTS free radicals than normal apple wine, and had similar sensory evaluation values with normal apple wine. Taken together,it is supposed that hwanggi and mistletoe might provide functional components to normal apple wine and might be applied to development of functional apple wines.

      • KCI등재

        한국 사과의 동남아시아 수출경쟁력 강화 방안

        조재환 ( Jae Hwan Cho ),김진수 ( Jin Soo Kim ),이한성 ( Han Sung Lee ),김태균 ( Tae Kyun Kim ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2011 유라시아연구 Vol.8 No.1

        Area under cultivation of apple has been growing fast since mid-2000 in Korea and apple price is likely to fall sharply in domestic market in the near future. Exporting apple is considered to be one of the most important strategies to overcome the drop of apple price. Export of Korean apple amounted to 11~18 thousand tons during the late 1980s, but it decreased drastically to 1.3 thousand tons in 2007. On the contrary, apple export of competing countries has been increasing gradually. This paper aims to analyze competitiveness and import demand of Korean apple in southeast Asian markets which are emerging as a target export market of Korean apple. To be more specific, trend of production and export of Korean apple and worldwide apple were examined. For the competitiveness analysis, export price, productivity, and RCA (revealed comparative advantage) of Korean apple were compared with those of competing countries such as China, Australia, and so on. Regression analysis was done to estimate the demand for Korean apple of southeast Asian consumers using FAO statistical data. Finally, policy suggestions were derived based upon the analysis results. According to the results of this paper, Korean apple has lower export competitiveness in terms of price and productivity compared to other apple-exporting countries to southeast Asian markets. Export price is higher than any other competing countries except Japan while productivity is at a low level. The RCA is smaller than one which means Korean apple does not have comparative advantage among the whole export products from Korea. Moreover, export competitiveness of Korean apple has kept on worsening. Regression analysis results show that exports of Korean apple to southeast Asian markets are critically affected by the export price and exchange rate with the demand elasticities of export price and exchange rate 0.97 and 1.37, respectively. Demand elasticity of expenditure turned out to be 0.43 which means that as one percent of southeast Asian consumers` expenditure increases, 0.43 percent of demand for Korean apple increases. Also, it turned out that export of Korean apple decreases, as the competitiveness of Chinese apple increases. On the basis of the analysis results, policy suggestion is derived to promote exports of Korean apple to southeast Asian markets. First of all, export price of Korean apple should be lowered whereas quality should be improved. Producers should try to secure the quantity of apple to a certain amount for export, lower the production costs of export apple, and enhance the productivity of apple production through research and development. Korean government need to support distribution costs and other incidental costs to apple exports. For quality improvement, secure quality control system should be established for export apple. Quality should be improved to meet the tastes of importing countries` consumers. Incentives need to be provided to the farmers who produce and export high quality apple. Above this, foreign market developing commission is necessary to promote Korean apple to southeast Asian markets and the buyers. They should maximize their performance through selection and concentration strategy and conduct differentiated promotion according to individual importing country`s situation and its consumers` taste. Database also need to be established for buyers of importing country. Apple marketing board consisting of apple export experts is need to be reviewed for specialized apple export. The board should play a role of unified channel of Korean apple export. The board should take charge of entire process from post-harvest to export so that farmers can devote themselves to producing apple.

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