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      • KCI등재

        One Source Multi Use 활성화를 위한 문화콘텐츠 스토리텔링 전환 연구

        박기수 ( Ki Soo Park ) 한국언어문화학회 2011 한국언어문화 Vol.0 No.44

        This study aims at researching the strategy for cultural contents storytelling adaptation to promote one source multi use. The genre adaptation, one way of one source multi use, is based on storytelling adaptation. The adaptation from one genre to the another starts from the discriminations of each genre, as they are embodied with storytelling strategy which creates the total differences, such as purpose, media, technology, genre`s structure, target, revenue window, order of one source multi use, depth, and effect. The previous discussion on adaptation is focused on 1) the problem on damaging the original`s value and authority, 2) the possibility if different codes can be adapted, and 3) the effective performance of adaptation, and aesthetic value. As the limits of this kind of previous discussion have been laid bare with original centered, narrative centered, and text centered, it doesn`t meet practical needs of adaptation now. An adaptation is the process of mutual change between independent genres which have secured their own genre`s discrimination. The genre`s discrimination means the distinction, which is secured by its purpose, code system, media, technology, major enjoyers, and revenue structure within integrated network. The new point of view is necessary to research the adaptation strategy concretely. Three elements of one source multi use, window effect, merchandising, and branding, should be considered first, and then internal and external elements next and totally. And the strategic choice, and integrated aspect should be considered with the elements of adaptation such as purpose, leading language by genre, multiple senses, research on process of enjoyment. And it is necessary to indentify the popularity the original secured, to choose and verify the elements which should be maintained after adaptation, and to get the strategy to differentiate for competitive contents. The process will lead to the decision on method, depth, and appealing elements, focused on the four elements, genre, media, technology, and enjoyment, so that we can research the optimal mode of differentiated text to meet the adaptation`s purpose.

      • KCI등재

        ‘사랑가’ 대목의 현대적 각색 양상과 그 의미 - 2000년대 이후 대중음악 작품을 중심으로-

        이채은 판소리학회 2023 판소리연구 Vol.55 No.-

        This study investigated the cases and types of Pansori “Sarang-ga(Love Song)” in Chunhyang-ga adaptation into popular music works since the 2000s, and what adaptation could mean. The adaptation of Pansori “Love Song” can be divided into three types based on the response of the adaptation to the original story world. First, there was a type of adaptation that elicited dependent changes to the existing story world through “retelling.” Second, there was a type that extended the existing story world while “revising” the original and ezamining it reflectively. Lastly, there was a type of creation of an alternative narrative that deviated from the existing story world by “expansion” of the original. All three types are “repeated and not reproduced” in terms of the original. There is a power struggle between traditional norms, cultural ideologies, and symbols, and the desire to create new things by raising or dismantling problems. This also occurs while the audience appreciates the work while exchanging or comparing the original and the adaptation. In the dual perception of having to perceive the original and the adaptation at the same time, Pansori’s popular music adaptation provieds novelty in familiarity as a recombinant tradition and reinterprets classics in a way that meets the expectations and needs of the modern public as a present-day past. In addition, listeners who do not have extensive knowledge of Pansori can enjoy interactive play and enjoy through the process of finding Pansori elements used in music. The tradition that the public takes over through the popular musical adaptation of Pansori may be an imaginary element that has been selected and recombined and created, that is, a recombined tradition from the current viewpoint. However, the positive side can be found in that today’s pop music audiences independently accept the contents of traditional Pansori and attract them into their lives and savor them. On the other hand, the adaptations that preserve Pansori have the potential to induce reactions and curiosity about Pansori and make it more prosperous. As such, the popular music adaptation of Pansori exhibits a multi-layered orientation and three-dimensionality as much as the adaptation of video content or narrative that has been widely dealt with in academia. Considering that popular music has a strong influence on people living in modern society, it is necessary to continue to pay attention to the popular music adaptation of Pansori and analyze it from a delicate perspective. 이 글에서는 판소리 <춘향가> 중 ‘사랑가’ 대목이 2000년대 이후 한국 대중음악 작품으로 각색된 사례와 그 유형을 살펴보며, 판소리의 대중음악적 각색이어떤 의미를 지닐 수 있을지를 살펴보았다. ‘사랑가’의 대중음악적 각색은, 원본이 되는 스토리세계에 대해 각색물이 보여주는 반응을 기준으로 세 유형으로구분할 수 있었다. 먼저 원본을 ‘다시 말하기(retelling)’를 통해 기존의 스토리세계에 종속적인 변화를 도출하는 각색의 유형이 있었고, 두 번째는 원본을 ‘개정(revision)’하면서 기존의 스토리세계를 연장시키고 또 그것을 반성적으로 바라보며 논평하는 유형이 있었다. 마지막으로 세 번째는 원본을 ‘확장(expansion)’하여 기존의 스토리세계에서 벗어난 대안적 서사를 창작한 유형이 있었다. 이 세 유형의 각색 모두 원본에 대한 ‘복제 아닌 반복’이다. 그 속에는 전통적규범과 문화적 이데올로기와 상징을 보존하고 지켜내려는 지향과, 그것에 문제를 제기하거나 해체해서 새로운 것을 만들어내고자 하는 지향 간의 권력다툼이존재한다. 이것은 수용자들이 원본과 각색본을 오가거나 비교하면서 작품을감상하는 동안에도 일어나는 일이다. 원본과 각색본을 동시에 지각해야만 하는이중적 인식 속에서 판소리의 대중음악적 각색은 재조합된 전통으로서 친숙함속 기발함을 주고, 현재화된 과거로서 현대사회 대중들의 기대와 요구에 맞는방식으로 고전을 재해석하게 만들어준다. 또 원본이 되는 판소리에 대해 해박한지식이 없는 청자들도 음악 속에 활용된 판소리적 요소들을 찾아나가는 과정그 자체를 통해 상호작용적 유희를 즐기며 즐거움을 얻을 수 있다. 판소리의 대중음악적 각색을 통해 대중들이 간취하게 되는 전통이란 취사선택되며 재조합되고 만들어진 ‘상상의 것’, 다시 말해 현재의 관점에서 재조합된전통일 수 있다는 점은 한계로 느껴지기도 한다. 하지만 동시에 오늘날의 대중음악 수용자들은 전통 판소리의 내용을 주체적으로 수용하며 자신들의 삶 속으로끌여들어 재음미하기도 한다는 점에서는 긍정적인 일면을 찾아볼 수 있다. 그런한편 판소리를 덜 보존하고 있는 각색들이 오히려 판소리에 대한 반응과 궁금증을 이끌어내며 그것을 더 번성하게끔 하는 잠재력을 지녔다는 점 역시 확인할 수가 있었다. 이처럼 판소리의 대중음악적 각색은 이제까지 학계에서 많이 다루어져 온영상콘텐츠 또는 서사물로의 각색만큼이나 다층적인 지향과 입체성을 보여준다. 대중음악이 현대사회를 살아가는 사람들에게 막강한 영향력을 미치고 있음을 생각해 볼 때, 앞으로도 판소리의 대중음악적 각색에 대해 꾸준히 관심을갖고 그것을 섬세한 시각으로 분석하는 일이 필요하다.

      • KCI등재

        기후변화협약과 법정책적 과제로서의 적응성

        성봉근 유럽헌법학회 2019 유럽헌법연구 Vol.0 No.31

        경제와 기술의 발전이 환경 및 자연과 조화되어야 한다는 환경의식이 세계적으로 확산되면서 다수의 국가에서 환경보전의 목표를 헌법적으로 수용해나가고 있다. 환경권은 헌법 제35조 제2항에 따라 법률로 구체화되어나가고 있다. 기후변화에 대하여도 마찬가지이다. 기후변화의 협의의 대응성인 온실가스 감축과 직접적으로 관련된 논의들은 제외하고, 기후변화의 적응성과 직접적으로 관련하여 논의하기로 연구의 범위를 한정하여 검토하였다. 온실가스 감축에 대한 대응성 위주로 요구해 왔던 교토의정서까지의 국제협약들과 달리 파리협정에서는 적응성을 추가적으로 요구하면서 강조하고 있다. 기후변화의 대응성과 달리 기후변화의 적응성에 대한 연구와 법제는 부족한 상태이다. 본 연구를 통하여 기후변화에 대한 입법을 평가할 때 기후변화의 적응성 요건을 충분히 구비하고 있는지 평가기준으로 활용되는데 기여할 수 있기를 기대한다. 기후변화는 국제법적 이행을 위한 과제일 뿐만 아니라 국내법적으로도 입법정책적 과제가 발생하고 있다. 과연 어떠한 국가의 모습으로, 어떠한 방식으로 이에 대한 입법을 하는지가 기후변화에 대한 성과를 담보하는 입법정책의 성패가 좌우되게 될 것이다. 이하 국제법적인 전개과정을 간략하게 검토한 뒤 정당하면서도 성과를 확보할 수 있는 효과적인 입법정책에 대하여 논의해 보았다. 기후변화 적응이란 현재 나타나고 있거나 미래에 나타날 것으로 보이는 기후변화의 파급효과와 영향에 대해 자연·인위적 시스템의 조절을 통해 피해를 완화시키거나, 더 나아가 유익한 기회로 촉진시키는 활동을 말한다. 기후변화 적응성은 이러한 활동으로서의 적합한 성질과 요건을 의미하게 된다. 기후변화의 적응성은 기후변화 입법, 행정, 사법이 정당하게 이루어졌는가를 평가하는 중요한 정당화요건이 된다. 기후변화의 적응성에 대한 다양한 분야별 입법과 행정은 기업과 시민들의 스스로의 자율적인 규제를 최대한 이끌어 내는 것이 시간과 장소 및 비용면에서 효과적이다. 그러므로 기후변화의 적응성을 위해서는 이러한 규제의 주체와 방식에 대한 변화를 줄 수 있도록 하여야만 함을 강조하고 싶다. 기후변화의 적응성을 위한 입법과 행정들은 지방자치단체와의 대화를 통하여 지역적 적응성을 제고할 수 있도록 변화되어야 한다. 전술한 기후변화의 적응성을 위한 다양한 입법과 행정들은 공적 기관과 민간이 협력하는 ‘공사협동에 의한 행정’(PPP) 패러다임으로 수행하여야 광범위한 지역에 걸친 불확실한 기후변화에 효과적이고 성공적으로 적응해 나갈 수 있다. 이제는 기후변화의 적응성을 위한 입법이나 행정작용에서 적응성에 대한 법제도를 실시하는 정부의 시각에서만 바라볼 것이 아니라 이를 받아들이는 국민의 시각도 중요한 요건을 설정하여야만 한다. 기후변화 법정책에 협조하는 기업이나 시민들에게 인센티브를 주는 법과 제도 및 사례 등을 발견하고 만들어가야 한다. 환경영향평가의 적응성을 제고하기 위해서는 환경성 평가의 항목에 기후변화의 적응성 등 중요요건을 추가하여야 할 것이다. 이러한 실효적인 평가를 통하여 기후변화의 적응성을 제고하기 위한 법과 정책들은 성과를 담보할 수 있다. As environmental consensus spreads around the world that economic and technical development must be in harmony with the protection of the environment and nature, many countries around the world are adopting it in the Constitution with the goal of environmental preservation. The environmental right is a character whose standards and contents cannot be presented only by the Constitution, so legislators must continuously enact legislation to predict and cope with environmental risks. In order to justify such legislation, requirements such as the adaptation to climate change are needed. Unlike the Kyoto Protocol, which calls for responsiveness to greenhouse gas reductions, the Paris Agreement emphasizes the need for additional adaptability. Nevertheless, research on the adaptability of climate change is insufficient. Aside from the discussions directly related to the reduction of greenhouse gases, which is a response to consultations on climate change, the scope of the study was limited to a discussion related directly to the adaptation to climate change. It is hoped that this study can contribute to the assessment of whether legislation on climate change has sufficient adaptation requirements. Adaptation to climate will mean suitable character and requirements as these activities. Adaptation to climate change is an important justification for assessing the legitimacy of climate change legislation, administration and justice. Climate change is not only a task for the implementation of international law, but also a legislative policy task in domestic law. Indeed, what kind of country and how it legislate will depend on the success or failure of the legislative policy that guarantees the outcome of climate change. After briefly reviewing the development of international law, we discussed effective legislative policies that can be justified and secured. Climate change adaptation refers to activities that mitigate damages, or even promote beneficial opportunities, through the adjustment of natural and anthropogenic systems to the impacts and effects of climate change now and in the future. In various sectoral legislation and administration on the adaptation to climate change, it is effective in terms of time, charges and costs to maximize the self-regulation of business and citizens. Therefore, it is emphasized that adaptation of climate change should be able to change the subjects and methods of these regulations. Legislation and administrations for adaptation to climate change should be changed to improve regional adaptation through dialogue with local governments. The various legislations and administrations for adaptation to climate change described above should be carried out in a Public Private Partnership (PPP) paradigm in which public agencies and the private sector cooperate, effectively and successfully responding to uncertain climate change across a wide range of regions. I can adapt. Now, not only the government's view of the legislative system of adaptation in legislative or administrative actions for adaptation to climate change, but also the public's view of accepting it must set important requirements. Find and create laws, institutions and practices that incentivize businesses and citizens to cooperate with climate change legal policy. In order to improve the adaptation of environmental impact assessment, it is necessary to add important requirements such as adaptation of climate change to the items of environmental assessment. Through this effective evaluation, laws and policies to improve the adaptation of climate change can ensure performance.

      • KCI등재

        타르코프스키의 <솔라리스>와 각색의 문제

        이윤영 문학과영상학회 2008 문학과영상 Vol.9 No.1

        Andrei Tarkovsky’s Solaris (1972) raises a number of crucial questions concerning cinematic adaptation of literary sources. At a glance, the film appears to be faithful to the original story of the same title, a Polish science fiction written by Stanislaw Lem in 1961: the film repeats not only the original title of the novel but also the entire narrative structure, along with its characters and main events depicted in the novel. What unsettles the notion of a “faithful” adaptation emerges out of this deceiving directness; a closer look at the film reveals that Tarkovsky has made a drastic departure from the novel and that the film explores its own thematic elements and motifs beyond Lem’s scope. Tarkovsky departs from the original novel in three major aspects. Firstly, having no interest in genre cinema, Tarkovsky clearly intended to systematically eliminate the defining characteristics of the science fiction genre. Secondly, Tarkovsky cultivated his own thematic orientations by re-working the mysterious situations depicted in the book. The “visitors” in the space station, for instance, who in the novel are merely “incarnations” of the scientists’ own personal memories, become the true, hidden dimensions of the inner self for the Russian director, allowing him to deal with ethical questions that did not concern the novelist. Lastly, he made use of Pieter Bruegel’s paintings including The Hunters in the Snow in order to create intertextual meanings that enhance Tarkovsky’s own theme. The “text within a text” indeed emerges as a crucial area of investigation in studying film adaptation as it radically reshapes the thematic orientations. Inasmuch as Tarkovsky’s film autonomously explores its own theme independent of its original story, the adaptation of Solaris is neither faithful to nor free from the novel, but rather “critical” of it. A “critical adaptation” is an approach to expand the cinematic means of communication by reworking literary sources and thus maintain the autonomy of cinema as an art form free from the traditions of literary film. Tarkovsky’s is the most creative and justifiable form of cinematic adaptation of literary sources. Andrei Tarkovsky’s Solaris (1972) raises a number of crucial questions concerning cinematic adaptation of literary sources. At a glance, the film appears to be faithful to the original story of the same title, a Polish science fiction written by Stanislaw Lem in 1961: the film repeats not only the original title of the novel but also the entire narrative structure, along with its characters and main events depicted in the novel. What unsettles the notion of a “faithful” adaptation emerges out of this deceiving directness; a closer look at the film reveals that Tarkovsky has made a drastic departure from the novel and that the film explores its own thematic elements and motifs beyond Lem’s scope. Tarkovsky departs from the original novel in three major aspects. Firstly, having no interest in genre cinema, Tarkovsky clearly intended to systematically eliminate the defining characteristics of the science fiction genre. Secondly, Tarkovsky cultivated his own thematic orientations by re-working the mysterious situations depicted in the book. The “visitors” in the space station, for instance, who in the novel are merely “incarnations” of the scientists’ own personal memories, become the true, hidden dimensions of the inner self for the Russian director, allowing him to deal with ethical questions that did not concern the novelist. Lastly, he made use of Pieter Bruegel’s paintings including The Hunters in the Snow in order to create intertextual meanings that enhance Tarkovsky’s own theme. The “text within a text” indeed emerges as a crucial area of investigation in studying film adaptation as it radically reshapes the thematic orientations. Inasmuch as Tarkovsky’s film autonomously explores its own theme independent of its original story, the adaptation of Solaris is neither faithful to nor free from the novel, but rather “critical” of it. A “critical adaptation” is an approach to expand the cinematic means of communication by reworking literary sources and thus maintain the autonomy of cinema as an art form free from the traditions of literary film. Tarkovsky’s is the most creative and justifiable form of cinematic adaptation of literary sources.

      • KCI등재

        체결된 계약 내용의 수정 및 조정

        박영복 ( Park Young-bok ) 한국외국어대학교 법학연구소 2009 외법논집 Vol.33 No.3

        The modification, adjustment of contract is possible by agreement. There are two possible schemes. One is the pre-contract special mechanism for reflection of the changes, and the other is agreement to a post-contractual change of circumstances If there is no agreement between the ptheies, the negotiation process by court may be operated to reflect changes in circumstances. In the theicle is described the outline of the most relevant structural features of the contract adaptation and the Aspects of contract adaptation. In Pthe Ⅱ deal with the ptheies' negotiations, in Pthe Ⅲ post-contractual contract adaptation- the tdjustment of the contract through the facilitating of negotiations. There are facilitating contract negotiations by legal norms and bargaining in the shadow of the law on using utility functions to support legal negotiation, and facilitate negotiations by special arrangement - renegotiation and adaptation clause. Direct negotiations between parties may also be subject to certain formalities prescribed by the contract itself. To cite a few examples, many hardship clauses establish duties regarding, inter alia, timely written Information, a waiting period, and a meeting of the parties. The parties may have agreed in advance that one of them is empowered to make unilateral decisions on gaps or changes. Here, we are not in the presence of true negotiation but only decision-making by one party. Whether the parties can validly do this depends on the applicable municipal law and its concept of party autonomy. If the parties do not deem direct ad hoc negotiations as an adequate means for contract adaptation, they may have recourse to the intervention of a third party. If an adaptation of the contract through the mutual agreement of the parties is neither envisaged in the contract nor possible in the immediate situation, it is still possible that a unilateral decision might bring about the adaptation. In Part Ⅳ is dealt with the contract adaptation by the court. Courts can change a contract and adapt it to new circumstances if so allowed by the substantive law of contract. If the parties do not reach an agreement, they may have recourse to the courts or to an arbitral tribunal. Courts or arbitral tribunals, however, even if they may act under flexible legal concepts of contract adaptation do not necessarily have the same wide scope of flexibve thethe parties would themselves have in a private renegotiation. Although many legal systems do not generally give relief to a party who is burdened with excessive hardship, these same systems generally recognize party autonomy to provide for the adaptation of contracts to changed circumstances. Consequently, it is fairly common in contracts, particularly those that have long durations, to make provisions for revision of the contract in case of changed circumstances. Having laid the structural features of the contract adaptation and the aspects of contract adaptation is dealt in Part Ⅴ with a more general question, whether we need a classical contract theory(will theory) to the relational contract theory. Is certainty and contractual security better promoted by rigid rules or by leaving room for flexibility? The answer turns on the nature of the contract. In contracts certainty is all important. Certainty means security. The aim of the contract law, contractual security, recognised under the heading of faveur pour le contrat, is recognised in various provisions for example those on interpretation, and on the power of the court to adapt a contract. Also, the debtor's right to cure a non-conforming performance can be seen as being aimed at the preservation of the contractual relationship, as this right may avoid the execution of remedies, including termination. Further, a general mechanism to supplement the agreement is provided in order to make it workable when it is necessary to provide for a matter which the parties have not foreseen or provided for, thus "favouring the contract"(maintaining the contractual relationship) and increasing contractual security.

      • Research on the Influencing Factors of Cross-Cultural Adaptation of International Students Studying Abroad in South Korea

        Zhang Guanfang,Wang Yanfang 한중경제문화학회 2023 한중경제문화연구 Vol.24 No.-

        Cross-cultural adaptation is a social behavior that occurs when individuals enter a foreign cultural environment. Cross-cultural adapters learn the moral norms, language customs, and other aspects of the host culture, gradually adapting to and accepting it. They integrate their inherent beliefs, thoughts, emotions, and behavioral patterns with the host culture, forming a diverse multicultural background. Since humans have engaged in cross-geographical interactions, cross-cultural adaptation has existed worldwide. With the development of science and technology and the advent of global economic integration, the world has become a global village. Nowadays, more and more people travel far from their hometowns to study, work, and engage in activities in foreign countries. Cross-cultural encounters bring novelty, mystery, and a sense of pressure, as living in a different culture means making specific changes in lifestyle and thought patterns. This change can be stressful, and not everyone can overcome it to adapt to life in a foreign country successfully. Therefore, cross-cultural adaptation is one of the most essential areas in today’s cross-cultural education. This study explores the internal and external factors that affect the cross-cultural adaptation of international students in South Korea and proposes relevant strategies to improve their cross-cultural adaptation.

      • KCI등재

        대학 신입생의 대학생활적응과 학습태도간의 관계 : 입학전형의 차이분석

        강성배,김광현 한국교양교육학회 2019 교양교육연구 Vol.13 No.6

        This study analyzed the effects of university life adaptation on learning attitudes for college freshmen. To this end, this study analyzed the relationship between university adaptation and learning attitude, and empirically analyzed the differences between college admission system. The analytical subjects were collected and analyzed through a questionnaire survey of 294 freshmen from provincial universities. As a method of analysis, multiple regression analysis was conducted to analyze the relationship between adaptation to college and learning attitude. And a multi-group analysis approach was used to verify the differences among the groups according to college admission system. The major findings of the study are as follows: First, as a result of analyzing the relationship between adaptation to college and learning attitude, career adaptation has the most influence on learning attitude. And environmental adaptation, emotional adaptation, and social adaptation were found in this order. Second, as a result of the difference analysis according to the college admission system, the selection for high school GPA group has a high impact on the learning attitude of environmental adaptation and emotional adaptation. Third, the selection for national academic aptitude test scores group showed that career adaptation and social adaptation had more influence on learning attitudes. Finally, the difference between the adaptation to college and learning attitudes of the two groups was found to be statistically significant. In college life, first grade has a great influence on the success of four years of college life. Based on these results, it is necessary to have a flexible academic system considering the type of admission and the timing of admission system, various educational programs, and long-term policy plans. 본 연구는 대학 신입생을 대상으로 대학생활적응이 학습태도에 미치는 영향관계를 분석하고 대학입학전형에 따라 어떤 차이가 있는지를 실증적으로 분석하였다. 이를 위해 대학입학전형을 수시, 정시전형으로 집단을 구분하여 영향관계와 차이 검증을 실시하였다. 이를 위해 지방 사립대 신입생 294명을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하여 자료를 수집, 분석하였다. 분석방법으로 대학생활적응과 학습태도 간의 영향관계를 분석하기 위해 다중회귀분석을 실시하였으며 입학전형에 따른 집단 간 차이를 검증하기 위해 다집단 분석 접근법을 이용하였다. 연구의 주요 결과는 첫째, 대학생활적응과 학습태도 간의 영향관계 분석 결과 진로적응이 학습태도에 가장 많은 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났으며 환경적응, 정서적응, 사회적응 순으로 나타났다. 둘째, 입학전형에 따른 차이분석 결과 수시 입학전형 그룹은 환경적응과 정서적응이 학습태도에 미치는 영향이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 정시 입학전형 그룹은 진로적응, 사회적응이 학습태도에 더 많은 영향을 미치는 것으로 타났다. 마지막으로 수시, 정시 두 집단 간의 대학생활적응과 학습태도 간의 차이검증 결과 통계적으로 유의미한 결과가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 대학생활에서 1학년 시기는 4년 대학생활의 성패에 많은 영향을 미친다. 이와 같은 결과를 바탕으로 입학유형 및 입학 시기를 고려한 유연한 학사시스템과 다양한 교육 프로그램과 장기적 관점에서의 정책방안이 필요할 것으로 판단된다.

      • KCI등재

        미용전공생의 인성에 따른 학교생활적응의 차이

        김효림 ( Hyo Lim Kim ),장미숙 ( Mee Sook Chang ) 한국미용학회 2016 한국미용학회지 Vol.22 No.2

        This study aimed to determine differences in adaptation to school life depending on personality in students majoring in cosmetology. The study results found the following: A statistically significant difference was found by academic major in good manners. Makeup was relatively high. Adaptation to school life was 3.29 on average. Social adaptation(M=3.62) was the highest. A statistically significant difference was found by age in affective adaptation. It was relatively high at 26 or older. According to an analysis of differences in school adaptation by personality, (social) responsibility and citizenship had a statistically significant effect on academic adaptation. In terms of differences in social adaptation by personality, self-esteem, caring & good communication, (social) responsibility and honesty & courage had a statistically significant effect on social adaptation. In terms of differences in affective adaptation by personality, caring & good communication and (social) responsibility had a statistically significant effect on affective adaptation. As the study results found that personality has a positive effect on adaptation to school life, personality would also be important for students in fitting into the working world. Therefore, it would be a key for developing and fostering future leaders in the beauty industry to establish a good personality as a member of a community to help students to adapt to their school lives based on active, responsible and friendly attitudes.

      • KCI등재후보

        만 3-5세 유아의 초기적응 양상-초기적응과 연령별, 성별, 적응영역 간의 관계를 중심으로-

        서성희,박병기 한국아동교육학회 2020 아동교육 Vol.29 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the early adaptation patterns of infants aged 3 to 5 years old by age, gender, and areas of adaptation. The subjects of the study were 244 infants from 4 educational institutions. Early adaptation behaviors of infants were observed for 20 weeks from beginning, recorded by the observation list of early adaptation behaviors, and analyzed using survival analysis. The results, in general, showed that the survival function of early adaptation displayed large change until 12 weeks and a modest change from 13 to 20 weeks. In terms of adaptation proportions, 50% of infants were adapted after 6 weeks, 70% infants were adapted after 9 week, and about 90% infants were adapted after 14 week. In terms of the comparisons by age and gender, older infants adapted earlier than younger infants, and girls adapted quicker than boys. Compared by adaptation areas, adaptation is achieved in the order of free choice activity, interpersonal relationship, and basic lifestyle. The interactions were also found among age, gender, and adaptation area. This study is significant in that the early adaptation behaviors were observed continuously for 20 weeks rather than at a point of 4, 6, or 8 weeks, and in that the patterns of early adaptation were investigated in detail. Suggestions for the early childhood education and practical implications for follow-up studies were discussed. 본 연구의 목적은 만 3-5세 유아의 초기적응은 시간이 지남에 따라 어떤 양상을 보이는지, 연령별, 성별, 적응영역별로 분석하는데 있다. 연구 대상은 전라북도 유아 교육기관 4곳의 유아 244명이다. 유아의 초기적응 행동은 입소부터 20주 동안 「초기적응 행동목록 관찰기록표」에 기록되어 생존분석에 활용되었다. 연구결과, 유아의 초기적응 양상을 나타낸 생존함수는 생존율의 변화에서 입소 후 12주까지는 큰 폭으로 적응의 변화를 보이다가 13주∼20주 동안은 완만한 변화를 보였다. 전체적으로 6주가 지나야 50%의 유아가 적응을 하였다. 약 30%(75명)의 유아는 9주까지도 부적응으로 나타났고, 약 10%의 유아는 14주까지도 적응이 안된 것으로 나타났다. 연령별 비교로는 만 5세, 만4세, 만 3세 순으로 연령이 높을수록 빠른 시일 내에 적응을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 성별 비교는 여아가 빠른 시일에 적응을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 적응영역에서는 자유선택활동, 대인관계, 기본생활습관 순으로 적응하는 것으로 나타났다. 연령에 따른 각 성별 초기적응 양상으로는 남아와 여아에게서 만 5세가 빠른 시일 내에 적응을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 연령에 따른 각 적응영역별 초기적응 양상으로는 자유선택활동에서 만 4세, 만 5세, 만 3세 순으로 적응을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 대인관계, 기본생활습관에서는 만 5세, 만 4세, 만 3세 순으로 적응을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 성별에 따른 각 적응영역별 초기적응 양상으로는 자유선택활동, 대인관계, 기본생활습관에서 모두 여아가 빠른 시일 내에 적응을 하는 것으로 나타났다. 이와 같은 연구결과는 만 3-5세 유아의 초기 적응을 20주 동안 관찰하여 연령별, 성별, 적응영역별, 연령에 따른 각 성별, 적응영역별 적응양상을 살펴보았다는 점에서 의의가 있다. 후속연구에 대한 제언 및 실천적 함의가 논의되었다.

      • KCI등재

        린다 허천의 각색 담론

        서성은 ( Seong Eun Seo ) 우리어문학회 2014 우리어문연구 Vol.48 No.-

        각색(adaptation)은 스토리텔링의 중요한 영역임에도 불구하고 오랫동안학문적 관심으로부터 소외되어왔다. 린다 허천(Linda Hutcheon)의 『각색의이론(2013)』은 각색의 이론화를 위한 의미 있는 시도다. 그에 따르면 각색은반복이되, 복제가 아닌 반복이다. 각색의 개념은 상호 연관된 세 가지 층위로구별될 수 있다. 첫째, 결과(product)로서 각색은 특정 작품의 공식적이며 광범위한 전위이다. 둘째, 과정(process)으로서 각색 행위는 (재)해석과 (재)창조를 의미한다. 셋째, 수용 과정의 관점에서 각색은 상호텍스트성의 형태를 가진다. 허천은 매체 특수성에 대해 재고할 것을 주장한다. 매체 대신 독자(관객)이스토리와 관계 맺는 방식에 따라 말하기, 보여주기, 상호작용하기 모드로 나누고, 각 모드의 조합에 따른 각색의 특성을 검토한다. 각색은 시간상 이차적임에도 불구하고 해석적이며 창조적인 행위이며, 다시 읽기와 다시 관계맺기로서의 스토리텔링이다. 각색과 연관된 맥락은 시간과 공간을 비롯해, 문화, 인종 등 광범위하다. 이중 문화의 경계를 가로지르는 탈문화 각색은 점차 중요성이 강조되고 있으며, ①역사화하기/반역사화하기 ②인종(민족)화하기/반인종(민족)화하기 ③형상화하기/반형상화하기로 유형화될 수 있다. 콘텍스트를 넘나들며 오랫동안 사랑받는 스토리들은 ①장수(longevity), ②다산성(fecundity), ③복제의 정확성(copy-fidelity)이라는 특징을 가지고 있다. 본 연구는 허천의 각색 담론을 충실히 검토함으로써 각색의 독자적인 이론화 가능성을 제시하고자 했다. 허천의 담론에 대한 보다 날카로운 비평과 적용은 후속 연구를 통해반드시 보강해야 할 것이다. Adaptation, despite an important area of storytelling, has been alienated from academic interests for a long time. <A Theory of Adaptation> (2013) by Prof. Linda Hutcheon, as shown from its title, deserves attention in that it`s a serious work for theorizing adaptation. According to Hutcheon, adaptation is repetition, but repetition without replication. Adaptation phenomenon may be divided into 3 correlated layers. First, seen as a formal entity or product, an adaptation is an announced and extensive transposition of a particular work or works. Second, as a process creation, the act of adaptation always involves both (re-)interpretation and then (re-)creation. Third, seen from the perspective of its process of reception, adaptation is a form of intertextuality. Hutcheon suggests reconsideration about specificity of media, dividing it into telling, showing, interacting and mode according to the engagement method of audience with a story rather than media and examining characteristics of adaptation according to combination of each mode. Hutcheon examines the intention of an adaptation author followed by mode of adaptation. So far, literary critiques have contended that personal and aesthetic aspects of author`s intention and creative procss shall be ignored. However, Hutcheon, saying that adaptation is storytelling of rereading and e-engagement as an interpretive and creative act though it`s secondary temporally, asserts that the answer of the question “Why adaptation is required?” shall be found out within categories of answers adapter offers by himself. In the mean time, in adaptation, "creation" and "reception" are to be entangled each other inevitably. Through the question that “what`s genuine source of pleasure experiencing adaptation as adaptation?”, Hutcheonexamines an issue about how to adapt. In terms of his perspective, to achieve a successful adaptation itself, it shall be located between audience knowingor unknowing. There are a wide range of contexts influencing on adaptation,including time and space, culture and race. Hutcheon reviews aspects of transcultural adaptation through the anthropological concept of “indigenization”, dividing them into 3 types historicizing/dehistoricizing,racializing/deracializing and embodying/disembodying. Furthermore, as for characteristics of best-loved stories for a long time enjoying such a change of contexts, he suggests longevity, fecundity and copy-fidelity using the principle of survival of the fittest in the evolutionary theory.

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