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      • KCI등재

        한국 사극영화 장르 관습의 형성에 관한 일고찰: '신필름'의 <연산군>의 연작을 중심으로

        박유희 문학과영상학회 2008 문학과영상 Vol.9 No.2

        This paper aims to examine the genre convention of Korean historical films with reference to the Yeonsan-gun series produced by "Shin Film." The Korean historical film genre was formed in early 1960s along with other Korean film genres. Shin Sang-ok was held as one of the most important directors and producers of Korean historical films. Shin inaugurated the golden days of Korean historical films in the 1950s and the 1960s, and his production company "Shin Film" played the key role in the formation of the Korean historical film genre. The first film produced was the Yeonsan-gun series. The Yeonsan-gun series helped establish a standardized formula for Joseon-era period pieces, especially in terms of narrative and spectacle. These dramas became the foundation of the style of mise-en-scene that became standard in the Korean historical genre films of the 1960s and 1970s. The narrative formulae established in the Yeonsan-gun series were repeated throughout the sixties and lasted well into the historical TV dramas of the 1970s. The Yeonsan-gun narratives dealt primarily with the tensions between patriarchal order and maternal pathos. Desires, passions, impulses and revolts that could not find open expression in films set in the contemporary period found articulation in historical films. One of the most common themes in these films is maternal grudges stemming from the unfairness of the patriarchal system, such as that of the deposed queen in the film “Mrs. Yun” only to be repaired and sutured later by means of the same patriarchal system that caused them. These examples of maternal "han" explode with drama and pathos which function as a convergence point for diverse desires that simmer repressed under patriarchy. Ironically, in most cases, this same pathos is in the end resolved and healed by the patriarchal order. This paper aims to examine the genre convention of Korean historical films with reference to the Yeonsan-gun series produced by "Shin Film." The Korean historical film genre was formed in early 1960s along with other Korean film genres. Shin Sang-ok was held as one of the most important directors and producers of Korean historical films. Shin inaugurated the golden days of Korean historical films in the 1950s and the 1960s, and his production company "Shin Film" played the key role in the formation of the Korean historical film genre. The first film produced was the Yeonsan-gun series. The Yeonsan-gun series helped establish a standardized formula for Joseon-era period pieces, especially in terms of narrative and spectacle. These dramas became the foundation of the style of mise-en-scene that became standard in the Korean historical genre films of the 1960s and 1970s. The narrative formulae established in the Yeonsan-gun series were repeated throughout the sixties and lasted well into the historical TV dramas of the 1970s. The Yeonsan-gun narratives dealt primarily with the tensions between patriarchal order and maternal pathos. Desires, passions, impulses and revolts that could not find open expression in films set in the contemporary period found articulation in historical films. One of the most common themes in these films is maternal grudges stemming from the unfairness of the patriarchal system, such as that of the deposed queen in the film “Mrs. Yun” only to be repaired and sutured later by means of the same patriarchal system that caused them. These examples of maternal "han" explode with drama and pathos which function as a convergence point for diverse desires that simmer repressed under patriarchy. Ironically, in most cases, this same pathos is in the end resolved and healed by the patriarchal order.

      • KCI등재

        연산군과 광해군, 최후의 장면

        신병주 ( Shin Byung-ju ) 한국문학치료학회 2018 문학치료연구 Vol.48 No.-

        먼저 두 왕은 왕위에 오른 과정은 완전히 달랐다. 연산군은 적장자 프리미엄 속에서 왕위에 올랐고, 광해군은 후궁의 두 번째 아들이라는 한계에도 불구하고 임진왜란이라는 정치적 변수 속에서 왕위에 오를 수 있었다. 왕이 된 후 독재 군주로 가는 과정 또한 달랐다. 연산군은 왕권이 신권에 휘둘리는 상황을 참지 못했고, 능상(凌上)에 대해 강한 피해 의식을 지니고 있었다. 그에게 추종하는 소수 측근 세력을 제외하면 거의 모든 정치 세력을 반대파로 만들어 갔다. 광해군은 왕위 계승의 적통에 있던 이복동생 영창대군에 대한 지나친 견제와 이어지는 살해, 그리고 왕통에 대한 집착으로 시작된 교하 천도와 무리한 궁궐 조성 사업이 민심의 이반을 가져왔다. 대북의 소수 측근 세력만이 광해군 정권의 지지자였다는 점에서는 친인척 일부와 임사홍 등 일부 측근 세력만이 연산군의 독재에 추종했다는 점과 공통점을 보인다. 장녹수, 전비 등 기생 출신들에게 권력과 금력을 부여한 점은 광해군이 말년에 상궁 김개시에게 정치적으로 크게 의존한 점과 유사하다. 유배된 후 두 왕의 모습은 큰 차이를 보였다. 연산군은 교동도에 유배된 후 불과 2개월 만에 생을 마감했지만, 광해군은 가족들의 자결과 같은 처참한 상황 속에서도, 유배 후 18년을 더 살다가 제주도에서 최후를 맞았다. 반정으로 폐위된 연산군과 광해군의 행적과 최후의 장면에서는 오늘날 정치사와 오버랩 되는 정면들이 많다. 역사가 중요한 것은 과거의 잘못을 반복하지 않아야 한다는 경고들을 역사 속에서 거듭 보여주고 있기 때문일 것이다. These two individuals showed a completely different path to their own enthronements. Yeonsan-gun was the eldest son, so there was no problem in his becoming the king. On the other hand, Gwang’hae-gun was the second son of a royal concubine, and was only able to ascend to the throne in an extraordinary situation that was the Japanese invasion upon the Korean peninsula. The two kings also differed from each other in terms of how they became despots. Yeonsan-gun was very much frustrated with the contemporary situation in which the King had to defer to either the initiatives or judgements of his own vassals, and had no intention to put up with his own subordinates’ insubordination and defiance. As a result, with the exception of his most trusted cronies, he made virtually every political group his own enemy and opposition. Meanwhile, Gwang’hae-gun was most mindful of the very existence of his half-brother Yeongchang, who was ironically the more legitimate choice as a candidate for the throne. His murder of that brother did not quell his own sense of rivalry, and his subsequent policies -such as the Capital transfer to the Gyoha region and a difficult construction process for the new palace- eventually angered the general population. These two kings indeed shared a trait, which was the very narrow nature of their own advisory groups. Only a handful of royal relatives and cronies such as Im Sa-hong served Yeonsan-gun, while a relatively small number of officials from the Daebuk School (“Northerners,” not in geographical term) stood by the side of the Gwang’hae-gun administration. And the similarities do not end just there. While Yeonsan-gun provided his own concubines such as Jang Nok-su and Jeon Bi with power and money, Gwang’hae-gun also hugely relied upon Court lady Kim Gaeshi, and utilized her political capital. Their lives after they were expelled from the throne, however, were very different. Yeonsan-gun was relocated to Gyodong-do and died only two months later, while Gwang’hae-gun survived his own family members who met their demise by taking their own lives, and lived eighteen more years until he died on the Jeju-do island. Nonetheless, the last moments of their lives do remind us the political incidents of today. History does inspire us not to repeat past mistakes and wrong deeds.

      • KCI등재

        연산군대 금표 설치와 경기의 농산물 유통

        김창회(金昌會) 한국역사연구회 2021 역사와 현실 Vol.- No.121

        Previous studies tended to view King Yeonsan-gun’s violent ruling of the dynasty, and Jungjong’s dismissal of Yeonsan-gun by force, primarily as political issues. Sometimes, however, the economic nature of the conflict was also referred to, pointing out Yeonsan-gun’s abuse of state revenue as well as his harsh taxation imposed on the public to compensate for the monetary problems the government was facing. Examined in this study is King Yeonsan-gun’s decision to establish ‘banning markers,’ as it seems to have inflicted considerable damage on the civilian market, and affected not only the residents of the Capital city but also the general population of the wider Gyeonggi region. It is this author’s argument that such economic damage was one of the major reasons behind Jungjong’s forceful dismissal of Yeonsan-gun. During the first half of the Joseon period, which also included Yeonsan-gun’s reign, the Capital city was developing into a city with a huge size. To maintain such growth, required was a base region that would provide sufficient circulation of goods and swift transportation of items. To the capital city at that time, such base was no other than the Gyeonggi region, where commercial agricultural production was in progress (in many areas including farms owned by governmental officials), providing the capital city with grain and other necessary food resources. Then, banning markers were established throughout the Gyeonggi region. They severely disrupted agricultural products’ production and circulation, and ultimately resulted in decrease in vital food transports into the capital. In addition, the final years of Yeonsan-gun’s reign were further complicated by rise in commodity prices, which was due to a series of bad yields that continued for years as well as the government’s gross abuse of the revenue, and eventually dealt a crippling blow to the civilian economy. This kind of economic problems may not have been a direct cause behind Jungjong’s move against Yeonsan-gun, but would certainly have swayed the public opinion to support the change in Joseon leadership.

      • KCI등재

        서울 연산군묘 상석의 과학적 조사 및 보존처리

        조하진,채승아,안유빈,오순옥,이태종 한국전통문화대학교 전통문화연구소 2023 한국전통문화연구 Vol.32 No.-

        Yeonsan-gun Tomb is the tomb of the 10th king of Joseon dynasty and the first abandoned king, Yeonsan-gun, and the wife of Geochanggun Sin. The tomb is on a small scale with a total of 21 stone sculptures, including Pyo-Seok, Sang-Seok, and old stones. The stone sculptures of the Yeonsan-gun tomb were neglected compared to other royal tombs due to the characteristics of the tombs, and the owner was Yeonsan-gun. In particular, the Sang-Seok located in the south center of the Yeonsan-gun tomb was split in the middle and structurally unstable, but the exact literature could not be confirmed why it was damaged. Therefore, scientific investigation and conservation treatment of the Sang-Seok of Yeonsan-gun tomb were carried out. The Sang-Seok of Yeonsan-gun Tomb is coarse biotite granite with a light gray color and is similar to the previously constructed royal tombs. Most of the surface contaminants in the Sang-Seok were identified as living things. As a result of the living thing species identification, lichens affecting the weathering of stone objects such as the Aspicilia sp. were identified and cleaning treatments were conducted. After dry cleaning with bamboo sticks and steam cleaning was performed which is very effective for biological removal. Black contaminants on the floor part that were not removed using a YB Fiber laser. After removing surface contaminants, chrominance values became more clustered than before cleaning treatment. In addition, it is confirmed that cleaning has progressed well as the vegetation index decreases. The identified cracks were restored by mixing epoxy resin and filler. The purpose of this conservation treatment is to attach the two separated Sang-Seok and stabilize them structurally. Patent technology called the 'structural reinforcement treatment method of stone cultural properties using metal reinforcement materials' was utilized. A total of three structural reinforcement materials and perforation positions were selected. One (14mm, L159.82mm) at the upper 1/3 point (91mm below) and two (16mm, L213.08mm) moving 130mm to both sides of the center at the 2/3 point (181mm below) were made for the bonding and restoration treatment were carried out using epoxy resin and filler. After the bonding treatment, surface processing and coloring were performed. Reinforcement treatment was performed using an ethyl silicate-based material to the finishing process the conservation treatment. When the treatment was completed, the ultrasonic speed increased by 6.18%, indicating the improve of physical properties. Conservation treatment record card and photography were completed to finish the total conservation process.

      • KCI등재

        연산조 말기 관료 문인의 성격과 문한 활동 - 姜渾, 金勘, 李希輔를 중심으로 -

        정용건 고전문학한문학연구학회 2021 고전과 해석 Vol.35 No.-

        본고는 연산조 말기 조정의 핵심 관료 문인으로서 그 나름의 문한 활동을 전개해 나간 姜渾‧金勘‧李希輔등 3인의 면면과 행적을 살피고 그들의 문학사적 위상을 검토한 글이다. 강혼‧김감‧이희보는 15세기 이래 지속적으로 추진되어 온 ‘文治’ 정책의 수혜를 받으며 성장한 세대로서, 金宗直‧金馹孫‧蔡壽‧李深源등 당대의 명사들과 긴밀한 학적‧인적 네트워크를 형성하고 있었다. 그러나 이와 같은 학문 이력의 한편으로 연산군과 맺고 있던 특수한 관계들로 인해 이들은 사화기에 동료들이 희생당하는 와중에서도 살아남아 지위를 유지할 수 있었다. 이는 곧 연산군의 시문 애호 성향 및 정치적 의도와 뜻을 함께하는 문학 활동의 전개로 이어졌고, 이들은 결국 임금 의 두터운 신임과 총애를 받는 핵심 관료 문인으로 자리하게 되었다. 亂政을 펼친 연산군이 폐위되고 중종이 새로 즉위하자, 이들은 反正국면에서 공을 세웠다는 이유로 공신 및 주요 문한직에 임명되었다. 다만 연산군에 영합했던 과거 행적으로 숱한 탄핵을 받은 탓에 온전한 관직 생활을 영위하지 못하였으며, 사후 그들의 시문조차 제대로 수습되지 못하였다. 그렇지만 이러한 부정과 비판의 시선이 존재한 한편, 이들은 그들 스스로가 지닌 학문‧문학 역량을 바탕으로 이 시 기에 이루어진 문화 사업에 참여하거나 후진 양성에 힘을 기울이는 등 16세기 학적 흐름 형성에 있어 그 나름의 역할을 담당하였다. 성종대의 문사로서 성장하여 당대 유망한 사류들과 긴밀한 학적 관계를 맺었지만, 사화의 격랑 속에서 벗어나 피화인 들과는 다른 길을 걸었으며, 중종대의 무수한 비판 속에서도 일정한 학문적 영향력 을 행사한 이들 3인의 면모는, 결코 단선적이거나 일면적으로만 해석되지 않는 이 시기 문학 지형의 입체성과 중층성을 잘 보여준다. This thesis researched the characters and actions of three people, including Kang Hon(姜渾), Kim Gam(金勘), Lee Hee-bo(李希輔), who carried out their own literary activities as key bureaucrats and writers at the end of the Yeonsan period(燕山朝) and examined their literary status. Kang Hon, Gam Kim and Lee Hee-bo grew up benefiting from the 'Moonchi(文治)' policy that has been continuously promoted since the 15th century and had a close relationship with the scholars of his time. However, due to the special relationship they had with Yeonsan-gun(燕山 君), they were able to survive and maintain their status even while their colleagues were victimized during the Sahwa(士禍) period. This led to the development of literary activities that matched the literary tastes and political intentions of Yeonsan-gun, and they grew up to become key bureaucrats and writers who were trusted and favored by the king. When Yeonsan-gun was deposed and Jungjong(中宗) was newly crowned, they were appointed to major literary positions. However, due to numerous impeachments for their past actions in joining Yeonsan-gun, they could not maintain their civil service life, and even their poems could not be properly compiled after death. While these views of denial and criticism exist, they played their own role in shaping the academic flow of the 16th century, such as participating in cultural projects made during this period or focusing on nurturing future generations. Although they grew up as scholars of Seongjong(成宗) period, during the time of Yeonsan-gun, they took a different path from their peers, and despite the countless criticisms of Jungjong period, these three men exercised their own academic influence. It shows the three-dimensionality and multilayeredness of the literary landscape of this period, which is never interpreted as one-line or one-sided

      • KCI등재

        조선(朝鮮) 성종(成宗)~연산군대(燕山君代) 륜대제(輪對制)의 정착(定着)과 운영(運營)

        장희흥 ( Jang Hee-heung ) 제주대학교 탐라문화연구원 2021 탐라문화 Vol.- No.66

        윤대제는 조선 세종대 실시되어 조선후기까지 운영되었다. 윤대제를 살펴보는 것은 운영적인 면에서 제도 실시, 확대 혹은 축소를 통한 언로정책과 그 속에서 논의된 내용이 당시 정치 전반에 어떻게 반영되었는가를 다루는 것이 목적이다. 조선 성종~연산군대 참여 대상은 성종대 동반 6품, 서반 4품 이상으로 고정되었다. 참여 인원은 세종대 독대에서 성종대 5인 전후가 함께 참여하였다. 또한 성종대에는 사관과 승지 등이 참여하면서 독대의 전통이 허물어졌다. 시행 간격은 매일에서 10일로 고정되었다. 성종대는 25년 재위 기간 동안 윤대를 꾸준히 실시하였다. 훈구대신들이 정치를 운영할 초기보다 士林들이 등장하는 과정에서 후기로 갈수록 줄어든 것은 성종이 국왕 위주의 통치로 변화시킨 것으로 추측할 수 있다. 하지만 윤대자에게 국가에 도움이 되는 말을 하게 하였다. 건의한 내용을 관리들과 의논하여 처리하는 방식을 통하여 정치 운영에 반영하였다. 그 내용도 정치, 경제 등 다양한 사안들이 다루어졌다. 윤대가 정치 현안 문제를 다루는 중요한 제도임을 알 수 있다. 반대로 연산군대는 신하들의 지속된 요구에도 윤대실시에는 소극적이었다. 연산군은 실시 횟수도 미약하지만 대부분 건의 내용에 대하여 무응답으로 운영하였다. 그만큼 연산군의 경우 신하들의 下情上達의 요구를 거절하여 언로를 축소하는 경향을 보인다. 윤대는 조선의 행정제도에서 행정 실무자들의 의견을 청취하여 국정에 반영한다는 기본적인 원칙이 적용된다는 것에서 큰 의의가 있다. 하지만 왕의 운영 의지에 따라서 언로 정책이 달라진다. YunDaeje was implemented at King Sejong period of Joseon and operated until the late Joseon Dynasty. YunDaeje listens to the opinions of practitioners in the administration of the Joseon Dynasty and reflects them in the government. The purpose of this study is to deal with the implementation of the system, expansion or reflecting of the current media policy, and how the discussions were reflectedin politics at the time. The subjects of the Joseon Seongjong~Yonsan-gun’s YunDaeje participation in this chapter were fixed at 6 positions accompanied by Seongjongperiod and 4 positions in Seoban. Participants were from Sejong period was limited in single meeting and only five members took part in that. In addition, the tradition of single meeting was destroyed by the participation of a historiographer and Seungji. The trial interval was fixed from daily to 10 days. During the 25-year reign of King Seongjong, it was steadily implemented. It can be speculated that King Seongjong's change to the reignof kings was the fact that the number of warriors decreased in the later stages of the emergence of the warriors rather than the early days when the Hungu ministers operated politics. However, he made YunDae-ja say words that were helpful in running the ountry. The suggested contents were reflected in political management through discussions with officials and processing. The contents also dealt with various issues such as politics and economy. It can be seen that Yundae is an important institution dealingwith political issues. On the contrary, the Yeonsan-gun was passive in carrying out the reincarnation despite the continued demands of its servants. Although the number of implementations in Yeonsan-gun was weak, most cases were operated with no response. As such, Yeonsan-gun tends to reduce the number of words by rejecting the request of the subordinates. YunDae has great significance in that the basic principle of listening to the opinions of administrative practitioners in the Joseon's administrative system and reflecting them in state affairs is applied. However, depending on the king's willingness to operate, the policy of speaking route changes.

      • KCI등재

        연산군대 금표 설치와 강무장 확대의 영향

        신동훈 ( Shin¸ Dong-hoon ) 경희대학교 인문학연구원 2021 인문학연구 Vol.- No.48

        본 연구는 연산군 대에 시행된 금표가 백성들의 삶에 끼친 영향을 살펴보고, 그로 인한 민심 변화가 어떻게 반정(反正)으로 이어지게 되었는지를 살펴보았다. 연산군은 즉위 초반부터 사냥에 적극적이었다. 신료들의 반대에 부딪히면, 고제(古制) 혹은 북방의 군사적 긴장감 등을 근거ㆍ명분으로 활용하며 자신의 사냥을 정당화했다. 갑자사화를 전후하여 광활한 지역에 금표를 설치하고 사람들을 쫓아냈기 시작했는데, 경기 지역의 금표 설치는 강무장 확대 및 출입 금지라는 명분으로 비롯된 것이었다. 강무장 확대 및 출입 금지는 야생 동물의 개체 수를 늘리기 위한 것이었는데, 이후 사람들로 하여금 이 지역이 사냥터라는 것을 분명하기 인식시키기 위해 해당 지역을 더욱 확대했다. 이러한 금표 설치는 가옥 철거와 이주를 동반할 뿐 아니라, 도성과 경기의 교통로를 변화시켰다. 경기 지역은 대규모 유민이 발생했고, 이들 중 일부는 금표 지역을 근거지로 두는 도둑이 되었다. 대부분의 간선도로가 막히고 도성과 외방을 잇는 길이 협소해지면서, 도성은 외방 특히 경기로부터 땔감 등의 생활필수품 공급량이 감소했다. 연산군의 금표 설치는 지역과 시기를 예측할 수 없었다. 어느 날 갑자기 금표 구역을 지정했고, 백성들은 예상치 못한 급격한 삶의 변화를 마주하게 되었다. 당시 백성들이 맞이한 삶의 변화는 사회 불안으로 이어져 반정에 대한 지지로 이어졌다. Yeonsan-gun set up forbidden zones in large areas through Gapjasahwa[甲子士禍], and expelled people. The signs emerged from the beginning of the reign. After the Gapjasahwa, Yeonsan-gun expanded the hunting grounds and established prohibited areas. For this, Yeonsan-gun presented the evidence. The presentation of the basis of the king was a characteristic of Joseon politics. Meanwhile, the expansion of the Gangmu field[講武場] was a combination of the expansion of the forbidden area of Doseong[都城] and the ban on hunting for hunting. The ban was to increase wildlife, and the expansion of the forbidden zones was to make it clear to people that it was a hunting ground. Such rapid establishment of prohibited areas caused direct damage and social unrest due to the demolition of houses. This led to support for the Jungjong restoration[中宗反正]

      • 연산군 초반 정치적 갈등에 대한 구조적 접근

        송웅섭 덕성여자대학교 인문과학연구소 2015 인문과학연구 Vol.20 No.-

        Examined in this article is how all the conflicts between the king and the “ThreeOffices(Saheon-bu, Sagan-weon, Hongmun-gwan),” continued during the earlydays of king Yeonsan-gun’s reign, had actually been triggered by an alliance forgedbetween officials who were assigned to the so-called “Seats of Integrity” during kingSeongjong’s reign. These ‘Seats of Integrity’ usually refer to posts inside specific offices that included Hongmun-gwan, Saheon-bu, Sagan-weon, Yemun-gwan, as wellas Nang’gwan officials of the Six Ministries and the Sa’in figures of the Euijeongbuoffice. Governmental officials were required to have experiences serving at theseposts in order to reach the status of a minister in the future. During king Seongjong’sreign, officials serving these posts & offices allied themselves with each other, in anenvironment which witnessed the weakening of a despotic kingship and the king’srespect of elite officials armed with extraordinary literary capacities. These officialsmanaged to reflect their ideas and opinions in the official assignment and appointment process, as well as penal regulations and punishments meant for their owncolleagues. As a result, they were able to consolidate their own alliance and not tomention reinforce their overall influences. Officials at the Sagan-weon, Saheon-bu and Hongmun-gwan offices were wielding enormous power in the operations of the government, and coming into the reignof king Yeonsan-gun, all these officials’ activities were destined to clash with thenew king and his intentions. Before the Mu’oh-year purge, officials of the Three offices were pushing the king to the very limit, with a variety of issues which in somecases lasted for only a moth but in others lasted even half a year. They were able todo so because an alliance of their own, based upon opinions collected outside thepolitical arena, was providing them with enough momentum, cause and influence. 본고는 연산군 초반 국왕과 三司 사이의 치열한 갈등이 성종대 형성된 ‘청요직연대체제’로 인해 촉발되고 있음을 검토한 연구이다. 청요직이란 홍문관·사헌부·사간원·예문관·육조의 낭관·의정부의사인과 검상과 같은 직임을 가리키는데, 재상에 오르는 과정에서 반드시 거쳐야 했던 핵심 관직들이었다. 청요직들은 성종대 전제적 왕권이 약화되고 문필 능력이 풍부한 엘리트 관료들이 우대되는 분위기 속에서, 홍문관과 대간을 중심으로 연대의 분위기를 조성해 나갔다. 아울러 청요직들의 의견이 반영된 자율적인 인선 방식과 동료들에 대한 제재장치들을 마련하여 연대를 보다 공고하게 유지할 수가 있었다. 관료제 운영에 있어서 청요직들의 영향력을 배가시키는 계기를 만들고 있었던 것이다. 연산군 초반 국왕과 삼사 사이의 격렬한 대립은 이 같이 청요직연대에 기초한 대간과 홍문관의 적극적인 언론 행사가 전개되는 가운데 나타나고 있던 현상이었다. 무오사화 이전 삼사는 짧게는 1개월에서 길게는 5·6개월에 이르기까지 국왕과의 갈등을 극단으로까지 몰아가면서 자신들의 주장을 관철시키고 있었다. 이처럼 삼사가 국왕과 맞서며 극성스러운 언론을 행사할 수 있었던 배경에는 청요직연대체제의 구축으로 인해 청요직들의 주장을 공론에 가탁하여 적극적으로 개진할 수 있었던 데서 말미암은 것이었다.

      • KCI등재

        朝鮮朝 經筵에서 燕山君의 讀書歷에 관한 考察

        김중권 한국서지학회 2007 서지학연구 Vol.37 No.-

        This research investigated the personal history of Yeonsan-gun's reading, who was known to be the roughest king, at the Gyeongyeon(經筵) in the Joseon Dynasty. It was thoroughly examined what and how he read while he was the Crown prince as well as the king, as documented in the Sillok. The reason for his absence at the Gyeongyeon, the responses from the government officials, the annual list of his reading materials, his reading habits, and the number of his attendances were also examined, Major findings are as the follows;Yeonsan-gun was not a man of learning, and lacked the interest and ability in reading even as the Crown Prince. During his reign, he attended the Gyeongyeon only 480 times, evidencing his indifference toward reading and learning. When he was dethroned, he did not finish reading even Gangmog(綱目) and Daehagyeonye(大學衍義), the only two books the Gyeongyeon had earlier recommended. It is evidenced that a king's lack of interests and ability in reading has an absolutely negative impact on his personalities and competences as well as the well-being of a nation.

      • KCI등재

        역사인물에 대한 영화적 탐구와 해석 -연산군에 대한 영화를 중심으로-

        황혜진 한국고전문학교육학회 2022 고전문학과 교육 Vol.49 No.-

        This study examined films in which Yeonsangun was the main character. These include movies by director Sin Sang-ok such as “Yeonsangun: Janghansamo”(1961), and “Tyrant Yeonsan: Bogsukwaegeo”(1962), Director Im Kwon-taek's “Yeonsan Diary”(1987), Director Lee Jun-ik's “The King's Man”(2005), as well as Director Min Gyu-dong's “The Treacherous”(2015). To compose a narrative related to Yeonsangun, one must interpret the character's esoteric and ambiguous nature. In director Shin Sang-ok's series of films, Yeonsangun was portrayed as being manipulated by the maternal complex. Yeonsangun, who tried to compensate for his lack of motherhood by exacting revenge on behalf of his mother, was engulfed in vain chastity once the vengeance ended and decided to enjoy the royal charm. Yeonsangun, who appears in “Yeonsan's Diary,” follows the record of Yeonsangun’s vengeance upon learning of his mother's unfair death. However, after revenging his mother, he experiences extreme anxiety as he is haunted by the ghosts of those he killed. Whenever this happens, he attempts to relieve his anxiety by engaging in sexual activity, thereupon this habit gradually becomes addictive. “The King's Man” portrays Yeonsangun from the perspective of lowly clowns. Rather than taking revenge on his mother, the film portrays a son suffering from the weight of his father, who was a great king. Yeonsangun, a being bound by her father's name and law, tried to go in the opposite direction to her father, following the typical path of sons who negatively expressed paternal complex. In the movie “The Treacherous” Yeonsangun appears in a maddening form. However, he is more clever than a cunning servant who deceives the king and tries to use even his lust to strengthen his power. Based on his cleverness, his goal of having a powerful kingship to calm his anxiety was for his own comfort and pleasure, and had no public utility. There are numerous documents and historical studies on Yeonsangun, including the Annals of the Joseon Dynasty, which is the official history of the Joseon Dynasty. Choosing the historical events from these materials to compose the narrative and shape it into a new character depends on the historian’s imagination. Examples of how this imagination can unfold are films about Yeonsangun, which contain the interpretive drive to understand Joseon's greatest tyrant in a narrative fashion and the answers to the questions that arise from it. 이 연구는 연산군이 주요 인물로 등장한 영화들을 살펴보았다. 신상옥 감독의 연작 영화, <연산군-장한사모편>(1961), <폭군 연산-복수쾌거편>(1962), 임권택 감독의 <연산일기>(1987), 이준익 감독의 <왕의 남자>(2005), 민규동 감독의 <간신>(2015) 등이 그 대상이다. 연산군과 관련된 서사를 구성하기 위해서는 인물이 지닌 난해함, 모호함에 대해 나름의 해석을 해야 한다. 연산군을 주요 인물을 내세운 영화들은 문제를 제기하는 인물에 대해 자기답변을 마련하면서 연산군에 대한 서사를 완성시키고 연산군의 형상을 창조하였다. 신상옥 감독의 연작 영화에서 연산군은 모성 콤플렉스에 휘둘리는 존재로 그려진다. 결핍된 모성을 어머니에 대한 복수로 보상하려 했던 연산군은 복수가 끝난 후 허무한 정조에 휩싸여 제왕의 풍류를 누리고자 마음먹었다. 그러나 장녹수와 함께 유년의 낙원을 만들려던 꿈은 분신 같은 장녹수를 죽임으로써 끝나고 그에게 더 이상 어른이 될 기회는 주어지지 않았다. <연산일기>에 등장하는 연산군은 실록의 기록을 따라 어머니의 억울한 죽음을 알고 복수를 하지만 복수 이후 자신이 죽인 이들의 망령에 시달리며 강한 불안을 느낀다. 그럴 때마다 그는 성 행위로 불안을 해소하려 하는데 이러한 습성은 점차 중독이 되어 가는 한편, 하늘인 자신이 하는 일을 어찌하겠는가 하는 논리로 능상(凌上)을 막고 자신을 합리화한다. 이처럼 제어되지 않은 왕의 욕망이 충족되는 세상은 자기에게만 ‘태평성대’였을 뿐이다. <왕의 남자>는 미천한 광대들의 입장에서 연산군을 조명하였다. 이 영화에서 다루고 있는 시기는 갑자사화 이후로서, 모친의 죽음이 본격적으로 다루어지지 않기에 연산군이 아버지인 성종에 대해 가지는 콤플렉스가 부각될 수 있었다. 이 영화에서 연산군은 엄격한 율법을 적용해 감정마저 통제하려는 아버지와는 반대로 나아가려 하였으며, 이런 그에게 광대 공길은 자신의 아픔과 욕구를 공감하는 연인으로, 장생은 자유로운 놀이판의 광대이고자 하는 연산에게 ‘신’처럼 비춰졌다. <간신>의 연산은 광기 어린 모습으로 등장한다. 그러나 그는 임사홍 부자가 내민 ‘피 묻은 적삼’이 실은 자기 어머니의 유품이 아니라 남편을 위해 독약을 먹고 죽은 임사홍 처의 것임을 알고 있었으며, 이를 활용해 왕권을 강화할 것을 미리 계산할 정도로 영악한 존재였다. 그러나 영악함을 바탕으로 자신의 불안을 잠재울 강력한 왕권을 지니고자 하는 그의 목표는 자신의 안위와 쾌락을 향해있을 뿐 어떠한 공적 효용을 가진 것은 아니었다. 이렇게 연산군은 영화 제작자들에 의해 재해석되고 새로운 인간형으로 창조되었다. 각 영화들은 모성 콤플렉스를 지닌 불쌍한 소년 같은 왕, 성욕과 함께 불안을 해소하려다 성중독에 빠졌지만 이마저 천명으로 합리화하려던 왕, 부성 콤플렉스에 빠져 아버지와 반대 방향으로 나아가려 자유로운 광대를 꿈꾸었던 왕, 불안에 휩싸인 광기와 신하를 조종할 정도의 영악함을 가지고 절대적 쾌락을 추구했던 왕으로 연산군을 해석하고 그려내었다. 연산군에 대한 사료로는 정사인 조선왕조실록을 비롯하여 다수의 문헌과 역사학적 연구물이 있다. 이 사료 중 어떤 역사적 사건을 선택하여 서사를 구성하고 새로운 인물로 형상화하는가 하는 것은 역사적 상상력, 즉 역사에 대한 지각력과 창조력에 달려있다. 이러한 상상력이 어떻게 펼쳐 ...

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