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        e-Learning 환경에서 성인학습자의 2x2 성취목표지향성과 자기조절학습에 관한 연구

        권성연 학습자중심교과교육학회 2008 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.8 No.1

        This research was purposed to investigate adult learners' 2x2 goal orientation and the relationship with self-regulated learning in e-Learning environments. A survey was conducted to the 153 adult learners who attended cyber graduate school. The research findings were as follows : The first, mastery-approach was the most prevailing goal orientation, and the most of factors in self-regulated learning were over the middle score, Specially, the scores of task-value, elaboration, control of efforts were high among those of self-regulated learning. The second, goal type which was high in four goal orientations was the most frequent. The adaptive goal types to self-regulated learning were high in mastery approach and performance approach, and only high in mastery-approach, the other side, unfavorable goal types to self-regulated learning were low in mastery and performance approach, only high in performance-approach. The third, mastery-approach goal was positively correlated with all of self-regulated learning except help-seeking, and the most powerful factors to predict self-regulated learning positively. Performance-approach goal was partially related with self-regulated learning, but had no meaningful influences on self-regulated learning except self-efficacy. Mastery-avoidance goal and performance avoidance goal were not positive predictors of self-regulated learning. Consequently, to the adult learners by comparison with young students in classroom, mastery approach goal orientation had greater influences but performance goal orientation had less influences on self-regulated learning. Also, avoidance goal orientation would be mal-adaptive in self-regulated learning. 이 연구는 성인학습자의 주된 학습 수단으로 부상된 e-Learning 환경에서 성취목표지향성이 자기조절학습에 미치는 영향을 파악하기 위해 수행되었다. 특히 성취목표지향성은 이론적 변화를 거쳐 2x2체제의 4요인구조가 제시되고 있어 새로운 성취목표지향성 체제 하에서 성인학습자의 자기조절학습과의 관련성을 분석해 볼 필요성이 제기되었다. 이를 위해 선행 연구에서 개발된 자기조절학습과 2x2 성취목표지향성 측정 도구를 기반으로 원격대학원의 30세 이상 성인학습자 153명을 대상으로 e-mail 설문이 실시되었으며 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 성인학습자들은 숙달목표지향성이 다른 목표지향성에 비해 월등히 높았으며 자기조절학습 수준도 전반적으로 높았으나 특히 과제가치, 정교화, 노력조절 요인이 높게 나타났다. 4요인 구조에서 가능한 16가지 성취목표유형의 비율은 4개의 성취목표가 모두 높은 복합적 유형이 가장 많았다. 이러한 16개의 성취목표지향성 유형에 따른 자기조절학습 요인별 평균점수를 비교했을 때 숙달과 수행접근이 모두 높은 유형이 가장 유리했고 다음으로 접근 성향 가운데 숙달접근이 높은 유형의 자기조절학습 점수가 높게 나타났다. 반면 접근성향이 모두 낮거나 수행접근만 높은 목표유형은 자기조절학습 점수가 상대적으로 낮게 나타났다. 상관분석 및 회귀분석 결과를 보면 숙달접근목표는 도움구하기를 제외한 모든 자기조절학습 요인과 정적 관계를 가지고 있었고 자기조절학습을 유의미하게 설명할 수 있는 가장 영향력 있는 목표지향성이었다. 수행접근목표도 일부 자기조절학습 요인과 정적 상관을 가지고 있었으나 이들 요소를 유의미하게 예측할 수 있는 설명 변인으로서의 영향력은 자기효능감을 제외하고는 없었다. 숙달회피와 수행회피는 자기조절학습에 유의미한 영향을 주지 못하거나 일부 요인에 부정적 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다.

      • KCI등재

        초등학생의 자기조절학습 능력 수준에 따른 실제적 과학탐구의 진화적 요소에 대한 선호도 분석

        이준복,임채성 서울교육대학교 초등교육연구원 2017 한국초등교육 Vol.28 No.4

        This study examined what, how, and why elementary school students prefer authentic scientific inquiry by their self-regulated learning ability. The selected 50 6th grade students of Seoul G elementary school are tested for self-regulated learning. And after being taught about structured and opened processes of scientific inquiry, the students's responses were analyzed what and why they prefer the elements of authentic scientific inquiry applying brain-based evolutionary approach. The major results of this study are as follows. First, the students who have higher self-regulated learning ability showed higher preference for authentic scientific inquiry than those who have lower self-regulated learning ability in diversifying and evaluating elements of brain-based evolutionary approach. The students with lower self-regulated learning ability were affected by goal-orientation, self-efficacy, elaboration variables of self-regulated learning ability. Second, the students who have higher self-regulated learning ability showed higher preference for authentic scientific inquiry than those who have lower self-regulated learning ability in diversifying and evaluating elements. The students with lower self-regulated learning ability were affected by goal-orientation, self-efficacy, elaboration, check variables of self-regulated learning ability. Third, the students who have higher self-regulated learning ability showed higher preference for authentic scientific inquiry than those who have lower self-regulated learning ability in diversifying, evaluating, and furthering elements. The students with lower self-regulated learning ability students were affected by goal-orientation, self-efficacy, fulfillment value, behavioral control, elaboration variables of self-regulated learning ability. In conclusion, the students who have higher self-regulated learning ability showed higher preference for authentic scientific inquiry than those who have lower self-regulated learning ability in all of affective, behavioral, and cognitive domains. 본 연구는 초등학생들의 자기조절학습 능력 수준에 따라 실제적 과학 탐구에 대한 선호도를 조사하였다. 선정된 서울시 G 초등학교 6학년 50명을 자기조절학습 능력을 검사하였다. 학생들은 구조화된과학 탐구와 개방된 실제적 과학 탐구 과정에 대해 배우고 난 후, 학생들은 뇌기반 진화적 접근법을활용한 실제적 과학 탐구의 진화적 요소들에 대한 선호도를 묻는 설문지에 응답하였다. 본 연구의 주요 결과는 다음과 같다: 첫째, 자기조절학습 능력 수준이 높은 학생들은 낮은 학생들보다 뇌기반 진화적 접근법에 따른 실제적 과학 탐구의 다양화와 평가 요소들에 대한 선호도가 더 높았다. 자기조절학습 능력이 낮은 학생들은 목표달성지향성, 자기효능감, 행동조절의 정교화 요소들에 의해 영향을 받는다. 둘째, 자기조절학습능력이 높은 학생들은 낮은 학생들보다 실제적 과학 탐구에 대한 선호도가 더높았다. 자기조절학습 능력이 낮은 학생들은 목표달성지향성, 자기효능감, 정교화, 점검 변인들의 영향을 받았다. 셋째, 자기조절학습 능력이 높은 학생들은 낮은 학생들보다 실제적 과학적 탐구에 대한 선호도가 더 높았다. 자기조절학습 능력이 낮은 학생들은 자기조절학습의 목표 달성지향성, 자기효능감, 성취가치, 행동통제, 행동통제, 정교화 변인들에 영향을 받았다. 결론적으로, 자기조절학습 능력이 높은 학생은 정의적, 행동적, 인지적 영역 모두에서 자기조절학습 능력이 낮은 학생보다 실제적 과학 탐구에 대한 선호도가 높았다.

      • KCI등재

        프로젝트 기반 협력학습이 의대생의 자기조절 학습능력개발에 미친 효과

        시지현 한국교육방법학회 2020 교육방법연구 Vol.32 No.1

        The study of designing learning contexts where learners can train and develop their self-regulated learning ability has recently been attracting attentions. This study investigated the effects of the project-based collaborative learning context on self-regulated learning development of medical students in one medical school. In this learning context, the students worked in a mixed group composed of the students with different levels of self-regulated learning ability (high, medium and low). It also explored the relationship among co-regulation that occurred during collaboration, their pre and post self-regulated learning abilities as well. The development of self-regulated learning ability and the relationship were investigated according to the level of their pre self-regulated learning ability as well. For this, 50 second-year medical students who enrolled in the ‘scientific thinking and medical research’ course participated in this study. Ten mixed groups were composed, each group with 5 students, one from the high level, two from the medium level, and two from the low level based on the results of the self-regulated learning questionnaire implemented at the beginning of the course. In the class, the students in a mixed group conducted authentic research for ten weeks. After finishing their research, they filled out the same self-regulated learning questionnaire and co-regulation questionnaire online. According to the results, this collaborative learning context is effective to develop students’ self-regulated learning ability. In addition, the learners with lower self-regulated learning ability showed a similar level of co-regulated activities to the learners with higher self-regulated learning ability and this co-regulated activities had the correlation with the development of self-regulated learning ability. Such connection was particularly strong for the students with the medium level of pre self-regulated learning ability. These results can provide important implications for instructional design for development of learners’ self-regulated learning ability. 최근 학습자의 자기조절 학습능력을 개발하기 위한 방안으로 학습자가 자기조절학습을 훈련할 수 있는 학습맥락설계에 관한 연구가 주목 받고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 한 의과대학에서 실제적인 의학연구를 진행하는 프로젝트 기반 협력학습에서 소그룹 구성을 자기조절학습능력 상중하 수준의 학습자를 모두 포함하는 혼합그룹으로 구성하여 이러한 학습맥락이 학습자의 자기조절 학습능력개발에 어떠한 영향을 미치는 지를 살펴보았다. 또한 자기조절학습능력이 상이한 학습자로 구성된 소그룹에서 발생하는 협력조절이 학습자의 사전 사후 자기조절학습능력과 어떤 관계를 보이는지도 살펴보았다. 그리고 사전 자기조절 학습능력 수준별 자기조절 학습능력 개발 및 협력조절과의 관계도 살펴보았다. 본 연구에는 한 의과대학에서 프로젝트 기반 협력학습으로 설계된 ‘과학적 사고와 의학연구’과목을 수강한 의예과 2학년 학생 50명이 참여하였고 이들은 학기 초에 실시된 사전 자기조절학습검사 점수에 따라 상 중 하 세 집단으로 나누어져 상위집단에서 한명, 나머지 중 하위 집단에서 각각 두 명씩 5명씩 한조를 이루어 10주 동안 프로젝트를 수행하였다. 프로젝트를 끝낸 후 사후 자기조절학습능력과 협력조절에 관한 데이터는 설문을 통해 수집하였다. 연구결과에 의하면 자기조절 학습능력이 상이한 학습자로 구성된 소그룹에서 복잡한 과제를 수행하는 협력학습맥락은 학습자의 자기조절 학습능력 개발에 효과적 것으로 드러났다. 또한 자기조절학습능력이 높은 학습자와 함께 협력조절활동에 참여하는 것은 자기조절학습능력이 보다 낮은 학습자들도 조절활동에 비슷한 수준으로 참여하게 하며 이러한 협력조절은 자기조절 학습능력개발과 관련이 있는 것으로 드러났다. 특히, 중간 수준의 자기조절 학습능력을 가진 집단에서 이러한 관계가 가장 크게 드러났다. 본 연구의 결과는 자기조절 학습능력을 개발시킬 수 있는 여러 방안에 대한 논의가 필요한 시점에서 학습자의 자기조절학습능력 개발을 위한 교수설계에 중요한 시사점을 제공해 줄 수 있을 것으로 생각된다.

      • KCI등재

        중학생이 지각한 부모의 양육태도와 학업정서, 자기결정성동기, 자기조절학습 간의 구조적 관계

        이지은,이수진 미래를 여는 청소년학회 2024 미래청소년학회지 Vol.21 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to systematically verify the structural relationships between parents’ parenting attitudes, academic emotions, self-determination motivation, and self-regulated learning as perceived by middle school students in order to improve their self-regulated learning ability. First, in the controlled motivation mediation model, parents’ parenting attitudes have a direct effect on academic emotions, controlled motivation, and self-regulated learning. Academic emotions and controlled motivation have a significant direct effect on controlled motivation and self-regulated learning, Second, the verification of the mediating effect between the main variables in the control motivation mediation model shows that parents’ parenting attitudes are statistically significant in the path to self-regulated learning through academic emotions and the path to self-regulated learning through controlled motivation. Third, in the autonomous motivation mediation model, parents’ parenting attitudes were found to have a direct effect on academic emotions and self-regulated learning, and academic emotions had a significant direct effect on autonomous motivation, and autonomous motivation had a significant direct effect on self-regulated learning. Fourth, in the autonomous motivation mediation model, the path from parents’ parenting attitudes to autonomous motivation and the path from academic emotions to self-regulated learning had no significant effect. Fifth, in the autonomous motivation mediation model, the path mediating academic emotions and autonomous motivation in the relationship between parents’ parenting attitudes and self-regulated learning was not statistically significant, indicating that there was no mediation effect. Sixth, in the autonomous motivation mediation model, parents’ parenting attitude was found to have a double mediating effect in the path leading to self-regulated learning through academic emotions and autonomous motivation sequentially. The findings of this study confirms that parents’ parenting attitudes as part of the environmental context, interact with academic emotions and self-determination motivation, which are the personal context, to influence self-regulated learning. This indicates that self-regulated learning is not a fixed internal characteristic, but a personal characteristic. It can be promoted or limited by the interaction between the personal characteristics and environment, and is significant in that it provides the basis for a specific intervention plan that can improve middle school students’ self-regulated learning ability.

      • KCI등재

        코로나19(COVID-19) 상황에서 고등학생의 온라인·오프라인 자기조절학습 비교와 상호 영향에 관한 연구

        김주현(Ju-Hyun Kim),이경숙(Kyung-Sook Lee) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2024 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.24 No.16

        목적 본 연구는 코로나19(COVID-19) 상황에서 고등학생의 오프라인 자기조절학습과 온라인 자기조절학습을 비교하고 두 변인 간 상호 영향을 살펴보기 위해 시도하였다. 방법 충청남도 A시와 Y군 소재 4개 학교의 고등학생 952명을 대상으로 오프라인 자기조절학습과 온라인 자기조절학습, 그리고 하위 변인, 성적 수준, 자율학습장소에 따른 학습시간을 측정하였다. 비교 연구를 위해서 SPSS 22.0 version을 통해 상관분석, t-test와 일원배치 분산분석(Anova)을 하였고, 오프라인 자기조절학습 및 하위 변인과 온라인 자기조절학습 및 하위 변인 간 양방향 상호 영향을 살펴보기 위해 회귀분석을 사용하였다. 결과 첫째, 성별 비교에서 여학생이 온라인 자기조절학습과 온라인 행동조절에서 남학생보다 유의미하게 평균 점수가 높았다. 둘째, 성적수준 비교에서는 오프라인 자기조절학습, 인지조절, 행동조절 그리고 온라인 행동조절에서 통계적으로 유의하였다. 셋째, 자율학습장소에 따른 학습시간 비교에서는 오프라인 자기조절학습, 온라인 자기조절학습, 온라인 행동조절에서 통계 결과가 유의하였다. 마지막으로 오프라인 자기조절학습과 온라인 자기조절학습 간 상호 영향 연구결과는 서로 양방향으로 영향을 주며, 영향을 미치는 정도가 유사한 수치로 나타났다. 결론 이와 같은 연구 결과는 고등학생들이 오프라인 자기조절학습과 온라인 자기조절학습을 적극적으로 사용할 수 있도록 교사가 수업 방법 설계와 학습자의 자기조절학습 수준에 따라서 체계적인 지도가 필요함을 시사한다. Objectives This study aimed to compare offline and online self-regulated learning of high school students in the context of COVID-19, and to examine the mutual influence between these two variables. Methods For this purpose, A study was conducted on 952 high school students across four schools located in A City and Y County of Chungcheongnam-do, measuring self-regulated learning and online self-regulated learning, sub-variables, academic achievement levels, and spot according to self-study time. For comparative research, correlation analysis, t-test, and one-way ANOVA were used through SPSS 22.0 version, and regression analysis was used to examine the mutual influence between offline self-regulated learning and its sub-variables and online self-regulated learning and its sub-variables. Results First, in the gender comparison, female students had significantly higher average scores in online self-regulated learning and online behavior control than male students. Second, in the academic achievement level comparison, offline self-regulated learning, cognitive control, behavior control, and online behavior control were statistically significant. Third, in the comparison of learning time based on self-study spots, the statistical results were significant in offline self-regulated learning, online self-regulated learning, and online behavior control. Finally, the results of the mutual influence study between offline self-regulated learning and online self-regulated learning showed that they influence each other in both directions, and the degree of influence was similar. Conclusions These findings suggest that teachers need systematic guidance according to the teaching method design and the learner's self-regulated learning ability so that high school students can actively use self-regulated learning and online self-regulated learning.

      • The mediating effect of self-regulated learning on the relationship between learning presence and learning effect of nursing students

        Jeong, Seung Eun,Han, Jung Hee 한국간호과학회 2021 한국간호과학회 학술대회 Vol.2021 No.10

        Aims: This study aims to improve academic efficiency and quality of learning process in an e-learning environment that can be continuously used in the future by identifying the relationship between the learning presence, self-regulated learning, and learning effect experienced by nursing students in the e-learning environment. Methods: The research instrument consisted of a questionnaire consisting of 5 general characteristics, 26 questions of learning presence, 15 questions of learning effect, and 16 questions of self-regulated learning, and a total of 62 questions. For data analysis, t-test, One-Way ANOVA, Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Baron and Kenny"s 3-step mediating effect verification procedure using multiple regression analysis was performed using SPSS/WIN 22.0 program. Results: The mean score of the subjects" learning presence was 3.78±0.58, and environment structuring was the highest at 3.85±0.65. Learning effect and learning presence (r=.90 p<.001), and learning effect and self-regulated learning (r=.77 p<.001) showed a high correlation among the four sub-factors of self-regulated learning. Learning presence and self-regulated learning (r=.78 p<.001) showed a positive correlation. It was found that self-regulated learning partially mediates the learning presence and learning effect. Conclusions: Nursing students" learning presence and self-regulated learning were found to affect their learning effects. Also, it was found that self-regulated learning partially mediates the relationship between learning presence and learning effect. Among learners" self-regulated learning, the environmental structuring is the highest, so it is necessary to create learning conditions in order to improve the learning effect. Learning presence appears to significantly predict the learning effect, so methods to increase the learning presence through active communication between professor and learners is needed. In addition, effective instructional design and various operational strategies for nursing students are essential to improve the quality of learning effects.

      • KCI등재후보

        행동조절 촉진전략을 반영한 학습플래너가 자기조절학습기능의 향상에 미치는 효과

        도재우,양용칠 대한사고개발학회 2011 사고개발 Vol.7 No.2

        Most studies on self-regulated learning focus on facilitating the acquisition and/or usage of differently categorized self-regulated learning skills. It is generally accepted that one of the most difficult components of self-regulated learning skills that learners acquire is behavioral regulated learning skills. The purpose of this research is to explore how effectively a learning planner developed with behavioral regulatory strategies affects an acquisition and use of college students' self- regulated learning skills. The subjects were 65 junior college students, in which 35 students use the learning planners and the other 30 students did not. The learning planner contains self-regulated learning skills culled through analyzing existing learning planners, and specific behavioral regulatory strategies, such as behavioral control, help-seeking, and academic time-management, which were modified to effectively use the planner. During the 6-week study, they autonomously used the learning planners without monitoring. The results showed that the planner has a great influence on their self-regulated learning skills; the behavioral regulatory skills greatly improved. Therefore, this study strongly suggests that the learning planner can be effective learning tools to improve learners' self-regulated learning skills. 이 연구의 목적은 행동조절 촉진전략을 반영한 학습플래너(learning planner)의 활용이 대학생의 자기조절 학습기능 향상에 미치는 효과를 밝혀보려는 데 있었다. 자기조절학습의 연구는 그 구성요소의 범주별로 기능 습득이나 활용을 촉진시키는데 초점을 두고 있다. 이들 범주 중에서 자기조절학습기능의 습득과 활용이 가장 낮은 범주가 행동조절인 것으로 알려졌다. 실험대상은 행동조절 촉진전략을 반영한 학습플래너를 활용하는 집단 35명과 이 플래너를 활용하지 않는 집단 30명이었다. 실험에 활용된 학습플래너는 기존 학습플래너 분석을 통해 도출된 자기조절 학습전략과 학습플래너에 적합하게 개발된 구체적인 행동조절 촉진전략(행동통제, 도움구하기, 시간관리)을 반영하여 개발하였다. 실험은 6주 동안 진행되었고, 그 기간 동안 학습자들은 특별한 통제 없이 자율적으로 학습플래너를 작성하였다. 그 결과, 행동조절 촉진전략이 반영된 학습플래너의 활용이 학습자의 자기조절 학습기능, 특히 행동조절기능의 향상에 유의미한 영향을 주는 것으로 나타났다. 이 연구의 결과에 기초하여 장차 행동조절기능의 습득과 활용촉진을 위한 학습플래너 개발 연구의 시사점이 제시되었다.

      • KCI등재

        소셜빅데이터를 활용한 자기조절학습과 자기주도학습에 대한 일반인의 사회적 인식 분석

        조은별 충남대학교 교육연구소 2020 교육연구논총 Vol.41 No.2

        The current study was to investigate social perceptions and usages about the self-regulated learning and self-directed learning. By web-scraping through the contents of the internet, data about both self-regulated learning and self-directed learning were collected. Natural language processing, frequencies, similarities, and topic modeling were applied to the data thereafter. The results showed that 'strategy', 'disability', 'motivation', or 'behavior' showed the highest frequency in self-regulated learning data whereas ‘English’, 'private educational institute', ‘math’, 'elementary', 'school', or 'habit' revealed the highest frequency in self-directed learning data. To find the meaning of 'learning' in the context of each dataset, words with the highest similarities with 'learning' were examined. In self-regulated learning data, 'motivation', 'process', and 'strategy' showed the highest similarity, whereas 'habit', 'coaching', and 'education' emerged as the highest similarity in self-directed learning data. The results of topic-modeling showed differences of self-regulated learning and self-directed learning. Finally, we suggested that the social perception of self-regulated learning and self-directed learning need to be identified in a way consistent with their academic perspectives. 본 연구는 소셜빅데이터를 활용하여 자기조절학습과 자기주도학습가 사회적으로 어떻게 인식·활용되고 있는지를 확인하고자 하였다. 웹 크롤링을 통해 자기조절학습과 자기주도학습으로 검색되는 인터넷 상의 텍스트를 수집하고, 빈도 분석, 유사도 분석, 토픽 모델링을 실시하였다. 연구 결과, 두 개념은 사회적으로 다르게 인식되고 있었다. 자기조절학습은 ‘전략’, ‘장애’, ‘동기’, ‘행동’, ‘심리’ 등의 단어가 높은 빈도를 보였고, 학습과 관련하여 ‘동기’, ‘과정’, ‘전략’, ‘목표’, ‘행동’ 등의 단어와 높은 유사성을 보였다. 자기주도학습 자료에서는 ‘영어’, ‘학원’, ‘수학’, ‘초등’, ‘학교’, ‘습관’ 등의 빈도가 높았고, ‘습관’, ‘시작’, ‘코칭’, ‘수학’, ‘교육’, ‘영어’ 등의 단어와 유사성이 높았다. 토픽 모델링을 통한 주제 분류에서도 두 단어는 다른 방식으로 활용되고 있었다. 특히, 자기주도학습은 학문적 논의와 다른 방식으로 인식되고 있었다. 본 연구는 설문연구로 파악하지 못하는 사회적 인식을 실제 단어가 활용되는 맥락에서 분석하였다는 점에서 의의를 가진다. 자기조절학습과 자기주도학습의 사회적 인식이 학문적 논의와 일관되는 방식으로 실제 교육 장면에서 효과적으로 사용되기 위한 연구의 필요성을 제기하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        다문화변인에 따른 다문화가정 학생의 자기조절학습

        박혜영 순천향대학교 SCH특수아동교육연구소 2019 특수·영재교육저널 Vol.6 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 성별, 학년, 가정의 다문화변인에 따라 다문화가정 학생의 자기조절학습을 살펴보고 자기조절학습을 다문화가정 학생의 학습지원에 적용하는데 있다. 본 연구를 위해 119명의 다문화학생에게 자기조절학습 검사를 실시하였다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다, 첫째, 다문화가정 학생의 자기조절학습은 성별과 학년에 따라 유의한 차이가 있어 여학생이 남학생과 비교해 높고 1,2학년과 비교해 3,4학년이 낮고 5,6학년에 유의하게 향상되는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 다문화변인 중 가정유형, 출생국, 한국거주기간에 따른 다문화가정 학생의 자기조절학습에는 유의한 차이가 없는 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 다문화변인 중 어머니의 국적과 가정언어에 따른 다문화가정 학생의 자기조절학습에는 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타났다. 이는 다문화가정 학생 간에서도 다문화변인 따라 다른 자기조절학습의 차이가 발생한다고 유추할 수 있다. 본 연구는 연구결과를 다문화가정 학생을 위한 학습 프로그램 개발과 지원을 개선하는데 적용할 수 있는 시사점을 제안하였다. This study examined the differences on self-regulated learning of students from multicultural families by gender, grade, and multicultural variables and suggested applying results of their self-regulated learning to improve their learning. The results are as follows. First, self-regulated learning of girl students was significantly higher than that of boy students, and self-regulated learning of third and fourth grades was lower compared to first and second grades and significantly improved in fifth and sixth grades. Second, there were no significant differences on self-regulated learning of students from multicultural families by family type, country of birth, and period of residence in Korea. Third, there were significant differences on self-regulated learning of students from multicultural families depending mother’s nationality and family language. This can be inferred that students from multicultural families have different self-regulated learning by their multicultural variables. This study reveals the differences on self-regulated learning of students from multicultural families, and it suggests self-regulated learning of students from multicultural families can be used to diagnose their learning and applied to develop learning programs for students from multicultural families.

      • KCI등재

        고등학생의 자기조절학습능력과 사회적지지의 관계에서 마인드셋과 그릿의 다중병렬매개효과: 영재학생과 일반학생 비교

        정은영,전미란 한국영재학회 2022 영재교육연구 Vol.32 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to identify the structural relationships between high school students' social support, mindset, grit, and self-regulated learning ability, and to examine whether there are differences between gifted and non-gifted students. A total of 1011 questionnaires were analyzed with 556 gifted and 455 non-gifted students participating. The results are as follow. First, all of the gifted students' variables with the exception of girt appeared to be higher than in non-gifted students. Second, The gifted students’ parental support had a direct effect on perseverance effort, fixed mindset and growth mindset, while the support of teachers had a direct effect only on self-regulated learning ability. On the other hand, parental support in non-gifted students had a direct effect on consistency of interests, perseverance effort, and fixed mindset. The support of teachers in this group had a direct effect on self-regulated learning ability, consistency of interests, fixed mindset, and growth mindset. Third, gifted students' perseverance effort had a mediating effect between parental support and self-regulated learning ability; growth mindset had a mediating effect between parental support and self-regulated learning ability, and also between friend support and self-regulated learning ability. On the other hand, non-gifted students' perseverance effort had a mediating effect between parent support and self-regulated learning ability, and also between friend support and self-regulated learning ability. The fixed mindset in these students had a mediating effect between parent support and self-regulated learning ability, and also between teacher support and self-regulated learning ability. These results contribute to providing basic data for educational intervention to strengthen the self-regulated learning ability of general and gifted students.

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