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        기능적 조음음운장애아동과 일반아동의 음운인식과 읽기능력의 비교 및 상관

        고유경(Yu Kyong Ko),김수진(Soo-Jin Kim) 한국언어청각임상학회 2010 Communication Sciences and Disorders Vol.15 No.2

        배경 및 목적: 기능적 조음음운장애아동에게 음운인식적 치료접근을 통해 조음에 개선이 있다는 주장은 있으나 조음음운장애아동이 일반아동에 비해 음운인식이 낮은지, 그리고 음운인식과 읽기능력 및 조음능력이 서로 상관이 있는지에 관한 연구는 없다. 따라서 본 연구는 기능적조음장애아동과 일반아동 간의 음운인식능력 및 읽기능력이 차이가 있는지, 음운인식능력,읽기능력, 조음능력 간에는 유의미한 상관이 있는지 알아보기 위한 것이다. 방법: 학령전기인만 5세에서 6세 사이의 기능적 조음음운장애아동 20명과, 말과 언어발달이 정상적인 일반아동20명, 총 40명을 대상으로 음운인식과 읽기능력을 평가하였다. 음운인식은 음소와 음절수준에서 탈락, 합성, 분절과제를 통해 측정하였다. 읽기는 37개 낱말을 글자로 제시하고 재인에성공한 확률로 평가하였다. 결과: 첫째, 기능적 조음음운장애아동 집단은 일반아동 집단과 비 교했을 때 음절인식과 읽기능력에서 유의미한 차이를 보였다. 두 집단 간에 음소인식은 유의미한 차이가 없었다. 둘째, 기능적 조음음운장애아동에게 있어 음운인식과 읽기능력, 그리고음운인식과 조음능력 간에는 유의미한 상관을 보였다. 그러나 조음능력과 읽기능력은 상관이없었다. 일반아동에게 있어서도 음운인식과 읽기만이 유의미한 상관이 나타났다. 논의 및 결론: 기능적 조음음운장애아동들이 음절인식과 낱말재인을 통해 본 읽기과제에서 일반아동에비해 유의미하게 낮은 수행을 보이는 사실은 주목할 만하다. 기존의 연구결과들은 낮은 음운인식능력이 읽기문제를 야기할 수 있는 것으로 보고되고 있지만, 조음장애와의 관련성에 대해서는 결과가 분분하였었는데 이 연구결과는 어느 정도 조음장애와 음운인식 및 읽기문제가관련이 있음을 보여주었다. 이 결과는 중재계획을 수립할 때 음운인식이 지체된 조음음운장애아동에 대해서는 음운인식과 읽기발달 측면도 주의 깊게 살펴야 함을 시사한다. Background & Objectives: Our understanding of how phonological awareness and the articulation ability are related to the reading ability has been somewhat vague. The purpose of this study, first of all, is to find out whether differences in phonological awareness and reading skills exist between the children with functional articulation phonological disorder and age matched children without articulation disorder. Secondly the study examines whether any meaningful correlation exists between phonological awareness, reading skills, and articulation capabilities. Methods: To this end, the study evaluated the phonological awareness-phonemic and syllable levels- and reading skillsword recognition- of 40 children, from ages 5 to 6, half of whom suffered from functional articulation phonological disorder, the other half had normal articulation. Results: First, the group of children with functional articulation phonological disorder showed meaningful differences in syllable awareness and reading skills compared to the children with normal articulation. However, the two groups were indifferent regarding phonemic awareness, which neither group had yet to sufficiently develop. Second, the study showed that phonological awareness had a meaningful correlation with reading and articulation skills in functional phonological disorders. The reading skill was explained by phonetic awareness with 64% accuracy in functional phonological disorders(R2=.64). In the group of normal articulation, the phonological awareness had a meaningful correlation with only reading skills. Discussion & Conclusion: It is noteworthy that children with articulation phonological disorder performed well below than normal children in phonological awareness(syllable level) and reading disciplines. While existing research had shown that low phonological awareness could cause reading problems, its correlation with articulation disorder remained inconclusive showing inconsistent results. However, the results of this study show that articulation disorder and phonological awareness are indeed correlated to a certain degree. This study indicates that both phonological awareness and reading development should be taken into consideration when treating preschool children with articulation phonological disorder and low phonological awareness

      • KCI등재

        조음 및 음운장애아동과 일반아동간의 음운인식능력 비교

        김자경 ( Ja Kyoung Kim ),신지현 ( Ji Hyeon Shin ),안성우 ( Seong Woo Ahn ) 한국특수아동학회 2005 특수아동교육연구 Vol.7 No.4

        Phonological awareness ability is important in the articulatory and phonological development of little children. It means that the articulatory and phonological development can help little children. Therefore, this study is to compare the phonological awareness between the general kids and the ones disordered phonologically by the functional cause and to investigate the correlation between the phonological awareness and the articulation ability. The purpose of this study is to examine the difference and correlation of the phonological awareness abilities of children with expressive phonological disorders. The examines were composed of the 15 children with the phonological disorder and the 10 normal ones who are 5 years old and another 10 who are 6 years old. The result of the study showed that there were many differences of the phonological awareness ability between the normal kids and the phonologically disordered ones. In particular, there was no remarkable difference found from the articulatory and phonological disorder children in the phoneme examination among the total scores of the phonological awareness tests. This is because the phoneme awareness ability of the 5 and 6 year old children is not developed sufficiently. Consequently, firstly, there was no outstanding difference of the phonological awareness ability between the normal kids and the phonologically disordered ones. Especially, the phonologically handicapped children gained no remarkable low scores in the phoneme ability. Secondly, there was an outstanding correlation between the articulatory emission ability and the phonological awareness ability of the phonologically handicapped children. Comparing the average of the total scores of the phonological awareness test, the average scores of the disordered kids were lower than those of the 5 year old normal children and the 6 year old ones. Especially, the age of the phonologically disordered children compared with the 5 & 6 year old children, it shows that the disordered children gained lower scores except the phoneme synthesis. In the phoneme synthesis, there was no difference between the handicapped kids and the normal ones. Therefore, the articulatory emission ability is related to the phonological awareness subject and there were many differences specially in the phoneme distinction when the articulatorily and phonologically disordered children were compared with the normal ones. Based on the above description, it is necessary to insert the phonological awareness examination in the selection tests of the articulatorily and phonologically disordered children and it means that the training arbitration of the phonological awareness is needed for the phonological cure arbitration.

      • KCI등재

        만5세 일반아동과 기능적 조음음운장애아동의 음운처리능력과 읽기 능력 비교

        유민아 ( Yu Min-Ah ),임영심 ( Lim Young-sim ),김은나 ( Kim Eun-na ) 한국유아교육학회 2021 유아교육연구 Vol.41 No.6

        기능적 조음음운장애아동과 일반아동에 비해 음운인식능력과 읽기 능력이 주장은 있으나, 음운적 작업기억과 음운적 정보회상을 포함한 음운처리 능력 전체와 읽기능력간의 상관관계를 살펴보는 선행 연구는 부족하다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 만 5세 일반아동과 기능적 조음음운장애 아동의 음운처리능력과 읽기 능력을 살펴보고 각 집단에서 음운처리능력 하위영역 간의 상관관계를 살펴보고자 하였다. 본 연구의 대상은 만 5세 기능적 조음음운장애 아동 20명과 일반 아동 20명으로 총 40명으로 선정하였다. 음운인식 능력은 음절 수준으로 측정하였으며, 음운적 작업기억 능력은 숫자 회상 검사와 무의미 단어 회상 검사로 측정하였고, 음운적 정보회상 능력은 사물 빠르게 말하기 과제와 색깔 빠르게 말하기 과제를 사용하였다. 읽기 능력 측정을 위해서 고빈도, 저빈도, 무의미로 나눠 단어재인과 읽기 유창성 능력을 측정하였다. 연구결과 집단간 음운처리 능력 차이에서 일반아동이 기능적 조음음운장애 아동보다 음운처리능력과 단어 인지능력에서 높게 나타났다. 일반아동과 기능적 조음음운장애아동은 음운인식능력은 단어인지와 읽기 유창성 모두 상관관계가 나타났다. 그러나 일반아동은 음운적정보회상능력이 단어인지 능력과 상관관계를 보였고, 기능적 조음음운장애아동 음운적 정보회상능력이 음운인식과 음운적작업기억능력과 상관관계를 나타내었다는 점에서 차이가 있다. 이는 기능적 조음음운장애 아동은 각각의 음운처리가 일반아동에 비해 빠르게 잘 이뤄지지 않다는 것을 나타낸다. 따라서, 기능적 조음음운장애아동은 읽기 단계 전 말소리 훈련과 같은 음운처리 훈련이 필수적으로 이뤄져야 함을 시사한다. This research was performed to compare the phonological processing and reading ability characteristics between the children with and without functional articulatory and phonological disorders. The two groups’ differences were observed in terms of phonological processing and reading abilities, along with the correlation and impacts present between the two characteristics. The research was conducted to 20 children without disabilities and 20 children with functional articulatory and phonological disorders, both in age 5. The summary of result is as follows. First, the children without disabilities in age 5 showed better phonological processing ability than the children with functional articulatory and phonological disorders did. Second, the children without disabilities in age 5 presented greater reading ability than the children with functional articulatory and phonological disorders did. Third, the difference in the reading ability between children with and without functional articulatory and phonological disorders in age 5 was only found in word recognition. The phonological awareness of children with and without functional articulatory and phonological disorders affected both their abilities of word recognition and reading for fluency. Furthermore, such a result was more explainable in the case of children with functional articulatory and phonological disorders. In both groups, the greater word recognition ability was correlated with higher reading for fluency ability. In the case of children without disabilities, their phonological awareness was only correlated with their reading ability. On the other hand, the phonological awareness of children with functional articulatory and phonological disorders had a positive relationship with their phonological information retrieval, word recognition, and reading for fluency.

      • KCI등재

        말소리장애 유무에 따른 초등학교 저학년 아동의 음운처리능력 비교 연구

        피민경(Minkyeong Pi),소금빈(Geum-Bin So),하승희(Seunghee Ha) 한국언어청각임상학회 2020 Communication Sciences and Disorders Vol.25 No.3

        배경 및 목적: 말소리장애 아동과 일반 아동의 음운처리능력을 비교하고, 말소리장애의 하위 유형에 따라 음운처리능력의 과제 수행력을 비교하고자 하였다. 방법: 초등학교 1-3학년 말소리장애 아동 32명과 일반 아동 21명을 대상으로 음운처리능력을 살펴보았다. 또한 말소리장애 아동을 조음장애, 음운지연, 음운장애 유형으로 나누어 음운처리능력을 살펴보았다. 음운 인식 능력은 음절, 음소 수준으로 나누었다. 음운단기기억 능력은 무의미 낱말 따라말하기와 숫자 따라말하기, 음운작업기억 능력은 숫자 거꾸로 따라말하기를 실시하였다. 빠른 자동 이름대기 능력은 숫자와 글자 자극을 사용하였다. 결과: 말소리장애와 일반 아동 간에 무의미 낱말 따라말하기를 제외한 모든 음운처리과제에서 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 말소리장애의 하위 집단 간 음운처리능력을 살펴본 결과, 무의미 낱말 따라말하기는 음운장애 아동이 조음장애 아동에 비해 수행력이 유의하게 낮았으며, 숫자 거꾸로 따라말하기 과제는 음운지연과 음운장애 아동이 조음장애 아동에 비해 수행력이 유의하게 낮았다. 또한 숫자 빠른 자동 이름대기 과제는 음운지연 아동이 조음장애 아동에 비해 수행력이 낮았다. 논의 및 결론: 학령기 말소리장애 아동을 단일 집단으로 일반 아동과 비교했을 때에는 음운처리과제 중 무의미 낱말 따라말하기에서만 유의한 차이가 나타나 과제의 임상적 유용성을 시사하고 있다. 말소리장애 하위 유형별로 음운처리능력이 유의하게 다른 것은 말소리장애 하위 유형별로 중재의 목표와 방향을 설정해야 함을 강조하고 있다. Objectives: The purpose of this study was to compare the phonological processing abilities (PPA) between children with speech sound disorder (SSD) and typically developing children (TD) in early elementary school years, and to examine phonological processing abilities according to subtypes of SSD. Methods: The participants were 32 children with SSD and 21 typically developing children in the first to the third grades. Children with SSD were divided into children with articulation disorders, phonological delays, and phonological disorders. The tasks for PPA consisted of (1) phonological awareness (PA) tests at syllable and phoneme levels, (2) phonological memory (PM) tests including non-word repetition (NWR), digit forward recall (DF), and digit backward recall (DB), and (3) rapid automatized naming (RAN) tests conducted by numbers and letters. Results: Children with SSD and TD showed significant differences in NWR. As a result of examining the PPA among subgroups of SSD, children with phonological disorders showed significantly lower performance in the NWR and the RAN than children with articulation disorders. Also, children with phonological delays and phonological disorders showed significantly lower performance in the DB task than children with articulation disorders. Conclusion: Significant differences were found between children with SSD and TD in NWR task among the PPA tasks, suggesting the clinical usefulness of the NWR task. This study suggests that children with SSD form a heterogeneous group who differ in terms of involvement of other aspects of speech processing model.

      • KCI등재

        경도 정신지체아동, 기능적 조음장애아동 및 일반아동의 종성 조음음운 특성

        김미화,이은주,한진순 이화여자대학교 특수교육연구소 2012 특수교육 Vol.11 No.3

        Background & Objectives: Although it is reported that the syllable-final consonant omission is the most remarkable characteristic in the phonological errors of children with mental retardation, there is a lack of systematic studies to support that the syllable-final consonant ommission can be utilized to distinguish the other articulation-phonological disorders. In the present study, the syllable-final consonant error characteristics of children with mental retardation were compared with those of functional articulation disorder and typically developing children by subdividing the error pattern and position in the word. Method: Picture cards with 2- to 3-syllable word including the target phonemes were used to bring the syllable-final consonants for ten 5- to 6-year-old typically developing children, eight 5- to 6-year-old children with functional articulation disorder, and ten children with mild mental retardation whose language age was matched to 5 to 6 years old. The difference among the three groups in the error frequency of final consonants was investigated according to the position of the final consonant within a word and the errors patterns. Then intra-group difference of the error rate in the final consonants was analyzed. Results: The errors in word-middle syllable final position and in word-final syllable final position and the omission and substitution occurred more frequently in the mild mental retardation children and the functional articulation disorder children than the typically developing children. Their within-group error rate differences were not significant except for the typically developing children. The children with mild mental retardation and the children with functional articulation disorder produced significantly more substitution errors compared to the typically developing children in word-middle syllable final position, and the children with mild mental retardation produced more alveolar and nasal omission errors compared to the typically developing children in the word-final syllable final position. In all the children, fronting processes which were substitution in word-middle syllable final position tends to be most prominent. Discussion & Conclusion: As the error in final consonants was subdivided, the characteristics of articulation and phonological disorders can be more sensitively identified with emphasis on specific subdivisions. The phonological characteristics of the syllable final consonant of the mild mental retardation children and the functional articulation disorder children are similar with the typically developing children, and usually remained longer compared to the typically developing children. 배경 및 목적: 정신지체아동의 조음음운 오류 중 종성 탈락이 가장 두드러지는 특성으로 보고되고 있으나, 다른 조음음운장애와의 감별 진단에 활용할 수 있음을 지지하는 체계적 연구는 매우 부족하다. 본 연구는 종성의 낱말 내 위치와 오류유형을 세분화하여 정신지체아동의 종성 오류 특성을 일반아동 및 기능적 조음장애아동과 비교하여 파악하고자 하였다. 방법: 생활연령 5∼6세의 일반아동 10명, 기능적 조음장애아동 8명, 언어연령을 5세∼6세 5개월로 일치시킨 경도 정신지체아동 10명에게 목표음소가 포함된 2∼3음절 낱말 그림을 제시하여 종성 산출을 유도하였다. 종성의 낱말 내 위치와 오류유형에 따라 종성 오류빈도의 집단 간 차이와 종성 오류비율의 집단 내 차이의 유의성을 검증하였다. 결과: 경도 정신지체아동과 기능적 조음장애아동은 일반아동에 비해 더 많은 어중종성 및 어말종성 오류와 탈락 및 대치 변동을 보였다. 경도 정신지체아동과 기능적 조음장애아동은 일반아동에 비해 상대적으로 더 많은 종성 오류를 보였으나, 어중종성 및 어말종성, 탈락 및 대치 오류에 있어서 경도 정신지체아동과 기능적 조음장애아동의 집단 내 차이는 유의하지 않았다. 종성 오류의 유형을 종성의 낱말 내 위치와 조음위치 및 조음방법 구분에 따라 하위유형으로 구분하여 비교한 결과, 경도 정신지체아동과 기능적 조음장애아동은 일반아동에 비해 어중종성 위치에서 연구개음 전방화, 양순음화, 치조음화의 조음위치 대치 변동을 더 많이 보였고, 경도 정신지체아동은 일반아동에 비해 어말종성 위치에서 치조음 및 비음 탈락 변동을 더 많이 보였다. 세 집단 아동들은 어중종성 위치에서 조음위치 전방화 위주의 대치 변동을 주로 많이 보인 것으로 나타났다. 논의 및 결론: 종성 오류의 분석 기준을 낱말 내 위치와 오류유형에 따라 더 세분화할수록 집단 간의 차이와 집단별 특성을 보다 명확히 반영할 수 있는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 경도 정신지체아동과 기능적 조음장애아동은 언어연령을 일치시킨 일반아동과 유사한 종성 음운특성을 보이며, 일반아동에게서 나타나는 오류 음운변동을 더 많이 그리고 더 늦게까지 산출함을 확인하였다.

      • 단어 단위 접근법을 이용한 음운장애 아동과 정상 아동의 음운 분석

        김영은,최성일,박상희,Kim, Young-Eun,Choi, Sung-Il,Park, Sang-Hee 한국음성학회 2006 음성과학 Vol.13 No.4

        Recently, many researchers have been interested in children with phonological disorders. The purpose of this study was to examine those children in comparison with normal children and to find better assessment criteria of the whole-word approach. Three children with phonological disorders and three normal children of 5 to 7 years old participated in the picture description tasks. Results of this study were as follows: there was a significant difference in the whole-word assessment between normal and phonological disorder children. Such criteria as whole-word correctness, whole-word complexity, whole-word intelligibility proved to be good for diagnosing children's phonological disorders. Further studies would be desirable to apply the approach to more children of various age groups.

      • 취학전 조음장애와 음운장애 아동의 음운인식능력 비교

        김기범(Ki-Buhm Kim),김기주(Ki-Ju Kim),권순복(Soon-Bok Kwon),이강대(Kang-Dae Lee) 한국음성학회 2007 음성과학 Vol.14 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to examine the phonological awareness ability of preschool children with speech disorders. Subjects were composed of 18 articulatorily-disordered preschool children and 18 phonologically-disordered children of 4-6 years old. Percent of correct consonants and phonological awareness ability were tested. Results showed as follows: First, there was no remarkable difference between the two groups in percent of correct consonants. Second, the average of the total scores of the phonological awareness test showed a remarkable difference between the two groups. The same result was found in the small groups classified by the age. Because there was a remarkable difference in the phonological awareness ability in the test groups, the phonological awareness ability can be employed as an important parameter to distinguish articulatorily-disordered children from phonologically-disordered children.

      • KCI등재

        조음음운장애아동의 음운인식능력과 암묵적 학습능력 간의 관계

        정필연(PilYeon Jeong),임동선(Dongsun Yim) 한국언어청각임상학회 2016 Communication Sciences and Disorders Vol.21 No.1

        조음음운장애아동은 일반아동에 비해 음운인식능력이 더 낮은 것으로 보고되고 있다. 음운인식능력과 암묵적 학습능력의 관계에 관해서는 상반된 연구들이 진행되어 오고 있다. 본 연구는 일반아동과 조음음운장애아동을 대상으로 두 집단 간 음운인식능력과 외현적 학습 및 암묵적 학습능력이 차이가 있는지 알아보고, 음운인식능력과 암묵적 학습능력 간의 관계를 알아보고자 하였다. 방법: 총 연구대상은 32명으로 생활연령 평균 70.81개월의 일반아동 16명, 생활연령 평균 70.62개월의 조음음운장애아동 16명이 참여하였다. 카우프만 아동지능검사 II, 수용 및 표현어휘력 검사, 우리말 조음•음운 검사, 음운인식능력, 순서학습과제(정확도, 암묵적 학습능력)를 평가하였다. 결과: 첫째, 조음음운장애아동의 음운인식능력은 일반아동에 비해 유의하게 낮은 수행을 나타내었다. 둘째, 조음음운장애아동의 순서학습 정확도와 암묵적 학습능력은 일반아동에 비해 유의하게 낮은 수행을 나타내었다. 셋째, 조음음운장애아동의 음운인식능력과 정확도에서는 유의한 상관이 있고, 음운인식능력과 암묵적 학습능력 간에는 유의한 상관이 없는 것으로 나타났다. 논의 및 결론: 조음음운장애의 평가 시 음운인식능력과 함께 외현적 학습 및 암묵적 학습능력을 고려하고, 음운인식능력의 중재에서 외현적 학습이 음운인식능력 발달을 촉진하므로 이에 대한 중재가 우선시 되어야 한다. Objectives: Children with articulation and phonological disorders (APD) have impaired phonological awareness. Phonological awareness and implicit learning ability are associ¬ated with the same brain regions. Controversial studies have been conducted on phono¬logical awareness and implicit learning. The purpose of the present study was to compare the characteristics of phonological awareness and implicit learning between children with APD and normal children. The main objective was to evaluate the relationship between phonological awareness and implicit learning ability in children with APD. Methods: A to¬tal of 32 children participated in the study. Sixteen children with APD (70.81 months) and 16 matched normally developing (ND) children (70.62 months) were administered five tests (Kaufman Assessment Battery for Korean Children-II, Receptive & Expressive Vocabulary Test, Urimal Test of Articulation and Phonology, sequence learning test and the phonologi¬cal awareness test). Results: There were three main findings. First, the phonological aware¬ness score of children with APD was significantly lower than normally developing children. Second, a significant difference was found in the sequence learning task (accuracy and im¬plicit learning ability) of the two groups. Lastly, children with APD and ND had a positive correlation among sequence learning accuracy and phonological awareness. Conclusion: The results from the present study suggest that evaluation of sequence learning and pho¬nological awareness are useful clinical approaches for studying APD.

      • KCI등재

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