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      • KCI등재

        Establishing Online Meeting Climate Types and Developing Measurements: Impact on Meeting Satisfaction

        Xiu Jin,Fusheng Zheng,Sangwoo Hahm 한국인터넷정보학회 2022 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.16 No.8

        In the post covid-19 era, organizations will experience a new environment. Advances in technologies such as AI and big data, and new experiences such as online meetings and lectures, will increase the use of online communication. Businesses will increasingly engage in online-based information sharing, virtual team operations, and online meetings. This study focuses on meeting climate and satisfaction, to improve the performance of online meetings. Existing studies on meeting climate presuppose off-line situations. Offline and online communication methods and meeting formats are different. This paper proposes new climate types to develop an appropriate climate for online-based meetings. To apply these climates in online meetings, a measurement scale was developed and the impact on online meeting satisfaction was verified. As a result of the study, it was found that the creativity-oriented meeting climate was the most important, and relation-oriented and participation-oriented meeting climates also had a significant effect, while the direction-oriented and task-oriented climates were relatively less important. This study develops new variables and measurements for online meeting climates, and explains their importance. Companies will be able to leverage the appropriate climates for online meetings to improve performance.

      • KCI등재

        수질 분석 전처리 자동화 설비 효과성 평가(1)

        현승미,최재원,이선홍,여상구,이재희,현승철,김윤석,윤미애 한국환경분석학회 2019 환경분석과 독성보건 Vol.22 No.1

        The automated measurement system for water quality analysis is customized. After the sample with the bar code is introduced on the conveyor, it is divided into the aliquot and the online measurement section. The system performs each for the sub-sampling of the original sample and the online measurement and data registration process of pH, turbidity, electric conductivity (EC) and total dissolved solids(TDS). For sub-sampling, a total of 17 group sample aliquots were carried out based on the criterion for drinking water quality test. In terms of precision and accuracy, the results confirmed that the statistically equivalent data between automation system and the human performances. The effectiveness of the automation equipment was evaluated by comparing the unit time of the aliquot and online measurement. For drinking water quality testing, 0.32 hour unit time were calculated by combining 0.17 unit hour per sub-sampling and 0.15 unit hour per online measurement. The cost recovery period, which takes into consideration the facility price is expected to take 1.8 to 2.8 years. The automation equipment is expected to play a role as a cooperative robot to help lab worker, because it will replace the sample management and the simple measurement if the installation cost is payable according to the built and assemble in domestic and increased demand in the future.

      • KCI등재

        Online Noncontact Thickness Measurement of Printed Conductive Silver Patterns in Roll-to-Roll Gravure Printing

        성진우,Songjun Kim,박장훈,이동진,신기현 한국정밀공학회 2015 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Vol. No.

        The paper presents the first online thickness measurement of printed conductive silver patterns during the roll-to-roll (R2R) printing process. The thickness measurement apparatus is equipped with capacitive and eddy current sensors on a precision stage and was installed on an industrial-scale R2R printing machine. The difference in the proximal distance from the sensors to the solid surfaces of the pattern, web (PET film), and idle roller yielded the thickness information. In order to compensate for the error caused by the imperfect geometric shape of the idle roller, which amounted to ±9.4 μm, the fluctuation in the output signal from the eddy current sensors was subtracted. As a result, the thickness of the printed conductive patterns was successfully measured and compared with the offline value for evaluation. The online values showed close agreement with the offline values. Thus, the apparatus is useful for monitoring the thickness online. The printing parameters can be adaptively controlled to realize better-quality printed electronics products based on the proposed online measurement scheme.

      • SCIEKCI등재

        Online Noncontact Thickness Measurement of Printed Conductive Silver Patterns in Roll-to-Roll Gravure Printing

        Seong, Jinwoo,Kim, Songjun,Park, Janghoon,Lee, Dongjin,Shin, Kee-Hyun Korean Society for Precision Engineering 2015 International Journal of Precision Engineering and Vol.16 No.11

        The paper presents the first online thickness measurement of printed conductive silver patterns during the roll-to-roll (R2R) printing process. The thickness measurement apparatus is equipped with capacitive and eddy current sensors on a precision stage and was installed on an industrial-scale R2R printing machine. The difference in the proximal distance from the sensors to the solid surfaces of the pattern, web (PET film), and idle roller yielded the thickness information. In order to compensate for the error caused by the imperfect geometric shape of the idle roller, which amounted to <TEX>${\pm}9.4{\mu}m$</TEX>, the fluctuation in the output signal from the eddy current sensors was subtracted. As a result, the thickness of the printed conductive patterns was successfully measured and compared with the offline value for evaluation. The online values showed close agreement with the offline values. Thus, the apparatus is useful for monitoring the thickness online. The printing parameters can be adaptively controlled to realize better-quality printed electronics products based on the proposed online measurement scheme.

      • KCI등재

        수사목적 온라인 수색의 허용요건 - 독일의 논의를 참고한 입법론적 검토 -

        박중욱 한국형사법무정책연구원 2023 형사정책연구 Vol.135 No.-

        온라인 수색은 기본적으로 국가에 의한 해킹이고, 이러한 수사방법은 오늘날의 정보기술 환경을 고려할 때 시민의 기본권을 심각하게 침해하고 국가의 기본권 보호의무를 극도로 축소시킬 수 있다. 하지만 텔레그램이나 다크넷 등의 온라인 플랫폼을 이용한 테러나 조직범죄 등의 안보범죄 및 디지털 성착취물이나 마약의 유통ㆍ거래ㆍ소지 등의 범죄에 대한 수사에서 기존의 사이버범죄에 대한 수사방법은 한계가 가진다. 즉 암호화기술에 기반하여 폐쇄성과 익명성을 특징으로 하는 온라인 플랫폼에서 행해지는 범죄는 주로 국가의 기반ㆍ존립과 같은 국가의 안전 및 생명ㆍ신체ㆍ자유와 같은 개인의 안전을 침해하지만, 그에 대처해야 하는 국가가 사용할 수 있는 방법은 제한적이다. 이런 점을 고려할 때, 온라인 수색이라는 수사방법이 그 자체로서 위헌적이거나 무조건 금지되어야 하는 것은 아니라 할 것이다. 이 모든 것을 고려할 때, 온라인 수색의 수권규정은 국가의 기본권 보호의무 및 법치국가 원칙과 비례성 원칙에 따라 그 강력한 기본권 침해강도에 상응하도록 엄격하게 형성되어야 한다. 법치국가의 형사사법은 국가 형벌권의 유효한 실현과 사법 정형적인 절차에 따른 기본권 보호라는 상반되지만 동위에 놓인 두 가치가 이익형량될 것을 요구한다. 정보기술의 발전에 따라 법익보호를 위해 수사기관의 능력이 변화된 기술여건에 발맞추어 강화되어야 하듯이, 기본권 보호를 위해 기본권을 강력히 침해하는 수사처분은 법치국가 원칙에 따라 엄격하게 통제되어야 한다. Bei der Online-Suche handelt es sich im Grunde genommen um Hacking durch den Staat, und diese Untersuchungsmethode kann angesichts der heutigen IT-Umgebung die Grundrechte der Bürger ernsthaft verletzen und die staatliche Pflicht zum Schutz von Grundrechten erheblich einschränken. Bei der Aufklärung von Staatsschutzdelikt wie Terrorismus und organisierter Kriminalität sowie von Straftaten wie der Verbreitung, dem Handel und dem Besitz von sexueller Ausbeutung/Erpressung oder Drogen über Online-Plattformen wie Telegram oder Darknet stoßen die bestehenden Methoden der Cyberkriminalität jedoch an ihre Grenzen. Die neuen Online-Plattformen basiert auf Verschlüsselungstechnologie und zeichnet sich durch Geschlossenheit und Anonymität aus, die Methoden, die der Staat dagegen einsetzen können, sind jedoch sehr begrenzt. Vor diesem Hintergrund ist die Online-Durchsuchung nicht an sich verfassungswidrig und sollte bedingungslos verboten werden. Aus alledem sollte die Ermächtigungsnorm zur Online-Durchsuchung strikt nach der staatlichen Pflicht zum Schutz von Grundrechten und den Grundsätzen der Rechtsstaatlichkeit und der Verhältnismäßigkeit so ausgestaltet werden, dass sie dem schwerwiegenden Grundrechtsverstoß entspricht. Eine rechtsstaatliche Strafrechtspflege fordert, dass die wirksame Verwirklichung des staatlichen Strafanspruchs und der Grundrechtsschutz nach einem justizförmigen Verfahren, die beide gegensätzliche, aber gleichrangig gestellte Werte darstellen, abgewogen werden. Wie nach dem Fortschritt der IT zum Schutz der Rechtsgüter eine Anpassung der Fähigkeit der Ermittlungsbehörde an veränderte technische Gegebenheiten von Bedeutung ist, ist ebenfalls zum Schutz der Grundrechte auch eine Kontrollierung der Ermittlungshandlungen gestützt auf das Rechtsstaatsprinzip von Bedeutung. Sowohl die Modernisierung der Ermittlungsmethoden und der Strafverfolgungsstrategien als auch die rechtsstaatliche Aktualisierung der dementsprechenden Ermächtigungsgrundlagen ist zugleich geboten.

      • KCI등재

        저작권법상 온라인서비스제공자의 책임 제한

        김정완 전남대학교 법학연구소 2013 법학논총 Vol.33 No.2

        Although it has been long discussed that the OSP(Online Service Provider)s areentitled to specific legal duties and so they, as well as the infringers themselves,shall be entitled to legal responsibilities when violating the duties, under the priorlegal framework the scope of indemnification of OSP was unclear. Thus it seems like that Korean courts have adopted the ‘aider’ liability theoryoriginally developed in online copyright infringement cases as the generalprinciple about a service provider’s secondary liability for all kinds of infringementon the internet. This liability is much heavier than that of OSP under the US DigitalMillennium Copyright Act’s Safe Harbor Rule (§512) and the common laws becauseunder the Korean Supreme Court’s holdings the OSP should be responsible for allthe infringing cases even without the knowledge of the infringement action, theplace, the object and the infringer’s identity. Moreover it is liable for its negligence. However both the amendment of Copyright Law for implementing pledgesagrees in the Korea-U.S FTA(Free Trade Agreement) and Korea-EU FTA madeimportant changes. For example, the exemption scope of OSP has been specifiedto a much more detailed extent, and with OSP being awarded impunity accordingto whether or not they meet the necessary criteria, hopefully it will be possible toresolve the majority of issues related to the liability for OSP. The new Korean Copyright Law was definitely heavily affected by DMCA in theUS. A generous portion of enactments are reasonable, but some provisions like thenotice and take-down scheme are giving the chilling effect to Users and restrainingthe communication of the information through online. In conclusion, the continuing amendment of Copyright Law have to go finding the balance Users and Owners through seeking an appropriate OSP‘s liability. 온라인서비스 이용자들의 저작물등의 불법적인 복제·전송으로 인한 권리침해를방지하거나 차단하기 위해 침해자인 복제·전송자에게 직접책임을 묻는다는 것이 한계가 있어 온라인서비스제공자에게 일정한 법적 의무를 부여하고 이를 위반하여 침해가 발생하는 경우 직접침해자와 함께 민·형사상의 책임을 물어야 한다는 논의가종전부터 진행되어 왔었고 법원에서도 이를 인정하는 추세이다. 종전 저작권법에서는 온라인서비스제공자의 책임에 관한 규정이 일률적 입장을취함으로써 그 면책범위가 불분명하다는 지적을 받아 왔으나, 최근 한·유럽 FTA 및한·미 FTA가 체결됨으로써 그 이행을 위한 두 차례에 걸친 저작권법 개정을 통해 온라인서비스제공자를 네 가지 유형으로 구분하고 각 유형별 면책요건을 규정함으로써, 온라인서비스사업자에게 높은 예측가능성을 부여하여 사업을 안정적으로 운영할 수 있도록 하고 저작권 침해에 능동적으로 대응할 수 있도록 하였다는 점에서 그의의가 크다고 할 수 있다. 이제 남은 과제는 새롭게 신설된 규정의 해석 및 적용과 관련하여 향후 법원 입장의 추이가 그 관건이라고 보고 관심있게 지켜볼 일이다. 특히 최근 비중앙관리형 P2P와 같은 순수 P2P 기술은 기존의 간접책임 또는 공동불법행위의 법리로는 다루기 어렵다는 점에서 이를 무료로 제공한 사이트를 저작권법제2조 제30호 소정의 온라인서비스제공자로 볼 수 있는지, 구체적으로 어느 범위까지 저작권법상 온라인서비스제공자의 개념에 포함될 것인지는 향후 판례와 학설을통해 심도 있게 검토되어 그 기준이 마련되어야 할 것이다. 이런 모호하고 혼란한 상황 속에서는 비단 온라인서비스제공자에 대한 면책만으로는 문제를 해결할 수 없기때문이다.

      • High Precision On-Line Impedance Measurement for a Li-Ion battery

        S M Rakiul Islam,Sung-Yeul Park 전력전자학회 2019 ICPE(ISPE)논문집 Vol.2019 No.5

        This paper presents a highly precise battery impedance measurement algorithm. The proposed algorithm consists of fast Fourier transformations, peak, and phase difference estimations. Additional offset clipping and amplifying circuits expand the range of the signal measurement. An opamp based offset clipping circuit increases the ac ripple to DC voltage ratio without phase delay. Amplifying circuit gives more resolution to the ripple voltage. These proposed instrumentation ensure the precise measurement of ripple voltage and current. The proposed algorithm determines the peak magnitude of ripple voltage with tolerance of 0.12mV, and the phase difference tolerance is 0.2%. To validate the proposed approach, a 40Ah 13.6V Li-Ion battery charger was built using a Opal-RT controller, a synchronous buck converter, and offset clipping and amplifying circuits.

      • KCI등재

        특수한 유형의 OSP와 기술적 보호조치

        김경숙 한국지식재산학회 2011 産業財産權 Vol.- No.35

        The revised "Telecommunications Business Act" introduced the Webhard(=Web Storage) Registration System in an effort to eradicate the illegal content and pornography distribution, and to foster a healthy market environment through continuous monitoring. Up to now, on the ground of copyright law the regulation of Webhard is the way to take measure after copyright infringements happen. Also because it takes a certain amount of time to monitor and respond to copyright infringement, effective response has had difficulty. Accordingly, the Webhard Registration System will be enforced as the legal system for improvement of the effective measure. First of all, the technological measure is the most important to make the Webhard Registration more effective. However, it is controversial what kind of technological measure will be an appropriate measure for implementation of section 104. Section 104 provides that the special type of OSP shall take necessary measures such as technological measures for intercepting illegal interactive transmission of works, etc. upon the requests of rights holders. Here it is controversial whether the technological measure of section 104 refers to ‘passive filtering’ because the technology is interpreted to be taken "upon the requests of rights holders". The copyright holders are worried about that if the technological measures of section 104 are interpreted as passive filtering, it would be so hard to expect the effectiveness even after the Webhard Registration will be enforced. In particular, the copyright holders consider that Webhard is managed to achieve the direct and indirect revenues through sharing of illegal files, and then copyright infringement is inherent in Webhard. Accordingly, the copyright holders desire for active filtering as the technological measure which allows only licensed files to share. The effective technological measures for the effectiveness of Webhard Registration can be derived from the interpretation of the scope of technological measures referred to by section 104.

      • KCI등재

        웹하드서비스제공자의 면책요건 - 표준적인 기술조치를 중심으로 -

        김경숙 한국지식재산학회 2013 産業財産權 Vol.- No.41

        Before the amendment of Copyright Act in 2011, the liability of web storage service providers could be reduced or waived in those cases where such service providers prevented or stopped reproduction and transmission thereof when made aware that copyrights would be infringed upon due to the reproduction and interactive transmission of works by the other persons. However, the amendment of 2011 categorized online service providers into four types and also introduced new requirements for exemption. If online service providers are exempted from liability, they shall adopt a repeat infringer policy, accommodate standard technical measure, and not receive direct financial benefit attributable to infringing activity. The web storage service providers shall also meet such requirements in order for its liability to be waived. The provision of standard technical measures is to introduce the DMCA §512(i)(2) for the implementation of the KORUS FTA. Accordingly, the concept of a standard technical measures may be deduced from the examination of the standard technical measures under DMCA. However, the DMCA does not provide "technical measures" obligation of Article 104 of Korean Copyright Act, instead has been regulated online service providers with only the standard technical measures. With the introduction of "standard technical measures", it needs to be examined that the existing obligation of the technical measures is not necessary any more in the Korean Copyright Act. The legislative intent of congress and the case law show that "standard technical measures" and "technological protection measures" are not different concepts in the DMCA. The Korean Copyright Act also provides not only technological protection measures but also the prohibition of circumvention of the measures, which implies the two measures may have any conflict each other. This paper will examine whether Article 104 regarding the technical measure obligation might exist through the review of standard technical measures of the Korean Copyright Act and the DMCA.

      • KCI등재

        온라인서비스제공자의 저작권법상 책임한계에 관한 사례연구

        정진섭 경희대학교 법학연구소 2009 경희법학 Vol.44 No.3

        본 논문의 탐구대상 사건은 국내 인터넷 포털 업체의 임직원에 대한 저작권법위반 방조 형사사건이다. 이 사건의 고소인은 한국음악저작권협회(이하,‘음저협’이라 한다)인데, 2008.7. 서울중앙지검에 다음커뮤니케이션의 카페 또는 블로그에 저작권침해 음원이 무단 등록되어 있다는 이유로 고소를 제기한 것이다. 사건의 결론은, 일반적 모니터링 범죄혐의에 대하여는 2008.12. 검찰에서 불기소처분되고, 나머지 삭제요청 불이행 및 동요저작권침해 등 일부 사실은 약식기소되었다가 정식재판에 회부되어, 2009.10.경 쌍방 합의로 고소취소되자 공소기각 판결이 선고되어 완전 종결되었다. 한편 민사 손해배상 청구사건도 제소되었으나, 원만한 합의로 2009.8. 소취하 종결되었다. 검찰 수사시, 사안의 1차 쟁점은 인터넷 포털업체에게 저작권 침해행위에 대한 모니터링 및 기술적 보호조치 의무가 있느냐, 이를 이행하지 않은 경우에 형사상 책임을 지울 수 있느냐 하는 것이었다. 아울러 권리자가 삭제요청에도 불구하고 미조치한 사항에 대하여 형사상 방조책임의 인정여부, 그리고 동요 저작권자의 허락없이 무단 등록 등에 관한 사항이 2차 쟁점으로 등장하였다. 일반 포털업체는 저작권법 102조에 의한 삭제조치의무만 있을 뿐, 저작권법 104조에 따른 사전적 기술적보호조치를 부담하지는 않는다. 즉, 일반OSP(온라인서비스제공자)의 저작권법상 지위는 “저작권 보호의 협력자”이다. 저작권자와 이용자의 중간에 위치하여, 저작물의 생산ㆍ유통 플랫폼을 제공하고 있는 OSP업체는 저작권보호의 협력자로서 사전 모니터링 의무는 없지만, 저작권 침해물에 대한 권리자의 삭제요청을 받게 되면 이에 따른 삭제조치의무를 갖는다. 권리자와 OSP의 이해관계 조정은 인터넷과 저작권 문화의 향상ㆍ발전에 시금석이 되는 일이 아닐 수 없다. 저작권법의 목적은 저작권을 보호하고 공정한 이용을 도모함으로써 문화의 향상발전에 이바지하려는 데에 있다는 점을 감안해 볼 때, 저작권자와 이용자 간의 적정한 균형점을 찾아내는 것이 대단히 중요하다. 그런데 한편에서는 이해관계인이나 집단별로 적정한 균형점이 어디냐에 관하여 미묘한 견해차가 존재한다. 이는 OSP업체에게 어려움과 당혹스런 상황을 안겨주고 있다. 저작권자와 이용자의 중간에 위치하여 저작물의 생산, 유통 플랫폼을 제공하고 있는 OSP 포털업체는 저작권 보호의 협력자로서 지위를 확보하고 있는 만큼, 그 책임도 막중하다고 하겠다. 이러한 관점에서, OSP의 면책한계 및 주의의무에 관해서 면밀한 법리검토가 필요하다. 아울러, 지난해 체결된 한미 FTA협정에서는 OSP와 저작권자를 협력자 관계로 파악하여 저작물 침해사실 고지후 삭제조치 등 저작권 보호조치를 이행한 OSP에 대해서는 현행 저작권법상의 “(임의적) 감경 또는 면책할 수 있다”에서 좀 더 확장된 완전면책 규정이 첨가되어 있다는 점과 OSP에게 “자신의 서비스를 감시하거나 침해행위를 나타내는 사실을 능동적으로 찾도록 요구할 수 없다”는 규정이 첨가되어 있다는 점을 강조하는 바이다. 한편 2차적 쟁점으로 법원에 기소된 삭제 미조치 및 동요저작권 침해 혐의에 대하여는 재판진행 도중에 고소인 음저협과 원만히 합의되었기 때문에, 서울중앙지방법원은 주식회사 다음커뮤니케이션 및 그 임직원에 대해서 영리목적 및 상습성을 인정하지 아니하고 공소기각의 판... This paper examines the issue of a local website ‘Daum Communication’ and its employees that is a criminal case for aiding copyright infringement. The plaintiff in this case is the Korea Music Copyright Association (the following, ‘KOMCA’ is called), on July 2008. KOMCA filed this complaint to The Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office because many users of Daum cafes, and blogs listed for unauthorized sound source against the copyright infringement. The conclusion of the case, for the criminal charges of the general monitoring, was not prosecuted. But the violation of duties to remove the infringed matters, and the direct infringement against the copyright of children’s song were brought to a summary indictment, later to the Trial. But, it became clear because the judge dismissed the charges to a fully ending by settlement between the parties, October, 2009. The case also filed as civil claim for damages, as an amicable agreement on August 2009, it was concluded. During the investigation, one of the primary issues that matter if On-line Service Provider(OSP) company has obligations to make monitoring and technical measures to protect the copyright infringement? And when the Internet portal company does not fulfill these obligations, if it is their responsibility in the criminal? And, it was emergence of the 2nd issue that, whether the recognition of aiding criminal liability, if the administrator do not take measures to delete information in spite of the notice, and the registration without permission of the copyright holder for children’s songs. According to the copyright laws Article 102, the responsibility of general OSP company is only to take down the illegal copies by notice, as well as, according to the Article 104, they are not obligated to make technical protection measures. In other words, the status of the general OSP, according to the copyright law, is a “the co-worker of copyright protection”. OSP is a platform between copyright holders and users; it is a platform to make production and distribution. This platform as collaborator should protect the copyright even they don’t have a monitoring responsibility in advance. When OSP Company received a complaint seeking to delete the illegal copyright infringement from the administrator, OSP has the responsibility to remove such illegal copyright infringement. Adjustment of interests between copyright holders, users and OSP will be the touchstone to improve and develop of copyright culture. The purpose of copyright law is to protect copyright, and to ensure a fair use, would contribute to cultural development. From this point of view, finding the balance between copyright and users is very important. However, there are many different opinions about the point where is the appropriate balance regarding the interested party or the collective basis, which brings to the OSP difficulties and embarrassing situations. OSP portal in a position between copyright holders and the users to provide platform to product and circulate copies, as an assistant to help the copyright protection, this status is very important, with a great responsibility. From this perspective, OSP’s indemnification obligations limitations, and caution is required as a closer review of legal principles. In addition, the South Korea-US FTA agreement signed last year, ensured the OSP and the copyright holders is a cooperative relationship, for the OSP which take the copyright protection measures such as removing the illegal copies after informed the infringement notice, and FTA emphasized adding more regulations, entirely free of the relevant provisions responsibility, on the current copyright law - “it can (temporarily) reduce or waive the responsibility”, as well as the relevant regulations - “it cannot be asked to monitor their own service or active search for the existence of infringing acts”. At the same time, as the second largest dispute, during the Court making...

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