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      • KCI등재

        탈북 도우미의 소설화 양상과 그 의미

        최병우(Choi, Byeong-Woo) 한국현대소설학회 2016 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.63

        North Korean refugee helpers in novels with North Korean defectors as their subject matters are ambivalent as criminals depriving them of their money or as activists helping them to reach Korea. The ambivalence of the perspective for North Korean refugee helpers is due to the absence of the writers’experience of escaping North Korea. The writers who cannot experience the course of defecting from North Korea just indirectly experience it via essays written by North Korean defectors and North Korean refugee helpers and reports about escaping from North Korea. Those essays and reports however reveal different viewpoints due to different conditions of North Korean defectors staying in China who may go through different routes into South Korea. The writers thus encounter such data to have a biased perspective on North Korean defectors and their helpers. In order to overcome this, writers need to make efforts to fully understand the conditions of North Korean defectors and their helpers with reference to various sorts of data when they select North Korean refugee helpers as a subject matter. When novels deal with North Korean defectors and their helpers, they often criticize the South Korean government’s indifference to the issue of North Koran defectors’ human rights. The South Korean government has taken an approach to the issue of North Korean defectors via so-called ‘silent diplomacy’ to immigrate those North Korean defectors escaping to third party countries. Forcing North Korean defectors staying in China to repatriated, the Chinese government claims that the issue of dealing with North Korean defectors is not subject to Korea’s or international society’s intervention. It is difficult for the South Korean government to come between the relation between China and North Korea as North Korean defectors are North Korea’s people according to international laws and the two countries have established their own diplomatic relations. Given the legal conditions on the issue of North Korean defectors, serious reflection on how to deal with North Korean refugee helpers who are closely related with North Korean defectors’human rights is required of novels with North Korean defectors as their subject matters. As far as there are North Korean defectors who want to come in South Korea, North Korean refugee helpers are indispensable even though the Chinese government has made the policy of pursuing the criminal responsibility of North Korean refugee helpers. The description of North Korean refugee helpers in novels with North Korean defectors as their subject matters as the existence and activities of the former are ambivalent. The existence of North Korean refugee helpers and their activities are a legal-diplomatic issue rather than a category of fraternity, and a world-historical issue in which problems with refugees and human rights are interweaved. Attempting at a novelistic solution to this is a grave and important issue that novels with North Korean defectors as their subject matters should be engaged in.

      • KCI등재

        재중 탈북자 문제와 한국 정부의 정책: ‘조용한 외교’와 ‘적극적 외교’ 사이에서

        고성준,고경민,김일기 한국동북아학회 2013 한국동북아논총 Vol.18 No.2

        The problem of North Korean defectors in China has been a major human right issue, but the situation of their human rights has not improved. During Kim Dae‐Jung, Rho Moo Hyun and Lee Myung Bak’s administration, the policy for supporting North Korean defectors in China has emphasized on the ‘Quiet Diplomacy’This article reviews the ‘Quiet Diplomacy’ of South Korea administration on the North Korean defectors in china and analyzes the possibility of policy change from the ‘Quiet Diplomacy’ to the ‘Active Diplomacy’. First, this article examines on political commentary and foreign policy issue in Korea about the North Korean defector in China. Second, the main issues and the policy of the Chinese government on the North Korean defectors are analyzed. Third, This article reviews the characters of the South Korean government’s 'Quiet Diplomacy' toward the North Korean defector in China. Finally, This article analyzes the possibility of policy change from the ‘Quiet Diplomacy’ to the ‘Active Diplomacy’. It is clear that fundamental responsibility about the North Korean defectors in china is to the North. However, the efforts to improve their human rights should be made by China and South Korea government. But until now, the Chinese government has been consistent in carrying out their policy on the North Korean defectors. Therefore, the South Korea government should bear the responsibility the improvement of human rights for the North Korean defectors in china. In conclusion, the South Korea’s government should consider not only the ‘Quiet Diplomacy’ but also the ‘Active Diplomacy’ for the gradual change in the Chinese Policy towards the North Korean defectors. Key Words: North Korean Defectors in China, North Korean Human Rights, Enforced Repatriation, Quiet Diplomacy, Active Diplomacy 해외에 머물고 있는 탈북자 문제 가운데 가장 시급한 대책이 요구되면서도 그 해결이 쉽지 않은 문제가 바로 재중 탈북자 문제이다. 재중 탈북자들에 대한 문제제기가 시작된 지 20여년에 이르고 있지만, 이들의 현지 생활이나 인권 상황은 여전히 답보상태이다. 그동안 재중 탈북자에 대한 우리 정부의 대중 외교정책 기조는 김영삼 정부 이후 김대중․노무현 정부, 그리고 이명박 정부에 이르기까지 ‘조용한 외교’였다. 이 논문은 재중 탈북자 문제에 대한 우리 정부의 ‘조용한 외교’ 정책을 검토하고 ‘적극적 외교’ 정책으로의 전환 가능성을 논의하는데 연구목적을 두었다. 이를 위해 먼저 재중 탈북자 문제의 국내정치화 및 외교 이슈화를 검토한 후, 재중 탈북자 문제의 주요 쟁점과 중국정부의 입장을 분석하였다. 그리고 한국정부의 ‘조용한 외교’ 정책의 특징과 배경을 분석한 후 ‘조용한 외교’에서 ‘적극적 외교’로의 전환 가능성에 대한 논의를 진행하였다. 재중 탈북자 문제의 근본적 책임은 분명 북한에 있지만, 그들의 인권개선을 위한 노력의 주체는 중국 정부와 우리 정부라고 할 수 있다. 그러나 중국 정부는 현재까지 재중 탈북자를 불법체류자로 간주하면서 강제송환의 입장을 견지해 오고 있다. 중국 정부의 입장 변화가 없다는 점을 고려할 때, 재중 탈북자의 인권개선을 위한 노력은 우리 정부의 몫이라 할 수 있다. 결론적으로, 재중 탈북자 문제에 대한 우리 정부의 중국에 대한 외교적 입장과 자세는 ‘조용한 외교’와 ‘적극적 외교’의 필요성이 공존한다. 우리 정부가 중국의 재중 탈북자 정책의 변화를 이끌어낼 수 있기 위해서는 그간의 정책에 대한 분석과 평가를 토대로 신중하면서도 적극적인 접근을 취해야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        북한이탈주민 상담의 특징과 효과적인 상담요인: 북한이탈주민 전문상담사의 경험을 중심으로

        김수임,권보정,이진현 학습자중심교과교육학회 2023 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.23 No.10

        Objectives The purpose of this study is to explore the characteristics of counseling and factors for effective counseling for North Korean defectors, focusing on the experience of professional counselors who counsel North Korean defectors. Methods To this end, we interviewed 11 professional counselors for North Korean defectors and as a result of analyzing the data using the consensual qualitative research method(CQR). CQR is a useful inductive qualitative research method that limits the subjective impact of researchers and understands the experience of research participants through analysis and final agreement. When analyzing data, various researchers can participate and find a common understanding of the data through the process of consensus. Results As a result of the analysis, a total of 101 core concepts, 29 categories, and 4 areas were derived. The four areas are as follows: ‘Structural Factors Influencing Counseling for North Korean Defectors’, ‘Client Factors in Counseling North Korean Defectors’, ‘Competencies Required of Professional Counselors for North Korean Defectors’, ‘Effective Intervention in the Counseling Process for North Korean Defectors’. Conclusions This study was examined in depth the overall counseling experience of professional counselors for North Korean defectors through qualitative research in order to understand characteristics of counseling on North Korean defectors in detail and we tried to provide basic data useful for counseling for North Korean defectors by exploring factors for effective consultation. Through consensual qualitative research methods, we identified the frequency of participants' primary experiences and discussed the main outcomes. 목적 본 연구에서는 북한이탈주민을 상담하는 전문상담사의 경험을 중심으로 북한이탈주민 상담의 특징과 효과적인 상담요인에대해 탐구하였다. 방법 이를 위해 북한이탈주민 전문상담사 11명을 인터뷰하였고 합의적 질적 연구 방법(CQR)으로 자료를 분석하였다. CQR은 연구자의 주관적 영향을 제한하고 분석과 최종 합의를 통해 연구참여자들의 경험을 이해하는데 유용한 귀납적 질적 연구 방법으로, 자료를 분석할 때 다양한 연구자가 참여해서 합의의 과정을 통해 자료에 대한 공통된 이해를 찾을 수 있는 장점이 있다. 결과 분석한 결과, 총 101개의 핵심개념, 29개의 범주, 4개의 영역이 도출되었다. 4개 영역을 살펴보면 ‘북한이탈주민 상담에 영향을 미치는 구조적 요인’, ‘북한이탈주민 상담의 내담자 요인’, ‘북한이탈주민 전문상담사에게 요구되는 역량’, ‘북한이탈주민 상담과정에서의 효과적인 개입방안’이다. 결론 본 연구는 북한이탈주민 전문상담사들의 총체적인 상담 경험을 질적 연구를 통해 깊이 있게 살펴봄으로써 북한이탈주민 상담의 특징을 구체적으로 이해하고 효과적인 상담을 위한 요인을 탐색함으로써 북한이탈주민상담에 유용한 기초자료를 제공하고자하였다. 합의적 질적 연구 방법을 통해 참여자들의 주요 경험 빈도를 확인하였으며, 주요 결과에 대해 논의하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        Regulation of North Korean Defectors: Validation of the Differences in Perception according to the Total Period of Service as Police and the Security and Service Period of the South Korean Security Police

        Chiyoung Lee,Byeongchan Kim,Sunggu Jo J-INSTITUTE 2022 Regulations Vol.7 No.1

        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to validate the difference in the perception of North Korean defectors by focusing on variables according to the period of service of the security police and the police’s total period of ser-vice, which can provide a high accessibility and experience based results for the North Korean defectors. Method: In this study, 100 South Korean police officers in 2020 were surveyed among the police officers of the security department who had work experiences related to the North Korean defectors, and among the trainees of the Police Human Resources Development Institute, the police institute of education in South Korea. The survey was conducted by the self-administration method, and 91 people’s questionnaires were used as valid samples, excluding the data with insincere responses or missing part of the survey information. Results: In terms of the difference in the perception of North Korean defectors according to the period of police service, the analysis demonstrated that there was a significant difference for the Q-22 question at the level of 5%. That is, it turned out that the longer the total police service period, the more the North Korean defectors had the perception to receive legal support for the purposes of visiting the police station. Furthermore, as for the difference in the perception of the North Korean defectors according to the period of the security police service, the analysis demonstrated a significant difference in the Q-24, Q-34, and Q-38 ques-tions at the 5% level. That is, it turned out that the security police perceived the problems of the North Korean defectors to be personal safety and understanding of the South Korean society, and perceived that the average monthly economic income of the North Korean defectors is stable. Conclusion: As the conclusion of this study, while the police generally perceive the work involving the North Korean defectors as a legal support and a business processing, the longer the service period of the security police, the difference in their perception turned out such that, the more problems with the personal safety of the North Korean defectors and their understanding of the South Korean society. Furthermore, in terms of the security police who are directly in charge of the North Korean defectors, they have a common perception about the North Korean society, such as problem solving through violence, awareness of and avoidance of damages according to the compliance of law, and the justification of individual sacrifice by groups. Hence, it may be interpreted as a result of recognizing it as a result of a lack of personal protection against violent crimes and a lack of understanding of the South Korean society.

      • KCI등재

        성인지적 관점에서 본 북한이탈여성 정착지원 법제 분석

        신정은 법무부 통일법무과 2012 統一과 法律 Vol.- No.9

        North Korean defectors' entry to South Korea has been steadily increasing in size, and the Scale of North Korean female defector in December 2011 is now reaching 70% of total. North Korean female defectors suffer difficulties in family life, employment and career challenges in the double, triple, because of special situation of their own gender. Therefore, Korea's settlement-support policy needs to be established in women's own perspective unlike men's. But, most of the legislation is not considered the difference between men and women of the adaptation process at all. In other words, when Korea government arrange the legislation for North Korean female defectors' settlement-support, the law-makers don't consider about the gender-sensitive perspective which is the starting point for an alternative to the equality of men and women. A key theme of this study is an extension of the consideration like this. Existing Studies for North Korean defectors were trying to solve the North Korean female defectors' difficulties by applying the social norms of the male-dominated. However, the legislation for North Korean female defector's settlement-support without consideration for gender can't be the solution to overcome difficulties from North Korean female defectors' special circumstances. Therefore, first, in this study will analysis each type of North Korean female defectors' specific difficulties faced in Korea Society. Second, the main contents of 'Law on the Protection and Support for North Korean defectors' analysis from the gender-sensitive perspective. And last, more specifically, this study will proposal divided by sector what is the efficient settlement-support direction of 'Law on the Protection and Support for North Korean defectors'. We should be recognized that North Korean female defectors' stable Korea Society settlement will present the answer to social integration which must be faced by our society in the coming era of reunification. in addition, for North Korean female defectors' successful Korea Society settlement, we must recognize that our effort for switching recognition about North Korean female defectors will first need. Therefore, basically, practical training about North Korea Society and North Korean female defectors should be provided across generations. Further, while such a paradigm shift, we must improve the gender-sensitive perspective in all the legislatioon enactment and revision process. The legislation for North Korean female defectors' Korea Society settlement-support that fully discussed from the gender-sensitive perspective will be a solid foundation for social and economic empowerment and basis for social integratioon of future Unified Korea. 북한이탈주민들의 국내 입국 규모가 꾸준히 증가하고 있으며, 여성입국자의 규모도 2011년 12월 현재 전체의 70% 달하고 있다. 북한이탈여성들은 정착문제 있어서 임신, 출산 등 여성이라는 성별로 인해 겪게 되는 특수한 사정 때문에 가정생활, 취업 및 직장생활에서의 어려움을 이중, 삼중으로 겪게 된다. 따라서 남성과는 다른 여성들만의 시각에서 정책이 수립되고 지원되는 것이 필요하다. 그러나 대부분의 정책수립이나 법안이 남성과 여성의 적응 과정의 차이를 전혀 고려하지 않고 있어 오히려 여성차별이라는 부작용이 나타나기도 한다. 즉, 북한이탈여성을 정착지원을 위한 법제를 마련할 때, 여성과 남성의 이해와 요구가 다름을 전제로 궁극적으로는 양성 평등한 대안을 도출하기 위한 출발점이 되는 성인지적 관점에 대한 고려를 전혀 하지 않고 있는 것이다. 본 소논문의 핵심 주제는 그와 같은 고민의 연장선에 있다. 기존 북한이탈주민들을 위한 연구들을 사회적으롤 규정된 성정체성에 따른 성역할을 기대하면서, 남성 중심의 사회통념을 적용하여 북한이탈여성의 문제를 해결하려고 하였다. 그러나 성별을 고려해야 하는 상황에서 성별을 고려하지 않는 북한이탈여성 정착지원 법제들은 그녀들이 처한 특수한 상황에서부터 오는 어려움을 위한 해결책이 될 수 없다. 따라서 본 논문에서는 우선 북한이탈여성들이 한국사회에서 겪는 구체적인 어려움들을 유형별로 파악한 뒤 현재 시행중인 북한이탈주민의 보호 및 정착지원에 관한 법(이하 '북한이탈주민보호법'이라고 한다)의 주요 내용을 성인지적 관점에서 분석한 후, 더 구체적으로 북한이탈주민보호법이 향후 북한이탈여성들을 효율적으로 지원하기 위하여 나아갈 방향을 분야별로 나누어서 제언하도록 한다. 우리는 북한이탈여성들의 안정적인 한국사회 정착은 향후 다가올 통일 시대에 우리 사회가 직면해야 할 사회통합에 대한 해답을 제시해 준다는 것을 인식하여야 한다. 또한 북한이탈여성들의 성공적인 한국사회 정착을 위해서는 우리의 그녀들에 대한 인식전환을 위한 노력이 가장 먼저 필요하다는 것 역시 인식하여야 한다. 그러므로 근복적으로 전 세대에 걸친 북한사회와 북한이탈여성에 대한 현실적인 교육이 마련되어야 한다. 또한 이와 같은 패러다임의 전환과 동시에 모든 법안의 제정과 개정 과정에서 성인지적 관점을 제고해야 한다. 성인지적 관점에서 충분히 논의된 북한이탈여성의 한국사회 정착을 위한 법안은 그녀들의 건강, 문화적 차이 극복, 경제적 생활의 안정 등 사회 경제적 역량 강화를 위한 튼튼한 기반이 될 것이며, 미래 통일 한국 사회 통합의 밑거름이 될 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        북한이탈주민지원법의 주요 논점에 관한 연구

        류지성 서울시립대학교 서울시립대학교 법학연구소 2017 서울법학 Vol.25 No.3

        This article analyzes the legal status of North Korean defectors in terms of domestic public law and international law, and studied the support status, problem and improvement measures of “North Korean Defector Support Act” in Korea. It is reasonable to see the North Korean defector as Korean citizen based on our constitution, but it is hard to say that the intent of constitution is directly reflect on “North Korean Defector Support Act”. In other words, it is pointed out that the act needs to be reviewed regarding its standard on separating ‘support recipient’ and ‘non-recipient’ and causing the discriminative handling between the two groups. And for effective protection of North Korean defectors living the third countries, there is a need to take proper diplomatic protection based on condition by comprehensively reviewing the protective condition of the country, international law, agreement an compliance of the country, and refugees status of the defectors. Next, Hanawon's curriculum, one of the procedure of support system as a part of legal policy about settlement and support of North Korean defectors, should be expanded in period, and revised in educational contents to correspond to legal regulation, so that it could make defectors finish essential procedures for social settlement such as academic deliberation during their accommodation in Hanawon. However, it must consider the long period and tiring process of escaping from North Korea, and that partial fundamental rights are restricted. Also, for legislative policy making, their needs and experts' opinion must be taken into consideration. And as the major task of current policy regarding North Korean defectors, it is best to revise the application range to be subjected to North Korean defector law rather than revising the parts about support in accordance with protection and settlement of stateless North Korean refugee children born in the third countries. Also, the standard of deciding legal protection recipients among North Korean defector is a problem as it excludes criminals, and non criminal, non political grounds that is prohibited in most of the refugee law. Especially, deciding protection recipients based on period of residence rather than nationality must be revised as it does not abide by the fit the purpose of legislation. Finally, as for the defector settlement support business, this paper pointed out that legislation focusing on strengthening authority of local government by recognizing it as the main agent of North Korean defector settlement and support system, preparing legal foundation to secure stable resources, enhancing professionalism to process the task as inherent business of the government rather than duty oriented delegated affairs. 이 글은 북한이탈주민의 법적 지위를 헌법과 국제법적 관점에서 분석하고, 관련 국내법인 ‘북한이탈주민지원법’상의 지원현황과 문제점 및 개선방안을 연구한 것이다. 북한이탈주민에 관하여 우리 헌법의 해석상 대한민국 국적자로 보고 판단함은 일응 타당하다고 할 수 있으나 이러한 우리 헌법의 취지가 북한이탈주민지원법에는 제대로 반영되어 있다고 보기 어려운 부분이 있다. 즉, 북한이탈주민지원법에서는 ‘보호대상자’와 ‘비보호대상자’의 구분을 가하여 이들 간에 발생할 수 있는 평등권 침해문제와 그 기준에 관한 재검토가 필요하다는 점을 지적하였다. 그리고 제3국에 체류중인 탈북민의 효율적인 보호를 위해서는 체류국의 보호상황과 체류국이 맺은 국제법 및 협약과 이의 준수여부 그리고 이들에 대한 난민인정 여부 등을 종합적으로 판단하여 상황에 따라 적절한 외교적 보호를 취하여야 한다고 판단된다. 다음으로 북한이탈주민 정착과 지원에 관한 주요 법정책으로 지원단계와 지원기관을 중심으로 한 절차로서 하나원의 교육과정은 법의 규정에 부합하도록 그 기간을 늘리거나 교육내용에 약간의 수정을 가하여 수용기간 동안 학력심의 등 사회정착에 필수적인 절차를 가급적 마치도록 함이 타당하다고 생각된다. 다만, 장기간에 걸친 탈북 소요시간과 일부 기본권이 제한됨을 감안하여야 할 것이고 이들의 희망사항과 전문가의 견해 등을 고려하여 입법정책적으로 결정할 문제로 보인다. 그리고 북한이탈주민에 관한 현행 법정책의 주요 과제로서 제3국에서 출생하여 입국한 무국적 탈북아동의 보호와 정착에 관하여는 지원의 내용에 따른 부분적 개정 보다는 북한이탈주민법의 적용을 받도록 적용범위를 개정하는 것이 가장 좋은 방법이라고 생각된다. 또한 동법에서 탈북민 가운데 법상 보호대상자로 결정할지의 기준에 관하여는 대체로 난민법에서도 금지하는 범죄와 비범죄적․비정치적 사유를 함께 묶어서 제외대상으로 하는 것은 문제가 있다. 특히 국적이 아닌 거주기간을 중심으로 하여 보호대상 여부를 판단하는 점은 본래 이법이 추구하는 입법취지와 부합되지 않기 때문에 수정되어야 한다. 마지막으로 이탈주민 정착지원사업에 있어서 지방자치단체를 탈북민 정착․지원의 주체로 인정하여 안정적인 재원을 확보하도록 법적 근거를 두고 그 전문성을 강화하는 법제를 위하여 지자체의 업무를 위임사무와 의무중심에서 벗어나 고유사무로 처리되도록 하고 일상생활과 관련하여서는 권한을 강화하는 방향의 입법이 타당하다는 점을 지적하였다.

      • KCI등재

        한국 교회의 북한이탈주민 인식 전환에 대한 모색- ‘공감적 상상력’을 중심으로

        이지성 한국기독교사회윤리학회 2019 기독교사회윤리 Vol.45 No.-

        The number of North Korean defectors who came to South Korea after the Korean War until the first half-year of 2019 totaled 33,022. In spite of the ‘improvement of adaptation and support system’ North Korean defectors do not feel warm to South Koreans. Indeed, the results of the survey of ‘the perception of North Korean defectors,’ conducted by the National Human Rights Commission of Korea, shows that many people in South Korea regard North Korean defectors as outsiders and do not accept their presence, which was worse than we expected. In this situation, this study began with these concerns about how Christians should see North Korean defectors and how to live together. To deal with this issue, this paper identified the situation for settlement and support of North Korean defectors, and looked at the status of religious education by relevant institutions like Hanawon, and pointed out the problems of the Korean church that see North Korean defectors as the target of North Korean missions like a tool. And this paper suggested the Korean church to communicate with North Korean defectors through the sympathetic imagination of Martha Nussbaum to solve the related problems that the Korean church sees North Korean defectors as the object of charity, welfare support, and a tool for church growth. 2019년 상반기 한국전쟁 이후 한국으로 온 북한이탈주민 North Korean Defectors은 총 33,022명으로 집계되고 있다. 한국 사회는 그동안 북한이탈주민에 대해 다양한 정책들을 시행하고 범국가적으로 ‘통일의 준비’ 라는 명분으로 ‘적응과 지원제도 개선’ 등을 중심으로 범사회적으로 각계에서 객관적인 자료와 통계를 바탕으로 폭넓게 연구되고 있었다. 기독교계에서도 다양한 관심으로 윤리적 대안들이 제시되고 있다. 그런데 정작 탈북민들이 남한 사람들에게 느끼는 온도는 그다지 따뜻하지 않다. 실제적으로 국가인권위원회에서 시행한 ‘북한이탈주민에 대한 인식 조사’ 결과, 한국 사회에서 그들을 경계인처럼 여기고 존재 자체를 부정하고자 하는 사람들이 생각보다 많았다. 본 연구는 이러한 상황 속에서 기독교인으로 탈북민을 어떻게 바라보고 함께 살아야 하는지에 대한 고민의 결과이다. 이를 위해 탈북민들의 정착 단계 및 지원 현황 속에서 ‘하나원’ Hanawon을 중심으로 한 종교 교육의 현황을 살펴보고, 한국 교회가 탈북민의 관계성 가운데 북한 선교의 대상으로 탈북민을 도구화하는 문제를 지적하였다. 그리고 이에 대해 본 연구는 한국 교회가 탈북민들을 시혜 Charity, 복지 지원 대상, 교회 성장의 도구로 여겨지는 문제를 벗어나기 위한 실마리로 마사 누스바움 Martha Nussbaum의 ‘공감적 상상력 Sympathetic Imagination으로 탈북민을 마주하기’를 제안했다.

      • KCI등재

        남북한 미디어의 탈북인/탈북탈남인 서사: 미디어가 구성하는 분단의 현재성과 윤리

        권금상 건국대학교 인문학연구원 2018 통일인문학 Vol.73 No.-

        This study is an attempt to analyze the current status of the division of the media of the two countries by analyzing the North Korean defectors/double defectors‘ narratives of North and South media in the light of the re - entry incident of the defector, Lim Ji – hyun. These narratives have the power to spread the discourse of conflict between the two Koreas in the sense that they are structured strategically for criticism of the departing nation and recognition from the present society. For narrative analysis, the South Korean media analyze the comprehensive TV program dealing with North Korean defectors and the narratives of media that deal with North Korean defectors and Double defectors. As a result of the analysis, the South Korean media portrayed the North Korean defectors as "object of recognition" and "potential criminals", and the double defectors are narrated as "criminals". North Korea narrates the North Korean defectors as "citizens who should be kidnapped and repatriated," and double defectors to "return and forgive the traitor.“ In the representation method, the South Korean media consisted mainly of art form and crime related articles of the press, and North Korea composed of contents of discussion and discussion type, and media of both countries were taking a popular message spreading strategy. In conclusion, the criticism of the media narrative of South and North Korea that strategically utilize the North Korean defectors/double defectors from the North Korean defectors in the division system suggests boundary lines and ethical reflection from the existing framework. 이 연구는 탈북인 임지현의 재입북 사건을 계기로 남북한 미디어의 탈북인/탈남탈북인 서사를 분석하여 두 나라의 미디어가 구성하는 분단의 현재성을 조명하고자 하는 시도이다. 이들의 서사는 현재 사회로부터 인정을 받기 위해 전략적으로 구성되는 점에서 분단현실에서 통합과 갈등 확산의 전달력을 갖는다. 서사분석을 위해 남한의 미디어는 탈북인을 주인공으로 다룬 종합편성채널의 TV프로그램과 탈북인 및 탈북탈남인을 주제로 다룬 언론매체를 분석한다. 북한의 미디어는 로동신문, 조선중앙TV과 우리민족끼리TV를 분석한다. 분석결과, 남한 미디어에서는 탈북인을 ‘인정의 대상’과 ‘잠재적 범죄자’로, 탈북탈남인은 ‘범죄자’로 서사화되고 있다. 북한은 탈북인을 ‘유인납치 되어 송환되어야 할 공민’으로, 탈북탈남인은 ‘돌아와 용서받은 배신자’로 서사화한다. 재현방식에서 남한 미디어는 주로 예능형식과 언론의 범죄관련 기사로, 북한은 논설이나 간담회 형식의 총화내용으로 구성하여 양 국가의 미디어는 대중적인 확산 전략을 취하고 있었다. 결론에서는 분단체제에서 탈북인/탈북탈남인들을 전략적으로 활용하는 남북한 미디어 서사에 대한 비판적 분석을 통해 기존 틀로부터 경계긋기와 윤리적 성찰을 제언한다.

      • KCI등재

        탈북자 예술과 한류의 가능지평

        허혜정 국제비교한국학회 2023 비교한국학 Comparative Korean Studies Vol.31 No.3

        본 연구는 그간 학계에서 잘 연구되지 않았던 탈북자들의 영상콘텐츠를 대상으 로 탈북자 예술의 특징적인 단면들을 드러내보는 것을 목표로 한다. 검토의 대상 은 탈북자가 직접 창작하거나 제작팀에 참여해 공동창작한 드라마와 영화, 웹툰, 애니메이션, 방송 콘텐츠이다. 탈북자의 증언이나 원작 기반으로 제작된 국내외 탈북자 소재의 작품도 필요한 경우 검토의 대상으로 다루고 있다. 이천년대 초반만 해도 탈북자들의 창작물은 자서전과 수기류의 문학저작물이 주를 이루었지만, 최근 다양한 장르의 영상큰텐츠가 창작되는 사례가 부쩍 늘고 있다. 탈북자들의 작품은 ‘문화상품’으로서 상업적 성공을 목표로 기획되고 제작 되는 한류 콘텐츠와는 창작의 동기와 목적을 달리하는 경향이 있다. 북한에서 한번쯤 한류에 빠져든 경험 있었던 탈북자들은, 콘텐츠의 전파력을 활용해, 자신을 탈북자로 내몰았던 북한의 폭압적인 체재와 주민들의 참상을 폭로하고 왜 탈북을 선택해야 했는지에 대한 체험적 서사를 널리 알리고픈 창작동기를 가진 경우가 적 지 않다. 비록 북한에서 예술가동맹이나 작가동맹의 일원으로서 잘 훈련된 작가들 이라 해도, 당의 유일사상체계인 주제사상의 교시에 따라 수령독재체재와 노예인 민들의 절대충성을 강화하기 위한 선전예술과 달리, 대중들의 감각에 호소하고 선 택을 받아야만 하는 자본주의 예술의 속성과 문법을 탐구하며 창작을 시도하는 경 우가 많다. 비전문가인 탈북자들도 유튜브 콘텐츠나 그림, 힙합 등 그들이 선호하 는 콘텐츠에 적극 도전하지만 질적 편차가 텍스트들은 얼마간 프로츄어 콘텐츠의 속성을 가진다. 탈북자들의 예술은 일단 거대한 대중문화콘텐츠의 생태계에서 양 적 우위를 확보할 수 없기 때문에, 매우 협소한 자리를 차지하고 비주류적 속성을 가지지만, 북한의 인권문제와 관련해 국제사회에서 큰 주목을 받아 왔다. 인권레 짐이 보편화된 국제사회에서 탈북자들의 예술은 매우 특별한 의제로 다루어지기 도 하고 문제작들도 적지 않다. 탈북자들의 작품 자체가 분단조건에서 탄생했고, 아직도 신냉전의 암운이 드리 워진 한반도의 역사와 한국인의 내상까지 상기시키기에, 누군가 탈북자의 텍스트 에 초점을 맞춘다면, 글로벌 챠트를 질주하는 그 어떤 한류콘텐츠보다 ‘한국적’이 라고 느낄 것이다. 이러한 점에서 한류의 특별한 지류라 할 수 있는 탈북자들의 예술에 학자들이 더 진지한 학문적 천착을 해주기를 기대한다. This study aims to reveal the characteristic aspects of North Korean defector art targeting the video contents of North Korean defectors, which have not been well studied in the aca- demic world. The subjects of review are dramas and movies, webtoons, animations, and broadcasting contents created by North Korean defectors themselves or co-created by par- ticipating in the production team. The testimony of North Korean defectors or works on North Korean defectors at home and abroad produced based on the original work are also subject to review if necessary. In the early 2000s, the creations of North Korean defectors were mainly autobiographies and literary works of handwriting, but recently, the number of cases in which large video content of various genres is being created is increasing rapidly. North Korean defectors' works tend to have different motives and purposes of creation from Korean Wave content, which is planned and produced with the aim of commercial success as "cultural products." North Korean defectors who have once fallen into the Korean Wave in North Korea are of- ten motivated to use the propagation of content to expose the tyrannical status of North Korea and the horrors of the people who drove them to defect, and to publicize the empirical narrative of why they had to choose to defect. Even well-trained writers in North Korea as part of the Artists' Alliance or the Writers' Alliance are often attempting to create by explor- ing the attributes and grammar of capitalist art, which must appeal to the public's senses and be chosen according to the teaching of the party's only ideological system, the thematic ideology. Non-professional North Korean defectors also actively challenge their preferred content, such as YouTube content, paintings, and hip-hop, but the texts have some qual- itative variations. Since the art of North Korean defectors cannot secure a quantitative advantage in theecosystem of huge pop culture contents, it occupies a very narrow place and has non-main- stream properties, but has received great attention from the international community in re- lation to North Korean human rights issues. In the international community where human rights regimes have become commonplace, the art of North Korean defectors is sometimes treated as a very special agenda and there are not a few problematic works.

      • A Comparative Study on Everyday Life of South Koreans and North Korean Defectors

        Chung Jin-A 건국대학교 인문학연구원 2016 통일인문학 Vol.2 No.1

        This article is a research that surveyed and compared everyday customs, such as food, clothing and shelter, rites and seasonal rituals, and awareness of daily issues, such as views on family values, marriage, education and career, of South Koreans with that of North Korean defectors, in order to better understand the characteristics of living culture of South Koreans and North Korean defectors and to search for ways for the two groups to communicate better and culturally integrate. The results of the research show that, in relation to everyday customs such as clothing, food and shelter, rites and seasonal rituals, both South Koreans and North Korean defectors had transformed the traditional living culture to befit the lifestyles of the modern era. It seems that everyday customs of South Koreans had become more westernized while North Korean defectors maintained more traditional customs, but such difference decreased as defectors spent longer time in South Korea. One commonality in everyday customs found between the two was that customs acted as a mechanism maintaining a sense of community among South Koreans and among North Korean defectors, who had lived for a long time in different systems. Due to inter-Korea tensions, and differing experience and habits formed under the different systems of capitalism and socialism, a large gap between the two groups was found in the area of day to day awareness and values. Differences were most pronounced in views on marriage and career. First of all, South Koreans were more negative toward marriage with a North Korean defector than with a Korean of another country whereas the defectors were more negative toward marriage with an overseas Korean and positive toward marriage with a South Korean. Secondly, for South Koreans, the higher the income, the stronger the pride they had over their jobs. However, for North Korean, those with lower income tended to be more proud of their jobs. South Koreans preferred becoming civil servants and professionals. North Korean defectors also added to the list, workers, as a job that made them proud. Thirdly, in choosing their jobs, South Koreans felt the thoughts and advice of their parents to be important while North Korean defectors were more reliant on state policy. The results of this study gives us important insight into how we can promote cultural integration of South Koreans and North Korean defectors. First of all, the negative perspective South Koreans have of North Korean defectors has to be fundamentally revisited. It is essential that the prejudice of equating ordinary North Koreans with the government be overcome and that North Korean defectors be seen with a sense of national solidarity. Secondly, South Koreans and North Koreans defectors need to share the advantages of individualism and collectivism that the two sides had acquired as a result of living under different systems, and be able to use those advantages as a driver of social development. Third, cultural integration between South Koreans and North Korean defectors must be a process of attaining diversity in national everyday customs while respecting the customs of the other, and also of heading toward further expanding and developing national everyday customs.

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