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        교육과정의 실행 기준에 관한 연구 - 교육과정 실행 요인 및 기준, 교육과정 실행의 실태 및 개혁의 과제 -

        김두정 ( Kim Doojung ),김소영 ( Kim Soyoung ) 인하대학교 교육연구소 2017 교육문화연구 Vol.23 No.2

        지금까지 교육과정에서의 기준은 내용기준, 성취기준 등 계획 측면에만 초점을 두고 있다. 교육과정 실행 측면에서의 기준은 소홀하게 취급되고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 교육과정 실행 측면에서의 기준을 설정하고 그 기준을 토대로 한 교육과정 실행의 실태 및 개혁을 위한 과제를 탐구했다. 지금 단계에서 교육과정 실행 기준이라는 개념을 창안하고 그 실제적 효용성을 점검하는 의미에서 교육과정 실태와 개혁을 위한 과제를 분석하고 제안해 보고자 한다. 후속 연구들을 통해 기준의 세련화와 타당도가 더 깊이 탐구되기를 희망한다. 본 연구는 교육과정 실행 기준의 구안을 교육과정 실행에 영향을 미치는 요인 연구들로부터 도출하였다. 그러한 요인들을 교육과정 실행의 성패를 가르는 하나의 기준으로 될 것으로 보았다. 선행 연구를 토대로 교육과정 실행에 영향을 미치는 요인을 교육과정 문서, 학교, 학교 외부요인 등으로 종합하고, 교육과정 실행 기준 또한 교육과정 문서, 학교, 학교 외부 기준 등으로 설정하고 각 기준별 하위 요소들을 설정했다. 예를 들면 교육과정 문서 기준의 하위 요소는 (개정의) 필요성, (진술의) 명료성 등이다. 다음으로, 설정된 교육과정 실행 기준에서 주요한 하위요소를 중심으로 우리나라 교육과정 실행의 실태를 점검해 보는 의미에서 선행연구를 토대로 정리하였다. 마지막으로, 기준을 토대로 정리된 교육과정 실태를 중심으로 우리나라 교육과정 실행의 개혁을 위한 과제가 국가 교육과정 문서, 학교, 학교 외부 등의 측면에서 제안되었다. 그런데, 본 개혁의 과제에서 강조되어야 할 점은 각 교육과정 실행 기준별 개혁과 함께 각 기준 간의 공조와 협력 그리고 상호작용의 중요성 등이다(Westbury & Wilkof, 1978). 교육과정 실행은 교육과정 문서, 학교, 학교 외부 기준 간의 시너지 효과와 상호 작용이 극대화될 때 성공한다. So far, standards related to curriculum have primarily focused on curriculum planning aspects such as content standards and achievement standards, while standards in curriculum implementation aspects were relatively neglected. This study aims to enquire: 1) to set up curriculum implementation standards based on factors influencing on curriculum implementation, 2) to review Korea`s curriculum implementation practices in view of the standards, and to suggest tasks for the improvement of the curriculum implementation practices. The second and the third problems were raised in order to check utilities of established curriculum implementation standards as well as to refine and validate them. Three curriculum implementation standards were drawn from factors influencing on curriculum implementation based on related literature: curriculum document standard, school standard, and external standard to school. Each standard has also its subordinate elements. It is believed that those influencing factors have much impact on quality of curriculum implementation. So, the standards were drawn from the factors. Korea`s major curriculum implementation practices were reviewed in terms of the three curriculum implementation standards and their major subordinate elements. In addition, tasks for the improvement of the curriculum implementation practices were suggested in such areas as national curriculum documents, school practices, and related institutes or groups including ministry of education, school district, community, and parents. Finally it is especially emphasized that the three standards of curriculum documents, schools, and the institutes and groups should be closely related and interacted. Therefore, curriculum documents and all institutes and groups are commonly responsible for meeting all the three curriculum implementation standards and their subordinate elements.

      • KCI등재

        IB PYP 교육과정 실행 양상 분석

        박일수,김민섭 한국통합교육과정학회 2023 통합교육과정연구 Vol.17 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to analyze the curriculum implementation and derive implications for the successful curriculum implementation of IB PYP curriculum in schools. The main results of the study were as follows. First, the results of analyzing the relationship between IB PYP curriculum and curriculum implementation, it was found that curriculum implementation aligned with the IB basic orientation, the implementation of generative curriculum based on core ideas, and a flexible curriculum for core competencies are in discord with the national curriculum, despite compliance with the IB PYP framework. Second, the results of analyzing the relationship between teachers and implementation, it was found that curriculum implementation was based on teachers' research and reflection, interests and expectations, and passive curriculum implementation is occurring due to burdens and burnout. Third, the results of analyzing the relationship between the learner and the curriculum implementation, it was found that the student-tailored curriculum implementation was based on the learner's level, student-participatory curriculum implementation was based on learner's interests and interests, and the student agency curriculum implementation was based on the learner's autonomy. Fourth, the results of analyzing the relationship between environment and curriculum implementation revealed that curriculum implementation based on collaborative leadership was influenced by physical and human resource, as well as the school culture of cooperation and communication. We hope that this study will contribute to the successful implementation of the IB PYP curriculum.

      • KCI등재

        학교교육과정 실행 기준과 인식에 관한 연구

        김소영,김두정 한국교육개발원 2018 한국교육 Vol.45 No.4

        Purpose: The purpose of this study is to establish standards for curriculum implementation and analyze the perceptions about the standards among curriculum specialists, teachers, principal, vice principal, and parents. Design/methodology/data/approach: To do this, we conducted a theoretical exploration of various factors influencing curriculum implementation and conducted a survey on the perceptions of 500 curriculum specialists, education practitioners, and parents. Findings/ Results: Firstly we established 6 standards for school curriculum implementation based on major accountable school curriculum implementers through a literature review. Then, we administered a survey on perceptions about the standards. The results of the survey are as follows. First, we determined four factors (standards) and several sub-indicators respectively. Secondly, the perceptions about the two standards (factors) related to “students” and “school environment” were different among groups while those related to “school focused support or cooperation” and “parental involvement” were not different among the groups. Values: We mainly discussed the results of the study as follows. First, parents should be importantly considered when we implement school curriculum. Parents' perceptions about school implementation were quite different from other groups. Second, the need for development of teacher professionalism was different between principals and teachers. There should be opportunities to talk each other. Efforts should be made to close the gap. Third, all groups including curriculum specialists, teachers, principal, vice principal, and parents should participate in school curriculum implementation in one way or another. They all have different things to say about curriculum implementation standards. 본 연구는 문헌연구로 학교교육과정 실행 기준을 설정한 후 그것에 대하여 총 500명의 교육과정 전문가, 교육부・교육청 담당자, 교장・교감, 교사, 학부모의 인식을 조사・분석하였다. 우선, 문헌 연구 결과, 학교, 교사, 교육부, 교육청, 지역사회, 학부모 등 6개의 실행 주체를 중심으로 6개의 학교교육과정 실행 기준을 도출하였다. 둘째, 설문지 조사 후 응답을 요인 분석하여 “학생”, “학교 집중 협력과 지원”, “학교 여건”, “학부모 참여” 등 4개의 학교교육과정 실행 기준(요인)과 하위 지표를 도출했다. 셋째, 4개의 학교교육과정 실행 기준(요인)의 집단별 인식과 집단 간 차이를 분석했다. 본 연구의 결과를 토대로 한 주요한 논의와 제언의 요지는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 학교교육과정 실행 기준에 대한 학부모의 인식은 다른 집단과 크게 다르다. 이처럼 매우 다른 학부모의 요구는 학교 교육과정 기준 설정에 중요하게 고려되어야 한다. 둘째, 학생 기준의 하위 지표인 “교사 전문성 개발”에 인식은 교사와 학교장 간에 큰 차이가 있었다. 이 기준에 대한 학교장과 교사 간 대화의 장이 자주 만들어져 인식의 차이가 메워져야 할 필요가 있다. 셋째, 교육과정 전문가, 교육부・교육청 담당자, 교장・교감, 교사, 학부모 등의 모든 집단은 학교교육과정 실행 기준에 대하여 어떤 식으로든 다른 인식을 갖고 있다. 이들 모든 집단이 학교 교육과정 실행 기준의 설정에 다양한 방식으로 참여하도록 해야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        제 7차 국어과 교육과정 실행 사례 연구

        정혜승 ( Hye Seung Chung ) 한국교육과정학회 2002 교육과정연구 Vol.20 No.4

        This study is aimed at investigating the factors of implementing the curriculum for the department of the Korean language, and analyzing the aspects that each factor operates through observing the teaching materials and the classes to which the 7th curriculum is applied. In the meantime, the concern with a curriculum has been concentrated on developing it, and little concern has been given to the curriculum which has been already developed and is being implemented. As the result, the criticism that a curriculum has not brought any change to actual educational fields is numerous, but the positive data indicating what has not been changed how and why changes did not occur are difficult to find out. Since a curriculum is meaningful only when it is carried out in school classrooms, examining the aspects that it is implemented is significant working which becomes basic in diagnosing educational problems and seeking suitable solutions for them. In this study, first of all, the factors of implementing the curriculum development for the Korean language education are categorized into the curriculum itself, textbooks, teacher`s guide books, teachers and students, and the effects that each factor has on implementing a curriculum have been analyzed through study of literature. A curriculum is again divided into the factors of suitability, feasibility, definiteness and concreteness, and a textbook is subdivided into the factors such as the methods of composing a unit, the learning objectives of a unit and the methods of selecting contents, and the system of composing a unit. A teacher is the subject of implementing a curriculum and his view of a curriculum and his belief and attitude towards it, his methods of understanding and interpreting it, his methods of using textbooks, his methods of operating and evaluating his classes, a curriculum council and so on affect the implementation of a curriculum. A student is the subject of education and his interest towards a curriculum and textbooks, his learning attitudes, his cognitive abilities, his socioeconomic background and home environment, and the like are the factors of affecting the implementation of a curriculum. In this study, I selected one from speaking area of the 7th middle school curriculum, analyzed the contents of a curriculum and its relatedness to teaching materials, and the aspects that it is implemented in classes, and schematized as a model the process that the initial intention of a curriculum is implemented as the learning of students from fidelity perspective. Based on this, I typified the aspects that the curriculum for the department of the Korean language was implemented as the implementation model centered on the factor of textbooks. In the implementation model centered on the factor of textbooks, the class of a teacher and the learning of students depend on the methods in which textbooks reflect a curriculum. In this model, a teacher cannot know a curriculum and the relationship between it and textbooks, and gives classes only looking at textbooks. Thus, in case that textbooks transform or do not reflect fully a curriculum, a curriculum is difficult to implement faithfully. Implementing a curriculum faithfully according to the intention needs developing a feasible, concrete curriculum which is easily understood to teachers, developing textbooks reflecting a curriculum faithfully, providing teachers with the information about the relationship between a curriculum and textbooks, and educating teachers for improving their expertness. environment, and the like are the factors of affecting the implementation of a curriculum. In this study, I selected one from speaking area of the 7th middle school curriculum, analyzed the contents of a curriculum and its relatedness to teaching materials, and the aspects that it is implemented in classes, and schematized as a model the process that the initial intention of a curriculum is implemented as the learning of students from

      • KCI등재

        2007년 개정 한문과 교육과정 실행 연구

        楊沅錫(Yang, Won-seok) 동양한문학회(구 부산한문학회) 2010 동양한문학연구 Vol.30 No.-

        본고는 ‘교육과정 실행(curriculum implementation)’의 개념과 ‘교육과정 실행 연구’의 방법에 대해 살펴보고, 2007년 개정 한문과 교육과정의 중학교 1학년 ‘한문 지식’ 영역 ‘한자’ 내용이 교육과정 자체 및 교과서에서 실행되는 양상에 대해 검토하는 것을 연구 목적으로 하였다. ‘교육과정 실행’이란 국가 수준의 교육적 의도를 문서화시킨 계획 수준의 교육과정을 교육 현장의 현실에 적용하여 소기의 목적을 달성해 가는 실천의 과정이다. ‘교육과정 실행 연구’란 교육과정이 실행되는 과정에 대한 검토를 통해 그 실행의 충실도 정도를 확인 및 평가하고, 실행 과정에서 발견되는 문제점을 제시하는 연구 방법이다. 본고에서는 정혜승의 󰡔국어과 교육과정 실행 연구󰡕에서 제시하고 있는 연구 방법을 도입하되, 이를 한문과의 성격과 실정에 맞게 수정하여 적용해 보았으며 또 연구 범위를 ‘교육과정 자체 요인’과 ‘교과서 요인’으로 한정하였다. 연구 결과, 개정 한문과 교육과정 ‘한자’ 내용 자체는 일부분에서 ‘구체성’과 ‘명확성’이 다소 결여된 부분이 있었지만 전반적으로 교육과정 실행을 충실하게 견인할 수 있도록 구성되었음을 확인하였다. 교과서의 경우, 교육과정 ‘한자’의 내용이 교과서에 상호 변별적인 성격과 양상으로 반영된 2종을 선택하여 분석하였으며, 동일한 교육과정의 내용이 교과서 편찬자의 교재관 및 단원 구성 방식에 따라 다양하게 실행되는 양상을 확인하였다. This paper aims to examine the concept of 'curriculum implementation' and method of 'curriculum implementation study' and make a review of the aspect in which 'Chinese characters' contents of 'Chinese characters knowledge' sphere(the first grade of a junior high school) of the Chinese Writing Course curriculum amended in 2007 are put in practice in the curriculum itself and a textbook. ‘Curriculum implementation’ means a practical process of achieving a certain goal by applying the curriculum that is a planned document containing educational intent on the national level to an educational site. 'Study on curriculum implementation' is a study method that confirms and evaluates the loyalty of curriculum implementation and proposes problems discovered in the process of implementation through examination of the process in which a curriculum is implemented. In this paper, the study methodology proposed in Jeong Hye-seung's 󰡔Korean course curriculum implementation study󰡕 was introduced, but it was applied by revising it in line with the character and real situation of Chinese Writing Course, and the study scope was limited to 'Curriculum self element' and 'Textbook element'. As a result of study, the 'Chinese characters' itself of amended Chinese Writing course curriculum rather lacks in 'concreteness' and 'clearness' but it was confirmed that the curriculum was composed to ensure that its implementation is substantially carried out. In case of a textbook, 2 kinds the contents of whose curriculum 'Chinese characters' are reflected in a mutually distinctive character and aspect were selected and analyzed, and the aspect was confirmed that the contents of the same curriculum were diversely implemented according to a method of composing a unit and according to the viewpoint of a textbook compiler on teaching materials.

      • KCI등재

        유아교사의 개정누리과정 실천에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구 - 유아교사 효능감 및 유아교사의 개정누리과정 인식을 중심으로 -

        권세경 한국보육학회 2021 한국보육학회지 Vol.21 No.4

        Objective: The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of early childhood teacher’s efficacy and the understanding of the 2019 revised Nuri Curriculum on the implementation of the 2019 revised Nuri Curriculum. The research questions set for this are as follows. First, What distinction was between the understanding of the 2019 revised Nuri Curriculum and the implementation of the 2019 revised Nuri Curriculum? Second, Do Teacher Efficacy affect the understanding of the 2019 revised Nuri Curriculum and the implementation of the 2019 revised Nuri Curriculum? Third, Do Teacher Efficacy and the understanding of the 2019 revised Nuri Curriculum affect the level of implementation on the 2019 revised Nuri Curriculum? Methods: In order to solve such research problems, this study conducted a survey of 194 people from 300 people. This study used measure teacher efficacy of the tool by Shin Hye-young(2004), measure the understanding and the implementation of the 2019 revised Nuri Curriculum of the scale of Park-Jong-myeong(2020). This study analyzed for T-test, multiple linear regression of SPSS 40. Results: The result of this study is as follows. First, Between the understanding of the 2019 revised Nuri Curriculum and the implementation of the 2019 revised Nuri Curriculum was significant differences. Second, Teacher Efficacy affect the understanding of the 2019 revised Nuri Curriculum and the implementation of the 2019 revised Nuri Curriculum. Particularly, personal efficacy was the higher than normal efficacy affect the understanding of the 2019 revised Nuri Curriculum and the implementation of the 2019 revised Nuri Curriculum. Third, The understanding of the 2019 revised Nuri Curriculum had the biggest impact the implementation of the 2019 revised Nuri Curriculum. This result was significant level. Conclusion/Implications: These findings provide the baseline data for support of teacher’s the implementation of the 2019 revised Nuri Curriculum. 본 연구는 유아교사 효능감과 개정누리과정에 대한 인식을 중심으로 유아교사가 2019 개정누리과정을 실천하는데 영향을 미치는 요인에 대해 알아보고자 하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위하여 본 연구는 1차 서울, 경기, 강원, 인천 지역 총 300명의 교사를 대상으로 교사효능감과 개정누리과정 인식 및 실천에 관한 질문지를 배포하여 294부의 질문지를 회수하였다. 이 중 질문에 대한 답이 누락되거나 오류의 정도가 높은 질문지를 제외하고 최종 194부의 질문지를 분석하였다. 개정누리과정에 대한 교사의 인식과 실천에 차이가 있는지를 살펴보기 위하여 대응표본 t-test 검정을 실시하였고 교사효능감이 교사의 개정누리과정 인식과 실천에 미치는 영향과 교사효능감과 교사의 개정누리과정에 대한 인식이 교사의 개정누리과정 실천에 미치는 영향 수준을 분석하기 위해서 중다선형 회귀분석을 사용하였으며 회귀분석은 단계선택(stepwise) 방법을 사용하였다. 본 연구결과는 첫째, 개정누리과정에 대한 교사의 인식과 실천에는 차이가 있었으며 이러한 결과는 통계적으로 유의미하였다. 개정누리과정의 지원계획부터 평가하기까지 모든 분야에 대한 교사의 인식 평균이 교사의 실천 평균보다 높게 나타났다. 특히 ‘평가하기’에 대한 인식과 실천의 차이가 가장 큰 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 교사의 효능감은 개정누리과정 인식과 실천에 유의미한 영향을 미쳤으며 특히 개인효능감이 일반효능감보다 영향을 미치는 정도가 크게 나타났다. 셋째, 교사효능감과 개정누리과정 인식이 실천에 미치는 영향에 대해 알아본 결과 교사의 개정누리과정 인식이 실천에 미치는 영향이 가장 크게 나타났다. 본 연구를 통하여 개정누리과정 실천에 교사효능감과 개정누리과정 인식이 어떠한 영향을 미치는 알아보는 것은 교사의 개정누리과정 실천을 지원할 수 있는 기초자료가 될 것으로 생각된다.

      • KCI등재

        초등교사의 교육과정 실행 경험으로 본 교육과정 실행 관점과 의미

        이윤미 ( Yunmi Lee ),정광순 ( Kwangsoon Jeong ) 한국교육과정학회 2015 교육과정연구 Vol.33 No.4

        This study describes twenty years of experience in curriculum implementation as an elementary school teacher, and explores the formation, change and meaning of curriculum implementation perspective. Autoethnography was applied to explain personal experience in a more collective societal context. As the study results shows, the researcher’s curriculum implementation formation and change was concentrated on three perspectives: textbook fidelity, textbook reform, and creating teacher’s curricula. These three elementary school teacher perspectives of curriculum implementation changed as an expansion from initial perspectives to further new concepts, rather than excluding the formal perspective and moving on to the next. Based on the results, this study has produced implications on future studies. First, the curriculum implementation perspective is not fixed at certain point, but rather changes through repetitive and continual trial-and-error that expands its area in a flexible manner.Second, each curriculum implementation perspective has its own tendencies and goals, so implementation requires teacher’s deliberate efforts; accumulated experiences in the field alone do not guarantee improvements in expanding the curriculum implementation perspectives. Third, the perspective about reforming curricula lies between the two perspectives of textbook reform and teacher’s inventing curricula on a per-class basis. This concept might cause errors in defining the range of the term when there is no authority over modifying or deleting the achievement standard. Thus, this might become a hindering factor in improving the expansion of teacher’s curriculum implementation perspectives. Lastly, the study finds that there is the need for publicizing the issue of teacher’s discretion over curriculum achievement standards that would be reinforced by the national curriculum.

      • KCI등재

        국가수준 체육과 교육과정의 구현 실태 및 제고 방안

        이대중 ( Dae-jung Lee ),임은주 ( Eun-ju Lim ) 중앙대학교 학교체육연구소 2021 Asian Journal of Physical Education of Sport Scien Vol.9 No.3

        국가수준 교육과정과 교사수준 수업과의 문제는 이론과 실제의 문제로 양측간의 간극을 좁히려는 시도가 꾸준히 이어져왔으며 체육과도 예외가 아니다. 이 연구는 체육교사를 대상으로 체육과 교육과정 구현 실태와 원인을 파악하고, 이를 토대로 교육과정 이론과 구현의 문제를 풀 수 있는 방안을 제시하는데 목적이 있다. 이러한 목적을 달성하기 위하여 먼저, 전국의 341명의 체육교사를 대상으로 2015 개정 체육과 교육과정 구현 수준 6문항, 교육과정 구현 실태 원인 6문항으로 이루어진 설문을 네이버 오피스 폼을 통하여 받았다. 2015 개정 체육과 교육과정 구현 수준을 살펴보면, 경쟁활동 영역을 제외한 나머지 영역에서는 낮은 수준의 구현이 높은 수준의 구현보다 비율이 높았다. 체육교사들이 인식하고 있는 체육과 교육과정 구현 어려움의 원인을 묻는 질문 결과, ‘현실적 제약’에 응답한 체육교사가 45.7%로 가장 비율이 높았으며, ‘교육과정의 추상성’ 39.8%, ‘자신의 관심 부족’ 36%, ‘학부시절 교육과정 적용 관련 학습 부족’ 27.6%, ‘국가차원의 연수 부족’ 20.5%의 순으로 나타났다. 체육과 교육과정 구현 실태 결과를 토대로, 체육과 교육과정 구현을 강화하기 방안을 3가지 제시하였다. 첫째, 체육과 교육과정 문서와 체제를 개선해야 한다. 둘째, 교사들의 자발성을 이끌 수 있는 교육과정 거버넌스를 강화해야 한다. 셋째, 체육교사 전문성 강화를 위한 교원양성대학 체육교육과 교육과정을 강화해야 한다. 이 연구를 통해 체육과 교육과정을 체육교사가 적절히 현장에 구현할 수 있는 발판이 되길 바란다. The problem between the national curriculum and the teacher-level class has been steadily attempted to narrow the gap between the two sides due to the problems of theory and practice, and physical education is no exception. The purpose of this study is to identify the actual condition and cause of the physical education curriculum implementation for physical education teachers and to suggest a plan to solve the problems of curriculum theory and practice based on this. To achieve this purpose, a questionnaire survey of 341 physical education teachers across the country was conducted through Naver Office Form, which included 6 questions on the implementation level of the 2015 revised physical education curriculum, and 6 questions on the actual condition of the curriculum implementation. Looking at the implementation level of the 2015 revised physical education curriculum, the lower level of the implementation was higher than the high level of the implementation in the rest of the area except for the competition activity area. As a result of asking the reasons for the difficulties in implementing the physical education curriculum that physical education teachers recognize, 45.7% of the physical education teachers answered 'realistic constraints', followed by 'abstractness of curriculum' 39.8%, 'lack of interest' 36%, 'lack of learning related to the application of curriculum during their school days' 27.6%, and 'lack of training at the national level' 20.5%. Based on the results of the actual state of the physical education curriculum, three ways to strengthen the implementation of the physical education curriculum were proposed. First, the documents and system of physical education curriculum should be improved. Second, the curriculum governance that can lead the spontaneity of teachers should be strengthened. Third, the physical education curriculum of the teacher training college should be strengthened to strengthen the professionalism of physical education teachers. Through this study, i hope that the physical education curriculum will be a stepping stone for physical education teachers to implement it properly in the field.

      • KCI등재

        교사의 교육과정 실행 양상 및 유형 탐색: 교육과정 자료 사용 및 동료와의 소통을 중심으로

        이윤미 ( Yunmi Lee ) 한국교육과정학회 2020 교육과정연구 Vol.38 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to explore the aspect and type of curriculum implementation by developing a test tool that can grasp the curriculum implementation of teachers in terms of use of curriculum materials and communication with colleagues. The main results of this study are as follows. First, in terms of textbook use, elementary school teachers, innovative school teachers, and teachers with less than 10 years of experience were found to be relatively free of textbooks. Second, in terms of curriculum materials use by other teachers, elementary school teachers, middle and high school teachers working in 3 classes or less, and teachers with less than 10 years of experience were found to have high degree of imitation. Third, in terms of the use of standards, teachers with less than 10 to 20 years of experience showed the highest utilization of standards. Fourth, in terms of communication with colleagues, elementary school teachers, innovative school teachers, and elementary school teachers working in the scale of 19 classes or higher showed high levels of communication. Fifth, the most common types of curriculum implementation were 'textbook revision type', 'other teacher's curriculum materials benchmarking type', 'standards starting type', and 'selective communication type according to situation'. Based on the above research results, it was suggested to expand the autonomy of the standards of teachers, create a model of curriculum innovation through research on innovative schools, develop customized training according to the type of curriculum implementation, and liberalize the publishing system of curriculum materials.

      • KCI등재

        중학교 국어교사의 교육과정 실행 경험

        김현주,김대현 학습자중심교과교육학회 2019 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.19 No.24

        This study describes the twenty-four years of experience in curriculum implementation as a Korean teacher in middle school, and reflect the changes and the causes of curriculum implementation. Autoethnography was applied for this study to explain personal experiences in a more collective societal context. As the study results shows, my curriculum implementation has changed to 'literacy of curriculum', 'recognition of curriculum', 'acceptance of curriculum', and 'critical application of curriculum'. These changes was attributed to the context of the growth of teacher professionalism by acquiring curriculum content knowledge through academic inquiry and practical knowledge through teaching experience, deep interest and understanding of the curriculum as ‘facilitator of change' in school, and my concerns and conflicts by strengthening education policy and on-site inspections on the implementation of the national curriculum. Based on the results, this study has produced implications on future studies. First, training for curriculum, knowledge of teaching methods, and curriculum reorganization training should be continuously conducted to improve the professionalism of teachers. Second, the developed curriculum should be allowed to be adjusted and executed according to the actual situation and context of the classroom. Third, the opinions of teachers who apply the achievement standard directly in the field on the achievement standard should be collected and reflected. 본 연구는 중학교 국어교사로서 연구자가 24년 동안 교육과정을 실행한 경험을 기술하고 교육과정 실행의 변화와 그 원인을 성찰하였다. 이를 위해 공동체와의 맥락 속에서 개별 경험을 이야기하는 자문화기술지를 활용하였다. 1996년부터 2019년까지 교육과정 실행에 관한 개인적 기록물과 문화적 인공물, 동료 교사들의 내러티브 및 인터뷰 자료를 수집하고 살다냐(Saldaa)의 인 비보 코딩과 대비코딩을 1차적으로 진행하고 2차 코딩으로 종단적 코딩(longitudinal coding)을 하여 분석하였다. 연구 결과 나의 교육과정 실행은 ‘교육과정 문맹’, ‘교육과정 인식’, ‘교육과정 수용’, ‘교육과정 비판적 적용’으로 변화해왔다. 이러한 변화는 교육과정 지식과 교수 경험을 통한 실천적 지식 습득에 따른 교사 전문성의 성장, 학교 내 ‘변화 촉진자’로서 교육과정에 대한 깊은 관심과 이해, 교육과정 실행 관련 교육정책의 강화에 따른 고민과 갈등이라는 맥락 속에서 이루어졌다. 이를 바탕으로 다음과 같은 시사점을 얻을 수 있었다. 첫째, 교사의 전문성 향상을 위한 방법적, 실천적 지식 및 교육과정 이해 연수가 지속적으로 진행되어야 한다. 둘째, 개발된 교육과정을 실제 교실 현장의 상황과 맥락에 따라 조정하며 실행할 수 있도록 허용해야 한다. 셋째, 성취기준 자체에 대하여 직접 현장에서 성취기준을 적용하는 교사들의 의견을 적극적으로 수렴하여 반영해야 한다.

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