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        『조세범 처벌법』 상 세금계산서 관련범과 죄수

        김태희(Kim Tay) 한국세법학회 2016 조세법연구 Vol.22 No.2

        1976. 12. 22. 부가가치세법이 제정되면서 같은 시기에 『조세범 처벌법』에도 세금계산서 관련 위법행위를 처벌하는 규정이 신설되었다.『조세범 처벌법』은 당초 실물거래를 동반한 세금계산서 교부 및 수취에 관한 위법행위만을 규율하다가, 1994. 12. 22. 무거래세금계산서 교부 및 수취에 관한 위법행위를 규율대상에 추가하였고, 2004. 12. 31. 세금계산서합계표 제출에 관한 위법행위를 더하였으며, 2005. 12. 29. 특가법 제8조의 2가 신설되어 ‘영리의 목적’으로 ‘공급가액 등의 합계액’이 30억 원 이상인 경우에는 가중처벌하게 되었다. 한편 2008년 전자세금계산서 제도가 도입되어 세금계산서 수수행위의 방식이 과거와는 완전히 달라지게 되었으며, 부가가치세법의 개정으로 전자세금계산서의 경우 그 합계표 제출의무가 면제되었다. 위와 같이 법령이 변천됨에 따라 조세포탈범과 세금계산서 관련범, 각 세금계산서 수수 범행 상호 간, 세금계산서 수수에 관한 위법행위와 그 합계표 제출에 관한 위법행위 상호 간의 죄수 문제는 논란의 중심에 서게 되었다. 일죄로 보는가 수죄로 보는가에 따라 처단형의 범위가 달라지고, 특히 조세범에 관하여 배액벌금제도를 택하고 있는 현행법하에서 자칫 벌금형이 몇 배로 상향될 수 있기 때문이다. 또한 특가법상 ‘공급가액 등의 합계액’의 획정범위에 따라 특가법에 해당하는지 여부가 달리 판단될 수 있기 때문에 위 문구의 해석 역시 중요한 명제가 되었다. 본고에서는 세금계산서 관련 범죄행위에 관하여 유형을 나누어 죄수를 고찰하였는바, ① 조세포탈범과 세금계산서 관련범은 별개의 범죄로 보아야 하고, ② 동일한 과세기간에 이루어진 수개의 세금계산서 수수 관련 위법행위는 포괄하여 일죄로 보아야 하며, ③ 특가법 제8조의 2를 적용함에 있어 세금계산서, 계산서, 각 그 합계표에 관한 공급가액을 모두 합산하여 일정액 이상인지를 판단하되, 합산기간을 제한하여 단일하고 계속된 범의 하에 동일한 범행 방법에 의하여 행한 경우에만 포괄하여 일죄로 보도록 하고, ④ 동일한 거래에 관하여 세금계산서 수수를 하고 그 합계표를 제출하였다면 이는 법조경합의 관계에 놓이게 되어 일죄가 되며, ⑤ 특히 전자세금계산서의 경우 그 합계표 제출행위도, 제출의무도 없으므로 세금계산서합계표에 관한 범죄는 성립하지 않는다는 점을 명백히 하였다. Along with the enactment of the Value-Added Tax Act on 22 December 1976, a new provision was added to the Punishment of Tax Evaders Act to punish unlawful acts related to tax invoices. The Punishment of Tax Evaders Act only used to penalize criminal acts related to the issuance and receipt of tax invoices that were accompanied by actual transactions. Then, on 22 December 1994 unlawful acts related to the issuance and receipt of tax invoices without actual transactions were added into the applicable scope of the Act. On 31 December 2004, unlawful acts concerning tax invoice summaries also became subject to the Act. On 29 December 2005, Article 8-2 of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment of Specific Crimes was enacted, to provide for a severer standard of punishment when the offender committed a tax invoices-related crime “for the purpose of profit” and the “aggregate amount of the supply value, etc.” was KRW 3 billion or more. Meanwhile in 2008, the electronic tax invoice system entered into effect, which caused a complete change to the way of issuance(receipt) of tax invoices. Also, by the amendment of the Value-Added Tax Act, electronic tax invoices became exempt from the obligation to submit tax invoice summaries. Through the series of changes in the relevant laws as demonstrated above, the issues of counting crimes for tax evasion offenses, tax invoices-related offenses, counting crimes for multiple acts of unlawfully receiving(issuing) of tax invoices, and for the two different acts of receiving(issuing) tax invoices and submitting tax invoice summaries became very controversial. The applicable scope of criminal penalty can vary depending on whether the relevant acts are understood as a single crime or multiple crimes. Especially, under the ‘several times amount fining system’ adopted in the current law, the amount of fine might become several times bigger due to the number of crimes that the relevant acts are found to constitute. In addition, the interpretation of the term “aggregate amount of the supply value, etc.” under the Act on the Aggravated Punishment of Specific Crimes also became an important issue, as this would determine whether certain acts could fall within the scope of this harsher Act. This paper analyzes how to count the number of crimes for various types of criminal acts related to tax invoices:① tax evasion offenses and tax invoices-related offenses should be understood as separate crimes;② multiple acts concerning the receipt(issuance) of tax invoices that happened during the ame taxation period should be viewed as one inclusive crime;③ to determine the applicability of Article 8-2 of the Act on the Aggravated Punishment of Specific Crimes, the supply values specified in each tax invoice, invoice, and tax invoice summary should be added together to the extent that all of the relevant acts can be considered to constitute one inclusive crime with a single, continuing criminal intent and with the same crime committing method;④ if a tax invoice is received(issued) and a tax invoice summary is submitted with respect to the same transaction, the two acts should be considered as one single crime under the theory of concurrence of provisions;and ⑤ in the special case of electronic tax invoices, the crimes related to tax invoice summaries are inapplicable, as there can be no acts of submitting tax invoice summaries or any obligations in relation thereto.

      • KCI등재후보

        증오범죄의 실태와 원인에 대한 이론적 고찰

        양문승(Yang, Mun-Seung),이훈재(Lee, Hun-Jae) 원광대학교 법학연구소 2008 圓光法學 Vol.24 No.4

        Crimes are continuously committed throughout the world and it has been problem for every society. Looking back the history, there have been some serious crimes that triggered outrages in the society and hate crime must be one of those. Long ago, there was holocaust by the Nazis and in the recent days, 9.11 terrorism against U.S has been great issue in the world. Other than these enormous crimes, there was Jijon-pa incident in 1994 and Yu Young Chul incident in 2004 in Korea. The series of crimes caused by prejudice, bias and conflicts was a great shock to our society. In this study, we have looked into the hate crimes to find out its concept and similar crimes. Also, its causes have been analyzed based on its background situation. The concept of hate crime was first established in the law related to hatred relationship in U.S. By applying this to our society to establish the concept, hate crime refers to crimes motivated by the hatred feelings caused by hate, aversion or prejudice, and bias. It refers to the crimes that have essential connection with causal relationships and its object for hatred feeling is based on bias against race, religion, sexual preference, nationality, age, disability, sex, origin, marital status or economic status in the society. It refers to the crimes committed in the ordinary crime forms with the secondary hatred feeling which corresponds to the above bias. On the other hand, the causes of these hate crimes are the flood tide of prejudice and economic inequality in the society and absence in the role of homes and domestic violence. Also, there are personal problems in the brain function not being able to control the rage or hostility and psychological problems. Which means, the people who commit hate crimes face various problems in personal, domestic and social life while not being able to control or resolve anger, aversion, and fear. Rather looking for the causes in themselves, they blame the society for their situation or circumstance. Meanwhile, secondary feeling, namely 'hate' takes place and they get to commit hate crimes through expressing such feeling. Furthermore, we need to take counter measures against these hate crimes in the future. Not only the criminal private law institution but also education site and the society should try to develop and implement appropriate programs for the teenagers and adults to learn to control or resolve their anger and hatred feelings. Accurate concept of hate crime should be established and laws in relation with policy for the prevention must be legislated. It is expected that adequate counter measures would be developed soon based on various studies.

      • KCI등재

        효과적인 CPTED를 위한 범죄위험평가의 도구 및 항목

        조영진,김서영,박현호 경찰대학 치안정책연구소 2016 치안정책연구 Vol.30 No.3

        Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) emphasizes the physical environmental factors of crime occurring sites among many other factors of crime. CPTED is known to be effective for opportunistic property crimes such as burglary and so it is important to have systematic CPTED-driven environmental planning and designing for urban space. Previous CPTED studies suggested basic principles, strategic approaches and focused on assessment methodologies for crime indices and the improvement of crime foreseeing. However, evaluating the detailed crime risk of a development site is critical for efficient and effective real-life CPTED practice. Although the government guideline and several local ordinances merely recommend a crime risk assessment (hereafter CRA) of related sites, there is no specific risk assessment models or tools for practical uses. This study reviewed domestic and overseas use cases of CRA and categorized six different CRA tools to find out crime risk level, crime generating spots and crime generating factors. The six CRA tools are surveys, crime data analyses and demographic statistical data analyses for identifying crime generating factors and risk levels, and interviews, crime density analyses and space analyses for exploring crime spots. This CRA tools are needed to be verified in terms of validity and reliability through series of realistic site evaluations in the near future. Also the CRA tools have to be utilized by the systematic selection of each tool according to the specific context of development sites. Following studies should concentrate on developing effective CRA models by using the CRA tools. 범죄 발생에 영향을 미치는 다양한 요인 중 범죄발생 장소의 환경적 요인에 대한 관심이 높아짐에 따라 CPTED의 중요성이 강조되고 있다. 이에 따라 수행된 기존 CPTED 연구들은 기본원리와 실천전략 등 이론 중심의 연구와 범죄위험평가, 범죄발생지표 관련 평가방법론을 다 각도로 제시하고 있으나 사업 대상지의 특성에 맞는 실용적 평가 도구나 항목을 제시하지 못하는 한계를 드러내고 있다. 또한 정부 및 지자체에서 발표한 CPTED관련 고시와 조례 등 제도에서 범죄위험평가 수행을 권장하고있지만 대상지 특성과 사업 여건에 따라 활용할 수 있는 구체적인 평가도구 및 항목 모델은 부재한 실정이다. 이에 이 연구에서는 보다 실효성 있는 평가를 위해 국내․외 사례 분석을 통해 6가지 범죄위험평가도구를 유형화하여 선정하였으며, 선정된 도구를 통해 범죄발생정도(위험도), 범죄발생지점(장소) 그리고 범죄유발요인(위험인자)을 확인할 것을 제안하였다. 선정되어 각각 구체적인 평가항목들을 제시한 6가지 범죄위험평가 도구는 범죄 위험요인 및 위험도 확인을 위한 설문조사, 범죄자료분석, 인구통계학적 분석 도구와 범죄위험지점 확인을 위한 인터뷰조사, 범죄밀도분석, 공간분석이다. 향후 본 연구에서 유형화한 범죄유발요인 측정도구를 활용하여 대상지를 평가해봄으로써 도구의 타당성을 검증해볼 필요가 있으며, CPTED 실무에서 사업 및 대상지 특성에 따라 도구를 선택적으로 활용할 수 있도록 범죄위험평가모델 개발에 대한 연구가 추가적으로 진행되어야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        분만 중 또는 분만 직후의 영아살해범죄에 관한 실무상 문제와 해결방안

        남관모 사법발전재단 2018 사법 Vol.1 No.45

        The Korean criminal law prescribes that a person who commits infanticide shall be punished on charges of infanticide, the crime of causing death to a baby by abandonment, and the crime of resulting death from child abuse. This article examines some of the dilemmas entailed by infanticide cases from the viewpoint of a legal practitioner. The Criminal Act imposes heavier punishment on the crime of causing death to a baby by abandonment, which constitutes a crime that resulted in unintended consequences by the agents’ purposeful criminal conduct (“consequential aggravated crime”), compared to infanticide, which constitutes an intentional crime. Under the Act, a case where infanticide is committed by means of abandonment, during or right after delivery, is punished more heavily, compared to a case where the crime was committed by other means. Yet, in practice, infanticide is sentenced with heavy penalty, contrary to the gravity of the statutory penalty thereon. In addition, the Act on the Punishment of Child Abuse Crimes prescribes aggravated punishment for the case in which a protector of a child results in the death of the child by committing special cases of child abuse crimes, defining the crime of abandonment of a baby as one of the types of the special cases of child abuse crimes. However, imposing punishment, which is heavier than that of the crime of causing death to a baby by abandonment under the Criminal Act, without specific indications of elements of crime, is against the responsibility principle; and is lacking in legitimacy and balance, thereby making it unconstitutional. The unconstitutionality issue must be resolved through legislation; yet, even before legislative action takes place, a court must render constitutionally restrictive interpretation to remove any unconstitutionality therein. This article proposes a way to resolve the imbalance in sentencing for infanticide and for the crime of causing death to a baby by abandonment, which is: (a) repealing the crime of abandoning a baby and punishing it on charge of infanticide, irrespective of the methods of the crime; and (b) raising the statutory penalty for infanticide in view of the circumstances at the time of enactment and the current situation. Finally, infanticide, like other crimes, must be eliminated from our society; however, imposing severe punishment by means of a special law on some types of infanticide, whose methods of crime are no different from other types, is not a fundamental solution to the problem. Furthermore, it violates the principle of equality, and is not legitimate under criminal law and the constitution. 우리 형사법제는 영아살해범죄를 저지른 사람에 대하여 영아살해죄, 영아유기치사죄, 아동학대치사죄로 처벌하도록 규정하고 있다. 본 글에서는 영아살해범죄를 담당하는 실무가로서 업무과정에서 부딪히게 되는 문제를 살펴본다. 영아살해죄와 영아유기치사죄의 관계를 보면, 형법은 고의범인 영아살해죄의 법정형보다 결과적 가중범인 영아유기치사죄의 법정형이 더 중하게 규정하고 있어 분만 중 또는 분만 직후 영아살해의 방법이 유기인 경우를 그 밖의 다른 범행방법인 경우보다 중하게 처벌하고 있고, 반면 실무적으로는 법정형의 경중과 정반대로 영아살해죄에 대하여 중형이 선고되고 있는 문제가 있다. 또한 아동학대처벌법은 보호자가 특정 아동학대범죄를 범하여 아동을 사망에 이르게 한 경우를 가중처벌하도록 하면서, 영아유기죄를 특정 아동학대범죄의 하나로 규정하고 있는데, 영아살해죄와 비교하여 행위반가치 및 결과반가치가 더 중하지 않음에도 현저히 중하게 처벌하는 것은 책임주의에 반하고 형사특별법으로서 갖추어야 할 형벌체계상 정당성과 균형을 잃어 위헌이라고 생각된다. 입법적으로 위헌 문제가 해소되어야 하겠으나, 그 전이라도 법원은 해석을 통해 위헌성을 제거하는 것이 타당하다. 또한 영아살해죄와 영아유기치사죄의 법정형 불균형의 문제를 해결할 방안으로 영아유기죄를 폐지하여 범행방법과 관계없이 영아살해죄로 처벌하되, 형법 제정 시와 현대의 시대상황변화를 반영하여 영아살해죄의 법정형을 상향하는 입법론을 제안한다. 끝으로, 영아살해범죄는 여타 범죄와 마찬가지로 우리 사회에서 근절되어야 하는 범죄임은 물론이나, 본질적 차이가 없는 영아살해범죄의 일부 범행방법 유형에 대해서만 특별법으로 법정형을 가중하여 가혹한 처벌을 하는 것은 이 문제를 근본적으로 해결할 수도 없을 뿐더러, 동일한 죄책에 대하여 동일한 형벌을 과하여야 하는 형사법체계적으로나 헌법적 관점에서 정당하지 않다는 점을 강조하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        빈곤지역의 범죄예방교육이 범죄두려움에 미치는 영향

        박찬혁 한국치안행정학회 2023 한국치안행정논집 Vol.20 No.2

        Various problems are occurring in areas where the poor are concentrated, which are found in previous domestic studies, but studies related to crimes in the area have not been mainly conducted. While previous studies abroad have reported that the influence of economic poverty is not clear as a factor influencing crime, it has been shown to have a significant impact on major variables of crime and crime damage in Korea. As a result, the septed project has been expanded in Korea, mainly in poor areas, but considering the recent trend such as the increase in cybercrime in addition to physical crime, crime prevention education needs to be strengthened. In particular, the purpose of the study was to analyze the impact of crime prevention education on reducing crime fear, focusing on areas where the poor are concentrated, to see if it contributes to emotional stability caused by crime fear rather than the actual situation of crime.. As a research method, it was analyzed using the second data of the Korea Institute for Criminal Policy's "Study on Improving the Effectiveness of Criminal Policy to Guarantee Public Safety (III)." Descriptive statistical analysis, t-test, ANOVA, and curve estimation simple regression analysis were conducted using the SPSS28.0 program. Based on the results of the research analysis, unlike previous studies, in the case of poor areas, disorder and collective efficiency of informal social control did not appear to be factors influencing crime fear. In the case of the impact of crime prevention education, which is the main purpose of this study, it was found that the average score for crime fear was significantly higher for residents of the poor who experienced crime prevention education. In other words, this study was used as basic data to make policy suggestions so that crime prevention education for poor dense areas can be checked and effective in reducing crime fear as well as actual crime prevention based on internalization. 빈곤층 밀집지역에서 다양한 문제가 발생하고 있는 것으로 기존 국내선행연구에서 나타나고 있으나 해당지역에 대한 범죄와 관련된 연구들의 진행이 주를 이루지는 않았다. 국외 선행연구에서는 범죄 영향요인으로 경제적 빈곤의 영향력이 뚜렷하지 않다고 보고되고 있는데 반해, 국내에서는 범죄주요 변인 및 범죄피해에 큰 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타나고 있다. 이로 인해 국내에서는 빈곤지역을 중심으로 셉테드 사업을 확장하기도 하였으나, 최근 물리적 범죄 이외에 사이버 범죄의 증가 등의 동향을 고려하여 볼 때, 범죄예방교육이 강화될 필요가 있다고 볼 수 있다. 특히, 범죄의 실태보다 범죄두려움으로 인한 정서적 안정성에 기여하는지를 확인해 보고자, 빈곤층 밀집지역을 중심으로 범죄예방교육이 범죄두려움 감소에 미치는 영향을 분석하는 것을 연구의 목적으로 하였다. 연구방법으로는 한국형사정책연구원의 ‘국민안전 보장을 위한 형사정책의 실효성 제고 방안 연구 (Ⅲ)’의 2차 데이터자료를 활용하여 분석하였다. SPSS28.0 프로그램을 활용하여 기술통계분석, t-test, ANOVA, 곡선추정 단순회귀분석을 실시했다. 연구분석 결과를 바탕으로 볼 때, 기존의 선행연구와 달리 빈곤지역의 경우 비공식적 사회통제의 무질서와 집합효율성은 범죄두려움 영향요인으로 나타나지 않았다. 이 연구의 주된 목적인 범죄예방교육이 범죄두려움에 미치는 영향의 경우 범죄 예방교육을 경험한 빈곤층 밀집지역 주민일수록 범죄두려움에 대한 평균점수가 더 유의미하게 높은것으로 나타났다. 즉, 빈곤층 밀집지역을 대상으로 한 범죄예방교육을 점검하여 내실화를 바탕으로실질적인 범죄예방뿐만 아니라 범죄두려움을 감소시키는데 효과를 얻을 수 있도록 이 연구를 기초 자료로 활용하여 정책적 제언을 하고자 하였다.

      • KCI등재

        Relationship Between Social Support Factors and Major Crimes in Korean Capital Area

        박수정,Hong Sok(Brian) Kim 한국지역학회 2015 지역연구 Vol.31 No.4

        Crimes must be reduced not only because of the financial, physical, and emotional damages they bring to the victims but also because crimes increase social costs by elevating distrust in society and instilling fear. With the increasing number of crimes in Korea, finding other factors that affect the occurrence of crimes is needed beyond the current viewpoint for crime analysis. Social support factors can be candidates for studies on the social support effect on crime occurrence in their initial stage. In this study, we identified the effect of social support factors on crime occurrence or deterrence, none of which has been considered important until now, given the emergence of spatial econometrics. The resulting Moran’s I values revealed the existence of a spatial autocorrelation in all three crimes: heinous crimes, theft, and violence. As shown in the analysis using spatial econometrics and ordinary least squares, social support from families is significant in reducing all crimes especially violence. Social support from the local government is significant in preventing only theft. The spatial econometrics model is only valid in heinous crimes. These different effects of social support factors and spatial factors on crime occurrences are caused by the different characteristics of crimes. Hence, policymakers should consider the social support effect when they establish policies related to social housing or welfare.

      • KCI등재후보


        赵 辉 원광대학교 법학연구소 2015 의생명과학과 법 Vol.13 No.-

        Different from the criminal law of Japan and Korea, Chinese criminal law directly and clearly specifies the crime of medical accident caused by physician’s negligent act. According to the article of 335thin Chinese criminal law, the crime of medical accident is defined as the behavior which caused the death or serious injury to the victim due to the severe irresponsibility of the physician. Firstly, analysis of constitution of medical malpractice crime Specific provisions of Chinese criminal law demands the establishment of every specific crime meets subjective elements and objective elements which contains four basic elements: criminal object, objective aspect of crime, subject of a crime and subjective aspect of a crime. So does the crime of medical accident. The first, the object of the crime Chinese criminal law commonly believe that criminal object means the social relationships which protected by criminal law is assaulted and threatened by commission of offence. Although Chinese scholars still hold arguments for criminal object of medical accident, the current view that believes the object of this crime is the nation’s management order towards the medical practice and the rights of client’s life and health. The mange and managed legal relationship of medical management between nation and physician, the serve and served legal relationship of medical service between physician and clients. This two aspects constitutes the nation’s manage order towards medical practice. The second, objective aspect of the crime Objective aspect of crime means the criminal law stipulates and explains the feature of objectively external facts that the social relationship protected by criminal law causes damage by behavior. Objective aspect of the crime of medical accident, for the sever irresponsibility of doer which caused clients die or serious damage the health of clients. One, the identification of serious irresponsibility Serious irresponsibility means the physician violates medical regulations or routine of nursing care in every medical link, they default or incorrect perform the responsibility of the nursing care. The medical regulation and routine of nursing care are not only can be written but also convention which is conventional and obeyed by physician in practice. For how to understand the “serious” of “serious irresponsibility”, it’s usually judge the quality of the behavior from the result and subjective state of mind in practice. Two, the criterion for judgment of serious damage the health of clients The constitutional essential element of the crime is the harmful results that the physician causes the death or serious damage to the health of clients. As for what is serious damage to the health of the clients, the criminal law doesn’t give clear explanation and the educational circles have different viewpoints. The scholars start a series of discussions and form the different views of medical criteria, criminal criteria and standard of administrative law. There is no unified view so far. Three, the identification of causal relationship Establishment of the crime of medical accident, there must have casual relationships between violation of medical regulation and death or health serious damage. For the definition of the casual relationship of medical malpractice crime, Chinese scholars have lots of arguments. Some determine the causal relationship should be positive causal relationship in medical malpractice crime. That is the internal, inevitable and in conformity with the law’s casual relationship between medical behavior and clients. For the specialty of medical malpractice crime, some scholars believe we should make a concrete analysis of each specific question and support the application of causal relationship of epidemiology. Also many other scholars advocate we can analyze the responsibility of the physician with the help of the degree of medical fault participation. They propose to draw on t... 의사의 범죄에 대해서 형법에 특별히 규정하고 있는 나라는 그리 많지 않다. 그러나 인신범죄로 규정한 업무상 과실로 크게 다치거나 죽는다는 법률 조항은 의사도 예외가 될 수 없다. 예를 들어, 1871년 독일 형법전 제222조에 규정: 과실로 사람이 죽게 되는 경우, 3년 이하의 금고에 처한다. 직업, 영업상의 부주의로 사람이 죽게 된 경우는 형법을 가중 적용하여 5년 이하의 금고에 처해야 한다. 일본 현행 형법전 제211조 규정: 필요한 주의를 태만해서 사람이 죽게 되면 5년 이하의 노역, 또는 100만원 이하의 벌금에 처한다. 중과실로 사람이 죽게 되는 것도 이와 같이 처리한다. 한국 현행 형법전 제268조 규정: 업무상 과실이나 중과실로 사람이 죽게 되면 5년 이하의 금고나 2000만원 이하의 벌금에 처한다. 위 국가와 달리, 중국 형법은 의사의 의료과실로 인한 의료사고죄에 대해 직접적이면서도 명확하게 규정했다. 중국 형법 제335조 규정: 의무요원이 주의를 다하지 않아서 환자를 사망하게 하거나 심각하게 환자의 인신 건강에 손해를 주면 3년 이하의 유기 징역이나 노역에 처한다. 이 법률 조항에 따라 중국 형법 이론과 실무계에서는 일반적으로 의료사고죄는 의무요원이 주의를 다하지 않아서 진찰하고 있는 환자가 사망하거나 환자의 인신 건강에 심각한 손해를 주는 행위에 한계를 정한다. 의료과정의 복잡성, 침입성은 의료행위의 위험성과 관련된다. 과학기술의 발전에 따라 많은 신 의료 설비, 의료기술, 의료수단은 의료진단 중에 사용된다. 사람들의 건강수요를 만족시키면서 의료행위의 위험 요소가 많아지고 있고, 그로 인한 의료손해도 자주 나타난다. 환자의 생명과 건강을 보호하기 위해 법률에 의무요원의 행위규범을 규제하는 규정과 요구가 필요하다. 중국 형법이 의료사고죄를 설치한 이유가 바로 여기에 있다. 그러나 의료과실 범죄의 형법규범은 장점과 단점의 양면성을 가지고 있다. 그것은 의무요원의 책임심이 강화되고 환자의 이익을 보호하는 반면에 무거운 처벌규정으로 인해 때문에 의무요원의 열의를 손상 시킬 수도 있다. 그래서 중국 형법은 일본, 한국과 달리 단독적으로 의료사고죄를 규정하고 가벼운 형벌을 설치한 방식은 당연히 의미가 있다고 할 수 있다. 그러나 법률 조항에는 부족한 점도 있는데, 그 예로 범죄 구성 요건의 규정, 법정형(法定刑)의 설치 등 문제는 아직도 재검토를 필요로 한다.

      • KCI등재

        Investigation of the Legislation of Crimes Concerning Endangering Drug Safety in China

        Zhao Hui 원광대학교 법학연구소 2023 圓光法學 Vol.39 No.2

        The protection and improvement of drug safety is a major and realistic issue of concern to Chinese society and the public at present. Thus, the crimes concerning endangering drug safety are one of the key areas of Chinese criminal law. The Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China has been regulating crimes concerning endangering drug safety since 1979, and special activities have been carried out in practice to combat crimes concerning endangering drug safety. Although the criminal legislation on crimes concerning endangering drug safety changes frequently in China, its spirit of legislation and the developmental sequence is clear. Firstly, the main legislative form is the criminal code, supported by administrative laws and regulations. Secondly, the scope of criminal law shows a trend of gradual expansion, which is mainly reflected in the expansion of the object of crime and the scope of regulatory act. Thirdly, the time-point of intervention has been brought forward by the criminal law. Fourthly, the punishment tends to be more severe. In criminal legislation of China, the specific content of the crimes concerning endangering drug safety is mainly concentrated on the core crimes related to the act of producing or selling of counterfeit and substandard drugs. This article carried out a detailed analysis of the constituent elements and the controversial issues about these core crimes such as the crime of producing, selling or providing counterfeit drugs, the crime of producing, selling or providing substandard drugs, the crime of disrupting drug administration, the crime of neglecting duties in drug regulation, and other relevant crimes.

      • KCI등재

        사기범죄의 예방정책을 위한 행동경제학 관점의 제언

        홍승희 원광대학교 법학연구소 2022 圓光法學 Vol.38 No.4

        Crime is not just punishable through punishment. Crime policy has already changed from a punitive nature in the past to a preventive nature today, and accordingly, policies to prevent crime should now be actively devised as a way to increase effectiveness from a long-term perspective. In recent years, both the national economy and the living economy have been chaotic, but looking back on the past history, there has been no time when it was not economically chaotic. Moreover, despite the unimaginably active increase in welfare policies in the past, it is not difficult to find the class still suffering from difficulties in survival, and the desire for goods is growing more than ever due to the growing wealth and wealth. Looking at the crime statistics of the past decade in this situation, the number of property crimes has increased remarkably among all crimes, especially among women and the elderly. In addition, it is possible to guess the dailyization of fraud crimes through the increase in small fraud cases, which shows that the trust effect on norms and the prevention effect through punishment are not effective. At this point, it is now necessary to find a new criminal policy plan, and as a plan, it is proposed to try to combine the behavioral economic perspective that has recently spread like a trend in each field in criminal policy. The behavioral economics point of view is that humans do not make more rational choices than they think, and these limited rational choices cause various characteristics of humans (heuristics and biases), but these characteristics have inherent limitations and also have a great environmental impact. Accordingly, in recent behavioral economics, the idea of free compassion is being directed as a national policy program. This free-temperate program is now introduced in criminal policy, showing that it is necessary to avoid the state's heavy punishment and change the direction of making rational choices (standard compliance) for the people. A representative method for implementing free compassion is ‘nudge’, which seems to be very useful in preventing fraudulent crimes in particularly fraudulent crimes. This is because, unlike other accidental crimes and property crimes, fraud crimes have a relatively long time gap such as deception, error, and disposition of the accused, so there is time to switch to the standard practice of knowledge. From this, fraudulent crimes are a good target to increase the preventive effect of knowledge, and it is necessary to seek specific measures.

      • KCI등재

        머신러닝기반 범죄발생 위험지역 예측

        허선영,김주영,문태헌 한국지리정보학회 2018 한국지리정보학회지 Vol.21 No.4

        In Korea, citizens can only know general information about crime. Thus it is difficult to know how much they are exposed to crime. If the police can predict the crime risky area, it will be possible to cope with the crime efficiently even though insufficient police and enforcement resources. However, there is no prediction system in Korea and the related researches are very much poor. From these backgrounds, the final goal of this study is to develop an automated crime prediction system. However, for the first step, we build a big data set which consists of local real crime information and urban physicalor non-physical data. Then, we developed a crime prediction model through machine learning method. Finally, we assumed several possible scenarios and calculated the probability of crime and visualized the results in a map so as to increase the people's understanding. Among the factors affecting the crime occurrence revealed in previous and case studies, data was processed in the form of a big data for machine learning: real crime information, weather information (temperature, rainfall, wind speed, humidity, sunshine, insolation, snowfall, cloud cover) and local information (average building coverage, average floor area ratio, average building height, number of buildings, average appraised land value, average area of residential building, average number of ground floor). Among the supervised machine learning algorithms, the decision tree model, the random forest model, and the SVM model, which are known to be powerful and accurate in various fields were utilized to construct crime prevention model. As a result, decision tree model with the lowest RMSE was selected as an optimal prediction model. Based on this model, several scenarios were set for theft and violence cases which are the most frequent in the case city J, and the probability of crime was estimated by 250x250m grid. As a result, we could find that the high crime risky area is occurring in three patterns in case city J. The probability of crime was divided into three classes and visualized in map by 250 x 250m grid. Finally, we could develop a crime prediction model using machine learning algorithm and visualized the crime risky areas in a map which can recalculate the model and visualize the result simultaneously as time and urban conditions change. 우리나라의 시민들은 범죄에 대한 일반적인 사항만을 알 수 있을 뿐, 자신이 범죄위험에 얼마나 노출되어 있는지를 파악하기 어렵다. 경찰의 입장에서도 범죄발생 지역을 예측할 수 있다면 경찰력이 부족한 상황에서 효율성 있게 범죄에 대처 가능할 것이지만 아직 우리나라에서는 예측시스템이 없고, 관련 연구도 매우 부족한 실정이다. 이에 본 연구에서는 범죄발생 위험지역 예측 자동화 시스템 개발의 첫 번째 단계로 빅데이터로 구축 가능한 범죄정보와 도시지역 자료를 바탕으로 머신러닝 방식을 통해 한국형 범죄발생 위험지역 예측 모형을 개발하고자 한다. 또한 시나리오를 가정하여 범죄발생 확률을 지도로 시각화함으로써 사용자의 이해도를 높이도록 하였다. 선행 연구 및 사례에서 범죄발생에 영향을 미치는 요인 중 빅데이터로 구축 가능한 범죄정보, 날씨정보(기온, 강수량, 풍속, 습도, 일조, 일사, 적설, 전운량), 지역정보(평균 건폐율, 평균 용적율, 평균 높이, 총 건축물수, 평균 공시지가, 평균 주거용도면적, 평균 지상층수)를 머신러닝에 활용할 수 있도록 데이터를 사전 처리하였다. 머신러닝 알고리즘으로서 지도학습 모형 중 다양한 분야에서 활용되며정확도가 높다고 알려진 의사결정나무모형, 랜덤포레스트모형, Support Vector Machine(SVM)모형을 활용하여 범죄 예측 모형을 구축하고 비교·분석하였다. 그 결과 평균 제곱근 오차(Root Mean Square Error, RMSE)가 낮아 예측력이 높은 의사결정나무모형을 최적모형으로 선정하였다. 이를 바탕으로 가장 빈번하게 발생하는 절도와 폭력범죄를 대상으로 시나리오를 작성하여 범죄 발생 위험지역을 예측한 결과, 사례도시 J시는 위험지역이 3가지 패턴으로 발생하는 것으로 나타났으며, 각각 발생확률을 3 등급으로 구분하여 250 x 250m 단위의 지도형태로 시각화할 수 있었다. 본 연구는 향후 자동화 시스템으로 개발하여 시시각각으로 변하는 도시 상황에 따라 실시간으로 예측 결과를 시각화하여 제공함으로써 보다 범죄로부터 안전한 도시환경 조성에 기여하고자 한다.

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