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      • KCI등재

        일제 강점기 강제징용 피해자들의 손해배상청구와 소멸시효-대법원 2018.10.30. 선고 2013다61381 전원합의체 판결을 계기로-

        정구태,김어진 조선대학교 법학연구원 2018 法學論叢 Vol.25 No.3

        The main contents of this article are summarized as follows. First, the extinctive prescription is a system for relieving real rights holders and avoiding double reimbursement of reimbursers. Japanese government and Japanese companies originally denied illegality of impressment, and it is evident that the damages of impressment victims were not reimbursed. So in this case, there is no room for extinctive prescription to apply. Second, in accordance with the UN Basic Principles, the extinctive prescription should not be applied in cases of serious human rights violations. Therefore, the impressment victims by Japanese government and Japanese companies at the time of Japanese colonial rule can demand civil damages. Third, even if the extinctive prescription is applied to this case, there was an objective reason for the impressment victim's failure to exercise their rights until this Supreme Court decision was adjudicated. Therefore, the starting point for the extinctive prescription shall be October 30th, 2018, upon which this judgment is sentenced. 이 글의 주된 내용을 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 소멸시효 제도는 진정한 권리자를 구제하고 변제자의 이중변제를 피하기 위한 제도로서, 강제동원 피해의 법적 배상을 원천적으로 부인하고 있는 일본정부 및일본 기업의 주장 자체로도 현재까지 손해배상채무를 변제하지 않았음은 명백하므로, 이 사건에는 애초에 소멸시효가 적용될 여지가 전혀 없다. 둘째, 유엔기본원칙에 따를 경우 중대한 인권침해 사안에 있어 소멸시효는 적용되어서는 안 되므로, 일제강점기 당시 일본정부 및 일본 기업의 반인도적행위로 인한피해자들은 시효와 상관없이 민사상 손해배상청구를 할 수 있다. 셋째, 설령 강제징용 피해자의 손해배상청구에 소멸시효가 적용된다고 하더라도 대상판결이 선고되기까지는 권리행사에 객관적인 장애사유가 있었다고 보아야 하므로, 그 기산점은 대상판결이 선고된 2018년 10월 30일 24시로 보아야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 충남지역의 강제연행 현황

        노영종 ( Young Jong Roh ) 충남대학교 인문과학연구소 2018 인문학연구 Vol.57 No.2

        충남지역은 곡창지대로 모집 단계부터 강제연행이 시작되었고, 일제강점기 노동력 조사 결과 농업에서 출가(出稼)·전업(轉業) 가능자와 희망자의 비율이 가장 높았던 지역이다. 충남지역에서는 최소 93개 기업에 9,824명의 조선인이 연행되었다. 충남인 다수가 연행된 지역은 홋카이도, 큐슈, 후쿠오카현 등 탄광 및 광산 지대였다. 기업별로 보아도 고노마이광산, 히라야마광산, 히다치광산, 만지탄광, 미이케광업소 등 광산과 탄광회사에 집중되었다. 결국 충남지역 조선인은 가장 열악하고 위험한 노동환경에 노출되었음을 알 수 있다. 가장 많은 인원이 연행된 공주군에서는 56개 기업에 1,225명이 연행되었는데, 고노마이광산, 호슈야마탄광, 가마이시제철소에 집중되었다. 이하 서산군, 부여군 순이었다. 이는 1940년 조선총독부의 노동력 조사결과와 대체로 일치한다. 특히, 각 군에서 집중적으로 연행되는 기업이 있다. 일본통운(주), 아키타항만운송(주)은 논산군에서만 연행되었고, 당진군의 기시마탄광, 공주군의 호슈야마탄광, 아산군의 유가시마광산, 천안군 도이광산, 홍성군의 니네노사와광산, 연기군의 코이와탄광, 부여군의 호소쿠라광업소 등은 월등히 연행비율이 높다. 강제연행의 대상연령은 방식과 시기에 따라 확대되었다. 모집은 18∼40세(45세), 관알선 방식은 17∼45세, 징용은 16∼50세로, 하한연령과 상한연령 모두 늘어났다. 이는 최대한의 조선인을 강제연행하기 위한 조치였다. 충남지역 강제연행자의 출생연도는 1868∼1934년으로, 주대상층은 20∼30대(95.1%)였음을 알 수 있다. According a survey of manpower resources, Chungnam Province was an area with the highest rate of possible and prospective people and therefore, forced taking began from the recruitment stage. 9,824 Korean people in Chungnam Province were taken to minimum 93 companies. Areas to where many of Chungnam residents were taken were coal mine and mine areas including Hokkaido, Kyushu, and Fukuoka Prefecture. If we look into companies, concentration was made on mine and coal mine companies such as Konomai Mine, Hirayama Mine, Hitachi Mine, Manji Coal Mine, Miike Mine. Eventually, it is seen that Korean people of Chungnam Province were exposed to the worst and the most dangerous labor environment. 1,225 people of Gongju-gun from where the most people were picked up were taken to 56 companies. They were concentrated on Konomai Mine, Hoshuyama Coal Mine, and Kamaisi Steel Mill. And then, Seosan-gun and Buyeo-gun followed. This generally accords with the survey result of manpower resources. In particular, there are companies to which people from respective Guns were intensively taken. People from Nonsan-gun only were taken to Nippon Express Company and Akita Port Transportation Company And, rates of forced taking of following people are far higher; Dangjin-gun people to Kisima Coal Mine; Gongju-gun people to Hoshuyama Coal Mine. Asan-gun people to Yukasima Coal Mine; Cheonan-gun people to Doi Mine; Hongseong-gun people to Ninenosawa Coal Mine; Yeongi-gun people to Koiwa Coal Mine; and, Buyeo-gun people to Hosokura Mine. Age of people forced taken was expanded pursuant to method and time. Recruitment was for the age of 18∼40; public office's placement was for the age of 17∼45; and, impressment was for the age of 16∼50, which means that both lower limit age and upper limit age were extended. This was a measure to forcibly take Koreans as many as possible. Years of birth of Chungnam people forcibly taken were 1868∼1934 meaning that main victims were at the age of 20∼30 (95.1%).

      • KCI등재

        아시아-태평양전쟁기 ‘산업전사’이념의 형상화와 재현

        이병례 ( Lee Byung-rye ) 고려대학교 역사연구소(구 역사학연구회) 2018 사총 Vol.94 No.-

        이 연구는 산업전사라는 용어의 의미와 재현을 통하여 전쟁의 문화효과를 검토하였다. ‘산업전사’는 아시아-태평양전쟁기 징용령 발동을 계기로 사용되기 시작하였으며, 노동자에게 전방의 병사와 동일한 역할과 의무를 부여하는 호칭이다. 일본 제국은 노동자를 ‘전사’로 명명하면서 국가적 사업에 죽음을 각오하고 생산증강에 나서야한다는 이념을 설파했다. 산업전사 이념은 ‘산업전사’로 호명되는 자들이 갖추어야 할 전쟁관과 노동관이다. 대동아전쟁은 황도정신에 기초한 도의 회복의 전쟁으로 미화된다. ‘황도’의 체득이 조선인의 ‘도의’ 구현이라면, 산업전사가 갖추어야 할 ‘도의’는 국가 목적에 부응하여 생산력 증강에 집중하는 것이다. 산업전사가 견지해야 할 노동관은 오로지 국가봉사라고 하는 국가의 최고 도덕을 시현하는 것이었다. 조선인 노동자가 산업전사로 호명될 때 ‘조선인’이라는 민족 구분은 사라지며 오로지 ‘황도’ 실천의 전사인지 아닌지만이 문제가 된다. 산업전사로 호명되는 중심 주체는 국가산업에 동원된 노동자이고 이들에게는 명예와 자부심이 부여되었다. 호명의 의도는 자발성을 이끌어내는 것에 있었으며, 조선인 노동자에게는 민족 차별을 넘어설 수 있다는 착시효과를 냈다. 여성과 사회 소외계층 또한 산업전사로 호명되었다. 이들이 산업전사로 호명되는 것은 노동력 자체보다는 그 상징성에 있다. 여성이나 하층민, 거리의 부랑아 등은 산업전사로 호명됨으로써 성별 차이와 계층을 불문하고 ‘국민’으로 통합된다. 이 역시 사회적 차별의 경계를 넘어설 수 있다는 환상을 준다. 산업전사는 건강한 신체와 사회의 ‘건강성’을 상징하는 주체로 거듭났으며, 이들에게 부여된 역할은 개인의 희생을 자랑스럽게 여기는 멸사봉공의 구현이었다. 이러한 이념은 미담기사를 통해 재구성되고 선전되었다. 산업전사에게는 국가적 위안행사가 이루어졌으며, 사망자들은 위령제를 통하여 국가의 영웅으로 재탄생되었다. 탈식민시기 산업전사는 반공과 조국 근대화의 주역으로 다시 소환되었다. 전투를 연상하는 ‘산업전사’라는 칭호가 해방 이후 국가권력의 지향점이 변함에도 매 국면마다 다시 소생한 것은 국가주의 동원논리를 은폐하는데 상당히 효과적이었다는 것을 의미한다. 또한 아시아-태평양전쟁기에 형성된, 그 호칭이 내포한 역설적 ‘긍정성’ 측면을 고려해 볼 수 있다. 산업전사는 활력, 건강, 의욕 충만 등의 이미지로 치장된다. 이는 전쟁이 보여주는 음울하고 비감함을 은폐하는 효과를 만들어 낸다. 사회 최하층의 소외 계층이나 여성 등이 산업전사로 호명된다는 것은 사회에서 배제되던 집단들에 대해 ‘갱생’, ‘광영’, 명예로운 존재로 거듭난다는 것을 의미했다. 전시에 생성된 ‘산업전사’라는 칭호는 국민으로의 포섭, 통합, 건강성이라는 기의를 구성한다. 언어 자체가 갖는 역설적 ‘긍정성’은 지속적으로 국가주의와 결합하여 소환되는 동인이었다. This study deals with the cultural effects of reappearance of the war mobilization ideology period the post-colonial. The 'industrial warrior' began to be used as a trigger for the launch of the Asia-Pacific War period, and it gave the workers the same role and obligation as soldiers in front. The Japanese Empire preached the idea that the workers should be put to death in the national business and increase their production by naming the workers as 'warriors'. The ideology of industrial warrior is the war vision and the labor vision that people as called 'industrial warrior' should possess. The Greater East Asia War beautifies as a war of restoration of the morality based on the spirit of the ecliptic. If the acquisition of ecliptic is the realization of the 'morality' of the Korean people, the 'morality' that the industrial warrior should have is to concentrate on enhancing productivity in response to the national purpose. The labor vision that the industrial warrior must stand firmly is to show nation's highest morality which is called state service only. When a Korean worker is called as an industrial warrior, the ethnic division of 'Korean' disappears and it is only a matter of whether or not he is a warrior of the practice of the ecliptic. The central subjects called industrial warriors were workers mobilized in the national industry, and they were given honor and pride. The intention of the calling was in bringing spontaneity, and it gave the Korean workers an optical illusion that they could go beyond national discrimination. Women and the social underprivileged were also called industrial warriors. It is symbolic that they are called industrial warriors rather than labor power itself. The women, the lower classes, the streets, and so on are integrated into the "people" regardless of gender differences and hierarchy by naming industrial warriors. This also gives the illusion that they can cross the border of social discrimination. The industrial warrior has been reborn as a subject who symbolizes a healthy body and 'healthfulness' of society, and the role given to them has been the implementation of self-annihilation for the sake of their country, who are proud of individual sacrifices. This ideology has been restructured and propagated through beautiful story articles. Industrial warriors have been given national comfort events, and deaths have been reborn as state heroes through a memorial ceremony. Industrial warriors were summoned again as the protagonists of anti-communism and modernization of the country period post-colonial. The title of 'industrial warrior' reminiscent of the battle was revived every time after liberation, even though the direction of nation power changed. This is because the ideology embodied in the culture planning of colonial power in the Asia-Pacific War has formed the depth of labor culture. The title 'industrial warrior' created in the wartime constitutes the signified of inclusion, integration and health in the people. The positive image of the language itself could continue to be a driving force combined with nationalism.

      • KCI등재

        미결수용의 개선방안

        박영규 한국교정학회 2016 矯正硏究 Vol.- No.70

        Pretrial Detention is usually accepted as an unavoidable and necessary evil in criminal justice. Pretrial inmates experience the deprivation of physical freedom as a person under suspicion by the established criminal authority before conviction by trial. The Revised Bill of the Penal Execution and Correctional Treatment Act was enacted on December 21, 2007. This Act surpasses the current Korean Prison Act both in the protection of prisoners’ rights and the improvement of correctional treatment. The Korean Prison Act has been revised several times for the purpose of strengthening the ability to adapt to a changing society for prisoners. To resolve the conflicts between the belief that inmates have their constitutional rights and the reality that the basic rights of inmates could be confined as necessary, we should discuss more explicitly about the choices and range of inmates rights. This paper has placed emphasis on the treatment of pretrial inmates who have been neglected up to the present. So I have placed emphasis on the legal status of pretrial inmates. Inmates experience great hardships when they rejoin the community, and there is a gap between their situation and the reality of modern life they have to face after leaving prison. Since inmates have experienced separation from the community over a long period, they are likely to have an unrealistic life plan that is not suitable for real life. To solve these problems, it's necessary for them to be trained rationally while they’re in prison and to become well adjusted through social training before leaving prison. This study will provide us with useful knowledge theoretically and empirically. However, there are many practical difficulties in treating these problems. In conclusion, this research will be a study that will discover new methods that will lead to the considerable improvement in the correctional treatment of prisoners. The Pretrial Detention Program is more appropriate for the 21st century rather than the present status. 미결수용자는 형이 확정되기까지는 원칙적으로 헌법상의 기본적 인권이 보장된다. 그러나 미결수용이 갖는 특성상, 거주・이전의 자유, 직업선택의 자유, 주거의 자유 및 집회・결사의 자유 등이 제한된다. 동시에 미결수용은 사법적 색채가 강한 행정작용이므로수사절차상 및 재판절차상 많은 제약이 따른다. 이리하여 「형의 집행 및 수용자의 처우에 관한 법률」은 수용자의 건전한 사회복귀를 촉진하기 위하여 인권조항을 신설하였다. 이 규정은 「피구금자의 인권」을 보장해야한다는 헌법과 국제법상의 요청을 수용한 것으로서, 형을 집행하는 과정에서 수형자와미결수용자의 인권을 최대한 존중해야 할 의무가 국가에게 있음을 분명히 밝히고 있다. 과밀수용은 현재 우리 교정당국이 당면하고 있는 가장 심각한 문제로서 이것이 미결수용자의 인권문제와 직결되며 시급히 해결해야 할 과제이다. 그야말로 「과밀수용」의단계에 도달한 경우 수용자의 기본적 인권은 물론 「구별수용」과 「개별처우」의 원칙이 침해될 소지가 크다. 생각건대 수용인원을 감축하기 위해서는 자유박탈처분(구속영장발부, 실형선고)을가급적 억제하여 교정시설 유입인원이 감소되도록 하거나, 자유박탈의 기간을 단축시킴으로써 수용자의 재소기간을 축소하는 방안이 있다. 형사소송법상의 「신속한 자판의 원칙」, 불구속수사, 양형단계에서 법관이 자유형을대체할 수 있는 대안형벌의 활용, 가석방요건의 완화 및 구치시설의 증설 등이 제기되는 소이이다. 헌법도 「무죄추정의 원칙」을 기본권으로 보장하였고, 형사소송법도 유죄의 판결이 확정될 때까지는 무죄로 추정된다는 규정을 두어 무죄추정의 원칙을 선언하고 있다. 피고인에 대한 무죄의 추정은 단순한 이념적 선언규정이 아니라 형사절차내에서의실천원리로 구현되고 있는 법적 규범이다. 따라서 이 원칙은 수사절차에서 공판절차에이르기까지 형사절차의 전 과정을 지배하는 지도원리가 되고 있다. 무죄의 추정은 인신구속에 대한 제한원리가 된다. 즉 피의자에 대한 수사와 피고인에대한 재판이 원칙적으로 불구속으로 행하여져야 한다는 것은 무죄추정의 원칙의 당연한 내용이 된다.

      • KCI등재

        Investigation of the effects of storage time on the dimensional accuracy of impression materials using cone beam computed tomography.

        Murat Alkurt,Zeynep Yeşıl Duymus,Numan Dedeoglu 대한치과보철학회 2016 The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics Vol.8 No.5

        PURPOSE. The storage conditions of impressions affect the dimensional accuracy of the impression materials. The aim of the study was to assess the effects of storage time on dimensional accuracy of five different impression materials by cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). MATERIALS AND METHODS. Polyether (Impregum), hydrocolloid (Hydrogum and Alginoplast), and silicone (Zetaflow and Honigum) impression materials were used for impressions taken from an acrylic master model. The impressions were poured and subjected to four different storage times: immediate use, and 1, 3, and 5 days of storage. Line 1 (between right and left first molar mesiobuccal cusp tips) and Line 2 (between right and left canine tips) were measured on a CBCT scanned model, and time dependent mean differences were analyzed by two-way univariate and Duncan’s test (α=.05). RESULTS. For Line 1, the total mean difference of Impregum and Hydrogum were statistically different from Alginoplast (P<.05), while Zetaflow and Honigum had smaller discrepancies. Alginoplast resulted in more difference than the other impressions (P<.05). For Line 2, the total mean difference of Impregum was statistically different from the other impressions. Significant differences were observed in Line 1 and Line 2 for the different storage periods (P<.05). CONCLUSION. The dimensional accuracy of impression material is clinically acceptable if the impression material is stored in suitable conditions.


        Investigation of the effects of storage time on the dimensional accuracy of impression materials using cone beam computed tomography

        Alkurt, Murat,Duymus, Zeynep Yesil,Dedeoglu, Numan The Korean Academy of Prosthodonitics 2016 The Journal of Advanced Prosthodontics Vol.8 No.5

        PURPOSE. The storage conditions of impressions affect the dimensional accuracy of the impression materials. The aim of the study was to assess the effects of storage time on dimensional accuracy of five different impression materials by cone beam computed tomography (CBCT). MATERIALS AND METHODS. Polyether (Impregum), hydrocolloid (Hydrogum and Alginoplast), and silicone (Zetaflow and Honigum) impression materials were used for impressions taken from an acrylic master model. The impressions were poured and subjected to four different storage times: immediate use, and 1, 3, and 5 days of storage. Line 1 (between right and left first molar mesiobuccal cusp tips) and Line 2 (between right and left canine tips) were measured on a CBCT scanned model, and time dependent mean differences were analyzed by two-way univariate and Duncan's test (${\alpha}=.05$). RESULTS. For Line 1, the total mean difference of Impregum and Hydrogum were statistically different from Alginoplast (P<.05), while Zetaflow and Honigum had smaller discrepancies. Alginoplast resulted in more difference than the other impressions (P<.05). For Line 2, the total mean difference of Impregum was statistically different from the other impressions. Significant differences were observed in Line 1 and Line 2 for the different storage periods (P<.05). CONCLUSION. The dimensional accuracy of impression material is clinically acceptable if the impression material is stored in suitable conditions.

      • KCI등재후보

        한글 글자체의 인상(印象)

        이용제 한국타이포그라피학회 2017 글짜씨 Vol.9 No.2

        Everything has impression and each character also has different impression. Furthermore, every typeface even in a single character system has impression of its own. It is hard to clearly define impression of a typeface as it is decided by one’s experience and subjectivity. If there is sympathy between a typeface designer and a user regarding impression of various typefaces, the impression of typeface would assist or highlight communication and serve as criteria to definitively determine and explain design direction of a Hangeul typeface. A user can select a Hangeul typeface based on that context and a type researcher would be assisted in order to judge similarity of typeface. In addition, limitations that have been so far in typeface categorizing method can be supplemented. Why universal sympathy has not been yet formed on impression of Hangeul typeface is that category setting of typeface is narrow; comparison target is not detailed enough and; vocabulary to express impression of typeface is not sufficient. It is also contributory to the problem that there is no method or criteria to decide typeface impression along with lack of understanding in past typeface. I’ve searched vocabularies that can be used to express typeface impression and elements that determine typeface impression. For the former purpose, I examined 1,338 vocabularies collected from previous studies in the field. Total of 122 words were left after filtering vocabularies that are decided inappropriate to express typeface impression such as ones that express shape, motion and state; determiners from which it is hard to associate typeface form and; disputable ones in their interpretation. More vocabularies other than ones above would be used to express typeface impression when users form sympathy one another. I’d like to suggest a way to separately analyze typeface impression with levels of appearance (letter form, phoneme structure, weight, embellishment), internality (stroke and space) and gathering (sentence and printing plate). I adopted these levels as impression on a letter form may vary depending on phoneme structure, weight or embellishment. It is because dynamics of stroke or spaces between characters affect impression and the impression when characters are gathered may also be different from that formed on phoneme. In determining typeface impression, some parts are strengthened while others are weakened when looking closely or from a distance and observers have different level of knowledge and experience to read off information that determines typeface impression; it requires multi-level approach to review and define grounds. It is necessary to find more vocabularies to establish sympathy among people and to refine methods for judging typeface impression with future attempts for detailed expression of typeface impression.

      • KCI등재

        Development of dry-origin latent footwear impression on non-porous and semi-porous surfaces using a 5-methylthioninhydrin and L-alanine complex

        홍성욱,김연정,박지혜,이호선 한국분석과학회 2017 분석과학 Vol.30 No.2

        5-methylthioninhydrin (5-MTN) is an amino acid sensitive reagent used for the development of latent fingermarks deposited on porous surfaces such as paper and wood. The present study demonstrates that the 5-MTN can be used as a latent footwear impression enhancement reagent, by reacting with trace multivalent metal ions, which are the main components of the latent footwear impression. 5-MTN and L-alanine complex (MTN-ALA) used for the latent footwear impression development was prepared, by mixing 4.5×10−3 M 5- MTN (in methanol) and 4.5×10−3 M L-alanine (in methanol) in 1:1 ratio, and keeping undisturbed at room temperature for 24 h. The latent footwear impressions were deposited on white and black non-porous surfaces (glass plate, polyethylene panel, polypropylene panel, acryl panel, polyvinyl chloride (PVC) panel, poly(methyl methacrylate) (PMMA) panel, acrylonitrile-butadiene-styrene (ABS) panel, tile), and a semi-porous surfaces (painted wood). The latent footwear impressions on these surfaces were treated with MTN-ALA complex by spraying. The fluorescence of footwear impressions (occurred due to the reaction between MTN-ALA and metal complexes) was observed under a 505 nm forensic light source and an orange barrier filter. The enhancement of latent footwear impression was achieved from black surfaces without any blurring. However, the fluorescence (enhancement) of footwear impression was not observed on the white PVC, PMMA, and ABS surfaces, because the incident light interfered and reflected on the surface. The sensitivity of MTN-ALA was superior to 2,2’- dipyridil, which is a representative non-fluorescing footwear impression enhancement reagent, and similar to 8-hydroxyquinoline, which is a representative fluorescing footwear impression enhancement reagent.

      • KCI등재

        스토아에서 ‘비감각인상’의 파악

        양호영 한국서양고전학회 2019 西洋古典學硏究 Vol.58 No.2

        Stoic epistemology starts from impression (phantasia) in general which is a mental state suffered by corresponding object. Impression reveals the object which produces it, and the impression “generated from what is real, in accordance with what is real moulded and stamped” is called by the Stoics ‘cognitive impression’(katalēptikē phantasia). Primary object of cognitive impression is sensory. But the Stoics include in the category of impression non-sensory impression, “obtained through thought such as those of the incorporeals and of the other things acquired by reason” as well as sensory one. If every cognitive impression is sensory, there would be no cognitive impression which is non-sensory. However, if the fundamental principles of Stoic system are non-cognitive because of their being non-sensory, how can we cognize them? This paper deals with this problem of perceptibility of non-sensory impression, by considering it as incorporeal. In the first section, I will examine Stoic view on non-sensory impression, the object of which belongs to incorporeals and the other things acquired by reason. This impression excludes things acquired through sensation. In the second section, the characteristics of incorporeals as objects of non-sensory impression are elucidated. Incorporeals do not exist but subsist since they do not act on nor are acted upon. The controversy of perceptibility of non-sensory impression is concerned with the notion of ‘what is real’ in Zeno’s definition of cognitive impression mentioned above. Two contrary positions are suggested. The one claims that ‘what is real’ indicates sensory object only; the other claims that what is real includes non-sensory object as well. This paper agrees with the latter view, though there still remain some points to discuss about. Since the notion of ‘body’ as something acting on others or being acted on remains untouched throughout the history of Stoicism, there still remains a question how incorporeal objects devoid of faculty of acting can generated impressions of soul. In the third section, I will examine the way that we can perceive non-sensory impression, if it is possible, and explain the role and implication of non-sensory impression in Stoic epistemology. 스토아 논리학의 출발점인 ‘인상(phantasia)’은 대상의 촉발에 의해 영혼이 겪은 모든 상태를 가리키는 유적인 개념으로 볼 수 있다. 인상은 그것을 야기한 대상을 드러내며, 특히 “실재하는 것(hyparchon)으로부터 생겨나고, 실재하는 것 자체에 일치해서 찍히며 날인되는” 인상을 스토아학파는 ‘파악인상(katalēptikē phantasia)’으로 부른다. 파악인상의 일차적 대상은 감각대상이다. 하지만 스토아학파는 감각인상 이외에도 ‘비물체적인 대상 및 사유를 통해서 포착되는 대상’에 기인한 ‘비감각인상’도 인상에 포함시킨다. 만일 모든 파악인상이 감각인상이라면, 어떤 비감각인상도 파악될 수 없을 것이다. 그런데 스토아학파의 체계를 구성하는 공리들은 개별 감각에서 도출된 것으로 보기에는 어려운 가장 근원적인 원리들이다. 만일 이 원리들에 상응하는 비감각적 파악인상이 존재하지 않는다면, 스토아 이론의 가장 핵심적인 자연학, 논리학, 윤리학의 원리들을 흔들림 없이 확보하기가 어렵다. 이 글은 비감각인상을 비물체적인 것에 대한 인상으로 해석하고, 비물체적인 것에 대한 파악인상이 가능함을 보여주는 것을 목표로 한다. 1절에서는 스토아의 인상 분류 체계를 검토하면서 비감각인상에 대한 스토아의 견해를 살펴본다. 비감각인상은 ‘비물체적인 대상 및 사유를 통해서 포착되는 대상’에 기인한 인상으로 정의되므로, 개별 감각인상을 통해서 포착되는 것들을 배제한다. 2절에서는 비감각인상의 대상인 비물체적인 것, 특히 논리학에서 중요한 역할을 담당하는 비물체적인 ‘렉타’가 물체적인 인상을 영혼에 산출하는 모델을 제시한다. 마지막 3절에서는 비감각적 파악인상의 존재여부에 대한 대립된 입장을 살펴보면서, 비감각적 파악인상의 존재가능성을 검토하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        알지네이트 인상재의 혼합방법과 트레이 어드헤시브 도포에 따른 모형의 정확도 비교

        김진형,정문규,Kim Jin-Hyung,Chung Moon-Kyu 대한치과보철학회 2001 대한치과보철학회지 Vol.39 No.5

        The use of alginate impression materials today is prevalent because of its efficiency and simplicity in clinical settings. Unfortunately, the simplicity of the procedure tends to lull the dentist into a sense of well-being, and lead him into using careless or sloppy technique. Alginate impression materials are used to fabricate diagnostic and preliminary casts, and the final cast. Incorrect use of this material is known to affect the accuracy of the final prosthesis. The purpose of this study was to compare the effect of different mixing methods of alginate impression material and tray adhesive on the accuracy of the stone cast produced by each method. A total of 30 stone casts were produced by using 3 different types of mixing methods (10 stone cast for each mixing method, respectively). The first method utilized an automatic-mixing machine to mix alginate while the second method was carried out manually, strictly following manufacturer's instructions. The third method also involved manual mixing, but did not follow the manufacturer's instructions and was done in a random fashion. Also, 20 additional stone casts were produced by using alginate with or without tray adhesives were included in the study to evaluate effects of tray adhesives on the accuracy of alginate impression. 10 stone casts were produced by adding tray adhesives to the interior surface of the impression tray prior to taking the impression. The other 10 excluded this step. A total of 50 stone casts were analyzed by the three-dimensional measuring machine to measure and compare the dimensional changes of the impression material of each group. The results are as follows. 1. No significant difference was found between the automatic mixing group and the manually-mixing group(p>0.05). 2. For the group that followed manufacturer's instructions, less dimensional changes were record ed than the group that didn't in measuring distanced 4(p<0.05). 3. The group that used tray adhesives showed less dimensional changes(p<0.05). The findings revealed that mechanical methods of mixing alginate impression materials had little influence on dimensional changes. However, it is proven that following manufacturers instructions in alginate impression taking is an important step in acquiring accurate impressions and tray adhesives may play an important role in enhancing the results.

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