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      • KCI우수등재

        統一新羅 前期 石造建築의 隱藏 硏究 II - 국제적 맥락에서 본 한반도 출현 은장의 의미 -

        김홍남 한국미술사학회 2019 美術史學硏究 Vol.304 No.304

        隱藏은 석재 연접 이음재(stone-joint clamp)로써 결속력과 내진력을 강화하여 석조물의 구조적 안정을 꾀한 보강기술이며, 세계 건축사적으로 ‘건식 마름돌 축조(dry ashlar masonry)’에서 접착제가 보편화되기 이전 활용되었다. 정밀하게 수공으로 치석된 절단석 공급 및 방부 금속제 은장의 제작과 설치는 고비용·고난도 작업으로, 어느 나라든지 대체로 국가 주도의 종교건축과 공공건축에 제한되어 적용되었으며, 統一新羅前期(약668-800) 수도 경주의 은장 활용 석조물들도 예외가 아니다. 본고에서는, 선행 연구(2019.9. 출간)에서 집중 토론한 삼국통일 직후의 갑작스런 은장 출현 및 성행 현상을 주목하면서, 한국 은장의 유래와 발전을 탐구해 보고자 하였다. 은장 기술은 세계 도처에서 발견되며 등장 시기와 사용 기간은 각 지역 석조건축의 발전 양상에 따라 다르다. 본고는 먼저 동아시아문화권이며 한국보다 앞서 출발한 중국 腰鐵(은장의 중국 호칭)을 6세기 중엽과 7세기 초엽의 무덤 출토石葬具들과 隋代(581~618) 趙州橋 등의 초기 사례들을 통해 그 특성을 규명한 다음, 통일신라전기 은장과의 비교연구를 통해 계통적 차이를 확인하고 중국과는 다른 경로의 한국 은장 유입 가능성을 제시할수 있게 되었다. 이어서 동서를 넘나든 기술의 놀라운 전파력과 실크로드의 역동적 매개 역할을 감안하면서, 한중 은장유형들을 포함한 세계 은장 유형이 총 집결된 로마제국의 선진 석조건축기술과 보강기술의 동전에 주목하고, 특히 로마제국 석조기술의 직접적인 영향을 받은 사산-페르시아의 사례들을 살펴보았다. 본 연구는 한반도 통일신라전기 석조건축의 은장이 궁극적으로 세계 은장기술사의 일부라는역사적 의의를 찾는 과정이었다고 하겠다. The stone-joint metal clamps, called ‘eun-jang ’ in Korean and ‘yao-tie ’ in China, is a timehonored structural reinforcement device, the appearance of which seems to have coincided with the advent of dry ashlar masonry in architectural history. Due to the high cost and the demand for skilled craftsmanship needed for the supply of ashlar stones and for the production of rust-proof metal clamps, the clamping device was mostly applied to the architecture and monuments built under the state and religious commissions in the ancient world. This is also the case in the early part(ca.668-800CE) of the Unified Silla period(668-935CE). Stone-joint clamps are found globally, but regional differences accord with the time of appearance and duration of usage depending on the developmental phases of stone architecture and geopolitical conditions in the given region or country. In ancient East Asia, as of now, China appears to have been the forerunner in using the device. The earliest known Chinese ‘yao-tie ’ specimens are from the stone mortuary furnishings of the 6th-century tombs. Prior to these excavations, the Zhaozhou Bridge of Sui-China(581-618CE) had been the bestknown site. The present study, a follow-up of the previous discussion on the sudden appearance of ‘eun-jang ’ and its flourishment in the early Unified Silla period (Korean Journal of Art History, No.303, September 2019), looks into their origin and development in the international context. First, the aforementioned Chinese specimens significantly differ from the Korean ‘eun-jang ’ in both the type and the installation method. This implies they did not share the same lineage and took diverging paths of transmission. Then the investigation moves beyond China to find possible sources of origin with particular attention given to the highly advanced masonry technology of the Roman empire, a repository of the world’s stone-joint clamps. Its eastward influences are widely detected en route to East Asia. The findings demonstrate the amazingly active East-West diffusion of technology and the dynamic role of the Silk Road and the Steppe routes in early history. This study, in the end, leads to the conclusion that the early Unified Silla “eun-jang ” was a part of the world history of stone-joint clamps.


        Interlaminar Clamps를 이용한 불안정성 경추손상 환자에 대한 후방고정술

        송진규,양의중,장석정 대한신경외과학회 1991 Journal of Korean neurosurgical society Vol.20 No.9

        Conventional methods for stabilization of unstable cervical spines caused by flexion injury are sublaminar wiring and palte and screw fixation. These methods, however, carry the risk of damage to the cervical cord and or vertebral artery. We have used interlaminar clamps for the stabilization of sixteen cases of unstable cervical spine, including four cases of odontoid process fracture. There was suecessful fusion in all cases, no slippage of clamp and no deterioration of neurological function. Advantages of this method include the fact that there is no need for bone graft and that it is technically easy and inexpensive. Good stabilization allows early ambulation and so prevents complications such as pneumonia and decubitus ulcer.


        Loading Dynamics of a Sliding DNA Clamp

        Cho, Won-Ki,Jergic, Slobodan,Kim, Daehyung,Dixon, Nicholas E,Lee, Jong-Bong WILEY-VCH Verlag 2014 Angewandte Chemie Vol.53 No.26

        <P>Sliding DNA clamps are loaded at a ss/dsDNA junction by a clamp loader that depends on ATP binding for clamp opening. Sequential ATP hydrolysis results in closure of the clamp so that it completely encircles and diffuses on dsDNA. We followed events during loading of an <I>E. coli</I> β clamp in real time by using single-molecule FRET (smFRET). Three successive FRET states were retained for 0.3 s, 0.7 s, and 9 min: Hydrolysis of the first ATP molecule by the γ clamp loader resulted in closure of the clamp in 0.3 s, and after 0.7 s in the closed conformation, the clamp was released to diffuse on the dsDNA for at least 9 min. An additional single-molecule polarization study revealed that the interfacial domain of the clamp rotated in plane by approximately 8° during clamp closure. The single-molecule polarization and FRET studies thus revealed the real-time dynamics of the ATP-hydrolysis-dependent 3D conformational change of the β clamp during loading at a ss/dsDNA junction.</P>

      • KCI우수등재

        統一新羅前期 石造建築의 隱藏 硏究 I - 감은사석탑, 불국사 석가탑, 석굴암, 월정교·춘양교를 중심으로 -

        김홍남 한국미술사학회 2019 美術史學硏究 Vol.303 No.303

        The stone-joint metal clamp, called “eun-jang ” in Korean (meaning “hidden”), is a masonry construction technology utilized for structural reinforcement. First found on the stone pagoda of Gameunsa temple (completed in 682CE), it is proven a significant contributor to the birth and preservation of great early-Unified Silla (ca,676-800) stone monuments such as the pagodas of Gameunsa and Bulguksa Buddhist temples, the Seokguram grotto temple, and the two bridges of Weoljungyo and Chunyanggyo. Its presence, though hidden and “microscopic”, reconfirms the inseparable unity of art and technology. Furthermore, it represents the spirit of challenge and the creative zeal of the Silla people who took its daring adaptation to the Buddhist stone-pagoda, a unique achievement in the world. The “eun-jang ” stone-joint of Korea has not been a focus of serious scholarly inquiry within Korea, nor has been recognized internationally. This paper aims, firstly to carry out an in-depth study on the technical and stylistic aspects of the eun-jang from the aforementioned type-sites, secondly to investigate its possible correlative link with other accompanying reinforcement techniques of stone masonry such as the use of wedge-stones. In the ensuing article (December-2019 issue) the origin and development of Korean eunjang will be discussed in relation to the Chinese counterpart called “yao-tie ” (meaning “waist-iron”), which predates the Silla eun-jang , and further in the context of the global distribution of stonejoint clamps with a closer look at the more historically relevant ancient Roman and Persian usages. 藏은 고대 ‘건식 마름돌 축조’에서 석재간의 이완과 이탈을 최소화하기 위해 석재들을 연접, 결속하는 보강기술이다. 이 기법은 統一新羅 前期(약 676년~800년)의 왕실 주도 불교 사찰건축과 교량 건설에 도입되었고, 현재로서는 感恩寺 石塔 두 기가(682년 완성) 최초의 사례로 알려져 있다. 한반도의은장들은 대체로 밖으로 드러나지 않은 채 이들 석조건축의 구조적 안정성을 최대치로 끌어 낸 숨은 공로자로서, 예술과 기술의 불가분의 관계를 재확인시켜 준다. 그리고 이 은장기술이 한반도에서 세계적으로 독보적인 석탑에 과감히 도입되었다는 사실은 석조건축의 시대인 통일신라의 도전적 창조성을 여실히 드러낸다. 한국의 은장은 국내 학계에서 중심 주제로 연구된 바는 없으며, 해외에도 그 존재가 알려져 있지않다. 본 논문의 목적은 은장의 표준 사례이며 통일신라 전기 석조건축을 대표하는 감은사와 불국사의석탑들, 월정교와 춘양교의 두 교량, 그리고 석굴암에 사용된 은장들의 유형과 설치기법을 조사하고, 은장 기법과 함께 등장하는 다른 석조건축 기술들과의 친연성을 탐문하면서, 이 미시적 공력이 석조건축 예술의 탄생과 보전에 기여한 바를 밝히고자 한다. 본 논문의 2부(2019.12)에서는 중국 北周(557~581)시대 무덤 두 기와 隋代(581~618) 趙州橋(安濟 橋)에 나타난 腰鐵(은장)을 심층적으로 다루면서 한반도 통일신라 전기 은장과의 연관성을 검토하고, 나아가 한중 양국 은장의 유래와 발전을 당시 국제사적으로 연관성이 깊은 로마문화권과 페르시아문화권에 집중하여 고찰하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        LNGC 경량화를 위한 파이프 지지용 클램프의 복합소재 적용 연구

        배경민 ( Kyong-min Bae ),임윤지 ( Yoon-ji Yim ),윤성원 ( Sung-won Yoon ),하종록 ( Jong-rok Ha ),조제형 ( Je-hyoung Cho ) 한국복합재료학회 2021 Composites research Vol.34 No.1

        조선해양 산업에서 선박의 에너지 절감과 운항효율 향상을 위한 부품의 경량화 기술이 요구됨에 따라서, 고강도의 경량소재인 섬유강화 복합소재를 부품소재로 적용하는 방안이 검토될 수 있다. 본 연구에서는 LNGC 경량화를 위해 파이프 지지용 클램프의 섬유강화 복합소재 적용 가능성을 평가하였다. 탄소섬유 및 유리섬유를 강화섬유로 하여 섬유강화 복합소재를 제조하였으며, 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션 프로그램을 통해 복합소재의 강화재료와 기지재료의 물성을 역계산하여 섬유 적층 패턴별 물성 변화에 따른 성능 예측을 수행하였다. 또한, 유한요소해석 프로그램를 통해 복합소재 두께에 따른 클램프의 구조해석을 수행하였다. 연구결과 경량화를 위해 클램프의 섬유강화 복합소재의 적용시 두께 선정에 주의가 필요함을 확인할 수 있었다. 향후 보완 설계 시 구조물의 형상변경 및 경량화를 위한 구조변경에 용이할 것으로 판단된다. In the shipbuilding and marine industry, as a technology for reducing the weight of parts to reduce energy and improve operational efficiency of ships is required, a method of applying fibers-reinforced composites which is high-strength lightweight materials, as part materials can be considered. In this study, the possibility of applying fibers-reinforced composites to the pipe support clamps was evaluated to reduce the weight of LNGC. The fibers-reinforced composites were manufactured using carbon fibers and glass fibers as reinforcing fibers. Through the computer simulation program, the properties of the reinforcing materials and the matrix materials of the composites were inversely calculated, and the performance prediction was performed according to the change in the properties of each fiber lamination pattern. In addition, the structural analysis of the clamps according to the thickness of the composites was performed through the finite element analysis program. As a result of the study, it was confirmed that attention is needed in selecting the thickness when applying the fibers-reinforced composites of the clamp for weight reduction. It is considered that it will be easy to change the shape of the structure and change the structure for weight reduction in future supplementary design.

      • Experimental and numerical analysis of the global behaviour of the 1:9 scale model of the Old Bridge in Mostar

        Kustura, Mladen,Smoljanovic, Hrvoje,Nikolic, Zeljana,Krstevska, Lidija Techno-Press 2021 Coupled systems mechanics Vol.10 No.1

        Composite nature of the masonry structures in general causes complex and non-linear behaviour, especially in intense vibration conditions. The presence of different types and forms of structural elements and different materials is a major problem for the analysis of these type of structures. For this reason, the analysis of the behaviour of masonry structures requires a combination of experimental tests and non-linear mathematical modelling. The famous UNESCO Heritage Old Bridge in Mostar was selected as an example for the analysis of the global behaviour of reinforced stone arch masonry bridges. As part of the experimental research, a model of the Old Bridge was constructed in a scale of 1:9 and tested on a shaking table platform for different levels of seismic excitation. Non-linear mathematical modelling was performed using a combined finite-discrete element method (FDEM), including the effect of connection elements. The paper presents the horizontal displacement of the top of the arch and the failure mechanism of the Old Bridge model for the experimental and the numerical phase, as well as the comparison of the results. This research provided a clearer insight into the global behaviour of stone arch masonry structures reinforced with steel clamps and steel dowels, which is significant for the structures classified as world cultural heritage.

      • KCI등재후보

        초기압착력 설정을 위한 쐐기형 레일클램프의 창의적 설계

        한동섭(Dong-Seop Han),김용(Yong Kim),이성욱(Seong-Wook Lee),한근조(Geun-Jo Han) 한국기계가공학회 2007 한국기계가공학회지 Vol.6 No.3

        The clamping force of a jaw pad is determined by the displacements of main part when two lockers are locked, after the clamping angle of a locker was set up in the wedge type rail clamp for a container crane. In this time, if the resistance of wedge frame generates due to several factors, the clamping angle of a locker to display the initial clamping force will be changed because of the reduction of displacement of extension bar. This resistance is determined by the eccentric distance between the roller and the wedge, and by the gap between the wedge frame and outer frame. In this study we measured the tensile force of both extension bar through the performance test of the prototype rail clamp in order to evaluate the effect of the resistance of wedge frame on the clamping force of the wedge type rail clamp.

      • A Study on the Sliding Distance and the Proper Position of Supporter with respect to the Wedge Angle in the Wedge Type Rail Clamp

        Dong-Seop HAN,Geun-Jo HAN,Seong-Wook LEE 한국항해항만학회 2006 한국항해항만학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2006 No.-

        The rail clamp is the device to prevent the crane slips along rails from the wind blast as well as to locate a container crane in the set position in operating mode. In this study we conduct the research for the sliding distance of rail clamp and the proper position of supporter with respect to the wedge angle in the wedge type rail clamp. The sliding distance to display the clamping force of the jaw pad corresponding to the design wind speed criteria is determined by the total displacement of the rail clamp at the roller center and the wedge angle. And the supporter is the device to prevent the overload which is applied on each part of the rail clamp by wind speed increment, because a clamping force is generated by the sliding of the wedge due to the wind. Accordingly the position of the supporter to prevent the overload is determined by analyzing the forces applied to the rail clamp. In order to analyze the sliding distance and the proper position of supporter with respect to the wedge angle as the wind speed is 40m/s, 5-kinds of wedge angles, such as 2, 4, 6, 8, 100°, were adopted as the design parameter.

      • KCI등재

        3-h drain clamping is not effective to reduce total blood loss after primary total knowledge

        Park Dojoon,Choi Youn Ho,Cho Kwang Hyun,고해석 대한슬관절학회 2020 대한슬관절학회지 Vol.32 No.-

        Purpose: Total knee arthroplasty (TKA) is a clinically efficacious surgical option for end-stage knee osteoarthritis. However, TKA increases the risk of serious bleeding and blood transfusion. The objective of this study was to evaluate the difference in postoperative blood loss in groups subjected to 3 h of clamping and non-clamping and determine the variations in rate and amount of transfusion after TKA between the two groups. Materials and methods: Propensity score matching of the group subjected to 3-h drain clamping (43 patients; September 2015 to April 2016) and the control group (43 patients; before initiating the clamping method) was performed in patients undergoing unilateral primary posterior stabilized TKA. The two groups were compared. We measured the total drained blood volume until the drain was removed 48 h after surgery, and we compared the preoperative levels of hemoglobin and hematocrit with levels observed on days 1 and 2 after surgery. We also determined the blood transfusion rate and volume as well as the occurrence of clamping-associated complications. Results: In the group subjected to 3-h drain clamping, the mean volume of total drained blood was significantly lower than in the control group (333.8 ± 190.2 mL vs. 839.9 ± 339.8 mL, P <0.001). There was no significant difference in total blood loss between the two groups (1226.9 ± 488.1 mL vs. 1127.1 ± 424.5 mL, P = 0.315), but the hidden blood loss was significantly higher in the 3-h drain clamping group than in the control group (893.1 ± 487.7 mL vs. 294.7 ± 531.8 mL, P <0.001). Both the transfusion rate and amount in the 3-h drain clamped group were higher than in the control group but were not statistically significant (30.2% vs. 37.2%, P = 0.494 and 269.8 ± 483.8 mL vs. 316.3 ± 158.2 mL, P = 0.648, respectively). No significant differences in complications, including deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary thromboembolism, and oozing, were noted between the two groups (all, P = 1.000). Conclusions: The 3-h drain clamping method after primary TKA using posterior stabilized implant reduced the loss of postoperative drained blood. However, hidden blood loss was significantly higher in the 3-h drain clamping group; as a result, there were no differences in total blood loss and transfusion rate. The clamping method did not significantly alter the complication rate.

      • KCI등재

        Sawbones 모형에서 비구 횡 골절 정복의 시뮬레이션

        변성은,Cyril Mauffrey,유제현,박창원,황지효 대한골절학회 2019 대한골절학회지 Vol.32 No.4

        Purpose: The transversely oriented fracture lines are very difficult to reduce during operations, even after clear exposure of the fracture site, in acetabular fractures. The purpose of this study is to verify the quality of reduction between the different subtypes (transtectal, juxtatectal, and infratectal) of transverse fractures. This study also determined the proper type of clamps to use and the proper zone for achieving accurate reductions in Sawbones models. Materials and Methods: Six fractures in 3 different subtypes of transverse fractures were artificially created. Ten different reduction clamps were applied for reduction of the fractures. Twelve holes around the fracture were drilled for the maintenance of the clamps. The fracture displacements were measured at the extra-articular area and the intra-articular joint portion. The pictures of the intra-articular fracture displacements were taken by a camera and these were uploaded and analyzed by the TraumaCad® computer program (Brainlab). Results: The reduction quality was poor in order of transtectal, juxtatectal and infratectal. The intraarticular opening was more prominent in the transtectal subtype. The safe zone, when giving consideration of the neurovascular bundles, was a quadrilateral surface of the ilium. Drill holes are useful for maintenance of the reduction clamps. Reduction clamps with points (Weber clamp) were the best for maintenance and accurate reduction. Regarding the concerns of placement of clamps, the middle to posterior combination was the best. The upper hole among the posterior holes in the ilium was the most likely to well reduce the intra-articular opening. Conclusion: Transtectal was the more complicated subtype in the aspect of reduction quality. The Weber type reduction clamp was the best for reduction by centrally located holes in the quadrilateral surface and posteriorly located iliac holes in transverse acetabular fractures. The upper hole, among the posterior holes in the ilium, was the best for reduction of the fracture displacements in the intraarticular portion of acetabulum. 목적: 여러 가지 비구 골절 중에 횡 골절의 아형별로 정복 정도를 비교하고 어떠한 형태의 정복 clamp가 유용하며, 어느위치에서의 정복이 가장 양호한가를 Sawbones 모형에서 알아보고자 하였다. 대상 및 방법: 각각의 아형 골절을 여섯 개씩 만들고 열 개의다른 정복 clamp를 사용하였다. 골절 선 근처에 12개의 구멍을 만들고 전위를 측정하였다. 관절 내 전위는 사진 촬영한이후 TraumaCad® 컴퓨터 프로그램을 사용하여 측정하였다. 결과: Infratectal, juxtatectal, transtectal 아형 순으로 정복 정도가 양호하였으며, 외상 후 관절증을 야기할 수 있는 관절내 전위 정도는 transtectal에서 가장 크게 측정되었다. 정복clamp의 위치는 장사방형 표면의 중앙과 장골 후방의 조합이가장 양호하였으며 transtectal 아형에서는 그 중에서도 후방의 상부 위치가 관절 내 열림 현상을 줄이는 데 효과적이었다. 결론: 여러 가지 비구 횡 골절 아형 중에서도 transtectal 아형의 정복이 가장 어려웠고, Weber 형태의 정복 clamp를 이용하여 장사방형 표면의 중앙과 장골의 후방 구멍에 위치하여정복하였을 때 관절 내 열림 현상을 줄이면서 정복하는 가장좋은 방법이었다.

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