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        ▣ 일반 논문 : 지오노의 소설 『안젤로』(Angelo)에 나타난 인물 연구

        김동윤 ( Dong Yoon Kim ) 성균관대학교 인문학연구원(성균관대학교 인문과학연구소) 2016 人文科學 Vol.0 No.60

        본 논문은 장 지오노의 소설 『안젤로』에 나타난 주요인물과 로마네스크적 구성에 관한 글이다. 소설 『안젤로』는 작가의 생애에 있어서 이정표가 되는 작품이다. 지오노가 이 소설을 작성하던 시절은 프랑스가 나찌 독일로부터 해방된 시기와 맞물리고 있으며 그 당시 작가는 오해와모함으로 그의 작품이 출판금지 당하는 등 많은 고초를 겪었다. 소설 『안젤로』는 이른바 작가의 ``기병시리즈``의 첫 작품으로서 『지붕위의 기병』에 비해 잘 알려지지 않았으나 새로운 인물의 창조와 서사적완결성이 돋보이는 수작으로 평가된다. 가령, 본 작품에 등장하는 안젤로는 『지붕위의 기병』의 주인공, 그리고 셀린 드 테위스, 폴린은 이후작품들에 등장하는 주요 인물들에 원형을 제공한다는 점에서 연구의 대상이 된다. 따라서 본 글에서는 안젤로, 폴린 등 주요 인물들의 성격과작품의 윤리적 정조(情調)와 미학의 다층적인 국면들을 분석할 것이다. 그러한 맥락에서 안젤로, 폴린, 셀린 드 테위스와 같은 주요 인물들이구성되는 방식과 그들의 윤리관을 분석하는 일은 지오노 문학이 전환점을 맞이하는 국면들을 검토하는데 중요한 작업이 될 것이다. 우선 주인공은 중세 기사도 정신을 계승하고 위대한 정신과 순수한 영혼을 지닌 인물이다. ``검은 말을 탄 금 이삭``으로 묘사되는 안젤로는 이탈리아 기병이자 공작부인 에지아의 아들로서 귀족적인 기품을 지니고있으며, 자유가 결핍되어 있는 자신의 조국을 구하기 위해 싸우는 인간이다. 본 소설에는 안젤로와 함께 셀린 드 테위스와 폴린과 같은 흥미로운여성 캐릭터가 등장한다. 안젤로의 정신적인 후원자인 셀린 드 테위스는무르익은 원숙함과 함께 지혜롭고 매력적인 모습을 보여주는 인물이다. 이에 비해 폴린은 셀린 드 테위스의 오빠인 로랑 드 데위스의 젊은 부인으로서 순수하고 단순한 마음을 지닌 인물로 묘사된다. 두 여성 캐릭터의 등장으로 인해 자칫 단순하고 메마른 모험담으로 전개될 수 있는 서사가 로마네스크적인 요소를 획득함으로써, 본 작품은보다 흥미롭고 풍요로와진다. This study aims to analyze how main characters in Giono`s novel Angelo are created and constituted essentially from the ethical and aesthetical perspective. It is commonly accepted among many experts of this French novelist that this literary work played a important role in his literary career. The fictional work in question is supposed to be less known in the pubic audience in comparison with the other major works like The Horseman on the Roof of which a well known film was made two decades ago. However this novel seems to be of an importance in terms of prefiguring main characters (essentially Angelo and Pauline) constantly appearing in the following major works. Firstly, Angelo appears as a key character embodying the middle age`s chivalrous values like magnanimity, greatness, noblesse etc. These ethical aspects seem to be taken by and large in the French classical dramas, especially Pierre Corneille`s ones. In this context we would like to highlight that Angelo is being inscribed in this aristocratic moral system as well as in Romantic sensibility. Secondly, two feminine figures showing exceptional qualities (Celine and Pauline) are contributing greatly to the promotion of Giono`s work into a much more achieved one from the aesthetical perspective of the fiction: Celine de Theus is an aristocratic and highly mature personality with a strong sense of honour, while Pauline is presented as a young and pure person valorizing a great sense of simplicity. Thanks to these feminine figures with Angelo, the provencal novelist could create an extraordinary fictional universe in which we the readers can be easily absorbed without any reserves.

      • KCI등재

        종가 문화의 특징과 의의

        이종성 충남대학교 인문과학연구소 2011 인문학연구 Vol.38 No.2


      • KCI등재

        모리 오가이(森鷗外)의 독일 3부작에 관한 고찰

        이기섭(Lee, Ki-Seob) 일본어문학회 2018 일본어문학 Vol.82 No.-

        This article analyzes Moriogai’s Trilogy. [Maihime] is a story about an intellectual who finally realizes his own ego and undergoes internal conflicts in achieving his true ego. [Maihime] proposes an important issue on modern literature of Japan. Toyotaro Ota in [Maihime] realizes a true ego in an atmosphere of freedom of Germany. But his true ego is destroyed by exter nal conditions. The process of self-reliance of Kose, on [Utakatanoki], is d one through the act of aesthetic creation, being part of pure self-realization. [Fumizukai] deals with aristocratic marriage and tells the internal agony of princess Ida who goes against the aristocratic marriage. Kobayashi, who sa ves Ida from her marriage, shows that people in Japan also still sticks to the old custom like in Germany, and he criticizes the vestige of feudal soc iety. [Maihime] and[Utakatanoki] describe that the characters’ own featu res were interupted by something in a fatalistic way, but in [Fumizukai], the character finally achieves his own ego by himself with his own will. 本稿は森鴎外のドイツ3部作の作品世界を分析した。[舞姫]は近代的 精神に目覚めた一知識人の内面的葛藤を描いたもので日本近代文学の成 立に重要な問題を提示した。[舞姫]の太田豊太郎は渡独して3年が経った25歳の時外国の自由な雰囲気の中で初めて政治家となるべき豪傑としての自己像に異和感を覚え、そういうものとは違う真の我を自覚するよう になった。だが、彼の目醒めかけた自我が周りの与件によって破壊され るのである。ところが、􋺷うたかたの記􋺸の巨勢は美的創造という行為を通じて遂げられる純粋な自己実現の過程として追求されようとしてい た。[舞姫]の相沢謙吉がエリスを精神的に殺し、太田豊太郎から決定的に引き離したように狂王はマリイを殺して巨勢の夢を失わせてしまった。巨勢はマリイを失ったことですべてのものが消えてしまうのである。それらに対して􋺷文づかひ􋺸は貴族的な許婚にからむイイダ姫の内面 的な苦悩を問題としているところがある。そのイイダ姫を苦悩の闇路か ら救う役割を果たした小林自身、祖国日本では親の強圧によって結婚しなければならない事実、そういう封建的社会に対する批判を基調として書き上げたと言える。[舞姫]、[うたかたの記]では自己自身の資質の開 花を何ものかに宿命的に妨げられる悲恋の物語を書いた。しかし、[文づかひ]にいたって、はじめて自らの意志によって自我を貫くことを得た主 人公の姿を描き出したことが窺える。

      • KCI등재

        조선시대의 왕실 언간에 나타난 질병 고찰

        전병용 동양고전학회 2022 東洋古典硏究 Vol.- No.89

        조선시대의 왕실 언간에 나타난 질병의 양상과 처방의 실태를 검토하 였다. 언간에 나타난 조선시대의 질병 양상은 크게 영양 결핍에 따른 서민 적 질병, 영양 과잉에 따른 귀족적 질병, 시대적 환경에 따른 일반적 질 병으로 나눌 수 있다. 본고에서는 왕실의 언간만을 분석 대상으로 삼아 귀족적 질병과 일반적 질병에 한정하여 검토하였다. 귀족적 질병으로 영양과잉에 따른 질병, 좌식 생활에 따른 질병, 과음 에 따른 질병, 스트레스성 질병 등을 확인하였으며, 일반적 질병으로 풍 토병, 전염성 질병, 환절기 질병, 비위생적 환경에 따른 질병, 노인성 질 병에 이르기까지 다양한 질병을 확인하였다. 왕실의 질병에 대한 처방은 평민과 비교할 때 상대적으로 최상의 의 료서비스를 제공받고 있음을 확인하여다. 어의(御醫) 수준의 전문적인 진단과 그에 따른 처방이 즉각적이고 일상적⋅반복적으로 이루어졌음을 확인하였다. 왕실 언간을 분석 대상으로 삼은 본고에서는 귀족적 질병과 일반적 질 병에 한정하여 검토하였다. 귀족적 질병으로 영양과잉에 따른 질병, 좌식 생활에 따른 질병, 과음에 따른 질병, 스트레스성 질병 등을 확인하였으 며, 일반적 질병으로 풍토병, 전염성 질병, 환절기 질병, 비위생적 환경에 따른 질병, 노인성 질병에 이르기까지 다양한 질병을 확인하였다. 왕실의 질병에 대한 처방은 평민과 비교할 때 상대적으로 최상의 의 료서비스를 제공받고 있음을 확인하여다. 어의(御醫) 수준의 전문적인 진단과 그에 따른 처방이 즉각적이고 일상적⋅반복적으로 이루어졌음을 확인하였다. This review highlights the aspects of diseases and their prescription through the Eongan (a collection of letters written in Eonmum characters – ancient Korean vernacular language) which was written during the era of Joseon Dynasty. The disease patterns in that period can be classified into three major categories – peasantry diseases (caused by malnutrition), aristocratic diseases (caused by overnutrition), and general diseases (due to environmental factors). By analyzing Eongans collected from royal families, we restricted our range of investigation to aristocratic and peasantry diseases. Leading causes of aristocratic diseases were overnutrition, sedentary behavior, excessive drinking, and stress. General diseases usually included endemic diseases, infectious diseases, diseases due to seasonal changes, geriatric diseases, and diseases due to poor hygiene and sanitation. The medical treatment available to the royal family was relatively superior compared to those for commoners. Professional diagnoses, prescriptions, and follow-ups for the royal family were available at all times and usually conducted by designated doctors.

      • KCI등재

        경판 <쌍주기연>의 대중화 양상과 그 소설사적 의미

        서혜은(Seo, Hye-eun) 한국고전연구학회 2013 한국고전연구 Vol.0 No.28

        이 논문은 경판 <쌍주기연>의 대중화 양상과 소설사적 의미를 고찰하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 경판 <쌍주기연>이 대중성을 확보하여 지속적으로 출간되고 활자본이 출간될 수 있었던 것은 19세기 중반에서 20세기 초에 걸친 기간 동안 귀족적 영웅소설과 애정소설이 획득한 대중성과 경판 33장본 <쌍주기연>의 대중적인 성향으로 인한 것이다. 경판 <쌍주기연>은 귀족적 영웅소설과 애정소설의 속성이 공존하는 작품이지만 대중성을 확보하는 과정에서 귀족적 영웅소설의 성격은 약화되고 애정소설의 성격이 부각되면서 보수적인 성향은 다소 약화되었다. 이러한 경판 <쌍주기연>의 대중화 양상은 대중성을 확보한 소설의 유형과 성향이 변모하고 활자본 <삼생기연>이 출현하는 동인이 되었다는 소설사적 의미를 부여할 수 있다. This paper is a study on the aspects and its meanings of novel history in <Ssang-Ju-Gi-Yeon> of Seoul block printed. Seoul Block Printed <Ssang-Ju-Gi-Yeon> contain type of aristocratic hero-novels, love-novels. Type of aristocratic hero-novels love-novels are very popular from the mid-19th century to beginning of the 20th century. And Seoul block printed <Ssang-Ju-Gi-Yeon> of 33 sheets version have popularity. So Seoul block printed <Ssang-Ju-Gi-Yeon> was consistently able to have popularity from the mid-19th century to beginning of the 20th century. And Seoul block printed of 33 sheets version become original script of 32ㆍ22ㆍ16 sheets version and a printed book. These course is prescribe to popularization of Seoul block printed <Ssang-Ju-Gi-Yeon> in this paper. Seoul block printed of 33 sheets version and 32 sheets version are different from an end. But the end of 33ㆍ22ㆍ16 sheets version are sameness. And Seo Chen Hng and Wang Hye Ryun's narrative of love is strengthen in Seoul block printed <Ssang-Ju-Gi-Yeon> of 22 and 16 sheets version. And Seo Chen Hng's a heroic activity is reduced and aspects of love-novels are embossed in seoul block printed <Ssang-Ju-Gi-Yeon> of 22 and 16 sheets version. Also suffering of yang-ban women are strengthen in <Ssang-Ju-Gi-Yeon> of printed book and activities of lowly women are magnified. So conservatism of <Ssang-Ju-Gi-Yeon> is diminished in printed book more than Seoul block printed. Therefore popularity course of Seoul block printed <Ssang-Ju-Gi-Yeon> reveal transformation of popularity novel type and inclination. The type was changed from aristocratic hero-novels to love-novels. Aristocratic hero-novels is conservative. But love-novels is progressive. And popu-larity of Seoul block printed <Ssang-Ju-Gi-Yeon> cause printed book <Sam-Saeng-Gi-Yeon> and manuscript of <Ssang-Yeol-Ok-So-Rok> <Ssang-Yeol-Ok-So-Sam-Bong>.

      • KCI등재

        경판 17장본 <홍길동전>의 간행 양상과 소설사적 위상

        서혜은 열상고전연구회 2014 열상고전연구 Vol.42 No.-

        본 논문은 아직 공개되지 않은 경판 17장본 <홍길동전>의 간행 양상과 소설사적 위상을 밝히는 것을 목적으로 한다. 경판 <홍길동전>은 17장본을 포함하여 30ㆍ24ㆍ23ㆍ21장본이 있는데, 17장본은 23장본을 저본으로 간행된 판본으로 경판 30장본이 획득한 대중성에 힘입어 출간되었다. 23장본과 비교했을 때, 17장본에 서는 길동과 지배층과의 대결 범주가 축소되면서 대결 구도가 약화되고 망당산 요 괴 퇴치담과 율도국 정벌 과정에 드러난 길동과 김현충이 대결하는 군담은 삭제되 어 있다. 하지만 서자 길동이 당대 조선의 현실에서는 불가능했던 병조판서를 제수 받음으로써 서자 신분을 탈피하고 백용과 조철의 딸과 혼인하여 가부장이 되어 적 자로서의 역할을 수행하며 율도국을 정벌한 뒤 국왕으로 등극하는 내용에는 변함이 없다. 이로 인해 경판 17장본에서 확인되는 길동의 모습은 마치 <소대성전>이나 <조웅전>과 같은 귀족적 영웅소설에 등장하는 주인공의 모습과 유사하게 형상화되 어 있다. 따라서 경판 17장본은 민중적 영웅소설인 <홍길동전>을 향유했던 대중 독자들의 귀족적 성향이 가장 집약적으로 제시된 판본으로 규정할 수 있다. 또한 경판 17장본의 판권지는 없지만 책의 표지에 <홍길동젼>이라는 제목과 함께 필사 되어 있는‘뎡유(丁酉)’년이라는 기록을 참조한다면 경판 17장본은 1897년 또는 그 이전에 간행되었을 가능성이 높다. 16~18장의 분량으로 간행된 경판본 소설의 간행 연대가 1899~1921년 사이라는 점을 감안한다면 경판 17장본 <홍길동전> 은 16~18장본 소설이 본격적으로 출간되는 저변을 형성한 판본이라는 소설사적 위상을 지닌다. This paper is a study on the publication aspects and status of novel history in Seoul block printed <Hong-Gil-Dong-Jeon> of 17 sheets version. There is Seoul block printed <Hong-Gil-Dong-Jeon> of 17 sheets version at deep rooted tree museum in Sun-Cheon. Seoul block printed <Hong-Gil-Dong-Jeon> of 17 sheets version was published from popularity of 30 sheets version. There are 5 kinds of Seoul block printed <Hong-Gil-Do-ng-Jeon> of 30․24․23․21․17 sheets version. But there is only one Jeon-Ju block printed <Hong-Gil-Dong-Jeon> of 36 sheets version. The narrative of 30․23․21․17 sheets version is similar. Yet 24 sheets version is distinctive the others. And the narrative of 23․21 is same. Therefore Seoul block printed <Hong-Gil-Dong-Jeon> of 30 sheets version is popular block book. Seoul block printed <Hong-Gil-Dong-Jeon> of 17 sheets version is contraction of 23 sheets version. The Hong-Gil-Dong and Cho-Seon ruling class's duel category is got narrow and their confrontation is weaken in Seoul block printed <Hong-Gil-Dong-Jeon> of 17 sheets version. After Hong-Gil-Dong disappearance from home, he went Je-Do and beat monster at Mt. Mang-Dang. But this narration is eliminated in 17 sheets version. Beside Hong-Gil-Dong and Gim-Hyun-Chung's war narration is also eliminated in 17 sheets version. Gim-Hyun-Chung is soldier of Yul-Do. But the narration is changeless that Gil-Dong became Byeong-Jo- Pan-Seo and marry Baeg Lyung and Jo-Cheol's daughters and he became the king of Yul-Do. Therefore Seoul block printed <Hong-Gil-Dong-Jeon> of 17 sheets intensively reveals Aristocratic inclination. There is not copyright records in Seoul block printed <Hong-Gil-Dong-Jeon> of 17 sheets version. But chronicle with title <Hong-Gil-Dong-Jeon> is recorded in covers of 17 sheets version. The chronicle is Jeong-Yu(丁酉). Seoul block printed novel of 16~18 sheets version were published from 1899 to 1921. Therefore I estimate Jeong-Yu(丁酉) is 1897. In that 17 sheets version was published in 1897 or before. Seoul block printed novel of 16~18 sheets version are 15 works. Hence Seoul block printed <Hong-Gil-Dong-Jeon> of 17 sheets version is publication base of 16~18 sheets version.

      • KCI등재

        드라마 「재벌집 막내아들」을 통해 본 귀족적 영웅서사에 대한 지향 -환몽소설과의 비교를 중심으로-

        유해인 민족어문학회 2023 어문논집 Vol.- No.99

        This study sheds light on the meaning of the public’s negative reaction to the controversial ending of The Youngest Son of the Chaebol Family, a Korean drama series aired by JTBC, in comparison with how hwanmong-soseol, a sub-genre of the classical novel, unfolds. To begin with, this study analyzed the structure of The Youngest Son of the Chaebol Family. The results showed that the drama series had a well-organized narrative that effectively conveyed the theme of the protagonist Yoon Hyun-woo's repentance in a tightly set hwanmong-soseol (returning to reality from dream) structure as opposed to how it was evaluated by many critics. Next, this study analyzed the reasons behind the negative reaction to the ending of the drama series in comparison with how hwanmong-soseol unfolds. While The Cloud Dream of the Nine, one of the most well-known hwanmong-soseol works in Korea, embodies different themes depending on the version, the narrative most familiar to the public is the one in which the protagonist's ordinary life continues after waking up from a dream. From the public’s perspective, the essence of the hwanmong-soseol structure was not some sort of realization through life after waking up from a dream but the resolution of desires which could not be fulfilled in reality through the imaginary world of a dream. This hwanmong-soseol structure from the medieval period was adapted into a structure of hoebinghwan (regression, possession, and reincarnation) in today’s world, which gained enormous popularity among the public as a chaebol genre. The Youngest Son of the Chaebol Family, which highlights life after waking up from a dream, was the narrative that betrayed the public’s expectations, and the public’s negative reaction to its controversial ending suggested the aristocracy-oriented nature of the public, which was reflected in hwanmong-soseol and hoebinghwan novels. Considering that the aristocratic heroic narrative of hwanmong-soseol was an immensely popular narrative in a caste system where it was not possible to move up in social class, the current generation's pessimistic outlook on social mobility can be found in the popularity of hoebinghwan and the public’s reaction to The Youngest Son of the Chaebol Family.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Wandering in Yeats’s and Heaney’s Poems

        Sung Sook Hong 한국예이츠학회 2017 한국예이츠 저널 Vol.54 No.-

        예이츠의 시에는 사랑과 낭만 아일랜드를 찾아 헤매는 작가의 정신적 방황뿐 아니라 아일랜드 내전 이후의 정치적 방황도 역시 반영되어 있다. 그리고 예이츠 시의 화자는 앵글로 아이리시 귀족의 자부심과 열정을 갖고 어쉰 및 오이디푸스 등의 영웅과 자신을 동일시한다. 한편 히니는 자신의 시집인 『순례의 섬』, 『스위니의 방랑』 등에서 종교의 권위를 부정해 핍박 받았던 전설의 방랑자 스위니와 자신을 동일시하면서 거기에 순례의 이미지를 덧붙인다. Yeats’s early poems include the romantic wandering spirit, evoking ancient heroes and fairies; however, his later poems seem to look for an artist’s asylum like Byzantium. Moreover, all through his life, Yeats seems to have identified himself with a heroic and aristocratic wanderer like Oisin, Cuchulain, and Oedipus. Meanwhile, Heaney identifies, in Station Island and Sweeney Astray, himself with the legendary Sweeney who fell down to a miserable wanderer by denying the authority of religion, adding the image of pilgrim.

      • KCI등재

        고려시대 유교사의 추이와 개성

        마종락 ( Chong Rak Ma ) 한국중세사학회 2005 한국중세사연구 Vol.0 No.18

        In this paper, I devide Goryeo Dynasty into two period-prior and later period-for researching confucian thoughts. Later period is divided three time-military officers controlling period, Yuan interfering period, and the ending period. Dividing in like this, we understand Goryeo politics and stream of the history of confucian thoughts more well. Because in Goryeo Dynasty politics and stream of the history of confucian thoughts are closed together. And confucian thoughts is extended for politics power. I will look for some problems in those periods. In prior time, noble`s literary learning is pervaded. I research it`s character and how it can be. In military officers controlling period, confucian thoughts power is weak. But literary intellectuals act eagerly. I research it`s value and background. In Yuan interfering period, neoconfucianism is received. I research it`s character and how it can be. In ending period, confucian learners pursued reformation eagerly. I research their political actions and thoughts tendency. At that results, I can understand that confucian thoughts is extended for politics power during Goryeo Dynasty. Generally confucian learners is responsible for politics and act so. They think confucian thoughts to be weighty for politics. And they accepted neoconfucianism for more politics power. Now neoconfucianism can be general power discourse and it will be finished to construct Chosun Dynasty.

      • KCI등재

        이해조의 <소양정>과 고전소설의 교섭 양상 연구

        서혜은 ( Hye Eun Seo ) 한국고소설학회 2010 古小說 硏究 Vol.30 No.-

        This paper is study on the negotiation aspects of Yi Hae-Jo`s <So-Yang-Jeong> and Chosun Dynasty-Novels. <So-Yang- Jeong-gi>, <So-Dae-Seong-Jeon> were adaptations of <So-Yang -Jeong>. Yi Hae-Jo published <So-Yang-Jeong> serially in 『Mae-Il-Sin-Bo』. The narrative-structur of <So-Yang-Jeong> is closely parallels <So-Dae-Seong-Jeon> and <Jo-Wung-Jeon>. He borrewed the narrative-structur <So-Dae-Seong-Jeon> and <Jo- Wung-Jeon> when published <So-Yang-Jeong> serially in 『Mae- Il-Sin-Bo』. Because <So-Dae-Seong-Jeon> and <Jo-Wung- Jeon> were very popular in the latter period Chosun Dynasty. Pending Yi Hae-Jo published <So-Yang-Jeong> serially in 『Mae-Il-Sin-Bo』, he eliminated unreal and fantastic phenomenon in <So-Dae-Seong-Jeon> and <Jo-Wung-Jeon>. So conservative inclination of <So-Dae-Seong-Jeon> and <Jo-Wung-Jeon> became weaken in <So-Yang-Jeong>. And criticism consciousness of material civilization was reflected in <So-Yang-Jeong>. Because occasion of matrimonial dissension is economic power in <So-Yang-Jeong>. <So-Dae-Seong-Jeon> and <Jo-Wung-Jeon> are Aristocratic Hero-Novel and <So-Yang-Jeong> is Domestic-Novel. Yi Hae-Jo transformed Aristocratic Hero-Novel into Domestic-Novel. This phenomenon display that popular fiction is not Aristocratic Hero-Novel but Domestic-Novel from 1910`s to 1920`s. Because Yi Hae-Jo negotiated with <So-Dae-Seong-Jeon> and <Jo-Wung- Jeon> so <So-Yang-Jeong> was very popular. According to popularity of <So-Yang-Jeong>, popularization of Chosun Dynasty -Novels were accelerated in 1910`s.

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