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      • 스포츠 상해와 투기종목 선수의 경기력 : 상해유형별 분석

        유종만,김혜진,박재현,신범철 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to investigate on sports injures and performance in combat sports events. For the purpose, in the study 239 subject(boxing 50, taekwundo 54, wrestling 41, fencing 54, judo 40) completed the questionnaire for sports injures and performance in combat sports events. It was divided sports player's performance into high performance elite level and low performance elite level. To assess of the distribution in high performance elite level and low performance elite level player's injures pattern, it was used cross table and percentile scores by SPSS version 11.0 for Windows. The result was follow that: There was different pattern in sports injures by combat sports event. And there was different pattern in sports performance in high performance elite leve and low performance elite level players.

      • 低壓 보일러의 經濟負荷率에 關한 考察

        柳炳哲,林載根 군산대학교 1984 群山水産專門大學 硏究報告 Vol.18 No.1

        In general, the efficiency of boiler varies with the loading rate, season and the operated year. When the boiler is operated in accordance with the maximum efficiency, it can be possible to save energy. In this experiment, the operating data of three boilers (two-drum D-type water tube boiler, capacity 30t/h, steam pressure 7.5 kg/cm2) were checked and calculated in order to know the amounts of evaporation and consumption of fuel oil, temperature (feed water, fuel oil, exhaust gas and air), the CO2%, the loss of exhaust gas and the calculated boiler efficiency. For the purposes of this study, the boilers were operated and six times checked with 45-100% of the loading rate in summer from 15th of July to 14th of August and in winter from 15th of December to 14th of january in the next for three years. The main results obtained from this study are as follows: 1.The maximum efficiency of boiler was decreased by 0.63% in summer and by 0.49% in winter in a year. 2.The average maximum efficiency of boiler was higher by 1.73% in summer (average 90.49%) than in winter (average 88.76%). 3.The economical loading rates showed 75% in summer and 80% in winter by No. 1 boiler, 85% in summer and winter by No. 2 boiler and 75% in summer and 80% in winter by No. 3 boiler. 4.The total average boiler efficiency with respect to 45-100% of the loading rate was higher by 1.39% in summer (87.84%) than in winter (86.45%). 5.The average temperature of exhaust gas was higher by 12.35℃ in winter (158.28℃) than in summer (145.93℃). 6.The average loss of exhaust gas was higher by 1.13% in winter (6.01%) than in summer (4.88%). 7.When No. 1 boiler was operated on the loading rate in accordance with the maximum efficiency, the fuel cost was down by 2,1000,000 won/ month in summer and 1.080,000 won/month in winter in comparison with± 5% of that condition.

      • KCI등재

        강화방법이 중년여성의 운동지속 및 건강에 미치는 영향

        류호상,현정희,변재철,김한철 한국스포츠심리학회 2002 한국스포츠심리학회지 Vol.13 No.3

        최근 10여년 동안 운동과학에 대한 다량의 문헌들에도 불구하고 여성들을 대상으로 운동지속(exercise adherence)과 운동효과에 대한 연구들은 많지 않다. 이 연구의 목적은 강화방법이 여성의 운동지속과 건강에 미치는 영향을 규명하기 위한 것이었다. 생활체육으로 에어로빅댄스를 하고자 방문한 31명의 중년여성들이 자신들이 원하는 세 개의 다론 시간대의 수업에 각각 등록을 하였다. 각 교실은 체지방 측정치로 피드백을 제공받는 집단(n=10), 출석이 양호할 시 에어로빅무용복을 보상받는 집단(n=11), 그리고 통제 집단(n=10)이 되어 실험에 참가하였다. 피험자들을 같은 강사의 지도로 하루에 45분, 주 5회(월-금), 8주 동안 에어로빅댄스를 실시하였다. 일원변량분석 결과 체지방으로 피드백을 제공받으며 운동한 집단은 다른 두 집단에 비해 높은 출석률을 보였다(p<.05). 공변량분석(ANCOVA)에서는 피드백 집단이 통제 집단보다 체지방율과 POMS의 총정서장애(Total mood disturbance)에서 유의하게 낮은 수치를 보였다(p<.05). 안면피부상태에서는 집단 간에 유의한 차이를 보이지 않았지만, 집단을 합한 운동 전·후간에는 차이가 있게 나타났다(p<.05). 이 연구는 생활체육 현장에서 피드백을 제공하여 강화를 시키면 중년여성들의 운동지속(exercise adherence)을 높일 수 있고 건강 증진에도 효과적이라는 결론에 도달하였다. 그 외 연구결과를 토대로 운동지속을 높이는 관점에서 논의가 이루어지고 장래연구를 위한 방향도 제시되었다. Despite decades of physical activity research, little is known about the patterns and effects of physical activity among women. The purpose of this research was to examine whether reinforcement strategy would positively influence participation adherence and health in women. Thirty one middle-aged females participating in an aerobic dance class were randomly assigned to three different conditions; feedback (n=10), reward (n=11), or control (n=10). The provide of feedback group was weekly informed of their body fat(%), while participant reward group was announced to win an aerobic dance tights if they miss less than 5 times over an 8 week period meeting 5 times per week. One-way ANOVA showed that the feedback group was higher than the other 2 groups in the number of attendances (p<.05). ANCOVA indicated that the feedback group exhibited statistically greater improvements in the body fat (p<.05) and the total mood disturbance (p<.05) than did the control. The facial skin condition was independently associated with reinforcement. However, repeated t-test showed that the after condition was better than the before condition. It was concluded that provide of feedback is an effective mean in increasing the exercise attendance rate and the health of middle-aged females. The findings were discussed in terms of the importance of increasing exercise adherence and mental health.

      • KCI등재

        운동형태가 청소년의 상태불안 감소에 미치는 영향

        류호상,염민선,변재철,박승한 한국스포츠심리학회 2002 한국스포츠심리학회지 Vol.13 No.2

        과거의 운동심리학(exorcise psychology) 문헌들은 일회(acute) 운동 후에 상태불안이 감소되어 기분이 좋아지는 효과를 얻을 수 있다고 밝혀왔다. 이 연구의 목적은 어떤 형태(유산소 대 무산소)의 일회 운동이 청소년의 상태불안과 그에 관련된 생리변인들에 보다 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 지를 비교하고자 하는 것이었다. 12명의 남자중학교 학생들을 6명씩 두 집단으로 나누어 한 집단에게는 유산소운동을 다른 집단에게는 무산소운동을 시킨 후, 1주일 후에는 서로 역할을 교대시키는 반복측정을 하였다. 유산소운동은 심박수를 이용하여 최대운동능력(VO_2peak)의 75%강도로 트레드밀에서 20분간 달리기를 하는 것이었고, 무산소운동은 5개의 웨이트트레이닝을 십회반복최대(10RM)의 75% 강도로 돌아가며 20분간 실시하는 것이었다. 각 운동 전·후에는 20분 동안 안정을 취한 뒤 상태불안, 체온, 그리고 혈압을 차례로 측정하였다. 각 운동조건의 평균을 비교하기 위한 통계분석을 사전점사 결과를 공변인으로 하고 사후점사 결과를 종속변인으로 하는 공변량분석(ANCOVA)을 실시하였다. 자료처리 결과, 유산소운동과 무산소운동 후 어떤 변인들에도 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았다(p<.05). 따라서 청소년의 상태불안을 감소시키는 데는 운동형태간에 차이가 없으며 그러한 연구에 대해 지속적인 관심과 필요성이 강조되었다. The purpose of this study was to examine aerobic versus anaerobic exercise effect on state anxiety reduction and related physiological variables in middle school students. A total of twelve male subjects were assigned to 20-minute condition in each exercise with the intensity of 75% of VO_2peak and 75% of 10 Repetition Maximum. State anxiety(Spielberger, Gorsuch, Lushene, Vagg, & Jacobs, 1983), body temperature, and blood pressure were assessed 20-minute before and after each exercise. One-way analysis of covariance(ANCOVA) indicated that the self-reported state anxiety, the body temperature, and the blood pressure were not significantly different between the 2 types of exercise. In conclusion, it is too premature to state that aerobic exercise is better than anaerobic exercise on state anxiety reduction in adolescents.

      • Lifting 作業의 適正 姿勢를 위한 人間工學的 分析

        兪炳哲,朴在珉 동아대학교 공과대학 부설 한국자원개발연구소 1992 硏究報告 Vol.16 No.1

        Proper body mechanics implies proper. bending forward and returning to the erect posture. This movement is done many times in the average day and consists of the motion of lifting, whether utilized in lifting a heavy object, a light object, a bulky object, an object lifted from the floor or from waist level. Improper bending forward lifting posture is probably the greatest cause of low back pain, with or without concomitant redicular pain. This study has the purpose of finding out effective method between lifting limits in manual material handling of ILO and scope of NIOSH work practices guide for manual lifting. These research finding suggest us we should provide the ergonomic consideration of manual lifting.

      • 배전시스템에서의 재폐로 과도현상분석

        김재철,유선종,임성정 崇實大學校 生産技術硏究所 1996 論文集 Vol.26 No.1

        This paper analyzed the transient phenomena due to auto-reclosing on electrical distribution system. Computer models presented in this paper consist of a distributio overhead line model, underground cable model, transformer, model, grounding model, load model, substation model, capacitor bank model, and distribution sruge-arrester model. The computer models are represented by Electromagnetic Transients Program(EMTP). Ther results from the simulation depict the validity of a computer model and the impact of custormer side during auto-reclosing at 22.9kV distribution systme. Also, parametric analysis illustrate that the various factors affct the transient thenomena caused to anto-reclosing.

      • 인체측정변인에 의한 펜싱 종목의 경기력 판별분석

        신범철,유종만,최태석,박재현,김혜진 한국스포츠리서치 2003 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.14 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to analyze on the morphological characteristics of elite fencing players. In this study, 32 male fencing players completed the measurement of 39 anthropometric variables. To assess of the differences between elite fencing player and non-elite fencing players' morphological characteristics, discriminant test and morphological analysis were used. The results of this study were follows. There were no statistical differences in all the morphological characteristics between elite player and non-elite players in length variables except length variables. In conclusion, elite and non-elite players of fencing become most discriminant by length variables.

      • 고로슬래그미분말 대체율에 따른 고품질 콘크리트의 공학적 특성에 관한 실험적 연구

        나철성,윤종기,장종호,김재환,유득현,김무한 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.23 No.2

        As a part of efforts for conformity of demand in regard to high quality of concrete, blast-furnace slag has been utilized by means of cement replacement. Superior performance can be ensured, environmental pollution can be prevented and economical advantage can be obtained with utilization by cement placement. But the study on the blast-furnace slag is not systematic and reasonable. So, it is planed that basic data in regard to technique of manufacturing and economic improvement of high quality concrete is showed with experimental comparison and investigation of engineering properties of high quality concrete utilized by cement placement of blast-furnace as industry by-product in this study.

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