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        서로다른 APF 제재의 적용시간에 따른 법랑질내 불소 흡수량 및 우식 억제효과에 관한 비교 연구

        권순원,김용기 大韓小兒齒科學會 1996 大韓小兒齒科學會誌 Vol.23 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to compare the enamel fluoride uptake and anticariogenic effect following topical application with different physical form of fluoride and application time. The results can be summarized as follows: 1.While the 4-minite application increased the enamel fluoride uptake significantly than 1-minite application regarded of physical form of applied topical fluoride agents,no significant difference could be found between foam and gel type when applied for the identical period of time. 2.The application time or the physical form of topical agents had no significant influence on the reduction of caries lesion. 3.Based upon the above-mentioned results of this study,it cannot be concluded that the amount of enamel fluoride uptake has an absolute impact on the change of lesion depth.Therefore,the clinical applicationm of 1-minite topical fluoride application which appears to have a similar anticariogenic efficacy to 4-minite fluoride application may be encouraged.

      • 各種 食品包裝紙類의 衛生學的 調査硏究 : 合成樹脂 및 Cellophane 材質中 및 溶出 有毒重金屬에 關하여

        權肅杓,鄭勇,金順兒,李承務 中央醫學社 1975 中央醫學 Vol.28 No.3

        The heavy metals in terms of mercury (Hg), arsenic (As), manganese (Mn), cadmium (Cd) and lead (Pb) were determined in the synthetic resins and the cellophanes. 1) The PVC (poly vinly chloride), a kind of synthetic resins, comprises 112.7--518. Opg/g of Cd, 278-.4, 651pg/g of Pb, and 0.219?1. 163pg/g of Hg and their solutes are 10.8?49.2pg/g of Cd, 1. 6?28.7pg/g of Pb and O. 00?0. 244pg/g of Hg. Mn and As compounds are not determined in their solutes. 2) The PP (poly propylene) contains 0.00?2.83,ug/g of Cd, 0.68?1.55,ug/g of Pb, and 0. 330- 0.433pg/g of Hg. But Cd and Pb are not determined in the solutes respectively. 3) While having 1.62?4.47ag/g of Cd, 1.79?2.70pg/g of Pb, and 0.353?0.66 pg/g of Hg in their materials, cellophanes are not recognized to have the solutes of Cd and Pb compounds. 4) It is recommendable that the food pakaging materials should be strongly regulated as the safety. Matters.

      • 브레이징법에 의한 TiA1 금속간 화합물의 접합에 관한 연구

        권영순,권용재,김지순,김환태 울산대학교 1995 공학연구논문집 Vol.26 No.2

        본 연구에서는 Al을 삽입금속으로 사용하여 브레이징법으로 접합한 TiAl 금속간화�물의 접합특성에 대하여 조사하였다. 삽입금속인 Al과 모재인 TiAl과의 반응에 의해 접합계면에서는 반응생성층으로서 경도가 모재보다 높고 취약한 TiAl₃가 형성되었으며, 접합온도가 600℃로 낮았거나 가열속도가 30K/min으로 너무 빠를 경우에는 반응생성층내에 void와 미소균열과 같은 접합결함이 존재하였다. 이와 같은 접합결함들은 700℃보다 높은 온도에서 접합하거나 가열속도를 10K/min보다 낮게 하여 접합한 경우에는 나타나지 않았다. 한편 접합체의 기계적 성질의 향상을 위하여 접합 후 Ar가스 분위기에서 열처리를 행한결과, 1300℃에서 3시간 동안 열처리를 했을 경우 모재와의 조성의 균일화가 완전히 이루어지지 않았으며 또한 반응생성층의 형태도 변화가 없었다. 그러나 1350℃에서 3시간 동안 열처리한 결과 조성의 균일화와 함께 반응생성층은 ??단상으로 변하였으며, 반응생성층의 미소경도는 층상조직인 모재의 미소경도보다 조금 낮게 나타났다. In this study, Joining properties of TiAl intermetallic compound bonded by brazing method using an insert metal of Al foil were investigated. A brittle reaction product layer. TiAl₃was formed at the joining interface and its microhardness was very higher than that of base metal. When the specimen was bonded at low temperature of 600℃ or with high heating rate of 30K/min respectively, joining defects like void and micro-crack were formed in the in the inside of reaction layer. These joining defects were disapeared when the speciment had been bonded at higher temperature than 700℃ or with lower heating rate than 10K/min. For the purpose of improving the mechanical properties of joints, effects of the post-bond heat treatment in Ar gas atmosphere on microstructure and hardness distribution of the bonded speciment were studied. When the joint was geat-treated at 1300℃ for 3 hr, homogenization of the compositions in the joining interface region was not achieved completely and morpholgy of the reaction product layer was still remained without morphological change. However, when the joint was heat-treated at 1350℃ for 3 hr, homogenization of the compositions in the joining interface region was achieved and the reaction product layer changed to γ single phase. And micro-vickers hardness of reaction layer region was slightly lower than that of base metal.

      • 干拓地 草地造成을 爲한 導入濠州品種의 適應性 調査에 關한 硏究(第Ⅱ報)

        權純夔,金用國 충남대학교 농업과학연구소 1977 農業技術硏究報告 Vol.4 No.1

        To select some salt tolerant pasture species for grassland establishment on the west coastal saline land in Korea, this work was carried out from March to October in 1976 with 5 pasture seeds mainly were introduced from Australia. On the soil salt content was 0.4%, all seeds germination were failure, but all species were survived on the 0.2% salt content land. The yield of forage were much better from Kikuyu grass and Pearl millet but poor from other species. The Meadow grass could be used for protect soil erosion by lot of tillers. By the result from this experiment, only Kikuyu grass and Pearl millet were possible to use for forage crops. But to continue this work, it is suggested to introduced more effective species such like Saltwater couch, Saltshore ryegrass, Puccinella, Salt bush, Blue buch, Samphire and so on.

      • KCI등재

        고탁도시 DAF 정수장의 운영 및 진단

        권순범,안효원,강준구,손병용 대한상하수도학회 2004 상하수도학회지 Vol.18 No.2

        DAF process has been designed considering raw water quality characteristics in Korea. Although direct filtration is usually operated, DAF is operated when the freshwater blooms occur or raw water turbidity become high. Pre-sedimentation is prepared in case when raw water turbidity is very high by rainstorms. A main feature of this plant is that the operation mode can be changed (controlled) based on the characteristics of raw water to optimize the effluent quality and the operation costs. Treatment capacity (surface loading rate) and efficiency of DAF was found to be better than conventional sedimentation process. Moreover, lowdensity particles (algae and alum flocs) are easily separated while it is difficult to remove in sedimentation. One of the main concerns in adoption of DAF (Dissolved-Air-Rotation) process is a high raw water turbidity problem. That is, DAF is not adequate for raw water, which is more turbid than 100MU. In order to avoid this problem, pre-sedimentation basins are prepared in OAF plant to decrease the turbidity of DAF influent. For simulation of the actual operation, bench and full-scale tests were performed for highly turbid water conditions. Consequently, DAF process coupled with sedimentation is suggested that pre-sedimentation with optimum coagulation prior to DAF would be appropriate.

      • 熱可塑性 樹脂製 食品包裝用紙의 衛生學的 調査硏究

        權肅杓,鄭勇,金順兒,沈吉淳 中央醫學社 1976 中央醫學 Vol.31 No.4

        The thermoplastic resins using food packaging materials and blood bag were determined in kinds of materials, soluble heavy metals and phthalates from December 1, 1974 to October 30, 1975: 1) The food packaging materials, were polyvinyl chloride(PVC), poly ethylene (PE), poly propylene(PP),polyvinylidene chloride(PVDC) and the laminates. The blood bag's-was, PVC: .2) PE and PP of food packaging materials and PVC of blood bag were not determined in lead and, cadmium compounds by eluting with-saline and 4% acetic acid solution. But PVC of food materials were eluted that lead were determined at 0.0-1.5;mg/g by saline for 4 days, 28-92mg/g by 4%acetic acid for 1 day, and, cadmium, were determined at 0:.077mg/g by saline and 0.0-0.308mg/g by 4% acetic acid. They were under the regulation comparing with below 100 ppm of legal solutes for the food packaging materials. 3) Phthalates as plasticizer of resins were measured in the range of 0.00 0.44mg/g and 0.032-0.073mg/g in saline solutesat 30°C for I day from PVC and blood bag, respectively and 3.30mg/g and, 0.0-9.23mg/g at 60°C for 1 day in 4% acetic acid solutes. 4) Considering of food content preservation against light by the films the tasted propylene transmitted all range of ultraviolet ray, the oriented propylene transmitted 50% of ultraviolet ray and PVC banned under 270mm of ultraviolet ray.

      • 有效稅率變動이 株式收益率에 미치는 影響

        권순용,심한택 嶺南大學校附設 社會科學硏究所 1998 社會科學硏究 Vol.18 No.1

        <요약문>선행연구에 의하면 일시적이거나 비정상적인 유효세율의 변동은 이익지속성에 대해 부정적인 신호를 나타내는 것으로 보고 있다. 본 연구는 이를 고려하여 기업의 비기대이익의 구성요소 중의 하나로서 유효법 인세율변동이 주식수익률에 미치는 영향을 분석하기 위해 1989년부터 1995년까지 총 945개의 년-기업을 대상으로 하여 상관관계분석 및 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 구체적으로 12개월간 누적초과수익률을 종속변수로 하고, 세후비기대이익을 전기유효세율수준에서의 비기대이익, 유효세율변동으로 인한 세전이익효과라는 두가지 구성요소를 독립변수로 채택하였다. 분석결과, 유효법인세율 변동의 세전이익에 대한 효과는 기대와는 다르게 주식수익률에 유의적인 정(+)의 영향을 미치고 있으며, 법정법인세율의 변동을 통제한 후에도 계속적으로 유의적인 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 비기대이익의 구성요소 중의 하나인 유효세율의 변동과 관련된 정보가 이익정보와 함께 투자자의 의사결정에 유용한 것을 의미하므로 기업의 법인세 관련 정보에 대한 공시의 확대가 필요함을 시사하고 있다.학문분류기호:C2302(세무회계)

      • KCI등재후보

        재해성 요추 추간판 탈출증의 역학 및 임상적 연구 : 비재해성 추간판 탈출증과 비교분석

        권순용,이승구,장일석,김지홍,임영 대한산업의학회 2000 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        Objectives : The purpose of study was to define the clinical and epidemiological factors of HNP and to provide the meaningful sources for establishing a prognosis and a rationale for clinical management of occupational low back problem. Methods : This study was performed at eight branch hospitals of Catholic University of Korea and several governmental hospitals for occupational disorders around the Kyunggi province of Korea since Jan. 1985. We analyzed the several factors about lumbar HNP through comparative study of the hospital admission series of each 200 patients in both occupation- and nonoccupation related, subjected to epidemiologic and clinical investigation, respectively. Results : 1. Mean age of occupational HNP was younger (30.9±8.8) than non-occupational HNP (35.2±10.5) (p〈0.05). 2. The duration of clinical symptom before admission was longer in non-occupational HNP(19.9±22.8 Mo.) than in occupational HNP(6.9±12.4 Mo.) (p〈0.05). 3. The symptomatic attack before admission was more frequent in non-occupational HNP(3.7±1.9) than in occupational HNP(2.5±0.9) (p(0.05) 4. There were no significant differences in physical findings between two groups, except for low rate (63%) of straight leg raising test (SLR) limitation in occupational HNP compared to non-occupational HNP(83%) (p〈0.05). 5. Even though The main reason for operative intervention was a failure of conservative treatment in both groups (p〈0.05), extruded subligamentous type was predominant(50%) in occupational HNP (p〈0.05), whereas extruded transligamentous type occupied major portion (67.8%) in non-occupational HNP (p〈0.05). Conclusion : The clinical results were poor in occupational HNP in both conservative and operative management groups, compared to non-occupational HNP (p〈0.05) and mean durations admission and re-admission rate was higher in occupational HNP, compared to non-occupational HNP (p〈0.05).

      • 식이섬유 보충 음료의 섭취와 규칙적 운동에 따른 비만관련 체구성 요인 및 혈중 요인의 변화

        임용택,김성수,윤성진,강선영,김재등,박인성,권순욱,이충영 한국스포츠리서치 2004 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.15 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of drink including dietary fiber supplementation and regulatory exercise on body composition and blood profile concerning obesity of women. Twenty young healthy but on mild obesity women were participated as a subject, Body composition and blood profile were measured before and after 6 weeks' supplementation and exercise, The results of this study were as follows: First, Body composition concerning obesity such as body weight(p=.0001) and %body fat(p=.0001) after 6weeks' dietary fiber supplementation and exercise was decreased significantly. Second, blood profile concerning obesity such as TC(p=.0001), LDL-C(p=.0001) and TG(p=.0002.) after 6weeks' dietary fiber supplementation and exercise was decreased significantly. This results suggested that drink including dietary fiber supplementation and regulatory exercise should be recommended as a effective method for cure and prevention obesity.

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