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      • Confirmation of Y haplogroup tree topologies with newly suggested Y-SNPs for the C2, O2b and O3a subhaplogroups

        Kwon, S.Y.,Lee, H.Y.,Lee, E.Y.,Yang, W.I.,Shin, K.J. Elsevier Science 2015 FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL GENETICS Vol.19 No.-

        Y chromosome single nucleotide polymorphisms (Y-SNPs) are useful markers for reconstructing male lineages through hierarchically arranged allelic sets known as haplogroups, and are thereby widely used in the fields such as human evolution, anthropology and forensic genetics. The Y haplogroup tree was recently revised with newly suggested Y-SNP markers for designation of several subgroups of haplogroups C2, O2b and O3a, which are predominant in Koreans. Therefore, herein we analyzed these newly suggested Y-SNPs in 545 unrelated Korean males who belong to the haplogroups C2, O2b or O3a, and investigated the reconstructed topology of the Y haplogroup tree. We were able to confirm that markers L1373, Z1338/JST002613-27, Z1300, CTS2657, Z8440 and F845 define the C2 subhaplogroups, C2b, C2e, C2e1, C2e1a, C2e1b and C2e2, respectively, and that markers F3356, L682, F11, F238/F449 and F444 define the O subhaplogroups O2b1, O2b1b, O3a1c1, O3a1c2 and O3a2c1c, respectively. Among six C2 subhaplogroups (C2b, C2e, C2e1*, C2e1a, C2e1b and C2e2), the C2e haplogroup and its subhaplogroups were found to be predominant, and among the four O2b subhaplogroups (O2b*, O2b1*, O2b1a and O2b1b), O2b1b was most frequently observed. Among the O3a subhaplogroups, O3a2c1 was predominant and it was further divided into the subhaplogroups O3a2c1a and O3a2c1c with a newly suggested marker. However, the JST002613-27 marker, which had been known to define the haplogroup C2f, was found to be an ancestral marker of the C2e haplogroup, as is the Z1338 marker. Also, the M312 marker for the O2b1 haplogroup designation was replaced by F3356, because all of the O2b1 haplotypes showed a nucleotide change at F3356, but not at M312. In addition, the F238 marker was always observed to be phylogenetically equivalent to F449, while both of the markers were assigned to the O3a1c2 haplogroup. The confirmed phylogenetic tree of this study with the newly suggested Y-SNPs could be valuable for anthropological and forensic investigations of East Asians including Koreans.

      • Investigation into the sequence structure of 23 Y chromosomal STR loci using massively parallel sequencing

        Kwon, S.Y.,Lee, H.Y.,Kim, E.H.,Lee, E.Y.,Shin, K.J. Elsevier Science 2016 FORENSIC SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL GENETICS Vol.25 No.-

        Next-generation sequencing (NGS) can produce massively parallel sequencing (MPS) data for many targeted regions with a high depth of coverage, suggesting its successful application to the amplicons of forensic genetic markers. In the present study, we evaluated the practical utility of MPS in Y-chromosome short tandem repeat (Y-STR) analysis using a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR) system. The multiplex PCR system simultaneously amplified 24 Y-chromosomal markers, including the PowerPlex<SUP>®</SUP> Y23 loci (DYS19, DYS385ab, DYS389I, DYS389II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS448, DYS456, DYS458, DYS481, DYS533, DYS549, DYS570, DYS576, DYS635, DYS643, and YGATAH4) and the M175 marker with the small-sized amplicons ranging from 85 to 253bp. The barcoded libraries for the amplicons of the 24 Y-chromosomal markers were produced using a simplified PCR-based library preparation method and successfully sequenced using MPS on a MiSeq<SUP>®</SUP> System with samples from 250 unrelated Korean males. The genotyping concordance between MPS and the capillary electrophoresis (CE) method, as well as the sequence structure of the 23 Y-STRs, were investigated. Three samples exhibited discordance between the MPS and CE results at DYS385, DYS439, and DYS576. There were 12 Y-STR loci that showed sequence variations in the alleles by a fragment size determination, and the most varied alleles occurred in DYS389II with a different sequence structure in the repeat region. The largest increase in gene diversity between the CE and MPS results was in DYS437 at +34.41%. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), insertions, and deletions (indels) were observed in the flanking regions of DYS481, DYS576, and DYS385, respectively. Stutter and noise ratios of the 23 Y-STRs using the developed MPS system were also investigated. Based on these results, the MPS analysis system used in this study could facilitate the investigation into the sequences of the 23 Y-STRs in forensic genetics laboratories.

      • 돼지 卵子의 透明帶에 대한 單一클론抗體生産과 그 特性에 關한 硏究

        金鐘培,劉永春,金昌圭,權五中,鄭盛元,鄭吉生 건국대학교 동물자원연구센터 1991 動物資源硏究誌 Vol.16 No.-

        本 試驗은 單一클론抗體의 강한 特異性과 抗體性質의 不變性을 이용하여 發生學的 側面에서 哺乳動物 卵子의 透明帶의 機能과 構造를 이해하고, 또한 種特異的인 精子 受容體의 存在 및 生化學的 構造를 규명하기 위한 기초연구로서, 돼지 卵子의 透明帶를 免疫原으로 하여 BABL/c 생쥐로부터 單一클론抗體를 생산하고 그 특성을 구명하였던 바 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1) 3마리의 BABL/c 생쥐(YⅠ, YⅡ, ZI)에 돼지卵子의 透明帶를 免疫化하고, 複合抗體 生成을 확인한 후 생쥐의 脾臟細胞와 Myeloma(SP2/O-Ag14)를 polyethylene glycol를 融合을 실시한 결과 각각 25.8%, 54.5% 그리고 59.7%의 融合效率을 나타내었으며, ELISQ에 의해 陽性反應을 조사한 결과 각각 17.3%, 32.6% 그리고 6.2% 陽性反應 效率을 나타내었다. 2) YI에서 강한 陽性反應을 보인 6개의 well에 대한 cloning을 실시하고 抗體檢證을 행한 결과 20.8% ∼ 48.4%의 Cloning效率과 54.6% ∼ 82%의 陽性反應 效率을 나타내었다. 3) 강한 陽性反應을 나타낸 항체에 대해 sandwich ELISA法에 의해 isotype을 決定하였던바 2E93C(YⅠ), 3E83E7(YⅠ), 4E3(YⅡ)각각 IgG₂b, IgG₂a, IgM으로 확인되었다. 4) Isotype이 決定된 2E93C9(YⅠ), 3E84E7(YⅠ), 4E3(YⅡ)의 세포를 생쥐의 腹腔에 주사하여 얻은 腹水를 indirect ELISA法에 의해 titer를 決定한 결과 모두 1:400,000 이상의 높은 titer를 나타내었다. 5) 處理區로서 單一클론抗體의 腹水와 對照區로서 normal mouse serum이 각각 2%씩 함유된 배양액속에서 난자를 배양한 후 顯徵鏡下에서 관찰했을 때 對照區에서 배양된 난자의 표면은 정상적인 형태를 나타냈으나 處理區에서 배양된 卵子는 표면에 뚜렷한 沈澱層을 형성하였다. 6) 處理區와 對照區 卵子를 Rabbit anti-mouse IgG-FITC가 1% 함유된 배양액속에서 배양하고 洗滌한 후 螢光顯徵鏡下에서 관찰한 바 處理區의 卵子는 透明帶 주위에서 螢光이 나타났으나, 對照區에서는 나타나지 않았다. This study was carried out ot produce and characterize monoclonal antibodies against porcine zona pellucida, and undertaken as a basic study to develop immunocontraceptive vaccine and to investigate the function of zana pellucida in early fertilization process. The results obtained were summarized as follows: 1. Spleen cells of three BALB/C mice(YⅠ, YⅡ and ZI) which were immunized with porcine zona pelucida were fused with myeloma cells(SP2/O-Ag14) by polyethylene glycol. At the result of fusion, fusion efficiency was 25.8 , 54.5% and 59.7% and positive efficiency 17.3%, 32.6% and 6.2%, respectively. 2. Cloning efficiency was shown to be from 20.8% to 48.4% and positive efficiency of them were 54.6% to 82%. 3. Sub-isotypes of three strong positive antibodies, 2E93C(YⅠ), 3E83E7(YⅠ) and 4E3(YⅡ) were determined by sandwich ELISA method and shown to be as IgG2b, IgH2a and IgM, respectively. 4. The titers of three ascitic fluids containing antibodies, 2E93C9(YⅠ), 3E84E7(YⅠ) and 4E3(YⅡ) were determined by indirect ELISA and all of them showed above 1:400,000. 5. The layer of precipitate was observed on the zona incubated with medium containing 2% ascitic fluid of monoclonal antibody while the eggs treated with 2% normal mouse serum did not. 6. Porcine eggs incubated with medium containing 2% ascitic fluid of monoclonal antibody and followed by subsequent incubation with Rabbit anti-mouse IgG-FITC conjugate showed strong fluorescent light on the zona surface while the zona of normal mouse serum-treated eggs did not show fluorescence.

      • KCI등재

        수도의 유묘기 냉해에 관한 연구 II. 주요 신품종들의 제 3 엽기 내냉한계

        권용웅,김주헌,오윤진,이문희,Kwon, Y.W.,Kim, J.H.,Oh, Y.J.,Lee, M.H. 한국작물학회 1979 한국작물학회지 Vol.24 No.2

        Indica \times Japonica 교잡에 의해 육성된 수도신품종들의 유묘기 내냉한계와 내냉발현특성을 Janica품종들과 비교 고찰하고자 10개 품종을 유묘기 내냉성이 제일 약한 제 3 엽기에 주간 11\circ C야간 5\circ C의 저온조건에 0, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10일 처리한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 저온처리 전후에 주야 26\circ C / 18\circ C에서 생장한 파종 후 35일묘의 건물중이 무처리묘의 90% 이상이 되는 최장저온처리기간은 신품종들의 경우 0.8~2.8일 간으로써 특히 조생통일이 짧고 밀야 2003가 길었으며, Japonica 품종들의 경우 4.0~5.2일간으로써 신품종들보다 가역적 내냉한계기간이 배정도 길었다. 2. 저온처리에 따른 냉해발현 종료후 묘생존율이 90%이상되는 최장저온처리기간은 신품종들의 경우 3.0~5.6 일간으로써 수원 258호가 제일 짧고 수원 25001가 제일 길었으며, Japonica 품종들은 공시품종 모두 10일간 이상으로 신품종들보다 비가역적 내냉한계기간이 2~3배 이상 길었다. 3. 저온처리중 엽신변색고사율(y_1) 및 묘고사율(y_2), 저온처리 후 발현된 모신변색고사율(y_3), 묘고사율(y_4), 냉해를 받은 35일묘의 초장(y$_{5}$)과 건물중(y$_{6}$)은 모두 저온처리기간(x)과 고도로 유의한 상관성을 보였는데 특히 y_1, y_3, y$_{6}$와 높은 상관성을 보였으며, y_1~y$_{6}$들 상호간에도 모두 고도로 유의한 상관성을 보였으나 특히 y_1과 y_3, y_3와 y$_{6}$의 상관성이 컸다. 4. 냉해징상들의 발현순서와 상태들간의 상관성 분석결과로부터 가역적 및 비가역적, 직접적 및 간접적 냉해의 발생과 그들의 복합현상으로써 결과되는 관찰되는 냉해징상의 발현과정 모식도를 작성하여 그림 5에 제시하였다. 5. 수도유묘의 내냉성 평가에 있어서 가역적 피해와 비가역적 피해를 종합적으로, 그리고 정량적으로 나타내며 일반적으로 냉해를 나타내는 조사형질들 중 냉해에 가장 예민한 반응을 보이는 건물중율을 1차요인으로 취급할 것으로 제의한다. Comparative tolerance of the new rice varieties from Indicax Japonica cross to elastic and plastic chilling injuries was examined at the 3rd leaf-stage, the most sensitive stage to chilling during nursery, using a chilling chamber set 11\circ C, 13hrs. 20K lux day/5$^{\circ}C$ night. Seedlings were reared until 35 days after seeding in a 26\circ C, 13hrs. day / 18\circ C night chamber except the period of chilling treatment for 0, 3, 4, 6, 8 or 10 days. The new varieties were approximately twice susceptible to elastic injuries, and thrice susceptible to plastic injuries than the Japonica varieties in the term of chilling duration. Among the variables indicating apparant chilling injuries the reduction in dry matter responded most sensitively and differentiated well the varietal difference in chilling resistance even with shorter chilling period. Sequential aspects of the cause and effect relations involved in the development of the apparant chilling injuries are discussed and a schematic diagram is presented as Fig. 5 in the text.

      • Enumerating typical abelian prime-fold coverings of a circulant graph

        Feng, R.,Kwak, J.H.,Kwon, Y.S. North-Holland Pub. Co ; Elsevier Science Ltd 2009 Discrete mathematics Vol.309 No.8

        Enumerating the isomorphism classes of several types of graph coverings is one of the central research topics in enumerative topological graph theory (see [R. Feng, J.H. Kwak, J. Kim, J. Lee, Isomorphism classes of concrete graph coverings, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 11 (1998) 265-272; R. Feng, J.H. Kwak, Typical circulant double coverings of a circulant graph, Discrete Math. 277 (2004) 73-85; R. Feng, J.H. Kwak, Y.S. Kwon, Enumerating typical circulant covering projections onto a circulant graph, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 19 (2005) 196-207; SIAM J. Discrete Math. 21 (2007) 548-550 (erratum); M. Hofmeister, Graph covering projections arising from finite vector spaces over finite fields, Discrete Math. 143 (1995) 87-97; M. Hofmeister, Enumeration of concrete regular covering projections, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 8 (1995) 51-61; M. Hofmeister, A note on counting connected graph covering projections, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 11 (1998) 286-292; J.H. Kwak, J. Chun, J. Lee, Enumeration of regular graph coverings having finite abelian covering transformation groups, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 11 (1998) 273-285; J.H. Kwak, J. Lee, Isomorphism classes of graph bundles, Canad. J. Math. XLII (1990) 747-761]). A covering is called abelian (or circulant, respectively) if its covering graph is a Cayley graph on an abelian (or a cyclic, respectively) group. A covering p from a Cayley graph Cay(A,X) onto another Cay (Q,Y) is called typical if the map p:A->Q on the vertex sets is a group epimorphism. Recently, the isomorphism classes of connected typical circulant r-fold coverings of a circulant graph are enumerated in [R. Feng, J.H. Kwak, Typical circulant double coverings of a circulant graph, Discrete Math. 277 (2004) 73-85] for r=2 and in [R. Feng, J.H. Kwak, Y.S. Kwon, Enumerating typical circulant covering projections onto a circulant graph, SIAM J. Discrete Math. 19 (2005) 196-207; SIAM J. Discrete Math. 21 (2007) 548-550 (erratum)] for any r. As a continuation of these works, we enumerate in this paper the isomorphism classes of typical abelian prime-fold coverings of a circulant graph.

      • 간호 대학생의 간호정보역량과 문제해결능력 연구

        권현지,김송이,김지홍,노유진,박수아,손엄지,엄민지,윤정혜,Man Ngaih Cing,김미영,김지연 이화여자대학교 간호과학대학 2016 이화간호학회지 Vol.- No.50

        Purpose: The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationship between nursing students' nursing informatics competencies and problem solving skills. Methods: Data were collected from a convenient sample of 181 nursing students at 14 universities in Korea from September 20th, 2015 to February 25th, 2015. Data were analyzed by descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA and Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Results: The mean score for nursing informatics competencies and problem solving skills were respectively 3.57±0.74 and 3.35±0.65. Relationship of nursing informatics competencies to problem solving skills was statistically significant(r=.785, p<.01). Conclusion: The result of this study suggests that nursing informatics competencies is significantly related to problem solving skills of the nursing students. Therefore, nursing informatics education program for the nursing students would be a helpful intervention for problem solving skills of the nursing students. And further studies are required with more sample sizes and more systematic data collecting methods to confirm these results.

      • Pretreatment HBeAg level and an early decrease in HBeAg level predict virologic response to entecavir treatment for HBeAg‐positive chronic hepatitis B

        Kwon, J. H.,Jang, J. W.,Lee, S.,Lee, J.,Chung, K. W.,Lee, Y. S.,Choi, J. Y. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2012 Journal of viral hepatitis Vol.19 No.2

        <P><B>Summary. </B> There are few reports on hepatitis B e antigen (HBeAg) titres during nucleos(t)ide analogues treatment. We investigated the changes in HBeAg levels in patients treated with entecavir and the usefulness of HBeAg quantification for predicting antiviral response. Ninety‐five consecutive HBeAg‐positive patients treated with entecavir for more than 48 weeks were enrolled. Serum levels of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg), HBeAg and HBV DNA were assessed at 4‐week intervals to week 24 and thereafter at 12‐week intervals. Virologic response (Y1VR) was defined as an undetectable HBV DNA level at week 48 of therapy. During 48 weeks, HBeAg and HBV DNA level decreased significantly in a biphasic manner and HBsAg level tended to decease. Fifty‐three patients (55.8%) attained Y1VR. Pretreatment HBeAg levels were significantly lower in the Y1VR group than in no Y1VR group. At week 4 and 12 of therapy, 25% and 41.4% of patients showed a decrease of HBeAg levels with >0.5 log<SUB>10</SUB> and >1.0 log<SUB>10</SUB> from baseline, respectively. These patients achieved more Y1VR than those with less decrease of HBeAg levels (97.7%<I>vs</I> 22.2% and 86.2%<I>vs</I> 29.3%, respectively). HBeAg level at week 12 had higher predictive values for Y1VR than HBV DNA level. Multivariate analysis revealed that a pretreatment HBeAg level of <360 PEIU/mL and the reduction in HBeAg level >1.0 log<SUB>10</SUB> at week 12 were associated with Y1VR. These results suggest that pretreatment HBeAg level and an early decrease in HBeAg level are useful measurements for predicting one‐year virologic response during entecavir treatment.</P>

      • A multiplex PCR system for 13 RM Y-STRs with separate amplification of two different repeat motif structures in DYF403S1a


        <P>In forensic science and human genetics, Y-chromosomal short tandem repeats (Y-STRs) have been used as very useful markers. Recently, more Y-STR markers have been analyzed to enhance the resolution power in haplotype analysis, and 13 rapidly mutating (RM) Y-STRs have been suggested as revolutionary tools that can widen Y-chromosomal application from paternal lineage differentiation to male individualization. We have constructed two multiplex PCR sets for the amplification of 13 RM Y-STRs, which yield small-sized amplicons (<400 bp) and a more balanced PCR efficiency with minimum PCR cycling. In particular, with the developed multiplex PCR system, we could separate three copies of DYF403S1a into two copies of DYF403S1a and one of DYF403S1b1. This is because DYF403S1b1 possesses distinguishable sequences from DYF403S1a at both the front and rear flanking regions of the repeat motif; therefore, the locus could be separately amplified using sequence-specific primers. In addition, the other copy, defined as DYF403S1b by Ballantyne et al., was renamed DYF403S1b2 because of its similar flanking region sequence to DYF403S1b1. By redefining DYF403S1 with the developed multiplex system, all genotypes of four copies could be successfully typed and more diverse haplotypes were obtained. We analyzed haplotype distributions in 705 Korean males based on four different Y-STR subsets: Yfiler, PowerPlex Y23, Yfiler Plus, and RM Y-STRs. All haplotypes obtained from RM Y-STRs were the most diverse and showed strong discriminatory power in Korean population. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.</P>

      • 대학생의 정서적 데이트 폭력 인식과 이성관계 만족도의 상관관계

        구은정,권민지,김소라,류연수,신지연,유현아,장민주,홍자인,Lanjingjing,배성희,도지영 이화여자대학교 간호과학대학 2019 이화간호학회지 Vol.- No.53

        Purpose: This study aims to identify the correlation between perception of emotional dating violence and satisfaction of relationship of college students to provide objective data for college students to improve perception of emotional dating violence and satisfaction of relationship. Methods: Data was collect using questionaries between November 3rd to November 20th, 2018. Participants of this study were 110 male college students and 127 female college student who are currently attending universities aged 18 to 29 years old. Data were analyzed using average, standard deviation, t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson’s correlation using the SPSS 21.0 program. Result: The study has established the negative correlation between perception of emotional dating violence and satisfaction of relationship(R=-.587, p<.001). As the level of perception of emotion dating violence is lower, satisfaction of relationship is higher. The number of relationships recognized by oneself, experience of dating violence, and severity of dating violence also demonstrated significant difference in perception of emotional dating violence and satisfaction of relationship. Conclusion: The result of the study suggests that perception of emotional dating violence is negatively related to satisfaction of relationship. Furthermore, this study suggests that it is important to increasing perception of dating violence for healthier and better quality of relationships.

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