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      • 僧傳에 나타난 꿈의 機能 : 고려이전의 자료를 중심으로 focus on Koryo Dynasty

        金承鎬 동국대학교 대학원 1988 大學院硏究論集-東國大學校 大學院 Vol.18 No.-

        This study aims at trying to pursue and inquire into the function of dream in Soong Jun(Biographies in the Eminent Monks in the Koryo Dynasty). As we known Buddism, which flourished from the sixth to fourteenth century as state religion in Korea. so it give rise to religious tales and lives of famous priests and their miracles related to the Buddists. But there were no known how Soong Jun(增傳) were edited and what is true meaning of it. Generally speaking, Soong Jun has two aims, the one is teaching of Buddha's doctrines, the other is seeing of Monks episodes. Consciously this study conscious of the later problems. So that stories of Soong Jun not only pointed to didatic creed but also personal curiosity. For the purpose of two functions, the writer invented the plot for reader to make more entertaining which focus on the function of Dream. I discover that the dream is used of the important factor in Soong Jun structure. According to the example of many Biographic stories, I think function of dream is to help antagonist's is passage whenever he copes with a crisis. Considering that, it is possible to say that Soong Jun supports Buddha's life, and that, overcome the obstacle which hinder of antogonist's future. In the result of this work, happenly I believe dream in Soong Jun has three patterns. The first is the revolative type. The second is suggestive type. The third is intimitive type. But inspite of all of the type is found, The function of each dream in Soong Jun is role to harmony the complexity and trouble world.

      • 장애의 개념과 결정요인

        장숙랑 중앙대학교 의과대학 간호학과 간호과학연구소 2011 중앙간호논문집 Vol.15 No.-

        인간의 생애 주기에서 중·장년기 이후는, 질환에 대한 역치가 낮아지면서 다양한 만성 증상이나 질환을 동반하게 된다. 만성적 상태는 대부분 비치명적인 것으로, 그것으로 인해 사망하기보다 그 상태를 안고 인생의 말년까지 살아가게 되는 경우가 많다(Rothenberg & Koplan, 1990). 장기적인 만성 상태는 질환의 유무를 떠나 신체적, 정신적, 사회적 기능에 손상을 입은 기능장애를 동반한다. 장기 및 단기적 시간 모두에서 기능과 장애는 인간의 기본적 건강 결과로 중요하게 다루어져야하며, 간호와 의료를 지속하게 하는 핵심적인 요소임을 인식해야 한다. 이 논문에서는 개인의 건강수준으로서 기능, 장애에 대한 개념과 이론적 기반을 살펴보고 결정요인과 예방전략에 대해 기술하고자 한다. 기능과 장애에 관한 탐구는 보건과 간호 연구뿐만 아니라, 정책, 보건의료 서비스의 기본골격을 파악하는 데에 반드시 포함되어야 하는 영역이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        중증간경변증 환자에서 위산분비 및 혈청 Gastrin치의 동정

        박승국,강영우,박재호 啓明大學校 醫科大學 1990 계명의대학술지 Vol.9 No.3

        Increased incidences(5-40%) of peptic ulceration in the patients with liver cirrhosis have been observed but the pathogenesis has nit been clarified. Furthermore, elevated levels of gut hormones have been pointed out in cirrhotic patients, and an impairment of the inaction process at the liver was suggested as a mechanism of the elevation of some of gut hormones. And there was a tendency to correlate a pathogenesis of peptic ulcer with changes of acid output. This study was conducted to investigate the pathogenesis of peptic ulcer in liver cirrhosis, and the changes of acid output and serum gastin concentrations to the pentagasrin in patients with advanced liver cirrhosis and normal control subjects were checked. Fifteen patients with advanced liver cirrhosis and 10 normal control subjects were randomly selected for this study, and the basal acid output(BAO) and maximal acid output(MAO) after pentagastrin injection were measured. At the same time serum gastrin concentrations of each subject were measured before and 15, 45, 90, 120 minutes after pentagastrin injection(6ug/kg). The response of acid output to the pentagastrin was adequate in the patients with advanced liver cirrhosis as well as in the normal control group. There was no significant difference in amount and pattern of acid output between two groups. After injection of pentagastrin, the serum gastrin concentration increased significantly at 15 minutes in both groups, and it may be partially due to cross reaction of pentagastrin and serum gastrin. There was no significant difference in serum gastrin concentration between two groups. These results suggested the concentration of serum gastrin and gastric acid output did not seem to de direct relationship with pathogenesis of peptic ulcer in the patients with liver cirrhosis. Because the role of defense mechanisms in peptic ulceration was overlooked, further comprehensive study to evaluate their role is needed to make clear the payhogensis of peptic ulcer formation in liver cirrhosis.

      • KCI우수등재

        헌법이론에서의 참여와 정당성

        은숭표 한국공법학회 2002 公法硏究 Vol.31 No.2

        Die Leitideen der Partizipation haben ihren Wirksamkeit verloren. Fast unversta¨ndlich ist es heute, wie hochgespannt die Hoffnungen waren, die man partizipationsforderungen verbinden konnte, und die Vorstellungen u¨ber das Erreichbare und u¨ber die Kosten. Die Protagonisten dieser Berwegung, heute in ihren besten Jahren, beklagen den Wandel und reden von "Postmoderne" so, als ob nun nichts Wichteges mehr geschehen ko¨nne. Sie beschreiben damit ihre eigene Situation: den Verlust an perspektive, an politischen Wollen, an zu¨ndender Rhektorik. Offenbar sind die Individuen nicht mehr an Emanzipation interessiert, sondern nur noch an sich selbst. Offenbar sind die Individuen individuller, als man gedacht hatte, oder sie lenken ihre Aggressivita¨t in andere Richtung. Man spricht von "neuem Individualismus." Ganz a¨hnliche Beobachtung lassen sich in bezug auf "Legitimita¨t" anstellen. Auch dies Thema ist passe´. Das heißt keineswegs, daß die Entscheidungen politischer Instanzen heute mehr Konsens finden als fru¨her oder daß die Popularita¨t der Regierungen besser gesichert sei. Fu¨r Korea zumindest trifft eher das Gegenteil zu. Aber das lautstarke Dramatisieren des Problems der Legitimita¨t hatte nur Sinn, solange man Mo¨glichkeiten sah, Legitimita¨t zu schaffen -vor allem durch bessere Partizipation. Die Erwartung war, so seltsam das ru¨ckblickend gesehen erscheinen mag, daß mehr Partizipation zu mehr Zustimmung fu¨hren wu¨rde - und nicht etwar zu mehr Entta¨uschungen. Insofern hingen die beiden Thmen, Patrtizipation und Legitimation, eng zusammen und sind folglich miteinander verblaßt. Es wa¨re also wohl besser, wenn es gela¨nge, eine Theorie demokratischer Politik von Vorstellungen u¨ber Legitimatiuon durch Werte ganz abzukoppeln und statt dessen die Optionen inhaltlich besser herauszuarbeiten und zur Wahl zu stellen, mit denen das Volk den politischen Kurs fu¨r eine gewisse Zeit bestimmen und umbestimmen kann.

      • KCI등재

        <농가월령가>에 나타난 자연·인간·사회

        이숭원 국어국문학회 2004 국어국문학 Vol.- No.137

        The contents of Nongga-walryungga give us the inkling that it was created between 1836 and 1846. Its main thesis is that agriculture is the foundation of civilization; thus, people should not veer away from farming but instead concentrate on it. The work provides information regarding detailed monthly events related to farming. In the middle of the 19th century, when Nongga-walryungga was written, the farmers were impoverished owing to the abuses of the power politics. As a result, revolts spread like wildfire all over the nation. This work, however, is a paradox in that it persuades people to focus on agriculture in spite of the dire situation that the farmers found themselves in. Nongga-walryungga starts with a story illustrating the order and harmony of nature. The formation assumed by the work is its way of depicting order as a law of nature. The work is filled with farming works that should be accomplished in each season. The writer believes that as nature is characterized by order, so, too, should human labor be characterized by order. The writer, however, states that, as farmers invest blood, sweat, and tears in the task of farming, they should strive to seek enjoyment in carrying out the task. As nature is characterized not only by order but by harmony as well, so should farming be; it must be done painstakingly but joyfully. The writer who considers the cooperative farming society, where Confucian norms are respected, an ideal society also has a positive attitude towards the system of taxation that was enforced at the end of the Chosun Dynasty, which became a serious problem then. He believes, however, that even the realities that existed then went against the order of nature, farming should follow the principle of nature. Since 1910, when Korea came under Japanese rule by force, there were works that came out painting a bright picture of the farming villages at the time. These were Japanese propaganda literature, which aimed to distort the realities that existed then. The value of Nongga-walryungga, however, is not lessened by seeing it in the context of the other literary works of the period when it was written. The writer, who lived in the middle of the 19th century Chosun Dynasty, only wished to express his notion that agricultural life is the ideal life. This was the best attitude that the writer an aristocrat during the Chosun Dynasty who embraced Confucian norms and whose consciousness was imbued with physiocracy.

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