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        혈청 및 뇨 amylase 측정치의 임상적 검토

        이기환,구광호,이상용,이규용,유언호,김종숙 ( Ki Whan Lee,Kwang Hoo Koo,Sang Yong Lee,Kyu Yong Lee,Un Ho Ryoo,Chong Sook Kim ) 대한소화기학회 1974 대한소화기학회지 Vol.6 No.1

        The measurements of sium amylase and urine amylase for 2-1 and 2 hrs were caried ou normal perso,-s, 118 pat;:enls vith disardei s in the upp r alimentary tract, 184 patie.,ts v, ith h;le- cystopathy and 26 patients ivith acute pancreatitis. The follosving rc.su1ts were drawn: In the normal prsons, the average determination of serum amylas was 5-l. I L 21, 9. Units ' 100 m]. It shov;ed no difference by sex and age. 2 The frequezcy manifesting raise of serum amylase (the value higher than mean+2S.I),,, v,as 5 ] y in the patients with the upper G.I. Disorders, an<l 6, l,jj in the patients of chiIccys'.:>p.ithy v, ith normal features in cholecys.ograms. It, however, showed 2S. 7, of frequeny appeaiing nis:.. of serv,m an.ylase in the patients of cholecystopathy with abnorrnalities in roentgenographic exa!ii- ;iations indicating a mean value of 86. 4 31. 67 units,'l0(l ml. 3, The determination of s rum amylase in the pat,ents of acute pancreatitis was 12a. ] un!ts,'100 ml on the initial day, and it showed ahrupt diminution thereafter. 4. Each dete:mination of urine amylase for 24 and 2 hnurs was 1394. 3 .867. 43 and 15 4 -(j;, Hi units in the normal pers1ns, but there was no significant shift in the group of the uppr:.;- G,I disorders, and a little raise in the group of cholecystopathy. In the group of acute panc:eatili:., ii showed marked rais of urine amylas, ,6562, 9---4526, 3<J units for 24 hours on the se ond cia o!' ailment), revealins: subs quent gradual cle rease, (30i;>. 9 l 1927. 92 units on the sexth day',. It must b emphasized that in picture of urine amylase should be a great help for c!iagnos!.ng tli. Conditions.

      • 一部 綜合病院의 診療時間外 應急室利用患者 實態調査

        李常鏞,沈雲澤 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1987 충남의대잡지 Vol.14 No.1

        We analyzed the 476 patients who came to the emergency rooms of 5 general hospitals in Tae-jeon city in the all hours except the the regular duty hours for a week during the period from July lst, 1986 to July 31st, 1986, on the basis of general characteristics on the injury, the time of occurrence, causes of incidence, degree of injury and the department where they were treated. We came to the following results: 1. The sex rate is male, 54.0% feamale, 46. 6%. In terms of age rate, the group(20-29) showed the greatest percentage, 24.6% and the group(50-59) showed the lowest percentage. According to the occupation, the housewife group showed the greatest rate(19. 1%), and the student group occupied the 2nd standing (18.3%) and the preschool children group occupied the 3rd standing(15. 0%). 2. The incidence hour of emergency patients who came to the emergency room in the hours except the time of regular diagnosis and treatment showed the following standing to the classification of the day of the week. Incidence rate is the highest between 18:00-24:00 and 24:00-04:00 in saturday and 21:00-24:00 in sunday. 3. The time required for the patients to go into the hospitals showed that it is less than 1 hour 37. 6%, 1 to 2 hour 21, 9%. About 60% of emengency patients are shown to have entered the emergency room within 2 hours. 4. In terms of the order of the causes of incidence, it showed that disease was 57. 6%, other accidents 16. 2%, traffic accidents 10. 5%, injury 7. 6%, drug intoxication 5. 2%, pregnancy & delivery 2.9%. 5. For the severity of injury, the moderate case was 26.9%, the mild case was 26.7%, milder case was 22.3%, the serious case was 19. 1% and the most serious case was 5. 0%. 6. For the Medical Field of the Patient, it also showed that : Inetrnal medicine 36.8%, General surgery 18. 3%, Neurosurgery 11. 3%, Orthopedics surgery 10. 7%, Pediatrics 6.5%, Obstetrics & gynecology 4. 6%, Dentistry 3. 8%, Opthalmology 2. 3%, Otorhinolaryngology 1. 9%, Dermatology 1.5%.

      • 청국장 발효에 적합한 미생물의 분리 및 특성

        이상원,손미예,조용운,김홍출,갈상완,김철호 진주산업대학교 1999 산업과학기술연구소보 Vol.- No.6

        장류발효 식품으로부터 protease 및 amylase 활성이 높은 균주를 중심으로 348 균주를 1차 분리하고, 그 분리균 중 2% skim milk가 함유된 LB평판배지(SM배지)화 2%corn starch가 함유된 LB평판배지(CM배지)에서 halo zone이 크고, 두 효소의 활성이 동시에 높은 SW-251균주를 최종 선별하였다. SW-251균주의 생육 온도 범위는 10∼60℃ 이었으며, 최적 생육온도는 35∼40℃ 이었다. 그리고 최적생육 pH는 6.5 부근이었으나 pH6.0 이하나 pH8.0 이상에서는 생육이 저하하였다. SW-251균주는 호기성의 간균 (0.8∼1.3x1.8∼2.5㎛)으로 운동성이 있으며, 그람양성 반응을 나타냈다. 10% 이하의 NaCl에 내성을 갖고있으며, starch 및 casein을 빠르게 분해하는 세균으로 Bacillus속의 특성을 갖고 있었다. Among 348 strains isolated from fermented soy foods, SW-251 strain has a potent protease and amylase activities on SM medium(LB agar plate supplemented with 2% skim milk), and CM medium(LB agar plate supplemented with 2% corm starch0, respectively. The optimal temperature and growth temperature range for cell growth were 35∼40℃ and 10∼60℃, respectively. The optimal pH was 6.5 and pH range of its growth was 6.0 and 8.0. The isolate was an aerobic bacterium (rod type, 0.8∼1.3 x 1.8∼2.5㎛), then there was its mobility, Gram staining and hydrolysis of starch and casein were positive reaction. Salt tolerance was below 10% NaCl. The strain was identified as a Bacillus sp. SW-251 with respect to morphological, cultural and physiological characteristics.

      • 패각분말의 소성가공 특성에 관한 연구

        이상은,오성규,김종오 경상대학교 환경보전연구소 2000 環境保全硏究所報 Vol.8 No.-

        The objective of this study was to investigate the proper calcination conditions of powdered oyster shell. The physical and chemical characteristics such as particle size distribution. calcium contents, pH, and CEC(Cation Exchinge Capacity) were also examined. The following results were obtained. 1. As the powdered oyster shell was ignited in high temperature of 650℃ to 950℃, the calcination reactions was effectively progressed. The amount of weight loss during calcination would be matched with the generation of carbon dioxide gas. 2. In the calcination of powdered oyster shell. the amount of weight loss increased according to the increase of calcination temperature and retention time. It was founded that the proper temperature and retention time of calcination was 850℃ and 40 minute.

      • 신경외과 중환자실에서 치료받은 환자들의 합병증 및 사망율에 대한 임상적 분석 : A Prospective Study of 200 Consecutive Patients

        이성운,박상근,김태홍,권점대,신형식,김상진 인제대학교 1997 仁濟醫學 Vol.18 No.2

        저자들은 본원 신경외과 중환자 관리의 개선을 위하여 1993년 2월부터 12월까지 중환자실에 입원하여 치료받은 환자 200명을 대상으로 합병증 및 사망율을 일정한 분석양식에 의하여 후향성 연구를 시행하였다. 전체 합병증 발생률은 16.5% 였으며, 환자의 의식 상태가 나쁘고 재원 기간이 길수록 빈도가 증가하였다. 합병증중에서 감염이 66.8%로 합병증 중 가장 많은 빈도를 보였으며, 감염 부위별로는 요도 감염(18.8%), 상처 감염(18.8%) 그리고 폐렴(16.9%) 순으로 많았다. 그외 합병증은 욕창(9.4%), 위장관 질환(7.5%), 피부 질환(7.5%) 순이었다. 사망자는 18명으로 전체 환자의 9%를 차지하였으며 그중 외상 환자가 11명(61%)으로 가장 많았다. 사망 원인은 패혈성 쇼크로 사망한 1명을 제외하고 나머지 모두는 두개강 내압 항진으로 중환자실에서 치료상 합병증에 의하여 사망한 것은 아니었다. 따라서 본 연구 결과 적합한 약물 요법, 적절한 인원 배치, 시설의 개선 및 종사자들에 대한 적극적인 교육 등을 통하여 중환자실에서의 환자 관리를 개선함으로써 합병증 및 사망율을 감소시킬 수 있을 것으로 사료된다. In order to improve the management outcome of patients in neurosurgical intensive care unit(NICU), the authors analyzed complications and mortality of 200 consecutive patients between February and December 1993. Complications were occurred in 33 patients (16.5%) among 200 patients who had been treated at NICU. Infection(66.8%) was the most common complication in our complication series and their detailed sites were urinary tract infection(18.8%), wound infection (18.8%) and pneumonia (16.9%). The motality rate was 9%. Increased intracranial pressure was the most common cause of death. Based on this study, the authors conclude that appropriate medical treatment, proper management and education for personnel and excellent equipments were key to prevention of complication and mortality.

      • 스포츠 스폰서십의 법률적 문제

        이성언,문근석,이승훈 한국스포츠리서치 2003 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.20 No.1

        In these years sports marketing has devloped very much and become the most important part in marketing fields. Although sponsorship, above all, is the core of sports marketing, there is little research in this field, So I took up the study of sponsorship from a legal point of view. After stating the purpose and the scope of this study in the first chapter, this thesis outlines the sponsorship dealing with the history, stucture and various types of sponsorship in the second chapter. In the third chapter legal study begins. The third chapter regards sponsorship as a contract between sponsor and sponsored athlete and state how this contract can be made and cancelled. And this chapter also touches on the prearranged amount of damages when one party abides by the contract. In the forth chapter the legal matters relating to the sponsorship are presented. This chapter divides the matters into two, the matters relating to the individual sponsorship contrac( the contract between one athlete and sponsor ) and the group sponsorship contract. The group sponsorship contract is also divided into two.; one is the contract between team and sponsor and the other is the contract that the sponsor promises to sponsor some sport events. According to the system of this classification, this chapter presents many concrete legal matters and problems and then shows the solution of these matters and problems. Finally, in the sixth chapter I briefly summarize the thesis and conclude the study indicating some weak points of the current sponsorship contract.

      • Rhizopus japonicus와 Zymomonas mobilis의 혼합 고정화 배양계를 이용한 생전분으로부터 비살균처리에 의한 에탄올 발효

        이상원,조용운 진주산업대학교 1998 論文集 Vol.37 No.-

        Rbizopus japonicus와 Zymomonas mobilis로 구성된 혼합고정화 배양계(R-Z 24계)의 특성을 이용하여 biomass로부터 유용물질 생산을 행할 때 투입되는 에너지를 절약할 목적으로 비가열살균 배양을 검토하였다. R-Z 24계 만으로의 비가열살균 배양은 배지에 함유된 세균 때문에 어려웠다. Sorbic acid, benzoic acid, dehydroacetic acid, P-hydroxybenzoic acid와 Vantocil IB등의 여러 가지 살균제 중에서 0.1% Vantocil IB가 잡균의 생육을 억제하는데 가장 적합하였다. Vantocil IB는 곰팡이보다 세균에 대하여, 또 고정화 배양보다 액체배양에서 더 강한 효과를 나타내었다. 0.1% Vantocil IB를 첨가한 비가열살균 배양에서 2, 5 및 10%의 생전분 기질로부터 각각 6.5g/ℓ(Yp/s=0.38), 14.5g/ℓ(Yp/s=0.36) 및 28g/ℓ(Yp/s=0.33)의 에탄올이 생산되어 살균제를 첨가하지 않은 대조구와 동등한 수율을 얻었다. In order to reduce energy input in direct ethanol production from raw starch without sterilization, (co-immobilized mixed Rbizopus japonicus and Zymomonas mobilis culture system(R-Z 24) which changed to anaeoric from aerobic condition after 24hrs of fermentation was investigated.) R-Z 24 system can not be used for ethanol production because of growth of microbial contaminants from medium under nonstrile condition. 0.1% Vantocil IB was the most effective food additive to suppress the growth of contaminants among sorbic acid, benzoic acid, dehydroacetic acid and p-hydroxybenzoic acid. Microbial growth inhibition of vantocil IB was more effective in a bacteria than in a mold, and also in free culture system than immobilized culture system. By adding 0.1% Vantocil IB to the fermentation medium without sterilization, ethanol production was 6.2g/ℓ (Yp/s=0.35), 14.5g/ℓ (Yp/s=0.36) and 28g/ℓ(Yp/s=0.31) from 2, 5, 10% untreated raw starch respectively. These productivities were similar to those of control culture system without Vantocil IB.

      • 양파의 채종 기술 개선에 관한 연구 : 4. 화학물질 처리에 의한 환경단축 4. Reduction of Flower Stalks Height by Chemical

        李愚升,趙殷衡,藤本幸平 慶北大學校 1989 論文集 Vol.48 No.-

        Ethrel 750ppm was sprayed on the leaves of onion at one week interval from just after flower bud differentiation to just after bolting to reduce the flower stalk height. Six concentration levels of ethrel (0, 750, 1,000, 1,500, 2,000, and 5,000ppm) were sprayed on the leaves on April 11. In ethrel 750ppm, bolting percentage was the least in April 18 application at May 3 count followed by April 25 application. Reduction of flower stalk height was maximum at April 18 application in 750ppm followed by April 25, March 24, April 11, May 2, April 4, May 9, March 28 in order. Germination speed and germination percentage were the least in ethrel 750ppm applied on April 18 as compared to control. Bolting was delayed, height of flower stalks was reduced, and germination speed and percentage were decreased with increased concentration of ethrel in the range of over 1,000ppm. Foliar application of ethrel 750ppm or lower just after bolting would be beneficial in reduction of flower stalk height in practice.

      • 재조합 균주 Bacillus subtilis가 생산하는 Strept-omyces albus KSM-35 Amylase의 정제 및 특성

        이재우, 위성언, 윤옥현 김천대학교 1997 김천대학교 논문집 Vol.18 No.-

        Amylase encoded by the samy gene of Streptomyces albus KSM-35 was produced from Bacillus subtilis LKS88 carrying a recombinant plasmid PASA240. The amylase was purified 14.6-folds to homogeneity by salting out with ammonium sulfate, and by some chromatographic procedures using DEAE-Toyopearl, Sephadex G-75, and hydroxyapatite. The molecular weight of purified enzyme was estimated to be 50.000 by SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis analysis. The optimum temperature and pH of the amylase was 500 and 6.0, repectively. The amylase activity was stimulated by the addition of Na+ ion, whereas it was inhibited by 10 mM Al3+, Cu2+ ions, and 1 mM EDTA. Enzyme inhibitors, such as the ß-mercaptoethanol, concanavalin A, hydoroxylamine-HCl, and acetic anhydride, did not affect the amylase activity. Maltotetraose was detected as the major product during the soluble starch hydrolysis, and small amounts of maltopentaose. maltotriose, and maltose were also found. The general properties like pH, temperature dependences, and starch hydrolysis patterns of Bacillus-expressed amylase maintained the original properties of the s albus KSM-35 amylase.

      • 긍정 또는 부정 청각자극에 대한 뇌파시계열의 비선형분석

        이운철,이상훈 인제대학교 1998 仁濟論叢 Vol.14 No.1

        요약 긍정 또는 부정 청각자극에 대한 뇌 전도신호(EEG)의 변화를 측정한 스칼라시계열에 대해 평균상호정보량(AMI), FNN알고리듬을 이용하여 지연 시간, 매립차원을 결정하였다. 시간지연좌표를 이용해 벡터공간을 재구성하여 끌개의 비선형 지수인 상관차원과 리야푸노프지수 그리고 Mean Crossing을 계산하였다. 끌개의 공간구조와 비선형 지수의 시간적 변화정도가 청각자극 전후의 뇌파의 동력학적 변화를 설명하는 척도가 됨을 확인했다. 또한 뇌의 부위 별로 자극의 종류에 따라 리야푸노프지수 등 비선형 적인 량들이 변화하는 정도를 조사하여 뇌의 각 부위별 반응을 분류하였다. 그리고 부정 청각자극에 대한 반응이 우측두엽에서 크게 발생함을 보인 wavelet 분석 결과를 확인하였다. Using algorithms of average mutual information and false nearest neighbors, the delay time and embedding dimensions were determined for the scalar time series measuring the variation of electroencephalogram(EEG) subject to positive or negative auditory stimulus. After reconstructing vector space in terms of time-delayed coordinates, we calculate nonlinear parameters of attractor; correlation dimension, lyapunov exponent, mean crossing. Geometric structure of attractor and the time variation of nonlinear parameters become good measures to explain the dynamical change during auditory stimulation. By examining the rate of change in nonlinear parameters such as lyapunov exponent, the response of brain were classified up to the sections of brain and the types of stimulus. Our analysis confirms the result of wavelet analysis that the right temporal lobe strongly responds to the negative auditory stimulus.

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