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        교육 패러다임 전환과 독일학의 방향

        이미영 ( Lee¸ Miyoung ) 한국독일어문학회 2021 독일어문학 Vol.92 No.-

        본 연구는 정보화시대의 미래교육을 준비하는 독일학의 방향 설정을 위한 고찰을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 2025년에 전면 도입되는 고교학점제의 추진 방향 중 하나인 ‘학교교육의 경계 확장’ 측면에서 접근하여, 고등학교와 대학과의 교육공동체 구축에 대한 현실적이고 구체적인 방안을 모색하고자 한다. 이를 위해, 2장에서는 선행연구를 중심으로 독일학의 위기를 극복하기 위한 전망 모색 차원의 다양한 연구를 살펴본다. 또한 고교학점제 도입과 관련한 연구를 통해서 고교학점제에 관한 각 교과 및 분야별 연구를 파악한다. 3장에서는 고교학점제의 도입 목적, 추진 방향 및 계획 그리고 교육과정 등을 살펴보며 고교학점제가 우리 교육에서 어떠한 변화를 일으키게 될지 자세히 알아본다. 4장에서는 고교학점제의 추진 방향 중 하나인 ‘학교교육의 경계 확장’으로 접근하여 대학의 독일학 분야 학과에서 미래교육을 구현하기 위한 3가지 방안을 다음과 같이 제안한다. 첫째, 교육과정 과목 재구성 방안을 통한 고교학점제와 대학 독일학과의 연계성 확보, 둘째, 고교-대학 연계 프로그램 도입, 셋째, 현직 교원에 대한 독어학 관련 연수를 통한 고교학점제의 전문강사를 양성하고 지원하는 것이다. Das Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit ist es, eine Richtungsbestimmung der Deutschlandforschung zur Vorbereitung auf die zukünftige Schulbildung im Informationszeitalter vorzunehmen. Zu diesem Zweck wird ein realistischer und konkreter Vorschlag für den Aufbau einer Bildungsgemeinschaft zwischen Oberschulen und Universitäten präsentiert. Dabei nähert sich die Deutschlandforschung dem Oberschul-Punktesystem unter dem Aspekt der „Grenzerweiterung der Schulbildung“, das 2025 vollständig eingeführt wird. Diese Arbeit beschäftigt sich mit früheren Untersuchungen zur Deutschlandforschung und dem Oberschul-Punktesystem, unter anderem der Definition, dem Einführungsziel und der Antriebsrichtung des Oberschul-Punktesystems sowie einer einzuschlagenden Richtung der Deutschlandforschung nach dem Paradigmenwechsel im Bildungsbereich. Zum Schluss werden folgende drei Vorschläge gemacht: Erstens die Verknüpfung von Oberschul-Punktesystem und dem Studium Deutschlandforschung durch die Rekonstruktion der Fächer, zweitens die aktive Einführung von Verknüpfungsprogrammen zwischen Oberschulen und Universitäten(gemeinsame Online-Lehrpläne, mit Universitäten verbundene Fortgeschrittenenkurse usw.) und drittens im Rahmen von Angebot und Nachfrage die Unterstützung von Lehrkräften des Oberschul-Punktesystems, die als Experten und Ausbilder hinsichtlich des Deutsch- und Kulturunterrichts beschäftigt sind.

      • 원형파일군에 의한 파랑의 감쇠특성

        이성대(Seongdae Leeㅊ),박정철(Jungchul Park),홍창배(Changbae Hong),남미영(Miyoung Nam) 한국유체기계학회 2006 유체기계 연구개발 발표회 논문집 Vol.- No.-

        This research deals with the wave transmission and dissipation problems for two dimensional regular waves and s vertical circular cylindersr. Using the unsteady mild slope equation, a numerical model has been developed to calculate the reflection and transmission of regular waves from a multiple-row vertical circular cylinders. In addition hydraulic model experiments have been conducted with different values of properties between the cylinders and opening ratio (distances) between the rows of the cylinders. It is found that the transmission coefficients decrease with decreasing the opening ratio and increasing the rows of vertical cylinders. Comparison between hydralic and numerical experiments results shows resonable agreement.


        MiYoung Lee,Hayoung Hwang 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2016 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2016 No.7

        The fashion industry is one of the most labor intensive industries, and employs over 25 million workers in over 100 countries (Reinhard, Schmidt, Rützel, & Zentgraf, 2013). There have been many concerns regarding the poor working conditions of garment workers, including their long working hours, forced overtime, and hazardous working environments, especially in developing countries. In Korea, competition has intensified within the industry with the emergence of global fashion companies, which has caused many fashion companies to move their production bases overseas in search of cheaper labor (Son, 2007). Thus, the labor problems that have arisen in the fashion industry are mostly about low wages and the poor working conditions of production workers. However, what about the labor problems of fashion industry workers other than those in production factories? Lee, Kim, Shin, Yoon, Lee, Chang, Chung, and Choi (2009) noted in their study that white-collar workers in fashion companies in Korea work longer hours, receive fewer benefits, and have a higher turnover rate than workers in other industries. In 2015, the poor working environment and low or absent wages of fashion industry interns came under public scrutiny (Kim, 2015; Kwon, 2016). In addition, there were cases in which body size was specified when hiring fashion designers, which raised the question of discrimination based on physical appearance (Kim, 2015). These employment conditions are important factors that influence fashion design majors entering the job market. Hence, regarding this and the physical body size discrimination of fashion designers in the Korean fashion industry, the aims of this paper are twofold: 1) to examine the present situation of physical discrimination by analyzing fashion companies’ job advertisements and 2) to explore fashion major undergraduates’ opinions about job criteria that indicate potential physical discrimination. Two approaches were used in this exploratory study to examine potential hiring discrimination tied to job applicants’ body size; 1) investigation of job advertisements by fashion companies and 2) focus group interviews with fashion majors seniors or graduates looking for a work as fashion designers. First, job advertisements for fashion designers placed on major fashion recruiting sites (e.g., www.saramin.co.kr, www.fashionscout.co.kr, and http://cafe.naver.com/fashionworking) in 2015 were reviewed to determine the current situation of which physical conditions or specific body measurements are set as job requirements or preferred qualifications when hiring fashion designers (n=201). Next, five focus group interviews with seven university seniors each(n=35) were conducted. No fashion companies that were looking for experienced fashion designers only (n=65) included a physical body-size requirement in the job advertisement. Thus 136 fashion designer interns or entry-level fashion designer advertisements were used in further analysis. According to the analysis of the “job requirements”, among those 136 advertisements, 51.5% required education and only 16.2% required a related major along with education, 10.3% required fitting capable size (e.g. female fitting size 55) and 13.2% even presented detailed body measurements (e.g. height 175–178 cm). Among the “preferred” qualifications mentioned in the advertisements, fitting capable size accounted for 6.6%, detailed body measurements accounted for 2%. Analysis results showed that physical conditions capable of fitting were presented more frequently than major as requirements or preferred qualifications, indicating that physical conditions capable of fitting was one of the most important factors for hiring fashion designers. Based on the five focus group interviews, participants’ opinion toward body size requirements in job advertisements were summarized into five themes: 1) Discontent over the unreasonable standard— “Why do I have to have a model figure to become a fashion designer?”; 2) Adapting to given circumstances— “I will lose weight to become a fashion designer”; 3) Frustration over reality that can’t be changed with effort— “I can lose weight, but I can’t get any taller”; and 4) Setting practical alternatives—“I can be a children’s clothing designer instead of women’s”. Most respondents shared a sense of discontent over such hiring requirements and unreasonable discrimination on the grounds of appearance, but they also showed reluctant acceptance of the unreasonable discrimination practiced by employers in the fierce job market. The physical restrictions set as requirements by fashion companies fundamentally deny opportunities to some applicants. Importantly, the outright specification of a physical condition that cannot be overcome through personal effort or improved by the cultivation of skills as a hiring requirement is an infringement upon personal rights. The fashion industry should make efforts to improve its awareness of fashion designers as specialists equipped with design competencies instead of treating them as fitting models simply to save costs.

      • KCI등재

        2020 Imaging Guidelines for Thyroid Nodules and Differentiated Thyroid Cancer: Korean Society of Thyroid Radiology

        Lee Ji Ye,Baek Jung Hwan,Ha Eun Ju,Sung Jin Yong,Shin Jung Hee,김지훈,Lee Min Kyoung,Jung So Lyung,Lee Young Hen,Ahn Hye Shin,Yoon Jung Hyun,Choi Yoon Jung,Park Jeong Seon,Lee Yoo Jin,Choi Miyoung,Na Don 대한영상의학회 2021 Korean Journal of Radiology Vol.22 No.5

        Imaging plays a key role in the diagnosis and characterization of thyroid diseases, and the information provided by imaging studies is essential for management planning. A referral guideline for imaging studies may help physicians make reasonable decisions and minimize the number of unnecessary examinations. The Korean Society of Thyroid Radiology (KSThR) developed imaging guidelines for thyroid nodules and differentiated thyroid cancer using an adaptation process through a collaboration between the National Evidence-based Healthcare Collaborating Agency and the working group of KSThR, which is composed of radiologists specializing in thyroid imaging. When evidence is either insufficient or equivocal, expert opinion may supplement the available evidence for recommending imaging. Therefore, we suggest rating the appropriateness of imaging for specific clinical situations in this guideline.

      • KCI등재

        Revised Clinical Practice Guidelines of the Korean Pancreatobiliary Association for Acute Pancreatitis

        Lee Sang Hyub,Choe Jung Wan,Cheon Young Koog,Choi Miyoung,Jung Min Kyu,Jang Dong Kee,Jo Jung Hyun,Lee Jae Min,Kim Eui Joo,Han Sung Yong,Choi Young Hoon,Seo Hyung-Il,Lee Dong Ho,Lee Hong Sik 거트앤리버 소화기연관학회협의회 2023 Gut and Liver Vol.17 No.1

        Acute pancreatitis can range from a mild, self-limiting disease requiring no more than supportive care, to severe disease with life-threatening complications. With the goal of providing a recommendation framework for clinicians to manage acute pancreatitis, and to contribute to improvements in national health care, the Korean Pancreatobiliary Association (KPBA) established the Korean guidelines for acute pancreatitis management in 2013. However, many challenging issues exist which often lead to differences in clinical practices. In addition, with newly obtained evidence regarding acute pancreatitis, there have been great changes in recent knowledge and information regarding this disorder. Therefore, the KPBA committee underwent an extensive revision of the guidelines. The revised guidelines were developed using the Delphi method, and the main topics of the guidelines include the following: diagnosis, severity assessment, initial treatment, nutritional support, convalescent treatment, and the treatment of local complications and necrotizing pancreatitis. Specific recommendations are presented, along with the evidence levels and recommendation grades.


        AtPDR12 contributes to lead resistance in Arabidopsis.

        Lee, Miyoung,Lee, Kiyoul,Lee, Joohyun,Noh, Eun Woon,Lee, Youngsook American Society of Plant Physiologists 2005 Plant Physiology Vol.138 No.2

        <P>Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) contains about 130 ATP-binding cassette (ABC) proteins, which are likely to contribute to the transport of diverse materials, including toxic substances. However, the substrates of ABC transporters remain unknown in most cases. We tested which ABC transporter is involved in detoxification of lead [Pb(II)]. Among the many tested, we found that the message level of only AtPDR12 increased in both shoots and roots of Pb(II)-treated Arabidopsis, suggesting that it may be involved in the detoxification of Pb(II). AtPDR12-knockout plants (atpdr12) were used to further test this possibility. In Pb(II)-containing medium, atpdr12 plants grew less well and had higher Pb contents than those of wild-type plants. In contrast, AtPDR12-overexpressing Arabidopsis plants were more resistant to Pb(II) and had lower Pb contents than wild-type plants. The mutant phenotypes and their Pb contents, as well as the localization of the GFP:AtPDR12 fusion protein at the plasma membrane, suggest that AtPDR12 functions as a pump to exclude Pb(II) and/or Pb(II)-containing toxic compounds from the cytoplasm. Inhibition of glutathione synthesis by addition of buthionine sulfoximine to the growth medium exacerbated the Pb(II)-sensitive phenotype of atpdr12 plants, consistent with a glutathione-dependent detoxification mechanism operating in parallel with an AtPDR12-dependent mechanism. Thus, we propose that AtPDR12 is an ABC transporter that contributes to Pb(II) resistance in Arabidopsis.</P>

      • KCI등재후보

        Knockdown of vps54 aggravates tamoxifen-induced cytotoxicity in fission yeast

        Lee, Sol,Nam, Miyoung,Lee, Ah-Reum,Baek, Seung-Tae,Kim, Min Jung,Kim, Ju Seong,Kong, Andrew Hyunsoo,Lee, Minho,Lee, Sook-Jeong,Kim, Seon-Young,Kim, Dong-Uk,Hoe, Kwang-Lae Korea Genome Organization 2021 Genomics & informatics Vol.19 No.4

        Tamoxifen (TAM) is an anticancer drug used to treat estrogen receptor (ER)-positive breast cancer. However, its ER-independent cytotoxic and antifungal activities have prompted debates on its mechanism of action. To achieve a better understanding of the ER-independent antifungal action mechanisms of TAM, we systematically identified TAM-sensitive genes through microarray screening of the heterozygous gene deletion library in fission yeast (Schizosaccharomyces pombe). Secondary confirmation was followed by a spotting assay, finally yielding 13 TAM-sensitive genes under the drug-induced haploinsufficient condition. For these 13 TAM-sensitive genes, we conducted a comparative analysis of their Gene Ontology (GO) 'biological process' terms identified from other genome-wide screenings of the budding yeast deletion library and the MCF7 breast cancer cell line. Several TAM-sensitive genes overlapped between the yeast strains and MCF7 in GO terms including 'cell cycle' (cdc2, rik1, pas1, and leo1), 'signaling' (sck2, oga1, and cki3), and 'vesicle-mediated transport' (SPCC126.08c, vps54, sec72, and tvp15), suggesting their roles in the ER-independent cytotoxic effects of TAM. We recently reported that the cki3 gene with the 'signaling' GO term was related to the ER-independent antifungal action mechanisms of TAM in yeast. In this study, we report that haploinsufficiency of the essential vps54 gene, which encodes the GARP complex subunit, significantly aggravated TAM sensitivity and led to an enlarged vesicle structure in comparison with the SP286 control strain. These results strongly suggest that the vesicle-mediated transport process might be another action mechanism of the ER-independent antifungal or cytotoxic effects of TAM.


        Editor’s Highlight: A Genome-wide Screening of Target Genes Against Silver Nanoparticles in Fission Yeast

        Lee, Ah-Reum,Lee, Sook-Jeong,Lee, Minho,Nam, Miyoung,Lee, Sol,Choi, Jian,Lee, Hye-Jin,Kim, Dong-Uk,Hoe, Kwang-Lae ACADEMIC PRESS 2018 TOXICOLOGICAL SCIENCES Vol.161 No.1

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P><P>To identify target genes against silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), we screened a genome-wide gene deletion library of 4843 fission yeast heterozygous mutants covering 96% of all protein encoding genes. A total of 33 targets were identified by a microarray and subsequent individual confirmation. The target pattern of AgNPs was more similar to those of AgNO<SUB>3</SUB> and H<SUB>2</SUB>O<SUB>2</SUB>, followed by Cd and As. The toxic effect of AgNPs on fission yeast was attributed to the intracellular uptake of AgNPs, followed by the subsequent release of Ag<SUP>+</SUP>, leading to the generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Next, we focused on the top 10 sensitive targets for further studies. As described previously, 7 nonessential targets were associated with detoxification of ROS, because their heterozygous mutants showed elevated ROS levels. Three novel essential targets were related to folate metabolism or cellular component organization, resulting in cell cycle arrest and no induction in the transcriptional level of antioxidant enzymes such as Sod1 and Gpx1 when 1 of the 2 copies was deleted. Intriguingly, <I>met</I>9 played a key role in combating AgNP-induced ROS generation via NADPH production and was also conserved in a human cell line.</P>

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