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      • LPG/바이오디젤 混合縣料를 使用하는 壓縮着火 機關에서 바이오디젤이 엔진 性能 및 排氣特性 에 미치는 影響

        崔源鶴,柳鍾植,車京玉 明知大學校 産業技術硏究所 2009 産業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.28 No.-

        In this study, a compression ignition engine operated with LPG and Bio-diesel blended fuel was studied experimentally. The effect of Bio-diesel on performance and emissions of a CI engine fuelled by LPG/Bio-diesel fuel were examined‘ Bio-diesel fuel was blended to LPG fuel by Bio-diesel 20-60wt%. Results showed that stable engine operation was possible for a wide range of engine loads up to 30% of LPG by mass in a CI engine. Considering the results of the engine power out put and exhaust emissions, blended fuel up to 30% of LPG by mass can be used as an altemative to diesel in a CI engine. Bio-diesel blended LPG fuel is expected to have potential for enlarging the Bio-diesel market.

      • LPG/DME 混合熱料를 使用하는 壓縮着火엔진의 性能및 排氣特性에 관한 硏究

        崔源歸,柳鍾植,車京玉 明知大學校 産業技術硏究所 2009 産業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.28 No.-

        In this study, DME-blended LPG fuel was experimentally investigated in CI(compression ignition) engine. In particular, performance, emissions characteristics (including hydrocarbon, CO, and NOx emissions), and combustion stability of engine fuelled with DME-blended LPG fuel were examined. LPG fuel was blended to DME fuel by LPG 0-40wt%, Results showed that stable engine operation was possible for a wide range of engine loads up to 30% of LPG by mass in a CI engine. Considering the results of the engine power out put and exhaust emissions, blended fuel up to 30% of LPG by mass can be used as an alternative to diesel in a CI engine. DME blended LPG fuel is expected to have potential for enlarging the DME market.

      • KCI등재

        새로운 매체현실과 문화변화

        최문규,김회봉,조경식,서규환 한국독일어문학회 2000 독일어문학 Vol.11 No.-

        Der Begriff "Medienrealita¨t" ist heute aktuell geworden. Obwohl die Medien zur Vemittlung der Kommunikation auch in der Vergangenheit sehr verallgemeinert worden sind, gelten sie heute nicht mehr als bloβes Mittel. Die Entwicklung der elektronischen bzw. technologischen Medien vera¨ndert sowohl die Realita¨t unserer Welt als auch das Sein schlechthin. Der Begriff "Medienrealitat" ist synonym mit den anderen Begriffen wie "digitaler Schein" bzw. "virtuelle Realita¨t". "Informationsgesellschaft", die den tradierten Gegensatz zwischen Sein und Schein. dem Wahren und dem Falschen auflo¨st und zu einer neuen "Form der Realita¨t" avanciert werden. Um die Medienrealita¨t zu analysieren. werden im zweiten Kapitel die verschiedenen Elemente illuminiert, durch die neue Medienrealita¨t und Kultur konstituiert werden: ganz neue "immaterielle Basis der Information. Macht der Bilder, Geschwindigkeit, neue computerielle Wahrnehmung. "Medienwerk". Diese Elemente beherrschen sowohl die Realita¨t als auch die Kultur. Abschlieβend wird die Mo¨glichkeit reflektiert. wie die Kunst (besonders die Literatur) die Medienrealita¨t u¨berwinden und ihre alternativen Wege ero¨ffnen kann. Im dritten Kapitel wird der Begriff "virtuelle Realita¨t" philosopisch uberpruft, wobei er die Gemeinsamkeiten mit den tradierten philosophischen Begriffen wie "dynamis, "potentia, "virtualite"~possibi1ite usw. teilt. Auch kann der Widerspruch der "virtuellen Realita¨t" besta¨tigt werden, die vor allem auf der radikalen Vera¨nderung von Technik. Information und Kapital basiert. Das heiβt: es ist ein Widerspruch oder die Verhu¨llung der ontologischen Implikation, daβ die virtuelle Realita¨t durch die allma¨hliche Negierung ihrer Virtualita¨t zur Realita¨t erhoben wird. Im vierten Kapitel wird das Verha¨ltnis der Gesellschaft zu Umwelt. Information und Medien aus der Sicht der Luhmannschen Systemtheorie betrachtet. Daraus ergibt sich. dass die Gesellschaft als Sozialsystem bei ihrer Selbstreproduktion mit der Leitdifferenz von System/Umwelt operiert und damit die elbstreproduktion der Gesellschaft von der Vera¨nderung ihrer Umwelt (Technik, Bewuβtsein, Organismus usw.) abha¨ngig ist. Dabei ist deutlich, dass Medien (Schrift. Buchdruck. Elektronik usw.). die zur Verbreitung der Informationen dienen, bei der Evolution der Gesellschaft eine entscheidende Rolle gespielt haben. Schlieβlich handelt es sich um die unterschiedlichen soziologischen Theorien u¨ber das Verhaltnis von Medien und Gesellschaft. In den Vordergrund treten dabei die Theorien von D. Bell und M. Poster. Bells Theorie der postindustriellen Gesellschaft behandelt die Entwicklung der Technologie. die heute die Kultur und die Gesellschaftsstruktur stark vera¨ndert. Gegen Bell postuliert Poster eine Wende von der Produktionsweise zur Informationsweise, indem er die erwandtschaft mit der postmodernen Theorie teilt. Seiner Perspektive zufolge gilt heute nicht das Kapital. sondern die Information als Hauptmovens der Gesellschaft. Die Medien ko¨nnen weder das Absolute noch die Utopie sein. Was der Euphorie der sog. "idealen Entwicklung der Medien" kritisch gegenu¨berstehen kann. ist nichts anderes als die kritische Reflexion der Kunst.

      • 세탄가를 向土시킨 LPG 戰料의 壓縮着火 디젤 엔진의 性能및 排出가스 特性에 關한 硏究

        崔源歸,柳鍾植,車京玉 明知大學校 産業技術硏究所 2009 産業技術硏究所論文集 Vol.28 No.-

        In this study, a feasibility test of liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) direct injection (DI) compression ignition engine has been carried out to study the effectiveness of cetane enhancing additive; Di-tertiary-butyl peroxide(DTBP) Performance and emissions characteristics of a diesel engine fuelled with LPG and DTBP blended fuel were examined Results showed that stable diesel engine operation over a wide range of the engine loads was possible. Estimated cetane number of the LPG with a 15 wt% DTBP was more than 55 suggesting the possibility of utilizing LPG as a DME(dimethyl ether). Exhaust emissions measurements showed that hydrocarbon was decreased with the blended fuel at enhancing cetane number. Furthermore, the combustion stability of LPG with a cetane number improver was comparable to DME fuel. Considering the results of engine performance and exhaust emissions, LPG blended fuel of enhancing cetane number could be used as an alternative fuel for diesel.

      • 건축공사시방서에서의 KS규격의 국제인증방안에 관한 연구

        김경식,이재섭,김용수,이규진,조용훈,최완철,전재열,이현수,구재동,이기환 대한건축학회 2004 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.24 No.1

        The purpose of this research is make out construction specifications for International Construction. Using off-shore products incur cost increase and longer delivery term of construction. and inconvenient on International Construction. Expand the range of additional local products conforming to performance. Life Cycle Cost. maintainability. operability. user's acceptability, etc.. And this study is suggest the standard formats and the techniques for construction specification.

      • TORC2 Regulates Hepatic Insulin Signaling via a Mammalian Phosphatidic Acid Phosphatase, LIPIN1

        Ryu, Dongryeol,Oh, Kyoung-Jin,Jo, Hee-Yeon,Hedrick, Susan,Kim, Yo-Na,Hwang, Yu-Jin,Park, Tae-Sik,Han, Joong-Soo,Choi, Cheol Soo,Montminy, Marc,Koo, Seung-Hoi Elsevier 2009 Cell metabolism Vol.9 No.3

        <P><B>Summary</B></P><P>TORC2 is a major transcriptional coactivator for hepatic glucose production. Insulin impedes gluconeogenesis by inhibiting TORC2 via SIK2-dependent phosphorylation at Ser171. Interruption of this process greatly perturbs hepatic glucose metabolism, thus promoting hyperglycemia in rodents. Here, we show that hyperactivation of TORC2 would exacerbate insulin resistance by enhancing expression of LIPIN1, a mammalian phosphatidic acid phosphatase for diacylglycerol (DAG) synthesis. Diet-induced or genetic obesity increases <I>LIPIN1</I> expression in mouse liver, and TORC2 is responsible for its transcriptional activation. While overexpression of LIPIN1 disturbs hepatic insulin signaling, knockdown of LIPIN1 ameliorates hyperglycemia and insulin resistance by reducing DAG and PKCϵ activity in <I>db/db</I> mice. Finally, TORC2-mediated insulin resistance is partially rescued by concomitant knockdown of LIPIN1, confirming the critical role of LIPIN1 in the perturbation of hepatic insulin signaling. These data propose that dysregulation of TORC2 would further exaggerate insulin resistance and promote type 2 diabetes in a LIPIN1-dependent manner.</P>

      • 포트폴리오 평가(Portfolio Assessment)의 조직과 운영, 평가준거

        위영희,조경희,고희남,최예식 서원대학교 교육연구소 2001 敎育發展 Vol.20 No.2

        The purposes of this study were to explore the practices of designing portfolio and to investigate evaluation criteria. The characteristics of portfolio assessment, strategies for organizing and setting up portfolio assessment were discussed. And it were developed examples of evaluation criteria for portfolio assessment. These provide guidelines for portfolio assessment to early childhood education teachers.

      • Carrageenan 유도 관절염에 대한 灸律 藥鍼의 진통작용

        구성태,신종근,최윤영,송정방,김재효,김경식,손인철 한국전통의학연구소 2006 한국전통의학지 Vol.15 No.1

        Objectives: This study was produced to examine the effects of moxibustion that had been played important role to traditional oriental medical treatment on disease. Recently, it was reported that moxi-tar which is generated in the process of moxibustion as burning combustibles decreased nitric oxide(NO) and inducible NO synthase (iNOS) generation in cellular experiments. Methods: Carrageenan-induced arthritis rat model was used to test the effect of moxi-tar as a chronic pain model. Diluted moxi-tar was single injected in several acupoints or combined with electroacupuncture (1 ms, 2 Hz, and 2 mA) into contralateral ST36 acupoint for 30 min to assess the synergic effects. After the treatment, behavioral tests measuring stepping force were periodically conducted during the next 12 hours. Endogenous NO and iNOS, cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), and c-Fos protein expression in the spinal cord were examined on a rat model of carrageenan-induced arthritis. Results : After the induction of arthritis, rats subsequently showed a reduced stepping force of the affected limb for at least the next 4 days. The reduced stepping force of the limb was presumably due to a painful knee, since oral injection of indomethacin produced temporary improvement of weight bearing. Moxi-tar produced significant improvement of stepping force of the hindlimb affected by the arthritis lasting at least 9 hours. The magnitude of this improvement was equivalent to that obtained after an oral injection of 3 mg/kg of indomethacin and this improvement of stepping force was interpreted as an analgesic effect. Moxi-tar produced the improvement of stepping force of the affected hindlimb in a dose-dependent manner. Both NO production and iNOS, COX-2 protein expression increased by arthritis were suppressed by moxi-tar. Moxi-tar on combination with electroacupuncture (EA) produced more powerful and longer lasting improvement of stepping force of the hindlimb affected by the arthritis than either moxi-tar or EA did. Conclusion : The present study suggest that moxi-tar produces a potent analgesic effect on the chronic knee arthritis pain model in the rat and that moxi-tar-induced analgesia modulate endogenous NO through the suppression of iNOS/COX-2 protein expression.


        Multiplex Analysis of Cytokines in the Serum and Cerebrospinal Fluid of Patients With Alzheimer's Disease by Color-Coded Bead Technology

        Choi, Chulhee,Jeong, Jee-Hyang,Jang, Joong Sik,Choi, Kyungsun,Lee, Jungsul,Kwon, Jongbum,Choi, Kyoung-Gyu,Lee, Jong-Seo,Kang, Sang Won 대한신경과학회 2008 Journal of Clinical Neurology Vol.4 No.2

        <P><B>Background and purpose</B></P><P>The availability and promise of effective treatments for neurodegenerative disorders are increasing the importance of early diagnosis. Having molecular and biochemical markers of Alzheimer's disease (AD) would complement clinical approaches, and further the goals of early and accurate diagnosis. Combining multiple biomarkers in evaluations significantly increases the sensitivity and specificity of the biochemical tests.</P><P><B>Methods</B></P><P>In this study, we used color-coded bead-based Luminex technology to test the potential of using chemokines and cytokines as biochemical markers of AD. We measured the levels of 22 chemokines and cytokines in the serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) of 32 <I>de novo</I> patients (13 controls, 11 AD, and 8 Parkinson's disease [PD]).</P><P><B>Results</B></P><P>MCP-1 was the only cytokine detectable in CSF, and its levels did not differ between control and disease groups. However, the serum concentration of eotaxin was significantly higher in AD patients than in the control group.</P><P><B>Conclusions</B></P><P>The analysis of multiple inflammatory mediators revealed marginal differences in their CSF and serum concentrations for the differential diagnosis of AD and PD. These results provide evidence that immunological responses are not major contributors to the pathogenesis of AD and PD.</P>

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