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        일부농촌지역의 농약사용실태 및 농약중독 요인 조사

        이경민,송주희,장재혁,심수정,강양화,안재경,이숭호,박미영,정문호 대한보건협회 2002 대한보건연구 Vol.28 No.4

        Object The usage of agricultural chemical is on the increasing. Use of pesticides has increased agricultural production. However, negative externalities from such use have increased too. Pesticide poisoning is a major public problem. The purpose if this study is to find out the relationship between keeping the safety rules or protective equipments or attending safety education or dose of pesticides use , and poisoning experience. Methods For Gu, H.M. and Pack, S.G. study , we obtained questionnaire data concerning pesticides poisoming. A person interviews on 203 were conducted in two villages in Sinmeari and woulbonri Chunchun , Kangwon province, July 2002. Result 1. 144 people(70.9%) have sprayed pesticides and the rata of experiences of pesticide poisoning was 26% among 144. Spraying time of pesticides was 1-2 hours in 63.9% of farmers. Rate of using the protective equipment was 25.7% (protective clothes), 49.3% (Mask), 48.6 (Gloves), 7.0 (Protective glasses), 64.6% (boots) respectively. 2. Chi-square and multiple logistic regression analysis showed that Duration of spraying per day (<2hr) and using of mask(protective equipment)are significantly association with poisoning experience.(x^2=5.2684 p=0.0217, CI=0.140-0.5853 OR=0.346 p=0.0211 respectively). But no association between poisoning experience and keeping safety rule, attending of safety education. 3. Spraying pesticides. Duration of spraying pesticides, reading manuals and no spraying at fatigue (keeping safety rule) are significantly association with symptom experience(x^2=14.0621 p=0.0002, x^2=7.0639 p=0.0079, CI01.395-10.950 OR=3.908 p=0.0095, CI=0.101-0.726 OR=0.271 0.0094 respectively). But no association between symptom experience and protective equipments, attending of safety education.

      • MathCAD를 사용한 X-선 회절상의 계산

        조태경,송인명,권영준,이희복 공주대학교 사범대학 과학교육연구소 1994 과학교육연구 Vol.25 No.1

        물질의 결정구조를 연구하는 데에는 일반적으로 X-선 회절상의 분석방법을 가장 많이 사용한다. 따라서 대학교육과정에서 고체물리학, 결정학, 재료과학 등 여러 분야에서 X-선 분광법에 대하여 공부한다. 그러나 실제 강의에서 X-선 회절의 이론을 X-선 회절상의 분석 방법과 직접 대응시켜 설명하기란 쉽지 않다. 본 논문은 MathCAD란는 software을 써서 X-선 회절 이론식으로 부터 간단하게 원하는 결정의 X-선 회절상을 계산하는 방법을 제시하고, X-선 결정구조 분석에 관한 학습과 연구에 활용할 수 있는 자료가 되도록 하였다. The most available technique for the study of the crystal structure is the analysis of X-ray diffraction patterns. For this reason lectures on X-ray diffractions have been given at universities in various subjects such as solid state physics, crystallography, material science, etc. However, it is not easy to teach the theory of X-ray diffraction in conjunction with the analysis X-ray diffraction patterns. In this study, we have used MathCAD software to calculate angles, intensities, and patterns of the X-ray diffraction of crystal using formula given in the theory without any complication. The program has shown in the study will be useful for research on crystallography as well as for teaching the subject.

      • 제2형 당뇨병 환자에게 적용한 표준진료지침이 혈당, 당화혈색소, 당뇨지식 및 재원일수에 미치는 효과

        김희승,윤건호,유양숙,오정아,송민선,신미옥,김경희,송복례 대한당뇨병학회 2002 임상당뇨병 Vol.3 No.1

        연구배경 : 당뇨병 환자의 평균 재원기간을 단축시키고, 제한된 입원기간 내에서 질적인 면과 비용효과성을 고려한 총체적인 건강관리체계의 필요성이 요구됨으로써 생겨난 것이 당뇨병 표준진료지침(Critical Pathway: CP)이다. 현재 개발된 당뇨병 CP를 통한 진료가 환자의 당뇨병에 관한 지식을 개선시키고 이에 따라 장기적으로 당뇨병 환자의 혈당조절이 개선되었다는 과학적인 검증은 당뇨병 CP를 여러 병원에 정착시키기이전에 반드시 선행되어야 할 과제이다. 이에 본 연구는 2000년 3월부터 1년간 강남성모병원에 입원하는 당뇨병 환자를 대상으로 현재 개발된 1주일 CP를 적용한 실험군의 혈당, 당뇨병 관련 지식 및 재원일수가 대조군에 비하여 차이가 있는지를 조사하였다. 방법 : 1주일 CP를 적용한 실험군은 내과병동에 입원한 당뇨병 환자 89명이었고, 대조군은 기타병동에 입원한 당뇨병 환자 22명이었으며 CP를 적용하지 않았다. CP를 적용하기 전인 입원시에 실험군과 대조군의 공복혈당, 식후 2시간혈당, 당화혈색소 및 당뇨관련 지식을 측정하였고, 퇴원 시에 실험군과 대조군에게 공복혈당과 당뇨관련 지식을 재측정하고 재원일수를 파악하였다. 그리고 두 군에게 퇴원 3개월 후의 공복혈당, 식후 2시간 혈당 및 당화혈색소를 조사하였다. 결과 : 1) 실험군의 공복혈당은 입원 시 238.7: 1) 실험군의 공복혈당은 입원 시 238.7mg/dL에서 퇴원 시 139.4mg/dL로 감소하는 경향이었으나 퇴원 3개월 후에는 150.6mg/dL로 약간상승하는 경향을 보였다. 대조군은 입원 시 251.5mg/dL에서 퇴원 시 136.2mg/dL로 감소하는 경향이었으나, 퇴원 3개월 후에는 219.3mg/dL로 현저히 증가하는 경향이었다. 2) 실험군의 입원 시 식후 2시간 혈당은 312.5mg/dL에서 퇴원 3개월 후 248.5mg/dL로 감소하는 경향이었다. 대조군도 입원 시 식후 2시간 혈당이 300.1mg/dL에서 퇴원 3개월 후 262.5mg/dL로 감소하는 경향이었으나 실험군보다 감소의 폭이 적은 경향이었다. 3) 실험군과 대조군의 입원 시 당화혈색소는 각각 10.3%와 9.7%로 유의한 차이가 없었으나,퇴원 3개월 후 실험군은 7.5%로 대조군의 9.1% 보다 유의하게 감소하였다. 4) 실험군의 입원 시 당뇨지식 점수는 실험군이 12.1점 대조군은 12.0점으로 유의한 차이가 없었으나 퇴원 시는 실험군이 15.5점으로 대조군의 14.6점 보다 높은 경향이었다. 5) 재원일수는 실험군이 8.4일로 대조군의11.0일 보다 유의하게 적었다. 결론 : 따라서 당뇨병 환자를 위한 CP는 재원일수의 감소뿐만 아니라 환자의 자가관리에 대한 체계적인 교육과 개선의 기회를 가짐으로써 장기적인 혈당 조절의 향상을 도모할 수 있는 효과적인 방법이라고 생각한다. Background: The aim of this study was to examine the effects of the critical pathway for the admitted patients with type 2 dia betes me llitus on glycemic control, the knowledge on the disease, and the length of hospital stay. Methods: 89 diabetic in-patients were applied with the 1 week critical pathwa which was consisted of intensive education program for self-management of diabetes me llitus such as glucose monitoring, excercise prescription, diet control, self-a djustment of the drugs and so on. The results were compared with 22 diabetic inpatients who were treated with conventional way. We assessed the effects of critical pathway on the degree of glycemic control, the knowledge on the disease, and the length of hospital stay. Results: Although fasting and postprandial 2 hours blood g lucose levels did not showed sta tistically significantd ifference between critical pathway group and conventional group on discharge , HbA1c was significantly decreased in critical pathwa group compared with the conventional group (7.5±1.8% vs 9.1±2.6%) on 3 months after discharge . Knowledge on the disease tended to increase in critical pathway group compared with the conventional group on discharge. The Length of hospital stay was significantly decreased in critical pathway group compared with the conventional group (8.4±2.8day vs 11.0±3.9da ) Conclusion: These results showed that critical pathway for the patients with diabetes mellitus might be a usefulway for improving the long term glycemic control through motivation, enhancing the knowledge on the disase as well as reducing the length of hospital stay.

      • KCI등재후보

        강원도 원주지역 초·중·고등학생의 식습관 및 섭식행동에 관한 단면연구

        허혜경,박소미,김기연,김춘배,안정숙,송희영,김기경 韓國保健敎育.健康增進學會 2003 보건교육건강증진학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        Purpose : The purpose of this study was to investigate the dietary habits of students in order to identify risk groups according to their Body Mass Index (BMI), and to compare the eating behavior of students in the normal range (19<I≤24) and those in risk groups (BMI≤19, 24<I≤27, BMI>). Method : 1176 elementary school students, 850 middle school students and 672 high school City, were the participants The instrument for this study was a structured questionnaire that included demographic data as well as dietary habits, and the eating behavior instrument developed by Stunkard &essick(1985) and revised by Kim &im (1997). Result : 1) As students moved up in grade level their dietary habits became more irregular and the degree that students chewed food was reduced 2) As students moved up in grade level, a greater number of the students did not eat breakfast. The reasons given were that there were not enough time before classes started(40.4%) and a lack of appetite in the morning(10.6%) in high school students. 3) As for supper, from 67.8 to 81.9% of subjects reported having regular supper. However the rest of the subjects did not eat supper because of anorexia and fear of weight gain. 4) The results identified risk groups according to their BMI showed that for elementary school students, 55.9% were in the low weight group, 5.5% in the overweight group, and 0.9% in the obese group. For middle and high school students, 40.6% and 35.5% respectively were in the low weight group, 7.4% and 6.3% in the overweight group, and 4.1% and 2.5% the obese group. 5) Comparisons of the eating behavior of students in the normal weight group with that of those in the three risk groups showed that there were significant differences in 'hunger' and 'cognitive restraint of eating' in elementary school students, and significant differences in 'cognitive restraint of eating' in middle and high school students. Conclusion : The results of this study show that management of diet in school health sholud be addressed from both the aspect of lack of nutrition and that of excess nutrition. In other words, good diet is as important for students in the low weight group as it is f3r those in the overweight and obese groups. The estatblishment of good dietary habits and eating behavior in students, by nurses and dieticians should be done by providing repeated diet education and involvement in diet counseling.

      • Studies on the Yeast-Derived Hepatitis B Vaccine

        Jung, Kyong-Hwan,Park, Kyong-Nam,Park, Mahn-Hoon,Kim, Sung-Jin,Song, Hee-Bok,Gu, Man-Bock,Kim, Kyong-Ho INSTITUTE OF TROPICAL MEDICINE YONSEI UNIVERSITY 1989 YONSEI REPORTS ON TROPICAL MEDICINE Vol.20 No.1

        The yeast s. cerevisiae transformed with yeast expression vector (pMGGalphaH) produce HBsAg consistently, vHBsAg was purified form this yeast and formulated into the yeast derived hepatitis B vaccine. In this article, we conducted several studies on the characteristics of yHBsAg and on the immunogenecity of yeast-derived hepatitis B vaccine. The results are summarized as follows. 1) The physico-chemical characteristics of purified yHBsAg checked by electron microscopic observation, ultraviolet absorption analysis and ultracentrifugational analysis were as same those of hGHs Ag. 2) The purity of purified yHBsAg checked by SDS-PAGE and HPLC was above 98% and antigenecity checked by immunodiffusion test was same as hHBsAg. 3) The immunogenecity of yeast derived hepatitis B vaccine was identical to that of plasma-derived HB vaccine in mice and guinea pigs. ED50% of yeast HB vaccine in mice was 0.3125㎍/㎖. 4) Seroconversion rate of volunteers vaccinated with 20㎍/dose of yeast-derived HB vaccine was 32.8% at month after first injection, 64.1% at 2 months, 91.5% at 6 months and 98.4% at 7 months. The result of this studies indicate that yeast-derived hepatitis B vaccine developed at Mogam Biotechnology Research Institute is safe and immunogenic for man

      • KCI등재후보

        Long-term Outcomes and Factors Affecting the Survival of Patients with Mucosal Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

        ( Ga Hee Kim ),( Hee Kyong Na ),( Ji Yong Ahn ),( Jeong Hoon Lee ),( Kee Wook Jung ),( Do Hoon Kim ),( Hyeong Ryul Kim ),( Kee Don Choi ),( Ho June Song ),( Yong-hee Kim ),( Gin Hyug Lee ),( Hwoon-yon 대한소화기학회 2021 Gut and Liver Vol.15 No.5

        Background/Aims: Data regarding the prognosis of early esophageal cancer are lacking. This study investigated the long-term outcomes and factors affecting the survival of patients with mucosal esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (T1aESCC). Methods: We analyzed the clinical and tumor-specific parameters of 263 patients who received surgical resection (SR; n=63) or endoscopic resection (ER; n=200) for T1aESCC. Underlying comorbidities were scored using the Charlson comorbidity index (CCI). Overall survival (OS) was the primary outcome, and multivariate regression analysis was performed to predict factors for OS. Results: Of the study patients (age, 64.5±8.0 years), the CCI was 1.0±1.4 in the ER group and 0.6±0.9 in the SR group (p=0.107). The 5-year OS rate during follow-up (54.4±20.4 months) was 85.7% (ER group, 86.8%; SR group, 82.4%; p=0.631). The cumulative 5-year incidence of esophageal cancer recurrence was 10.5% in the ER group (vs 0% in the SR group). The overall mortality rate was 12.9% (ER group, 12.0%; SR group, 15.9%; p=0.399). The most common cause of mortality was second primary cancers in the ER group (75%) and organ dysfunction or postoperative complications in the SR group (70%). According to multivariate analysis, only CCI was significantly associated with OS (p< 0.001). The 5-year OS rate in patients with a CCI >2 and in those with a CCI ≤2 was 60.2% and 88.2%, respectively (p<0.001). The treatment method (ER vs SR) was not a significant affecting factor (p=0.238). Conclusions: The long-term prognosis of patients with T1aESCC was significantly associated with underlying comorbidities. (Gut Liver 2021;15:705-712)

      • KCI등재

        Clinical Significance of Epstein-Barr Virus and Helicobacter pylori Infection in Gastric Carcinoma

        Noh Jin Hee,Shin Jun Young,Lee Jeong Hoon,Park Young-Soo,Lee In-Seob,Kim Ga Hee,Na Hee Kyong,Ahn Ji Yong,Jung Kee Wook,Kim Do Hoon,Choi Kee Don,Song Ho June,Lee Gin Hyug,Jung Hwoon-Yong 거트앤리버 소화기연관학회협의회 2023 Gut and Liver Vol.17 No.1

        Background/Aims: Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) and Helicobacter pylori (HP) coinfection may synergistically induce severe inflammatory responses in the stomach tissue, increasing the risk of developing gastric cancer. We aimed to analyze the effect of EBV and HP coinfection on the clinicopathologic features and prognosis of gastric cancer, as well as to evaluate the role of EBV infection in non-gastric carcinoma with lymphoid stroma (non-GCLS). Methods: Overall, 956 patients who underwent surgery for gastric cancer between September 2014 and August 2015 were eligible and divided into groups, according to GCLS morphology, EBV infection, and HP infection. Clinicopathologic characteristics and oncologic outcomes were analyzed retrospectively. Results: EBV and HP coinfection was significantly associated with male sex, proximal location, GCLS morphology, and equivocal p53 expression (p<0.001). Multivariate analysis revealed that EBV infection alone (hazard ratio [HR], 0.362; 95% CI, 0.131 to 0.996; p=0.049) and lower third location (HR, 0.624; 95% CI, 0.413 to 0.943; p=0.025) were inversely correlated with overall survival. During median follow-up period of 72 months, overall survival rate was not significantly different between the EBV and HP coinfection group and others (97.6% vs 86.8%, log-rank p=0.144). In non-GCLS patients (n=920), overall survival rate was not significantly different between the EBV infection group and others (96.9% vs 86.4%, log-rank p=0.126). Conclusions: EBV and HP coinfection is not an independent prognostic factor for gastric cancer. EBV infection status, regardless of HP infection, affects the clinicopathologic features of all types of gastric cancer. However, it does not lead to a significant difference in overall survival of non-GCLS patients.

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