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        노인전문병동에 입원한 뇌졸중 환자의 낙상위험요인

        박미화,송경애 노인간호학회 2005 노인간호학회지 Vol.7 No.1

        Purpose: To identify the risk factors of falling in stroke patients. Method: Data collection was performed from the 438 stroke patients' medical record using. A questionnaire developed by the authors to survey falling. Data were analyzed by SAS program, through which the frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and x^(2)-test, and multiple logistic regression analysis. Results: The falling rate of subjects during their stay at the hospital was 14.2%. The length of stay was longer and the morbidity duration of stroke was shorter in the falling group than in the non-falling group. The risk of falling was 6.4 times higher in those who had experienced falling within 1 year before admission, 3.4 times in those with depression, 2.9 times in those with irritability, 2.0 times in those with urinary dysfunction, 5.7 times in those who used a quad cane in walking, and 3.3 times in those who used a walker. Conclusion: The risk factors of falling in stroke patients admitted to geriatric hospital include experience in falling, accompanying diseases and symptoms, walking level and assistive device used in walking. It is necessary to analyze the causes of falling based on results of the present study and to develop positive nursing interventions to prevent falling.

      • 유아의 전자미디어교육과정 개발을 위한 기초연구 : 텔레비전과 컴퓨터를 중심으로 Television & Computer

        이경화 부산대학교 영유아보육연구소 1997 영유아보육연구 Vol.3 No.-

        Until now we have been concerned about the effectiveness of electronic media carefully. Several questions were raised in this paper; How TV and computer had already been in our lives are treated In early childhood education and how electronic media curriculum can be developed for children? To answer these questions, the children's electronic media environment and the reality, purposes, contents and activities of electronic media were investigated based on researches The electronic media-television, computer- have an important in the children's lives, but they have not been treated systematically and appropriately within a curriculum for children. The purposes of electronic media curriculum-TV literacy and computer literacy program- are to let audiences possess media subjectively, and then to enhance children's competences to read and write media appropriate to age and developmental level. Specifically, the purpose of children's television literacy curriculum is to respond actively to the contents of TV getting ready for the critical attitude toward television. The purpose of children's computer literacy curriculum is to be familiar with the computer and then to have a desired attitude, skills and knowledge on computer. Being founded on these purpose of electronic media education for children, we must develop continually and specifically. To prevent negative influence of electronic media and to use it wisely, we need to develop the curriculum base on ecological sound research and parent's and teacher's training focused on teaching and teaming with the use of TV and computer. The child of today will learn about and team from ubiquitous electronic media, whether teachers use them or not. They can be an essential aspect of a rich educational environment, if and only if a human teacher embraces them into a humanistic vision of early childhood education.

      • KCI등재
      • 초등 교사의 수학에 대한 신념과 수학수업의 관계

        이경화,안금조 淸州敎育大學校 初等敎育硏究所 2002 初等敎育硏究 Vol.12 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate what character elementary teacher's beliefs and attitudes about mathematics affect mathematics teaching practices in school. For this goal : (1) Designing questionnaire to measure elementary teacher's beliefs and attitudes about mathematics (2) Inquiring into character of elementary teacher's beliefs and attitudes about mathematics after analyzing questionnaire (3) Analyzing two teachers' mathematics teaching practices to understand how teacher's beliefs and attitudes affect mathematics teaching practices As a result of questionnaire analysis, beliefs about mathematical essence is between 'yes and no' and 'generally yes', beliefs about mathematics learning is near 'generally yes', beliefs about mathematics teaching is between 'yes and no' and 'generally yes', and beliefs about mathematics teaching practices inclines to 'generally yes'. The analysis of mathematics teaching practices shows that teacher's beliefs and attitudes about mathematics influence organizing and developing contents of instruction. Teacher L thinks that the important purpose of teaching mathematics is to develop problem solving skill of students and to help students to think mathematically. Teacher L's beliefs about mathematics teaching shows that L gives student-centered lessons and takes a role as a helper. Teacher K thinks that the teacher has to use more ways to teach one concept and to explain in detail. Teacher K's beliefs and attitudes about mathematics teaching show that K uses pictures, concrete materials or examples to explain in detail.

      • 한국어 시간관계 연결어미의 의미적, 문법적 고찰

        김경화 서울여자대학교 인문과학연구소 2011 인문논총 Vol.21 No.-

        Basing on ‘-고 -고서 -아서, -며 -면서 -자 -자마자 -다가 -어다가 -더니 -았더니’, the Korean suffix of the time relation, the paper studies the semantic features and grammatical binding with simultaneity and order. It analyses the semantic feature in line with semantic shades through‘-고’ versus ‘-고서’, ‘-고’ versus ‘-아서’, ‘-며’ versus ‘-면서’, ‘-자’ versus ‘-자마자’, ‘-다가’ versus ‘-았다가’, ‘-다가’ versus ‘- 어 다가’ and‘-더니’ versus‘-았더니’. Meanwhile the analysis on grammatical binding carries out with subject binding, time binding, orthographic binding, and narrative binding. As the result, except for ‘ - 며 ’ versus‘-면서’and‘-자’versus ‘-자마자’ which are respectively on behalf of simultaneity and order, the rests present the great discrepancy in meaning and usage. Grammatically, except for ‘자’, ‘ - 더니 ’ and‘-았더니’, seldom of the rest suffix presents the orthographic binding. The entire suffix presents the obvious time binding on subject and predicate. The paper aims at studying the semantic features and grammatical binding of suffix on time relation, so that to help learners diminish the errors and ambiguity in practical usage. 이상 본고 에서는 시간관계 연결어미들의 의미적 특징과 문법적 제약을 밝혀보았다. 본고 의 내용을 요약 정리 하면 아래와 같다. 첫째, 시간 관계 연결 어미는 크게 동시관계 와 순차관계 로 나뉘는데 ,동시관계 의 연결어미에는'-고,-(으)며,-(으)면서,-아(서)/어(서)'가있고 , 순차 관계 의 연결 어미 에는 '-고, -고서,-아(서)/어(서),-자,-자마자,-다가,-아다가,-더니,-았더니'가있다. 둘째,(동시성)으로서의'-고'는 그 어떠한 상황 에 대한 구체적인 설명이 없이 선행행위 와 후행 행위 가 같은시간대 에 이루어지지만, '-아(서)/어(서)'는 선행행위 가 후행행위 의 상황즉 시간적 상황을 규정해줌과 동시에 그와 때를 같이하여 뒤의 행위가 이루어진다 는 점이다. (동시성)으로서의'-(으)며'와'-(으)면서'는 단순한 선후 행위를 시간적 으로 연결할 때 는 서로 바꾸어써도 의 네가 변 하지않지만, 선행실 과 후행실 의 내응 이 서로 대립상황 일때 는'-(으)며'가 쓰인다.

      • 부모의 양육태도가 고등학생의 자아존중감 및 자아탄력성에 미치는 영향

        김경수,김화경 韓南大學校 敎育硏究所 2011 교육연구 Vol.19 No.2

        본 연구는 고등학생이 지각한 부모 양육태도와 자아존중감 및 자아탄력성과의 관계를 알아보기 위한 연구이다. 이를 위해 충청남도에 소재한 인문계, 전문계 고등학교(4개교)의 1, 2학년 남학생과 여학생을 대상으로 490부의 설문 조사를 실시하였다. 설문 조사의 문항은 응답자 기초조사, 부모의 양육태도, 자아존중감, 자아탄력성 순으로 배치하였고 양육태도 척도, 자아탄력성 척도, 자아존중감 척도를 사용하였다. 수집된 자료 처리 및 분석은 SPSS/PC WIN 15.0 통계 프로그램을 사용하여 고등학생이 지각한 부모의 양육태도, 자아존중감 및 자아탄력성과의관계를 살펴보기 위해 상관분석과 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 자녀들이 지각하는 부모의 양육태도는 자아존중감과 자아탄력성에 영향을 미치는 중요한 요인이 되며, 자아존중감과 자아탄력성의 관계는 자아존중감의 모든 하위 요인에 걸쳐 유익한 정적 상관을 보이는 것으로 나타났다. 이를 통해 청소년들의 건강한 성장발달을 돕는 부모의 바람직한 양육태도에 대한 중요성을 제시하고자 한다. This study aims to know of relation between perceived parental rearing attitude and self-esteem and ego-resilience. For this study, with male students and female students in the first and second grade, who go to general high school and vocational high school in Chungnam province, questionnaire was carried out. Questionnaire to know of parental rearing attitude, self-esteem scale and ego-resilience scale was carried out. And then, in order to analyze data collected, using SPSS/PC WIN 15.0 program, correlation analysis and regression analysis were carried out. The results of the study are as follows; In relation between parental rearing attitude and self-esteem and ego-resilience, when parental rearing attitude was affective, selfish and well-achieved, self-esteem and ego-resilience had both high correlation. And, self-esteem and ego-resilience showed meaningful correlation across all the subordinate variables of self-esteem. This study shows a foundation to perceive an importance of parental roles to help physical development of their children.

      • 대학 엘리트스포츠의 문제점과 과제

        서경화 한국스포츠리서치 2005 한국 스포츠 리서치 Vol.16 No.2

        An unchanging truth in the world is that everything changes. However, regardless of how our realities change, elite sport education in universities must aim at raising intellectually and physically mature persons, focused on education in preparation of the future. Elite sport education in universities must not give up the educational frame that holds the essential meaning of sport and must not raise mechanical humans with unbalanced development of functions under nationalism or victory-first ideology. There is nothing that remains to be true forever. Like the theory of thesis-antithesis-synthesis in which critical reasoning is applied to everything and new truth emerges or existing one is revised or supplemented, elite sport of university should be under critical consideration. The present study purposed to identify problems in elite sport in universities, the highest educational institutions in Korea, and to derive tasks for the desirable development of elite sport in the future. 1. Sport are essentially cooperative activities based on sportsmanship rather than competition. Thus university elite sport must be changed from overemphasized competition to education through planned physical activities based on amateurism. 2. KUSB needs to have a reformative will to develop sportsmen and sportswomen equipped with literary and physical arts based on the idea 'Sport players cannot be outstanding without studying' in the circle of university sport by adopting strict independent evaluation. 3. The idea that long training brings remarkable performance must be thrown away, and scientific athletic treatments should be applied based on the principle of individualization so that the efficiency of short training can be maximized. 4. Deeply rooted traditions in the sport world such as corporal punishment and violence materialize and dehumanize sport players. Recognizing that the field of university elite sport is a ground for human beings to educate human beings, it must be free from corporal punishment and violence. 5. All kinds of means and methods are mobilized to scout top-class players and this causes many problems. Thus it is absolutely required to establish an organization such as NCAA in USA to take disciplinary actions against morally blamable or impure behaviors as students or leaders. 6. It is necessary for each army to launch sports units as in the past to reduce problems in male players from military service. In addition, the Department of National Defense needs to create a department that manages and supervises each army's sport units. Moreover, if the sport science Research Institute is established and works in cooperation with each army's sport units for scientific training methods. it will make significant contribution to the activation of elite sport.

      • 복합구조물의 파괴에 관한 치수효과의 중요성

        정영화,김경진,원치문,심도식 江原大學校 産業技術硏究所 1995 産業技術硏究 Vol.15 No.-

        In this paper, the importance of the size effects on the strength ratio is demonstrated by numerical results. The rate of decrease of tensile strength is for glass fiber, based on the experience of a composite manufacturing specialist. For other material, similar procedure may be used until detailed test result on such material is available. The strength criteria used is that of Tsai-Wu for stress space. The factors influencing the ratio are, reducing the tensile strength alone or both tensile and compression strengths, selection of the normalized interaction term, that is, the generalized Von Mises criterion or the Hill's criterion, and the status of applied stresses. Some of the numerical results are presented for a guideline for the furture study.

      • 제주도 전통놀이의 문화적 이해

        이경화 부산유아교육학회 2003 유아교육논총 Vol.11 No.-

        본 연구는 제주도에서 출생하고 거주해온 60세 이상 노인 129명의 면접과 문헌을 통해 전통놀이를 수집하고, 문화라는 맥락에서 전통놀이가 갖는 의미를 해석하는데 목적을 두었다. 제주 전통사회라는 시간과 공간적 차원에 대한 주체의 대응양식이라는 측면에서 고찰한 결과, 제주의 전통놀이는 개인적 극기와 공동체적 협력을 통한 환경에의 도전적 기제이자, 현실에의 적응을 위한 노동과 놀이의 동일시의 기제, 그리고 무속적 신앙놀이를 통한 현실에의 초월지향적 기제로서 그 문화적 의미를 지니고 있음을 알 수 있었다. The purpose of the study is to interpret the cultural meaning of traditional plays in Jeju. The methods include interviews with 129 old women over 60 and literature review. 81 traditional plays of children were collected. The study analyzes these plays into three kinds of human responses to his/her environments challenge, adaptation, and transcendence. The results indicate that the traditional plays of children in Jeju represent three categories: resistance to the environment through individual fortitude and communal collaborative plays: identification of labor with plays for adaptation to sterile natural environment of Jeju: sharing transcendental ideas through shamanistic plays. The study suggests further comparison of Jeju, the rest of Korea, and similar cultural backgrounded areas with cultural-anthropological perspective.

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