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        불임환자에서 자궁근종절제술 후 임신성공률

        김태실(TS Kim),김난경(NK Kim),조한구(HG Cho),김관식(KS Kim),류철희(CH Rhyu),김종덕(JD Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1996 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.39 No.10

        Uterine myoma is the one of the most common tumor of female genital tract. It causes infertility and many other complications associated with pregnancy. This study was undertaken to evaluate the efficacy of transabdominal myomectomy on 48 patients who suffered from infertility and hibitual abortion at the Department of Obstetricas and Gynecology in Chonbuk National Uniersity Hospital from 1985 to 1994. The results are as follos: 1. Average age of patients was 32.2. The number of nulligravida patients was 17 and infertility duration raged from 12 months to 156 months. 2. Twenty two out of 48 women(45.8%) were conceived. 3. Pregnancy rate after myomectomy showed some difference dependign on surgical indication. In case, the uterine myoma was the only surgical indication, the pregnancy rate was 68.8%, while the rate was 26.7% when other factors of infertility were combined with uterine myoma. 4. The average time period from operation to conception was 13.8 months. Fifteen of the 22(68.2%) conceived in the first year after operation and 19(80.4%) conceived within two years. 5. Pregnancy rate also depended on the age of patients. Forteen out of 21 patients of under 30th conceived, while only 18 out of 72 patients above 30th conceived and there was no pregnancy over 36 years of age. 6. Finally pregnancy rate according to the size and number of myoma was studies. Fifty percent of solitary myoma patients conceived, while only 35.7% of multiple myoma patients conceived. Pregnancy rate of the patient of solitary myoma with diffrent size was similar, indicating moma size was not an influencing factor to the pregnancy rate. In conclusion myomectomy can be strongly recommended with good success expectation for the infertile women if uterine myoma be considered as the main cause of infertility while other causes are not clear, particularly below 35 years of age.

      • KCI등재

        난소암 환자에 대한 복합 화학요법 ( PAC Regimen ) 의 독성에 관한 연구

        김두상(DS Kim),김문신(MS Kim),김용철(YC Kim),박형무(HM Park),유명숙(MS Yoo),신호문(HM Shin),김동명(DM Kim),조수현(SH Cho),조태승(TS Cho),환윤영(YY Hwang),심재철(JC Sim) 대한산부인과학회 1984 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.27 No.2

        한양의대 산부인과학교실에서 1978년 10월부터 1982년 9월까지 PAC regimen(제1일에 adriamycin 50mg/㎡, 제2일에 cis-platinum 50mg/㎡, 제3~7일에 cyclophosphamide 150mg/ ㎡)으 로 화학치료를 받은 상피성난소암환자 16예를 대상으로 그 독성을 조사 분석하여 타 보고 자들의 성적과 비교 관찰한 바 다음과 같은 결론을 얻었다. 1. 혈액학적 독성은 총 16예중 10예(62.5%)에서 발생하였으며 혈소판 감소증은 3예 (18.8%), 백 혈구감소증 6예(37.5%), 빈혈 6예(37.5%)로 나타났으며 수혈은 1예(6.3%)에 실시하였다. 2. 신장에 대한 독성은 총 16예중 7예(43.8%)에서 각각 BUN증가 4예(25%) 혈청 creatinine 증 가 3예(18.8%)로 나타났으나, 전예가 경증이었다. 3. 가장 빈발하고 고통스러운 독성은 오심 구토로 전예에서 발생하였으며 perphenazine과 diazepam으로 어느정도 극복할 수 있었다. 4. 기타 말초신경독성은 5예(31.3%), 청력장애 1예(25%), 주관적인 시력장애 3예(18/8%), 간장 독성 1예(6.3%)였고 탈모증은 전예(100%)에서 발생하였다. The toxicity of PAC regimen was evaluated in 17 patients of ovarian epithelial carcinoma at the Edpartmane of Obstet. Nad Gynecol., Hanyang University Hospiatal from October, 1978 through september 1982. The PAC regimen consists of adriamycin 50mg/㎡ on the first day, cis-platinum 50mg/㎡ on the second day, and cyclophos-phanide 150mg/㎡ on the third to seventh day. It was repeated every 4 weeks. The results were as follow: 1. The hematologic toxicity occurred in 62.5%(10/16) of the patients, including thrombocytenia 18.8%(3/16), leukipenia 37.5%(6/16), and anemia 37.5%(6/16). For only one case, transfusion was require. 2. Nephrotoxicity occurred in 43.8%(7/160), including an elevation of BUN 25.0%(4/16) and an elevation of serum creatinine 18.8%(3/16). But all were in mild degree. 3. For the symptoms of gastrointestinal tract were nausea and vomiting which occurred in all cases and most distressing problems. All patients, however, were well tolerated with perphenazine and diazepam. 4. Peripheral neurotoxicity occurred in 31.3%(5/16), ototoxicity in 25.0%(1/4), blurred vision in 18.8%(3/16), hepatotoxicity in 6.3%(1/16) and alopecia in 100%.

      • Assessment of genetic diversity among Korean sorghum (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) resources using SSR markers

        JY Park,AR Kim,SY Yoo,JI Kim,TW Jung,SH Woo,HY Heo,TW Kim,TS Ko 한국육종학회 2013 한국육종학회 심포지엄 Vol.2013 No.07

        Grain sorghum is the fifth most important crop grown in the world for either a major food crop or animal feed. It is important to identify the genetic diversity of sorghum genetic resources for cultivar development and evaluation of sorghum accessions in Korea. Two hundred thirty six SSR primer sets, which are evely distributed across the sorghum genome, were used to assess the genetic variation of 23 sorghum accessions with a US cultivar, BTx623. Results showed that SSR markers were highly polymorphic among the sorghum collections and the average alleles per locus were 3.15 with the average of 0.436 PIC (polymorphism information content) values. The sorghum accessions in this study were unequally separated and were clustered into 4 groups. The results showed that there was a sufficient SSR polymorphism with SSR primers used among Korean sorghum accessions, and the development of genetic map and marker-assisted selection for cultivated sorghum would be feasible with further studies.

      • Study on the polymorphism between brown midrib mutants and Hwangkeumchal using SSR markers toward sorghum QTL mapping on excessive water stress

        JY Park,AR Kim,SY Yoo,JI Kim,TW Jung,SH Woo,HY Heo,TW Kim,TS Ko 한국육종학회 2013 한국육종학회 심포지엄 Vol.2013 No.07

        Excessive water stress can cause severe damage to sorghum and results in significant yield reduction. The aim of this study is to identify quantitative trait loci (QTL) for excessive water stress in sorghum. As a first step, two out of 21 bmr mutants were selected for their superior agronomic performance and Chlorophyll a fluorescence OJIP transient, and were crossed with an elite Korean cultivar, Hwangkeumchal, to construct mapping populations. One hundred ten out of 236 SSR primers showed polymorphism between two parens, which cover ten chromosomes of sorghum from different published SSR linkage maps of sorghum. Development of recombinant inbred lines from the crosses ‘25M2-0698 x Hwangkeumchal’ and ‘25M2-0404 x Hwangkeumchal’ are in progress using the single seed descendent method for generation acceleration.


        Exogenous DNA Uptake of Boar Spermatozoa by a Magnetic Nanoparticle Vector System

        Kim, TS,Lee, SH,Gang, GT,Lee, YS,Kim, SU,Koo, DB,Shin, MY,Park, CK,Lee, DS Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2010 REPRODUCTION IN DOMESTIC ANIMALS Vol.45 No.5

        <P>Contents</P><P>The sperm-mediated gene transfer method is applicable to transgenesis in many species that use spermatozoa for reproduction recently, which has been shown various results. In the current study, we show that transgenic porcine embryos can be efficiently produced by employing a simple transfection method that uses magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs). The complexes formed between plasmid DNA and MNPs were bounded on ejaculated boar spermatozoa at a higher efficiency compared to methods using DNA alone or lipofection. Using confocal microscopy, rhodamine fluorophore-labelled MNPs were detected on external surfaces of the spermatozoa membrane, which were bounded on zona pellucida of <I>in vitro</I> maturated oocyte during <I>in vitro</I> fertilization. Electron microscopy revealed that clusters of MNPs were detected in inside of plasma membrane and nucleus of the spermatozoa head. Additionally, we found that magnetofected boar spermatozoa could be fertilized with oocytes <I>in vitro</I> and that the resulting gene of green fluorescent protein was detected in fertilized eggs by genomic PCR analysis. Taken together, these results suggest that MNPs can be used to efficiently introduce a transgene into embryo via spermatozoa.</P>

      • KCI등재

        자궁내막 증식증의 관리

        김태선(TS Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1981 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.24 No.8

        자궁내막은 매달 난소의 주기적 홀몬분비에 의하여 증식,분비,탈락, 등 일련의 변화를 반복하고 있으며, 자궁내막 과다증식은 난포홀몬(estrogen)의 과다분비, 내분비 기능의 이상 등으로 인한 난포홀몬의 자궁 내막에 대한 지속적 자극이나 난포홀몬의 외부 투여등으로 부터 유발 될 수가 있다(Schroder,1975Meyer, 1941 Gusberg, 1947). 그 밖에 최근에는 피임,월경조절,유즙분비 억제, 미용상 등의 이유로 난포홀몬을 복용하는 사례가 많아져 이것도 문제가 되고 있다. 자궁내막 과다증식중 선종성 자궁내막 과다증식증(adenomatous endometrial hyperplasia)과 이형성 자궁내막 과다증식증(atypical adenomatous hyperplasia)은 자궁내막 선암의 전구 병소로 보고되고 있고, 특히 갱년기 이후에 이러한 병변의 발견은 외과적인 자궁의 제거를 원칙으로 하고있다. 자궁내막 과다식증의 이러한 인식은 현대의학의 발전에 따라 자궁경부의 암전구병소의 조기발견에 의한 자궁경부암의 감소 추세에 영향도 받고 있으나 실제로 미국에서는 침윤성 자궁암의 경우 자궁내막암(invasive endomertrial carcinoma)이 자궁경부암(invasive cervical carcinoma)보다 높은 빈도로 나타나고 있다. 임상증상으로 흔히 이상자궁출혈을 나타내는 원인중 자궁근종 다음으로 빈발하는 자궁내막 증식증에 대하여 그 병원론,홀몬에 대한 영향, 특히 난포홀몬 및 황체홀몬에 대한receptor,그리고 치료원칙에 대하여 현재에도 많은 연구자들에 의하여 연구가 진행되고 있다. 저자는 자궁내막 과다증식증의 정의, 난포홀몬과의 관계, 자궁내막 선암 및 난포홀몬 및 황체홀몬의 receptor 및 그 치료에 대하여 참고문헌을 기초로한 간단한 정리를 하여 보았다.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        산전 초음파로 진단된 태변성 복막염 1 예

        하태성(TS Ha),김기환(KH Kim),서재성(JS Seo),조명섭(MS Jo),고옥(O Ko),주경란(KR Joo),김주욱(JW Kim) 대한산부인과학회 1997 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.40 No.7

        Meconium peritonitis is a non-bacterial foreign body and chemical peritonitis caused by meconium contamination resulting from bowel perforation during late intrauterine or early neonatal periods. Prenatal ultrasonographic diagnosis of the meconium peritonitis provides the preparation for proper management and decreasing motality and morbidity of the neonate. We have experienced a case of meconium peritonitis diagnosed by ultrasonography at 34+4 gestational weeks and presented this case with a brief review of the literatures.

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