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      • 시간가변계수를 이용한 Feldstein-Horioka 저축보유계수 추정

        오근엽,김봉한,김홍기 충남대학교 경상대학부설 경영경제연구소 1997 경영논집 Vol.13 No.1

        본고에서는 시간가변계수모형을 이용하여, Taylor의 자료를 가지고 FH의 저축보유계수를 추정하였다. 이에 이용된 계량기법은 Kalman Filter와 TVC 공적분 방법이다. 그 결과 우리는 양자의 결과가 크게 다르지 않음을 보았다. 또한 우리의 결과는 기존의 논문중의 대표적인 것중의 하나라고 보여지는 Taylor의 결과에도 크게 다르지 않았다. 다만 본 논문에서는 FH저축보유계수의 시간별 변화를 Taylor에 비해서 훨씬 자세하게 볼 수 있게 되었다는 점에서 그 의의가 있다.

      • 뇌성마비 아동의 임상특성과 관리

        오상근,이동배,김봉옥,임종훈 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 1995 충남의대잡지 Vol.22 No.2

        To understand clinical characteristics of children with cerebral palsy, ninety three children who were diagnosed to have cerebral palsy in the Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Chungnam National University Hospital were studied retrospectively. Their medical records were reviewed to see the types of cerebral palsy, distribution of paralysis, possible cause of cerebral palsy, history of seizure, result of brain imaging studies, such as Computerized Tomography (CT), Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), Electroencephalography (EEG), and Auditory Evoked Potential (AEP) study. The results were as follows : 1) They were sixty-four boys (68.8%) and twenty-nine girls (31.2%) with ages ranging from six months to sixteen years, three months (mean : 3 years 11 months) at initial visit and mean duration of follow up was two years, eight months. 2) The most common type of cerebral palsy was spastic (82.7%) followed by mixed, athetoid, ataxic and rigidity types listed in the order of frequency. 3) Topographic distribution of spastic paralysis was led by diplegia (55.8%) followed by tetraplegia (27.3%), hemiplegia (14,3%), and monoplegia (2.6%).. 4) Prematurity and low birth weight were the leading possible causes for cerebral palsy. 5) Incidence of seizure was 23.6% among these children. 6) History of seizure was not directly correlated with abnormal findings of brain imaging, EEG, or AEP, and clinical correlation is recommended. 7) Forty-nine children (52.7 %) were under regular treatment or special education programs provided locally. Problems such as lack of treatment facilities, financial burden, insufficient treatment time, and unsatisfactory treatment, etc. were noted. With the results above, a locally available, more comprehensive management program is highly recommended to provide the children with cerebral palsy the early diagnosis, appropriate, timely intervention, regular treatment, and special education that are needed. Furthermore, ways to prevent prematurity and low birth weight infant should be sought as they are major risk factors for cerebral palsy.

      • 비보강 조적벽체 전단내력산정에 관한 연구

        이봉근,이정한,이원호,오상훈,나정민 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회 학술발표대회 논문집 - 계획계/구조계 Vol.23 No.1(구조계)

        In Korea, more than four hundred earthquakes with medium intensity centered on off-coastal and inland of Korea during the past 20 years and due to the great earthquakes which occurred recently in neighboring countries the importance of the future earthquake preparedness measures in Korea is highly recognized. More than 80 percents of residential buildings are constructed with unreinforced masonry structure, in Seoul. In general, unreinforced masonry structure don't have enough strength against the lateral force. And low rise buildings such as unreinforced masonry structure didn't adopted seismic design. So, a huge damage is expected when an earthquake occurs. It is that the major variables of shear strength are the aspect ratio, the vertical strength and the method of masonry. The objectives of this study are, 1) to find out the shear behavior of masonry wall and the variables affect the shear capacity of masonry wall such as aspect ratio of the unreinforced masonry wall, and the vertical strength, 2) to propose the equation of the shear capacity of masonry wall by regression analysis using the test data.

      • KCI등재후보

        화학공장의 악취배출량으로부터 간이 악취 영향도 예측 사례

        유미선,양성봉,이오근 한국환경과학회 2002 한국환경과학회지 Vol.11 No.4

        Odor sources of a chemical plant in Ulsan were surveyed and temperatures, humidities and flow rates of each exhaust gas were measured. The air samples collected from each source were transferred to the laboratory for sensory test and their odor concentrations were investigated. The odor emission rate of each source was estimated from the recorded results and assigned the sources expected to be needed for the odor prevention policy using the simple prediction equation of the affection by malodor to the nearest residential area. From the total odor emission rate of the examined plant and the relation table for expectable affection area, it was concluded that total odor emission of this plant might be decreased for the prevention of residential complaint.

      • KCI등재

        八味地黃丸과 六味地黃丸의 效能에 關한 文獻的 考察

        李彦政,宋峰根,金永學,오로사 대한동의병리학회 1996 동의생리병리학회지 Vol.10 No.2

        八味地黃丸과 六味地黃丸은 漢代 張仲景의 〈金궤要略〉과 宋代 錢乙의 〈小兒樂證直訣〉에 각각 처음 收錄된 이래 歷代 醫學에 八味地黃丸은 腎陰虛에 사용되어 왔으며 六味地黃丸은 腎陽虛에 사용되는 處方으로 기록되어 왔다. 이에 저자는 腎陽虛 및 腎陰虛에 광범위하게 應用되는 八味地黃丸과 六味地黃丸의 效能, 主治, 現代 臨床活用, 藥理作用에 대해 考察하였다. 그 결과 八味地黃丸 效能은 溫和腎氣, 溫補腎陽하며, 六味地黃丸 效能은 滋腎陰 補肝血 制火로 要約할 수 있었으며, 八味地黃丸은 腎氣不足, 腎陽不足으로 인한 面色蒼白, 頭昏, 耳鳴, 腰酸脚軟, 身半以下常有冷感, 小便不利 或 頻數 脈沈遲 或虛弱, 消渴, 水腫, 久泄, 轉胞, 男子陽위 또는 女子子宮虛寒으로 인한 不姙, 舌淡笞白 等의 諸般 證狀을 治療하는데 사용되어 왔으며, 八味地黃丸은 腎陰不足이나 肝腎不足으로 인한 陰虛發熱을 포함한 骨蒸潮熱 或 手心煩熱, 頭目眩??, 耳??, 咽喉燥痛, 齒牙不固, 腰腿수軟, 遺精, 消渴, 舌紅少苔 或 無苔 脈細, 少便淋閉, 五臟虧損, 自汗溫汗, 諸血 等의 諸般 證狀을 治療하는데 활용되었음을 알 수 있었다. 최근에는 泌尿器系疾患, 高血壓, 糖尿病, 精神疾患, 老人性 眼疾患, 慢性 呼吸器疾患 等에 八味地黃丸과 六味地黃丸이 공통적으로 活用되고 있으며, 性機能 및 生殖器疾患 등에는 八味地黃丸이 活用되며, 甲狀腺機能亢進症, 消花器系, 癌類, 小兒 營養不良 等에는 六味地黃丸이 活用되고 있는 것으로 나타났다. 아울러 八味地黃丸과 六味地黃丸의 藥理作用은 모두 血壓降下, 糖代謝 改善, 肝機能 改善, 腎機能 改善, 혈중 脂質代謝 改善, 免役機能 增强作用이 있으며, 八味地黃丸은 그 외에 Glutathion代謝 影響, 호르몬 影響, 耐寒性 增加, 腦下垂體-副腎皮質機能 改善 等이 있으며, 六味地黃丸은 그 외에 癌誘發 抑制作俑, Interferon 誘導作用 等이 있음을 알 수 있었다. Palmijihwanghan(PJH) and Yukmijihwanghan(YJH) has been widely used as the basic priscriptions for the deficiency of Yin and Yang of kidney. So the study has been carried out to investigate the effects, symptoms, indications and pharmacology of the PJH and YJH. The result of this study were as follows: 1. The effect of PJH is warming and regulation the kidney-Qi and warming and strengthen the kidney-Yang. While the effect of YJH is nourishing the kidney-Yin, nourishing the liver-blood and managing the fire. 2. PJH is used for the treatment of such symptoms caused by dificiency of the kidney-Qi or the kidney-Yang as facial pallidness. dizziness and tinnitus, back pain and leg weakness, cold sensation in lower body, dysuria or urinary frequency, deep and slow or feeble pulse, thirst, edema, persistent diarrhea, painful urination, impotence, dizziness and tinnitus, dry and painful throat, weakness of the teeth, back pain and leg weakness, emmision, thirst, flushed tongue without fur, feeble pulse, dysuria, weakness of the five viscera, spontaneous sweating, perspiration during sleep, and bleeding, which are caused by deficiency of the kidney-Yin or the function of kidney and liver. 3. Both PJH and YJH have been commonly used for treatment of disease of urinary tract disease, hypertension, diabetic mellitus, psychopathy, chronic pulmonary disease. While PJH is applied for the sexual and genital disorders, YJH is for hyperthyrodism, mass in the digestive system and children's malnutrition. 4. The pharmacology of PJH and YJH is commonly the lowering the blood pressure, promoting the glycometabolism, renal function and lipid metabolism, and increasing the immune function. Besides PJH affects on the glutathion metabolism, and hormonal function, increases the cold tolerance ability and improves the function of the pituitary-adrenal cortex, while YJH has the effects of inhibiting the carciogenic action and inducing the interferon secreation.

      • 20km와 150km의 도로싸이클 주행이 혈중 렙틴, 지질과 호르몬 수준에 미치는 영향

        최용어,권봉안,오재근,김범수,조준용,김문희 한국체육대학교 체육과학연구소 2000 韓國體育大學校附屬 體育科學硏究所論文集 Vol.19 No.1

        Serum leptin, glucose, lipid profiles (free fatty acid, triglyceride, total cholesterol) were determined in two groups of subjects undergoing long and short strenous cycle race, 8 men who fasted overnight and then pedaled 20km cycle race and 8 men, 150km cycle race, respectively, Blood samples were collected before race, immediately after cessation of race and 2hr, 6hr after the end of race period. Cyclist pedaling 20km cycle race and cyclist pedaling 150km cycle race showed no statistical differences in leptin level. After 6hr of rest, leptin concentrations were gradually decreased but showed no statistical different in both groups. Epinephrine (p〈.01) and norepinephrine (p〈.001) concentration in comparison to pre-race levels were increased significantly. But insulin concentration in comparison to pre-race levels were decreased significantly (p〈.001). Glucose (p〈.01), free fatty acid (p〈.001), cholesterol (p〈.001) and triglyceride (p〈.01) were increased immediately after cessation of race in both groups.

      • KCI등재

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