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      • 醱酵왕겨飼料가 병아리의 發育에 미치는 影響

        朱鉉圭 建國大學校附設 農業資源開發硏究所 1977 論文集 Vol.3 No.-

        韓國特許 第275號에 依하여 製造한 발효왕겨사료에 關한 飼養價식實驗은 다음과 같다. 各試驗群은 育雛用飼料에 발효왕겨사료를 配合한 群(5%, 10%, 30%, 50%)과 밀기울대신 代替한 群(3%, 5%, 10%, 20%)으로 나누어 初生雛(한협603) 480首에 8週間 飼育하고 增體量, 飼料攝取量, 飼料要求率, 生存率, 經濟性 等을 調査한 結果는 다음과 같다. ① 왕겨발효사료의 配合 및 代替量이 減少되고 飼料攝取量은 增加하였다. ② 밀기울의 3%, 5%, 10% 代替區는 對照區보다 增體量이 많았다. ③ 飼料攝取量은 시험사료配合群보다 밀기울 代替群이 많았다. ④ 飼料要求率은 3%(T₁), 5%(T₂)區가 對照區보다 良好하였고 그 外의 處理區는 왕겨발효사료의 增加順으로 많았다. ⑤ 生存率은 99.74%로 시험사료에서도 無關하였다. ⑥ 經濟性으로보아 3∼5%의 밀기울 代替群은 對照區보다 組所得 19.2∼19.8%가 增加하였다. For the feeding experiments of fermented rice-hull feeds prepared by Korean patent No.275,the feeding group were divided into two group of the standard and treating group. The feeds of standard group were prepared by mixing the fermented rice-hull of 5%(s₁),10%(s₂), 20%(s₃),30%(s₄), and 50%(??)to the chicken fodders made by Kon-kuk feeds Co., The feeds of the treating group were prepared by mixing the rice-hull of 3%(T₁),5%(T₂), 10%(T₃) and 20%(T₄) insted of wheat bran to the same fodders. The both feeds were supplied to 480 heads for 8 weaks and the following resulte were obtained. 1. When the mixed ratio of fermented rice-hull and the wheat bran were increased, the ate fodder amount were increased but the body-weight were decreased. 2. When they were bed by the treating group of 3%(T₁),5%(T₂) and 10%(T₃)the body-weight and growth-rate were more increased than control group. 3. The amount of feed intake in treated group were larger than the control group. 4. The feeding efficiency of the treated groups(T₁and T₂)were much better than the control group and the efficiency of the other group were increased in the order of mixed ratio of mixed ratio of fermented rice-hull. 5. The Viability were 99.74%. 6. Economically, 3%(T₁) and 5%(T₂)group showed low cost about 36.76-37.80 won than the control group.

      • 人蔘엑기스가 흰쥐의 發育에 미치는 影響

        朱鉉圭 建國大學校附設 農業資源開發硏究所 1976 論文集 Vol.2 No.-

        흰쥐 60마리를 표준군(C), 인삼첨가군(G), 인삼과 비타민첨가군(GV), 비타민 첨가군(V)으로 나누어 60일간 사육하면서 흰쥐의 成長率, 臟器重量 및 血液成分의 變化를 調査한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 體重增加率은 표준군에 比하여 人蔘첨가군이 약간 높은 增加率을 보였고 비타민과 인삼의 복합투여군은 유의성있는 차이는 아니었다. 2. 各處理群의 臟器重量을 比較하면 심장과 간, 폐에서는 표준군보다 人蔘添加群이 낮은 重量을 보였다. 3. 血液中의 血糖量은 표준군보다 人蔘群 및 人蔘과 비타민첨가군이 낮은 含量을 나타내었다. This study was performed to investigate the effects of Ginseng extract on the growth of rats. Ginseng, Vitamin and both were given to 60 rats for 2 months. The results were obtained as follows; 1. The body weight showed some what high rate in Ginseng group as compared with the body weight in control group. 2. The weight of the intestines, including the heart, liver and lung, in Ginseng group was less than in control group 3.Ginseng and Ginseng plus vitamin group had less blood sugar content than control group.

      • 複合微生物을 利用한 된장開發에 關한 硏究

        朱鉉圭 建國大學校附設 農業資源開發硏究所 1978 論文集 Vol.4 No.-

        韓國 고유의 된장을 開發하기 위하여 黃麴菌, 黑麴菌 및 Rhizopus delemar 와 Bacillus natto로 Koji를 각각 만들고, 코오지의 配合比를 달리하여 된장을 담그어 熟成過程中에 化學成分의 調査와 관능검사를 실시한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1. 複合微生物을 이용한 된장의 아미노태질소는 一般된장의 규격보다 현저히 많았고, 黃麴+黑麴, 黃麴+黑麴+Rh.D 코오지(B) B+Natto를 混合한 것은 對照區와 同一하게 서서히 增加되었으나 黃麴+Rh.D 코오지 또는 黃麴+Rh.D 麴+natto를 混合한 된장은 對照區보다 急增되다가 23日후부터 減量되었다. 2. 各處理區의 환원당량은 숙성 23日에 對照區보다 많았고 그중 Natto를 첨가한 된장과 黑麴+Rh.D. 코오지만으로 담근 된장에서 제일 많았다. 3. 處理區中의 總酸의 含量은 對照區보다 현저하게 많았고 그중 黑麴이 混合된 된장에서 더 많았다. 4. 관능검사에서 各處理區는 對照區와 같거나 그보다 良好하였다. 그중 黃麴에 黑麴을 配合한 것보다 Rhizopus delemar麴을 混合한 된장, 또는 여기에 Natto와 黑麴을 混用한 된장이 더 良好하였다. In order to develop Korean traditional "Denjang" by using microorganism, several kinds of Denjang were made by mixing different rate of various Kojis such as Asp. oryzae, Aspniger, Rhizopus delemer(Rh.D)and Bacillus natto, and the quality of Denjangs was examined by panel discussion or chemical component analysis. The results obtained were as follows. 1. The "Denjang" produced by using the composite microorganism turn out higher NH₂-N content than standard commercial Denjang. The products of Denjang by using Asp. Oryzae Koji+Asp. niger Koji(A), Asp. oryzae Koji+1/2 Asp. niger Koji+1/2Rhi, D. Koji (B) and (B)+Natto showed gradual increase of NH₂-N content, however that added Asp. oryzae Koji+Rh. D. koji or Asp. oryzae Koji+Natto showed rapid increase of NH₂-N content in early stage and NH₂-N content gradually decreased after 23 days. 2. The above mentioned products showed higher content of reducing sugar than that control which was produced with Asp. oryzae only at after 23days fermentation among the treatments, Asp. oryzae Koji+Natto and Asp. niger Koji+Rhi, D. Koji showed the highest acid contents of reducing sugar. 3. Total acid content in Denjangs produced by using composite microorganism was extremely higher than that of the control and the Denjang added Asp. niger Koji showed the highest acid content among the all treatments. 4. In panel discussion, the Denjangs made by mixing Asp. oryzae Koji+Rhi, D. Koji (C) or (C)+Natto were judged of better quality than that the one added Asp. oryzae Koji+Asp. niger Koji only.

      • 複合微生物을 利用한 간장開發에 관한 硏究

        朱鉉圭,李敎喆 建國大學校附設 農業資源開發硏究所 1980 論文集 Vol.5 No.-

        韓國 고유의 간장을 開發코자 Aspergillus oryzae, Aspergillus niger 및 Rhizopus delemar와 Bacillus natto 菌으로 製麴하고 kogi의 配合比를 달리하여 간장을 담구고 熟成(7週) 過程 중에 化學成分의 調査와 관능검사를 실시한 結果는 다음과 같다. 1) 간장시료 중의 아미노태 질소함량은 혼합미생물시험구(0.57∼0.79%)가 Asp.oryzae만의 대조구(0.48%)보다 많았고 그중 Asp. oryzae+Rhiz. delemar 시험구(0.79%)가 가장 많았으며 Asp. niger의 혼합은 Rhiz. delemar보다 아미노태 질소의 유리량이 적었다. 2) 혼합미생물처리구(4.37∼7.96%)의 환원당량은 대조구(3.53%)보다 많았으며 그중 Asp. niger+Rhiz. delemar시험구가 제일 많았다. Asp. oryzae에 Rhiz. delemar의 복합은 Asp.niger보다 환원당량이 많았다. 3) 혼합미생물처리구의 총산량(0.38∼0.82%)은 대조구(0.33%)보다 많았고 그중 Asp. oryzae+Rhiz. delemar구(0.81%)와 Asp. oryzae+Rhiz. delemar+Bacillus nato구(0.82%)가 제일 많았으며 Asp. oryzae+Rhiz. delemar구는 Asp. oryzae+Asp. niger구보다 더 生酸量이 많았다. 4) 관능검사의 총점수에서 대조구(25점)보다 많은 시험구는 3구인데 그중 Asp. oryzae+Rhiz. delemar+Bacillus nato구(30점)가 가장 良好하고 다음 Asp. oryzae+Asp. niger, Asp. oryzae+Asp. niger+Rhiz. delemar구(29점)이다. In order to develop better soy-sauce, the research made different kinds of Koji, using microorganism such as Aspergillus oryzae, Aspergillus niger, Rhizopus delemar. and Bacillus natto each. Several kinds of soy-sauce, in which Kojis were mixed by different rate, were compared each other for their changes of chemical components during fermentation period (Seven weeks) and their quality examined by panel test. The results were summarized as follows; 1. The soy-sauce using the mixed koji, Asp. oryzae+Rhiz, delemar., showed the the highest NH₂-N content by 0.79% and the soy-sauce using the Koji made by composite microorganism showed higher NH₂-N content (0.57∼0.79%) than that of standard soy-sauce using Asp. oryzae Koji (0.48%). The content of NH₂-N in soy-sauce of Asp. oryzae+Asp. niger Koji was less than in soy-sauce of Asp. oryzae+Rhiz. delemar Koji. 2. The content of reducing sugar in soy-sauce was highest when the mixed Koji, Asp. niger+Rhiz, delemar was used, the nest was the composite microorganism Koji by 4.37∼7.96%, and the lowest was the standard commercial Koji by 3.53%. The mixed Koji using Asp. oryzae and Rhiz. delemar showed higher reducing sugar content than that of Asp. oryzae+Asp. niger Koji. 3. Total acid content in soy-sauce was highest when the mixed Kojis, Asp. oryzae+Rhiz. delemar and Asp. oryzae+Rhiz. delemar+Baillus natto., both by 0.81% and 0.82%, respectively. Total acid content in soy-sauce using composite microorganism Koji showed higher(0.38∼0.82%)than that of standard Koji(0.33%), and Asp. oryzae+Rhiz. delemar showed higher value than Asp. oryzae.+Asp.niger in total acidcontent. 4. Panel test score was highest for the soy-sauce used the mixed Koji, Asp. oryzae+Rhiz. delemar+Bacillus natto and the two kinds of soy-sauce used the mixed Koji, Asp. oryzae+Asp. niger and Asp. oryzae+Asp. niger+Rhiz, delemar., were judged as better than standard soy-sauce.

      • KCI등재

        상악 절치부-토크에 의한 치아 이동과 응력 분포에 관한 유한요소법적 연구

        윤현주,임용규,이동렬,조영수 대한치과교정학회 2005 대한치과교정학회지 Vol.35 No.2

        본 연구는 상악 절치부에 active 토크가 가해졌을 경우, 교정력을 직접 받은 치아와 인접 치아의 반응을 알아보고자 상악 치아 및 치조골의 유한요소 모델을 제작하고, stainless steel, NiTi, TMA 세 종류의 각형 호선을 육면체 요소로 모델링하여 유한요소 모델을 완성하였다. 호선이 브라켓에 삽입되었을 때 브라켓에 발생하는 반력과 모멘트를 구하였고, 이것을 유한 요소 모델에 적용하여 각 치아의 변위와 응력 분포를 측정하였다. 브라켓에 발생하는 반력은 근원심 방향과 협설 방향으로의 힘은 0에 가까우며, 중절치, 측절치, 견치의 브라켓 근심측에서는 정출력이 원심측에서는 압하력이 발생하였다. 힘과 모멘트의 크기는 측절치에서 최대였고, 중절치, 견치 순으로 감소하였고, 소구치 부위와 대구치 부위에서는 급격히 감소하였다. 중절치와 측절치는 치관 협측, 원심 경사 이동과 압하를 보였으며, 견치는 치관 설측 원심 경사와 정출을 보였고, 제1소구치는 치관 설측 경사이동을 보였다. .019×.025 SS을 사용하여 상악 절치부에 토크를 부여하는 경우에는 측절치에 과도한 힘이 집중되므로, 임상에서 토크를 조절할 경우에는 NiTi나 TMA 호선을 사용하는 것이 바람직하리라고 생각된다. The purpose of this study was to investifate the stress distribtion in the periodontal tissue and the displacement of teeth when active torque was applied to the maxillary incisors by three-dimen-sional finite element analysis. A three- dimensional finite element model consisted of the maxillary teeth and surrounding periodontal membrane, .022×.028 Roth prescription bracket and stainless steel. NiTi and TMA rectangular ideal arch wires which were modeled by hexahedron elements. Applied active torques were 2, 5 and 10 degrees. The findings of this study showed that the reaction force acting on the bracket was the extrusion force on the mesial side of the incisors and canine and the intrusion force on the distal side of the incisors and canine.The amount of force and moment was greatest at the lateral incisor. When active anterior labial crown torque was applied, labial crown and distal tipping and intrusion of the incisors took place, and lingual crown distal tipping and extrusion of the canin occured. An excessive force was concentrated on the lateral incisor, when the stainless steel wire was used. NiTi or TMA wire os desirable for torque control.

      • Monascus Purpureus의 色素增産과 用途에 관한 硏究(Ⅰ)

        盧愼圭,朱鉉圭 건국대학교 1969 學術誌 Vol.10 No.1

        Recently unlawful colors are misused as the food activities, and this puts forth, to our great regret, a massive social problem on the national health and hygiene. This study was carried out to investigate the color increment and its associated items of Monascus purpureus, which produces red color as the edible sourse except aniline colors, and the followings are found out. 1. The color produced by Monascus purpureus is red in acid solution but red color disappears and turns yellow in alkaline solution. At pH 4.4∼7.0, the red color appears clear and at pH 6.6, it is clearest.《Table 2》《Fig.1》 As most foods are in general shightly acid, this color is suitable for food color. 2. When the water content of the culture medium is 73∼85%, the color was formed most profoundly. Exessive large amount of water content disturbed extremely the color formation than exessive small amount of water content.《Fig.2,3》《Table 3,4》《Photo. 1,2》 3. As to for period of color formation of Monascus purpureus, the color increases Ncutely in 6~8 days, increses slowly in 11∼12 days, and decreases slowly thereafter, 《Fig.4》《Table 5》 4. As the material of culture medium of Monascus purpureus, polished barley produced more color than rice and wheat.《Photo. 3,4》 5. The favorable pH for color formation on the solid medium was slightly acid and generally the color formation was evident at pH 5.4∼6.6.《Table 1》《Fig. 5》《Photo. 4,5》 6. The optimum period for color formation with liquid culture (8-9days) was shortened by 3∼4days than with olio culture, and the amounts of mycelium were most increased in 7∼8days.《Table 7》《Fig.6》

      • 결절성 황색종과 동반된 제 Ⅲ 형 과지질단백혈증 1예

        김지현,김연진,김현주,조소연,황규광,함정희 梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 2000 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.23 No.1

        We report a case of type Ⅲ hyperlipoproteinemia associated with tuberous xanthoma, which is improved by treatment with lovastatin and bezafibrate. A 34-year-old female patient visited our clinic for evaluation of multiple yellowish-brown papulonodules on the kness, elbows and palms. Serum lipid examination showed an abnormal elevation of serum cholesterol and triglyceride. Lipoprotein electrophoresis showed a single peak at pre-β and β portion without separation. The biopsh specimen from a nodule on the knee and a papule on the palm revealed characteristic findings of xanthoma. We diagnosed the case as type Ⅲ hyperlipoprotei-nemia. After 3 months of treatment with diet restriction, lovastatin and bezafibrate, the serum levels of cholesterol and triglyceride were reduced to normal level. The skin lesion of the palm showed complete regression and ones on both knees and elbows were moderate improvement.

      • 지능형 원격 네트워크 온실

        문병현,송주열,이현성,손경규,엄태환,김정우,김아름 대구대학교 정보통신연구소 2004 情報通信硏究 Vol.3 No.2

        The system designed in this paper, can mark the interior state of greenhouse using sensors of temperature, humidity and illumination on greenhouse interior by greenhouse system for farm village area's agriculture automation. And, the real time monitor is possible real time monitoring by camera. Also, system that can supply water using spring cooler system and humidifier. The proposed system can sustain a designed environment of the greenhouse through rentilation fan, fluorescent light and roof door control. TCP/IP is used for the remote control of state the sensors in the client program. 본 논문에서 설계된 시스템은 농촌 지역의 농업 자동화를 위한 온실 시스템으로 온실 내부에 온도, 습도, 조도 센서를 이용한 온실 내부의 상태를 표시할 수 있으며 카메라를 이용하여 실시간 관측이 가능하다. 또한 본 시스템은 지붕 개폐, 스프링 쿨러와 가습기를 이용한 수분 공급, 환풍기, 형광등 등을 통하여 온실 내부의 환경을 유지시킬 수 있다. 모든 센서를 이용한 상태와 온실 제어를 TCP/IP를 이용한 클라이언트 프로그램에서 원격으로 관리할 수 있다.

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