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      • KCI등재

        Health Behaviors Before and After the Implementation of a Health Community Organization: Gangwon’s Health-Plus Community Program

        Hyeong,Kim Nam-Jun,Kim Soo-Hyeong,박웅섭 대한예방의학회 2023 예방의학회지 Vol.56 No.6

        Objectives: Community organization is a resident-led movement aimed at creating fundamental social changes in the community by resolving its problems through the organized power of its residents. This study evaluated the effectiveness of health community organization (HCO), Gangwon’s Health-Plus community program, implemented from 2013 to 2019 on residents’ health behaviors.Methods: This study had a before-and-after design using 2011-2019 Korea Community Health Survey data. To compare the 3-year periods before and after HCO implementation, the study targeted areas where the HCO had been implemented for 4 years or longer. Therefore, a total of 4512 individuals from 11 areas with HCO start years from 2013 to 2016 were included. Complex sample multi-logistic regression analysis adjusting for demographic characteristics (sex, age, residential area, income level, education level, and HCO start year) was conducted.Results: HCO implementation was associated with decreased current smoking (adjusted odds ratio [aOR], 0.73; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.57 to 0.95) and subjective stress recognition (aOR, 0.79; 95% CI, 0.64 to 0.97). Additionally, the HCO was associated with increased walking exercise practice (aOR, 1.39; 95% CI, 1.13 to 1.71), and attempts to control weight (aOR, 1.36; 95% CI, 1.12 to 1.64). No significant negative changes were observed in other health behavior variables.Conclusions: The HCO seems to have contributed to improving community health indicators. In the future, a follow-up study that analyzes only the effectiveness of the HCO through structured quasi-experimental studies will be needed.

      • A Review of Design Considerations and Representation of Sustainable Tall Building

        Kim, Hyeong-Il,Shin, Sung-Woo Sustainable Building Research Center 2011 International journal of sustainable building tech Vol.2 No.4

        The purpose of this paper is to introduce design considerations for the super tall building especially those related with sustainable design methodology and the topic presented in the SB11 Helsinki World Sustainable Building Conference by Hyeong-il Kim. The design of tall buildings should take into consideration of environmental impact and economic benefits from sustainable approaches to ensure low energy consumption and $CO_2$ emissions. In the paper, author tried to identify key issues related to sustainable building technology and emphasis the role of the sustainability in tall building design. The study also provides analytical survey of the significance of adaptable use of sustainable solutions that demonstrate use of renewable energy resources, and respond to climatic conditions with energy conscious design principles including form, orientation and materiality of the buildings on the current practice.

      • A Study on Innovation in Technology and Design Variation for Super Tall Buildings

        Kim, Hyeong-Il,Shin, Sungwoo Architectural Institute of Japan 2011 JOURNAL OF ASIAN ARCHITECTURE AND BUILDING ENGINEE Vol.10 No.1

        <P>The paper presented Design Variation and Technology for Super Tall Buildings, the topic presented in the 12th International Symposium of Korea Super Tall Building Forum by Hyeong-il Kim. In this paper, author review examples of technological innovations in tall building design, illustrating the interaction between architectural form and design tools. It also traces current approaches in architectural form generation and possible design solutions. It is a multidisciplinary problem and an integrated work that involves engineering, architecture, state-of-art construction technology and digital design tools. The study will show a clear linkage of generative design encouraged by technological innovations to design problems in tall building design practice, in addition to its diversely effected results by computerized design tools and construction using CAD/CAM technology.</P>

      • KCI등재

        葛庵 李玄逸의 理學과 현실인식

        김형수(Kim Hyeong-Su) 한국국학진흥원 2006 국학연구 Vol.9 No.-

        17세기는 임진왜란ㆍ병자호란을 거치면서 조선사회의 ‘재조再造’의 요구가 점증하고 있었다. 당시 유학자들은 주자학에 근거하여 조선사회의 개혁방안을 모색해 나갔다. 이현일은 17세기 영남을 대표하는 성리학자로 숙종조 남인정권의 성립을 맞아 산림으로 출사하였다. 이현일은 갑술환국으로 인하여 숙종조 1차 남인정권이 성립하자 유일遺逸로 출사하였으나 당시 남인정권의 산림으로 ‘경남京南’인 허목ㆍ윤휴 등이 있었기 때문에 산림으로서의 활동은 미미했다. 이현일이 산림으로서의 지위를 굳히게 된 것은 기사환국己巳換局으로 2차 남인정권이 성립하면서부터였다. 이현일은 숙종 15년 산림으로 출사하면서 이현일은 높은 학문을 바탕으로 경연에서 실력을 발휘하여 숙종으로부터 깊은 신임을 받았고, 이현일은 경신환국에서 피화된 남인인사들의 신원을 달성하고, 후에 영조가 되는 왕자의 탄생에 즈음하여 세자와 왕자의 구분을 주장하는 적서구분의 논의를 전개함으로써 집권남인들이 발설할 수 없는 부분을 유현儒賢으로서 관철시키는 역할을 담당하였다. 하지만 이러한 이현일의 산림으로서의 활동은 숙종 20년 갑술환국으로 인하여 노론이 집권하게 되자 가혹한 보복을 당하게 하는 빌미가 되었다. 이현일이 집요한 노론의 공격을 받게 된 것은 정치적 반대론자로서 노론을 공척攻斥했다는 점은 물론 있었지만, 이현일의 남인산림으로서의 이론적 활동과 무관하지 않는 것이었다. 이현일은 숙종조의 조선사회를 존망存亡의 위기에 처해져 있는 것으로 진단하고, 그 원인으로 ‘사설邪說’이 횡횡하여 공도公道가 무너지고 왕법이 행해지지 않게 되었다고 비판하였다. 따라서 그는 ‘사설’의 핵심이 되는 율곡의 이기론理氣論과 인심도심론人心道心論에 대하여 격렬한 비판을 가하였으며, 이는 후에 이현일의 신원을 노론계에서 극력 반대하면서 강상죄인으로 취급하게 되는 배경이 되었던 것이다. 이현일은 1차 남인정권의 성립기 때 유형원의 벗이자 사돈이었던 배상유로부터 『반계수록』의 서문과 아울러 『반계수록』의 개혁안을 실행할 것을 권고 받았다. 사실 이현일은 젊은 시절부터 국가의 ‘경장更張’에 깊은 관심을 갖고 그 실행의 이론적 근거를 마련하기 위하여 중형仲兄 이휘일과 더불어 『홍범연의洪範衍義』를 편찬하는 등 이론적 모색을 추구하고 있었다. 그러한 상황에서 유형원의 『반계수록』을 접하고 “이고李?의 『평부平賦』나 임훈林勳의 『본정本政』과 같은 책이라도 이보다 낫지 않을 것이며, 그 대체의 규모로 말하더라도 두씨杜氏의 『통전通典』이나 구씨丘氏의 『대학연의보大學衍義補』에 비해 손색이 없을 것”이라고 칭송하였다. 이휘일의 사망으로 인하여 중단되었던 『홍범연의』의 편찬을 속행하여 숙종 12년 완성하였던 것도 그 영향이 없다고는 할 수 없을 것이다. 또한 이현일은 기사환국 이후 이현일은 산림山林으로 다시 출사하여 화폐유통貨幣流通 및 선사법選士法 등 시정時政에 대한 적극적인 의견을 개진하기도 하였다. 이는 유형원으로부터 영향을 받은 것이 아닌가 한다. The opinions insisting the reformation of Joseon Dynasty had increased in the 17th century after Imjinyoaeran(壬辰倭亂) and Byeongjahoran(丙子胡亂). Confucianists in those days sought the strategies of reformation on the base of neo-confucianism. Lee Hyunil was a leading Neo-confucian scholar of the Yeungnam academy(嶺南學派) who was appointed to Sanrim(山林) as Namin Party(南人) came into political power under King Sookjong rule. Lee was raised to Yuil(遺逸) due to the establishment of the first Namin regime under King Sookjong rule. However, Lee's roles as a Sanlim were not active because Heo Mok(許穆) and Yun Hu(尹?) of Kyeong-Nam(京南) were responsible for another Samlim of Namin regime in those days. The status as a Sanlim of Lee Hyunil was strengthened through the establishment of the second Namin regime right after Gisahwanguk(己巳換局). Lee Hyun-il gained the prestige of King Sookjong for his outstanding academic competence in literacy contests after rising to Sanlim in the 15th year of King Sookjong rule. Lee also exonerated Namin Party from a false charge during Gyeongsinhwanguk(庚申換局). Lee raised the dispute about Jeogseoguboon(嫡庶區分) contenting the distinction between a crown prince and princes at the time of birth of a prince who was crowned King Youngjo. Unfortunately Lee's activities as Sanlim were severely retaliated as Noron Party came into rower through Gabsulhwanguk(甲戌換局) in the 20th year of King Sookjong rule. Noron(老論) attacked Lee Hyunil for his academic activities as a Namin Sanlim and his political antagonism against Noron as well. Lee concluded Joseon Dynasty under King Sookjong rule at a critical national fate which was caused by the downfall of king's power as the absolute being and the disorder of national justice in relation to the proliferation of heterodoxy opinions in those days. He criticized that the core of heterodoxy opinions was Yulkog's Igiron(理氣論) and Insimdosimron(人心道心論). Due to Lee's influences on such circumstances in those days, Noron Party resisted severely Lee's exoneration and made him a moral offender. Bae Sangyu(裵尙愈), Yu Hyungwon(柳馨遠)'s friend and relative by marriage, recommended Lee to write the prefaces and new edition of 'Bangyeosurok(磻溪隧錄)' during the first Namin regime. In fact, Lee had been interested in the reform of the society and tried to seek theoretical foundation of action collaborating with Lee Hwil(李徽逸), his brother, for writing of 'Hongbumyeonwi(洪範演義)'. Lee praised that Yu Hyungwon's 'Bangyeosurok' was "better than Lee ao(李?)'s 'Pyeonbu(平賦)' or Lin xun(林勳)'s 'Bonjong(本政)' and was as much as Tu U(杜佑)'s 'Tongjeon(通典)' or Gu(丘)'s 'Daehagyeonwi(大學演義)'." 'Hongbumyeonwi(洪範演義)' that had been stopped by Lee Hwil(李徽逸)'s death was established by such influences at the 12the year of King Sookjong rule, As rising back to Sanlim after Gisahwangok, Lee Hyunil proposed actively administrative policies such as currency reform and official appointment, which might be influenced by Yu Hyunwon.

      • KCI등재

        정신분열병과 Neurotensin 수용체 유전자 다형성의 연합 연구

        이유상,김형배,한진희,채영규,이정식,이혜순,주연호,김형섭,최인근,양병환 大韓神經精神醫學會 1999 신경정신의학 Vol.38 No.6

        연구목적: Neurotensin(NT)은 NT수용체와 결합하여 그 효과를 나타내는 neuromodulator 혹은 neurotransmitter로서 대뇌에서 도파민의 분비를 조절하는데 중요한 역할을 한다. 근래의 연구에 의하면 NT와 그 수용체는 대뇌에서 항정신병 약물의 효과를 매개하는 것으로 생각되고 있으며 약물치료를 받지 않은 정신분열병 환자의 뇌척수액에서 NT의 양이 적으로 보고되고 있어 이들은 정신분열병과 깊은 관련을 가지고 있을 것으로 추정된다. 최근 NT수용체의 유전자의 3`인접영역에서 정보가치가 높은 4 염기반복 다형성이 발견되어 이를 유전 표지자로 하여 정신분열병과의 연합을 알아보았다. 방 법: 서로 혈연관계에 있지 않은 정신분열병 환자 120명(남자 91명, 여자 29명)과 정상 대조군 106명(남자 84명, 여자 22명)을 대상으로 하였다. PANSS를 사용하여 양성 및 음성을 알아보았다. 말초혈액에서 DNA를 분리한 후에 중합효소연쇄반응을 사용하여 3`인접영역에 있는 4 염기 반복 다형성을 증폭하였고 silver staining한 후에 유전자형을 관찰하였다. chi-square 검증과 Bonferroni`s correction을 사용하여 환자군과 정상 대조군간의 대립유전자 빈도의 차이를 알아보았다. 또한 양성 및 음성 환자군으로 나누어 차이를 알아보았다. 결 과: 총 23개의 대립유전자가 관찰되었으며, 399bp의 대립유전자(A10)의 빈도가 환자군보다 정상대조군에서 통계적으로 유의하게 높았다(χ²=16.49, df=1, p<0.001). 음성 정신분열병 환자군과 정상대조군 사이의 비교에서는 정상대조군의 A10의 빈도가 환자군보다 유의하게 높았다(χ²=21.33, df=1, p<0.001). 성별 비교에서 남자 정신분열병 환자군은 대조군에 비하여 A10의 분포가 유의하게 적었다. (χ²=13.71, df=1, p<0.001) 결 론: NT 수용체 유전자와 정신분열병사이에 음성연합이 관찰되었다. NT 수용체 유전자가 일부 정신분열병의 발병과정에서 확실하지는 않지만 어떤 종류의 보호기능을 할 수도 있다는 것을 암시한다. Objectives: Neurotensin(NT), of which functions are evoked by its interaction with neurotensin receptors(NTR), coexists with mesolimbic dopamine and regulates endogenous dopamine release. Recent studies have shown that NT with NTR exerts neuroleptic-like activity within the central nervous system and may play an important role in the pathogenesis and in the treatment of schizophrenia. We have examined the gentic association between schizophrenia and tetranucleotide repeat polymorphism in the 3-flanking region of the NTR gene to investigate the possible contribution of the NTR gene to the schizophrenia susceptibility. Methods: Among 23 alleles identified, the subjects were 120 patients(male 91, female 29)with schizophrenia and 106 normal healthy controls(male 84, female 22). They were unrelated native Korean. PANSS was used to determine positive or negative subgroup in the schizophrenic patients. Using polymerase chain reaction and polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, tetranucleotide repeat polymorphism(CCTT and CTT) in the 3`-flanking region of NTR gene was observed. For a comparison of NTR gene`s allelic frequencies between patients with schizophrenia and normal healthy controls, chi-square test and Bonferroni`s correction was performed. Results: The frequency of A10 allele(base pair size=399)was significantly higher in normal healthy controls than schizophrenia(χ²=16.4902, df=1, p<.000). In the comparison between schizophrenic patients with negative symptoms and normal controls, the frequency of A10 allele was significantly higher in normal healthy control subjects than patients with schizophrenia(χ²=21.33, df=1, p<0.001). In the case of male, the frequency of A10 allele of schizophrenia was significantly higher than normal controls(χ²=13.71, df=1, p<0.001). Conclusions: NTR gene was negatively associated with schizophrenia. NTR gene`s tetranucleotide repeat polymorphism may provide some protective function against schizophrenia.

      • 건설소음과 관련한 환경분쟁조정 사례 연구

        최정민,이경형,박형덕 창원대학교 산업기술연구소 2001 産技硏論文集 Vol.15 No.-

        Recently the construction works in city are increasing and the percentage of dissatisfaction on the construction noises are increasing rapidly. So this study focuses on the case study on the environmental dispute intervention related to construction noise problems. With this study, two representative cases are classified in construction noises and other country's administrative criterions are investigated and compared. The results of this study will be used to prevent construction noise problems in advance.

      • 고대 메소포타미아 신화와 구약성서 비교 연구

        소형근 남서울대학교 2011 남서울대학교 논문집 Vol.17 No.2

        The purpose of this article is to study the difference between the old mesopotamia myths and the prehistory in the Old Testament. There are creation stories, flood stories, babel(ziggurat) stories etc. in the mesopotamia myths and the Old Testament, but between them the similarities and differences. The authors of the Old Testament shared the materials of the ancient near east, and with them they wrote the prehistory in Genesis(ch 1-11) according to their intention with the inspiration of God. The sharing the motives with the ancient people is not a literary piracy. Readers of the Old Testament was curious to know how the earth was created, why mankind was made, what the cause and effect of the flood was, why various languages happened etc. These themes were also found in the old Egyptian, old Greek, old Phoenician texts. Therefore to keep a good posture for the reading of the old documents is to find whether the histories and myths of a nation were written in some way and with some characters. Key Words : Sumer, Creation, Babel, Ziggurat, flood

      • 물질의 상태방정식과 중력

        김형찬 한국교통대학교 2019 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.54 No.-

        We investigate how an equation of state for matter is affected by a self gravity. For this purpose, we consider self-gravitating  -identical particles based on the Newtonian gravity. To describe the state of the system, we use the surface values of physical parameters such as density, temperature, pressure. Assuming that the system follows an adiabatic process further, we obtain a new relation between the averaged pressure and density, which differs from the conventional equation of state for the ideal gas in the absence of gravity or in the presence of a background gravity. The problem of entropy which was present for a system in a background gravity is shown to be cured

      • 히브리어 창조 동사들에 대한 연구

        소형근 남서울대학교 2010 남서울대학교 논문집 Vol.16 No.1-2

        The hebrew creation verbs are often used with regard to the act of creation of God in the Old Testament, e.g. 'bara', 'asah', 'yatzar', 'nata', 'yasad', 'raqa', 'banah', 'kawan'. This words are described with the theologization by the authors of the Old Testament. The verb 'bara' which uses only God as the subject in the Old Testament describes not only the past creation, but also the future creation. The Old Testament makes use of the verb ʿasah' in the whole sphere in relation to the creation of God. The verb 'yatzar' is on the whole used with the man creation, as God is a potter. 'nata' describes God as the one who plant a tree in connection to the creation, and the Old Testament introduces God to be a gardener and an architect through 'yasad'. The verb 'raqa' is often used as an artisan who spreads out the earth and the heaven in the creation of God, and God promises that the Judean in exilic is going to come back to Jerusalem and build the new Jerusalem through 'banah'. The verb 'kawan' means 'establish' with regard to the creation of God. In Deutero-Isaiah these hebrew creation verbs are used freely and abundantly by the accepting the past creation tradition, and the author of the Deutero-Isaiah made the theologization with the theme of the salvation.

      • 등가속 운동하는 조화진동자로부터의 복사

        김형찬 한국교통대학교 2020 한국교통대학교 논문집 Vol.55 No.-

        We present an exact treatment of the influences of a uniformly accelerating harmonic oscillator on a quantum scalar field in its Minkowski vacuum state induced by minimal coupling. The exact time evolution of the quantum operators for the field and the oscillator is given by means of the Ermakov-Lewis-Riesenfeld invariant method. The exact quantization of a time-dependent oscillator coupled to a massless scalar field is given. Once the coupling jumps, the oscillator absorbs energy quickly. Then, it slowly radiates the absorbed energy into the scalar field. Especially, when the coupling is comparable to the natural frequency of the oscillator, maximal energy is radiated away.

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