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        청소년의 자아분화 수준 및 가족기능이 정신건강에 미치는 영향

        이혜순 한국아동간호학회 2010 Child Health Nursing Research Vol.16 No.4

        본 연구는 청소년 967명을 대상으로 자아분화, 가족기능, 정신건강 간의 관계와 정신건강에 미치는 주요 영향 요인을 조사하기 위한 서술적 상관관계연구이다. 자아분화 수준은 고등학생이 중학생보다 높으며, 부모와 함께 생활하는 형태가 친척집에서 생활하는 경우보다 높은 것으로 나타났다. 부모 교육 수준이 낮을수록, 부가 무직인 경우 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 가족기능은 부모와 함께 생활하는 형태가 부와 생활하는 경우보다 높으며, 부모 교육 수준이 낮을수록, 부 직업이 무직인경우 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 정신건강은 고등학생이 중학생보다 나쁜 것으로 나타났고,출생순위에서는 외동이 가장 나쁜 것으로 나타났고, 부모의 교육수준이 낮을수록 나쁜 것으로 나타났다. 정신건강과 자아분화 및 가족기능 간의 상관관계 분석 결과 자아분화와 가족기능이 낮을수록 정신건강 상태가 나쁜 것으로 나타났으며, 청소년의 정신건강을 설명하는 변수는 자아분화의 하위영역인 인지∙정서적 기능, 정서적 단절, 가족투사, 학년, 가족기능의 하위영역인 정서적 반응, 출생순위 즉 6가지 변수가 정신건강에 영향을 주는 유의한 요인으로 확인되었다. 결론적으로 본 연구는 청소년기에 간과되고 있는 정신건강수준을 측정하고 정신건강 관련 요인으로 자아분화 및 가족기능과 같은 가족환경 요인의 역할을 실증적으로 확인하였다는302 이혜순J Korean Acad Child Health Nurs 16(4), 2010년 10월점에서 의의를 찾을 수 있다. 따라서 청소년기의 발달적 맥락에서 중요한 개념인 자아분화, 가족기능과 정신건강과의 관련성을 확인한 본 연구결과에 근거하여 청소년기 정신건강 문제에대한 예방과 관리를 위한 간호 중재프로그램의 개발이 필요하며, 중재프로그램을 실시할 때 가족에 대한 개입도 함께 이루어져야 함을 시사하고 있다. 본 연구는 정신건강에 영향을 미치는 주요변인으로 자아분화 및 가족기능과 같은 환경적 변인을 다루었는데, 추후연구에서는 청소년 자신의 개인적인 성향이나 기질 등의 요인들을 포함한 연구를 시도해 볼 것을 제언하며, 청소년의 정신건강 문제를 예방하기 위해 정신건강 유발 예측변인들을 찾기 위한 후속연구가 필요함을 제언한다.

      • 류마티스 질환의 만성통증에 대한 중추성감작의 역할

        이혜순 한양대학교 의과대학 2014 Hanyang Medical Reviews Vol.34 No.2

        Pain is the most common symptom of almost all rheumatic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, systemic lupus erythematosus, ankylosing spondylitis, osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, and others. In addition to commonly known peripheral or nociceptive pain mechanisms, central sensitization plays an essential and significant role as a cause of chronic pain in rheumatic diseases. Chronic pain is also associated with several psychiatric diseases such as depression and anxiety disorders and other various central pain maladies such as irritable bowel syndrome and temporomandibular joint disorder. Therefore, many researchers and clinicians have inferred that similar therapeutic strategies may be employed against this spectrum of disorders. Utilizing recently gained understanding of chronic pain mechanisms will allow a targeted therapeutic approach to individuals who have rheumatologic disease with different spectrum of symptomatic severity and disability.

      • KCI등재
      • KCI등재

        한국고전여성문학회 창립20주년 기념: 성과와 전망

        이혜순 한국고전여성문학회 2020 한국고전여성문학연구 Vol.0 No.40

        The Society of Korean Classical Woman Literature was founded in January, 2000 with the goal of "the primary purpose of approaching and researching Korean classical women's literature from a feminine perspective, but ultimately contributing to the revitalization of Korean classical literature research by promoting active exchanges with other achievements“ From the start, the society has made clear its identity as a joint society of male and female members and integrated field to discuss the issue of ‘women’ across various fields of classical literature. Through Korean Classical Woman Literature Studies, the journal of the Society, planning specials have been frequently prepared, contributing to the establishment of the direction of the Society, and by discovering a number of female writers and works that have not been known in academia, Korean classical women’s literature has been enriched for 20 years. The ‘feminine perspective,’ the goal of the establishment of the Society, still seems to be valid as it needs to note the hidden voice of women. Above all, this Society is worth trying for the writing of the history of the Korean classical women’s literature. It could also be responsibility of this Society to report how far North Korean classic women’s literature has come. In future, the Society needs expanding the research subject or perspective to include women's literature in East Asia, at least in the Northeastern Asian countries, influenced by Confucian culture at similar times. It is hoped that this year, which marks the 20th anniversary of its foundation, will be a new start year for the Society. 한국고전여성문학회는 “한국고전여성문학을 여성적 시각으로 접근, 연구하는 것을 일차적인 목적으로 하되, 여타의 연구성과들과 활발한 교류를 도모함으로써 궁극적으로는 한국고전문학 연구의 활성화에 기여”하겠다는 목표 하에 2000년 1월 창립되었다. 본 학회는 출발부터 남녀 공동학회이고, 고전문학의 하위분야로서 고전문학 내 고소설, 고시가, 구비문학, 한문학 등 각 분야를 포괄해서 ‘여성’의 문제를 논의하는 통합 분야라는 정체성을 분명히 했다. 본 학회의 저널인 한국고전여성문학연구를 살펴보면 무엇보다 기획특집이 자주 마련되어 학회의 방향을 확립하는 데에 기여했다. 그동안 학계에서 알려지지 않았던 여성 작가, 작품들을 다수 발굴해서 20년 사이 한국고전여성문학을 풍성하게 정립했으며, 여성의 여행, 종교나 노년의 여성처럼 여성 관련 주제의 다양한 속성들을 보여주었다. 단지 기획 특집을 통해 의미 있는 연구 주제들의 지속적인 제시에도 불구하고 치열하게 다툴 어떤 이슈나 쟁점은 드러나지 않는다. 그러나 학회창립의 목표인 ‘여성적 시각’은 고전문학 속 여성의 숨겨진 뜻과 목소리에도 주목할 필요가 있어 여전히 유효한 것으로 보인다. 무엇보다 이 학회는 여성문학을 깊이 있게 연구하는 인적 자원이 풍성하다는 점에서 한국고전여성문학사의 집체적인 저술을 시도해볼 만하다. 덧붙여 북한의 고전여성문학 연구가 어디까지 왔는지, 여성사 서술에 어떤 위치를 점하고 있는지도 본 학회가 중심이 되어 정리되기를 바란다. 앞으로 본 학회는 연구 대상이나 시각을 유사한 시기 유교문화의 영향을 받은 동아시아, 적어도 동북아시아 국가들의 여성문학을 포함하는 것으로 확대하는 것도 고민할 필요가 있다. 끝으로 본 학회의 다양한 성취에도 불구하고 고전문학 내 분야별로 활발하게 여성문학 연구가 이루어지고 있다는 점에서 여성문학회의 존재에 대한 도전에 직면할 수도 있을 것이지만 아직도 산재해 있는 여성 작가와 작품을 찾고, 분석하고, 평가해야 할 일이 산적해 있고, 이것은 본 학회만이 감당할 수 있는 고유 영역이라는 점에서 창립 20주년을 맞이한 올해가 한국고전여성문학회가 새롭게 다시 출발하는 해가 되기를 기대한다.

      • KCI등재후보

        허수경 시에 나타난 ‘슬픔’의 전개 양상 연구 - 『슬픔만한 거름이 어디 있으랴』를 중심으로

        이혜순 국제한인문학회 2019 국제한인문학연구 Vol.- No.25

        This paper tried to analyze the aspect of sorrow in 'Human Kyung's first poem,' Where is the sadness of manure? ', Divided into' individual ',' history ', and' community ', and to consider its meaning. Sorrow's personal sorrow incidents are characterized by the emergence of the poetic self, who “blooms” or “active loves” by filtering “sorrows” rather than the melancholy or sad tone. Here, 'There is a special feature that the subjects of sad personal history embrace the subject. Melancholy traits are uttered when narrating historical sorrow, which is expressed as “resistance,” which can be inferred from the past time of Benjamin's history. Looking directly at the time of Jetztzeit at this time, Hur recalls the spirit of the times of the present, reflecting on the past. We can infer that past events meet here now and wish to be illuminated by new events and shine like flashes. Subordinate subjects of the poet, Suh Kyung-kyung, are keenly aware of the sadness of double restraint and express their willingness to decolonize. In addition, 'Sorrow' in Hur's poems includes the pursuit of the trajectory of community life called 'us'. This is not a melancholy manifestation of mourning or a pathological loss of a lost object, but the possibility of a communal life working together in a field. The community shown in the poetship can be divided into a family community and a village community. While it shows the clearing of history through the family community, it shows the willingness to move toward creative symbiosis through the village community. He shares his poems before German immigration and after studying in Germany. His first collection of poems is characterized by many subjective statements and subjects' utterances. It is unique in that it covers a wider variety of topics. While Far Away Home Alone devotes a lot of space to individual sorrows, Where is the Sorrowful Manure? After my study in Germany, “My Soul Is Old” contains a great deal of poetry that reminds me of the past. The sorrow of the historical point of view in "Where is there sadness of manure?" Is also manifested in "My soul is old," but it is characterized by a meditation, contemplative and speculative speaker rather than a passionate and active speaker. In this paper, I commented on the world that Imagine has been struggling since I lived in Germany, that is, the problem of war and how I embraced Diaspora in trying to communicate with the alienated people. In this paper, "Sorrowful Manure" outlines the pearl community, the history issue, and the inclusion of personal lyricism as a point of ignition for the Diaspora perspective. Since he lived in Germany, he dreamed of a diaspora perspective by distributing a can of beer and bread to beggars he met at a train station, or by sharing time with multi-ethnic people at a share house. Thus, a careful analysis of Where Sorrowful Manure is, was judged to be worth understanding his footsteps. In this thesis, the meaning of 'sorrow' in the way he wants to walk is the man's first poetry of Where the Sorrowful Manure is, and the sorrow becomes the man's resistance and the suffering of the subject. It meant the inclusion of an inflexible life and interpreted it as the desire to embrace the world even if such aspirations were not fulfilled. Gayatri Spibak says that Subordinates can't speak but never should ignite in `` Suverton Can Speak, '' but Suh Kyung-kyung is a woman who suffers the violence of the lives and wars of women, the rural sub-subjects of Jinju. Share sadness with those who read poetry by recreating their lives concretely and vividly. This can be said to share a sense of solidarity, which secures politics by calling on the past and enjoying the time here and bringing the sympathy of our community. Even though the sorrow is sullen and disgraceful, this poetry paradoxes that we must move forward with the sorrow.

      • KCI등재

        수은 (睡隱) 강항 (姜沆)의 시적 상유와 그 의미 : 귀환 이후의 시작을 중심으로 An Analytical Approach to Poems Created After Return from Japan

        이혜순 한국한문학회 2001 韓國漢文學硏究 Vol.27 No.-

        This paper was attempted to consider Kang Hang(1567∼1618)'s thinking implied in his poems as a prestage for making critical approach to his poetic world. His whole poems contained in the 1st volume of his own literary collection Su-Eun-Jip appear to be created since 1600 when he returned to Korea from Japan after spending three years' life-or-death difficult times as a prisoner captured during Jung-Yu-Jae-Lan broken out by the Japanese second invasion. It could be natural to think that the extreme sufferings in enemy land and his deep hatred for Japanese invaders might have influenced Kang Hang's consciousness, which would be, without doubt, later reflected in those poems, as shown in Kan-Yang Rok, the documentary book putting on record in detail his painful experiences and undying love toward King Sunjo and motherland in dairy form while under detention in Japan. The problem is that there exists a great distance between the author's images depicted in the book and those poems, and I think the study on his poetic thinking could be a clue to understand the real meanings of prisoner's or war literature. It is in this respect that the literary world of Kang Hang has generally been focused on his faithful loyalty and unyielding spirit he showed as a captive facing the threatening of his own life. As a matter of fact his image featured in Kan-yang-rok, is strong, brave as well as upright. Though it is true some of the poems, especially composed right after his return, reveal somewhat severe critical emotion with furious rage, they were given rather toward unrighteous people preventing his approach to the King, and moreover his poetic thought showed gradual change, with his emotion soothed and his mind kept serene. There, instead, appear quite a few poems the poet regards himself as 'forlorn or discarded person', and it is surely undeniable fact that such self-expression has something to do with the poet's sense of alienation and despair that he may be just unworthy being in the official world, besides his indignation against those violent high officials surrounding the King. What he really meant by 'forlorn person', however, could be understood as rather his shameful self-reflection on the fact that he can not give any help to common people, especially farmers, different from his forefather Kang Hee-maeng who wrote a book related to farming. Another characteristic of his poetic thinking is his wholehearted willingness to follow the heavenly will without worrying his present situation. This reflects his strong will longing for peaceful world free from the endless human conflicts and disputes between right and wrong, good and bad. Kang Hang eventually tolerates those two sides together. The basis which such characteristics of his thinking depend on might be summed up as next two points: one is his humanistic concern, the other is his attitude toward life in favor of 'stepping back'. According to Kang Hang, it is not military power but humanity education to save the nation from Japanese invasion. It is truly surprising aspect, considering that he himself was the very one who had tragic experiences forced to leave his own country and losing his families by merciless Japanese solders. What he shows in his poems the efforts trying to avoid confronting with various problems raised by social absurdities or those unrighteous officials also needs special consideration, since here we can find the real significance of war or prisoner's literature in terms that those aspects of his thinking could probably be only way, even though passive, both healing the injuries of the nation without mentioning of his own's, and progressing toward peace beyond the conflicts between people and people or nation and nation.

      • 울트라셋Ⓡ(Tramadol 37.5mg/Acetaminophen 325mg)정 시판 후 조사

        이혜순 대한임상약리학회 2004 Translational and Clinical Pharmacology Vol.12 No.2

        Background : This is postmarketting surveillance to evaluate the efficacy and safety of tramadol/acetaminophen in patients with painful musculoskeletal diseases. Methods : A total of 890 patients (male 157, female 733) were included in the department of rheumatology at 24 hospitals from January, 2003 to November, 2003 who had taken tramadol/acetaminophen at least 2 weeks to manage the pain. Outcome measure was pain relief examined through numeric rating scale (NRS), and adverse events were monitored. We analyzed the relation between adverse events development and age, sex diagnosis, combined analgesics or NSAIDs, and drug dose by multiple logistic regression method. Results : Patients with osteoarthritis (69.1%), rheumatoid arthritis (17.1%), fibromyalgia syndrome (2.8%), ankylosing spondylitis (1.0%), systemic lupus erythematosus (0.7%), Behcet’s disease (0.7%), and other diseases were included in order. Pain examined by NRS was significantly lowered after use of tramadol/acetaminophen medication; before 6.58±1.45, after 4.17±1.78 (p=2.15×10-22). This effect on pain relief was apparent in subgroups with moderate (NRS 4~6) and severe (NRS 7-10) pain before use of tramadol/acetaminophen, but not in subgroup with mild (NRS 1~3) pain. The adverse events occurred in 75 patients (8.4%), and were nausea (32), vomiting (18), dizziness (15), abdominal discomfort (10), dyspepsia (6), anorexia (6), malaise (5), constipation (4), and micturition disorder (3) in order. Only age was associated with the development of adverse events in multiple logistic regression analysis. Conclusions : Tramadol/acetaminophen effectively managed pain in various musculoskeletal diseases, especially in patients with moderate to severe painful condition, and no other adverse event was reported except those listed in insert paper.

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