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        9세기 전반 신라의 정치동향과 충공의 역할

        손흥호(Son, Heung-ho) 한국고대사학회 2016 韓國古代史硏究 Vol.0 No.83

        본고는 9세기 전반 신라의 정치 동향에 대하여 애장왕 9년(808)부터 흥덕왕 10년(835)까지 정치적 위상이 높았던 충공이라는 인물을 통해 파악해 보았다. 충공은 애장왕 9년(808) 재상으로서 당에서 문극을 하사받은 후 애장왕 시해에 가담하게 되었고, 이후 헌덕왕대부터는 형제인 흥덕왕과 함께 정치적 헤게모니를 완전히 장악하게 되었다. 본고에서는 헌덕왕대 흥덕왕의 즉위과정과 충공의 정치적 역할을 이해하기 위해서「興德王陵碑片」에 前王인 ‘헌덕대왕의 寢膳(먹고자 는 것)에 가 있다(憲德大王寢膳有□)’라고 기록한 것을 헌덕왕의 건강상에 문제가 있었음으로 해석하였다. 헌덕왕이 건강상의 이유로 국정을 제대로 수행할 수 없게 되었을 때 흥덕왕은 신라사의 전무후무한 副君이 되어 월지궁으로 들어가게 된다. 이때 충공은 女가 태자비가 됨으로서 차기 정치권력까지 보장받은 것으로 보인다. 아울러 이어지는 ‘(고종)의 양암도 이보다 더할 수 없다(□高宗之諒闇無以加焉)’는 구절을 통해 헌덕왕의 喪禮에 최선을 다한 태자로서 흥덕왕의 모습을 추정해 보았다. 중국 측 사서에서도 흥덕왕이 弟가 아니라 子로서 왕위를 계승한 것으로 모두 서술되어 있음과 ‘諒闇’의 의미로 볼 때 흥덕왕은 태자로서의 왕위를 계승한 것으로 해석하였다. 또 이때 결자는 『논어』와 『예기』의 구절을 통해 ‘高’ 임을 밝혀 보았다. 최치원의 「봉암사지증대사적조탑비」에서 충공을 선강태자라고 표현한 것은 유학적 소양이 깊은 최치원의 다분히 계산된 표현인 것으로 추정해 보았다. 당시 상대등이던 충공이 태자를 겸직했다고는 할 수 없을 것이다. 상대등이자 공인된 차기 왕위계승권자인 충공의 死後, 흥덕왕은 충공을 갈문왕으로 추봉하여 충공의 子인 明이 민애왕이 될 수 있는 명분을 만들어 준 것으로 파악된다. 이렇듯 충공은 애장왕대부터 흥덕왕 10년(835) 死할 때까지 정치적으로 중요한 인물이었음에 틀림이 없다. The purpose of this study was to understand the political trends of Silla Dynasty in the first half 9th century through Chung-gong who was on a high political standing from 9 years of King Ae-jang(哀莊王: 808) to 10 years of King Heungduk(興德王: 835). After being honored with Moon-Geuk(門戟) from Chinese Tang Dynasty(唐), Chung-gong participated in assassinating King Ae-jang. And from the reign of King Hun-duk(憲德王), his three brothers including King Heung-duk seized power completely. To understand the accession King Heung-duk to the throne better, this study deciphered the inscription - King Hun-duk has □ in Chym-sun(eating and sleeping) (憲德大王寢膳有□)- as King Hun-duk had health problems. When King Hunduk could not carry out affairs of state, King Heung-duk entered into Wall-ji gung(Wall-ji palace) as a unprecedented Pu-goon(副君, crown prince). At this time, Chung-gong was also assured a political power because his daughter became the crown prince’s wife. And the paragraph ‘even Ko-jong’s Yang-am(funeral) is incomparable to this(高宗之諒闇無以加焉)’ shows that King Heung-duk did his best for the funeral of King Hun-duk. In addition this study found that the □ word(omitted word) was Ko(高) through the paragraphs of the Analects of Confucius(論語) and Liji(禮記). In the chinese history books, it is written that King Heung-duk succeeded to the throne not as a brother(弟) but as a son(子). In Bongamsa Jijungdaesa Jukjo Topbe(鳳巖寺智譄大師寂照塔碑), Chi-won Choi(崔致遠) who had deep confusion knowledge described Chung-gong as Sunkangtaeja(宣康太子, Sunkang Prince), and that was his calculating expression. But it doesn’t seem that he doubled as Sangdaedung(上大等, prime minister) and Taeja(太子, first prince). After death of Chung-gong as Sangdaedung as a successor to the throne, King Heung-duk granted him Gal-moon Wang(葛文王), and this made good cause for his son to be King Min-ae(閔哀王). Like these, Chung-gong was a politically critical character from King Ae-jang to his death in 10 years of King Heung-duk(835).

      • KCI등재

        Numerical Studies on the Cost Impact of Incorrect Assumption and Information Delay in a Supply Chain

        Heung?Kyu Kim 한국경영과학회 2010 Management Science and Financial Engineering Vol.16 No.3

        In this paper, the impact of various system parameters such as the parameters of actual demand process, the review periods and the lead times, under each combination of inventory policies and information sharing, on the long run average inventory cost per period incurred at each participant in a supply chain, is considered. For this purpose, numerical studies are conducted, from which some valuable information as to how sensitive our long run average inventory cost per period are as the model parameters change is gleaned, from which, in turn, some managerial insights are gleaned in order for industry practitioners to perform better in supply chain management.

      • KCI등재
      • 직장인의 스트레스 수준과 대처행동에 관한 연구

        김흥규 ( Kim Heung-kyu ),김홍섭 ( Kim Hong-seob ) 인하대학교 교육연구소 2005 교육문화연구 Vol.11 No.-

        The objectives of this study are to find out 1) the overall stress level of the industrial employees, 2) the differences of demographic variables(sex, age, religion, birth order, social level, income, residence style, home ownership and home scale) of the industrial employees, 3) the higher stress item among the stress cases of the industrial employees, 4) the differences in industrial employees stress coping methods according to sex, age, religion, birth order, social level, income, residence style, home ownership and home scale, 5) the differences on the overall stress situations of the industrial employees. Participants were 733 industrial employees between 20's and 50's(540 males and 193 females). The data were collected by the following tools: Social Re-adaptive Diagnostic Scale(42 items) standardized by Holmes and Rahe, Diagnostic Scale of Stress Situations developed by Kim Heung-Gyu(1994). The collected data were analyzed frequency analysis, t-test, and one-way ANOVA by SPSS 10.0. The findings of this study were as follows: First, 92.1% of the industrial employees showed no stress related problem, 7.9% of the employees showed serious level of stress conditions. Second, according to demographic analysis only sex, age, home ownership and home scale were found the differences of stress. Third, the most stressful factor during one year for the industrial employees was in the working condition. Fourth, Males have more confidence in coping with stress compares to females. Finally, the study shows that 40.8%(299 people) of the employees, the larger portion in the study, can in fact control their stress.

      • 갑상선 세포에서 전사보조활성인자인 CBP와 CIITA의 인터페론-감마 활성 부위에 대한 조절 : CBP and CIITA on GAS(Interferon- γ Activated Site)-Mediated Transcription in Thyroid Cells

        채수흥,홍우정,김군순,조영석,김도희,김현진,구본정,송민호,김영건,노흥규 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 2001 충남의대잡지 Vol.28 No.1

        Background : In the previous stuides, we identified that the interferon-r activated sequence (GAS) in the 5-flanking region of rat ICAM-1 gene is major element for interferon-r-inducible expression of the gene in rat thyroid cells, FRTL-5. We here, investigated the role of transcriptional coactivators, CBP(CREB binding protein) and CⅡTA (class Ⅱ transactivator) in the modulation of the activity of GAS which could interacts with signal transducers and activators of transcription-1 and 3 (STAT1 and STAT3). Methods : The expression of CBP RNA and protein were quantitated in FRTL-5 after stimulation with interferon-r (IFN-r), thyroid stimulating hormone (TSH), forskolin and methimazole. Direct association of CBP with STAT were analyzed by immunoprecipitation. The transcriptional roles of CBP and CⅡTA in the regulation of GAS were assessed by the cotransfection with their expression vectors with reporters; 5-deletion constructs of rat ICAM-1 promoter or 8xGAS-luc constructs, into FRTL-5 thyroid cells. Results : The level of CBP RNA and protein were not changed by the treatment with TSH, IFN-r, forskolin and methimazole in FRTL-5, FRT and BRL liver cells. The CBP could be directly associated with STAT1. Furthermore, the overexpression of CBP significantly increases the both promoter activities; rat ICAM-1 gene promoter which has GAS element and 8xGAS-luc cassette constructs. However, the cotransfection of CⅡTA decreased the constitutive and CBP-mediated transactivation of rat ICAM-1 promoter and 8xGAS-luc cassette constructs. Conclusion : We identified that the two tanscriptional coactivators; CBP and CⅡTA has differential roles in the regulation of transcriptional activity of GAS drived promoter. CBP increases the GAS activity through the direct binding with STAT1, but CⅡTA inhibited the CBP-mediated transactivation of GAS activity.

      • KCI등재

        박완서 노년소설의 시학과 문학적 함의(Ⅱ)

        전흥남(Jeon Heungㅡnam) 국어문학회 2010 국어문학 Vol.49 No.-

        이 글은 박완서의 소설집 너무도 쓸쓸한 당신 에 수록된 소설의 분석을 통해 그의 노년소설이 갖는 문제의식과 미래적 가치를 추출하는데 주안점을 두었다. 근래 들어 노년세대의 증가에 따른 노인문제의 대두와 담론형성이라는 사회적인 흐름과 맞물려 노년소설에 대한 관심이 증대되고 있다. 노년기에 접어든 작가 스스로 ‘노년’의 삶을 소재로 삼아 좋은 작품을 쓰는 경우도 적지않다. 박완서는 이런 사회적인 흐름과는 무관하게 진즉부터 어느 작가보다도 노년의 삶을 다양한 울림과 폭으로 확산하고, 또 노년이 안고 있는 문제의식을 노년의 삶이 녹아든 형태로 자연스럽게 부각시켜 놓았다. 이런 점에서 박완서의 소설집 너무도 쓸쓸한 당신 은 한국 노년소설의 방향과 지향점을 가늠해 보는데 시사적이다. 너무도 쓸쓸한 당신 에 수록된 작품들을 분석해 보면, 그의 소설은 넉넉한 웃음과 폭넓은 일상성에 대한 여유로움을 가지고, 세상과 사람에 대한 적절한 거리를 유지함으로써 노년문학에 대한 성과를 거두고 있다. 뿐만 아니라 박완서는 한걸음 나아가 칠순에도 첫사랑은 시작된다는 노년의 오롯한 사랑의 맛에도 담금질하고 있다. 자유, 그리고 무한한 삶의 바탕에 그 누구도 항변하지 못하는 노년의 사랑을 형상화시키고 있는 것이다. 이런 점에서 박완서의 연륜은 늙음에 대한 막연하고도 그릇된 공식을 깨뜨린다는 점에서 OPAL족과도 상통하는 측면도 지닌다. 그의 소설은 노년의 삶을 통해 젊은이와 똑같이 온갖 감정이 고스란히 존재함에도 불구하고 나이와 체면이라는 허위적 의식에 의해 많은 것을 포기하고 감추어야 하는 인생에 대한 재발견을 시도하면서 인생의 황혼기에 맛보는 삶의 숨겨진 진실을 다루기 때문이다. 또한, 박완서 소설은 개인이 겪는 슬픔과 기쁨, 성공과 실패가 사회 현실의 전체적인 문맥과 어떻게 연결되어 있는지에 대한 깊은 이해를 보여 준다. 구체적인 생활체험에 뿌리를 둔 직관력과 섬세한 언어 감각을 통해서, 개인과 사회라는 추상 형태를 생생한 리얼리티로 빚어내는 데 뛰어난 능력을 지니고 있는 것이다. 이러한 점들은 박완서 소설이 갖는 생명력이자 인식의 지평을 넓히는 요소로 작동하거니와 독자들과의 공감의 폭을 확산하는 데에도 기여할 것으로 보인다. This study mainly focuses on extracting the feature of discourse and the literary meaning that Park Wan-seo's gerontological novels have, making the Old aged novel as a prime object that is in her anthology 〈Too lonely you〉. First of all, this text analyzes 〈Too lonely you〉 and several novels in her anthology 〈Too lonely you〉. Thus, I set an object on discovering the problem this novel has, and the future value through her gerontological novel, considering the deficiency of interest and research of gerontological novel. Her novels that old women are protagonists mostly use confession form or the first person. Besides, though it develops in a form of reminding of aged narration, we can easily notice of the author's 'valuable desire' through an elective disposing of the things that are not forgettable in the stories. Because of that, her novels function a 'Public discourse' though they are garrulous. An 'episode' form is a new discourse form that the author applied to widen the chemistry with readers. Next, her novels embody the dreams in an ideal scene that are impossible to be realized in reality, by going and returning to the illusion and the realities of life. This is kind of method revealing the severe recognition that our real world is a place of anti-life. The problem of expanding the range of analysis and objects of her gerontological novel will be the next problem to be solved.

      • 주요 학사 행정업무의 전산화 구현에 관한 연구

        全純美,姜興植,金興植,曺大鉉 인제대학교 1988 仁濟論叢 Vol.4 No.2

        In these days of information-oriented society, the universities and the colleges in this country have promoted the computerizing their administration affairs for the purpose of the over-all efficiency and rationalization of their's. We report here upon the result of the computerizing about the below items, important area of the administration affairs, i) administration of the entrance examination. ii) administration of the school register. iii) administration of the properties. iv) administration of the student's grades. In the near future, we hope promoting the TIS construction of the INJE university, systematically and continuously.

      • 사람 갑상선자극호르몬 수용체를 발현하는 Chinese Hamster Ovary(hTSHR-CHO)세포를 이용한 자극형 갑상선자극호르몬 수용체 항체 활성 측정의 임상적 유용성

        한희정,원진호,채수홍,김현진,송민호,김영건,노흥규 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 2000 충남의대잡지 Vol.27 No.1

        Detection of thyroid stimulating hormone receptor(TSHR) autoantibodies has clinical value in establishing the diagnosis of Graves ' disease, and in predicting its clinical course with high sensitivity and high specificity. Especially, TBII using radioreceptor assay has been widely used. Recently, for detecting thyroid stimulating antibody(TSAb), a sensitive method using human TSH receptor-transfected Chinese Hamster Ovary(CHO) cells has been developed and clinically used. The aims of this study are to determine the change and discrepancy of 2 TSHR autoantibodics in clinical course and to evaluate the correlation between 2 autoantibodies. We measured TSAb and TBII in 30 newly diagnosed and untreated patients and in 73 previously diagnosed as Graves ' disease and treated with antithyroid drug. Also we compared the changes of the antibodies in clinical course and correlation between 2 antibodies. Thes results are summarized follows. 1. In newly diagnosed patients, all of the 30 patients had positive TBII and/or TSAb. None of them had negative TBII and negative TSAb. And in newly diagnosed patients, mean TBII and mean TSAb values are 46.8% and 361%, respectively. In 73 treated patients mean values are 18. 7% and 196% each other. Therefore, newly diagnosed group has significant greater TBII and TSAb than antithyroid drug-treated group. 2. TBII was significantly different between euthyroid group and thyrotoxic group in antithyroid drug-treated patients, but TSAb was not. 3. TBII was sequentially decreased as increased medication duration, but TSAb was not shown sequential decrease as increased medication duration. 4. There was significant negative correlation between cumulative doses of antithyroid drug and TBII, but no significant correlation between cumulative doses and TSAb. 6. There was significant positive correlation between TBII and TSAb in total patients group and in antithyroid drug medication group, but not in newly diagnosed group. In conclusion, in Graves ' disease patients, detection of TSHR antibodies are clinical values in establishing the diagnosis and prediction of clinical course. A method detecting TSAb using hTSHR-CHO cells should be further studied for standardization of measurement, and for detecting the changes of TSAb in clinical course, long-term follow-up of patients are important.

      • KCI등재후보

        Protective Effects of N-acetylcystenine and Selenium against Doxorubicin Toxicity in Rats

        Yeo-sung Yoon,Sun-don Kim,Min-hye Lee,Heung-shik S.Lee,In-se Lee,Je-kyung Sung,Eun-sung Park 대한수의학회 2003 Journal of Veterinary Science Vol.4 No.2

        Effects of N-acetylcysteine and Selenium against Doxorubicin Toxicity in RatsEun-sung Park, Sun-don Kim1, Min-hye Lee, Heung-shik S. Lee, In-se Lee, Je-kyung Sung and Yeo-sung Yoon*

      • HMG-CoA 환원효소 억제제에 의한 ICAM-1 유전자의 발현조절

        김현진,정효균,홍우정,김군순,조영석,김도희,채수흥,구본정,송민호,노흥규,김영건 충남대학교 의과대학 지역사회의학연구소 2001 충남의대잡지 Vol.28 No.1

        Background : ICAM-1 act as one of major adhesion molecules in the atherosclerotic lesion. ICAM-1 expression is mainly regulated at the level of transcription and depend on IFN-γ signal transduction pathway in which the STAT1 transcrption factor is a critical intermediate. IFN-γreceptor not only initiates tyrosine 701 phosphorylation of STAT1 by Jak1 and Jak2, but also phosphorylates serine 727 through the activation of Raf-1/MAP kinases. HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors have anti-atherosclertic effects, beyond normalization of hypercholesterolemia, by directly acting on endothelial cells, macrophages and vascular smooth muscle cells. HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors suppress the synthesis of isoprenoid intermediates such as geranylgeranyl-pyrophosphate or farnesylpyrophosphate. These effects results inhibitors suppress the synthesis of isoprenoid intermediates such as geranylgeranyl-pyrophosphate or farnesylpyrophosphate. These effects results inhibition posttranslational farnesylation and geranyl-geranylation processing of small GTP-binding preoteins and inhibition of normal signaling activities. Method : We made several 5'-deletion constructs of rat ICAM-1 promoter and analyzed the promoter activities by measuring the luciferase activity after transfection into ECV304 cells and smooth muscle cells. We checked the level of total and phosphorylated STAT1 protein by immunoblot analysis using specific antibodies. Results : Lovastatin inhibits IFN-γ-induced ICAM-1 gene expression in the ECV304cell. The cells pretreated with PD98059, MEKK inhibitor showed significantly low ICAM-1 RNA induction with IFN-γ stimulatio. IFN-γ induced phosphorylation of tyrosine 701 was not significantly changed by the pretreatment of lovastatin. But lovastatin suppresses IFN-γ-induced phosphorylation of ERK1/ERK2 which are responsible for the seine 727 phosphorylation in STAT1. Conclusion : We showed that HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors, lovastatin, suppresses IFN-γ mediated ICAM-1 gene expression through the inhibition of transcription. HMG-CoA reductase inhibitor suppresses IFN-γ-induced phosphorylation of serine 727 in STAT1 through the modulation of MAP kinases.

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