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        호서지역 고고학 연구의 현황과 과제

        이기성(Yi, Kisung) 호서사학회 2021 역사와 담론 Vol.- No.100

        한국고고학에서 있어 호서지역은 매우 중요한 의미를 가지고 있다. 공주, 부여 등 백제 고도(古都)가 위치해 있다는 특성상, 일제강점기 초기부터 발굴 조사가 실시되고 조선총독부 박물관 분관이 설치되는 등 호서지역 고고학의 시작은 곧 한국고고학의 시작과 흐름을 같이한다. 특히 남한 최초로 발견된 구석기시대 유적인 공주 석장리유적, 남한 청동기시대 중기의 가장 대표적인 유적인 부여 송국리유적 그리고 부여, 공주 등으로 대표되는 백제 도성 등 선사시대와 역사시대를 막론하고 호서 지역에는 한국고고학의 중요 이슈를 불러 일으킨 매우 많은 유적이 조사, 연구되었다. 호서지역의 고고학은 1960년대부터 본격적인 발굴 조사를 시작으로, 현재 급격한 양적, 질적 성장을 거듭하고 있다. 그러나 고고학의 양적 성장이 반드시 좋은 결과로만 이어진 것은 아니었다. 고고학 전공 취업의 확대, 고고학 자료의 확보로 인한 학문적 성장과 같은 긍정적인 측면과 함께 과다한 수의 발굴법인 설립으로 조사 및 발굴 보고서의 부실, 고고학 학문의 정체, 연구가 아닌 직업으로서의 발굴이라는 부정적인 측면도 함께 드러나고 있다. 이와 같은 문제점은 고고학의 학문적 성장에 있어 앞으로 해결해 나가야 할 과제일 것이다. 그러나 그와 별개로 호서지역 고고학이 양적, 질적 성장을 거듭하는데 있어 지역사(地域史)에 대한 관심은 높지 않았다는 것을 인정하지 않을 수 없다. 특히 선사시대와 삼국시대까지가 주된 연구 영역인 고고학의 학문적 특성상 중세 이후에 보다 중점이 놓이는 지역사에 어느 정도의 역할을 하였는지에 대해서는 고고학에서의 반성과 이후 연구 방향에 대한 고민이 필요할 것이다. 본 논문에서는 유적 발굴 조사, 대학, 박물관과 문화재연구소, 학회 등의 측면에서 호서지역 고고학의 현황을 살펴보고 지역사 연구 분야로서 호서지역 고고학의 문제점을 검토하였다. 그리고 그에 대한 개선 방안으로 1) 대학에서의 문헌사 교육, 2) 중세유적에 대한 관심과 문헌사학과의 공동연구, 3) 지역사 관점에서의 유적의 보존·활용 등을 제안하였다. In Korea, the Hoseo region has great significance in the study of archaeology. Ancient capital cities of Baekje Dynasty such as Gongju and Buyeo were located in this region, and archaeological investigations that started in the region in the early period of the Japanese colonization and installation of an annex of the Japanese Government-General Museum marked the beginning of archaeological study in Korea. A large number of historical remains that raised important archaeological issues, from both prehistoric and historic periods, have been discovered and investigated in the Hoseo region, including Gongju Seokjangri remains―the first Paleolithic remains found in South Korea, Buyeo Songgukri remains―the most notable Bronze Age remains found in South Korea, and ancient capitals of Baekje Dynasty, notably, Buyeo and Gongju. Archaeological research in the Hoseo region has rapidly grown in terms of both quantity and quality since the early-period excavation efforts in 1960s. Alongside positive developments such as an increase in job opportunities for archaeology majors and academic advancement with a growing amount of archaeological materials, negative developments have been observed as well, such as poor investigations and reports due to haphazard establishment of excavation firms, stagnant academic advancement of archaeology, and a changing perception on archaeological excavation from academic research to occupation. Another area of concern is the lack of interest in local history, even while archaeology in the Hoseo region has grown both in volume and quality. Particularly, considering that archaeological study mostly focuses on the periods from the prehistoric era to the era of Three Kingdoms, more considerations should be given to the role of archaeology in studying local history that focuses on times after the medieval period, and how to conduct research going forward. In this study, I examined the current state of archaeological study in the Hoseo region, based on excavation projects in the region, and related activities conducted by colleges, museums, research institutes on cultural properties, academic associations, and identified issues of archaeology in the region from the perspective of local history research. Based on the findings, I made three proposals to improve the current situation: i) College education on philological history, ii) attention to medieval remains and interdisciplinary research with experts of philological history, and iii) preservation and utilization of historic remains from the standpoint of local history.

      • KCI등재

        不惑年生 湖西史學會에 관한 一惑一談 : 『湖西史學』 創刊부터 『역사와 담론』 季刊까지

        崔秉洙(Choi Byung-soo) 湖西史學會 2012 역사와 담론 Vol.0 No.61

        The Ho-Suh Historical Association was founded on 19th June in 1971. The purpose of this association was to contribute to developing the culture in the local society by the studies of the historians in Chung-Cheong region. In addition, this association aimed to establish a new academic tradition and to promote mutual friendship by the academic exchanges with the capital region. Currently, there are more 120 associations related with history studies in Korea. The Ho-Shu Historical Association has played an excellent role as one of the 18 associations which joined the great historical meeting on a national scale(全國歷史學大會) held by the Korean Historical Association(歷史學會) every year. The Ho-Shu Historical Association passed the valuation and certification of the Korea Research Foundation in 2004 by showing the great performance as an association, such as the publication of journal. Till now, the journal of Ho-Shu Historical Review (vol.1-50) and the History and Discourse (vol. 51-60) have been published by the Ho-Shu Historical Association. Although the Ho-Suh Historical Association is based on Chung-Cheong region, it already grew into an association with national reputation. However, the more important thing is whether the association has the high competitiveness by sharing the achievements of the studies with other historians and historical associations. From now, the Ho-Shu Historical Association should try to insure substantiality by itself and to enhance the quality of the journal for the national society as well as the local society.

      • KCI등재

        『역사와담론』의 한국고대사 연구 50년

        강진원(Kang, Jin-won) 호서사학회 2021 역사와 담론 Vol.- No.100

        1971년 湖西史學會가 설립되었고, 이듬해 『역사와 담론』이 창간되어 오늘날에 이르렀다. 게재 논문을 시간의 흐름에 따라 살펴보면, 1기(1972~1998)에는 연구사적으로 의미가 있으며, 오늘날까지도 여러 논문에서 인용되는 성과가 적지 않아 해당 학술지가 초기부터 굳건히 뿌리내렸음을 알 수 있다. 2기(1999~2011)에는 백제사 연구가 심화하였고 그간 성과가 미진하였던 부분으로 연구가 확대되거나 역사고고학을 활용하는 등, 이 무렵 학계의 전반적인 연구 풍토와 결을 같이하였다. 3기(2012~현재)에는 통합적 논의가 진전되었고 이론적 측면으로도 관심이 두어졌으며, 사료 자체에 대한 이해가 깊어져 시대를 선도하는 공론의 장으로 기능하고 있다. 앞으로의 귀추가 주목되는 바이다. In 1971 The Hosuh Historical Association was established. After publishing the first issue of the journal entitled History and Discourse in 1972, it has published articles every year until now. In the first period of its publication history (1972~1998), a number of significant and influential articles were published; some of them are still being quoted. This shows that History and Discourse has settled down firmly in academia from beginning. In the second period (1999~2011), studies in the field of Baekje’s history were particularly remarkable, while some articles spotlighted relatively unnoticed areas or drew on the methods of historical archeology. This corresponds to the general trend in the historical studies of the time. In the third period (2012~the present), there were advancements in the integrative studies as well as the theoretical approaches. Many works published during this period also demonstrated deeper understanding of primary sources of history. At present, History and Discourse is playing a leading role in academia, serving as the site for open-ended discussions. It is worth paying attention to the future development of this journal.

      • KCI등재

        ‘松菊里式 土器’의 形態的 變異 探索

        김범철(金範哲) 호서사학회 2016 역사와 담론 Vol.0 No.77

        청동기시대 중기의 설정에 있어 松菊里式 土器의 중요성은 재차 강조할 필요조차 없다. 그럼에도 불구하고 松菊里式 土器는 중기문화의 변천과 지역적 편차의 설명에 확연한 기여를 하지 못하고 있다. 다양한 곳에서 원인은 찾을 수 있겠으나 용량을 불문하는 초기종적 통일형식을 설정한 탓에 야기된 부적절한 비교, 형식수립과정에서 대두된 방법론적 취약성, 단변인적 접근방식, 시공간성 파악에서 양자를 분절적으로 다루지 않는 모호한 연구전략 등에서 비롯된 문제점이 연구의 답보상태를 초래한 것으로 판단된다. 본고는 이러한 문제를 깊이 인식하면서 전문가 설문을 통한 송국리식 토기 典型의 파악, 그에 기반한 공정한 비교군 설정, 다변량통계기법을 이용한 변이의 탐색 등 분절적 작업들을 수행하면서 최종적으로 송국리식 토기의 지역성을 이해하고자 한다. 분석의 결과, 전체적 외형상 뚜렷한 세부형식의 존재 가능성은 다소 희박한 것으로 나타났으며, 그간 시간성만을 반영한다고 치부되었던 구연각 등 일부 변수는 제법 유의하게 지역성을 반영하는 것으로 드러나기도 한다. The role and status of Songgukri-type pottery in identifying Middle Bronze Age Culture could not be exaggerated. Nevertheless, it has limitedly contributed to understanding the spatial variation in and changes in the Middle Bronze Age assemblages. Named many things, the more prominent reasons than any other could be establishing super-inclusive type for the individual vessels of various volumetric capacities, which in turn causes inappropriate comparison among them; methodological weakness of typology; univariate approaches focussing on one attribute or two; ambiguous research strategies in which temporality and spatiality are not separately targeted. Recognizing the current problems in studying Songgukri-type pottery, I attempt at surveying specialists’ opinions for establishing typicality of the pottery, appropriate comparison among them, analyzing the formal variation using multivariate statistics method, and eventually understanding the its spatiality. The results of analyses show that subtypes different to each other in appearance are not likely to exist, and that some measurement variable, such as rim angle thought to be relevant to temporality might have significantly reflected the spatiality.

      • KCI등재

        호서지역 고려·조선시대사 연구의 현황과 과제

        임형수(Lim, Hyung-soo),박범(Park, Beom) 호서사학회 2021 역사와 담론 Vol.- No.100

        본고는 1971년 1월부터 2021년 8월까지 반세기 동안 호서지역과 관련된 고려 및 조선시대사 연구를 되돌아보고, 지역사 연구자의 관점에서 개선이나 보완이 필요하다고 판단되는 부분을 과제로 제시하였다. 대체로 호서지역에 대한 역사 연구는 1980년대부터 본격적으로 시작되었으며 2000년대에 들어오면서 다수의 성과가 누적되었다. 먼저 고려시대는 나말여초 호족과 고려의 후삼국 통일 과정, 지방통치와 행정구역, 대외항쟁과 지역별 전투, 연안해로와 육상교통, 불교 관련 및 특정 가문 연구의 총 5개 주제로 분류하여 살펴보았다. 다음으로 조선시대는 지방 행정, 지방 군제, 향촌 사회, 서원과 향고, 군사사, 지방 재정과 경제, 일기와 고문서의 총 7개 주제로 분류하여 살펴보았다. 향후 과제로는 지역사 연구의 기초 작웁으로 자료 수집 및 목록과 해제의 정비, 다양한 연구 주제의 발굴, 지역 간의 연구 불균형을 해소하기 위한 광역 단위의 연구 시도, 인물사 연구의 필요성, 장기적인 후속 연구세대의 양성 등을 언급함으로써 지역사 연구 역략을 한층 더 증진시킬 수 있는 계기를 모색해보고자 하였다. This study reviewed the historical studies on Goryeo and Joseon, conducted in the Hoseo region during the half century from Jan., 1971 to Aug., 2021 and proposed the parts which are thought to be improved or complemented as the challenges, from the perspective of regional history researcher. Most of fully-fledged historical studies on the Hoseo region began since 1980s and multiple performances of them were accumulated by 2000s. At first, the period of Goryeo dynasty was examined by dividing it into five themes: powerful families in the period between the late Silla and the early Goryeo and the process in which the post three kingdoms were united into Goryeo, local governance and administrative districts, strife against foreign aggression and battles by locations, coastal routes and land transportation, and research on Buddhism and specific families. Next, the period of Joseon dynasty was examined by dividing it into seven themes: local administration, the local military system, rural community, private schools and local schools annexed to the Confucian shrine, historical research on military, local finance and economy, and diaries and ancient documents. This study attempts to seek out an opportunity to further enhance the capacity of historical studies on regions, by referring to the collection of data and the organization of list and bibliographical notes of them, the discovery of various study themes, metropolitan-based research for resolving the imbalance of studies on different regions, the need for historical studies on figures and the regular cultivation if future research generation, as the ground work for historical studies on regions, the future challenge.

      • KCI등재

        호서사학회 전근대 한국사 연구 40년의 동향과 과제

        李炳熙(Lee Byung-hee) 湖西史學會 2012 역사와 담론 Vol.0 No.61

        This study reviewed research trends in papers on pre-modern Korean history published in the journal of Ho-suh Historical Association over 40 years. The number of papers published in the journal amounted to total 509, of which 251 covered Korean history and 157 covered pre-modern Korean history. Of the 157 papers, 22.3%, 21.7%, and 54.1% covered ancient times, Goryeo, and Joseon, respectively. Those numbers are similar to the results of the academia with the papers on ancient times lagging behind the average a little bit. In terms of area, social history recorded the highest proportion, which is distant from the general trend in the academia. Total 102 researchers published their papers in the journal, accounting for approximately 20% of all researchers in the field of pre-modern Korean history. The pre-modern Korean history was divided into five sections. According to the classification, 16.7~30.4%, 4.3~33.3%, and 45.0~65.2% covered ancient times, Goryeo, and Joseon, respectively. In the early days of the journal, researchers from the Ho-suh region usually published their papers. Entering the middle 1980s, however, the scope of researchers expanded to include young researchers. While there were many studies that examined small topics in-depth, it is hard to find aspiring ones that took a broad perspective. Forty seven papers covered the Ho-suh region, accounting for 29.9% of total 157 papers on pre-modern Korean history and making a rapid increase in Period 5. The main areas of research included noble families, Confucian scholars, and seowons[書院] in the field of social history of Joseon. There were three papers on translation and annotation, one on introduction of materials, and nine on book reviews. Since there is no set principle on the selection of books for book reviews, the Ho-suh Historical Association needs to exercise its planning skills on the subject. The journal of Ho-suh Historical Association should place its top priority on claiming its representative role in the research of the Ho-suh region and accordingly consider the idea of publishing the achievements and tasks of Ho-suh research regularly every two or three years. The association also needs to carry out joint projects on the Ho-suh region. It is urgent for the association to make efforts to grow close to the people of the Ho-suh region.

      • KCI등재

        호서사학회 문화재분야 연구성과의 족적과 방향

        이종민(Lee Jong-min) 湖西史學會 2012 역사와 담론 Vol.0 No.61

        The aim of this paper is to analysis on the works of cultural property field in Ho-suh Sahak and History and Discourse and to present the direction of development of that field commemorating 41years of the Ho-suh Historical Association and the 61th publication of the journal of the Association. We can count the number of all works as 509, and this number includes the articles, reviews and footnotes in work of translation. In this, we can find 40 works(7.86%) of cultural property field. The articles of cultural property field contains Archeology(21 papers), Art History(16 papers), Dress History(1 paper), Museology(2 papers). In the year of 2002, the first article of this field is printed in this journal, and the number of articles of that is increased rapidly in recent years. The reason of that phenomenon is the journal was evaluated as Record awaited Journal at 2004 and as Recorded Journal at 2007. In that reason, the status of the journal is higher that past and that is the main factor of increasing those articles. In analyzing, Archeological articles have dealt the period of Sam-han and the Three Kingdoms mainly and especially concentrating on cultural property of Baekje. And in the field of Art History, we can see many articles about Ceramic History on Goryo and Joseon Period, and the studying area covers Korea and China. The conclusion after analyzing are these : in the field of Archeology, extending of period and area is needed and in the field of Art history, accommodating the field of Cultural property of Buddhism and others. In addition those, I recommend to enlarge the journal's book formation. For the study of the field of Cultural property need blueprints, pictures and for the efficiency of communication with readers. In these change and developments, we will see more scholars that interest at Ho-suj Historical Association.

      • KCI등재

        한국근현대사의 연구 성과와 연구 방향의 모색

        박걸순(Park Gul-sun) 湖西史學會 2012 역사와 담론 Vol.0 No.61

        The objects of this paper is to examine the research products of Korean Modern History in History and Discourse (published by Ho-suh Historical Association) 60 vols. The number of those research products are 56, so it is 11.5% of entire research products and nearly 26% of papers of Korean History. In the initial stage, those are few, but after the year of second millenium, conditions are changed. First of all, scholars are increased. As a result of it, publications are increased also. And we can see various subjects and supplements about Korean Modern History. The number of paper-contributor of Korean Modern History is 40, that is, per capita 1.4 papers. Those contributors have been mainly connected with Ho-suh province, but the number of non-connected contributors are increased in recent days. We can analyze that phenomenon is a result of the ascent of evaluation of the association and of authority of the journal. In History and Discourse, we can view the papers of Korean Modern History as 27 papers of local history of Ho-suh province and 29 papers of others. Subjects of papers of local history of Ho-suh province are these : 13 papers on family and personality(48.1%), 5 papers on society and economy(18.5%), 4 papers on culture and others(14.8%), 3 papers on the national movement under Japanese Occupation(11.1%), 2 papers on social movement and political movement after 1945(7.4%). And subjects of others are these : 7 papers on culture and economy and society respectively (24.1%), 6 papers on political affairs and diplomacy(20.6%), 5 papers on the national movement under Japanese Occupation(17.2%), 2 papers on personality(6.9%), 1 paper on association(3.4%), 1 paper on Korean War(3.4%). For the growth of History and Discourse as a journal of speciality, it is needed to reinforce locality of the association. To achieve that object, we, the association members, should study and light the modern local history more and more. Besides, the association should reinforce the interchange with other local or national historical associations.

      • KCI등재

        1880년 論山 遯巖書院의 移建과 재원확보

        이철성(Lee, Chul-sung) 호서사학회 2018 역사와 담론 Vol.0 No.88

        1880년(고종17) 돈암서원의 移建은 그 비중에 비추어 조선 士林들의 절대적인 관심사를 끌었을 법한 사건이지만, 관련 기록이 거의 없다는 것은 매우 기이한 현상이다. 이에 본고에서는 돈암서원 소장 『遯巖書院田畓量案』, 『院中賭地記』, 『齋任案』 등의 문서와 연대기 및 관련 자료를 활용하여, 돈암서원의 이건 배경, 재원확보 방안과 이건의 실상 및 의미 등을 재구성해 보았다. 우선 옛 돈암서원은 하천과 연못을 끼고 있어 장마와 폭우에 따른 다양한 자연재해에 노출되어 있었다. 1854년(철종5)과 1874년(고종 11) 돈암서원 주변에는 집중 호우와 홍수의 피해가 심각했다. 산과 계곡의 모양이 변하고 물길이 바뀌어 서원의 담장까지 물이 차오르는 상황이 벌어진 것이다. 이러한 재난을 극복하는 방책은 단기적으로는 집을 다시 세우고, 도로를 내며, 농지에 덮인 흙과 자갈을 거둬 내는 것이었다. 하지만 장기적으로는 防川, 防築 등의 治水 토목사업이 이루어져야 했다. 이는 불가항력적인 자연재해에 대응하는 인위적 행위인 동시에 재난 재발 방지를 위한 근본적인 대책이었다. 문제는 막대한 인력과 물력이 투입되어야 한다는 점이다. 돈암서원 이건 3년 전인 1877년(고종14) 돈암서원 有司 송구희는 서원전의 도지를 일제히 점검하였다. 이 과정에서 송구희는 서원 이건에 들어갈 비용을 확보하기 위해, 상환할 땅과 방매할 땅을 재임들과 의논하여 결정하고 일을 추진하였다. 이 때 상환 대상 토지는 무려 3결을 넘었으며, 도지 역시 41석 이상을 얻을 수 있는 정도의 큰 규모로 추정된다. 서원 이건은 1880년 9월 추향 때 마무리 되었다. 결국 서원의 이건은 1877년 서원 토지의 일제 점검을 한 때부터 1879년 이건이 시작되기까지 3년 이상을 준비해 오면서 착수되었고 1년여의 시간을 들여 진행되었던 것으로 볼 수 있다. 그럼에도 당시 돈암서원의 건물이 모두 옮겨진 것은 아니었고 규모에도 차이가 있었다. 그러나 송병선은 ‘間架는 비록 크고 작은 차이가 있으나 規模는 예전 것과 새 것이 다름이 없다.’라고 하여 새 돈암서원이 서원 건축의 전형을 계승했다고 하였다. 또한 개항이후 호서유학이 尊周大義에 입각하여 위정척사의 정신사적 맥을 이어가는 근거지가 되어야 한다고 의미를 부여하였다. 요컨대 돈암서원의 이건은 자연 환경의 변화를 극복하려는 호서사림의 노력으로 시작되었으나, 주자 성리학에 입각한 서원의 건축 양식을 준수하였고, 19세기 사상적 혼란을 바로 잡는 중심지로 기능해야 한다는 의미를 부여 받고 있었다. 이로써 이건 이후에도 돈암서원은 호서유학의 중심 서원으로서 존재할 수 있었다. In 1880, transferring construction(移建) of Donamseowon(遯巖書院) attracted absolute attention of sarim(士林) for the proportion, but it’s very weird phenomenon that there is few relative records. Therefore, this thesis reorganized background of Donamseowon’s transferred construction, method of finance securement, actual fact and meaning of transferred construction, etc. with documents such as 『dunamseowonjundapyangan(遯巖書院田畓量案)』, 『wonjungdojigi(院中賭地記)』, 『jaeimrok(齋任錄)』, etc., possessed by Donamseowon, chronicle, and relative materials. First of all, old Donamseowon included stream and pond, so was exposed to various natural disasters such as rainy season and heavy rain. In 1854 and 1874, there was serious damage caused by heavy rain and flood around Donamseowon. Shape of mountain and valley was changed and waterway was changed, so the water came up above the wall of seowon. The methods to recover the disaster were to establish the house, make the road, and collect earth and gravel from the farmlands for a short term. However, for a long term, chisu(治水) public works such as bangchun(防川), bangchuk(防築), etc. should be conducted. It was not only artificial behavior to respond to invincible natural disasters but also fundamental measure to prevent disasters again. The problem is that huge manpower and material power should be inserted. In 1877 when is 3 years before Donamseowon’s transferred construction, yusa(有司) Song, Kuhee(宋龜熙) checked the lands of seowon in the whole. In the process, Song, Kuhee discussed about redeemed lands and sold lands with members, made a decision, and promoted work so as to secure costs for seowon’s transferred construction. At that time, objective lands to be redeemed was more than 3 gyul and lands were big scale to obtain more than 41 seok. Seowon’s transferred construction finished at the time of chuhyang(秋香) of Sep. 1880. Finally, seowon’s transferred construction started while preparing for more than 3 years from the general check of seowon lands in 1877 to start of transferred construction in 1879 and it was progressed for about 1 year. In spite of it, all of Donamseowon were not transferred at that time and the scale was different. But, Song, Byungsun said, ‘Ganga(間架) has big and small differences, but scale(規模) is same as before.’ and that new Donamseowon was succeeded from the ideal type of seowon construction. In addition, it gives a meaning that hoseoyuhak should be the base to continue the context of mental history of euili(義理) learning by focusing on jonjudaeui(尊周大義) after opening a port. In summary, Donamseowon’s transferred construction started with efforts of hoseo people who intended to endure changes of natural environment, but construction type of seowon that focuses on juja seonglihak(朱子性理學) was observed. It also gives a meaning that it should be central place to correct ideological confusion of the 19th century. Therefore, after the transferred construction, Donamseowon should be existing as a central seowon of hoseyuhak.

      • KCI등재

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