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        동씨침을 시술한 안면경련의 치험 3례

        김태우,김효은,조명제,강영화,이재동,Kim, Tae-woo,Kim, Hyo-eun,Cho, Myung-je,Kang, Young-hwa,Lee, Jae-dong 대한침구의학회 2003 대한침구의학회지 Vol.20 No.1

        Objective : Hemifacial spasm is painless uncommon disorder characterized by involuntary paroxysmal movement of one side of face, In this study, the effect of Dong-Si acupuncture therapy for three patients with hemifacial spasm were evaluated. Methods : We have treated them with acupuncture treatment of Dong-Si acupuncture points(Cheuk-Samni and Cheuk-ha-Samni) and evaluated the effect by Scott's scale, For the first two weeks, it was dine once a day, and after two weeks, the other day. Results : Before therapy, the grades of spasm intensity classified by Scott's description in three cases were 3. And after Dong-Si acupuncture therapy, the grade of one case was 0, and two cases were 1. Conclusion : The Dong-Si acupuncture therapy for hemifacial spasm was effective and will be attempted to the patients with it.

      • 도시지역 보건사업에서 컴퓨터의 활용방안에 관한 연구

        염용태,이명숙,조병희,송동빈 고려대학교 의과대학 1990 고려대 의대 잡지 Vol.27 No.2

        Nacessity of new communication media in information society is repidly increasing in many fields of Korea. It includes the field of primary helath care in the courses of collecting informations on demographic feature, social characteristics and health behavior of peoples. In light of above reasons, the authors attempted to utilize personal computers for the primary health services to promote health of unban people as a pilot study in Guro-6- Dong, Seoul. Five nurses working in Guro-6-Dong Health Subcenter completed family health records of 3,930 households among the total of 4,270. A total of 3,904 family health records among 3,930 were computerized and sorted out in categories of population characteristics, population dymanics, characteristics of householders, housing, family planning, maternal and child health(M.C.H), health status of residents and of others. Names of risky category in M.C.H, and family planning were listed and the lists were handed to the nurses concerned in order to practice proper cares in time. Sorted data were compared with ones of City of Seoul, average of other cities, and ones of nationwide. With the results of above practice, in terms of utilization of computer in uban primary health sevices, the following strategy was proposed. In order to provide proper health services the unban people demanded, efficient devices of information collection, processing and interpretation systems on health were urgently needed in every dong unit(health subcenter) of health centers. Recommended was personal computer network as a new communication media. Additional advantages of the devices were continuity and efficiency in services, and utilization in evaluation of health services and analysis of cost -effectiveness.


        과실이 크고 품질이 우수한 조생종 배 ‘금촌조생’ 육성

        조광식(Kwang-Sik Cho1),손동수(Dong-Soo Son),강삼석(Sam-Seok Kang),김명수(Myung-Su Kim),홍경희(Kyung-Hui Hong),윤석규(Seok-Kyu Yun),조강희(Gang-Hui Cho),조현모(Hyeon-Mo Cho) 한국원예학회 2004 원예과학기술지 Vol.22 No.1

        ‘금촌조생’ 품종은 농촌진흥청 원예연구소 나주배연구소에서 1971년 ‘금촌추’의 품질을 개선하기 위해 당도가 높고 육질이 유연한 ‘단배’를 교배하여 1982년 1차 선발되었고, 1997년부터 5년 간 지역적응시험을 거쳐 2001년 최종 선발 및 품종보호출원 되었다. 수세는 비교적 강하고, 수자는 반개장성이다. 꽃가루가 풍부하며, 주요 재배품종과 교배친화성을 보인다. 또한 흑반병에 대하여 강한 포장저항성을 나타내었다. 숙기는 재배중인 ‘원황’ 품종보다 약 5일 정도 늦은 9월 3일로 추석에 출하하기 알맞은 품종이다. 과형은 ‘금촌추’와 같은 도원추형이고, 과피색은 황갈색이다. 과중은 593g이고, 당도는 13.2Bx이다. 육질은 유연하며 과즙이 풍부하고, 석세포가 없어 식미가 매우 우수하다. 그러나 과육선숙형 품종으로 원예적 수확기에도 과피에 녹색이 남지만, 완숙과가 되면 황갈색으로 착색된다. 상온저장 기간은 20일 정도로 다른 조생종에 비해 저장력은 좋은 편이다. ‘Geumchonjosaeng’ pear cultivar (Pyrus pyrifolia var. culta Nakai) originated from the cross between ‘Imamuraaki’ and ‘Danbae’ to improve the fruit quality of ‘Imamuraaki’ cultivar in 1971 at Naju Pear Research Institute of National Horticultural Research Institute (NHRI), Rural Development Administration (RDA). It was preliminarily selected in 1982 and named in 2001. The tree habit shows vigorous growth and upright spreading. It carries abundant pollen grains and shows cross compatibility with leading cultivars. Also it shows high resistance to black leaf spot (Alternaria kikuchiana) in the field condition. Optimum harvest time is around Sep. 3, which is 5 days later than that of ‘Wonwhang’, and it could satisfy consumer’s demand for high quality pear fruit in “Chuseok”. The obovate fruit shape resembles maternal parent, ‘Imamuraaki’ and skin color is green yellowish brown at normal harvesting time and gradually turned to yellowish brown at full ripennig state. Fruit weighs about 593 g, and the soluble solid content is 13.5 ˚Bx. The flesh is very soft and juicy and, rendering good eating quality. Shelf life is about 20 days under the ambient temperature, and it is a relatively long period as compare with other early season cultivars.

      • KCI등재후보

        사업장 소음 폭로에 의한 일과성 역치 상승과 회복

        조수헌,하미나,한상환,주영수,성주헌,강종원,윤덕로,송동빈,이명학,김선태 大韓産業醫學會 1996 대한직업환경의학회지 Vol.8 No.2

        To determine the recovery time from noise-induced temporary threshold shift(TTS), a prospective field study was conducted at three worksites where workers are known to be exposed high level of noise. Subjects were selected according to answers on a questionnaire which inquired about otological history and previous noise exposure, including avocational, military and occupational exposures. After excluding employee with past otologic problems, recent exposure to high level noise, and under medications, total 92 employees participated in the study. Among 92 participants, complete consecutive audiometric examinations were carried out at 0∼2 hours, 5∼7 hours, 14∼16 hours after worktime noise exposure on 26 participants wearing hearing protectors and 22 participants wearing no protective devices. The difference between the hearing level 0∼2 hours after noise exposure and 5∼7 hours is statistically significant by paired t-test(p<0.01). The median recovery times calculated from the data of 22 participants wearing no protective hearing devices are 15.6 hours at 4000Hz, and 7.7 hours, 10.3 hours, 8.4 hours at 1000Hz, 2000Hz and 8000Hz respectively. These data suggest that when measuring the pure tone audiometry for noise exposed workers, at least 16 hours noise-free interval is required.

      • 燐酸施肥量 差異가 靑刈豌豆의 主要形質 및 收量에 미치는 影響

        趙男棋,韓英明,朴良門,高東煥 濟州大學校 亞熱帶農業硏究所 1998 亞熱帶農業硏究 Vol.15 No.-

        本 硏究는 濟州道에서 燐酸施肥量差異가 靑刈豌豆의 主要 形質과 收量에 미치는 影響을 究明하기 위하여 濟州在來豌豆와 Sparkle을 供試하여 1998年 3月부터 5月까지 修行하였으며 試驗한 結果를 要約하면 다음과 같다. 1. 開花日數는 燐酸施肥量이 많아짐에 따라 늦어지는 傾向이었다. 品種問의 開花日數는 濟州在來豌豆가 빨랐고, Sparkle은 늦은 편이었다. 2. 草長은 燐酸施肥量이 많을수록 길었으며, 品種間에는 各 處理區에서 濟州在來豌豆가 길었고, Sparkle은 짧았다. 3. 莖直經, 主莖節數는 濟州在來豌豆 Sparkle 두 品種 供히 燐酸施肥量이 增加할수록 增加하였다. 4. 10a當 靑刈收量은 두 品種 모두 燐酸施肥量이 많아짐에 따라 漸次的으로 增加되는 傾向이었다. 5. 濟州求來談臺의 草長과 靑刈收量과는 高度로 有意한 正의 相關을, Sparkle은 正의 相關關係가 있어서 두 品種 모두가 草長이 길수록 靑刈收量이 많았다. Two pea cultivars, 'Cheju local pea' and 'Sparkle', were planted on 3 March at Cheju at 5 phosphate rates(0, 5, 10, 15, 20kg/10a) to determine the optimum phosphate fertilization rate. Days to flowering increased as phosphate rate was increased. Days to flowering of Cheju local pea was earlier than that of Sparkle. The more phosphate rate, the higher plant height Plant height of cultivar Cheju local pea was taller than of Sparkle. As phosphate rate was increased, stem diameter and number of nodes per plant of two cultivars increased. Fresh forage yield of two cultivars linearly increased as phosphate rate was increased from 0 to 20kg/10a. Plant height for each cultivar was positively correlated with fresh forage yield.

      • KCI등재

        진해지역 근대건축물에 관한 연구

        조홍석,구명화,김정동 대한건축학회 2003 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.19 No.4

        Jinhae would be a important city of military facilities for naval. Owing to the background of this times, Jinhae focused on military facilities has remained a lot of modern buildings such as government and public offices, stores, house buildings and it has merited the pursuit of learning about the formation of city in modern and the features of modern buildings. Consequently, this paper will be acquired to a first-data about modern buildings under the current situation of loss and transformation and studied to the speciality of the naval city by inquiring the process of formation in Jinhae, executing the literature analysis and the example investigation.

      • 하나로 노심 특성 변화에 따른 Fission Moly 표적의 설계 평가

        조동건,김명현 경희대학교 산학협력기술연구원 2001 산학협력기술연구논문집 Vol.7 No.-

        A nuclear characteristics of Mo-99 target was evaluated according to the HANARO core models. Safety of core with fission moly target was evaluated to be assured with the fresh fuel loaded core model, because maximum core fuel temperature was maintained far below the limit of 485℃. Characteristics of design parameters evaluated from fresh fuel loaded core model was consistent to those evaluated from equilibrium core model. Impurity level in 99Mo solution was shown to be affected seriously by core condition. The choice of LEU fuel for target seems to be undesirable and should be examined in detail, because current Cintichem process technology does not satisfy the U.S.P. specification on the alpha impurity decontamination.

      • 상 요추 추간판 탈출증의 수술적 치료

        조태현,송준혁,김명현,박향권,김성학,신규만,박동빈 梨花女子大學校 醫科大學 醫科學硏究所 2000 EMJ (Ewha medical journal) Vol.23 No.3

        Objectives : Lumbar disc herniations at the L1-L2, L2-L3, and L3-L4 level are rare. The purpose of this study is to observe the variable clinical finding of upper lumbar disc herniations and to provide proper treatment modality. Patients and Methods : Between 1998 Jan. and 1999 Dec., seventeen patients with upper lumbar disc herniations who were undergone surgery in our institute were retrospectively evaluated. Patients were evaluated based on following factors : age, sex, aggravating factor, symptoms and signs type of disc herniation, type of surgery, and outcome of post-surgery. Results : The incidence of lumbar disc herniation at the level of L1-2, L2-3 and L3-4 is 6.1% with declining frequency as the level ascends. The peak age incidence is 6th decade in both sex. Preoperative symptomes and signs are variabe. In sixteen cases, posterior approach was done. In these cases, twelve cases were performed microscopic partial hemilaminectomy, and four cases with spinal stenosis were performed total laminectomy and posterior screw fixation with bone fusion. In one case, lateral extracavitary approach was done. In results of operation, fourteen cases showed more than good grade(82%). Conclusion : The age incidence of lumbar disc herniations at the level of L1-2, L2-3 and L3-4 older than lumbar disc herniations at the lower level of L4-5 and L5-S1. The signs and symptoms are variable. In our cases, most of the patients were performed posterior approach with microscopic partial hemilaminectomy except the patients combined spinal stenosis. One case was performed a lateral extracavitary approach because the risk of the cord and cauda equina injuries. The prognosis of upper lumbar disc herniations after treatment with only microscopic partial hemilaminectomy and diskectomy is comparable with the prognosis of lumbar disc herniations at the lower level.


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